HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-2-24, Page 3From Erin's Green Isle THE ACUTE PAIN I MEN AT FRONT ARE SPENDERS.1 Lazy Livers Coarse from) THOU HT8; FOR THa /SAY 1, l Lazy ,ivi ag-'-••'soixaetimes.-nowt •Reporter Assumes Role of Ilucltater ',from food follies that the Work without hope draw nectar in For <i Day. a sievee--Carlyle. NEWS BY MAIL FROM IRE S overworked digestive organs. Thought onect awaltcnn:d aloes not So much has been said about the , Get back to Nature byea�kiia' again sittmber.- Carlyle. LAND'S SHORES. way the soldiers are robbed by duck- ra A.weye add; always walk, always Permanently, Cured Through the stein who Manage to circulate just Shredded VVheat.. It puts proceed, -St. Augustine. rniscel-In this world a man must either Useof Dr. Willi<la>ias° Pink behind the front and offer a • you on your feet when every -Happenings in the Emerald Isle of laity of goods for sale that the Wench. thiri else fails. It supplies ail HerII e hanuner.- til,,ongfrliow, Twills Chamber has sent eommiesahres to g lel? I u achastity of honor that Interest to Irislti� the front t�, invesirnite the question, the muscular energy and teals a stain like - wound.--31urkN. A clever medical writer has paid These ltuekstels ttire encrall resi- ''rhe war is goipg to produce n re• men. that Neuralgia is a cry from .the g y 1T1enti l dlel'tne s tlldt put rot? generating torte snlong the people and Irish nerves for better blood." In other dents in. the military roue and obtain li e fettle for the day`s tests force will find expression in the The fish Palming Society purpose words ntttxalga is not -disease-=it permission to carry on kL trade in oat c drama.—Mme Sarah Bernhardt, work, Delicious for breakfast holding their show en September ld, is only a symptom, blit a verysinful ,sects ranging from a piece of soap Those who are not going to •help 1916; 'at Bessborongh Park, Peltewn. ' p to an anthology of French poets as with milk or cream, or for His Majesty's Government and their one. Neuralgia is the surest sign your Belfast branch of the Amalgamated that, blood is 'Mae, watery ant iand a recompense for the losses they have luncheon with fmits, Made fellow countrymen are going to help Society Engineers has Passed re-impure� yournsuffered, tlie enemy.—Mr. Duke,:1VI.1' WAR solutions approving the military ser -,A, newspaper man who had left the ada'Jolin Bun is a bad starter, though a LOST IN WTIME. A.cComniadatiltg pp g g p y starving.erallBad blood areisthe tri (fall - � iioe bill. Y army from illness. cleterminecl to be- good finisher. Yet the hare cannot Recruiting Officer—We can't pass one cause—rich, red blood the only i; be sure of always waking in time to The Pathetic Story of a Little French come a huckster fora day to see what you. Two fingers are off your right Through the Grand Canal bursting cure. This gives you the real reasonwin the race. It may oversleep its- Lad. its banks at Edenderry,in King's .why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills . cure there was in the business. His ex- Y.•..<N ,y, . , self.—Mr. D. Maeleane, hand and you couldn't pull a trigger. L If instead of a gem, or ever a flow- One. day last r ring the little town Applicant—Oh that'll be all right, county; damage estimated at about neuralgia. They are the only mecli• bottom,t seems to show that at the '��< ',,i;+ p , 300 00bottom, the fault, of, it exists, is due r, "v".• r� er, we could cast the gift of a lovely of Roi-de-la-Somme, in France, was sir. I'd just as lief be an officer and $ ,0 was caused. , 1 Gine that contains in correct propos 't a4 , Mons the elements needd to make as inueh to the inherent desire felt by `�= �1Z thought into the heart of a friend, unexpectedly shelled by the Germans,' carry a sword. Patrick Brennan, who enlisted as a e,. nt that would be giving as the angelsI youth in the Royal Horse Artillery,rich, red blood. TMs new, rich blood human nature to buy something when and a Canadian chaplain describes the - Y reaches the root of the trouble the opportunity has not occurred for %r, ` �' Vl,; t, t, must give, George Macdonald.• scene as he saw it. Life was going SEED zsoza OB8 and served in the Crimea has died at Torbert count Kerr aged 94. soothes the'.jangled nerves,drives sometime. ,,. ° 'c � � •. In the teaching of the children let on as usual, mothers were busy ir.' y EVD POTATOES, IRISH COS-, Y,About 6:30 one morning he laid out us Piing to the winds, our pedantry the homes, children playing on the, biers, Delewaro, Carman, Or. away the nagging, stabbing pain, and and teach them the great facts of ltu• der at onee, Supply limited, Write for Mr. David. Best, stationmaster at his little stock on the steps of a streets. In a few moments all was ciuntatious, 11. tt', Dawson, lirairai>te t station- braces up your health in other- ways inanity and of material environment Buncrana,has been appointedchurch in a little village of some - around them,—Mr. Macitinder, M.P. !! wild confusion, everyone seeking safe - master at the Londonderry & Lough as well. In proof of these statements thirty houses,for or five of which Ity, mothers rushing wildly about AGENTS WANT= Swill Railway terminus in London -Mrs. A, T, Oulton, Little Shemogue, we know the terrible ravages of pia- Ott___ _ _. _. _ y y" were still intact. To his right heo searching for their children who had J'nn ».&y sai,Ax�Y X15A COM - The N.B., says. - A few years ago my goes. and diseases in tithes past and jen) decry. mother was in intense sufferer from placed the soaps, of many colors, and no one is disposed to deny that the been at play, Some found them— �. �+ mission for lady representative in The London steamship El Lorro, the perfumes to the left, letter paper, awa Girls some did not. iter home district, Worlt pleasant, edo- neuralgia, which was located in her cost of public hygiene returns a valet- cativo, exporlence unnecessary. Nichols which was riding at' anchor outside face, head and shoulders. The pain, !collections of songs and in the middle able profit in disease immunity, ,'1 Among the number who was not Limited, 1 ublishers, Toronto, Queenstown, dragged her anchors, especially in her head, was intonse. I knitted goods, sociis, etc;, under which' Similarly the value of the Red Cross ' �;��� a found was a little lad about eight' vs split in two in the heavy seas and, She 'doctored for some time without were hidden a few bottles—not bole Similarly fully as much in the suffer- ly years old named Julien Decaux, He Raw s WANTED later disappeared. getting relief and there seemed to be . ties containing alcohol, the risk of in it prevents as: in the miseryit -- i was playing football when the shells ia�I tTNxi, raccoons, muakratr, all lc recta g g I g ► fancy prtoes, Address SAnoi.an Ften- Viscount de Verci, an Irish ,core- no ceasing of the pain whatever. In- I prison would have been too great— actually alleviates. TELLS TIRED WOMEN OF DODD'S g them and ran with the T. S. ' Came amen Shaw, Deep Brook, Annapolis Co h but of coca wine, quinquina and such 1 others for safety. One of the Bri i sentative peer, whose family seat stead it seemed to be extending and The' terrible sufferings of Serbia KIDNEY PILLS. is Abbeyleix, Queen County, has been her whole nervous system became af- apertifs�of legal degree of spirit. � in the first year of the war illustrat- h d - appointed adjutant, of a battalion of fected. Finally she decided to try l ,How much 1s the mirror?" asked ed the value of an efficient Red Cross, +' when coming from Boulogne saw a lit- (fit;OP+xT-Mxliilir'G NEWS ANL. JOS the Irish Guards. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. After taking' his first customer. Serbia triumphantly resisted the first Miss Logan Tells How TheyRelieved tie fellow, dirty, half-baked and lone- -1- the ices for sale in e,od Ontario. "One franc (20 cents)." • p Y ly about three miles frons the town. l towns. call business most useful and frinteres ton Extraordinary scenes were witnes-them for a while the pain in her head It was a little mirror sold at 2 Austrian invasion, but decimated by Her of Pains and Aches So Many He seemed lost, and he was. It was1 epplic t o eto tok5i lissh TMt oa,a- sed at Carricicmore, county Tyrone, became less severe, and of course this disease coupled with lack of Red Run-down Women Know-. many, stAdelaide cents ina Paris but it was taken at pp easy prey tot Julien Decaux. He told the chaplain --------- o. at a fight between Sinn Feiners and was a great relief to her. Under the Cross supplies, fell an rrtse�t a at+s~oua: Nationalists, many of whom were continued use of the Pills she felt ;ten times the price without an attempt the next invasion. Ottawa Ont. Feb, 21st. (Special), that he had never seen his mother said to be ibern ons. herself growing better and • stronger to bargain. If the soldier remains days after —"I am glad to say I have found .since he was playing on the square Ante nor andiORS, niu exurea wird each day until she was no longer a Ten cents for a glass of coca wine his wound without medical attention, Dodd's Kidney Pills have done me a that day; he was the only child of his out pain b� our house treatment S�rito According to a return submitted by about as big as a thimble, yet the slight.good." So sa s parents. Can you imagine the broken- ns before too late. Dr. ]3elimaa Oledtea/ the Dublin Port and Docks Board to sufferer and was completely cured, and' t his chances of recoveryaxe wonderful lot of y Co., f rnited, Coe. Drool, Ont. has felt no symptoms of the trouble bottle was emptied in five minutes The aim • of the Red Cross is to get .Miss Gladys E. M. Logan, of 264 ,hearted mother hunting for the little' the department of recruiting in Ire- Five cents a. sheet of paper with Jof- !lad while he wandered about among land,299 men of militaryage are at since*"Eros wounded into its hospitals as soon Queen Stree,this city. g You call get Dr. Williams Pink Pills portrait. An automobilist paid as possible, but to do this it requires "1 sufferd fromf drowsiness and ' the troops for three months ? The present on their books, 8 francs ($1.60 )for a bottle of eau from any medicine dealer, or b mail an elaborate and expensive organ - A Belfast girl named Margaret post paid, at 50 cents box or six de Cologne and offered two 5 franc ization as near the front as possible. Jane Dunbar, aged 23 years, was , + bills. He refused to bake change and The real proof therefore that the boxes fol• $2.50, from the Dr. Wi1- burned to death throw h a burningHams Medicine rockville Ont. was delighted with a child's trumpet Red Cross is doing is to be found, coal setting fire to her nightdresCo.,' ' to make up the remaining 40 cents. not in terrible conditions of suffer - while she was at prayers. -- He at once began to blow it and his ing, but in a perfectly functioning A depot for 4,000 wounded Irish INVENTS ANTI -WIRE GLOVES comrades to dance to his music. system , of relief work which reduces soldiers has been established in Tip- For men who had just come back suffering to a minimum. It is the perary by the War Office, to which' Englishma.t Devises Method of Hand- from six days burial in the trenches comfort, not the agony of the wound - eight Irish regiments are being sent ling Entanglements. to buy something meant civilization ed which is the best test of Red for post-hospital treatment. and life. The seller was soon cleared Cross value. The owners of the Belfast steamer Among the inventions now being of all his goods. What had cost him Dr. Herbert Bruce the well known Glenariff fear that the"vessrel has tester by the British. War Office of- $10.40 had cleared $65.20, a profit of Toronto surgeon who has been on ac - been lost in the recent heavy gales, flcials is one credited to George more than 500 per cent. tive service in France, has stated that She carried a crew of ten, • all of Lynch, a well known travellor, of a Before leaving the village the oma- Aur Canadian Red Cross is famous be - method of destroying wire entagle- teur huckster handed over the $65,20 and all other Red Cross Societies whom belonged to Belfast. yond to the Captain of the section to be for its sympathetic treatment of its The grave -diggers of Glasnevin' The Westminster Gazette, describ- used to add some delicacies to . the Cemetery, to the number of thirty, ing the invention, says the method men's rations.: patients. So that even the English recently went on strike' owing to the consists of. the use of apair of aunt- The officer smiled and invited the and French wounded express a wish to p g be taken to a Canadian hospital. cemetery committee's refusal to lets made of ordinary khaki cloth donor to lunch, adding a few words This kind of lied"=Cross. service grant them extra for Sunday's work. lightly padded with cotton wool treat -which showed that officers are no for which Canada has won an en - Much regret is felt throughout the ed . with a peculiar -powder, render- more free than men from the desire viable reputation, is only possible with north of Ireland at the death of Dr. ing the material practically imper- to buy something, "If you have any- perfect equipment and -with contin- John M. Trumble, a native of Stra- vious to the sharpest metal points. thing left we will buy it." ued generous contributions from our bane, and one of the best known Thus, a soldier is enabled to grasp or - 4. Canadian public. members of the medicalprofession pull the most formidable type of Means $25,00O,OOQ000. fast Possible in Ulster. German barbed wire withothe KEEP LITTLE ONES J L 1 V ?ld WELL IN WINTER "WAR HAS JUST BEGUN." Sir George Paish, one of the really At a meeting of Enniskillen Board .slightest fear of the spikes penetrate .-- great economists of Europe, said when Dr. Jackson's Roman Meal porridge of Guardians the estimate of the year ing his hands. i Russian Soldiers Are Warned Not to interviewed recently: "Up to October properly made in a double boiler, and was submitted by the clerk, which The fabric is waterproof, and the Winter is a dangerous season for Waste Ammunition. 1st, or after the war had continued not stirred after first making it. Read showed the estimated total expendi- ture gloves can be insulated for the pur- the little ones. The days are so for fourteen months, ib had cost £14,- directions on package, Better make tune to be $28,875, an increase of pose of gripping electrically charged changeable—one bright; the next cold All boxes of ammunition being dealt 000,000, or $70,000,000 a day, night before for eerier breakfast, in wires. The claim is even made that' and stormy, that the mother is afraid out to Russian soldiers now are mark- "The current rate of ex enditure in double boiler and warm in the morn - $975 over last year,p ing while dressing, by -allowing to sit when made into vests or leggings the bo take the chilren out for the fresh ed: the war,if continued for ayear,would in boiling At the annual meeting of the Irish.air and exercise theyneed so much, I "Don't wasteyour ammunition; the g water. Thus it's delicious material . is strong enough to turn total about five -thousand million Civil Service Building Society, held In consequence theyare often cooped , war is onlybeginning." and very nutritious. It prevents con- in oin in Dublin,a dividend of 5 per cent. shrapnel splinters. q just be renin pounds sterling, or twenty-five thous- • stipatian, however cooked. Ask your A company has been formed to de- up in overheated, badly ventilated Posted in every public building in and million dollars—a sum even Iess doctor. At grocers', 10 and 25 cents. per annum, free of income tax—over velop the invention. The War Office rooms and are soon seized with colds Russia, from railway station to res- conceivable by the average mind:' -- ---e-- -- .-_ •° e50,000—has been withdrawn for in- already has ordered some supplies or grippe. What is needed to keep taurant, are notices reading: vesiment in the war loan. Baby's oe Flashing Lights, and the substance has been success- the little ones well is Own ( "Speaking German is strictly for- Mrs. Brown—Myhusband is the It is stated that there are approxi - fully tested in the Russian army. Tablets. They will regulate the ,bidden.' J, i , Granulated Eyelids. mately 400,000 unattested single men stomach and bowels and drive out j The penalty for violating this rule Eyes inflirmed by exposure light of my life. of military age in Ireland. The esti-months' . r„� ,y to Cold winds and Dust Mrs. Smith—So is mine. One o7 f colds and by their use the baby will may be three imprisonment, �/ quickly -relieved by Murine mated deductions for various reasons I the kind that smokes and goes out tom,,. °' I `�yi g4D His Name. be able to get over the winter season The British Foreign Office has is- �!tllR a TEYe Reinedy. No smart - amount to 320,000, which leaves 80,- „ in perfect safety: The Tablets are .sued instructions to all British Con- ing, just Eye Comfort At Your Druggists' at night. v 000 fit for actual service. Visitor—"Well, my little man, and 50cperBottle.MurineEyeSalvoinTubes25c, # what are you called?” First Boy— sold by medicine dealers or by mail , solar officers in allied as well as For Book of the Eye Free write =nerd's Liniment Cu . Diphtheria. Owing to the refusal of the Belfast "Jule, sir." Visitor—"You should say at 25 cents a box from The Dr. neutral countries to see whether Brit- Maine Eye Remedy Company, Chicago foal merchants to reduce the pre- `Julius. " Turning to another boy— Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, ish subjects within their districts are sent prices, a movement is being in- "Well mylittle fellow,what isOnt. associating with persons of belliger- Would Obey Orders. He—I am joiningthe Seventy- augurated to secure for Irish coal name?" Second Boy—"Billious, your" 'O ent nationalities. Offenders are to The foreman swore at Cassidy for fifth infantry. Y esers the same legislative protection RED CROSS PUBLICITY. be warned once; if they persist in as- not fully Ioading up his hod. The hod, She—My brother Jack is in the as that accorded to English and _— sociating or even talking with an he said, would hold so many bricks,Seventy-sixth. So glad you two Scottish consumers. ....... .. I ip y p Goderich Red Cross Society has enemy either in a business or social and Cassidy must take a full load up , boys will be near each other. SHAMMING DEAD. shipped supplies to the value of $3,484. way, their British pass orts will be the ladder ever tri Saskatchewan Provincial Red Cross cancelled. One morning the supply of bricks has a membership of 4,500. The regulation, already being en- ran out and Cassidy, after gathering Mansonville, June 27, '13. German Ruse That Failed—Two Huns A Co-operative Elevator Company forced, applies chiefly to British sub- every brick in sight, found he was i\3inard's Liniment Co„ Limited. Were Bagged. in Saskatchewan has given $1,000 to jects in neutral countries and to still short of the proper number. He Yarmouth, N. S. the Saskaboon Red Cross. those doubtful ones who have become yelled up to a workman on the fifth Gentlemen, — It affords me great A Red Cross worker in Wolfville, naturalized subjects of King George story, pleasure and must be gratifying to you N.S., has put up over 400 jars of fruit while preserving their German, Aus- "What do you, want?" asked the to know that after using 06 bottles of for Red Cross 'hospitals. trian and Turkish sympathies. workman. your Liniment on a case of paralysis p •r "Throw me down wan brick," which my father was afflicted with I Grain Growers Guide, a Western , was able to restore him to normal call agricultural paper, has raised $659 ` shouted Cassidy, "to make good hie ditien. Hoping other sufferers may be for its Red Cross fund. TO SAVE EYES load." benefitted by the use of your Liniment, Collingwood Red Cross has a Is the Object of 'This Free Pre- I am, membership of over 500 and has J ivtinera's zintuteat cures Aitstemper. Sine erely yours, raised $3,686 in money and supplies. scription—Try It If Your GEO. If. HOLMES, Manitoba Red Cross has a member- Eyes Give You Trouble. ship of '7,519 and collected the past Thousands of people suffer from eye year nearly $120,000. troubles because they do not know what Barry Red Cross has ten auxiliaries to do, They know some good home rent- edy for every other minor ailment. but in the surrounding country. none for their eye troubles. They neglect Hamilton Steel 'Co., is making the their eyes, because the troable Is not Red Cross a donation for 1916,of sufficient to drive them to an eye specialist, who would, anyway, elaai•ge $5,000 payable quarterly, them a heavy fee. As a last resort they Commodore of Royal Victoria. go to storenticianand 000tentlme five and glasses tn- Yacht Club, Vietoria, has'gfvezi to Red that they do not need, or which, after Cross a steam yacht valued at $10; being used a few months, do their oyes more injury than good. 000. Here is rt temple presertption that Erhployees of Imperial Oil Co., Sar- every 2oiao should use: 5 grains Bon- Opto, ounces water. Use three or four nia, have given $1,000 to Red Cross trines a day to bathe the eyes, This pro- Society. scription and the simple Bon-Optb SYS - Society. " tear keeps the eyes clean, sharpens the In Alberta 1,200 Real Cross Mite vision and quickly overcomes. iniiaan- 13oxes have been distributed to ori- tnation and irritation; Weak, .,watery vale homes, overworked, tired l+ yeas and other similar troubles aro greatly benefited and nften- Nc wmarket Rud Gross realized $33.50 tunes rifted by Its use ktany reports by auctioning two turnips contributed show that wearers ofl glasses have dis- hy them after a e'w' weeks' use, by a farmer, it is good for the eyes, ,and contains Wolfville citizens gave $355 to No. no Ingredient whteh would injure the most sensitive eyes of an iufan.t' or the 7 Stationary Hospital being equipped aged. Try it, nail know for once .what by NCiva'SCotie, real rye: comfort 18, If your own drug- gist. cennnt 511 this prescription -send $1 to tho Gralmas 1prug Cao„'•'.Coroiii;p, for Itis es difficult to estimate the true e, cotulalctr. 13nn-crpto Ittinte Treatment outfit----ttilaIrts null Sall r , .. value of the Red Cross as it is to ap- 4. - w -,-i ,••' '° praise the value of any community Probably the best housekeeping of public hygiene and sanitation. Still, plan is not to mortgage the 1i{vt'tso: t; 'ca) i.,, . FROM NEURALGIA i 1a 3c Baking Powder costs no more than the ordinary kinds. ,For ecorternY, hut/ the one pound tins. W. L..CriLLC'i TT�MPst �Y LIMITED .,,,,� •� teeeete MOR,t'It�nl. Z N4„.„ AU¢B fITV7L ( ish car rivers a few weeks later >wsr<�ss Pas sass, po- sharp pains across my back. My sleep ohlain apand they axe trythtook hitoe ctref o up was broken and unrefreshing. Thad Julien's mother. The police wanted to headaches and was subject to neural- keep him meantime, but he got a flim gra and rheumatism. I was depress- grasp on the chaplain's leg and em - ed and low-spirited and troubled with palpitation of the heart. phatically declared that he was going to stay with "I was always tired and nervous mon capitane. He is and very sensitive and there was hot= staying; if his parents can be found lows under my eyes. he will be restored to them—if not, "For two years I was in this worn- the chaplain will see that he has a out condition, often having to lay off good home. for a day or two. I was attended by An Easy One For Newrich. doctors and wasted money on useless medicines, but I only found relief 1 Mrs. Newrich had been told by her when I used Dodd's Kidney Pills.” i caller that a certain dinner party had Miss Logan's statement is a mes� ; "wound up with great eclat." When sage of hope to thousands of women her husband came home she askeel in Canada. They are suffering just him what "a -kis" meant. as she suffered. She wants them to "Why, that's the dessert, I guess," know they can find relief in Dodd's a. said Newrich "Didn't you ever eat Kidney Pills. a chocolate a-kla?" COSTS $70,000,000 DAILY. The t ak- THICK Paish s Year of War Sa ���g SWOLLEN GLANDS Sir George y DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Mailed free to guy address by America's the Author Pioneer H. CLAY GLOVER, V. S. Rog Remedies 118 West 31stStreet,New York Before plac- ing tac ing your order for seeds, see our 1216 Gold- en Tubdlee Catalogue it is free.. Gov't. Stan, Bus. No. 1 Red Clover .. ..,$17.06 No. 1 Alsyke 13.00 No. 1 Timothy 8.65 Allow 30c for each cotton bag We pay railway freight in On- tario ana Quebec over $35,00 that make a horse Wheeze, Roar, have Thick Wind or .Choke -down, can be reduced with a also other Bunches or Swellings. No blister no hair gone, and horse kept at work. Eco- nomical—only a few drops required at an ops plication. $2 per bottle delivered. Book 3 M free. AiISORBINE, .lite the antiseptic liniment fol mankind, reduces Cysts, Wens, Painful; Swollen Veins and Ulcers. $1 and $2 a bottle at dealers or delivered. Book "Evidence" free. W. F. YOUNG, P. D. F., 516 Lymans Bldg., Montreal, enc. ia!sorbine and Absorbine, Jr.. are made is Canada. Her Idea of It. Greatest Res ltS often come from simplest means. For instance—one's daily food plays a big part in de- ciding for success or fail- ure. To bring out the best mental and physical forces sound nourishment is im- perative. raper -Nuts An' Irish soldier writing homo from France, says:— M— ays:M-.-- and I were sent off a listen- ing patrol to reconnoitre a house close by the enemy patrol lines. We didn't know whether they were in the house or not, but —.° thought they were, so off we went, just. M— and L The house had been blown up by artillery fire and not much re- mained but the shell; still it made good cover for an observer's party. ' We crept to the door and from room to room upstairs and down with the moon shining through in portholes here and there. But we found only two dead Germans at the foot of the stair, lying huddled and with the contorted faces that we thought dead men only wear. So we went back and reported that which we found. --- was a dis- believer. "Why didn't you prick the dead men with a knife?" These we close uarters so • e for os carry, of course,quarters, we could only plead guilty to a breach of discretion, "Come back," said he, "both of you," So back we went with him. The two Germans were lying as wo left them; one with his head over his arm, the face hidden; the other on his back, with bared teeth, and a look of horror hi his fixed eyes. "They're��. oats," said —,"I thought so. And' the two came t6. life—but three desperate men are a' big argument against two who have, been playing' silly without arms. „So the night's bag paid for, the hunt. • ---lli FOOD made of Whole wheat and malted barley, supplies in splendid proportion all the rich nourishment of the grains, including the valu- able mineral elements, lack- ing in tnany foods, but most necessary for vigor and ac- tivity of brain and body, "There's a Reason" for Made in;.Calaada Sold by Grocers. ianadiari tI'bstum Cereal Co., Ltd,, Windsor, Ont. Quick Way. "I never thought he would popular among the girls." "Well?" "But he unexpectedly saved and bought an automobile." Mulligan—"An' why do you want to sell yer nightshirt?" Finnegan— "Sure, an' what good is it to me now whin I've me new job iv night watch- man, an' slope in th' day tonne?" be up A Fmrn:e 6�, Wa itedaa. Help in large hosiery, underwear and sweater factories. Vacancies in all departments, with opening: for experienced or inexperienced help. Highest wages and mod- . (irate priced beard. Apply, lrrt- , mediately, :11 �,. . • l i 1, Limited, is l �Il � ► s ft Not So Particular. "Uncle, why did you never marry?" "I never found a girl who would have me." "Uncle, somebody's been fooling you, Our sex isn't that particular." Mittard's Liniment Cures Gorget in Cows Playing Too Safe. The defendant in a case tried in a western court had been duly convict- ed of theft, when it was seen, on "proving previous convictions," that he had actually been in prison at the time the theft was committed, "Why .didn't you say so?" angrily demanded the judge. of the prisoner. "Your honor," said the man, -polo- getically, "I was afraid of prejudicing the jury against me." uwlaward's Linizatent aurae Colds, rete, Ilirary•--".Mrs, Delaney says her little girl has learned to play the piano in no tine." Alice—"Yes, I heard her playing just that evay the other day." ED. 7. The Ideal Winter Resort Beautiful Drives. Saddle Rtdir,g, Golf, Tennis, Yachting, Fishing and Sea Bathing. Present Gar- rison of the Ottawa 038th) lle I- ment. —TLr'r,PriliCaSS — ter is open from DBCZI12BB1% to MAX Situated on the Harbor of Hamilton. Accommodates 400. Rates : $25 per week and upward. HOWE & TWOROGER, DIanagers HAMILTON, BERMUDA Bermuda is reached by the steam - ere of the Quebec S. S. Co: 3,2 Broadway, New York. e Do You Consider Wear and Tear On your harness when you figure your profits for the year? Ordinarily that's e big item but you can make it negligible by using KAa,lea I HARNESS OIL Keeps the leather soft and prevents cracking. Adds years to harness life. neatens EveetpwM,''c The Imperial ail Company Limited BRANCIllta IN ALT. Ciibrbs i -a rt.l t i':tea al t