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Exeter Times, 1916-2-24, Page 1
'r 'ORTY-SECOND YEAR- No. 2240 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAN MORNING, FE JUNES & .MAY Phone 32 A •Spiefldid Opportunity Forcarl eners �. f r every Fine of merchandise. we .In spite of the continued advance o nearly e y a are prepared to offer an immense Spring Stock, with a few exceptions, at last sea- son'sA rices. Of course, as soon as our present supply sells out, we cannot guar. antee these prices. SO COME EARLY! Prints at Old Prices Hundreds of yards of heavyEnglish Prints, good fast colors, in great theylast ' variety of patterns and colorings, while , 1-2f at the old price per yard 12cts Special Prints at 10c. a Yard Wire .offer hundred of. aids of good Canadian Prints at 100 a yard. Men's Working Apparel, at- Old Prices Men's Heavy Weight Pants and Overalls, in Denim and Cottonade, wonderful value at.. • per pair Heavy Weight Smocks to match........ . at each Extra Heavy Weight Overalls,. Pants and' Smocks, $1l,00 $1.00 $1.2 at per garment, Special Sale of Ladies' Hosiery at 12 1=2 cts. par P air sizes 1,200 pair Ladies' Plain Cotton Hosiery, extra good quality, S- to 10, special early Spring selling, price. only 121-2 Cts pair Black. Moire Underskirts •at 98c 8 dozen Black Moire Underskirts, heavy weight and good wearing quality, in black only, to clear at........... each New Spring Suits and Coats for Ladies now 98c in stock Cotton .Staples at Old Prices, . Factory Cottons, Bleached Cottons, Flannelettes, Denims, £des, Etc.. at Old Prises. All Ladies' Furs at Nea ly Half Price Cotton- J AND utono 'ile Skates The Best for Every Use Skates nto-Cycle, $ 1.50 Auto No. 25, $2.00 Auto Ladies, $2 50 Auto A, $3.0.0 Auto 13, $4 00 Auto C, $5.00 Other Makes, $1.25 up Hockey Sticks 10c, 15c, 25c and up to $1.00 Hockey Pucks 10c & 25c Skate Straps 15c and 20c kates i 'her r pened, 15o; HOCKEY RULE BOOKS given free PLUM 4itet us estimate o Bathroom also Pipe an and TINSMITHING yo r quirements and needs. A full line of ttin . s and Toilet Fixtures-- Pine Fittings, Valves, etc 11 Lill�A :�� HARnwSTE AND OVE STORE Pt3ONEs 27 A AND 47 8—EXE CEI( THAMES { Wending bells are ringing ;neighborhood this: week. Min and tllrs. Norman passtnore "nave returned (from their honeymoon. Sanaa of the young people of this (vicinity attended the Patriotic ball in :wens tii on-rriday evening lastr in the 'Bethany young 'people pleasantly entertained at their p.nstor, on Wednedsay Bev. 8. 'W. evening weeds very the home: of Muxworthy of last(week. Rev. Mx. ",McAlister from James St. 13xeter, preached a. fine missionary •liyndmanof town, who den'isted with e ids. do Leedom'. . d • � will l xs it. [ sermon et z3tthanly last •Sunda,, af•dthe 9th Battalion at 'Winnipeg coxing coup by the nese at Halifaxthis week 'having been in- The Wellxwishes of the comsnttni.y are 41, • , •a" • i SEMSMITB Mr. ledger :Munn has enlisted at We haven't been issued with aJ f our il3ensall with the 161st Battalion. equipment yet, lots of fellows haven't it mother I do not Exeter School Boaf A meeting .of the Dubin I hoot Board was -held in the 'office fo'fkiwi- moo and •Stanbury on 3'ebq 21st,nbe sent, A. E. Puke, Minutes of tL, previous meeting were read and ape a Junior Epworth League of Main proved. The. S. Inspector's re- street Methodist churoh were enter - port was ddscutxsed, taine'd 'to a pleasant sleigh -ride party Wood and Armstrong that A. E. on H,e onda, vening, after which they lt'ake and F. 'W,e GI dn*an. be a. come met in the parlors of the church and mittee re (Science egtipniteaxt, = lunch; was served area a dsociable time . 'Woad and :Creeds, that Grounds corn; enjoy'e'd, The children enjoyed thLzn- ! look after the necessary removal of selves to the utmost: any trees; also nee thee flag4pol'ef be FARM SOLD ; put intoproper repair.• ' `Wood and Armstrong that F. W. B. S. Phillip, (real estate agent~., bas Gladinan and R. N., Creech be a coin. this 'week sold the 50 acre farm of n mittee to looik into grants from coon- Melvin Gould, being lot 27, conee;asion ty councils tre High Beb3;ols'einclie0oo 3. Usborne, for over 54000 to Mr.. tinuatdan schools. .Luther Lteynalds, of Exeter, poss.es- aGrla'dman and Arrrtstrs rtg that the Mon to be given Manch 15th. Mr. following accounts 'be paid:. J. Dig. Gould will plays an auction sale of wain & Son; 1.64; IR.. Et+Davis 2305; c attels oo ox about the 13th, W. C. Cole 3.20;: 8.1Martin & Son 0.64; STO':CK. BRINGS FANCY' PRICES Russell 2 00. Gladman and Creech that the ,prin- cipal be instruoted,• to call in all B. S. fees 'by Marsh 1st. 1001MING—A car of SEED OATS, a.i ds iS American Banner from Alberta, vied yielded 100 bus, per ;acre. Kann at the nein, W. Inumeort a s quite at :at mill to see sample and, leave your ter borne on Andrew street. order --Harvey I3ros. Mrs. Wm. (Rennie, .of Zurich, is at- S LE I L II I Gt'^�RTY tending her father's funeral, l'tt Wood. and Creech th'et taaehers .in- struct truant officer re tiny' non-et- tendants. Adjournment by IR. N. Creech. L t , Mcl aul, Seoy. Mr. John Selves had a very sucee fel auction saie on NV of la week, the live stook all selling for, goat. prices. Rev. Mr. Collins, of Exeter made a stirring appeal for recruits to the young men present. Mr. Selves and family intend moving next week to theiir ,new home on the Boundary, recently purchased from Mx. JR; ;R. Glenn !AIr. Albert Ether- ington is taking possession of the farm Mr. Selves is giving up, Letter Front the Front EX -1' WAR AUXILIARY . A meeting of the Exeter BranchJ'of The following letter was received- the War Auxiliary was 'held in the front Mr Ilardwiok Corry sh by his public Library on Thursday evening, parents, Mr. and l:zs. John iCornishn the 17th. instant when a ann. discus- Elimvil"e. In a previous letter he state sion of the work to be .performed ed arta thlye ,had just kot out took place. A census of the number of from a (six weeks ouaralttine from men of military age residing in spinal meningitis. All their belong -t Exeter is now being• taken, and the drags were burned but he seved the information will be forwarded to the pocket testament given hill by the headquarters or the Auxiliary. Elimville Sundrsy Schooil and a !reel A furiLer meeting is called' for Fria other keep -sakes. Some of the letters'' day evening, the 25th. instant, in the written him have gone astray. Public Library, and a full attend(adnee Folkston •, Feb. 2ad. t of the officers and members in red J qu'estedl er, Deas moth I am,'beginning to thinly you have I STEPHEN WAR AUXILIARY, forgotten me. I thought I would get Stephen Township on Monday even -i ing organized a branch of the Huron. War Auxiliary. The councillors a.da�d two representatives from each polling division were present, The following officers were elected:, Pres, Rev; Selby Jefferson; vice -Pres., Reeve '. f R, Elliott; Seoy-treas, 'H. K. Ell - p. letter once a week anyway. Will mother, you know whlat I' said when 1 wigs in Canada abo:it, putting (up ,with( it. Well I have done so and will continue o till the war is ovei. I have just had a little misfortune,tbe ink in my fountain,, pen rant out and ber; committee; W. (D. Sanders, Alex. I went to get my box off the shelf to get m'y red ink. When I eves putt -4 Neeb, John Love, Sani'1 'Brown, Sam'l ing it buck the. box slipped, Of Davis, 'Recruiting meetings were ar course Z stuck out my hand to save ranged for Grand Bend this Thursday it when a nettleor somne >, ^ran Into. awening and Crediton on Friday ,to be it and it is no fun, either -o' :course. etidr ssed by et:oner. Wyatt, or ;London it's npt as bad as a bayonet wound.. who is home from the.front, and 'Capt. Well I could tell you a whole lot Hindsan, oe. Guelph. Further arrange - more but I will keep that till after ments will 'be made for other meet the stair. I might mention that this Ings in the township. A `census of morning we were inspected by a, � all the men of military age between General from Lond.m War Office. It was what you call :t review.. The troops event throut b different man- oeuvres. This nft.ernoon there was a master roll of all the troops in the 3btk Battalion. The following is what I ash in: No. 12 Brigade, No. 9 Divise tonal corps, 36 Reserve Inf .Batt.. 'C., Co., Ne, 2 Platoon No. 14' section, C. Parkhill team by the score oe 6 to 4. E. F, How axe all the youngsters The home team started off well( and getting along; also 1lrs. Heywood scored twice the only scores • being and the est of the people in.the mlde in the ifirst period. In thence, city. What is dad doing these j ond period Parkhill snored 4 goals ois Pearce and Polly getting ; and Exeter L In the last iperion along. Dud I tell you in my last letter J Exeter 'tied the score which was main - we were out of gtarentine at• Jas' tamed until about five minutes ;to the close when the visitors broke away and scored two goals. The lighls were off for about half an hour whish the sages of 18 and 454 will be taken and such other matters to further re- cruiting will bi dealt with. PA(RKHILL 6—.EXETER 4. In a fast, clean game of hockey- pn Friday evening last the Exeter play- ers went down to defeat before the Miss Greta Memnon, of Exeter,• got their caps, spent a few days with We.ndss„int thin know whether you wouldt know m e ryas some annoyance to both'players neighborhoods we inot,moustache and an e games. last e!k now or if you were, o see '• d spectators. The attendance wags A number from here attended a 11tia.ve a dainty little moo not as large as at previous games. chest on me like a horse. You Oven E. Graham refereed the game. panty at the home of M. and mars, a Last Snell, of TJsborne one evening could sit on the top of it quite easily Last week., without any Kianger of falling oCC, I think I have grown a couple of feet 1Ir, (C, (Campbell, who recently sold since joining the army, too. Well I his farm to the Alessai,. Prouty, of think I had batter ring off for this Uslrorne intends holding an auction ! time hoping you are all well. We about me. ;;cur loving son, fettle of his stock and implemen."..s on' will soon 'b i.n France. Don't worry Friday, .larch 10th. BORN FAUST—At Zurich, on Feb. llth, to Mr. and M,rs. S. Est Faust! `,'a son. �'lUDMORE—In Hensall on Feby. 17th to Mr. cnd'AlrsSamuel Cudmore, a 'son. NEIL—In McGillivray on Feby. 21st to Mir. land Mrs. Young Neit a dan- ghter, ARMSTRONG -On February 121h, in Stanley Township, to ALr. and Mrs. George Armstrong a .daughter. MAR'RIED CLARK—BERRYHTLL—On the JBase. I Line, Blanshard, on Felty. 16th bliss Olive Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Berryhill to Mr. George E. !Clark, of 1St. Thomas, bye` A W. Baker, t13,D. DIED 13sRODERICK—In Ee titer, on Mon- day, Feby. 21st, John ll3roderieka aged '74. ,years. 7 months and 24 day s. REICHERT--Irl Hay Township on Feb. 13th, Laura Kathleen, dough- bang 'ilard.wiek ;WOODHAM ' Afr. Alex Jamieson is i11 ,at present. Mr. John Iludkins is expected: home this week. 27 ,days following an illness of several 'We hear that Mx. Robt. Neal: is ill in Stratford hospital with the mumps. months. The deceased wets born in Air. Johnston, son of Mr. and, :firs. the township of Dumfries, county of A. Johnston, is visiting 'relatives, and Waterloo, Out., and at the aged of 20 friends here. t Hay s ttliu• • on the 9th con Thomas Ratchford and Lorne Gun- ning, our seedier boys, spent the week- end with relatives and friends .here. Mr. Robin keen is recovering from an attack of la grippe; (also the little daughter of ] 1r. and Mrs. Sidney Chappell.. Mr. and 'Mrs. Jas..Routley are in London attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Wm. 'Ltoatly, step -'mother Mrs.. Jas. S4w,eetG is tat ialedd"'Std ;t keouse through illness. The material is ori tine sgreendi for the •ereotion of a new bowie on the f;axm of Mr. Tarry Joon. ,Londien Sid: south i a Miss Ruth: Hamilton, of Godsri io A aleigkload from town drovd' out Visiting Ler sinter, Linz A. Ilamdlton. to lip. laud- (Mrs. IR4. Coates' f Edea Mrs, Wallace Williams, of Wyom- ing is visiting wit1i Ma; and Mi. Wm. Daunce, r. Mr, teed. Cudmore visited relatives i' d f r a fess" s± 'n $ en an sen. o tl� ,t1a. i pp , y last week., e Mac. Atha M. Broderick, of iRegissa, Sask., is home attending the funeral9 of bis father. Ada 'Willie, Misses Ix�so Sweet etsa;d Ad Wil try of Stratford Norsaal spent the week- end with then.' parents. Pte. Win Mitchell accompanied by nels"'hrisrle, left last week tot join his Battalion at f. ebee. MADE iv E'X1 Telt, the very best flour money can buy. Three grades, each the. hest of their kind. `Nose with teaming to do have been making good use of thq (sleigh- ing which has been fairly good. Miss Grieve hos aeturned to Sea - forth, after visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. GI Seldom, Tom Longboat is applying for a transfer from the 125th Battalion to the 180th "Sportsmans' Battalion.' Pte. Elmer Maness •of thei 33rd Battalion, stationed at Quebec, is spending a few -days r;-ith his mother. Mrs. A, Swayze, s'1trs. Smith: and Mr. Garnet Broderick, of London, are at home attendeng the funeral of their father. lost xri'day' evening where they wex�ai royally entertained,. Medi: R. D. Turnbull of the 43rd bate ±ei;y, 1Gue2 , vasite4 thin patina.'+t,�d..14 and 1111rs. W. A. Turnbull, Falcluharr on '!`hursday last The boys in khalai took . n rout marsh to Dashwood on eWesdluereda°y., They were entertained to dinner 'by Mr. e no d lI . !Ri'ce ll; 1 y s The Book Klub have sent away six war boxes dosing the pant wee non taining absorbant cotton, bandages, gate, adhesive plaster, and 1 pair of baspital isox. Me. Wilbur Stanley, of Luean, who accompanied blur. Geo. ;Stanley a to Exeter last Sunday gave an exneneaana address to tlae James street Sundale school in the •afternaos. Prov Lieut, Thos. Pexahale, who has been attending the .school of S.ctie Toronto, has been granted his year and has enlisted for overseas. service, He has been sp'enelieg zeveraal =days w ith his parents, Mee and diad, Wm., Penhale, prior to leaving for•,Englandt. It looks as though the ,ice ban been broken in flag neighborhood end; that the next few days will see a atitimu.s lus to recruiting. Ons has been waiting for the other and ii' reports are correct there are a number of names that will shortly be added :due: t he honor troll. THE EXETER BARGAIN STORE Just Arrived 30 pairs ^f Ladies' Black Glazed Kid. Shoes, patent t; . Goodyear welted soles, Blucher cut, size 2 to 6, worth $3.50 2 On sale for • Our75 Stock of Boys'' and Girls' Shoes is complete fad the price is much less than it we were buying nZw. : We anticipated the raise in price and filled our shelves at old pri- ces. 2 Cases Mens Heavy Shoes at last year's prices. All '� inter Goods Reduced B. .01.111411040,6141 Lo].uw`ing was the line up:. ••••••••onood�enoettne •0®•004.• eneo•�e t eetee ee eene oeetene••••••• Pareni.il—Goal, Ilodbins; i'point, • .r Hawkey; saver, parker; rover, ]lol �Jli' ,, 1 E 8 I A - en; centre, Jas. Dobbs; right, Lieut, ` i? -,en • 0 e i" ° ' a s 0 • • + The Late John Broderick .14 e EPART ENT d. r Mr. John Broderick of Andrew St. • Exeter, passed away on Monday, at • da the age of 74 years, 7 months and. * 0 IF its a pair of Trousers, an odd ••• •• C��c•,k and Vest or a Suit you want, • pp,, {1 or Babylon Linc. Three years later (r��� quick, +�1p bef� � the tithe fellow he was married to Margaret Hodgins • and for nearly fifty-one years they • gets .. r . besto tLey have shared the pleasureac and • sorrows of Ii.�e together. On the ;27th m.� of February 1915 they celebrated, th:ir • *, golden wedding. For 12 years Mr. Bro- i � for �� Vests. &risk taught school in Bayfield. and •,- Crediton, Later taking up f arming}o which he followed until about ei • A�•. ds for odd Cats and Vest& I. 41* ads for odd 'Trouser Cameron; left Lloyd. Hodgson. Exeter—Gant leydd; point, Atkin- son; cover point, A. Pickard; rover D. Hoffman; centre, M.Senior; right 0, Pickard; left, B. Rivers. years ago when they shoved to town. e of Mx ltoatly llesi'des h s sorrowing widow e g Married—A very interesting event., children survive, four boys and four at,a curved at the 'home of tJlr, and Airs, Garnet II. of London, ledger Albert 73erryhe !'; on the 'Babylon Line .Evelyn in Hey tow eelnp; Mrs;. 'Wm. t, he marriages of their, daughter Rennie, north of Zs: rich; Marjorie ae Lome and John of Regina, all of the second, within a Few months,oc- girls, Airs. ew.ayse, Mis• Sth and. Irk Reichert, rt C . . et he ,Ce ark,and Mrs. L. G r e E. Min 11 0 f, o. lIr. c teenA ,i "to 1 g rrc Olive I C aged. three years and 13 days., of St. Thomas. The ceremony was `_�_ performed by the pastor, .Lev, C. W. Baker, Jia„D.F of Woodham, at 5.30 lk: ]hLr Will Ames, of London visited' m. on We�dnesd sy, Feby 16th. The in town this tvae,k, bride is a 'charming young lady and• from Mexion. nen, rank (Knight ,spent a ,day in was handsomely gowned for the ocm- She has bees' engasgeel es a stenographer in l on•doe an recon , y in St. Thoines, The groom is a..s,plen- sSever;al of the young people from did type of physical manhood. The town ,attended the dance in an nton bride was 'the .recipient of many vela 'Cuesday e ening, mane presents, a fitting testimony to Mr. 'W';• ITyndm,�dp, son Of Mrs” the high'�estecm in whtclt she is 'held, After a brief wedding tour the ;happy town this week. He lies just Infuriated seOn` d ti �• n dcd to therm tor, Bev. Ile _ ..e�t...- e�.te o c . 15VV', Mu o the t 1 a' d: borne faro the f G x ..t lick 1t, e 'pr, v L_ • • • •• • • • . • whom were press I. at the £u neral The deceased was a very kind and df-: is fectionate Liw..and and father, aAd to those who knew him best, hes life • was a b. autilul exasnir a of Cti.s--like R patience and. eotoiewill to ail people. 9a ,Vas a consistent cncusber of the •• Methodist ehuroh for many years, and always look a deep interest i.n Sun.'- • clay school work, in whichPic 'servr.� • as Superintendalit for many year. 1 • politics Le eves a Reformer. The fun- to era. Was held on Wednesday after -e neon to the Exeter cemetery conduct -1 ed by Rev. 5 W. hluxwortLy essiest- who was Yelland, a ed by Rev. .7. G. d -cease •r t of the 'deceased, to L x .s ox tomer p clea.. tds for a SLIM • a e tailor any order at rti I out. HON *at* .cf t.s.^r.... Pti©144,44O40011.‘' 414,4:e ..0)"•4n..; 4 a •