HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-12-24, Page 47.'people don't seem to think Christmas is special any more I feel advertising and Christmas just don't mix. Christmas is suppose to be religious not 1iDYri arod save and you iln l'd c -all it X- mas. For example a Canadian 'fire com- mercial•with Scrooge in it and his friend are talking about saving lots of money this Christmas and Scrooge says, All these toys are so cheap that the grown-! ups will buy toys for the kids and see all they can buy for themselves and see how low ericed they and get very greedy over them and everyone knows how Scrooge wants to save. Now get this, their slogan is "Give Like Santa, Save Like Scrooge". Now people don't think Christmas is special anymore. I mean peo- ple are suppose to enjoy Christmas like you and me right rSo there I've made my point ' Christmas should stay religious and they shouldn't call it x-mas. People should leave the word along and- leave Christ in CHRISTMAS. Donna Waterfield Gr. 8 St. Mary's I feel that the commercialization of Christmas really offends me. Store owners advertise things that they don't have in stock and then they give you the lame ex- cuse that they're out. Then there is the idea of having a Christmas sale in the middle of October when your thinking more about the fun your going to have at the Octoberfest not,, how much you're going to save on that Cab- bage Patch Kid your going to buy for your daughter. Also businesses playing Jingle Bells which you wouldn't have thought you would hear until December. One other thing is that the store owners changing the spell- ing of Christmas to x-mas just so they can fit it ori the window without it interfearing with their display. From a Christian point of view they really are not showing respect for our right by taking Christ out of Christmas. Then there's the use of Christian related Christmas carols for commercial use and that really bothers me most. As you can see some people go to,great measure just to get business. I think there's too much of it. Sure it's nice to save on gifts but there's no spirit in it. i''s Cin Fnr iv,ciartoP when you've rrist 6'one through an entire store and when you get to the till they have a flyer of all the special buys they have. As if you weren't just through the store. Another example is the big signs they have to attract you. Instead of being in a Christmasy mood and writing in fancy let- ters "CHRISTMAS" they write "x-mas". Talk about lazy! Did you ever notice that in almost every commercial they say "BUY" as if they'll rip your throat out if you don't. For instance in the Canadian Tire commercial they say the same thing every year "GIVE like Santa and SAVE like Scrooge!" After all ,Christmas is supposed to be a time of CHrist even though we all like to get things. Artificial Christmas trees are taking the pace of real one. I understand the safety reasons such as the real ones drying out and catching fire but the real tress are supposed to be a sign of life. There are signs all over stores saying, Buy Now! 50% Off!, leaving no space in the window to wish you a Merry Christmas. At travel agencies they always want you to go away for Christmas Holidays. Aren't we supposed to stay with our families and celebrate the birth of Christ together? I always thought so! ! sI wish we could cut down a little on com- mercialism and realize that "Jesus is the reason for the Season! !" Julie Moerbeek Gr. 8 St. Mary's I think the commercialization of Christmas is increasing and increasing each year. The reason for this I think is the greed some big company and store owners have for money. ... y . Christmas is supposed to be a time, of celebrating the birth of Christ but in most commercials there is nothing of that theme in it. Most off the corrunericals just have their products in a wintery scene trying to sell their products. fi Wiltntei L:Lcu ;,u uuuw, up when your sleeping so you can hear the com- pany's products being advertised. All kinds of stores have so many sales and reductions in price to lure you into going to their store to buy the gifts when Christmas starts rolling around. I feel all this commercialism is just taking the spirit out of the religious celebration. Jamie Stanley Gr. 8 St. Mary's Money Does Grow On Tree's I was walking down the road uptown to do my Christmas shopping. Just then an old man stepped out in front of me. He stood there for a moment and then said to me, "I have a pre- sent for you. "Was he crazy? I didn't even know him. He dropped the present and ran away without a word. The present was a little box. The kind you might get a ring in. I opened the box quickly. To my surprise all it was, was a seed. I put it in my pocket and ran home forgetting about my shopping. I just had to plant my seed. It couldn't just be an ordinary seed. I don't think. When I got home my parents were gone. • Now was my chance to plant my seed. I dug a hole and put the seed in. I went inside to get some water. When I came back out I saw something that almost made me faint. The seed had turned into a money tree. Now I could buy my parents anything. HUMMMM.. Well they always wanted a new car because our's was all banged up. I ran over to the car lot. The man sold me a brand new sports car. Suddenly when I just home I couldn't see the tree. OH.. It was just as well. I already bought the best Christmas present of all. By Laurie Sygrove Grade 5 St. Mary's School Cavia x am s5 cs s i'mmrss cx a mvzs s s rsammmme:zs ; a ; s s mmtm! I hope your raindeer are okay for flying Santa Dear Santa How Are You Santa. I 4m find. I am going to leave you some mill4and cackies. The tree will be in the living room. I want more Rambo figures. I would like a computor. I would like a lazer tag set. Oh ya some A - team. And some G.I Joes. From Steven SUPLAT Grade 1 Robertson Dear Santa How are you? Thank you for the presnts last year. Say Hi to Rudolph. I WoulD like pound puppie and A Hart clock and A wrinkles and a care Bear love a lot and smarty Bear and that is all. Love Kelly Anderson Grade 1 Robertson Dear. Santa xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo hi my name is Jason Clutton. I hope Miss Claus and all your reindeers especially rudolph.are feeling o.k. and all your elves too. I probably will leave you some cookes. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Love from Jason Clutton Gr. 2 - Robertson Dear Santa My Name is Mark Sheardown. How is Mrs. claus? thank you for the presents you gave me last time can I have Hulkster work out set and please can I have the Basic Set. dLove from Mark Sheardown Gr. 2 - Robertson Dear Santa are you redy for Chistmas? I hope your elvs are workeing hard! we might leave egg -nog and cookies. I hope your raindeer are O.K. for flying. Love from VANCE P.S. I would like an atuomatic trainset, and a dinosaurbone puzzle, a detective kit (and a disgise kit) danny wants a wrinkels. Vance McPherson Gr 1- Robertson Dear Santa hi I Lov You Santa my ame is Ryan iv bin goob I like Your ranbe for Christmas id Please like a Riklse and centurion and his name is haker and rino and the bas of mask and for my dog she wots som dogy bons and a Pound PuPy Borky. Lov from Ryan Murphy Gr. 2 - Robertson Dear Santa My name is Trisha. I would like a glowfriend cookies PhdP Pound puppy how is Rudolph Trisha Dodds Gr. '1- Robertson Dear Santa remember me. you phoned me. Im Mellissa how are you I Love you. how is Mrs. claus and you how is Rudolph I will leave you milk and cookies and carots for The reindeers Bi bi havto go. Love Mellissa Pfrimmer Gr. 2 - Robertson Dear Santa how is rudolph I wud like you to Bring me Rino vehicle Ples how is Dansr and yoer elfs I will lef you milk and cookes. love Mike Muir Gr. 2 - Robertson Dear Santa I have been a good girll and My name is Lori Draper. May I Please have a My chiled doll. and Jem doll. I Love you. I will Live you some milke and cookies and a Big red apple for yooDolf. Love Lori Draper Gr. 2 - Robertson Dear Santa How are your raindeer? I will leve you some milkcook. I hope you like it. I will leve your raindeer some 'carrots. I hop Santa hase a Marry Chrtimas. can I please have A Pound poppy Barkey. Love from Kelly Good Gr. 2 - Robertson Dear Santa My name is Rickie i live on i96 short cre- sent and im 71/z and my brother is 2 year old and i was very good this year and i wade Like thunder Hake and my brother wode Like seacircus. Love from Rickie McLean Gr. 2 - Robertson Dear Santa My NAMe is BRAD. I leave cookies and MILK and I'd like some toys and a pound puppy and a teddy beardRudolPh. Brad Black Gr. .1- Robertson Dear Santa my name is Susan. haw are your elves? haw are you? may I pies hav a pound puppy barking pies and ots uv uthr things. - Love, Susan Potter Gr. 2 - Robertson G&W Iw'H GNAL-STAR, !:DNESDAY, DECEMBER 24. 1986—PAGE 13B easorfs Greetins to i� JANICE:and litsemlizrostosargo Dear Santa Hi! My name is Mike how is rudolph and Mrs Claus I wode Like Some Mask and a centurion that iS all and I will Lev Some cookes For you. Fn -.12:. x g t ( Love Michael Henry Gr. 2 - Robertson Dear Santa I Like you very much Santa. I cat wat util it is christmas. I hope you injoy the milk and cookies. how is Rudolph and the others I hope Im not bothering you. how are you and miss Santa. Iv tried to Be Good. you can get me anything you want. Love Mandy Mallough Gr. 2, Robertson Dear Santa I would like 'a Popple And a Barbie And the Rockers. I Love you Santa. LOVE FRM Aletia Warr Gr. 1- Robertson Dean Santa I wud lik you to Bring Me a trans Former and a ji-jo and jack Rock wel Santa. How is rudolpH Thees days. How is the work going at The nothpole I am rilee looking Fowrde to Krismis. I will put cookes and Milk and carits For your Randeers wen you kum to My houes. I am going to sneak out uv bed to Santa. Love Matthew Durnin Gr. 2 - Robertson Dear Santa Santa I aM giong to leave you cookies and egg nogg How aRe in Rudolph in MRS Claus in I Hop You Have goob cookies. BY SCOTT CORRIGAN Gr. 1- Robertson Dear Santa Hi my name is mike P. I Love you santa. you can bring me anything you want to br- ing me. I will leave some milk and cookies. The End Love from Mike Petrie Gr. 2 - Robertson He bought a Corvette for the family One dark night my Dad and I went out to shovel the driveway. Everytime my Dad or I would scoop the snow a toy would come out. Then we went inside and wrapped all the toys for all our cousins and sent them to their house for Christmas. After Christmas we got thank you letters from all our cousins. For Christmas I got a elevator that goes from my room down to the family room. Shawn Thomson Grade 5 St. Mary's School The Family's Christmas Present One winter day I was out playing in the snow. This big limozene pulled up in our driveway. A man came out and asked me if my dad was home. He was still at work. Then he said, "Would you like to get your family somthing�they'll love" "Yes I would but I don't have the money. He said "all you have to do is fight The Christmas man. He is coming to town and if you don't destroy him he won't let Santa come here." I said I would so I ran into my house and got a cholate bar in case I got hungry. I ran out into the field out side of our town. Because he was going to land there. Once he got there I jumped out of the snow and said "freeze". He turned around and said "The only way you will destroy me is to find out where I cam from and you only have 2 days" Then he vanised into thin air. The day pased. At night I herd a noise in the basement so I walked down. I heard him in the old fruit seller, I opened the door very carfuly. I heard him say (I will hount the boy's house tonight and he would never gesed that I live In hoo hoe land). Then I said to myself no wonder that guy is so stupid he's from hoo hoe land. Well I ran up stairs and got into bed. he came about 1:00 in the morning. He came into my room but I had traps of my own. I was asleep but but I had a rope tied to the door and the other end had bells tied on end then when he opens the door. The rope would pull on the bell and the bells could fall off my desk and wake me up. There was a spring. louded fist in witch was in my shirt drawer. I was asleep and he opened the door the bells rang. I woke up and I graped my baseball bat. He came over to my bed. I jumped and hit him on the head with my bat. He fell down on the floor. I took out my spring louded fist I louden it and aimed it at his face. My dad woke up when he woke up when he heard a big (bang). I heard my dad running into my room so I threw him out the window. When my dad came into my room he asked what that noise was. I Said I was just jumping on my bed and fell off and hit my head. When my dad went back to bed I yell- edout my window and said what ever your name is you live in hoo hoe land then I listen- ed all I heard was the next door neighbours baby crying. The next night I went to bed and Santa came and I got quit a bit to on Christmas day the same man pulled up in a limo and gave me 50 grand so I went and got a corvette I throught it would be a good pre- sent for the family. By Robbie Kinahan Grade 5 St. Mary's School ,moi" ° V v .e3'-' 1 wyP"' .t. .w i .oral' •aq-• ® a ox io iv: wate'° : i MacEIONAL0 MARINE • poets OF 001161101 ►19) 251.,§ 'hY eatlea4 MAY. YOUR HOLIDAY BE MERRY V V fishing our many customers and friends a very merry Christmas and a prosperous CARE Upholstery, Drapery, Rug Cleaning DOUG GAVIN & FAM I LY In the holiday tradition, may the old, but ever new spirit of Yuletide bless (4 - you you and yours with love. Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for a Safe and Prosperous New Year from Grant & Staff M -W AUTO. BODY & COLLISION 184 East Street, Goderich 524-2113 May stockingsftil of v " joy and good wishes be yours this holiday. Warmest thanks to all our customers and dearest friends. �Q atOugSCOU PAINT & PAPER c91 ew36 and a special "Thanks" to all our customers. Decoratie,,e :16 Accessories 0 the square Goderich Phone: 524-4400