HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-2-17, Page 8Phone A. STEWART Slone 16 Our is yfir ` a g e Great Su .: CeSS Tel p xl 13 i ,v a sr.) g, vi t. Wee cel) i ;h wit not h) a.ppcoaehed for a Lint time to erne a, b ee tuse of the eaorrn sus inc e,5e in the cost of production. SAVE DOLLARS by coming to { + UR STORE "hie Month MEN'S OVERCOATS Any, Bo)`s oe Man's Overcoat in the !'.tore, tale your pick at a DISCOUNT OF 15 PER CENT LADIES' CLOTH COATS Not this season's styles, but Coats that sold for $10 to $12 50 -- the Cloths are good and Goats well made. BIG SALE PRICE......$ 5 BoYS' OVERCOATS Regular values were $5 to $0.50,. The Cloths are splendid quality. You will have bo see them to ap- preciate their value. $fi�rr BIG SALE PRICE cls LADIES' FUR– COLLARED COATS Very Special Line, Cloth of high quality Kersey, line t with Quilted or Curl Lining, with a splendid. high Fur Collar. 3 ,d SALE PRICE $14, 9i ALL FURS GREATLY REDUCED IN PRICE 1 1 YDS. FACTORY FOR $1.00 This is a BARGAIN! 36 inch Factory Cotton, tine, even weave, and good weight. This price is for 20 days only, Get your $ supply 11 YDS. FOR Coat's Best Spools each 4c Best Needles, 5c pkge..,.....2 for 5e Pearl Buttons, extra quality,adoz 5c yds. Silk Hair Ribbon for 25c 15 per cent disc't on any Toilet Set 12ec Linen Towelling per yd....,.lOc 12 Girls' Coats, sale price...... $2.00 81.25 Ladies' Black Underskirts 98e 11 YDS. 36 IN. FLANNELETTE FoR $ 1 In a. wide range of patterns, This Flannellette is worth 12e a yard. Special Price for this Sale, $ 11 YDS, FOR 1 MEN'S FLEECE- LINED UNDERWEAR All sizes in PENMAN'S Fleeced Lined Underwear, sold everywhere for a'Oc. Our February Sale Price 12-4 Flannellette Blankets $1 worth $165, for e 50e Unbleached Linen per yd.,.40c 7 Ladies' 5e Bandkerchiefs for 25c $5 to $S 50 Ladies' Black $r} �� Skirts for....-... ......... ..... , GROCERY BARGAINS Extra Standard Granulated Sugar, 100 lb. Bags $6.85 7 boxes 5e Matcbes for 25c 3 lbs. good. Ginger 'Snaps fur 25e 6 bars Comfort Soap for 95c &pkgs, 10e Poedrieti cicuuro•tii' 7 lbs. best Oatmeal for ............. 3-rc 3 cane Corn, Peas and Tomatoes 25c 3 boxes Royal Yeast Oakes for 10e 3 pkgs. of Kellog' Toasted. Corn Flakes for 25e 2 lbs, best Baking Soda for. 5e Quart Sealer of BakingPowder 20c Maple Leaf almon, large tin ....21e 4 pkgs. of Corn Starch for, ..... .25c Shredded Wheat, per pkge. 3 plugs of McDonald or any other Tobacco for .... .25e 4 bottles est Extracts for ,.....25C J. A. STEWART Phone 16 The Big Store with the Little prices rt ratio Mark Register oar GEORGIAN MFG. CO„ - The Harmless but Effi- cent remedy for Headache Neuralgia,/Anaemia.Sleep- lessness, Nenlous Ex- haustion, &c, Eg 50z AT ALL DRUGGISTS, or by mall troll COLLINGWOOD, ONT. ,i, 4++-$ S+++ r++ 4 .I„ LADIES' .Sc GENTS.' 4 f �'A.1L ".Ilea 4, 4, -i- 4 '1' A full line of Ladies' 'I' 4, 4. Suitings, in • Gaverdines, Broadcloths, Vicunas, Pop- e +lins.African Brown, Russian + +and Laural reen, etc. 4, PRICES $23.00 to $35.00 Coats 4 thth Coat season is here and 4 with it some of the most be- 4' '1' • coming and attractive models . of the day. Every garment 4. 4- the newest in its class— it tweeds, plushes, beavers, + 4. Persia-tex chinchillas, etc. + PRICES $17.00 to 530,00. 4. 4. A. fine assortment of ..��.. 4. Men's Suitings and Overcoat- .+I. ings at reaasonable prices. 4' e` Give us a call. 4- .1. 1r N . Sheer •� + THE HIGH CLASS TAILOR .g a h p Stairs, Opposite Central + *leHotel ,g 4. + it -4-+++++''H ee++++++++:i•++.r + 50V, ACID STOMACHS GASES OR INDIGESTION Each "Pape's Diapepsin" digests 3000 grains food, ending ail stomach misery in five minutes. Time It! In five minutes all stony soh •distress will go. No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or 'belching of gas, acid, or eructations of undigested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headache, Pape's • Diapepsin is noted for Its speed in. regulating upset stomachs. It is the surest, quickest etomach rem- edy its the whole world and besides it , is harmless. Put an ,end to stomach trouble forever by getting a large fifty -cent ease of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store. You realize in five minutes how needless it is to euf- ter from indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach disorder. It's the quickest, surest and most harmlessptoniaclr doctor int the FURN1TtP: El We can assist you in selecting your furniture if you are going to furnish your home, or if you on'y want some odd pieccs. Our Undertaking De- partment is up to -date in every respect and we guar- antee the best of satisfact- ion, R. N • Rowe The Funeral director and I Ferri-titrere Dc a1er PRONE 20a HONOR ROLL FOR 161st Battalion M j• W. J. Beaman. Lieut, Edgar Torrance Sidney Smith, Hay P. Fred Tucker, Exeter John Kendall Cornish, Elimville, Hector Heywood, Exeter. Fred Hopkins, Whalen Sylvanus Cann, Exeter Wilbur Pfaff, r r 1 a Milton Pfaff Harold Bissett ' Fred Wells Lloyd Rivers Austin A. Rind Ernest Collingwood, .F Albert B. Bolton Wilfrid G. Stewra,rt E. Itt. Williams, Farquhar Grant Hooper Thos. Harold Wilkinson, ,I1:umlcy ICy,ril Tuckey Ralph W. Batten, Winclielsea r~ Geo. Edwaird Kellett, Dilmvillel David G. Appleton, 'Garnet Hem CreditorsJames 2Z,. itfatrshall • Bruce 11, afeethewe, Thai res std. J'clin J3. Lang, London ltd. - VV. efilJson, Exeter Lloyd England, Crediton: Gordon C, Culbert, Centralia • TH Market Report—"ibe toilawtng is the report of the Exeter nut rI et eorrccted uta to February 16th. Wheat 90o to k1.O8. Oats ego Baxley leey 50 to 55e l3uckwteat 60 to 72e Peas "1,00 Family flour $3:30. now Grade Flour $1,75, Bran $25 per ton. Shorts $26 per ton Butter 28 to 30 Creamery butter 30 Eggs, a,trictly troll 280. Eggs over 0 days 204 Potatoes $25 Ilogsc 9.50. 1 TICE 1 beg to inform: the. Public that i have taken over the GROCER Y and CONFECTIONARY BUS- INESS of J. A. Wambold # Opposite Central Hetet and a ill be open for Business SAL FES. 12th Your patronage solicit ed—our best service at your dispel se . O. L. WILSON Parnell's London Bread, Prompt delivery of all Orders, PRONE 56 4o$€o*•G+4OeatreoDOd'' "109A4e0e LOCAL o 4 !!esus! 4+844se4 Pte. Wilfrid Stewart is til With la. griper. Mrs. E. Jones vierted in ./Jensen this Week. Reeve T. W. Taylor has uprcbased a Ford car. Miss Grieve, of Seaforth is the guest of the Misses Seldon, Mr.Walter Dearing, of London; was in town over Sunday. Have you renewed your subscrip- tion to the Times for 1916? Miss A, Hamilton spent the week- end at her home in Goderich. Miss Jean Walker, of London, ,spent• week �e Eek end with her ,parents... Mr. Jas. Sanders, of Woodstock, visited his 'brother over Sunday. Pte. Ed. Anderson, of the 70th Batt. London, was home for over Sunday, Mr. Wile Martin was in:London: the latter part of last week on ibusiness.. Miss Mabel 'Walters of London,:, iia spending a few weeks with relatives. Miss V. Smith, of Herein, is visite ing with her sister, Mre. Makins, who is ill. DT:r. Walter 'Harness bas taken a position as elexk with B. W.. F. Bea- vers. L. Corp, !Chester Harvey, of Hamil- ton, spent the week.{en•d at this home here. Pte. Elmo Howey, of the Army Med- ical corps, London, spent the week -end at home. Iter. Wilfrid Mack has taken a posi- tion as grocery clerk with J. A. Stewart. This is the 563rd day that the Bri- tish Empire has been at war with Germeny, M G. P. teasers and Jars. Senn visited lir. 13, 'W. F. $;;.avers last Tuesday. I1r. Jrs, Stewart is it's weds mov- ing into on.i o;"- 'Vis. J, Beer's new lou-. ses ne•t,r the station. Ther boys in khaki attended the morning service et James street church lest Sabbath. Mr. W. IL Levett has entered into partnership with Wes. Snell in the automobile busine:e. Maj. W. 3. Beaman, is in London where he will spend a few,weeics tak- ing a field officers' course: Mrs. W. J. Hemmen returned name Last week atter visiting in :Rochester, Buffalo, Toronto and London. Mr, Gro. A. Stanley, who ,for thirty years has been clerk of the Villgae of Lucan, has resigned that pcs;ition. efrs. John Hind, Sr., is under the doctor's care at the home of her daughter, Mrs. L. Fletcher, Usborne. Councillor Jr R. Hind was in 'Lon- don and Galt last Wednesday and Thursday on businere for the 'Ross - Taylor :Co. Mrs. W. Carr and son Gerald, have returned to their home in Detroit are ter spending three weeks with 'Mr, and Mrs. Walter Connor. Mrs. A. E. Bennett and daughter, Miss Greta, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Dickson, left last week for Orangeville and Hartford, Conn., hefere returning to their. home at ;Calgary, Alta. The Plus Ultra. Trays' class or .?,lain street Methodist churcb held a social evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.' Wm. Welker on Monday when they were entertained along with some girl friends to a very pleasant Valen- tine evening. Reeve Taylor and Councillor 13. W. F. Beavers were at Dashwood last Thursday evening where they addrese- ed a meeting in the intreests of hy- dro. The citizens of that place voted on the ley -Slaw Monday carrying .it 101 for' to .2 against: Sunday waning was the :coldest morning we have experienced this winter. Few of us arc tip early enough especially on Sunday morning to know just crow eoid. lit is but Mr. L. Day 'can ,generally give you cot - rest ae coin t n of the reading dl a n of >; the thermometer end records. it Yearly every day. Sunday morning it regis- tered eight degrees below, XETeR It M Have yoez Wenewe4 your sub:sorite time to .t the Threes for 1916t Illi, erred here, li', I3i etelrforcl, left Wednesday morning to visit in North- wood. 1Ix, •Oua t il'arnees xe, a Bold, rids reel- dezree on Seeders street to' Mr. Wm. Recigert. Rev. Geo, Dewey, .of Stratford, is this week a slating Rev. Barnard, of Eliry�viXle=, with especial ,e,zv:ece. Privates Leon Treble , and Earl Mitchell, of Quebec, have received, pro+ motion end axe now Lane* :Corporals izi the 33z+4 `'Battalion: 111r, G. l)or • last week shipped a load of ;horses to Montreal. and on efonday he shipped another load to Toronto, Mr, Helot Anssrnoree of the 'The rgea Road has pur'eeased the residence on Main street south of the Main "street MISS J Jr ALLAN, Eye Sight Specialist will be at the Central Hos tel. Exeter, on Saturday, Feby. 19th from 10 aio.m• to 8 paw "Recovered from your attack of the atdp, old man?" "Not entirely. "Why you look ars welt as ever." "Yea but I owe the fd.00tbr $15. We ore always glad to receive let- ters or darts of same that will be in- teresting to our readers. If you have a letter let us have it. Rev. W. G. at, 1l:oAltster is in Lon- don a.c,:day attending the funeral of Bev. Edwin Holmes, father of Rev. J. E. Holmes formerly of Elimville. Den't bother with second-best flour but buy elanitoba's Best or Model and n lece the kind of bread your folks cant: get 'enooj ]t of. i)Ifg, by Bar- vey Ines, Bi • ase out fo!r a game of hockey Friday evening between Parkhill and fleeter. Last year these two teams put up the .best game of the season on the local Ice. Revs. W. G. H.,. McAlister and S. W. Musworthy were in London cm, Wednesday attending the funeral of Re,. 'Edwin Holmes, father of Rev, J. E. Holmes, formerly of Eliniville. SOUTJ3 HURON FARMERS' INSTI- .1DTE MEETINGS The Supplementary meetings of .the South ,Huron Formers' Institute will be held ars ,follows :r F17$Y. 21st-FAR1QUIIAR 2,00 p.m, F,L1MVILLE 7.30 p.m, F2ff3Y. 22nd—ZURICH 2.00 p.m,. RE;loSALL 7.30 pm. FDBY 2e. d J i .SHIWOOD 2,00 p m. ;G RAND BEND 7.30 p.m. i r FEl3. . 2g C tl,I)ITON, 2,00 and 7.30 To be r a+ddre..sed !try B. C. Nixon, St. 'George ; tin\ in !Barbour, Crosshill and otherrs For 1praii t_lars see,, bills. !S i,,v.IdANAN, president. A. d3. DOUPE, Secretary: SKIES' FORECASTS A. regular !Storm ?Period is central on the 22nd, exteneitiig 'over €urdray the nth, to Friday the 2dth, •Disturb- ing causes and thinn�s to. expect. The disturbing 'pe lade of Vulcan and Mercury have their o„nters to-, gether on. the 22nd. The Mercury period extends from the 17thto, the end of the month. • Meantime the Earth's vernal equinoctial perturb- ation is increasing eoxct. The Moon Is ori the celestial equator on the 20 b on its sway tp south, declination. All these facts indicate very active, if not violent disturbaneeii during this period. Sudden change • to•meca• warni- ,er will appear in the vest, attended by falling 'barometer, with possibly rain and, thunder storms, as ,early as the 20th. .roar fbaromater if you, will hued it, will ip:niniy warn you of the approach 'cell •rad intensity of, these storms, and of the time they evitI arrive at Your locality, in ih:in east- ward sweep across the country, Wind rain and, thunder will be succeeded by snow and sleet and changes to very cold; all these phases touching progressively, daring successive days of the 'period, in ell parts of the country. Danger of equinoctial storms in the ,south should• +be apprehendleld daring end about this period. ,Do not be caught napping out civet the great nortewest. +Watchfullness and prep•+ caution will do you no :harm„ even if dangerous storms do not materialize if they should appear, lack ,of caution and readiness will eaaet of you their toll of suffering and doss and death. Some of our most violent storms ending in furious bliz. arde, foL`ow the full Moon when it fat's on oij n ;ar tl-e celcsti•a.l equator, and'th s fret prow is - es to prolong and greatly intensity the storms and other disturbanceg occurring on or about t :e 18th, so thdat a prolonged spell of stormy( and lord winter weather will most prob- ably run into and continue throught the regular storm period, 20th' to 251b4 We repeat that there is danger tot very severe (equinoctial storms; in the south, with destructive snow, !sleet and told over most interior parts of the country from about the 18th, to tte, 25th of February_ A cold wave, far-Ireaching and destructive, will i:e the sequel, or wind up of these great end general disturbances. GIVE "SYRUP OP FIGS'" TO CONSTIPATED CHILD Delicious "Fruit Laxative" can#(harm tender tittle Stomach, liver and bowels. Look •at the tongue, mother! . If coatad, your little one' stonra.cir, liver and bowels need cleansing at oace». When peevish, cross, listless, doesn't sleep, eat or act naturally, or is fever- ish, stomach sour, breath bad; has sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrtap of Figs," and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, undigested food and sour bile gently move3 out of its little bowels without griping, and you have a well, playful child again ei Ask your druggist • for a 50 -cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs;" which con tainsgtfull directiozis for babies,chil- dren of all ages and t'or grown-ups. The Ladies Patriotic League held a Valentine social evening on Monday in the Town ball. Rev. W. G, 'H 11IeA1istcr was otairnzun. Breve John W. 'Taylor .have a short address, lily, Cole entertained the gathering with several selections, The Eeter Or- chestra furnished get/arca cxoel,lerit selections. After the program re- fresh Men is we're 'served and a sociable time enjoyed. LOST—In Exeter on Sunda , a vire. :Finder will be srew,arded Leaving same at Times office. tie !blY. WANTED—a; girl to learn tailoring e good job for right girl. Apply to 141.' SLerexe, 'up eetaina opposite Central Hbteda i• . 400 Cords Of Cord 'W'ood 'Wantece at the Exeter Salt Works !Co,4 Leaf, For prices. write or call 'upon the Ilenager,—Jos, Sutton, Mgr, 400 Tons of Fine, Land and Cattle Balt for sale. All. grades 85,50 per ton; 50c. per bag. --Exeter Balt Works Co, Ltd., J. Sutton, l'Vxa.nager. r he NBW ,BUTCHER—Mr. Begg desires to announce that he will call .for and deliver orders to any part of the town. Your tetfronage; i! policited Phone 103. YORKSHIRE HOGS .ti'OR SALE Young boars from Romeo sows and sired by Pine Grove Rover 4 Sweep- stake boar at 'Toronto and Ottawa, 1915, All relegibie • for registration Apply to 'Gr W. Miners, R. Re 3, Exeter.. PERRY P. DOUPE, Licensed Auc- tioneer. Sales conducted in any lo- cality. Terms moderate Orders left at Times office will be promptly.. at- tended to. Phone. 116, Kirkton,, Ad- deess Rirkton P.O. quaint- of Sarnia made salt for sale SALT FOR SALE.—An excellent at the 'old Tempe.nance house at the G. T R. station. Sold in any quant- ity, Your patronage is solicited and satisfaction is guaranteed. -- ED. MAGUIRE. Exeter. CHOICE FARM FOR SALE FIFTY ACRES A keel}, home, lir story brick house with frame kitchen and woodshed at- tached; bank barn with hog, hen and straw house attached, 4 acres hard wood bush; 5 acres in, fall wheat; 20 acre4 in grass; balance ,pld'wed and. read} for crop,; thoroughly under drained and well fenced, and never= fa kung spring well, and first-class land in first-class condition: 3 mile from Exeter where there is a high school and t miles' from Hensall, two of the best markt towns in Ontario; Rural mail route 'and telephone; Possession giver it arch lst, 1916 If not sold privately will be, sold later with chat- tels Easy terms of payment. For particulars apply to Melvin Gould, prcprietor, or 'to Thomas Camerony Enter Ont. • ANNUAL MEETING The einnual imeeting of the patrons of Winrhevlsea (Creamery, will be th Id in the Ottange Hall, Woodham on Wednesday, Februae'y 23rd, 1916, at 2 o'clock pen, pjrogrnmme--Minutes of ,last meet. Ing 'Aud'torts lRr•iport—J. ;EI,. Andrew, Henry .Del;b'ridge. • The fol'owing ax{atten,s of /business -will come "before the platrons if or discussion and for definite ;action 11 necessary— 1. Buying 'Cream outright on the, butt r• fat . bath. Shall this method be adopt. ed by the Winchelsea , Creamery? 2. M,alking the butter, at a stated rate per pound,with a, complete -state-- ment of, Cream, Test, Fat, Over -run Net plrice to patrcns for both, butter and butter -fat, Total butter ;made, and shall Windchelsea Creamery con- tinue this method? 3. Testing daiily, monthly or twice per month. 4. Grad- ing elream and selling butter. The Buttermilk will be sold by auction to the (highest; responsible. reddens some 'time during the meeting. Terme made !known iday of sale. Should time pelrmit, topics of interest to dairy-, men .will be discussed and questions answered.. Ladies are invited, ALBERTA SASK. and MANITOBA CANADIAN PACIFIC FARM IL NEM ' Irrigated and <"om ..aur- gated. ti Ready ental Farms. Loan for r f is 6115, Advance of on Loan R;ri, ,-, Twenty,: ea � 'FULL rl. gI ON APPLE( 6.118 1O' Ernest I•ot• P. ` r a �0., I�r, J�.iI:.,. , ',,ve'l1 rJkoar miarre -• 711 A , FE1311iYA.•RZ 17th, * tui;' neate, ,ter The purchase price of this famous 1881 Rogers Al Pilate E give coupons reel even, :en. pus - chase 'of all the high grade guaraer- teed products made by the United Drug Company.. We are willing to lose money on the silverware to get you ac-. cluaieted with these goods, which arc stan- dard in their lime■, ° "RexaaJll Remedies" Liggett's Candies, Perfumes, Toilet Articles, Brushes, Stationery, Rubber Goods, and hundreds of other items, household prepara- tions, etc. You cannot afford not to se- cure this popular silverware, when you can get it on our half bought plan. As an ex- ample, this teaspoon that sells for esc. you can get for toe. with cotepons. TWO Cot,iootls will be given with every 25c Purchase of R'exall Products ONE Couoon with every 25c Purchase of any other article in our store Ask for Coupons BuuyYollr 1881 Rogers' Al Plate and — at- half price at COLE' S - .DRUG - STORE PowELLJs Annual February Sale (Biggest yet) Every Day throughout Februrry will be Special Bargain Days. Thursday, Friday and Saturday will be Hand=Painted ;China Sale Days. Specials Every Day ! Tell Your Friends And Come g SATU 'DAY Every Customer Buying ROO Worth or over witi receive a dile pair of - GOLD-FILLED CUFF=LINKS =__ FREE ! CODE POWELL'S OIG VARIETY STORE PHONE 55 arallarlataarasraaffirralarararbalser AN APPEAL TO THOSE IN ARREARS in making an appeal to you Igo' subscription, we must' first 'oxtend our thanks to the madly who have settled,. a,re convinced that tbelle are many who have overlooked ,this matter because they have not thought of it whim in town. "Dunning" it not a , pleasant duty by any means butI forced on us by circelln: trances beyond our control, Maps), ' ir biro' circum- stances will fulfg ppre,.iate our position. Let February* .:5 your name in the "PAID mo, (if:'timl►. 100 Votes fc, ':..cnew4is- 3000 tor ° The Times ae.