HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-2-17, Page 7.................„,......„.............._.•.,.
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Wiled On Her Lung
Causing Great Pan.
Norway Mme Syrup.
Miss D. hi. Pickering, St, Catharines,
Ont., writes: "1:laviag derived great
benefit from Dr; Wood's Norway Pine
Sgrup, I thought I would write and telt
yosyy� y experience. When I first carne
out from England 1 contracted a severe
cold, owing to the change of climate.
It settled on any pings, and caused me a
great deal of pain. I tried every remedy
I could think of, but got no relief. My
father, who had heard a great deal about
the good qualities of Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup, advised me to try it. 1 did
soe and I am pleased to say, found im-
me'diete relief. I only took one bottle
and it cured me completely. My mother
had a severe cold . also, and Dr. Wood's
Norway mine Syrup cured her, so we
never fail to keep a bottle of it in the
See that none of those so-called "pine
syrups" are handed out to you when you
go to your druggist or dealer and ask for
"Dr. Wood's." ' It is put up in a yellow
wrapper; three pine trees the trade mark;
price, 25e and 50e,
Manufactured only by The T. Mil -
been C.o., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Ararat Has a Conspicuous Place in
"Mount Ararat, where there has
been hardly a moment's peace since
Noah and his ark grounded upon its
massive shoulder, is at present the
huge, troubled boundary mark be-
tween the Ottoman Empire and Rus-
sia, and under the shadows of the his-
toric peak the fighting lines of Os-
manli and Russian have been swaying
back and forth, never far beyond the
lines of the fronter," begins a bul-
letin issued by the National Geo-
graphical Society.
".Ararat is the hub of Armenia, of
the original home of the Haik people.
It- is also the .centre of• what has ever
been the most troubled area on earth.
Tribes of Europe and , Asia have
fought each other here since thedawn
of history, and the remnants from the
battles have settled as neighbors, ha-
. ting, despoiling, massacring one an-
ei "Ararat is one of the most iznpres-
e of earth's mountains, for it rises
sheer to the clouds out of an immense
"The dominant mountain is split
into two ' peaks, Great and Lithe
Ararat. Great Ararat rises to a
height of 17,000 feet above the level
of the sea. Little Ararat, where the
boundaries of the Ottoman Empire, of
Russia and of Persia meet, reaches
ae atitnael of 12,840 feet. Though
the snow line here is very high -14,-
000 feet—the dome of Great Ararat
is covered with glittering fields of
unbroken white.
"A vast wealth of legend surrounds
the mountain, which has always deep-
ly impressed the imaginations of the
peoples who have wandered, passed or
settled beneath it. The Armenian
priests long believed that the wonder-
ful mysteries of its summit might
never be surveyed by human eyes,
and all thought of scaling Ararat was
considered almost in the light of
"The Armenians have also held
that they are.rthe first people after the
Hood, the immediate descendants of.
Noah, so to speak; for the first village
'echat Noah founded after the abandon-
ment of the ark was Nakhitchevan.
So the Armenian thinks that his peo-
ple were the first race of men to grow
up in the world after the flood.
"The name of Ararat meats 'high.'
The Persian name for the' mountain,'
Koh -I. -Nut, mean's `Noah's Mountain.'
It has been determined by the natives
that the Garden of Eden was placed
in. the valley of the Araxes.
"Noah's wife was buried in this
valley near the mountains, and graPes
are still grown there whose vines are
the direct descendants of vines plant-
ed by Noah."
If you are dissatisfied with your
lot get a real estate man to sell it.
What do you want your barn for?
'c'hat's a funny .question, you say,
But is it? No. Decidedly NO.
If more of us decided a lot of these
foolish questions beforehand we
would be better satisfied later on, but
we go on and think we need a r:er-
tain thing and we get it. After a
while we wonder why in the Sant
Dill we ever got it ---isn't it right?
Now, about this barn business. You
know you need ii barn, and you have
an idea about what you want, but have
you ever gotten own and figured
out why you want all these things
you have planned on? "I guess so,"
you say, but honest, now, have you
figured EVERYTHING? Not so
much, you havn't.
Big Canadian manufacturers of
barns after twenty years' experience
are still learning. Bill Jones comes
along and he says, "There's a farmer
out near where f live who had his
barn burned last year and he immedi-
ately' built another just the same
as he did before. Timber frame,
covered with wood. Well, the other
day lightning struck it and: burned.
it down. I asked him why he didn't
build fire -proof, and he says to me,
'I never thought about it.' " Now what
do you know about that?
Yes, manufacturers are learning
new things every year and they're
putting them into their plans if
they're good and taking out the old
no account things which don't help.
Sudden fright or emotion may cause a
imentafy arrest of the heart's action,
a or some excitement or apprehension may
,set up a rapid action of the heart thereby
f causing palpitation.
Palpitation, again, is often the result
'of digestive disorders arising from the
storuach, or may be the result of over
indulgence of tobacco or alcoholic drinks.
The only way to regulate this serious
heart trouble is to use Milburn's Heart
and Nerve Piles.
Mrs, J. S. Nicholas, Listowell, .Out.,
writes: "1 was weak and run down, my
heart would palpitate and I would take
weak and dizzy spells. A friend , ad-
'viscd me to try lefilburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills, so .I started at once to use
them, and found that I felt 'much
stronger. 1 cannot praise your medicine
too highly, for it has done ane a world of
Milhurree heart and Nerve Pills are
fiOe per box 3 boxes for $1.25; at all
dealers, or mailed direct.. by The T,
Milburn Co,, lyitnited, Toronto, Ont,
light possible into the stable. Sun-
t light will keep sickness away from
your stock and if a little forethought
will get it into the stable you'll save •a
lot of money in veterinary bills—and
that sure is worth while.
Figure so thee you tan have a slxel-
tered yerd to the south of the build-
ing so that your stock can get out
on nice sunny days in the winter time.
Be euro and have this well drained
so that the cattle won't have to stand
in mud atter a rain or during spriug
Locate aiaeo for a manure pit so
that you will be able to run the man-
ure carrier right into it. This manure
pit is something you surely wantto
have.' You'll got more value out of
your manure by having it in a pit
where all the chemicals can't leach'
away. Any of the good. 'cement com-
panies can give you instructions on
building a pit and the cost is very low
you'll save more in a year by the
added value of the manure than the
whole thing will cost.
Perhaps along during the year when
the work is slack you could build
this yourself and Also put iin 'a• cement
feeding floor in the yard, so that the
cattle will not trample the feed into
the dirt and waste a lot of it. The
feed saved by feeding ,,on a cement
hoar will soon pay for all the work
and material.
Back a little way we wore speak -
Modern Steel Truss Barn Under Construction.
Years go, they never figured on sun-
light and ventilation helping any in
the production of a good herd,. and
here to -day they're figuring if there
isn't some way that they can get
more sunlight and more pure air into
their stable,$.
In the old style barn, windows used
to be set to the outside and the win-
dow ledge used for a storage place
for the brush and currycomb and for
a lot of bottles. It wasn't long be-
fore the place was full of dirt and
dust that got into the milk and we'd
"get it" from the women folk when
we got to the house with dirty milk.
To -clay we have our storage chest
where we keep the bottles and the
cleaning outfits and we set the win-
dows flush with the inside of the wall
so that the dirt can't find a place to
settle down.
Picking Out the Site.
"Now, just where am I going to
build that barn," you say.
That's worth while giving a lot of
thought to. Get right out into the
back yard and walk around. Walk
factory lela
the la out of rho t v
etablesw c ez'►i s Qzr E ANCIENT
To my mind,, planning stables can
he divided up Tato three divisions,
which arcs as follows: The stable
with the stalls running; lengthwise in
two rows; the stable with part of the
stalls running lengthways and part
running crossways at one end, and the
stable divided up into a Berke of DOOM,
cross passages .with rho animals 1
standing in rows across the building,
The first of these is best adapted Nd"
for a dairy stable, and is of a width
from ?,E ft, to 42 ft. —G ft. beans'
ing about the sheltered yard for the
stock. This could be built with any
old boards you have around the place,
but if you have to buy new lumber,
Harbor Werke, New Railways,
and Great i$ew
TUE `SUNDAY .CH , , When I tQ B o Lire'
IT IS A IIRGN Of puny T OOOklg
FEBRUARY 20. Doan's Kidney Pills core the aching
beck by daring the aching kidneys bee
neatki•-for it is really the kidneys echin
anti not the back,
Lesson VIII, i,e Christian Bzotber Doer's' Kidney Pills are a special
hood at .leruslern, Acts d,2'tta itidxaey .and bladder medicine for the
+ure of call ,kidney trembles,
5.-16. Golden Text: 'et 12 t Ivfrs. I,ouisii . Goitshaw, .4183 Mani iaag'
Ii 2
' f Ave., 'Cdronto, Ont., writes: "x i;ako
One very obvious thing needs saye great pleasure in writing yon, etatixxg the
`s' allows fc • i klridge. . ing about this experiment in come benefit I have, received by using Doan's
ideal width. fhi n all the Kidney fills.. About three
animals to be easily fed from the
Tito New %ark Outlook contains monism, It waw the unforced outcome s terribly afii'zcted lame ears ago I
this veryg of lire family f cellos for the Christian
y with a. a b„ck, and
centra feed passage. fanner eau interestin editorial refer- brotherhood stimulated 1e_ was bad 1 could not oven ; vicelx fixe
have a silo at one or both ends, and i`zir:�: to The Revival of Quahec o mulcted lay the cone floor. I was advixeti to try your bilis,
..lose �vlra have read k'arkman's tion that the Advent was very near, and before I had used. mile box there vwas�
by arranging a cross lacer-.alge about an all worldly arrangements �; e
of the stable evepartabsorbing izistoricai n.txratiti cs of the rrang ment were a great improvement, and i bade was
the centre xy colonizing and exploring work of the temporary, it worked badly, in that much. better. Ilowdvc:r,lkept ontaltirtg
can be reached with the fewest pose 1'rene1i in Claitada three hundred it brought out a shocking consequence them until nay back was completely
kite k g
Bible . years ago, are aware of the great of the weakness of human natures cured. I id recotnxneud `Doan's'
The Seeostelaelld type, shows part of the importance in those d,2vc of Quebec even ...;+t ;n +t,; idyllic c ;t.. tsfe for lame•hack.
stalls lengthways 'of the stable and as a sea
Doan's Ieidney, Pills are the original
< port and industrial centre,{ Verse 32, Multitude—Tlz regular ill for the kidneys. See that our trade
part crossways. The cows are are During . the latter part of the nine;- w Versethei the Leaf"
forthe rank and file of mark "Maple appears on the
ranged in. two rows, with a central teenth century Montreal, farther up' church. They realized Paul's ideal as wrapper.
the St. Lawrence River, surpassed,� , R
Quebec a expressed in Phil, 2, Dawns Kidney Pills are ,aQa per box,
Q s a commercial port In 1852 h rr
direct on receipt of price by The' 'I .
based upon azo remarkable develop- received as their one function; the Milburn. Co,, Limited, Torouto, Ont.
anent of the trans-Atlantic steamship gospel of the resurrection including Vvheesiorderiugdireetspecify "Doan's."
industry, { the delineation of His life and words
saving many steps for the farmer, '
feed. passage, A• erose passage is
placed' near one end just in front of
the horse stills and answers as a teed
alley, This arrangement, .while be-
ing quite et2onornical in space and
Quebec had a "boom" which was 38. - We see again what the twelve d ores far w1 1.25at all dealers or mailed
Too Much Prosperity f who by that resurrection was declared " — --
does not provide suiiicient light, and ' ! to be "Lord" (compare Rom. 1.4). When Oranges Are i Sea x
the silo can only be arranged at one proved the city's undoing. Citizens ( p n so r
of all trades took a hand in shipping 34 Tar --A striking link: "great
end; also there. are less stalls thatx g race" comes when brotherly love has Delicious Orange Marmalade. —
in the first type. 1 and ship -building; an era of seem- gCut three oranges
The third layout le where all stalls lotion set in; ships were badly built had its perfect work. Possessors-- thin elf g and one Lemon into
olid earelessl launch `d railwa f e- Was the rfclx our ruler among vers in a bowl and cover with
run crossways with the barn. This ilitiea were neglected. a The result was them? orze wonders. hot water. Let stand 36 hours, theca
burn is only adapted for stock rags- that steamers came up the St, Law- 36. Barnabas—The actual origin,. cook one hour. Measure one cup of
ing, because it is almost impossible to reeve River, passed Quebec, and dis-� thisname isthoughttobe "son of sugar to cup of juice and cook 20
of m ugh s n
properly light it and make it as sani-clzarged their cargoes at Montreal,; Neba," the messenger of the gods in minutes. The marmalade will then
lass as is required for a dairy stable, ,many, not even malting Quebec a part'the Bab• Ionian antheon. But no be ready to put into glasses, If a
This type, when fairly wide, holds of call. The cities on file Great Lakes doubt Jews who could use it would greater quantity is desired, this re-
quite never number of animals, but erected every modern device for the (always assume it to mean "son of cipe may 'be doubled and redoubled
it can never be made as satisfactory dung and Porwaxding of craps,
as either of the other types. and Quebec, as a centre of commer-
cial activity, once more sank into
two rows of stalls running lengthways apathy'famous old Franco -British city
is, that the supporting girders under ; is, however, now taking on a new
the barn floors can form one con- • lease of industrial life, Three years
tinuous line from end to end, and ago a new Board of Harbor Commis -
every supporting post will be in line. sioners was ereated wilder Sir Wil -
These can line both crossways and limn Price, a native of Quebec and
lengthways with the barn, and light ' a successful man of affairs. The
can penetrate to every part purpose of this Harbor Commission
Ventilation is also provided for by is to take advantage of the avenue
the openings distributed along the of transportation opened by the build -
wall, and in this way fresh air comes ing of the National Transeontlnentai
in behind the animals and foul air Railway from Prince Rupert, British
leaves the stable just above the side Columbia, to Moncton, New Bruns-
wick, Tllis well -constructed railway,
walls. This avoids drawing the foul upon which already the vast sum of
air across the mangers, where the • $173,000,000 has been spent, taps the
animals would breathe a certain . great wheat -fields of the North West
amount of it. Taking everything in- 4 and shortens the distance between
prophecy," deriving it from the (cog with perfect satisfaction. The thin -
nate) word regularly used for prophet skinned oranges are best for manual -
in the Old Testament. The Greek odet
equivalent here is a combination of : Orange Filling for Cakes.—A most
exhortation and (margin) consolation delicious orange filling is made by
—encouragement is fairly near. It bringing one-half pint of milk to a
is the first noun in Phil. 2. 1. Son of boil and adding a level teaspoonful
has its usual meaning, like son of of cornstarch. Cook for about five.
peace, children of wrath, etc. It is minutes, stirring constantly. Have
noteworthy that Barnabas should have the yolks of three eggs well beaten
.received fgrom the apostles this ap- with three tablespoons of sugar, and
preciative sobriquet from his gifts of stir into the milk mixture; cook a
Paul: in Acts 14. 12 we And the latter moment Ionger, then remove from
identified by the Lystrans with Her- Are and add the grated rind of one
mes—the Greek counterpart of Nebo! Iarge orange. When the mixture is
—"because he was the chief speaker." cold and thick, add the juice of one-
Cyprus—whither he went back (Acts half orange and spread between two
15. 89) on a missionary tour after layers of thin sponge cake. This is
his parting from Paul.dessert, and is so easily made that
; particularly appetizing as a luncheon
to consideration, this is the most eco- Winnipeg and Quebec by over two 5. 1. Ananias—or Hananiah, a com-
nomieal and sanitary stable the
farmer can erect.
Now What Type ,ef Barn Will You
After you get the size picked out
you must decide upon the most im-
portant question—the type of build-
ing to erect.
The old log barn is a thing of the
past except in new settleseents where
it 'would bem uch better to buy cor- there is plenty of timber and where
rugated iron, as it can be erected it is hard to get cut lumber. The
quicker, makes a much better look- timber frame barn le gradually los-
ing fence and will outlast wood by ing its popularity, on account of the
about twenty years' hard work in getting suitable timbers
hundred miles. Railway statisticians,
who are always fond of figuring cost
estimates, prophesy that this short-
ening of the line of shipment to Eur-
ope from the North West by way of
Quebec means a saving of several
million dollars annually to Canadian
wheat -growers.
The New Bridge.
A new bridge, one of the factors baking powder last. Beat vigorous-
in the scheme of development, will blunt way, the hearers realize ly and couldake in a moderate oven, Icing -
enable the Transcontinental Railway the stupidity of the cunning Tempt-. —Put one cupful of fine confectioner's
, to discharge grain from its cars -di• er's suggestion. It seemed so clever
reedy into Bic lipean steamers. This to get the credit. of generosity, and sugar into a bowl. Add one. table -
gr t bridge,` S hidh has a dramatic the money as well. spoonful of boiling water and two
history, is being' built across the St. 4, Peter's' words bring out the ab- tablespoonfuls of orange juice. Mix
mon name meaning "grace of Jeho- the most timid cook need not hesitate
vah." Ito attempt it.
2. It is not expressly stated that Orange Cake. --: Half cup butter,
they retained the bulk of the money one cup sugar, two cups flour, one
for themselves, but the certain part teaspoonful salt, three-quarters cup of
that they offered suggests this rather milk, three eggs, three rounded tea -
strongly. 1 spoons of baking powder. Cream but -
3. Peter—As in the Gospel story, ter and sugar, add eggs and milk al -
the regular mouthpiece of the twelve. ternately with the flour and salt and
To lie to the Holy Spirit --Put in this
and on account of the immense Lawrence laver three miles below solute. volutary character of this notal the sugar xs moist. spread on
Get a piece of paper. and lay out 1 y the cake carefully, adding more boil -
our buildingand show where the amount of room taken up inside by, Quebec. Eight years ago, during the communism. They had all embraced
y upright posts and cross timbers. Of early period of construction, a portion ing water, if necessary, and put sec-
other buildings are. Then for the it,but only because they wanted to. tions of orange
next few days or weeks you can figure' later years the plank frame barn of the bridge collapsed, tilling eighty Ananias had simply to say that he around the outer edges
anlittleewchanges you want so that, has been very popular as all the main', sec -
:workmen. Since thexz it has been re- ed had brought part of the money, and of the cake.
Yg members can be 1?uilt up of live inch planned and rebuilt, It will have a the aft would have been gratefully Boiled Orange Icing—Two cups of
you wantou can ve and whereebuildingituis st g plank and there are no cross timbers, j ceet,xltherlarg stspan ospanf gof sits kind n rin accepted. But that meant taking sec -'granulated sugar, one-half cup of boil-
ygoing On account of the millions of del- i the world, lodger by ninety, feet than and place after those who had given 1g-1-riga
ng water. Let dais mixture come to a
the bridge over the Firth of Forth at their all; for in this community the boil slowly and then boil seven min -
Edinburgh, It will bring into the widow's two mites out -valued one of utes, or until it spins a thread. Pour
new Union Station, Quebec, no fewer Dive's two millions. And Ananias over stiffly beaten whites of two
than five railways. New harbor works and Sapphire were not the last to eggs, and lastly beat in the juice of
and docks are r:lanned and under can- covet a good position in a subscrip- one-half an orange and the grated peel
struction, and a modern railway terra tion list beyond any act of generosity of a n*hole orange. This is a particle-
Mal has been planned, grain elevators of which their left hand was not to
have been built, and a graving dock lady attractive cake.
bas been erected capable of hold-
know. It should be noted that Pet -
Orangeade.—Mix together the juice
ing the largest steamer afloat. This en's reading of the man's thought was from a half dozen oranges; add the
renaissance of Quebec and its active was the exercise of a most unusual juice of two Iemons. Boil one cup-
development on industrial lines is but well-recognized human faculty; fol of sugar with three cupfuls of
an cross zxn ens, giving a c ea an interesting and signifiicant illu- modern church (and even secular)
to do the most good:
About Getting the Right Size
lars lost by .fires, caused by lightning
and sparks from threshing engines,
The first thing, after the site has i steel has come into very general use
been chosen, is to get the size of the : in the building of farm barns, and to -
building figured out. • How many 1 day we have what is practically a
cattle have you, how many horses,1 fireproof barn.
how many more do you expect to This barn, like the plank frame
have in the next ten or fifteen years? type, has no heavy solid timbers, but
Don't forget to look ahead. You may ! is made up with two inch lumber.
need a dozen or so more stalls.and , Steel trusses of heavy angle steel 'take the place of all centre uprights
now is the time to make the plans.
The best way to do is to get in touch `, d t' b 1 r
ii:v''K"1:�:ta:,.:. ,+i •:+• Biu;`.�,' t\'<fy.?;•`r'.;;; ^'••''{.,4,'' y1th"�C'`�',�.k•
The Barn' When Completed.
off a couple hundred yards and take,
a look. Go out to the road and figure
just how the building is going to look
from there. Deeide about where you
want it and then figure out if it: will
be handy to your other buildings. You
know there isn't aything like saving
steps when it comes to chore time.
"Huh, I'm young and able to get
around," says you, but you arne't al-
ways going to he as spry, and every
step you save adds a little bit to the
length of your lite. Salve steps and
you'll be a lot happier. You get
your work done quicker and then you
can sit down and read your paper;'
Now pick out a well drained site
and lay the building out North and
south and you want to get all the sun.- j
with someone who knows just how
to -plan a barn and get his help,
Laying Out the Stables.
Government experts put the correct
width of a barn at from 36 to 40
feet. This gives room for two rows
of animals plenty of working space
space from. end to end and from floor � stration of the energy and industry of history can afford reliable parallels. water for 12 minutes. Add to the
to roof. This type of barn will hold; otr n ---_d,__ alums,:who t_---, been _- ou - ost not lied unto „ orange and lemon juice. Serve very
grain than the old style barn and is i by the burdens of the war.
about thirty per cent. more hay or stimulated rather than disheartened
the strongest type known. I
Several hundred of this type of
barn have been erected in Ontario; "ANTI-BRITISH" LIONS.
and Quebec during the last three ;
years and are giving wonderful satis-' Raided the British Trenches in lllid-
faction. Farmers find that they can Africa.
get lower insurance rates handle
God—No word was spoken. Ananias;. for some time. v
whose name is a byword for lying Candied Orange Peel—Remove the
as that of Judas is for treachery,;
never "told a lie" at all. : peelfrom four thin-skinned oranges
5. The sequel is very easy to un- and cut into slivers. Cover with cold
derstand: the tremendous shock and water and bring slowly to a boil. Re-
peat this three times and then allow
surprise of detection, where they
thought themselves perfectly safe, peel to cook slowly until "soft. When
ite enough to cause death cool, after draining carefully, cut
their crops cheaper and more quickly, From Central Africa Reuter'sazzanxya man has died beneath alight- away any white portions remaining
save money in erection and have ' Agency has received an account of er stroke than this. And when Peter on peel and dip in a syrup made by
I greater satisfaction, .. a visit paid by a number of lions to sees the form of this judgment, which boiling one-half cup of water and one.
' he did not predict, it was an easy cup of sugar until the syrup is thick
o aboutSapphire. and ropes. Cook peel in syrup seer -
step to the intuition b eral minutes, then dram and roll in
set of the whole story
The outside of the barn is entirely the trenches at a British post on the
covered with metal, con ugated iron German E. Africa frontier.
being commonly used for both roof On November 1 the lions first ap
e cenirai z
and sides, though the metal shingle peered, and that night they got into is file Real Presence that threw every tine granulated sugar slightly sprink-
is used on many roofs. At the . eaves a kraal containing a number of. ani- detail of these deeds into vivid relief. led with powdered ginger.
a metal cornice covers all openings, mals for food for the garrison, which Ananias was like a murderer doing
was very nearto one o e British crime xn ne blackness o nig
metal covered doors, metal sash fit- f the
B t h his tl bl k f ht,
ted with fireproof glass and metal pickets. Here the animals killed 40on whom a powerful searchlight
ventilators go to make up the full sheep and goats. I suddenly falls and pursues him piti-
anetal covering, so that not an inch Nett evening a gun was set, and at lessly,
of outside wood is oxpeeed. seven o'cloclk the lions again ap-
These barns are fireproof from all peered. The gun was heard to go
outside causes and when fitted with off; and on investigation a full-grown''r "It's a risky business the making
ground connections (a copper cable .cub was found dead. of of pointed remarks about your neigh-
running from the corners of the barn Again the gun was charged, though bore." "Whyl" "Well, you see, you
to the ground) are absolutely light it was not thought likely that the may have to swallow thein."
ning proof, lions would return the same night.
The metal eavered barn --the ono They did come back, however, and I
a If a man would put only his own
with the wide open spaces inside -is this time successfullf d y vode
the j
. the for
the modern farmer With gun and got the remainder of the property in his wife's name it would -
tins t
type of barn he runs no risk of prey lint be so bad, but as a rule the most
losing Iris crops and stock byt fire; he On the following night a cut -and- of it belongs to other people.
leas a banal which Sell. Iasi for all cover.' trench was made, and a num-
time and always give him satisfaction ber of officers watched. After three- Save the strips of white fat from
Building a barn begins with plans quarters of an hour's vigil a shot rang ' sirloin steak, render them out in a
—so get the right plans. There are out, bins as nothing happened, the slow oven, put them into a bowl, beat
roan metal coxa aanies who give barn party remained on the watch until them to a cream, add a few drops of
y Investigate oleo 1 an after midnight.. lemon juice, a pinch of salt, and you
and lets the sunlight reach cleat, service. y
across the roam front the side win. get :a barn which you will ahvays;be
dows. horses should never be stabled satisfied with.
so two rows for the ' tows is about To save breakages it is well to pro -
all , you meed. Of course, if you are vide the small child, jest able to feed
keeping an extra large herd you will himself or herself, with white d:zx-
need a wider barn, and yon can ar. amel-ware cups, eauci^s and plotte.
range for that in your pians. This ware looks quite dainty, and is
The success of the barn as a farm practically proof against breakage.
in .the same room with dairy cows
Next morning a fine big lioness_ was have fat that can be used as butter
found not 30 yards away. It seenns hi a cake,
that one of the officers in the trench -1
es had thought he saw a lion and fired, Many people do not know the value
whereupon the animal sprang forward of banana skins in cleaning tan
and landed on top of the trench it- leather suit eases and similar articles.
self: Luckily this was etrong, and as Rtb the leather well with the inside of
nothing more was heard it wadi be- the skin, then wipe off any excess of
lieved that in the Harkness the animal moisture with a dry cloth, finishing
had ,nada off. l wfth a good polishing with the cloth,
When the bowels becotne constipated
the stomach gets out of order, the lived
does not work properly, and then foliowi
the violent sick headaches, the sourness
of the stomach, belching of wind, heart,
burn, water brash, biliousness, and e
general feeling that you do not care to de
Keep your bowels regular by using
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills. They wi
clear away all the effete matter which
collects in the system and make you think
that "life is worth living,"
Mr. B. W. Watson, St. John, N.B.,
writes: "I have been troubled with
constipation, for the last three years,
and during that time have tried several
remedies, an of which failed to help me.
A friend recommended riilburu's Laxa-
Liver Pills, and after using three or four
vials, I felt like a new man. I aro now
still taking thenx, and am positively sure
that I am on the road to recovery. 1
strongly recommend Milburn"a Laxa-
Liver Pills,
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are lac pin'
vial, 5 vials for 81,00, at all drag storee
or dealers, or will be mailed on receipt
of price by The r,1vtilburu Co., Limited,
Toronto, Ont.