The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-07-15, Page 21Pqa; - 3 FROM ZILLIAXW List Chance To Pay Nothing tut 1988 Q N '� S \4)("\:%k C)C orp5:30b r 0 3oirG. Then... starting Jan. '88 pay easy monthly installments till 1990, O.A.C. Sale ends Saturday, July 16th, 1987 `Where people shop for quality, and don't mind paying Tess" Furnit Bayfield Hwy. 21, South Goderich 524-4334 Listowel 291-1461 Preston, Cambridge 650-0711 .._v00o_mmmomo®mm®®m®m®_=.pm_o..-MMM .:4M_..MMMMMM._m_.._MMMMMM---- EXTRA SAVINGS COUP 1 3 i With this Coupon, receive a 1 Year Membership, regular price $19.95, until July 21, 1987. FOR SAVE $10.00 e ONLY4, 1 YEAR MEMBERSHIP WINNER OF 3 ACADEMY AWANDS! , uur�r O tOnn • 71,4 gilk; �G ll (r iwnrn 14,4* I,IH, 4111100* r tier ��� l� 4,4111 rel/V Ir/irlll��I T !f.. E fo. wti r '-h EO Goderich & Clinton Locations Only 1 Coupon Per Membership FEATURING: 4uasar RCA ®EMERSON T.V.'S VCR'S CAMCORDERS MICROWAVES STEREOS 1ftCRCAMCORDER with carrying case (Demo) ............. Quasar Limited Quantities, Demo VCR WOODY 1LLEN MICHAEL C ZINE NH ,% F 1RROW C.1RRIE FISIIEI I31RI3,1R,1 IIERSIIEY LLOY I) NOL 1N 1I 1l REEN o'SILLIW'.1N I).& IEL STERN k‘ ION Sl I)OW DIANNE WIEST a,a JACK ROLLINS . CHARLES H. SUSAN E. MORSE„ CARLO Di PALMA,;. I e.uhw acArten ',oducMOr Note, aMe.,enM Le JACK ROLLINS. CHARLES H. JOFFE ROBERT REENHUT WOODY ALLEN i ,PG 113"1" neaman "'UM"' M�gw.d ,.��.u�.e nK* acw,,, r..,.�,,,M v ro .. a ...•....+.. <....- u V nouns u.e,. ai h on.a e, v,ro„ o.....n 513950° X39900 Joint the club, our video club, and save eirOn more on sales or rentals of, our up-to-date selection of great videos in stock. We have over 25,000 titles to choose from. All categories, alt ratings, WIT priced at low discount rental rates Video Cassette Players (6 Demos. Only) Players Only VCP 44100“0000.3000000,3••045 eal9006.SOOCIa00.60.301300¢100•0001:1 Brand New, 4 Head EMERSON (6 only) VCR 951 $1999' $449s5 Nominated for seven Academy Awards and lauded by critic» world-wide, HANNAH AND HER SISTERS presents Woody Allen's look at a cosmopolitan family that revolves, often comically around the saintly Hannah (Farrow). In HANNAH AND HER SISTERS, Woody Allen interweaves the predicaments ofa dozen characters touching upon sneh universal subjects as life. death, love. lust. comedy and music. ThIa inciteful and witty film about human relationships 1s a picture for the Eighties In much the same way AN- NIE HALL was for the Seventies. Once again Woody Allen has managed to combine deep poignancy and hilarious comedy In a film that will alternately make the audience laugh' and cry. 134s5 .4 EMERSON (6 only) MICROWAVE OVEN ... $19900 25 STORES TO SERVE YOU 25,000 MOVIES AVAILABLE FOR RENT SERVING HURON -PERTH LAMPTON & MIDDLESEX COUNTIES STAR TIME VIDEO Suncoast Mall,, Bayfield Rd., Goderich 5244323 Star Time Video Inc. - A Division of Video Premiere International Incorporated (Eastern)