HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-2-24, Page 8t:HE • EXETER TIMES. trlrE;sDAY, 'E,CR DART 24t1t, 3,01 Phoma ". .� SEWART Phone 16 OUR SALE CLOSES ON Tuesday! t n MARCH the } . 1~iRST all re anted prices on Groceries and .,.. ... , Dry Goods will be withdrawn Von have 5 days left to get your supply. Our counters are full of Bargains for this Montlh bOCINEIMINIIIMICOMMINOSIMPO SWELL OVERCOATS FOR MEN AND BOYS in the very newest cloths and styles, all at a discount of 15 per cent, LADIES' COATS A few Misses' and Ladies' Coats to he cleared this month at $5.00, $7,50 and $10.00. Don't miss this elaance. FURS AT GREAT REDUCTIONS Ladies' Stoles and Muffs this month at a fraction of their value. Muffs at $3.50, $4.50. $6,00, $S,00, $10 00. Large size Flannellette Blank- ets, per pr $1 30 Carpet Ends, sale price 75c PEN1114N's Shirts and Drawers. each .,,,,. 45c Coors' Cotton Spools, each......... 4c 2,000 yds. New Prints. sale price 10c Me ,`s Sweater 0 i os, sale price $2.25 Stamped Mats, allsize4, 40:, 45c, 500 11 yds, 36 Pa Factory for $1,00 1 vd. wide Fiannellette, 11 yds. for $1.00 123c Linen Towliug, sale price...10c Ladies' Felt Foxed Shoes, sale price •••$L35 Black Messaliae Silk. worth $1.75 yd., February Sale Price ,$1.25 2 MEN'S FUR COATS That is all we have lett. If we have your size our February Sale Price will tempt ycu to buy one. Try them on. LADIES' FUR - LINED COATS Just 2 left, Regular value $65 00. Beautiful Fur Collar and Fine Ker- sey Shell. Sale Price $35. New wait ?dD6rs BOYS' OVERCOATS Regular $6.00 and 37.00 Coats for Ei FOR 1916 Boys from 6 to 14 years. These '--� Coats are away below regular pri- ces. Sale Price $3.00. ARE IN STOCK GROCERY Extra. Standard Granulated Sugar, 100 lb. Bags 5 i1.S5 7 boxes 5c Matches for elle 3 lbs. good Ginger Snap, fw ......25c 6 bars Comfort Soap for 25c 3 pkgs. 100 Powdered Ammonia for. 95c 7 lbs. best Oatmeal for 25c 3 Cans Corn, Feats and Tomatoes 25c 3 boxes Royal Yeast Cakes for 10e Maple Leaf Salmon, large tin 21c BARGAINS 3 pkgs. of Keliog's Toasted. Corn Flakes for 25c 21bs. best Baking Soda for 5c (wart Sealer of Forest City Baking Powder for 20c 4 pkgs. of Corn Starch for.. 25c Shredded Wheat, per pkge IOc 3 plugs•ief McDonald or any other Tobacco for 25c 4 bottles Best Extracts for 25c J. A. STEWART Phone 16 The Big Store with the little prices • +4.+++++++4 LADIES' & GENTS' TAILORING Afull line of Ladies' Spring Suitings, in Gaverdines, Broadcloths, Vicunas, Pop- lins, African Brown, Russian and Laura' Green, etc. New Goods A full line of New Spring Goods ready to be made up according to the latest Spring Fashion Plates, A fine assortment of Men's Suitings and Spring Coatings at reasonable prices. ORDER EARLY 4. O Ni . Sheere 4. i• i• THE RIGH CLASS TAILOR (Jp Stairs, Opposite Central Hotel c -÷÷÷4.4-444.4.4444-44.4.444-444.44 •.• 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4. 4. 4. 4- 4. 4. k 4 Miss E. P.hillirs is atten'di'ng the millinery openings in Toronto. Privcitcs II. Parsons and; B. QHarness Of Parkhill, spent Friday at their tom: s in town, taking in the Park, Lill -Exeter hockey game. Th. Town Hall has been secureid )qr the use of the soldieralas pastime rooms. The present rooms used' as a recruiting office shall be continued, as such. t IF YOUR CHILD IS CROSS, FEVERISH, CONSTIPATED Look Mother! If tongue is coated, cleanse little bowels with f'Caii- fornia Syrup of Figs." Mothers can rest easy after giving `California Syrup of Figs," because in few hours all the clogged -up waste, hour bile and fermenting food gently' moves out of the bowels, and you have • a well, playful child again. Sick children needn't be coaxed to take this harmless "fruit laxative." Millions of mothers keep it handy be - comae they know its action on the stomach liver and bowels is prompt and sure, Ask your drugglat fora 50 -cent bot - tie of "California Syrup of Figs," which eon.taine directions for babies, children Of all ages and for grown-ups. r FURNITURE We can assist you in selecting your furniture if you are going to furnish your home, or if you only want some odd pieces. Our Undertaking De- partment is up to -date in every respect and we guar- antee the best of satisfact- ion. R. N. Rowe The Funeral Director and , Furniture Dcialer PRONE 20a Market Report -The following is i•h, retort of the Rxeter market corrected lip to Vert& 23rd 'Wheat 90o ito $1,06 Oats 42o Barley 50 'to 550 a 60 Buoktt he t . to 72e ' ,Peas $1.00 Family flour $3,'3O. L I (i Low Grade Flour $1.751 Bran $25 per ton. Shorts $26 per ton Butter 28o Creamery butter 36 Eggs, strictly fresh 260 Eggs over 6 days 20o Potatoes $2 25 (Flogs $;KJ.35 HONOR ROLL FOR 161st Battalion Maj. W. J. /Iceman. Lieut. Edgar Torrance Sidney Smith, Hay P.O. Fred Tucker, Exeter John Kendall ;Cornish', Elimville. Hector Heywood, Exeter. . Fred Hopkins, Whalen Sylvanus Cann, Exeter Wilbur Pfaff, Milton Pfaff Harold Bissett Fred. Wells Lloyd Rivers Austin A. Rice' I ' Ernest ,Collingwood. Albert S. Bolton !Wilfrid G. Stewaart E, M. 'Williams, Farquhar Grant Hooper Thos. latrold Wiukineon, Lumley iCy,rif Tuckey 'Ralph W. Batten; Winchelsea Geo, Edwatrd Kellett, Eliniville! David G. Appleton ;Garnet Dan, Crediton, James 'lt, Matrshall ' • Bruce I•I, Matthews, Thames Rd.; John 0, Tang, London Rd. • (W. W. ,Miilson, Exeter Lloyd England, (Crediton Gordon C. Culbert, Centralia Berl Henry lgcdden, {Creditors NJ it lhi in I ydd. Bert givers • Sidney West Ernest 'Harvey ira. Taylor , John Willis Elirlore Willis • 1 r omitaglisumattailtiMMIUMMOINIMPIMIMWOmilatlinili MORE AT MORE PARNELLS' BREAD We deliver it C. L. ILSON 1 Phone us your ORDERS FOR GROCERIES PROMPT DELIVERY C..me in after the Carnival and try an OYSTER STEW. 1 ®000000009 40O0OOOC•00000000 • • •LOCAL • • • •♦.•ate• s••••o• 0 February has only a few ;days left to do its worst. Mr. Mich, Fletcher of horses Monday. shipped a load The rates for auto licenses •this yeas are $10, $15. $25 and 30. Provincial Parliament has been called for Tuesday, Feby. 29th. Messrs. Joe Follick and N..'DlcMur-t' ray spent Sunday last at .Weilburn. Dins. S. Atkinson gave an oyster supper to Ler friends on Monday evening, Pte Tom. Brimacombe, of Sarnia, spent the week -'end with his parentis in town. Mrs. Brown and daughter Betty, are both confined to the house with lagrippe The bfisses Bedford entertained a number of young pecple on Thursday evening last. _ Mrs. Itobt, Pickard 'pleasantly en- tertained a number of friedns ;last Friday evening. Misses Margaret Makins and Edna Brock are attendi ig the ¢niilinery openings in Toronto. The war is still climbing. Th•s is the 570tb'day that Great Britain, has been at war with Germany. • Miss Laura Jory entertained on Monday evening in honor of ther guest Dir. Stewart Amy, of Burford., • Mrs. A. Hooper returned home last Wednesday after spending a few weeks with 'her son Fred at( Salford. Young man I If you are single, and of military age, have you any good 'reason you can advance for not en= listing? M.I•ss:s Will Hooper and Albert Quinn, of 'Salford_ spent the 'week end with the forme:'; •parents, Mr: and Mrs. A 'Hooter. Th.., ice man was beginning' to rvor- a'y over tt' ice harvest but the weath- er of the past we +k has: produced an excellent quality. Huron :County, with a populaton of 49,054. has given $39.378;60, to the Red Cross Fund, ac,cording to rcport issued from 'Toronto. There have been only three Janus arys since the year 1840 with ,aa high a mean temperature as that ea the month of January this year. The "Scout Hustiers" Boys class of Main street ,church are holding their regular bueine.e. meeting and spend- ing a social evening in the church th's Wednesdayevening. Mrs. T. 0. South'cott left Monday for Toronto to meet her brother, Pte. Allan Hobbs, of Winnipeg, who is spending a few days at h;s home prior to going overseas. EASY TQ ()UNWISE ft is k'asy to s't in the sunshine, And t91k to the. titan in t1►e shade; it is et'sy to 'float in a well trate Hied best And point out the putt's to wade. But once we pass into the shadows, We taut mer land reef and frown, And our length from the bank we stout fee' ka, 'plank, Or throw up cur hands and ,go ;down. Mrs. ;Granth, of Leoknow, spent the week end with her parents, ,Mri'and Mrs. 1. Armstrong. On 'Monday in company with Miss May Armstrong she left for Toronto to attend the millinery openings. The optimism for a bumber crop is already looming high in the west, A. winter with lots of snow is usually followed by good crops. It assures a good supply of. meisture. This win= tee there has been lots of ''snow. Mr. Reader 1 Just stop a minute and think how you would feel,' if you had several hundred dollars owing you by as ,rnany rlifferent people. You would feel justified occasionally. in reminding them tbat you could use the money. Mr. G, A. Stanley, of Lucan, preset. - ad in •James street Method'st church. bast Sabbath moreing and i.n'Main street in the ,cveniag in the interests of missions. Hisdiacourl"o was much appreciated by those who had the pleasure of hearing him. Rev, S. W. Duxworthy .and W. G, II. !McAlister 'exchanged pulpits. IB. UTE MARCH' TO CR100ITON C A On Thursday morning of last week the soldiers from Zlcnsill came ,down :and joined with the EXeter boys in a route: march to Crediton where they were royally enter,.rineei to luncheon in tine "Town Hell by the la:diel$ of boa_ oharches. The boys say it was "some feed." 00 ti.eir return the Hassall boys took tLe train for 'botttey It Is easy to s't in our carriage, And counsel the man on. foot; But get down and walk and you'll change your talk, As you feel the,peg in your boot. It ie eiasay to tell the toiler How best 'he can carry .his pack; But no one can rate a burden's weight Until it 'has ;been on his bank. T'be up••'curlcd mouth of pleasure 1Can preach of sorrow's worth; But give it (a sip and a wearer kip was never made on earth. Mr. I `R. (Carling was in London on Monday. Mr. J. W. Powell was in Toronto for a few days last week on business. Mr. Jack Walker of Toronto, visit- ed at his home herr during the past week. Mr. II. I'hill:ps will, conduct the services on the Granton circuit neat Sabbath. A Rap year masquerade carnival will be held at the (rink 'this 'Thurs., d y c: cuing. Maj. W. J. iT1eaman, who is tak'ng a course t 'the London D.Lil:tary School w..s homy far' over Sunday. A p't:iotio euchre evening was given in the Town Hall last•; • Wednes- day evening. Lunch was served by the youri,g ladies. Now teat Zurich, Hensel]. and Dashwood 'have pa oed the neoessary by -Laws, the hydro commiueon wit: be in a 'position to arrange for the ex- tension of the power lines out of Exeter. The:i plan as outlined, by Engineer Wilson provides for a. 4000 volt power line to be ;built from Exeter. to Dashwood along the boun, ary road between Hay and Stephen. Zurich's supply will ,be taken from Saxepta., a .distance of 51-2 miles. Hen - sell will be supplied from Exetetl by a line built biy way of the London road. SOCIAL EVENING. The Willing Woafkers Mi: n cn. C. role' ole of James street Methodist church Laid a social evening in the basement' of the church on 'Dlond'iy evening. Refreshment i aer.sisLing of sand.wichjls pies. cake t r. ccffee were served by the girls in one 'of the class 'roams and the ea •ls did themselves much credit ft_ ,.Le manner in which they took core of the, large crowd, there• being plc cc. a hundred present. After the refreshments a splendid program v''' r' "en as follows: IChor- uses by the Circle; piano solos by Minnie Merner, •Lena Coates and I. Quackenbush; piano iduett by Vera Row cliffe and :Mildred I.Iarvey; also Margaret Sharp and Amy Johns;. vo- cal duetts by Thelma and Mays Ford, also by Alva Ford and Stella., South- cott ; address by 'Miss Tom; recitation by Leila Sanders and two dialogues by a number of ,girls. The president Miss Laura Harvey, occupied the chair in a very capable manner. The evening was a most enjoyable ons. The proceeds amounted to over',$30.00. Have you renewed your eubscrip tion to the Times for 1916? 40Q Cords o'f 'Cord W od Wanted at the, Exeter Salt Wor s Coe Led.( For priceswrite or as upon the llianager,-Jos, Sutton, r, ♦ t 400 Tons of rine, Laid and Cattle Salt for sale. All grades $5.50 per ton; 50o, per bag. -1 xater Salt .•Works Co., Ltd., J. Sutton, Tanager, NEW BUTCHER- to announce that he deliver orders to town. Your pat Phone 103. fIr. Begg desires will call, tar' and ny part of the nage is solicited YORKSHIRE atsGS FOR SALE Young •boars fr, m Romeo sows and, sired by Pine Gr,ye Rover 4 Sweep- stake boar at Toronto and Ottawa, 1915. All elegible for registration. 'Apply to G, ,W' Miners, lt. R. 3, Exeter, PERRY F. DPE, Licensed Auo- tioneer. Sales conducted in any lo- cality,. Terms ,',derate Orders left at crimes office viii be promptly at- tended to. Pho y e 116, lairkton., .Ad. dress Kirkton '.0. SALT FOR ALE. -An excellent quality of Sarni made salt for �a1e at the old Tem ranee House at the G. T R. station . Sold in any quant- ity. Your patro age is solicited and satisfaction is uaranteeld. - ED, MAGUIRE. Exeter. new , FOR SALE Wagons, sleigh cane and every, thing needed to, ;hasp a milk for a milk bnsinesa. Eve Ling up-to-date and in good 'coni ion, A good Mill: Route i f connection. Good reasons for ,selling. 11,. Day and Son, Exeter li. The purchase price of this fa -'sous 1881 Rogers Al Plate F give couptons wit:t every rye. pur- .. W„ abase Iof all the high grade guaran- teed':products made by ,the United Drug Company. We are willing to lose money on the silverware to get you ac- rlueinted with these goods, which are stan- dard in their line. ' aRexall Remedies" Liggett's Candies, Perfumes, Toilet Articles. Brushes, Stationery, Rubber Goods, and hundreds of other'items, household prepara- tions, etc. You cannot afford not to se- cure this popular silverware, when you can get it on our half bought plan. As an ex- ample, this teaspoon that sells for 250. you can get for toe. with coupons. TWO Coupons will be given with every 25c Purchase of Rexa11 Products ONE Coupon with every 25c Purchase of any other article in our store Ask for Coupons and Buy'Vo' ur 1881. Rogers' Al Plate at half price at COLE'S DRUG STORE WHO DARES? THAT FAMOUS 33RD About the famous Thirty-third Their name is beard on every' tongu' Their praisa is sung by old and young. What if there bc a few' who drink? Of this small eau e don't stop to thank And if o few a .eumpus rna'ke Just look at it ae a falistakv Before ccndemr.ing just tank twice Rem. mbcring their ,arcat sacrifice. Who dere.; to say we d3 not know Just what we've each one go'i i,o do? Some s -y, we think wares ea a apit'tct (Of course f hart is'nt you and ne. ) We know we're made of di Jaren, stuff And we will stick through' smooth or rough; With patience we will plod along; We're going soon; it won't 'be Jena; When we shall sail acress the eea To uphold the•flag of liberty:, Who dares to say ourinervel will fail When they our Conrtry's flag assail? If that is so, why should we go , 1 When we have lots of chance, you know, To join the (home guard herd to stay And nevem see the battle's fray ? Oh, no, the empire's call we've heard, And so th•, famous Thirty-third . Shall forward go without a fear, And in the battle's glory share. 1 Who dares to say we'll never,; go to face the emipre's mighty foe ? Of course we're going very soon, For other corps we must make/ room. What do we care whet others say -- Our hearts are firm,` our 'hearts are ( gay We'll patient wait till orders come, Then off we'll sail across. the foam. Then, .as time goes on, I'le sold you 1 1 word ,,, Of the doings of the Thisrty-third. -By (Corp Ed. Faulkner, D. Coma pany, 33rd Battalion, C.E.E. 10 CENT "CASC"ARETS" IF BILIOUS OE COSTIVE For Sick Headache, Sour ,Stomach, Sluggish Liver and Bowels -They • work while you sleep. Furred Tongue,Bad Taste, Indiges- tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head- aches come from a torpid liver and Clogged bowels, which cause your btomach to become filled with Undi- gested food, which sours and ferments like garbage in a swill barrel: That's the first step to untold misery -7 -indi- gestion, .foul gases, bad breath, yellow skin, mental fears, everything that is horrible and nauseating. A Cascaret tonight will give your constipated bowels' a thorough cleansing and straighten you out by morning.. They'. work while you sleep -a 1O -Cin,, box from your druggist will: keep yoit feel- ing eeling good fol' menthe«. alCKS' FORECASTS A Reactionary Storm Period is central'on the last three days of Feb-. rua'ry. The Moon is at lase quarter on the 26th, at extireme declination south on the 27th, in perigee on the 29th. These ¢lays will bring return of low barometer, southerly winds, warmer weather, general rains. As, we enter March, storms of rain turning ing eastward with cold, clearing weather following closely in the rear, THE P00p, Q UALITY, OF PAiP,ER, You hke]y ;have remarked the poor quality and faded appearance of the deity papers in this and almoe,t all other newspapers for some weeks past. This deterioration is sir•:d to gal one of the incidents of the war is Europe:- It is said that certain dues used; in the in iking of white. paper are .no longer proeureable. Germany oppears to have had quite a monopoly of dye production. Colored papers, too ,as are generally teed for bills and posters lave gone up one and two cents per pound accent -1y because of the advance in blue, green and red coloring dyes. By lie time the war is over 'the Gcrm•irt manufacturers will find that they will have Jost much of the valuable dye industry. A traveller last v eek stated to the New Era that certain lines of paper were still selling `,t the csaal price $2.60 per ream, het that the same paper in scarlet color 'was $1.00 extra. The price of ink has now started on the upward climb. News print which was sold on contract last summer, the lowest being $2.50 per 100 lbs. is now as high as $3425 at some mills, while ' others are selling about $3.10 and $3.15. This is gorn,g to he a serious quest ion to th,a 'prin- ters and it means one oil two'tLings, increase in price or reduction in pages: For a paper to sell at $L00 (payable s ,subsorib; ens think) randanytime printa8, 10some or 112 pages would soon put the Editor out; of business, -Clinton New Era, 1 ALBERTA SASK. and MANITOBA CANADIAN PACIFIC FARM LANDS Irriratctl and Non -it i'i- gated. "Ready rnadea" Farms. Loan for Improvements. Ad vance of L we Stock on Loan I3asic • Twenty years to pay. FU LL PAR TIC ULARS ON APPLICATION Ernest. Elliot P. C. R. Agent EXETER. ...... j • 4 POELL"S ig Specials TIIUSDAYO FRIDAY . . . .. SATURDAY.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 2c 4c 6c Itvit!;. pay you to be here on these days. These Specials will be in the 'Window3. These will be the biggest features of our FEBRUARY SALE. PH55 NE POWELL'S BIG VARIETY STORE O MOM AN APPEAL TO THOSE IN ARREARS In making an appeal to you for subscription, we must first extend our thanks to the many who have settled. We are convinced that tl.ere are many m ho have overlooked this matter because they have not thought of it while in town. "Dunning" is not a pleasant duty: by any means ' but is forced on us .by circumstances' beyond our control. Many in like circum- stances , will fully appreciate our position. Let February see your name in the "PAID UP" Column; 100 Votes for Renewals; 3000 tor New Sub$cri .hers. \J. The Times