HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-12-24, Page 22PAGE 22 -GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, DLO. 11BEH 24, 1986 District News 'Z7 Christmas pr Merry Christmas to each and everyone. A very festive occassion was held at the Dungannon Seniors Centre on Wednesday, December 17 when 80 members and area seniors enjoyed a turkey dinner and trimm- ings. Rev. Robert Roberts proclaimed God's blessing on food prepared by the seniors but served by the Willing Workers of the United Church. Belle Mole presented an address and gift to Ted Bowers fcr his many hours given on behalf of the Senior Citizens Club as presi- dent. Her address included appreciation to all helpers when the new roof was installed as well as donor Pearl Congram and all in office who had worked so diligently. Programme convenor Margaret Err- ington opened the afternoons entertainment with a poem - Living Christmas - followed by Ralph Henderson's beautiful solo Edelweiss accompanied by Ed Stiles. Jean Broughton contributed a poem, "Christmas is Love". Margaret Pritchard led the singing of the old favorite Christmas Carols accompanied by Roberta Linskill. Jean Phillips reading "You Can Tell a Farmer by His Hat" was very appropriate as many of the seniors are retired farmers. The Willing Workers enacted a skit by two bachelors "Wanting a Housekeeper". The highlight of the afternoon was Ralp Hender- son's rendering of "The Holy City." Greetings were extended to the December gr enjoyed in Dung DUNGANNON DOINGS Maria Park, 529-771S birthdays Russell Phillips, Mel Jones, Stanley Dennis and Donna Powell. The mystery prize winner was Violet Durnin. Club members returned at night for pot luck supper and 12 tables of euchre. There was a three way tie for high man between Al Nivens, Clarence Allin and Jim Errington with Jim being the winner of the cut. Other winners were Thys Groen ( low man ), Lois Haggitt ( high lady ) and Grace Finnegan ( low lady ). Mystery prize winner was Roger Pannebecker with door prize winner being Jean Phillips. Don and Betty Richardson and daughters Valerie, Mary Jane and Annette of Forest spent the weekend at the trailer home of Don's parents on the Mill Side Road. Sympathy is extended to Jim and Margaret Errington and the Pannabecker families on the death of their mother and grandmother. Mrs. Wesley J. Dahmer of Cainbridge of Sunday, December 21. The funeral service will be held December 24 from St. Luke's United Church, Cambridge. Congratulations and best wishes to Mel Jones who celebrated his 78th birthday on Friday, December 19. Happy birthday .greetings were also extended to Jenny Tucker on Christmas Day, Nicole Sherwood, Robbie Ohm, Rolyn Dawson, Janice Chisholm, Holly Dauphin and Heather Brindley and anyone else celebrating a bir- thday at this festive time of the year. Congratulations to Joanne Lang and Dan- ny Hartin who were married in London on December 13. Danny resided here with his family for awhile in 1971 before moving to the 6th of Ashfield where they lived for quite a number of years. Steve and Debbie Waller, Amanda and Megan of Stirling, Ontario are home at Deb's parents, Lloyd and Doris Hodges, for the holiday season and spending some time with other members of the family. Colleen Eedy and Marie Park as well as the other ladies of the auxiliary to Branch 309 of Lucknow Legion enjoyed a lovely sup- per at the Chinese Restaurant in Lucknow and a gift exchange and social hour on Tues- day, December 16. Bob and Joanne Maher and son Mike of Burke, Virginia, visited for a few days with her parents, Don and Lee Shetler, and other family members. Variety program held at MacKay Centre that way help us to develop our national pride. Bea thanked Judge Carter for his presen- $122.66 was donated and will be presented to tation. It was most informative and Judge the Christmas Bureau on behalf of the members of the MacKay Centre. Bea than introduced Ralph Henderson who sang Edelweiss. This was followed by a sax- ophone solo from Shirley McMillan and then Jean Hanley sang two Christmas songs. A card party was held at the MacKay Cen- tre on December 10 arranged by Percy and Anna Blundell. Mary and Dave Harman won high prize in the Euchre. Mr. and Mrs. Bill McTaggart won the high prize in the 500. The MacKay Centre Variety Program was held December 12, a little early this month due to the busy Christmas season. Janet Kalbfleisch and Doris Hawthorne ar- ranged the prograrnm and Bea Sparling in- troduced the guests. The MacKay Choristers opened the pro- gram with a song that has become their theme song, "Goderich - Your Town and My Town Too". They then went into their Christmas selection starting with "A Winter Carol", a lovely song by Mark.Wilson. The Choristers .sang several old carols along with a few new ones. Their delighful ar- rangement of "Jingle Belts A Old and New" was very entertaining. Bea thanked Earla Stewart (Musical Director) and the MacKay Choristers for thier performance and announced that a col- lection would be trade during the intermis- Check warranty provisions sion on behalf on the Family and Children's Services Christmas Bureau. A total of Judge Francis G. Carter was guest speaker for the evening. Judge Carter came to Goderich 14 years ago after practising law in London for 23 years. He spoke to the audience about the streets of Goderich, their history and how they were named. Judge Carter explained that at the time the streets were named the Napoleonic Wars were fresh in peoples minds hence the association with battles and military leaders such as Nelson and Trafalgar. The early settlers remembered their homeland and from this we get Brittania, Cambria and Caledonia. Judge Carter suggested that in future it would be a good idea to remember famous Canadians when naming our streets and in Consumer and Corporate Affairs Canada recently advised consumers that warrantiy protection available on identical products can vary from seller to seller and that con- sumers should always enquire about the specific warranty protection ,being offered to them. Examples of products where war- ranty protection can vary include household appliances, home entertainment equipment and smaller articles such as batteries. Some sellers have a contractual arrange- ment whereby the manufacturer agrees to honour the warranty at designated repair outlets in Canada. These sellers are part of a formal network set up or "ai1ithorized" by the manufacturer. Other sellers who operate independently of this network may offer a different warranty on the identical products. The°department noted that the practice of selling products outside the network authorized by the manufacturer — known as gray marketing — has become more widespread in recent years. Gray goods are now offered for sale in retail stores through magazine advertisements and by telephone through discount clubs. Gray market products offer an attractive alternative to paying full price for well- known brand-name goods. However, con- sumers should also consider the importance of the warranty in making a purchase deci- sion. In some situations, the manufacturer's service depot might simply refuse to make repairs or charge the consumer the total cost of the repairs involved for some gray goods. in order for consumers to make an in- formed purchase decision, they should ascertain whether the seller has been authorized by the manufacturer to sell the particular product or offers a similar war- ranty. In situations where gray goods are of- fered for sale and where consumers are un- sure of the warranty protection that is available to them, they should telephone or write to the service outlet listed in the manufacturer's warranty. Through these steps, the department noted, consurners can assess for themselves the importance of both price and warranty coverage. 1 SUPERIOR MEMORIALS ESTABLISHED OVER 60 YEARS Clinton Area MICHAEL FALCONER 153 HIGH STREET, CLINTON 482-9441 Goderich Area ROBERT McCALLUM 11 CAMBRIA ROAD, GODERICH I 524 1') A LUNG'S lti�e't,fe ,7/TnW.P Just oil the Square on East Street, Beside the Post Office. Your 1y Community Card Shop *GrootIng Cards *Party Ware •Oftico Supplies *Books & Gltts "Wedding Stationery oc . DENOMME T,c0Ti7a n smO' e INC. Phone 524-Eil 32 DAY OR NIOHT Carter's humorous anecdotes certainly kept everyone entertained. The program closed on a musical note. Don McMillan played a trombone solo, Jim Baird sang "Some Children See Him" and Judy Widmer, a visitor to Goderich from Switzerland played the pan pipes. These lovley solos set the mood for our Christmas sing -a -long. Earla Stewart led the choir and the audience in a medley of Christmas carols. Joan Henwood played piano and Judy Widmer played .the pan pipes. Bea thanked all our guests for mak- ing it such an enjoyable evening. Upcoming events include a New Yeasts Eve party on December 31, a potluck dinner and movie on January 9, a card party on January 14, a brown paper bag lunch and bingo on, January 16, a dance on January 16, a dance on January 24 and a variety pro- gram on January 28. CHRISTMAS EVE Celebrate the Gift of Christmas, by attending the CHRISTMAS EVE CANDLELIGHT CAROL SERVICE in North Street United Church WEDNESDAY, DEC* 24th 7:00 p.m. �s, Catholic Church 156 North Street CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE d., Doe: 24 - Christmas Eve: WO P.M. PRESENTATION OF CHRISTIVIAS STORY 7;00 P.M. - :CIIILDREN'S MASS 12 MIDNIGHT MASS 25• - Christmas Day: I: STMAS MASS a,U virl:l. MONTREAL STREET, GODERICH MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Pioneer Clubs Tuesday 10:00 a.m. PRAYER & BIBLE STUDY Tuesday 4:30 p.m. K -GR 6 Pioneer Club PASTOR: REV. GILBERT KIDD 524-9049 . Organ -Choir Director: Dona Baker You can find acceptance, purpose, joy & peace in Christ MINISTER: THE REV. G.L. ROYAL, M.A., M. Div., Lorne H. Dotterer, Director of Praise Wed., Dec. 24 - 7:00 p.m. Christmas Family Service 11:30 p.m. Annual Vigil Service Sunday, Dec. 28 - 10:00 a.m. Communicants Class - 11:00 a.m. Divine Worship - 11:00 a.m. Sunday School (Nursery Facilities) Enter to Worship Depart to Serve North Street United Church 56 North Street, 524-7631, 524-6951 Christmas Eve at 7:00 p.m. Candlelight Carol Service with Lessons (Family Service - Dress Casual) Sunday, December 28th, 1986 Worship and Junior Congregation 11:00 a.m. — Cable 12 Telecast at 1 p.m. — REV. ROBERT O. BALL - SENIOR MINISTER MARK L. RICHARDSON - t ASSOCIATE MINISTER CrJ Robert Blackwell - Director of Music ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH Anglican - Episcopal North and Nelson Streets, Goderich RECTOR: THE REV. ROBERT .1. CROCKER Organist -Choirmaster: David Hamilton, A.R.C.T. Christmas Eve December 24th 11:00 p.m. Midnight Eucharist, carols and address. Christmas Day December 25th 9:00 a.m. Holy Communion. Sunday after Christmas December 28th 8:30 a.m. Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer, sermon. Nursery available, no Sunday School -O come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord - HAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET PASTOR: Terry Woodcock Phone 524-6445 Nursery Facilities...available Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Morning Service 11:00 Evening Service Dec. 24th 7 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 28th - SpecialSpeaker Glenn Rider WORD OF LIFE - teens Tues. • 7:00 Mighty Mites - Ages 48,5 - Olympians - 6-12 Wed. 6:30 - 8:00 Prayer Meeting - Wed. 7:00 WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH At Christmas Christians around the world remember what they believe to be the greatest event in history - the day that C•od Himself came to earth in the form of a human baby. The significance of this God -Man, Jesus Christ, is known to those who accept Him as the Saviour of Mankind. The mystery of it all often remains too much for some to believe, yet even many of those will admit Has birth, life and death impacted more positively on the world than the existence of any other human being. AT CHRISTMAS WE CELEBRATE CHRIST