The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-07-15, Page 7Communit Lei Merch ts are volunteers too VOLUNTARILY SPEAKING 'Maey Hat°r1�an The focus of this week's column might surprise you. With reference to this col- umn's criteria to be included, the local merchant/business associations qualify. They join and participate voluntarily with benefit to our community. There are four local associations that merchants can become members. Goderich Business Improvement Area, known as the BIA, formed about nine years ago and meets once a month. They are largely responsible for the street lighting, flowers and • tree planting, ben- ches and street stapes we have come to ap- preciate. Businesses within a designated core area of the square donate through a sPecific tax, and, these funds accompanied with government grants finance the beautification of the square and radiating streets. With over 80 members, the Shopper's Square Association co-operatively works together to advertise through promotions the core area. They are interested in main- taining the attractiveness of their business area for tourists and residents alike. The executive, elected for a two year term, meet once a month. They financially con -- tribute individually and collectively to a. large number of volunteer organizations in the community. In the past they have con- tributed towards the Christmas Decora- tions that impress us all, located in the square during the festive season. The Suncoast area has two associations. The Suncoast Strip Association with its 40 members, and the Suncoast Mall Mer- chants Association pay particular atten- tion to their 'business- area. Since October 1975, the Suncoast Mall Merchants -Association has continued to grow to 23 participating members at present. They, too, have financially supported other volunteer 'organizations, either as iq- div#dual or as an association. They offerto any charitable association in the com- munity a location in the mall hallway, free of charge, for their fund-raising activity. They have been involved with sponsoring the "Linda _Reid Day" where the mall mer- chants contributed 1 per cent of their total sales in order to send Linda and others to the Summer Olympics. One member of the association has a dream to see a community celebration in promoting •"Founder's Day". Busy gain- ing support from other volunteer organiza- tions, his dreams may soon become a reality. On June 28th, Tiger Dunlop and Colonel Galt founded Goderich and this group would like to possibly see a statue commenorating the founder located on. Highway 21 South, welcoming tourists and residents to Goderich. With the Optimist Festival, and the Canada Day Celebrations all happening during the same time period - what "a time to ,celebrate our beginnings! ! ! • ttecognitlon should go to our local businesses who contribute so much to our community. Their concerti for the beautification of our town so that we all share the pleasure in should be acknowledged by us. We should patronize these local businesses who sponsor our sporti teams, financially support our organizations through donations and volunteer their time within these associa- tions. I applaud their efforts arid I hope you join me in thanking them for their con- tributions to our community. JACK'S FINISHING & ANTIQUES •Stripping & Refinishing •Furniture & Antiques For Free Estimates call: Corner of Goderich & 526-7013Loftus, downtown Auburn CORRECTION SUNSATIQNAL SALE FLYER Page 4 - Item 13, Junior 54" Water Ski Set No. 79-7013-2. Copy Reads: Laminated maple with slalom keel on one ski. This is incorrect. This set does not have a slalom keel on one ,ki. Page 6 - Utility car mat No. 31-2023X. Copy Reads: 161/2" x 23". This is incor- rect. Should Read: 16'/2" x 18'/4". Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you, our valued customers. CANADIAN TIRE Lindsay Hurd and Paula Glew prepare themselves for a birds eye view of the Square during the Kinsmen Summerfest last weekend. The ferris wheel was, once again, one of the more popular at- tractions of the midway. (Photo by Bob Bundy) Welland couple visits Local Congratulations to Grace Johnston who graduated from CHSS with honors and received her Grade 12 diploma. She is 'the daughter of Larry and Helen Johnston of RR 1, Auburn. She will attendFanshaw College in the fall. Sheis employed for the summer months with OMAF as a forage crop tester. Congratulations. to Larry Plaetzer and Linda Cunningham who were married on July 11 at Knox United Church. Larry is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer and Linda the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cunningham. Mr. and Mrs. Stan McNall of Welland and Mrl. and Mrs. R.J. Young of •Stratford were recent visitors with Ellen Johnston and Laura Phillips. The Walkerburn CLub The Walkerburn Club met at the home of Mrs. Elliot Lapp on June 30. The business was conducted by the president Mrs. 'Leonard Archambault. Depending on the weather it was decided to have the annual picnin on August 18 or 25. This will be held at the Auburn Community playground, Londesboro Schoo or .Ball's Grove. Mrs. Garth McClinchey and Mrs. E. Lapp were appointed to be responsible for the races and games, while Mrs. Roy Daer and Mrs. Archambault look after the lunch. Everyone is to bring picnic lunch and drink a usual. • The business closed and two games were played. Mrs. Arhamabault and the guest, Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer, were the lucky winners. A delicious lunch provided by Mrs. T. Rutledge was served by the • hostess and the meeting closed. ' Huron Chapel Huron Chape w. as probably the only place where a fire was lit on a sultry Sunday last week. The congregation rejoiced in its lighting, nonetheless, for it consumed the Auburn AUBURN Mildred dLawlor, 526-7589 loan agreement with the Canada East District of thee Missionary Church, which signified the repayment in full of $20,000, borrowed five years ago in order to pur- chase a parsonage. The loan was discharg- ed five years ahead of schedule. Taking part in the ceremony were the two oldest members of .the congregation, Dougals Campbell and Viola Rait1 by. Kim Baan represented the young people of the church and David Rolston, one of the original founders, lit the flame. Pastor James Carne announced that, co -incidental with the retirement of all debt, a, gift of $100 had been received that would establish a building fund designed to help finance future church expansion needed to ac- comodate a growing Sunday school. Huron Chapel was glad to welcome back as guest speaker for its lath anniversary celebrations, the Rev. Ross Nicholls, former pastor of the Goderich Free Methodist Chur- ch,who was instrumental in the establishing of this former interdenominational church in 1971. In 1980Huron Chapel united with the Missionary Church of Canada. The Graham Sisters, a ladies -trio from Hillsburgh, On- tario, were also enthusiastically received, having ministered in the anniversary ser- vices of one year ago. Pastor Garne reported that 19 children had attended Trail of The Pines Missionary Camp at Stayner the previous week, and all had a wonderful time. Golden Gate Seniors hold picnic Members of the Golden Gate Seniors and guests were welcomed by president Margaret Swan as they assembled for their annual picnic at the Lions Club Harbour Park on Wed., July 8. A varied program of sports included some guessing games. Adelaide Feagan won the jelly bean contest. "The Price is Right" items were won by Mabel and Arthur Young. A myster raffle was won by Adelaide Feagan who discovered a new Further reductions on our SPRING & SUMMER clothing40 0 off O LUMINAR VIDEO VT1450 NO mitt.; DOC St eo recording And pinybeet< on all 3 apoeda with Dolby' TM NIS 3 video hoods: for perfect litter tree special effects aitch ao ported picture pause .a{9w motion tram,, by frame nd enhanced ostial soarch Digital Interface RemoteTM Control ScanalockTM fully Automatic tuning nyslem Cable Ready 119 channels Sua1•In MTS Stereo decoder. Television unified. 4 event% 14 day all channel timer Program*nabla in% Wit recording timer 5 minute memory power back up RSpeat play, Simulcast sound recording. AC outlet 13 hour tot -coding using T1130 Tape Memory atop Rewind with pout01 Off VirlAn m4Arl Pelting AI,IOMAIIC revnnd Suitt in AlC IaCanmelic level cnntrofl High speed equal search IS Alla %peed% Automatic timer One button recording Alllnn,AtiG pnwer.n 'Dolby ,a a *stared trademark of Dolby Labs Inc 2 YEAR WARRANTY y r! M i14111 l i'Li r All Iij I1 .1(#111;e:!::: lm anlmMumnt11llilllAll 11014111 MiligII iiii1NiNl E&T ANTENNA • $89995 m {° ';: 211 Bayfield Rd., Goderich 524-4831 Main t., Varma 4812-7'129° Canadian dollar coin inside nested boxes. Dropping clothes pins into a milk bottle was won by Myrtle Fowler. Bean bag toss ended in a three way tie. Arthur Young introduced a new contest this year -lawn bowling withe Florence Reed placing first and Marguerite Horton second. Then the rain came down and I Bingo games were enjoyed inside the shelter. Potluck picnic lunch followed with cold and hot beverages. GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR. WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1987—PAGE 7 eart Answers WHAT IS CPR? CPR, or cardiopulmonary resusci- tation, is an emergency Iifesavi.ng technique used by one or two people to artificially maintain another person's breathing and heartbeat in the event the func- tiohs suddenly stop. CPR com- bines mouth-to-mouth breathing and chest compressions to keep oxygen -rich blood flowing to the victim's brain until an emergency service with advanced life support is available. Contact your local Heart and Stroke Foundation of, Ontario for more information. 1 When You Need The Best! For the best in complete Hair Care call... HAIR DESIGN 48 East St. 524-4781 THE FALCONS NEST Woodcrafts 524-6318 RR #5, Goderich CaII for appointment to see full line of woodcrafts. Also, see our display of woodcrafts at... ROWERS FOR TODAY GIFTS FOREVER 166 The Square, Goderich 524-8761 TIGER DUNLOP DAYS July 3ist -august 3rd ONLY 16 Days Away For additional information contact the Goderich Tourism Office at 524-6600 WE DESTORY CHINCH BUGS AND AL.L OTHER INSECTS EVIDENCE OF DAMAGE: Local Dead Spots _! Abundance of Birds Abundance of Weeds ',Thinning or Yellowing of Grass CALL TODAY ... •WRITTEN GUARANTEE •GOVERNMENT LICENSED CALL THE LAWN EXPERTS $GBBY,d4tH LAW SPRAY of Goderich 1 ,+ "GUARDIAN OF THE NATION'S LAWNS" — WE KNOW YOUR BUSINESS! 0 0 STOP LAWN DISEASE AVAILABLE= ONLY FROM THE EXPERTS BOBBY- LAWN- SPRAY— PLUG CORAERATIONTM The 524-9522 removal of Thatch and Soil to allow proper water, air and fertilizer penetration and to promote disease resistance! A MUST FOR YOUR LAWN SMITH'S FARM & GARDEN CENTRE We're Puzzled Pin Can You Help Us Solve Oyr Mystery Puzzle! :!d There will be 12 clues, one a week until September 30/87. Each clue will be displayed in our front window. Your expertise is needed to guess which "country" the clue represents. Then, just come in and pick-up an entry form. G006 LUCK! GRAND PRIZE TO BE DRAWN SEPTEMBER 30th. WIN! WIN! Many other door prizes to be given away also! Marlin alk Harbour Light IMO, Travel 68 Court House Square, Gpderic 524-7335 q