HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-12-24, Page 18The Goderich Duplicate Bridge Club played a six -table Howell game on, December 15. T1)e winners were: • 1st- Eleanor Erskine and John Donatis, 62 points • 2nd- Joe Martin and Archie Hamilton, 48 points • 3rd= Marg Hall and Rev. John Wood, 44.5 points • 4th- Kay Whateley and Louise Nether- -ington, 42.5 points An eight -table Mitchell game was played at the Canadian Legion the next day. The winners were: North and South: • 1st-' Joe Martin and Tom Eadie, 106 points • 2nd- Mary Donnelly and Eleanor Er - PAGE 18 GODERl -'1 S1GNAL-STAR, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1986 4 Ti&Coufltry HEAL ESTATE uburn yi;uth group to go carolling Women's Institute A delicious pot luck dinner was enjoyed at the Woollens “t "" Community Hall on Tuesday, December 16. The president, Mrs: Len Archambault, chaired the meeting which opened with the Mary Stewart Collect, Oh Canada and grace with Marjorie McDougall as pianist. There were 12 members present and two visitors. There was a sing -song of Christmas Carols led by Mrs. Tom Jardin and she told the origin of each carol. Mrs Bud Chamney intorduced the guest speaker Rev. Jim Carne of Huron Mis- sionary Chapel. He spoke on "Christmas Questions" and this was very interesting. Marian Haggitt thanked him. 11161111.11Marian minutes and treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Peck and approved. Card report was given by Mrs. Jardin. Roll call was two dollars for the blind missions and each one exchanged gifts. Marian Haggitt gave two readings, "In fulness of Time" and "Lonesome Clothesline". Prizes' for the marked chair and lucky cup were won by Viola Raithby and Mildred Lawlor. The meeting closed with the Queen. The hostesses were Mrs. Bud Chamney, Mrs. Tom Haggitt and Mrs. Viola Raithby. Euchre Party There were five tables in play at the euchre party held Tuesday evening December 16 at the Auburn Community Hall. Winners were Jewel Plunkett (high lady), Gordon Gross (high man), Jane Glousher (low lady), Ken Scott (low man) and Anne Glousher (novelty). This is the last euchre party until January 6 at 8 p.m. Knox United Church Service The minister Rev. Gary Shuttleworth conducted the Christmas service at Knox United Church. Organ and piano prelude was by Mrs. Gordon Gross and Mrs. Greg Park. REAL ESTATE INC. 524-2667 U1 uRN Mildred Lawlor, 526-7589 There was a processional by the Junior and Senior choir singing "Hark The Herald Angels Sing." The junior chpir sand '&The Bells of Christmas" under the direction of Mrs. Allan Webster and Mrs. . Gordon Gross as pianist. Prayers, life and work of the church were given followed by the Lord's Prayer. Both junior and senior choirs sang "Ding Dong Merrily on High" with choir director Lori Millian as pianist. Several carols were also sung. The minister told the Children's Story and they went to their Sunday school rooms with teachers Christine Shuttleworth, Sharon Ramsey, Margaret Bakker and Julie Glenn. Senior choir sang "Rejoice, Re; -joice". The minister's sermon was entitl- ed "When Christ Comes to the World". Of- fering was received by Larry Plaetzer and Robert Worsen. Gary Shuttleworth pronounced the Benediction and the service closed with the congregational benediction, "Unto us a Child is born." Intended for last week There were six tables in itay at the euchre party held on Tuesday evening December 9 and the winnersAre Jewel n (high Plunkett (high lady), Clarence man), Jack• Lockart (low man), Marion Haggitt (low lady), and Ruth Lockart (novelty) . WMS meeting . The Christmas meeting of the Presbyterian WMS was held at the home of Mrs. Frances Clark. In the absence of the president, Mrs. Margaret Daer, the meeting Was opened by Mrs. Erma Cart- wright ijth a Christmas poem. She welcome' -all to the meeting. The order of service as taken from the Glad Tidings. Carols ere sung with Mrs. Carol Daer presidin , at the piano. Erma Cartwright read the origin of three of the carols sung. The Scr'pture reading was taken by Mrs. Marion , pggitt. Mrs. Frances Clark gave the me itation on "Alone for Christmas" followed ley a prayer. The three readers of,, the Ch istmas story were Mrs. Viola ALEXANDER AND CHAPMAN REALTY LIMITED "OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE REAL ESTATE INDUSTRY" Our Staff Wishes Yoti and Your Family All The Best For the holidays. Located: in the SunCoast Mall - Open.from 9 to 9 Weekdays and 9 to 4 on Saturdays. MEMBER HURON REAL ESTATE BOARD R 524-2177aoo BERT ALEXANDER JOHN ALEXANDER WE ARE IN THE SUNCOAST MALL TO SERVE YOU! OPEN 9-9 Raithb Lillian . will be OUR PLEDGE TO YOU FRIENDLY SERVICE PROFESSIONALISM INTEGRITY , Mrs. Hazel Craig and Mrs. eatherland. The January meeting at the home of Mrs. Warner An- drews u'n ,:January 13 at 1:30 p.m. Knox United Church Service The minister Gary Shuttleworth con- ducted the morning serice at Knox United Churg with Mrs. Gordon Gross' as A• trio consisting of Lori Millian, Anita Gross and Angela Schneider played a selection of Christmas Carols on the horns and saxophone. Call to worship, prayers, life and work of the church were given. The junior choir sang "The Seven Joys of Mary" tinder the direction of Mrs. Allan Webster and Mrs. Gordon Gross as pianist. The senior choir sang "Peace and Goodwill" with choir director Lori Millian as pianist. There was time , for children and story told ..by Mr. Shuttlewortdh and then they went to theie Sunday School rooms with the teachers. The minister's sermon Was entitled "Cheer U'"p". The offering was received by Larry Plaetzer and Greg Pack followed by the Offertory Prayer and Benediction The service closed with the congregat.onal benediction. Local Mrs. June Eichholz and Mrs. Bonnie Ar- mour of Waterloo visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jardin. Mr.William Anderson of Newmarket spent a week's holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anderson. The sympathy of the community is ex- tended to Mr. and Mrs. Don Kai of Wingham on the passing of her mother, Mrs. Kate Jackson, in Wingham Hospital. The Knox United Church Sunday School concert will be held on December 20 at 8 p.m. The Youth Group will be Christmas Carolling on December 23 at 7 p.m. There will be a Christmas Eve service at ' Knox United Church at 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Allen of Agincourt spent a few days last week with Mrs. Beth Lansing. UCW news A sumptous Christmas pot luck dinner was held at the church on December 10 at noon for the Auburn UCW members, their husbands and guests. After dinner, Mrs. Peter Verbeek welcomed everyone and opened the enter- tainment with carol singing. Marjorie McDougall was pianist. A film entitled "Chino's Tale", which was about the story of an elderly lady and a kitten which depicted loneliness, the joy of sharing and of love, was enjoyed. Mr. Ernest Durnin then favoured the guests with a harmonica solo with Mar- jorie McDougall as accompanist. Mrs. John Vincent gave a Christmas contest which Mrs. Stanley Ball won. Mr. Elliot Lapp had the lucky dessert plate and Mrs. Lapp's birthday was the closest to Christmas. Collection for Canadian Blind Missions was received by Mrs. Orval McPhee and Mrs. Oliver Anderson. Mrs. Elliot Lapp led in prayer. Mrs. Peter Verbeek gave the meditation on. "Waiting" and Rev. Shuttleworth gave the benediction. AF offers soil fertility course :Ther Ontario'Ministry of Agriculture and Food is offering a two-day workshop on soil 1ertililky. The course will feature the latest inforrp ation on nitrogen, phosphorous, potask micronutrients, pH, soil testing, manure value andsoil management. The course will be of most value to individuals who have not participated in the course before:. Registration fee of $5.00 payable to ezEducation Account" returned -1309A Jan. 9, 1987 is required` - Two courses are being offered. The first is at the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food office in Clinton on Jan. 13 and 14. The second one is at the Farm Information Cen- tre, Wingham on Jan. 20 and 21. The course is from 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. each day. Enrolment is limited to 30. Goderich bridge results The management and staff Maurice you and yours Real Estate Limited a Very Merry Christmas and Happiness in the corning year. Thank You for your Trust and Patronage. * MAURICE GARDINER *PETER BETTGER * KEN THOMPSON *GERRY PAOLIN * DIANNE ALEXANDER * MARILYN MacCUSPEY *MAC BELL * DON McCAULEY * STEVE GARDINER *RANNIE ARMSTRONG *JIM THOMPSON *RALPII HAVERKAMP * FLORENCE CUMMINGS *DONNA SMITH skin, 100.5 points • 3rd- Betty and Ray Fisher, 84.5 points • 4th- Pat Stringer and Cathy McDonald, 82.5 points East and West: • 1st- Dawna Sproule and Auleen Curry, 96 points • 2nd- Bill Bradley and John Donatis, 94 points • 3rd- Barb Howe and' Marion Lane, 93.5 points • 4th and 5th- Archie Hamilton and Don Godley; Ralph Kingswell and Bill Duncan, 85 points The club meets every Monday at 1:30 p.m. and every Tuesday at 7:45 p.m. at the Cana- dian Legion Hall. New members are welcome. E, CO. LIMITEb 53 West St., Goderich, Ont. 524-7316 FARMS - RESIDENTIAL - VACATION - COMMERCIAL RURAL REALTOR Take a look at this 1269 sq. ft. brick bungalow with 3 bedrooms up and one down, full finish- ed basement with rec room; carport with storage room featured on '/A acre country lot just 10 minutes from town. $65,000.00 LAKEFRONT LOT Excelleht family home, close to Lake and marina, short walk to main Heart of Bayfield. Features spacious living with lower level fami- ly room. Built new in 1985. Must be seen to be appreciated. OWt;�11J : OW Excellent business opportunity on main artery features well maintained 3 bedroom residence. Business includes income for Varie- Take a look at this excellent 12' x 64moblie ty Store, Gas Sales, Post Office, Bus Stop, Lot• dtarso Outlet, Dry Cleaning Depot, and Film home with adition, overlooking lake on Depot. For complete details contact the office large lot in quiet well maintained d park. today. SEASON'S GREETINGS .AND BEST WISHES ® FROM THE STAFF AT WILFRED MCINTEE & CO. LIM John Talbot Wayne Scott ' lint/ Wilkinson Jim Bisset Terry McC8rochey Res.: 324-2431 Res.: 529.3147 Res.: 524-2520 Res.: 524.8087 Pas.: 524.6883