HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-12-24, Page 485 4 2 J'1 W ishing you a joyful holiday season and Peace throughout the New Year. from: Anne & Wayne, Doris, Rob, Joan, Anne, Sherry, Dave, Drew, Helen, Linda, Jacqui, and Sharon. Nov at04 'm Grayhurst USINESS SUPPLIES LTD. 38 East St. Goderich 524-2648 PAGE 14B--GODER1CH SIGNAL -STAR. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 19I86 W Season's Greetings and have a 6( W, Merry Christmas from I WFrank & Ggoraldtna Johnston 5 W BLUFFS MOTEL w 524-7396 I 0 ere - hoping that the NA arnith of this jr a ous l ulctide brings happiness and prosperity • good health and good luck to all! iTl1S May Your Fondest ®reams Come True HUTCHINSON APPLIANCE SERVICE 308 Huron Rd. Highway Pio. 8 Goderich Season's Greetings Warmest Wishes Thank you for your patronage, and we wish our friends a Merry Christmas. Ron & Doug Howatt John Scott HOWATT BROS. LTD. 523-4500 MAY I TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO EXTEND TO ALL THE RESIDENTS OF GODERICH, BEST WISHES FOR THE FESTIVE SEASON AND A PROSPEROUS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR. 2 EILEEN J. PALMER (MAYOR) pee CF — Ipes�,y� A�. tikklavi trarA "IOW Nialala*1 Awo'1it oi peace and good a to all ours Lindi, Laura, Judy, Ken and George :0 :. �..�. 4X :0 : :: • : �'�.:, My mem and ia idii't have any high tech stuf f for their Christmas "TRAVEL IS OUR ONLY BUSINESS" My Mom and Dad's Christmas When they were s fungChristmas Lots of presents, stocking Christmas candy! arrnratinnc Ind rri r`irtir52 Chr•�s• Now that's paradise. 13ut imagine Maybe ut stockings and not very many presents. a few Christmas decorations and some can- dy now thats okay but it could improve quite a lot. This may sound familiar with some and m d and some maybe not but with my it was. In my mom's family she used to o to otock ng r her dad's drawer and get the biggest bigger the hang up. I guess they say the bet- ter. How about a candle light service on Christmas eve, my mom did, that's different for me. The present part I was wrong on. I thought they wouldn't receive very many, but with a big family you got lots. On my mom's side it wouldn't be too bad. Now on my dad's side its a different story because my dad's family was very small so he usually only got two presents. One from his mom and dad and one from his brother. Im- agine waiting all year and only getting two presents! How about for decorations one liv- ing Christmas tree, sounds exciting doesn't it? For me maybe and maybe not. My dad once told me about one of his presents. It was a bike horn. Of course he found it before Christmas day so he decided to try it out. He got some batteries and snuk upstairs and to see if it worked, he found out that it did work very well "BEEP!", and after that who might he hear coming up the steps but his mom! He never did do that again! Of course my mom and dad didn't get any high-tech stuff like five -hundred dollar ghetto - blasters or giant robots that both take about twenty dollars of batteries to get them to do anything but it didn't really matter because what they got when they were kids wak prq- bably an awful lot to them. Their Christmas wouldn't be too bad, but our Christmas I like it just the way it is! David Bogie Grade 6 Colborne Central When Grandpa and his family were young at Christmas they'decorated their house with cedar boughs. They put up their own socks for stockings. They got oranges and mixed can- is). LLS) LIVPitaP.Psal•, .l.lP...........:.�.^:: brought their stockings up to bed, and ate all the goodies. For their Christmas dinner they had a plump goose which they raised themselves. When Grandma was little at Christmas her family had a Christmas Tree. They decorated it with Christmas balls and popcorn strings. She put uli-her own stocking too and got fruit, candy and she always got a small doll. They ate goose which was raised by her family. Chad Bogie Grade 6 Colborne Central My Mother's Christmas My mother had Christmas three places a year. One was at her school, where they work- ed the hardest but had the most fun. They would work for about three weeks doing hard- ly any schoolwork at all. Finally the concert came and nobody could wait until after. For who would apear in the doorway but Santa. He would give gifts to all the children, and a bag of candy too. At her church they had a concert and got presents later. At home she got one present and another that she needed, like a pair of mittens. And thats what my mother's Christmas was like. Andrea Imanse Grade 6 Colborne Central In a little while mom and I met mom and I met dad racing down the street in our oldsmobile ( and I mean olds) without saying a word. I secretly snuck in the back of dads car. Its faster than a bike %4r�rl :rrry WHY7i C was missing cartons so 1 need- ed to get home tact. What a ride! i Liken u when I pushed the gas peddle to the floor and we almost reanged Macy's display window. I loved it but I don't think dad did. I never thought we'd get home but we did and I got to see the of the flinstones! After the Flinstones I went.outside to play. While I was out there I found a five hundread Dollar bill in the snow. Little dollar signs flashed through my head and I could hear cash regasters opening. I could do three things...stuff myself with junk food, buy a'lot of toys or buy a big present for the family. So I disided to get a big present for everyone. The time mom and I went shopping I bought a gumball machine because everyone likes gumballs don't they? The End The Greatest gift of all is.... Once upon a time in New York also known as The Big Apple I Finster Gladstone was riding on my baby seat of my mothers bike. We're going at a nice pace only problem is that I'm getting soaking wet. Here's mom driving down a bike path so she doesn't get stuck in a crowd of people and any ways driv- ing a bike down a busy New York street can be suicide. So here I am getting soaking wet just because morn wanted one more bike ride before the big snows come. 3 EXC .ti 7`•EME ,ZiE. T5':7.E5A 3WAIV nal(t?EkA:✓75*a3"`icIt •FRviAF•16:545.5 iMMIZ MESt \` Christmas Night Santa was packed and ready to go, When all of a sudden it began to snow. It piled up in a giant heap, Till Santa was in very deep. He called for his reindeer but they wouldn't come, Santa said "Think of the children it has to be done." The children r" alone on Christmas day "would come to the tree and they'd say "Hey" , Where's all the presents that Santa's to bring and the ornaments and bells that go Ding -a -ling. Thenthe littlest one would start to cry and he'd say "Santa didn't come But why?" So we must go, Even though the wind and snow, Will slow us down, My sleigh will be lifted off the ground. So Santa and his reindeer fought the storm, And when the children woke on Christmas morn, They came to the tree and they said "Hey" Santa did come "Hurray". Holly Smith Grade 6 St. Mary's School Jeremy Wilson Grade 5 St. Mary's School Christmas was like this: On the night before Christmas my dad would cut a tree for Christmas. After supper they' would put Christmas tree ornaments, on the tree. The ornaments belonged to my mother's grand father. Then they would play carols on a old organ. When it was time to go to bed mum put some milk and cookies on the table for santa and his reindeer. Then she went to bed. When she woke up she ran down stairs to see if santa had been there. And he had! So she woke up het -mum and dad and they all opened the presents. She got a wagon and a kaleidascope and they all had sausage rolls for breakfast. Ken Kerr • Gr.6 Colborne Central Christmas is approaching and everybody is filled with joy and cheer. Wishes are be made and letters being mailed, along with the most important one to Santa Claus. To- day boys wish for space copters, computers, ghetto -blasters, he-man and many other things. Girls wishes for stereos, my little pony, cabbage patch dolls, fluppies and many other up todate toys and games. When mom was a girl, her Christmas went like this: They would have a real tree to decorate not an artifical one. Santas let- ters were made up of wishes for a doll and doll buggy or a pair of skates and boys wishes for a truck or sleigh. Christmas eve they had company and went to church with her dad. Then on Christmas day her grand- ma and grandpu would be there and they would open their gifts and have dinner with lots of homemade cookies, cakes and can- dies for desert. Then they sang carols and went to bed. Jeremy Brindley Gr. 6 Colborne Central Does Rudophs nose still shine Santa. Dear Santa Hi! my name is Natalie Smith. how is Mrs Clause and your Reindeers and especially Rudolph. I hope you will have . a nice , cHristmas. enjoy your cookies and milk. love from Natalie Smith Grade 2 Robertson Dear Santa mae I please have rambo and a pound puppy to and a centuion to and howes Rudeph and youR elves and misses clouse and howes the work shop doing I Love your elves and misses clouse and Ru oh and I Lov you. I will Leave you egg nog and a cookey to and I will Leav a carot and I will Leave you a pichuir a beautiful pichuir on your way out of my house get a carrot out of the frig and give it to my rabbit and if you want to hold her you can. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx- xxxxxxx00000000000000o0000000o and more toys Like a Gi Goe can you by My Lovely Rabbit a hall of telaphon cord noyes ('coz she dhws it!) yes yes xoxoxoxoxoxox- OROxoxoxOxoxoxoxox My sister wants ma- Jics moovs BarBie I sirtely defen 1 do not no wut my moo andan. Love Stott McIver Gr. 2 - Robertson Dear Santa Joq., please cod I hair a popple and a pound pup- py I wul lev sum milk for you I love you. from Eleanor To Santa. Eleanor Blair Gr. 2 - Robertson Dear Santa Love from Amanda Dekker I hope you have a happy christmas. Does Ruddphs nose still shine. I hope you came to my house. Does your reindeers still fly. please can I have a Pople modelling set and a Bar- bie dinning room. xoxox Amanda Dekker Gr. 1- Robertson Dear Santa Dear Santa I Want a popple and a my child and some clothes I Wish you a merry Christmas. I will put some cookes and milk for you haous rudoff and Miss Santa Claus .and the elves. Remember "P..: to have a happy and safe Christmas! We'd like to wish all our customers a joyous Christmas and every happiness this time can bring. BLUEWATER TRUCK CENTRE LTD. Airport Rd., Goderich 5247379 INTERNATIONAL Ii ,t itft,.••lh`p. t✓ Love Wendy MacKenzie Gr. 2 - Robertson Dear Santa Please Santa - I have been a very good girl this year and worked very hard! I've tried to be a good teacher and not be too cranky! (Well, most of the time!) All I really want for Christmas is some snow please as I've never had a white Christmas and I go home to Perth, Australia in January! We never have snow there at Christmas as it's too hot! ( usually around 40°C!) So won't you please ' do your best to make a little Aussie happy — make it snow for Christmas? ! ! Thanks a heap! (of snow! ). Love from Miss Jenni Rankin P.S. 'Cos I still believe in you!! Dear Santa How are you? I~ would like Mop top hair shop please! and , I would like Rainbow bright play -doe please and I would like lined paper please and a buggie for my dollies. please and a box of Chocolate"please Santa I will leave cookies and milk out for you and carrots for your riendeer. bye for now. Love: Alicia Johnston Grade 1 Roberston School Dear Santa Hi Santa. HOW ARE YOU DOING? I WANT A PUPPY. I WOULD LIKE A SMURF GAMe AND A DOLL. I AM GOING TO LeAVe SOMe CARROTS FOR The REINDEER FROM KRISTIN GLAZIER Grade 1 Robertson P.S. I Love you • Dear Santa Santa I was good this year. I believe in you. Santa I am leaving milk and cookies of you and apples for the reindeer. Santa this is what I want for Chistmas one cabbage patch kid, elephant Wrinkels, Hug a Bunch, •wound puppy and clothes and that's all. From: Christine Clutton Grade 1 Robertson School