HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-12-24, Page 42GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 24. 1986—PAGE 9B
My mom's Christrnas wasn't excitin
Christmas is a war to see
My Mom's Christmas
At Christmas my mom got abouttwo
things at Christmas. Because there were six
children in the family.
They usually got one orange, candies, and
chocolates and they had grapes but only at
w-iot to midnight mass every
Christmas Eve on a teem and sleigh when
my mom got cold she would jump off and
run behind when she got home she had a big
meal her mom made a three layer
homemade fruit cake covered with Icing
decrated with Small silver candies. She
always had fun.
Karen Ruston
Gr. 7
Colborne Central
My' Mom's Christmas
My Mom's Christmas wasn't very ex-
citing. She woold wake up and beside her
without wrapping on them.
These were one toy and a pair of socks.
Then she would go off and play. "But I've
always dreamed of having a big Christmas
and a big Christmas dinner."
Mom tries to make Christmas fun by get-
ting us lots of toys and clothes. The dinner is
always good. I like her pies. My mom knows
how to make Christmas exciting.
Terri Wanger
Gr. 7
Colborne Central
• which store has the lowest prices
Christmas is no longer just a celebration Christmas is a very busy and „exciting
store has the lowest prices. for store owners. What I mean is at
Commercialization has taken over a big Christmas time people are out Christmas
part of Christmas. Commercials for shopping, looking for the best buys on
Christmas posters in malls and stores all whatever it might be. To store owners the
start getting put up right after Halloween. best way of getting people to buy at their
People start s opping for presents and gifts store is commercialism. Sure it works, but it
and many of t m don't remember the true takes all the true meaning out of Christmas.
meaning of Chr' tmas. Even weeks before All you have to do is look around. What do
lgwgen, people
others want for C
that say. ONLY 84 d
We should reme
of Christ's birth, ; of the but is a war to see which time year and makes good business
as an
AP0110, •.o 4c: VW
tmas. You see signs
ys till Christmas.
er the true meaning of
not always the material
Marnie Wilson
Gr. 8
St. Mary's
Christmas began as a religious holiday.
You didn't get much, but what did that mat-
ter? Now department stores begin putting
up signs. playing Christmas music, and hav-
ing sale after sale right after Halloween.
Everyone forgets the real meaning of
Christmas. It is a time for havng turkey
with your family and going and receiving
gifts. Christmas now seems to be replaced
with "X -Mas". What does 'X' mean? It sure
doesn't mean Christ.
I always hear my mom talk about
Christmas when she was young. She got a
pair of socks and come candy. You had to be
satisfied with what you got. Now most peo-
ple want everything a department store has
to offer..
The important things in Christmas are
family and friends.
¥L0 , tfrrY a -403(r;t lve.4s comer -
coals wtili the Christmas character Santa
Claus and his elves running around getting
the best buys on Christmas presents and
stocking stuffers in different stores. You
never make them mention Christ. They
even take the word Christ out of Christmas.
Just because store owners don't have
enough room on store windows they put X -
Mas. I say they should make room. The
reason we celebrate Christmas is to praise
and honour the birth of Jesus Christ.
Juli Denomme
Grade 8
St. Mary's
Christmas is the time that the Christ was
born wasn't it? If it -is why is it always buy,
buy, buy, and save, save, save? It is not
time for high prices either is it? No, it is
time to celebrate that Christ was born not
the time to go out and spend a hundred
dollars on a tape recorder.
No, it is time to be happy that Christ is
Have you ever thought seriously about
what you are doing?
If you cared about Christ it would happen.
In the end I think if you cared more than
Nicole de Jeu spend more you would be on the right track.
Gr. 8 Jennifer Hunter
Gr. 8
St. Mary's St. Mary's
My Parents Christmas
My Dads Christmas when he was a kid.
When he was a kid it was not like our
Christmas. They got about three or four
presents. My Dad would go to church and
they would play games and have Dinner
there. My Mom side for Christmas They
would leave to go to the church and have
most of there Christmas in church and then
they would come home and there presents
wauYd be under the tree and they would open
We're wishing you a generous
serving of good health, good
cheer and happy times to last the
year through! Thanks, friends.
355 Bayfield Rd. 524-4331
Hwy. 21 N. 524-4565
° Norman
Gr. 7
Colborne Central
Christmas at the church they would play
games and have some fun. And they then
they would go home and open there present
and play games and they would have a big
Christmas dinner.
Chris Geddes
Gr. 7
GUJ.0 JL to Cz. tPa!
The Christmas hoiliday for my mom
began with her Grandparents coming from
Hamilton on Christmas Eve night:
There where nine kids in the family.
On Christmas Eve Mom would get some
thing like a note pad and her share of pennys
Gramma saved all year.
Then they went carolling and came home
to go to bed. Gramma and Grampa sleeped
in the living room.
In the morning about 4:00 mom sneaked
down stairs to see what was under the tree.
latter on everyone whoke up and had orange
juice and open the presents.
Gramma always gave toys and Grampa
always gave clothes. Mom would get a doll
and a pair of skates. The family would get
something like tobogan.
After that the family went to mass. After
that everyone would come home and have a
big turkey dinner with mince meat pie and
other tastey things. Then to top it of
everyone went caroling.
Jason Wray
Colborne Central
When mom was a girl Christmas time
there wasn't enough money to buy presents
for 10 kids.
So instead of a present they each received
a apple and orange. Then they went to a
church service for a couple off hours.
When they arrived home they went out-
side and tobogganed down the front yard on
a washing machine lid or a piece of card-
board. Then last but not least they told each
other how much they loved them.
Christmas for my mother was just like
any other day of the year.
Gr. 7,
Colborne Central
Christmas in Germany!
On December 24 we have no school in Ger-
many and we all are really tense off day.
We buy a Christmas tree that morning
and put in the living room. we put a candel
on the tree. Erika, Harold and I give mom a
givt and Mom puts the present under the
tree. The Christ -child (mom) decordes the
tree when we are outside. On the evening we
go to church. The church on Christmas real-
ly looks beautiful. I like it. When we came
home from the church we all make a supper
and help Mom.
And than comes the big surprise! The
Christmas tree! We all go into the living
Erika, Harald and I open our presents
which we will like all year. We give Mom
and Dad their presents and we look at all of
them. And then we go to Grandmother and
Grandfather's house and we bring them
home with us. The have present for us and
we have soine, therfOighenNve are finish&
ed with the presents vd lthlree childieh sing a
song or a poem and all year Mom, Dad,
Grandfather and Grandmother
remembered our song.
On thes day we don't go to bed too soon
because we have a lot to celebrate.
On the next day the 25 December after-
noon go ww to my Moms parenth and see the
Christmas tree. We get from our Grand-
mother a present, from our aunt and from
our godfather a present.
We have Holliday all Christmas time. till
January it is a wonderful time for us. And
we all liked the Christmas tree, Christ -child,
Christmas present and we liked all the
Christmas in Germany.
Every year this time has we not much
snow we has about 15-20 cm all year.
This is not much but we will see much
snow this year in Canada. We all like our
surprise of the snow and the Christmas feast
in Canada.
Grade 7
Colborne Central
We're delivering our
fondest wishes to you,
dear friends, for a very
From: Wilf Denomme, Bev,
Chris, Willie, Vic, Joanne, Audrey,
and Samantha.
*1,,cIn bright ant lei pat ion o1' -
the {militia) s. we %' iJ11' on a
.*i• season al last in lone
and laughter. It', been a job
1 to (lo hut.iness ��ilh gnu
-. d 11 '. siN410r i! 'fir i) • �` :: 1. • .
Orli ��"I/ r' • I� /! �w ;.1t 1�
Joyous Holiday
and all Good Wishes
for the New Year!
We will be closed
Dec. 24th to Jan. 5th
Happy New Year
In the olden days . 72 THE SQUARE
In the olden days for Christmas they had GODERICH, OMT_
for presents they had there stocking filled II 524-4509
with frut and candy. And on sunday for 1
Star of Betula'
Ger, makl:
Your Value
has been war'
year. Weoak.
serving you, out
8 The
oder! h
Alvin Blackwell: President
We Wish All Our
Members, The Town
Council and Citizens
of Goderich A
Very Merry Christmas
and Happiness in
the Coming Year!
A Special Thanks
To All My Executive
And The Ladies
Auxiliary who have
supported me during
the year.
Alvin Blackwell