The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-07-15, Page 6PAGE 6—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1987 PAUL'S , ii i L V R Y DELIVERY IS RE-ESTABLISHED .aa na/) (KO)) Paul and son Shawn are backed by 25 years of experience in moving anything from groceries to grand pianos. We are willing, eager and able to serve all your needs. We are well equip- ped with all the necessary tools of the trade to provide efficient, clean, careful, courteous service. "WE WILL APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE" "YOU WILL APPRECIATE OUR PROFESSIONALISM" & S MOVING & DELIVERY LOCAL MOVING AND DELIVERY 524®6811 CALL ANYTIME 1 G Outfitters ,_ SUMMER SALE Impulse Video Fish Finder Model 6800 Micronar Colour Video Fish Finder Model M700 Daiwa 47H Levelwind Shimano 200 Levelwind ...... Omni Brougham Graphite D.R. Rod ....................... Salmon Slayers ................... All Dominion Lures ............. Scotty Rod Holders Scotty Laketroller D.R. $599'5 • $699 95 s $7995 $ 789" ..... $2995 • 3 $'99 1/2 PRICE $2595 $3995 $8995 Minn Kota Electric Motor .... *See our new line of hunting clothing! '87 Archery equipment arriving soon. Hunting 8 Fishing Licences available. * Sale ends July 31st * 482 Kincardine Ave., Kincardine 396-3529 *Turn left on Kincardine Ave., 1 km. on left !W!Iy News PUC.an town discuss auditin venture Discussion concerning an auditor for the Goderich. Public Works Commission resulted in two motions being made at the recent PUC meeting. Currently, the 1987 auditor for the Goderich PUC is Pannell Kerr MacGillivray. Although the PUC is satisfied with their auditor, the commis- sion members distussed the concept of having one auditor for the town and the PUC. %."I think it doesn't make sense to have a different PUC auditor and a different town auditor. 1 think they should be the same," Fred Durst, PUC secretary -treasurer, said. The commissioners decided to remain with Pannell Kerr MacGillivray for the 1987 year, however commissioners ap- proved a motion for the PUC secretary - treasurer to Meet with Larry McCabe, town administrator, to explore the calling of auditing tenders for ..1988as a joint venture. "They can disci.the ins and outs, pros and cons of a jointture," PUC commis- sioner Herb Murphy said. A report on their findings is to be presented at the October PUC meeting. Statue dedication At last week's PUC meeting, Dr. Jim Peters, commission member, discussed the upcoming dedication of a statue in St. Jacobs. Dr. Peters felt the Goderich PUC should be represented at the unveiling of the Schneider statue in St. Jacob's on September 14. Discussion on sending representatives to the ceremony was tabled until the August meeting. Watering bylaw While discussing water rates for swimm- ing pool owners, some discussion on the Goderich lawn watering bylaw occurred at the PUC meeting. The bylaw, which basically splitsthe town in two divisions apd allows homeowners in these divisions to water PUC BRIEFS every -other -day, is not being upheld accor- ding to commission members. "There have been no convictions of off - time watering of lawns this year," Evert Middel, PUC manager, said. "That is a mockery,okthe law," commis- sioner Herb Murphy noted. Commissioners ' agreed that the $10 charge for a first offence of the lawn watering bylaw does not seem to bother anyone. A second offense results in a fine of $30 while a third offense can constitute the turning off of the homeowner's water. "We need to get some teeth into that bylaw," Murphy stated. GJ It was agreed that the PUC manager should approach the Goderich bylaw of- ficer to discuss the situation. Long service awards The Municipal Electrical Association ( MEA) Long Service Awards are to be presented to eligible candidates at the MEA Annual Meeting to be held in Goderich on September 16, 1987. These awards are presented to PUC commission members who have served 10 and 20 years on the 'commission. • Eligible Goderich candidates include Ben Sheardown, Dr. Jim Peters, Herb Murphy and PUC manager Evert Middel. A motion was made that eligible com- missioners and management personnel be recognized and their applications submitted. Library promotes books This spring the Huron County Library has been actively promoting its talking book service. To reach potential talking book patrons (anyone who is unable to read print due to a visual, physical or perceptual disability), more than 125 let- ters were mailed out to Huron County doc- tors, service clubs and community groups. This promotional project has been a great success. In addition to increased community awareness, many Huron Coun- ty organizations have generously donated towards the purchase of talking books. To date $1685. has been collected for this wor- thwhile service. Donations have ranged from $10 to $500. A very heartfelt thank you is extended from the Huron County Public Library Board to all the groups and in- dividuals who have supported the library's talking book service. In order to give proper credit to all sup- porters, talking books purchased by these funds will be labelled with 'the donor's name. The Library Board will also apply for matching Wintario funds to further in- crease the talking book budget. - -Accurate-- Grades Competitive_ Prices Winter Soft White Wheat such as Augusta, Houser, Frankenmuth Fredrick varieties. Fall Seed Wheat Order your fall seed wheat from us. We handle the popular Augusta wheat, as well as Houser, Fredrick ond Harus. W.G. Thormpson's will again be offering "Cer- tified Monopol Hard Red Wheat for sale this, fall. aM Mitchell 340.8433 Seaforth 345-2S45 5l t).s /'I ifTIr1.I Pt. Albert 529.1901 Aikrll Craig 293.3223 Granton 225.2360 In a recent survey of 27 libraries in the Ontario Library service area- of Saugeen, it was shown that only 3 libraries (Kit- chener, Guelph and Cambridge) have larger talking book collections and more registered patrons than Huron County. Huron . County has a larger number of children using its talking book service than any other library in the Saugeen area. The generosity of Huron County service clubs and community groups will allow the library to maintain and increa his high level of service., The library I be able to correct some of the weak eas -in its col- lection such as the s 11 number of children's titles currently vailable. If you know of anyone w o could benefit from the library's talking book collection, please tell them about this completely free service. Once they have a certificate of elegibility signed by a health professional (doctor, nurse, therapist etc.), they will become a registered,talking patron. If you would like to learn. more about talking books, phone the Huron County Public Library Headquarters at 524-2105. DENOMME FLOWER SHOPPE INC. Phone 524-8132 DAY OR NIGHT BOOK & GIFT SHOP Just oft the Square on East Street, Beside the Post °Mee. Your Community Card Shop •Grouting Cards •Party Ware •Office Supplies •Books & Gifts •Wedding Stationery SINGLES DANCE Sponsored By Single Socialite Club CANDLELIGHT Downstairs JULY 25th 9p.m.-1.a.m. No Jeans DARRYL J. BEATTIE 20-26 Bennett St. E., Goderich • Phone 524-9588 Reprrsonting SOUTH EASTHOPE FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office: 9hvistock, Ontario (5191 e55-011 Providing Insurance For RESIDENTIAL FARM AUTOMOBILE 4