HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-3-9, Page 3fi 01'galtizati010 Of its Mild ,..r... �..,. 'NEURASTHENIA TIIAT FOKKERS BELCHtah1•eoupnlntclhrpstrl, e ts of the icity, built It occupies a largeklace onerodf. .i aides of a spacious quad - enormous ?f'wi°he enormous building is i l maintained largely at the expense of DESCRIPTION OF NEW GERMAN AEROPLANE. Dutch Inventor of the Hun Flier Per- • fected Control of Spiral Speeding. A description of the new German Fokker aeroplane has already been given in cable despatches, but the feats said to have been achieved by fes new war weapon are so import- ant that additional details will un- doubtedly be found of interest. The following information on the subject is supplied by the aviation expert of the Manchester Guardian: "Mijriheer Folckcr is a Dutchmen about 23 or 24 years of age who has lived in Germany for many years and who was one of the first aviators in Germany. About_1911 or 1912 he built a weird looking uncapsizable • mono- plane- which flew quite well long be- fore the scientists of other countries had put their theories into practice and had produced the `inherently stable' biplanes of which so much has been heard in this country. "The new Fokkers are the very op- posite to the maker's early effort. They are designed to be absolutely under the control of the pilot in every position. This is what makes them '=.''1'- such dangerous opponents, as they can rnanceuvro with lightning speed. In general appearance they are almost exact copies of the French Morane • monoplane. Attains Tremendous Speed. "Most of the engines are fitted with Ueberursel rotary engines, which are a German copy of the Gnome. They give abouts L10 horse -power to 120 horse -power, and consequently, al- It was the late Sir Henry Camp - though the machine is not very ef- bell -Bannerman who first recognized ficlent in its design, it is forced the exceptional talents and abilities through the air at tremendous speed of Mr. Samuel, and when he came into and can climb .at an alarming rate. ( power at bhe end of 1905 he invited "Most of these machines carry a him to join the Government as Under - passenger in front, who works a ma- Secretary to the Home Office. Mr. chine gun, but others have a gun fixed Samuel filled this office for four years, on the top of the engines and firing when he succeeded the present Lord through the propellor (or rather the Pentland as Chancellor of the Duchy tractor screw, to be technically car-'. of Lancaster, with a seat in the Cab- rect). In the ]atter case the gun is inet. In the following year, 1910, aimed by steering the whole aeroplane Mr. Asquith appointed Mr. Samuel to suit, like Judson's flatiron gunboat Postmaster -General, a post he filled. in Mr. Kiplin's story. • • with great discretion and • ability till The favorite method of attack is for i the outbreak of the war. the Fokker to get up high -to about Many entertaining stories does Mr. "1,500 feet or so -and hang around till Samuel tell of his Post -office experi- one of the Allies' machines appears ences. I'Iis favorite story concerns below. Then, if of the fixed gun type, I an example of episcopal economy. the Fokker stands on its head and . There was an archbishop who had a Buie Rheumatism, dives straight for: its victim, loosing i code of his own. He cabled ffom Queen Mary- s b Englishngover two Bright's Disease, Heart Flutterings, in all my. life. a stream of bullets as soon as it gets abroad "John, Epistle• iii., 13 and 14." arzen pictures by modern Dropsy, Pain in the: 9$ r, and ;other artists. ( Truth Crushed. within range. By making the descent His friends looked up the referenceI diseases is• that all these are either y ever so slightly spiral the straight in the Bible and found the followingIt is not yet certainpwhether Lord , Kidney diseases or are caused by dis- Wifie-How do you like m new g g ! heichtos ise pad or a prisoner of war; ordered kidneys. Dodd's Kidney Pills hat? stream of bullets becomes a cone of wo d p th corm the kidneys. 1 Rest and a Tonic is the Proper Treatment Dia* tin =uished Medicai Authority Says the State, and during the period of the war it is open, practically with- out charge, to Russian officers quax- tered,41sewhere than in •Petrograd, and to their wives and families. • The huge reception rooms are de- r emitted with oil paintings and fine There is a form of neurasthenia from danger of relapse until your engravings presented by various regi - that follows la grippe. Doctors call blood is built up. relents, and d many of thembyEm- The , n a y the z<m it ' est ip al" neurasthenia. The treatment, says the eror himself. On the floors' above p p ed physician quoted above,; is rest and p cents t. 2 5 thorities of a ore cityin alee-from 30 c n s o $ ., 0 a day. For New York nor -Cleo ol'e tonic,areparticularly 1 o l p` y the lowest priced one is provided with ture in the international clinics, said: suited for building upthe• blood and p "Broadlyspeaking, e. er victim of b a capital bedroom, electric light and v y strengthening the nerves after an at- hot and cold water. For the maximum la grippe will suffer from post -gripe- tack of grippe. The rich, red blood al neurasthenia also. Lowering of expels the lingering germs from the : figure an officer or his family can nervous tone with increased irritabil- •system and transforms despondent have a sitting -room, double bedroom ity is the most striking effect of theand bathroom. g grippe victims into` cheerful, healthy, A. four -course table d'hote costs 40 disease, languor of mind and body, happy men and womeih• disturbed, fitful sleep and vague pains If you have had la grippe do not I cents, •which •is remarkably cheap con - in sidering the high prices which at pre - in the head and elsewhere. Tho treat- wait for a relapse or' for, the neural- . sent rule in Petrograd. The club has ment calls for rest and a tonic," thenia that so often follows grippe, la thatthere are at least If you have had la grippe read those but get a box of Dr: Williams' Pink been so popular as 12 applicants for each vacant apart - symptoms again:"Languor of mind Pills now from the nearest drug store meat and body, disturbed, fitful sleep and and begin the treatment at once. iment. club also operatics bhe immense vague pains in the head and else- You can get Dr, Williams' Pink Pills , „ p }Where." If you have any or all of army 'and navy stores,"where Rus - them it means that you are still suf- fering from the effects of la grippe and that you will not be well and free One of the foremost medical au- a tonic, Dr. Williams'Pink Pills a are 1.50 bedrooms, ranging in price t , from any medicine dealer or by nail, at 50 cents a box or six' boxes for $2,50 from The Dr. 'Williams Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. SAMUEL TELLS GOOD YARNS. British Home Secretary Has Had i n Interesting Career. Few men have had a more distin- guished or prosperous Parliamentary career that the Rt. Hon. Herbert Louis Samuel, who succeeded Sir John Simon as British Home Secretary. He is only 45 years of age, and did not enter the House of Commons until 1902; yet all but the first three of those thirteen years have been spent as a member of the Government. PERSONAL NOTES. Information About Well-known Men and Women. The Prince of Wales has already six god -children. The wine cellars at Welbeck Abbey are the largest in England. Sir Edward Eiger often writes his musical compositions in bed. • The Bishop of London has three secretaries, the Archbishop of Can- terbury five. Prince John has an edition of "Rob- inson Crusoe," the cover of which cost £30. General French was on the point of retiring from the Army before the Boer War. The principal New York papers are now regularly taken at Buckingham Palace. Lady Iva Wilson has five grandsons in the Army and Navy. She is a sis- ter of the late Duke of, Fife. King Manuel has in his possession a letter from King George, thanking him for his offer to serve in the Brit- ish Army at the outbreak of war. At the German Court it is against etiquette for the Emperor to shake hands with anyone who is not of royal rank. Since King George's accession, sign officers and men can buy all ne- cessaries and luxuries at practically cost price. _es_ m ._ Just a Straight • You Can't be Neutral on the food question. You have to decide between mere palate -foods that con» tain no nutriment and foods that repair the bodily waste. Shredded Wheat Eliscuit is, both a palate food and a muscle builder, You can keep in good health and at. the top-notch of physical fitness by eating this deli- cious read.. -cooked whole le , ready -cooked, '41T 0 wheat cereal for breakfast,, luncheon or anymeal. Made in Canada, Just Like the Pig. Two clergymen inet together one evening. One of them was smoking, a practice to which the other ob- jected very strongly. "Is it possible," ; said the non-smoker in disgust, "that you smoke tobacco'] Even a pig would not smoke so vile a weed!" ��� "Then I suppose," asked the other, and SII .-t "that •ou do not smoke ourself ?" ___-_ a ''No indeed,I should . think not!" BLANCHARD AILD TEL (} , ``Then, my clear brother," said his MISS bL_S l� CH TELLS I' companion quietly, "who is more like , DODD'S KIDNBY PILLS. the iyou or I?" indigestion. have resulted, Dr. Jack - p gr son, who practised for years as an --- intestinal specialist, has devised Re- rW nerd's z.tniment Crates nandrua man Meal, a food which. has plenty They Cured Her Kidney Troubles and of waste to exercise the bowel ' mus. Other Sufferers Can Learn From Cause and Effect. cies and is also highly nourishing. It Her Experience How They Can Find The corner policeman found Naybur prevents indigestion and eonstlpa leaning against a telephone pole one • tion. Mast grocers sell it; tt Cure. night about a month ago. "Well, Made by the Roman Meal Com- Pa uetville Gloucester Co., N.B.- well, how'd you happen to get into this pang, Toronto, Canada. q , Mar. 6th (Special)' --Simple and condition?" he asked as he helped straight to the point is the statement Naybur home. "Wifesh just left f'r of Miss Justine Blanchard, of this vacashn," explained the patient. It place. She has tried Dodd's Kidney was just a night or two later that the Browns the Joneses here at Pills and found them , good and she same policeman found. Naybur lean- toodmeet thh. Jon ase to meat. wants everybody to know it. Miss ing against the same pole in the same dinthe ro and to owe them both, you t Blanchard says: ( condition. "What's the excuse this fou, "I suffered for a long time with my time?" asked the cop. "She's back," Close -But I've heard that they've kidneys. I used Dodd's Kidney Pills answered Naybur. r a and they cured me completely." STONE WII.EEI. 'COINS," Money in the Caroline Islands. is Cars tied on Poleah. Ire», -,StMne, and eaI•ltoard money is being used in various parts of the world at the present moment on ae• count of the war, according to the an- nual report of a well-known financial firm. In one of the Caroline Islands, for capturedbyB't' f th lame roTATgrit. ri:l,,i') POTATOES, I1tISi1 0011» ►. bleirr, 7)cleware, Ca,h'tnan. Or, tier at otcce. Supply litnitod Write .for 4uotations. 1E. W. F..wson, 't3rampton. vox saLE l El)ICI2kllr l) l`720"4'IrPc iiV'l]� At, N' 1) JL puppies for rale, Aliso few Poi--. Poi -- stall kittens.it. A, Gillespie, Abbots ford, 4iuebeu,.. !Ole ZXCRArt'OE 1/AIR SILVER 13T.s1CT3: (ROSS =EP foxes, trace for used ear. Reid' tiros,, Bothwell, Ont: example, xl'a1n from e ------ Germans, • S#.`IGg WAfiTT�I1 Germans, extraordinary stone .money OQI.b7N MILL I•IBTW, CfkRi)k 't;s. "coin" �?' , sltizutare. and. lvoavers. We wRiii is being used. Each coin consists of l,tty. inexperienced help. while learning a large, thick stone wheel,' ranging weaving, Grind, wages paid til All tlttise 12 feet in diameter, and detcat'trnonts, .: and steady work for from one to iuontlls: to conte, Por iurthcr particu. having a hole in the centre through Lars, :tiipiy to th.e Slingsby AMxanuttctur», which a pole can be put to carry it: ins• Co„ Ltd., Brantford, cent, about. NEWBPL.JZRS3 7?Q8 SAT.t7�� Iran money has been used in Ger ttr'IT-ataz{iia ivLrVs cin Ceti nian since last October, when one C. cizetees for snie . in" n c,r1 Azltatla hundred million coins of the value of towns, zfte most usetui an„ interesting of e11 businesses. Full tn:arntation on one cent each were issued. In Mexico, bppltcation• to WU'•on ruhli;;hing Cora where everything is also in a state of pant; TS west Adelaide St Toronto, war and chaos, cardboard money has been issued, while tramway tickets, entitling the holder to a wide, have been used for small change. WASTE NECESSARY IN FOOD T3eeause aur ancestors ate coarser Waste with their food they developed a long bowel, mostly a muscular tube. This muscle was not intended for digestion purposes, but to carry off waste. We have inherited this mus- cular tube. Waste -containing food is as essential to its proper function as light is to the eye. Because modern foods have little waste the . human. bowel muscles have weakened • from lack of exercise. Constipation and 44 A Strategical Move. Mrs.. Close -Pm writing to aslc the __ just quarreled and don't speak. One simple statement like that is, lJriaare's liniment for sale everywhere; Mr's. close --I know. They'll re p fuse and we won't have to give a din - worth a dozen earns dissertations on i learned d' t Odd. net party at all. Kidney disease. It tells the sufferer • from kidney trouble just what he or Fair Hostess (entertaining wound - she wants to know* ,that a cure can ed soldier) -And so one Jack John - be found in Dodd's Kidney Pills. i son buried you, and the next dug you For Dodd's Kidney Pills are no ftp again and landed you on top of a ,cure-all. They are purely and simply barn. Now what were your feelings? °it kidney remedy, .The reason why they 1 Tommy -If you'll believe me, Rl t• Lumbago, Diabetes,ma'am, l was never more surprised r s. a reported missing several fire with its apex at the gun, and with ''I had many things to write, but 1 months ago. cure em by gHubby-Well, my dear, to tell you th victim inside, so that whichever will with k d writet & t the truth - thee; but I trust I shall shortly see I AN EXCELLENT REMEDY your last place?" Domestic -"The' going to talk that way about it I trice and we shall speak face to face. FOR THE CHILDREN couple had only been married a month, don't want to know. Peace be to thee. Our friends salute thee.. Greet the friends by name." i an' I couldn't stand th'. love-makin'." I r'' Laura Jackson Brantford Agent -"Well, here's a chance in a NOTICE TO STALLION OWNERS. e vrc 1 1 s nob wi 1 in an pen unto way the lower machine tries to es- Agent -"What was the matter with! Wifie-Stop right there. If you're cape it must pass through that cone. Can. Dodge Like a Rabbit. "When the Fokker gets close to its enemy, if he has already been hit, it The best of Mr. Samuel's stories, 1 ' house where the couple have been -• approaches directly from behind, firing perhaps, is that of a woman who had Ont., writes: I have found Baby's p the bodyor fascia a so in a claim on behalf of her son Own Tablets such an excellent remedy married ten years. Domestic- The inspection of stallions under straight along g n to fill"That's too longs I likes peace and the Ontario Stallion Enrolment Act ' for children that I have no hesitation Si to have pilot, passenger, tanks and and was asked to state on a form g quiet." will commence March ' 23rc1, 1916. engine all in one line of fire; and un- whether she had a husband living. ; In recommendin them to all xno- -_ I Stallion owners will noticehthat horses iess"ihe pursued machine is very quick thers." Thousands of mothers say ; , ! , the same thing concerning the Tab- 1 Patient (to pretty nurse)- `Will inspected in the Fail of 1914 do not : on ifs'; con�txols• and- is able to dodge lets. i3nce a mother has used them you be my wife when 1 recover? require to be inspected at this time . ike•a rabbi onereo vital part is bound Mr. Samuel, who has the distinction + Pretty Nurse -"Certainly." Patient -but all other horses inspected previous to. be. hit sooner:ol ' later. she would use nothing else. They 1, "1+ of being the first Jew to sit in be are for sale at all druggists or by "Then you me?"love�Pretty Nurse -Ito the Fall of 9 4 -which were be inspect- Enof havesa%d that many of the Foie- glish Cabinet -Beaconsfield, who"Oh,not. That's merely a part of my' then eight years o kers. fire tliroiagh•their propellers, It mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. was born a Jew, embraced Christian- Williams' Medicine Co.,rockville treatment. I must keep my patients ed in order to be enrolled for 1916. appears that the px' , 11,gr• blades are ity- while a youth -is often referred ' Ont. cheerful I promised this morning to Application should be made at once *a. A Canadian Motherts Answer. Her answer was, "Living, but insig- nificant," ;i .,fitted with deflector plates •to turn to as the "Children's friend," for it 'Was' he who piloted through the House of Commons the Children's bill, winch iiid' so much to ameliorate the coildltions' under which the • children of the poorer classes were brought up. aside:: such bullets as -bite the blades. Only.,;about,-five ..or six. bullets. in, .a hundred -..are•.likely to „hit the plates, and the: remaining -ninety -odd pass between the, blacles straight for their target. This deflector -was first tried by the French:: 'aviator . Garros, who was shot down and captured in Flanders some months ago." CIGAR -SHAPED OIL SHIPS. May be Used for Carrying Oil From U. S. to England. Cigar -shaped ships, carrying each 20,.000 tons Of ,oil, will probably be used to bring oil to England from America in the near ;future, says the London Daily Chronicle. They . will t'ravel under water, or, at least, in an almost submerged position, and be towed across the• ocean by steamers. It has been found that a submerged vessel can be towed much more easily than an ordinary vessel of the same size, this being -'t; due to the fact that the vessel is, given in its surface position, almost en- tirely submerged, and the discovery has been made use of in the design of the new gigantic oil carriers. Another novelty will be the per- manent storage of large quantities of oil under water. Ordinary oil stor- age tanks are splendid marks for big guns, and are also vulnerable to at- tack from the air. The new method consists in sinking large _steel cylin- ders filled with oil in an artificial lake, the oil being pumped in or' out as re- quired, An air chamber in each.cylin- der provides mewls for raising it to the surface. .14 Mrs. Lloyd George has taken up the study pf T'rench in the past six months, and now speaks that lan- guage with some fluency. M1. Alfred de Rothschild was un- able to gond his usual gift of Stras- rang pies to his friends this new ear, owing to the German oeoillt;) tion of Strasburg. ' run away with a married plan who to the Secretary of the Ontario Stal- had lost both his legs." lion Enrolment Board, R. W. Wade, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. Granulated Eyekida, Those Dear Girls. THE FIRST TASTE. Acquired the Habit When a Boy. If parents realized the fact that tea and coffee contain a drug -caffeine - which is especially harmful to chil- dren, they would doubtless hesitate before giving thein tea or coffee to drink. "When I was a child in my mother's arms and first began to nibble at things at the table, Mother used to give me• Sips of coffee. And so I contracted the coffee habit early. "I continued to use coffee until I was 27, and when I got into office work I began to have nervous spells. Especially after breakfast I was so nervous I could scarcely attend to my correspondence." (Tea produces about the sante ill effects as coffee, because they both contain the 'drug, caffein,) "At night, after having had coffee for supper, I could hardly sleep, and on rising in the morning would feel weak and nervous. "A friend persuaded me `to try u Postm." "I can now get good sleep, am free from nervousness and headaches. T recommend Postum." Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, s n . Svc fornns, PO.lum Comei ,:.. t Postum Cereal -rho original ;form West be well boiled. :15c and 211c pack- ages. . ack-ages...° Instant Postunt--a soluble powder dissolves quickly in #t clip of hot was ter, and, with cream and sugar, makes a delicious beverage instantly, 80e and 50e tins: Both forms are equally delicious and cost about the salve per cup. '"There' -s 4 reason" ` for Poston. -splfl by Grocers. "I"didn't raise my boy to be a soldier," I didn't want him joining in the strife, But I'd taught him not to shirk when whenright meant danger, That truth and honor greater were than life. I didn't dream Fd make him don the khaki, I never thought that war was . in the plan, But now he lies in France with many others, And yet I'm• very glad he proved a man. "I didn't raise my boy to be a soldier," Bub I'd taught him to hold women in respect, How could I stop him rushing to the colors When Britain tried the weaker to protect? When liberty and chivalry and honor Were crushed to serve a mighty na- tion's plan. "I didn't raise my boy to be a soldier; But oh! I am so glad he. proved a man! "I didn't raise my boy bo be a soldier," I'd .merely taught him liberty was good, The hatred f of oppression which he cherished I'd given hila as X had given food. To keep his right of manhood and. of honor, He felt 'was part of Britain's usual plan, "I didn't raise my boy bo be a soldier," But oh! how proud I am he proved a man! PETROGRAD OFFICERS' CLUB. Cheap Apartmetsand Food for War. xlors and Families, The Officers' Club of Petrograd, is probably the lutist olaborately Housed Eyes inflamed by expo- sure to San, ®osiaid Wiled Alice ----I take half an hour's beauty Euicklyrelieved byMelina sleep every afternoon. ye Remedy. No Smarting, i Marie -You should make it much Bog Spar'bn or Th:rroughpin just Eye Comfort. At longer, dear. Your Druggist's 5Oc per Bottle. feluriae Eye 137A2.7TESs 5 AGS --WILL PAY CASIr 1JVRL t7 1T; 111 lirntr and nugar bags. Write offer. fru Evan, Iet. willizttn, Ont. _ Se7LLANEOUS. (`t ANCS R, TUMORS, LUMPS. 3rr'rc,. TtJ internal and external, cured with• out pain by our home treatment', Write us before too late, Dr. Beltran Medical" Co., Limited, Coilingwood,. Ont. America's Planner flog Remedies BOOK ON. DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Mailed free to any address by the Author IL CLAY GLOVER, V. S. 118 West 31stStreet,Newlork .I¢• 5ifd.�atteerierr,_0,g, - i'S'Imer •-•"'1.--- s.s. REB XT.Tlix,aur sails =- frpm New York March 15 & 22. -' S.S. EVAS7GELI 7B sails from New York March 21 & 30 and ukurup., ineiud Applytng famreats tialmis aoa berm. eniy $d+ and booklet 5. D. PATERSON. Gan. Aeent, Canada S.S. Lines, Limited, 46 i onge St., Toronto. or any ticket agent. You will find relief in Zam-Buk It eases the burning, stinging pain, stops bleeding and brings ease. Perseverance, with Zara. Beak, means cure. Why not pree this 2 - DrUggfst8 and Stares. -- Mc box. METAL nox7T CON- STRUCTION Tho salesman LIME works every day and 'night during the year. Send for catalog "W" R. J. '3T. (MATE 00,, S'' Toronto Arcade, • Toronto a. HAWK BICYCLES An up-to-date High Grade Buyer a fitted withRotlerChais, A'?u' Deka,lure or He n Tee Coaster rake and Hubs, Dela, (liable ?Ices, high grade equip., tndnt inclucnngMud- ca uardS.,$utnp,&Toole YLL,itil um cn g ford FREE 1916 Catalogue, GO pages of Bicycles, Sandrret sailet12175airMatenal. You eau buy your supplies from us aF wholesale Prices. T. W. BOYD & SON, 27 NatreBame 5t. West,54ontreal, SOU CAN'T CUT OUT Aa SalvcinTubes25c. ForllookoflheEyel=reeastc; We have e been using :IITNARD'S but you can clean them off promptly with Druggists or Nudge Eye €remedy Co., Chicagor e fi xe, • LINIMENT in our home for a num- ; ber of years and •tis' no. other Lin At 40 a man knows about half as iment but MINARD'S, and we can much as he thought he knew at 20. , recommend it highly for sprains, bruises•, pains or tightness of the chest, soreness of the throat.. head- ache or anything of that sort. We will not be without it elle single day, for we get a new bottle before the other 3s all used. I can recommend it highly to anyone. JOHN WALKPIBLD, LaHave Islands, Lunenburg Co,, N, Before plac- ing your order for seeds, see our 1516 Gold- en Jubilee Catalogue ft is free Gov't. Stan. Bus, No. 1 Reil Clover $16.40 & $17 No. 1 Alsyke 13.00 No. 1 Timothy 6.65 Allow 30e for each cotton bag We play railway freight in On- tario and Quebec over $e5.oO Notice to Stat= lion Owners The inspection of stallions Ardor the Ontario Stallion Enrolment Lot, will ooxnsnence lifaroh 23rd, 1916. All applications for en- roinlent and 1n.peot on, aeeont- panioU by the proper fee, must tae in the Beoretary's office, Patiie- inent Buildings, Toronto,' by March. lath, In naso of applications re- ceiveff after March lath, inopeo- tion will only be snatlo at increased. expense to owners. • Ad4reis 14U..•• 6ommittttoations 'to R. W. t4'ado, fiecretas'y, Ontario t3tailiost Enrol c Ment Board, parliament Ittuiidingsr, Toronto. EI). 7, Another Kind. A Liverpool cotton broker, choos- ing a' new office boy, rang up an- other fi1n1 to inquire about the char- acter of one of the applicants. "Well," said the head clerk, who answered the telephone, "he's one of these 'push and go' boys." "Good!" said the cotton broker, eagerly. "Smart and eff eient, and all that, eh?" "Not i 1 came the unexpected at all," p reply, "what I mean is that he only goes when you push him." Minerd'e Liniment 'Curets Earns, Etna "Do you know where Johnny Locke lives, my •little boy?" asked a gentle faced old lady. "Ice ain't home, but if you give me a penny I'll find him •,for you right .off;" .replied the lad. "All right; you;'re a nice little boy Now, where. 'is ,ha?.': "Thanks -Pm I litinehtlit Lit11'iiiJaftt';`Jtzeliovos 141'ettralgia, 21' :S r t,'. •1. rnciVe mountains today ISSUE t1 tfi 1, ii"'bscl`ced' till ly'hard work to • ,t . •! �u •,; r! :,,p) ,•;':; • and you work the horse same time. Does not blister or remove the hair. $2.00 per bottle, delivered. Will tell you more if you write. Book 4141 free. ABSORBING, JR., the antiseptic liniment for mankind, reduces Varicose Veins, Ruptured monies or Ligamento, Enlarged Glands. Wena. Cysts. Allays pain quickly. Price 51 and 52 a beide at druggists or delivered. Made 1n the U. S. A. by W F. YOUNG, P. 0 F., 816 Lymans Bldg., Montreal, Cm Mortise and A9 orbiae, Jr.. are made la Candor ER UD The Ideal Winter Resort Beautiful Drives, Saddle Riding, Goff, Tennis, Yachting, Tushing and Sea Bathing. Present Gar- rison of the Ottawa (33th) •Regi- ment. PrinceiiHotel is open from DT.CEMBEB to ,SMT Situated on the Harbor of Hamilton. Accommodates 400. Rates: $25 per week and upward. HOWE & TWOROGER, Managers HAMILTON, - BERMUDA Bermuda Is reached by the steam- ers of the Quebec S. S. Co., 82 Broadway, New York. • ARNES OI puts new life in your harness. Deeps it from drying up and cracking. Makes it soft, pliable and strong. Contains no animal or vegetable fats to become rancid. It makes harness last longer. Dealers F. ,erywlaere The Imperial Oil Company Limited f3RAt4CIin iN ALL CXTUIS Grand Varieties -Good as Gold �i1 --Refuge Was -Pods round, olesr and transparent and of hand-' sotto asp earance, Is tender, very productive, free freta rust, and standsidry weather wen. ?l,, lb. 150„ 1 lb. 45e., 5 lbs. $s.0o, 1'ostptt d• tf0]deit Baiitain-Arlt early, hardy, productive variety, oft finest .+m8 43 quality and delicinue flavor. It is a rich, cream .yellow, deepening to orangtte•yclfow when ripe, 3* ib, 10e., 1 lb, 300., 5 lbs. $1,40. kostpaiti. '-Brcaes's Earl,` Settler ---4. grandextra" early wrinkled marrow c-•' variety-. The pods aro large, deep groen, and filled with large pea?, possessingthe rick flavor' and quality of tate beat, late 'varieties. it atains a height of about 14 fent end is very productive, '% Ib. 15e., 1 lb. 40e., 5 lbs. $1.75. Postpaid. If sent by Express at purchaser's expense, dodudt 10e., per 'pound. BRUCE'S Seeds are the cheapest, because they aro the belt. FREE(list', ilandsoma y illustrated 'lael•pago - cataloggo of Vogct�tlite, 1rnrm and 7^1 Ivnr Seeds, Pisnts, Bulbs, Poultry Supplies, Garden Implements, etc„ for 1910. Send for it, q 4Au A. Bruce & Co., L id.) liaWtblteztso$,ne ti*rozo a,,y, estiasamrozet +r...:e:+,sctxe: