Exeter Times, 1916-3-2, Page 7pp psoffi.i..4N 1.1•1•4.11 Was Atehoked Up Could Hardly Breathe. ,1•111,mm -REST N F OM ILL.HEALTIT BRONCHITIS Was The Cause; The Cure Was DR,. WOOD'S Norway Pine Syrup, Mn. Oared Burns, North Augusta, One, writeS: "I caught a dreadful cold, w going to ton, and about a week Lifter ; become ehoked up, and could hardly breethe, and eotild scarcely Weep at night for coughing. I went th the clecet, and he told me that I was getting broTtelatis. My hasbancl went to the. druggists, and asked them, if they had a cough mediehte of any kind that they could recommend, The druggist brought cut a bottle of Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, I started using it, and it com- pletely cured me of my cold, I cannot tell you how thankful I was to get rid of that whet nasty cold. I shall always keep a bottle of Dr, Wood's Norway Pine ;Syrup on hand, and I shall only be too glad to recommend it to all others." Dr. Weod's Norway Pine Syrup is,a Vetnecly that has been on the market for the past twenty-five years, and we catt eecommead it, without a doubt, as beiug the best cure for coughs and colds Unit you can possibly procure. There am a Rot of imitations on the market, so when, you O. to your druggist or dealer een that you get "Dr, Wood's ;" put up in a yellow evrapper, three pine trees the trade mark; the price, 25e and - 50c. iThe gcnuitte ie mantifactured by The Milburn Co.. Limited, Toronto, Ont. 100 'RUSSIA REDIVIVOUS Graft and Inefficiency Are Fast Van - Ming There, . The beginning of a tremendous, if not spectacular regeneration of inter- nal Russia is strikingly apparent to any observer of Russian affairs, who familiar with the, disorderly condition - in Russia six months ago, compare it Recipes for Thrifty Cooke. , Rice pudding sweetened with Chocolate. Cake. -If it is desired to! brown sugar will have a much rich" make •4 chocolate cake it wlit be ned er flavor. eessay to cat down the amount a I Scraped raw potatoes put into de- shertening •uied, in order to avoid cantera will clean them if left foe Ma Two two or three days. king the mixtare toe rich. squares of melted chocolate, or four Always put the scrabbing brush to tablespoonfula of cocoa. dissolved -ll- dry with the bristles clown . This will i boiling water, added to the redipe giv- save the brush. 1 en above will make" a, fairly eloh 1 Carrots are delicious boiled until chocolate cake, I „tender, and then served in a gravy ater Gingerbread may be made of white Wick. Hot W made as follows: Cone cup of molasses,1 When the provision of meat is one scant teaspoonful a soda, one rather small, serve soup to take the tablespoonful of ginger one-half tea. edge off the appetite, spoonful of salt, one tablespocieful of Never buy spices in large (mantis shortening melted, one-half teaspoon- lies -they lose their flavor before ful of salt, one-half cup of boiling we- you can use them up, . . ter, two cups of flour. Mix the ingre- If you want to be euro that the clients in the order given and beat bread puddling will be light, add a well. Bake in a shallow pan in a little baking powder to it. rather hot overt about 20 minutes. I . Lerlion juice and cayenne are ex - Kidney Saute. -Wash blef or lamb' cellent used in French dressing, in - kidneys, skin, halve dovenward re- 'stead of black pepper and vinegar, moving pipes and all white portions,' ' , A very little glycerine smeared lcl • h • g jnto around the glass stoppers of bottles " 'slices. Have one tablespoonful but- will keep them irom sticking for a ter or moremeccording to amount of long time. kidneys, sizzling in pan, add kidneys After roasting a piece of meat, and saute for a few minutes. Add which, is to be served cold, wrap it one an tomatoes (with some of the in cheesecloth while hot. This pre - liquid drained . off), dash of onion serves the flavor. juice and of pepper, cover and let sim- breakfast toast,. made by- GENERAL Sir Horace Lockwood Smith-Dorrien W;10 has for a short time been 51u command of the. British troops eperating against the Germans in East Aft ca, line beea forced to resign on account of illness. He has been succeeded by Lieut -Gen. ;Tau 0, Smuts, who is Mluieter of De- fence in South Africa. $h• H. Seat ith-Dorriene formerly had command of the Second army in Flanders, and received great praise for his. leadership here. JAN C. SMUTS SIR H. L, efelITH.CORRIEN. A good dipping the slices of bread in a pint THE SUNDAY criioot ;his being intrusted with the special . mer until almost cooked. Add salt, mission of Acts 9. 2. Deissmann's and finish cooking. Wash and stir of milk to which a beaten egg and a * tehel e ; pinch a salt are added, and frying. thesis (in his fascinating monograph frequently to prevent burning. Serve on toast. . To prevent a knitted jersey from Salt Fish Dinner -One pound shrinking --Stitch a band of washing cede silk or soft linen the size of the "heist fish, one-half pound salt pork, two inside it. It will keep it in perfect cups milk (skimmed will do), two shape. tablespoons each of fat and flour, To keep -yolks of eggs fresh -If only Death of Stephen -Acts 7, 1 to 8. 3; ; under the greatest of rabbis (Acts selves recklessly to the enemy's fire, French arms. Other generals have INTERNATIONAL LESSON, MARCH. EHE KMSE'& -pEon-AND,PFACE REAL CHARACTER OF TOE GER -- MAN RULEii. The Emperor'a Rule In the War to Keep Germany Hypnotized.• ' Mr. Sydney Whitman, student of in- ternational polities and author of "My Rensiniscenees ef Prince Bismarck,' "Life of Emperor Fredex•ick," and • Use MILBURN'S LAXA-LIVER PILLs FOR A SLUGGISH LIVER. regularly many complications are liable working properly, and If they do not move an• indication that the bowels are not to set in. When the liver becomea elaggish it is • Coastipetion, siek, headeche, bilious, headache, jaundice, heartbena water biveh„ e4tarrli of the steuiech, etee all come from. a disordered liver, Milburn's LaxasLiver Pills stimulate the sluggish liver, eleen the coated tongue, eweeten the obnoxious breatb, eleo,a Away all waste and poisonous matter from the system, and prevent as well as cure all other volumes dealing with recent complaints arising from a liver which has becom.e mective. German history, has contributed an mites; Mrs, John V. 'rename Birnara. Ont., article on the ICalser's role in the war you cone'eirnitankge 'Kt -1"r gPrelae4ttsuvraelaiett9"1- hilahvi: "Since the death of King Edward received by using your Milburn's Lam - to the Daily Despatch. He says:- I there can hardly be anybody left in Liver Pills for a sluggish liver, When my . . . . liver got. bad, I would. have severe lie.eich England who is in a position to know aches' but after using a couple of via s, the essential facts concerning the Ger- I 1 aaniellIbl°tItrile)*°stli.heo.rxeo.cl-wLiivthertilPeiltlisalgenl2o5T:;. man Emperor and his real character. I vial, 5 vials for $1.00, at all dealers, or At int print tt or have r dneavnegrhts eienn caonnyvtolrnsno! mailed direct on receipt of price by The , tion which would lead me to any T... Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. other conclusion. Yet such knowledge is needed if we are to arrive at a ea- FRANCE SURE OF VICTORY liable estimate of the probable effect New Guth and Explosives Will Blest Of his death on the eourse of thewar. Spectacular Role. "For iestancee it is possible to es - Out the Germans, This war will not end in a draw or stalmate. The military authoritiee tablish the fact that as regards the , of France make this statement most condect of war, as in everything else,' positively. the Emperor's role, the part he has It is part of the German campaign played -for we must, invariably em- for peace, now that Germany realizes ploy the terms of the theatre in deal -j that all, hope of a favorable outcome ing with him -has been a spectacular ' for her is ended, to speak of dead- , one. locks, said one of the French War Of - Saint Paul) ,that he was an artisanh is based on facts easily- explained' "His father, as well as bis grand- fice officials recently. France knows otherwise and seems quite untenable. father, were often in the thick of a this is "victory year." fight. They led in battle, and both General Joffre himself, in his order His father had 'Roman citizenship I (Acts 22. 28), and sent him to study had occasionally to be restrained by to the army on January 1, said that their entourge from exposing them- the 1916 is to be one of glory for Speck salt, red pepper. Cut cod- , 22. 3); that he cut him off when he The Kaiser's action -this as least is been more free in characterizing 1916 fish into strips, soak in lukewarm wa- the white is needed cover the yolks gently with a little cold water, so as . Golden Text: Rev. 2: !became a Christian was to he expect-' ter several hours, and cook below boil- not to break it. It will keep fresh 10. ' ' ed, and Paul then had to keep known -has been mainly that of flit- as "victory year." ing point until tender. Cut pork into i self. Every Jew had to learn a him` . ting backward and forward from east To prevent the public from being trade.! ear, al_ impressed by statements to the ef- for several days. .i to west in •a bombproof motor one-fourth inch slices, cut gash . in Verse 54, These things -The bit- Saul -A natural name for a Benja- ways keeping away at a respectful feet that neither side could min a each piece, fry slowly until golden ' When the chimney does not draw Mg summary which closes Stephen's mite. For use among Gentiles he had off fat. well, try opening the windows in the I distance from danger, inspecting regi- decisive victory, some of the French brown and remove, pouring survey of the national history, They ' the similar -sounding name PaulIuse room for a few minutes before start- . . . .ments, joking with his generals, being authorities now are *Ming to show • Out of two tablespoons fat, flour, sea- had received divine messages through- I Compare Silas-Silvanus, Symeon- part of the positive proofs which . I soning and milke make cream sauce. ing the fire and see if that will not. With the effective industrial and mill- ; interviewed by German journalists, I out their annals, and had alwasernegei Simon, Menahem-Menander, ' Put .cocifish on platter, with pieces •of . help the draught. • lecMd the meseage and persecuted the : •-Alcimus, etc. Elialtim : talking to Fren.ch prisoners, tele-. they have of the certainty of their t tary machinery of to -clay. who left ' Reale when its military pork around it, Serve with boiled po- ' To freshen a velvet tam hat hold. messenger. Stephen is applying! 59. Calling upon -The object of the : of these, 'Tine of Hellenic fame,' and located at the great French arum- , graphing to his eelatives, the foremost coming victory. These proofs are An Associated Press correspondent ta.toes and cream sauce. the crown over boiling water and I ment and menitions factories at fortunes were at the lowest ebb, with i 1 verb is contained in the address, Lord brush the nap up with a stiff, fibre afresh the parable of the wicked hus- bandinen. But for them "the most , Jesus. Note how naturally at this distributing Iron Crosses. an inadequately provisioned and '- One Egg Raisin Cake. -One pound 1 "All this, as will be readily munitioned army, and inefficient in- seeded raisins, two tablespoons but- i early period the Man of Calvary be- age I Cieusot. . clothes brush. Be careful not to unkindest cut of all" was in his de- . touch the velvet till it is dry. . I, mitted, does not point to the Emperor' At present the work of the Oren-. WORK FOR THE DISABLED. sem-- ternal ,management not only defeat- , ter, tw° tablespoons mammon, two ing the chances- of military achieve- cups sugar, one teaspoon allspice, one anent for the 'moment, but creating a cup strong coffee, one cup water and epirit of uneasiness and criticism one cup brown coffee. Latter gives Among' the peop'l'e which threatened cake rich brown color. Boil this mix - national solidarity, returned to find ture five minutes and set aside to the country thoreughly reorganized. i cool. When cool, add beaten egg, Graft and bribety had been seem- flour and baking povvder, sifted into Crippled Soldiers May Become Cigar- ette' Makers. Major Astor, owner of an estate at Cliveden, England where the Canadian Agly•to a great extent, weeded out. flour. Mix thoroughly, and put into Officials bound to be incompetent and well buttered pan. Bake three-. Red Cross Hospital is situated, is erecting a workshop where per - engaged in intrigues, who had held quarters of an hour in Moderately hot . . manently disabled patients may learn up snunitiort contracts andcloggedthe oven. nrooclworking prior to being dise wheels of the machinery of army1 Rich Cake. -One and a half pounds ana charged. to civil life. Cigarette make equipment and provisioning, and in flour, one pound castor sugar, ing will also shortly form an industry general conducted the business of pound butter, one pound sultanas, one for Cliveden men who have lost an War as if it were an operation for -half pound currants, one half pouhd. arm. They will be -able to do this their Ramona]. profit, have been diss raisins, one and a half otinces mixect 1 I e aid of machinery. The new Inissed." . with the . ' . .peel, one nutmeg, one teaspoon mix- . , every passion,, stung pride and big- , from weighing money that represents to bluff great effort which is to be put forth A great factor in the increased ed spice, one teaspoon flavoring, one and is expected almost to pay its own semely world enabled him not only enterprise will start in year by the army in order to a few weeks, otry to fury, till all around the as- 1 a debt. Comp, re Matt. 26. 15, where expenses from the start. Wages will a his own people but a large section of . this the outer world besides. His death ohhieve the decisive victory. It now etrength 'of the Russian army is the teaspoon carbonate soda, one table- could be heard the physical! , the same verbisused. For sin as character of the new troops, which spoon vinegar (pet oii soda in a :tea- signs of a, wild -beast rage. I debt to God compare the Lord's pray- ' r at Creusot plan;tus are vastly superior in intelligence cuplast. of all), six eggs. Creaen but- i . be eid to the p. workers, but the money I 1 55. Being -A stronger verb is used er. Fell asleep -The• verb gives us , raunl cleop;iv: fitrhset-class-s;! 1not only the greatest steel-mak'n n.i.an isdischarged from the army, influx of dStimatmeettetlYne so earned will be withheld until the which reminds us that this is no new; our word cemetery (that is, a dorrni- ana ammumtion-making talenb of the end training to those with which ter, put Sugar in, beat eggs up and . providingh. him a small capital histrionic artist. This in itself is no! mean asset, for, according to the tes- Russia started the war, and the put in gradually. Warm basin, put!"Holy Spirit" bringing the i tory, sleeping place). It had long been , country was mobolizech but also the hreater confidence and higher spirit . in butter and beat up with a woodenita.usbeautifie vision. It had been with him! in use for Sleep's "brother dgeath".. . great inventors and authorities in. with w lab to re-enter civil life. This timonY of his foxy ally, King Ferdin- I 511 the whole army, based on the i spoon. Mix fruit, flour, etc., and: in full measure all -through. Jesus-; but when we read the tv ical words I ' the departments of chemistry and inew addition to the usefulness of the P - ° ! and of Bulgaria, an efficient ruler knowledge of plentiful equipment. . gradually add it to butter and eggs. The human name is very significant! the Roman C - guile's lovely poem - must, above all things, be a born ac- Physics. ress that the principal 'quesbions batter so that it will drop off the1a,uspices of the Lord Roberts Mein- - oriel Workshops schemes. s ital is undertaleen under h ne of the -most prominent leaders Add soda and vinegar last, and a little . he-pme ' 1 Col. Gorrell and his staff a,t Clive- I 1ff' the Here only is he standing at the right I 1 , ie sas usen .rom is t rone , ther abides ene unendm Ito welcome" his first martyr. hand. 1 1 • .• f ' If h when we must sleep" -we feel that ' , et s, when once o i me clay as "If • uit • b • f 1 h ' g night. - - tor. - "Now it is admitted on all halals thatthe Crown Prince is as an actor model guns, with new types of rifles, and, above all, with new kinds of France to -day is equipped with new 14 u the Duma informed the Associated milk if required. Make a good stiff ' which. would occupy the attention of spoon but not run. 56. Operted-Not the usual word in' the idea has -with Christ coine into a . powder, and these are so far superior den .and all the Canadians have their this eo • a failure. Whereas the father has op - that bod . TI t' 1 ' I nn.ection, but stronger. In days new world. I known h d f 11 T • ' to rat France's enemies are y were: • ie crea ion of a Parker House Rolls. -Parker House 1 new system of co-operative societies, rolls are sometimes called pocketbook I tial.n s . u . o revisit the hospital when the sky was conceived as a seriesi 8. 1. Consenting -end Paul him-, peered before us in a thousand kal- to aivie that they form the chief basis ;Which proposed to eliminate the rolls because they are folded over in I ie.reh its to l find that at an institution of concentric transparent spheres,' self tells us (Rom. 1. 32) that gapprovg ! eidoscopic attitudes, the sort is only preseet excessive profits_ by reducing rmicii. the' same way as a pocketbook , ewvelc wefivednitonths ago was pretty material and solid, it was natural to al of an evil deed is even worse than ' known to the public in his everlasting f, mg able o blast its way triumphant - or the Gtovebrnl men. tie certainty of be - Ion ne o a covered tennis Death's Head Hussar uniform, with *riCes of ordinate, corhmodities to the folds. These are usually served for . couit, las now spread itself_ over the picture them 1 "e -even" (Mark 1: 10) the doing of it: there is an element of t a yp' e .• , 1 •-• 1 item. ly through the armored trenches on , norinal level; nest legislation issuing 'dinner, although they are very good to .reveal the spiritual realities be- hot blood eliminated which 1 ' nay dilute 4 rom towns and municipalities, which for breakfast, also. Two cups of .flour, a .. ' - num. The hen of man -the favorite the guilt,. Except"`. ti Th Jaw face' the epos es- e adjacent golf links The long wards e• A me o of asbestos construction are elwa s • areiCanada. after e different , Y title for himself on the lips of Jesus, reason is not very clear. . Was it that Crown Prince Weak. Sire flooded with refugees t,o care for four teaspoonfuls baking powder, one full, andcalledthe ' stn.d govern the new poulation; ex-. tablespoonful - sugar, one-half tea -1 , . but only here used by another. There they, like ,Tames the Lord's brother, prov. mces o • Last Friday 158 'A man so devoid of the histrionie spoonful salt, three tablespoonfuls .has been acute controversy as to its observed Jewish piety So faithfull ' y . tension •of the franchise in order to claration that they had "not kept"! comes the recipieut of prayer, and the . plants has been so far advanced, the law of which they were so proud. ! same prayer that Jesus offered to the having much to do with the stragetic . stu Like Paul (Gal..4. 19), Stephen holds I Father (Luke 23. 46). I the field. And sundry evident, even; , leadership of the German armies in! the results of the tremendous exer- tions put forth there during the last tlfe usual Jewish view that the law 60. The dying prayer goes back , year and a half are so noticeable 1 tends to support the view/ an indirect circumstantial, and the production of the plant has was delivered by angels; later re- directly to Luke 6. 28. It is not like- . tehboeheagieleece! flection on the awful holiness of God , ly that Stephen ba d ever heard how I oa., been so huge that it is considered 0.,,vo. 00111.. that whatever success has been 1 tained by the German armies is due: tended to explain the naive theophans I the Lord had fulfilled his there is no longer much need of les of earlier records as appearances I mend. Three evangelists making a mystery of the chief work of angels, Cut -Literally, "were be- ' his prayer for the executioners over thab has been going on or of conceal - mans term die Generaletat, the staff to the depositions of what the Ger- ing sawn asunder in their hearts, and others responsible for his death, and . the enormous production. of the were guashing„" etc.; the verbs des- (as the margin...in Luke 23.. 24 hints) ! which, in dealing with the Kaiser, has in probably exercised that • kind of col-; faetories. Should secrets get out now cribe their emotions through the part the saying was not known in the it would be too late for Germany to of the speech summarized in verses 511church till after our Gospels were the name of a `round robin.' lective pressure familiar to Us under , I profit by it. 53. Heart is a little misleading to; written. Probably the centurion told France worked feverishly in her word implies. Stephen never touched ! his four men heard them spoken. Lay . ' "As long as the present Emperor 1 practically done, so far at least us, for it includes more than our 1 the story years after; only he and, 1,vas in nominal control of the Prus- . armament preparations and the work their heart, in our sense; he roused I not-Litterally, weigh not, a figure sian man -slaying me.chine his ca -lis it as a Teat actor before the as it is considered necessary for the patients arrived and were all trans..' primary • , • . instincts watild m ell probability be the western front and to destroy a. substantial part of the enemy's mili- tary forces, unless he withdraws and accepts the peace conditions which will bo imposed. part of the enfranthised citizens are milk. Sift ,he flour, salt and baking! distant, examined, and put comfort-173eems7toi:e that wuhich -s "San hardly likely: We may suppohse to is incapable of keeping up the stupende .4" ge (to prisoner) --"How big meet a situation m which the major butter or fat, three-querter eupful I ferred from the railway some miles P 0 , viewthat they were overlooked? at the front, and an attempt to inh- pOivder together,. add the butter and ably in bed inside of an hour arid ten' Dan. * they felt their duty bound. .t em o was the stone y,?1,1, threw; was (it as By ea thin.sa tous deception on the old lines to- . ilfiller of the apocalyptic vision. Jerusalem till a clear mo.nitin cam.e, ward ward the outer vrorld. He might prate b, ig as, mY h rd his own people as well as to- -, prove transportation facilities. mix thoroughly. Then add the milk minutes. Canada has reason to be oho‘mran, esus was c h. e ead . nsoner 'Yes, your honor, but not so proud of its hospitals at Cliveden... We relmember that he sealed his own the - sththartnithcieuvisstuedceedestdi. in hiding till Germany about being attacked, about gradually. When well mixed turn e. • doom at the • trial by quoting that very 2. Devout -Proselytes, not Jewish - her claims to the. freedom of the seas; thick," onto floured board, roll out one- fourth of an inch thick and cut with a large biscuit cutter. Make a crease in the centre of 'each ' round, spread evith.melted butter and fold one edge over onto the other, pressing the edges together, Place in greased pans and bake in a quick oven for life preserver, Probably Y0,11 can't was in its recalling. so vividly the de- priate to Huns sacking a town, is re- twenty to bluff, to hynotize and 'gas' twenty minutes. ' imagine what a sea animal wants of claration of Jesus just referred to; peated in Acts 9. 21. a life preserver. Ie you watch this although they had crucified hirn-he his audience, the son woUld lack that Chocolate Cake. -Work one-fourth creature long enough, either along was on the right hand of Posver af- prestige which the father had incoes cup butter until manly; using wood - the beach or in an aquarium ou'll "Are all these things injurious to ----- . born. They naturally felt peculiar be might appeal the the. Deity with ne . „ the same effrontery as his father, but give ins a des my health?" aiked the patient after TAIL 'IN HIS LIFE.SAVER verse (Mark 14. 62). It will be found u tective- Now he had inspected the list of things he ., that nearly always in the Gospels the devotion to the memory of the Hel- - =edition of your missing cashier. , The.King Crab Uses it to Put Him on recognition of this allusion adds ab- henist martyr, it is almost certain that he would not . Must not eat. ?No," said the doctor, tall . is he ?" Employer -"I meet the same credulity on the part Haw "but you've got to economize somehow His Feet viously to the force of .the saying. 1 8. Laid waste -Paul's own word don't know how tall he is. What WOr- The king crab uses his tall for a 57. The sting of Stephen's ecstatie (Gal. 1. 23); literali k d " ' • he t ' ' tolent to cl of a gill' ible world. ries me 1s that he is $7,000 short." if you're going to pay my bill." y, sac e appro- Heart Would Beat Violently. • Nerves See ed te Be Out of Order. The heart always works in sympathy , with the =eves, and unless the heart is working properly the whole nerve system is liable to become unstrung, and the heart itself become affected. Milburres Heart a.ed Nerve Pills will h build up the unstrImg nervous system, 13.4 stretigeb,eu the weak heart, so that de sufferer will enjoy the very best of health for years to come. • e l'Am- Jobe.% 'N. Itielcs; Huntsville Ont, writes: ,41 am sending you ray testLnony for the benefit I have received from using Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, As a eerve and heart builder they have done wonders for me. At times my heart would beat violently, and my nerves teemed to be all out of order, but after , using a few boxee of Milbttries Heart and Nerve Pills I feel like recomtneediag • them to others that they might receive. •henefit as did," Milburn's Heart sued Nerve Pills halm leen on the niarket for the past tweaty. five years and are universally .considexed to be iii;rivalled as a medicine for all disordets or the heart or nerves. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are 00e per box 3 boxes for $1.25, at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of vice by The 'P. Milburn Co„ Limited, oronto, Ont. against a hateful fact that was mak- ... 1 The individual who hates man- tesotably possessed. ----- find out. He's got a shell on his back ter .alli They stopped their ears ' en cake. spoon e Add one cup sugar . ! Y gradually, heating constantly, . then and a long; spiny tail thee looks as ; Saul of his is generally a elose student of It would also be difficult far him two squares meltedr unsweetened to maintain bis authority in military if it could' be used as a weapon of =,..b its appeal. What was chocolate, two , well -beaten eggs, one- half cup milk and one and one-thiid cupsspastry flour (once sifted), mix- ed and sifted with three tablespoons are all cerled ttiiplinIgn wtliiteh shell, :; st°herhee- baking powder and one-half teaspoori can't touch any fore when he's on his back he's help- ealt. Turn into buttered and floured . less cake pan and‘balee in moderate oven • . Thistiis where the long tail cornea in to cake rack, cover, with white frost - forty -five minutes. Remove from pan as. a e preeervet. Ottoks the point of the tall in th makes The king crab sand and lifts hiinself until lie e Ing and spread frosting evenly with thin layer of melted, unsweetened an arch with his body. Then he chocolate, with .baek of epeon., To swings sidewise, 'back and forth, until prepare pan, grease first with melted, evith one final effort he flops hide Along the Jersey coast they reckon side tip at lest fat, applying with 'butter brush. II oelf Over right batter is used, melt it first and let the beginning of summer by the king stand on back of range: Salt Will crabs. About the time of the full fall to hottest of dish, Just before moon in June, they say, the king crabs putting cake mixture in pan, dredge come upon the sand to lay their eggs. pan with flour, invert and shake pan m a e and boys go down on the beach to go rid of iuperfitionseflour. with wagons and shoveIs ancl scoop up Sometimes the king crab defence. . g 0 ts led) the uproar ? .Let the ought of ' matters among his generals who, as Tarsus thinking of when he joined (or1 ns own nature. Acts. 26. 9 point toward the answer. 1 Most of us believe in doing to oth. we meY well surmise from the pub - turned over on his back. . His feet A _ 58. Cast him out -For in their ers as we would have them do to us. lished records of previous wars, are frenzy of wrath they were careful to But we generally wait foe them to do enlY to prone, to dissesion, jealousy keep all the parts of the law that did, it first. and intrigue. against each other, This not matter, Compare Hob. 13. 11, 12. Witnesses -Who had to take the re- et eheleye believe in saving some_ sponsibility of casting the first stone thing for a rainy day." "How math -which in a normal execution would have you saved?" "Oh, 1 haveri't, sav- be intended to produce insensibility or' death. See Deuie 17, 7. ' So when ed anything, but I believe in it,s Jesus bade the sinless east the first stone at the adulteress, such a person woeld by his life be a silent witness against- a sinner. JAW down their garments -The outer garment: sty hot work was' done "in shirt sleeves," 'as, we should say. The tense of the Verb stoned suggests that the cruel work was prolonged. Young man-- Presurnebly under thirty. How he "kept the garments of them that slew" Stephen, he redalls himself in Acts 22. the orals by the bushel. Then. they feed them to the poultry. Household Mute, Cheese is very nourishing land One thing At a time, and that done Should be seryed maty different Ways. might bring about a serious loosening of the discipline of the army. "Ger- many's civilian poulation, long bed spellbound by a tragic -comedian of high degree and capacity, might be- gin to ask awkward questions, and, what is more to inslst upm satis- factory answerl "All this should tend toward a great change writing over the situation, and the. only thus increase the chances of peace the allies will ever be inclined lying the to accept-natnely, one imp finalnu renciation of. G'erM any's in- sane ambitions," "That man invariably agrees with what I say," said the argumentative person. "Rather complimentary." "Not at all, He would rather agree with inc than pay attention to what I am saying," Mts. Ryan -"They do be ether sayin' that old man Kelly has got lo- comotor taxy." Mrs. Murphdy- "Well, he's got the money' to run wan well, is a vety good motto, as really 20, It Is obvioes that he was_ of coin- av thim if he wants ter, bit I'd raither can tell triatding position as is 'shown els° ev have a .good horse any day," • Griggs -"I am a great believer in the magic number seven, !Sticcess' has just seven letters, you will no. 1 tice." Briggs -"And how about 'Failure ?' * Etad Dyspepsia. Says: HE NEARLY TURNED UP MS TOES. Burdock. Blooll ers CURtD Id Mr. II. X. Manderson, &ether, Alta., writes: "About twenty-five years ag0. in the Province of Quebec, I came pretty near tenting up my toes with dyspepsia. A. cousin of mine persaoded inc ta try Burdock Blood Bitters, In about two weeks I could eat anything from raw fat pork to unleavened bread. Three bottles did the job, and 1 have never been troubled With lily stomach Silite. You would say that this is wonderful if you rould only,see what eve*soinetimes have -to live on. m this couutry; bannock, half cooked beans, etc," • Burdock Blood Bitters has beeu o31 the market for the past forty years, and rennet be excellee: as a medicine for all dieeases or disorders- of the stomacii. 13.B.B. Is manufactured only by 'The he Milburn Co. Temited, Toronto, Out.