Exeter Times, 1916-3-2, Page 3HOW NAVY FOUND FOE'S SUB DEPOTS FLOATING OIL TANKS THAT HIO. Ti NY SU (DVS Nothing Inventea by Germane for Foe U -Boats Escaped the Woman's Health Needs Constant Care in Relief Work Work and Worry Leaves Her a Victim of Many Distressing Ailments Every Woman's heath is peculiaalei dependent upon the condition of her blood, How .trearly Women suffer with headache, pain in the back, poor ap- petite, weak digestion, a constant feel - The rue e adopted by the enemy to ina of weariuess palpitation of the supply his submarines evith fuel mid ' ' stores have been manifold, writhe a heart, shortness of breath, pallor and special correspoudent in the Edinburg nervousness. If you have any OL Scotsman, •these symptoms you sheult1 begin to It is on record that an enemy sub- day to build up your blood with Dr. ,arine was a spectator of an impor- Williams Pink Pills. Under their use taut phase Of the Anal departure from the nervoas energy of the body b ee- , the Gallipoli Peninsula of the allied stored as the blood becomes red and forces, but there were rieks invalVodAll pure , and • the entire system ' is an attempt to interfere with the op- strengthened to meet every demand ra etions, and the submarine took no risks. • upon it. They nourish every part of Submarine supply rrangementthe body, giving brightness to the e s in the Mediterranean were not 80 wen eye and color to the: cheeks and lips, advanced when War broke out as Mrs, Sas. S. Frants, Oakwood, Ont., , they were in the,northern waters, The says: "I should have written long ago Germans had foreseen his difficulties to tell what Dr. Williams Pink Pills in the Noith. His purpese had did for me, but 1 suppose it is better • been well defined, and hie plans were late than never. • In June, 1913, I had complete and his depot e stocked. •th go to an hospital for an operation • The underwater depots of the • Ger- f.1 • female weakness I was in the man submarine service were not creat- . • ed after the beginning of hostilities.• hospital for a month, before I was Something of the care which had been able to get home. _Three weeks ante; bestowed by Germany upon • peace_ this I started for a trip to the Pacific time preparations for the war at sea coast, in the atope that my health may be realized from an ineideat in would further improve. On the way which two vessels of °lir county class I stopped to visit a sister in Southern figured many moths ago. The ves- !Alberta, and on arriving at her home • sels were on duty in the NTorth Sea, (after a 35 ntile drive), I was coma out from the eastern edge of the Dog- pletely done out. I found my sister • ger Bank. Quite a lively time was expert_ ill, her baby having been born the enced on one of the ships when week before. As there was no one • In the dis'tance an object which ap. to help, I had to take care of the child peered to be a periscope was seen just lifting above the surface of a very calm sea. The Floatine Tank The sighting ship was about to warn her neighbor when from the latter ves- sel also the suspiciaus Object was seen, A. pretty game at once developed be- tween the two ships. It was a game which hacl been fatal to submarines of the enemy before, but on. this occasion the prospective victim was unrespon- sive. - The supposed periscope remained • where it had first appeared, despite the wiles of the cruisers. The uni certainty did notalast very long, and as soon as it was realized that, what- ever the object was, it certainly was not a periscope, there was an examin- ation by launch, and the young naval officer in charge of the examing party received what was perhaps the greatest isurprise of his career. The object which had sent the cruisers, on a merry dance was a 'eery unpretentious buoy, made in • Germany. It was hauled abeerd tlae launch, and • the light tackle which held• it was- carefully gathered in. Then came, zwirled in seaweed, hea- vier tackle came the surprise. Running gear; devised and shackled with great Ingenuity, was set free, and the launch crew hauled away happily. Up to the surface hove a great steel tank. Thus was found one of the first petrol supply depots set under the sea. The problem of dealing with the "neutral" supply ship is much more difficult in the Mediterraneau than it proved in the North Sea and in nortb- ern waters generally. A serious prob- lem enough it was in the North. • Supply Boats • Trawlers in scores took the risk of war and eame out to the fringes of the Dogger Bank to glean what they • could of fish or information. We are respectful of the rights and feeling ot neutrals. But there came a day of reckoning all along the Dogger Bank, and of what eves found In the- weeding - out took place many interesting things might be told. Here is an instance: There waa a surprise one breezy dawn for a tiny group of British trawlers on that Bank. Examining des- • troyers rushed oat of the west, and were in the midst of the fishers almost as soon as sighted. Every trawler bore an English number, and every one had certainly done some fishing. There 'en , not a single hold but held some of the ,spoll of the deep. And there was •one hold in particular which seemed well filled. • That was the traitor •ship. The "hold" was not much more than a depressioe. It was a false, hold, fit- • ted over the real hold and the real cargo. Under that shallow cupped upper "hold" with its burden of fish there was the real hold with its, bur- den of supplies for submarines, ifs • wireless outfit, Rs bombs and benzine. • Sbe was one of the best examples of her kind taken. • The submarine supply slaps' were very sadly shaken up that week, and none more effectively than one traw- ler, which was actually a cleverly eon- structed Oil teak, "deublo skinned" all over! Neutrals have but little reason to grunable if the British Navy has a now an inquisitive way, with it. • The lajtooncrete blocks" which were .proved :to be oil cases, the coil•s of new haw- n.•hers which yielded each its little tank of petrol, the copper -packed "tunnels" of Innocent tramp steamers, have not been forgotten, The Sort Mother Made. A newly married couple had had.' a little dieagreenient about some cakes which the wiae lied made. The hug. band eomplained that thole his Mo. they teed to peodues were far super - or. On the next day the girl set be- fore him a plate -of hot cakes. "New you have achieved somethingl" he exe elaimed enthusiestieally, "These are • eXactIy like the cake mother used; to Inake. Bow did you do it?" Ill 'Will ' Ohre you the recipe," replied the wife hi°Idly, "X teed margariue inetead of atter, egge a Week old; 1 put alum in e flame, and added plenty Of ' Water , fo the Milk." • and do the housebold work, and in the three weeks that passed before my slater took charge I was com- pletely wera out, and again nearlyill. However,I started on my westward trip, and decided to stop off at Banff, leseigeOnaesealeetarasesestemeseseates," •'there ean be little doubt, and the duty of preparing 01118 Mede evident, The eme war voiturts with blaelc whites that brood over Europe as beralders of poverty, eorrow and death, are liable to migrate te new fields, and America may be the next to supply the harvest of .death. But I greatly mistake if they find .America ea- un- prepared as peaceful Enrope wale when the Kaiser tet hootile foot on 13elgium soil. The fri;trdal, ittArit thie great country is being groused as never be - for since 1861 -goaded on Withont doubt by the tragic lessons taught by the present relentlees struggle, A nation that sneers at its solemn treaties not' to 'he trasted in any way, and the only safety for Anima lea lies in being abundantly prepared to repell • any aggression, and assert her rights, come what' may. This conviction 18 rapidly settling down upon Americail thought to -day, and every effort is being put forth to strengthen her defenses, and increase her naval strength. •• The capacity of a democracy to quieldy employ its resources is pro- verbial, zee history elemonstrates, Like Canadians, born and matured undee civil and . political freedom America ha e a heritage to fight for, and has never been found lacking in those stern qualities that make the in- vineible, daring and • unconquerable soldier. LADY ALTASTAIR TNN-itER, one of Louclon'S wealthieut society women, who is indefatigable iia work. Her husband is a bro- ther of the Duke of Roxburghe. 40W AMERICANS VIEW THE GREAT WAR. 13y Chas. M. Bice, Denver, Colo. , In the U.S. the individual right of where I remained a week, but it did not seem to help me, and I resumed Pr°Per€3' has always been regarded as one of the most sacred (if all hu - my journey. On the train I took sick, man institutions. Trespass here, upon and could nob eat, and as I was alone property rights is one a the blackest my condition was pitiable. Finally the of sins, ,and hence Imperialism finds porter wired ahead to North Bend for it iinpossible to understand America. a doctor to see me. The doctor want- ed me to leave the train and go to al But it is just this abhorrence to thein of trespass that has lent the hospital, but I determined to continue peculiar sanctity to all American my journey to Vancouver. The media treaties with Canada as with the rest eine the doctor gave me did not help of the world, for which the country me, and I was getting worse all the time,. And then a young man who had' is The 11.8, has 100,000,000 of people the opposite berth asked me if I would I Canada has 10,000,000, and though we try Dr. Williams Pink Pills and gave need many things that Canada .pos- me a box he had. I used these and the sesses, it is unthinkable that "We porter got me two more boxes, and by the time I reach&I my journey's end I should take what we want and explain was feeling some better. I stayed two afterwards" a la German policy. There is not a fort front Maine to months on the coast, and continued Victoria along the 3,000 miles of the • taking Dr, Williams Pink Pills all that "e timCanadian frontier, but if wadopt- e. I had gained in weight and- ap- pearance, and when I started for home ed Germany's policy we would have I felt better than I had done for years. to erect fortifications all along the d route, an keep one or two Millions Now I always keep Dr. Williams Pink of men drawn from fatm and factory Pills in the house, and both my hus- to defend them, and our neighbor band- and my young daughter have would have to do the same. In some been benefited by their use. I bless European. states the nation is every - the day that young man on the train thing, the individual nothing, Thank gave. me his box of pills, otherwise I Heaven! This worship is confined to might never have tried them, and and chiefly to one „ • the Central Powers, would liana still been an invalid. You can get Dr. Williams Pink Pills of these. Absolute power is ,always from any medicine dealer or by mail, prolific of mistakes, and thisis the at 50 cents a box or six boxes for sequence of endless adoration, for it destroys the ruler's power to think $2.50 from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. a MILLION WORKING FOR NAVY. in straight or consistent lines. Flat- tery is sure to conceal weakness, and no man is so unfortunate as the man who is put on a throne and lifted up — beyond the reach of plain truth -tell-; Official Figures Given - Fighting ing. No ruler is charged with more ser- ious diplomatic blundees than the Kaiser. I He was dead sure that England Strength Over 300,000. The magnitude of the work going on in the navy is shown in a letter from the Admiraltir to Sir Gilbert Parker, answering his inquiry in the 's 'should remain neutral, because of a little dispute with Ireland.. Italy British House of Commons. The navy proper had 146,000 'officers and men will be a German ally because of the when the war broke out, now inereas- Triple Alliance. Belgium will be ed to 320,000, with authority granted neutral, and allow us to trespass on for a further increase to 60U ---,000 of- h. i f we promisendemnity when the wan her property and destroy her homes i ficers and men, besides 67,000 naval is . reserves. There are also 85,000 men over. Franceis unprepared and ' weak and we will Paris within engaged in work. at Royal dockyards , ' and •other naval establishments anthree weeks.cla several times that number on Adm_. . An alliance with Turkey will bring alty Work under contract and sub, on a holy war, in which, al/ Islam will contract. I join. Japan will hold Russia, in check, There are also the men engaged and leave es a free hand in the Bal - in getting coal for the fleet, dockside! ' Hers, oilers, mine -sweepers, supply garia, Italy and China, etc. workers and civilian crews • The Czar will be attacked henlacil- ships, etc, anclof men and women col-. These are but a few of the Kaiser's The en- geged. in making clothing and pre- paring food. Thomas J. Maenamara, Financial 'Secretary of the Admiralty, adds: "LC asked to put the matter in a Sentence., 1 should say that for every man in the navy, of wheat there are something like 300,000, there are cer- tainly two persons and poseibly.even three ab work on ship constraction, repairing and contributing to the gen- eral efficiency and fighting ability of the fleet." • An aggregate of more than a mil- lion persons engaged in various breeches of naval work is thus shown, GUARD THE BABY AGAINST COLDS Ito e;uarcl the Baby against eolds nothing Can equal Baby's Own Tab. tete, The Tablets are' a mild laxativu that will keep the little ones stomash and bowels *exiting regalaaly. n is a recognized -fact that where the stomach and. bowels are in good- or- der' that colds will -not exist; bliat the health of the little ones will be good and that he will thrive and be happy and ,good-natiired, The Tablets ere sold by Medichte dealers or 'by mail at 25 cents a box front The Williams Medicine 0o,, )3rockvil1e, Qnt. ' iTP Were a Boon to a Paisley Man DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CURED • PAIN IN IHS BACK. Mr. Jas. A. Bryce 'fells Why He Recommends Dodd's Kidney Pills to All Who Suffer from Kidney Di- sease. Paieley, Ont., Feby. 28th (Special). can highly recommend Dodds Kidney Pills to anyone suffering from pain in the back," says Mr. Jas. A. Bryce, well known and highly re- spected in this neighborhood. "I had been troubled with a pain in my back Lor about a year. "Reading the self-examination page in Dodd's Almanac led me to believe that my trouble came from my kid-! nays so I sent and got a box of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Before they were done I was feeling as well as ever. , "Dodd's Kidney Pills were certainly a great boon to me." Dodd's Kidney Pills act directly on the kidneys. By putting them it con- dition to do their prciper work they accomplish the ein:61/46 regularly re- ported. Healthy kidneys make pure blood and the man or woman who has pure blood coursing through their veins can laugh ab nine -tenths of the ills of life. 4 WAREHOUSE FOR GERMANY Holland is Aiding the Enemy With Foodstuffs Tho London Daily Mail sent an in- vestigator to Holland to ascertain the effect of the British blockade. He Contributes a three -column article, the gist of which is that after patient and careful enquiry, he has come to the conclusion that Holland is being used by the Germans as a warehouse from which goods are taken daily to the German factories, cities and troops. "The Dutch cities.," lio says, "are swarming with German merchants, agents and spies, trading freely. Dutch commerce is inextricably en- tangled with German interests and. German capital," pared you urbineitrr nre sicians, as used for is many years in their practice, now dedicat- ed to the Public and 0 R Eft ST.,...NbyuyrionTioveyrsei.sht. Cleanse, and Strengthen Eyes after exposure to Cold Cuttfng Winds and rent and to restore healthful tone to Eyes Reddened and made Sore by Overwork and Eye Strain. Some broadminded Physicians use and recom. rnend MurIne while ethers perhaps jealous of its Success, talk and rush into print in Oppoi3ition; those whose Eyes need care can guess why, as there is no Prescription fee in Murine. just hand your Druggist 60c and yeti have a Complete Pkg. Eye Book -Muth -se -Dropper -and Cork Screw-• ready tor use,. Try it in your Eyes and in Baby'a Eyes for Eye Troubles -No Smarting -just Eye Comfort. Write for Book of the Eye Free. Maurine Eye Remedy Company. Chicago many diplomatic blunders, but they Janet Knew , demonstrate the danger of elevating An old tenant on Queen Victoria's a man to the throne in whose pre- Balmoral estate used to be greatly senee fawning men 'burn incense, and eoncerned when the Queen went driv- pour forth flattery to nauseation. ing on Sunday afternoons. She even The Kaiser was the first to send ventured to speak about it. 'The fade a hostile and aggressive army, Queen, who allowed a good many 11 - but he had no difficulty, it seems, in berties to her tenantry, smiled, and said to the woman -"But, Janet, the New Testament tells us distinctly that the Sabbath was made for man.» "Aye," seid Janet, severely, "I know It does; and I think 110110 the more of the New Testament for that." convincing his people that it was in self -defense -to save the empire from Russian barbarism, and like nonsense. But Belgium's gallant defense cost Germany the most important weeks of the war, and her high water -mark In the war was reached whee she was With in twenty miles of Paris. Intoxicated with the prospect of victory, like Napoleon at Austerlitz, the waves are feat ebbing away to a fatal Waterloo that surely awaits him. The question America is seriously considering is, obeli Germany he al. lowed to lay ruthless hands upon smaller states. whose territory she may chance to covert? If this ie not 'to be rebulted;whete will it end? We recall that a German professor puhlished in the North American Ite. Vieea time or three years ago, an art - tele in, which he said that "once Ger- many is victorluos in Europe, • the "IVIonrod Doctrine° will go, and the U.8,"will receive the thrashing she so richly deserves." That this echoes the sentiment of the German people Will Crush Germany. The British Ministry replies te the Itaber's encouragement to his people with declaraatone of still firmer dee telmination, end more certain hopes of victory. In spite of the German successes, the British statesmen as. etert that the crushing of C4eanaanY ia near at hand, and that England will soon enter the field with a force of men and a supply • of ammunition against which Germany's waning re. sources cannot hope to contend, The English bankers ,are also full of de- fiance to Germany. They point out how Gerrnany's credit is rapidly fail- ing, while the eesources of Great Beithin aro scarcely touched, ranimeat autos inuntS, Etc, Off to School, Full of Nolow 13sT. ARMY COOKS. Vm an d Pep --Don't Britioh 'war otiice vino nem Efs eram their little "tummies" Th6 ?vtrficoli.ekitt97tanthdeET:toismhi,:141,1v. ontareo with greasy meats, starchy potatoes or other mdigestible foods, One or two Shredded -Wheat Biscuits with hot milk make a warm, nourish- ing meal that supplies all the material needed for their growing bodies. The perfect food to study on, to grow on, to play on. The crispness of the shreds encourages Legions' has demonstrated conelueive- ly that trained women eperating, in their own sphere --particularly iri the arap kitchens -are •'immensely superior to untrained men, Last August the employment of the first women cooks was sanctioned by the War Office. The ,seherne was put forward by Lady Londonderry when, the appalling wastefulness and inef- ficiency in the various camp kitchens became evident. One b.undred women cooks were tak- thorough chewing, which en. Twenty were installed at the Convolescent Hospital at Dartford develops sound teeth and Camp, and the plan was spread to healthy gums, Being ready- Epsom, Eastbourne, and Almviela esei will be to Blackpool, always with a marked improvement. At the Black- pool Corivaleseent Camp alone 160 women will be employed. An Army School of Cookery at which women instruct has now been inaugurated for the training of mili- tary cooks- who will serve at the front. Thirteen women are already engaged in this work. cooked, it is so easy to pre- pare a warm, nourishing meal with Shredded Wheat in a few moments—no kitchen worry or work. Made in Canada, GERMAN SLOW CANCER. Progressive Deterioration of the En- emy's Military Strength. An allied • diplomatist, discussing the progress and prospects of the war with a Reuter representative, mentioned the feelings of depression mid impatience that are expressed Use Any House= hold Recipe with Dr, Jackson's Roman Meal, and bake anything from it If you like, mit not from the oven. It won't ferment. It makes most deliceous baking, prevents Is • • • , • i in various cruarters. • In regard regard _be weeheyetaletetaiedihegoip.1;yensioleiyi saarek.;;,s aT That's lei 014,41.1 1 The best yeast in the world. i iVieelaPS perfect bread, MAtX N E:W:16}Ttiptc,:::::::?:PANY LIMITED 11111 TORONT0,011T. Nee-. nc"frc',15Ntt" IN 41 CANADA4 eh, kt .IAONTREAL • Quite the Contrary. "My husband. tells zrie that he eves out late lastenight with your hus- band." "That isn't so. I want yea to en- derstand that my husband 'was out with your husband." -- Tdinard's Liniment for sale everywhere Clerk -"I'd like to get a. week off, sir, to attend the wedding of a friead." Eroployer-"A very dear frieTad, I should say, to make you -want that much time," Clerk -"Well, sir, atter the ceremony she will be m if " y ve e. SESD POTALTOBB this he IiIaisdu:ppose people are looking fully follow directiens on Package for • send to humanity. Especially try it in t porridge, pancakes, and genie, but care-il for big victories, and fail to discover meldng porridge. For an early break- fast, cook the night before in a double anything of this character during the ex• without stirring and warm in the past months. People seemto foeget livnioifineindgresbsyincrsot tAintggrloiceibrospiinoge anwdat2e5r that we are wearing down the enemy aepts._ and that every month his losses in Made by the Roman Meal Co., Toronto. killed and wounded are such that in many reepects they cannot be re- placed. This we know. for a fact. Not Backward. Country School Teacher-" You no - "Apart from the question of publie ties that boy who stands at the foot opinion, there are also indications of his class? Well, last summer he that all is not well in enemy military was the brighest boy in school." circles. News reaches us of disputes Committeeman -"He is now. I among the German generals, and notiee the foot of the class is nearest there is reliable information that the the stove. Emperor's illness -whatever may be its nature -has had a depresesing ee_ =name's Idnixn.ent Chlr6.1 aridru feet.lt "So far as the enemy is concerned, there can he but one result. I should ' More Portable Shape. A Lancashire weaver recently liken his position to that of one -who joined the army, and, ofter being at is afflicted with slow cancer." Plymouth three months, was allowed • home on a week's furlough. Proud Father -"I belieVe my dear, Visiting his old factory, he was en - that the baby knows as much. as I do." countered by the genial head of the Mother (gazing at the infant) -"Yes, Rain with a smile„ and - poor little fellow." "I hope they made a new man of you?" The soldier replied: Female E -10p sirta I yo' what' they've do ez,. . The. 'en thleunap of IA/anted aim ' back an' p lia on mi Chest, and a lot easier to carry neaw."-London Answers.. In large hoiierY, underwear and sweater factories. Vaeancles in all departments, with openings for experienced or inexperfenced help, Highest wages and matt- erate priced board. Apply, im- mediately, Pearnans Limifed,Paris,010. .. 13001( ON DISEASES P....-- And How to Feed s• Melted free to any address by kliatiCa'S thc Author Planer IL CLAY GLOVER, V. S. • Dog Remedies 118 'West 3Ist Sireet,New York • LEARN MUSIC AT HOME New Method-, Lessens Free Learn To Play , By Note -Piano, fk -' Organ, Violin, Ile:lie, Manacain, V . Cornet, Har,, 'Cello or to sing. Special Limited Offer free weekly lessons. :.. You pay only t music and postage, e, -• which is small. .,.., , extras . 'Beginners ••or advanced pupils. tli-Everything ' illus- trated, plain, simple systematic. Free lec- tures each course. 10 years' suecees, Start at once. Write for Free Booklet To -day -Now, U.S. SCNOOL OP ivroslo, Rox 252. 225 Fifth Ave. Nevr York ditty s! of or No .. toPlit• 4 _ 4' . • t' ,.,_ " ra ..a 442,.A: • oilbogir--- :...= . - ',nu mre/ I. • svevsni4ens,-4. wiprvoz1/4, rm-n- rgerer. ' . l'izie 7:4-:' • , ,,:. FteS-: 1 1 ( ? , • •••''"7.3. - Before plac- ' ing your order for ""'\, I /Fr seeds, see our 1916 Gold - 1 en Jubilee Catalogue it is free ! Seed Corn Per BUs. (Bags free) (70 lbn on cob) Wisconsin, No. 7 .... , , .. 1,80 Bailey Learning, 'White Cap Golden GloW . , 1.76 Longfellow, North Dakota t Coniptons , . ... , . , . .. 1,90 We pay railway freight la On - and Quebec oxt all orders over $25.00 40.1tE1 OsiSOit-;:--- s r•• DS • • ,, - TOit,t•NTO Notice to Stal- lion Owners Tit. iampoetiom of atellioaii maim:. the °Marie ?station t nrerment Aot, vein commence ),•teron, iaardi ,, 191.6, AU isepliteitiOate 1':fot elt. rellitent OM thispeettottl ,,A,ti4Olint'• pentea ay the proem/ toil; litakt e • ile the aseweteryes effiell, *MO . moo anitatuirs, Termite, by Veva, I inn. Zu (mom or applhiatioxim re4 'hayed after 140,ren 1.34114 Lielfzie4e tion will only be aue.de at fitereaeita anemia to (Amore, Addiales eat ,, erioaro,stuonlyrtotuonto :toll. tairo; Ziteatvoes. meet Saud, aharliemeat latildiags, teorouto. NOTICE TO STALLION OWNERS. The inspection of stallions under the Ontario Stallion Enrolment Act will commence IVIarch 23rd, 1916. Stallion owners will notice that horses inspected in the Fall of /914 do not require to be inspected at this time but all other horses inspected previous Lo the Fall of 1914, which were nob then eight years old, must be inspeit- ed in order to be enrolled for 1916. Application should be made at once to the Secretary of the Ontario Stal- lion Enrolment Board, R. W. Wade, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. In the Same Boat. Sam had come home from school - hungry as usual. Tossing his spell- ing book on the kitchen table he hastened to the pantry and began an investigation of cake box, cupboards, and cooky jar. Suddenly the back door bell rang, Leaving his unprofitable search, Sa,muel went to answer. On the steps stood an unshaven, long-haired man whose clothes needed a. tailor and a laundry worker. "I'm hungry," began the stranger, in a lovr, agrieved tone, "and should like something to eat." "Well, so'm I," confided the boy, "but you know Ive ben a huntin' for ten minutes an hain't found athing!" alinarda Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen, -My daughter, 13 yrs. old, wan thrown from a sleigh and iniured her elbow so badly it re- mained stiff mai very painful for three years. Pour bottles oil 3,IINseRD'S LINIMENT completely eared her and elle has not been troubled for two years. • 'Yours truly, J. 13, LIVESQUE. St. Joseph, la 0., 18th Aug., laare A Fine Stream. A country;gentleman in Ireland, having small sporting estate to sell, advertised it, and soon afterwards a gentleman called to see him about it. "Well, sir," said he, "X have been over ,that estate you advertised, and find It all right except that fine trout stream yeti Mehtioned." "It tuns through th0 Wood. IA ti lov4r Part o tho 8eid the landeWher, "What( That little brook? .A'vpy, doesn't hold mita, more than:a ijiaan- .1`. AM Mai if you were kOtipty wliter into it, it wonia • *,• 1701.1 don't call that a fine stream youl° Vaith,'" said. the 'owner, blandlY, "If it Were much finer you couldn't Bee it 4411," Mintirtiee sistiment reenessea L a EINers P•O;13‘11T„OvaE• 0014-rSi 0 e 1•- 'der at onc, Supply l'i'inited Write for quotations. IL W. L'-wson, Ilrarnpton. AGHNTS WANTED ADY °It GENTLEMAN WANTED „LI in every town. .Attractive pro - ()shies,. big money, write Jarlis, 344 - Runnymede Road, Torontv. 001 P.Ifilt DAY, SAL:N.1W ,AND COM - ST/ ...I mission for lady represeetative in her home district. Work pleasant, e,du- eative, expenienoe unn005ssary. /slick Is Limited, Publishers, Torohto, 7intrWSPAPPRS PON 1111191ROFIT-MAKING NEWS ANL JOB A Offices for sale in s .od Ontario towns. Tito most useful and Interesting of ell businesses. Full information on application to Wilron Publishing Com- pany. 73 West Adelaide St Toronto. MOAN W.A.FITED, TEN 'YEAR LOAN' OF S50,000 ON ONE Ilanches It, Southern Altte;•ta,. Ing to ,glve inortga,e back far 138,000 at" 8 p.e. interest paid the first year, after that one-tenth of prinelpat. T. M. Ruff, Alberta Block, Lethbridge, Alta. FARMS PON SAME} 111PRis?'VED QUA.RTER SECTION, baInhle from town of Saskateliev,tan. Clay loam; well located. $22 per acre, part eash, balance half crop Payments, or 120 all cash. S. B. Booth, Heyden. Sault Ste IVIarle, Ont. PI -EMS NiTA1'fTB11 AvANTED - FARM, ABOUT HALF improved or relinquishment of 160 acres or more in Ontario. /gust be ban'- gain. State price. location. Address Box 64, Fort William, Ont. '4 Ezra, lAr.e.NTED NAT uOLEN MILL HELP, CARDERS, If 1" spinners and weavers. We will pay inexperienced help while learning weaving. Good wages paid in till these departments, and steady work for months to come. For furtherpar tieu- lars, apply to the SlingsbY Manufactur- ing Co., Ltd- Brantford, Ont. ItGAOlitINEXOT .171j iNGLIES, MARINE AND STATION..- .8'J ary, new and second-hand bargains. get list. Guarantee Motor Co., Hamil- ton, Canada. FOB $ALE preniotaineo NEWFOUNDL A N 11 /nappies for sale. Alsq few Per. elan kittens. IL, A. Gillespie, Abbots- ford, Quebee. MISCELLANEOUS. C.A.NCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, EITEL internal and external, cured with- out pair: by our home treatment. Write um before too late. Dr. Bellman Medlear Co„ Limited, Colling,wood. Ont. S $ SEIIMUDIAN salla from New York March 1 and 8. S.S. EVANGELINE sails front New York March 1 and 11. Pares, Winding meals and tate. only 628 and Kt. APplY for tickets and booklet li. 9. PATEIGINI. Gen. Mimi, Canada 5.2. Lines, Limited, 46 Tonge St., Toronto. or any ticket agent. eismirgshi 2421= BER Lit The Ideal Winter Resort alIUfui PriV6B, Saddle • Golf, Tennis', rimming, ishins and Se'a Bittliitt5. Present Gar. ' Moon of the Ottawa i2$111) Reg!. Mont. Princess I Nei is Open trope 3»30E17),COLIt WAX Aituated ee the IXEIrbor of xatittiter, Arieemntodetted 400. gates 1 $24 per week and upward, HOWE 4 TWOROGER, fltiai'44141x0 HAMILTON, 14 BERMUDA 3't-flsujg IPI reaohod bY'„tho sileara•• 01'S Of tat El. 2, (fn., DrOttdIve,Y) :w "Srolq‹, ISSUI.; I dhe