HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-2-17, Page 5A
UAItY 17th, 1910
wily net eve your lad
TV AV A the Name training?
"When X was a growing lad, end came
upon, many words in my reading that
X did not taideratend, mr mother, in.
atead of giving me the definition when
I applied to her, uniformly gent me to
the dietietima to learn it, and, in thia
way X gradually learned many Wags
besides the manilla of the individual
word its question—among Minx *inn%
how to ase u dictionary, and tho great
Pleasure and advantage there might
be in the use of the dictionary.
Afterwards. when X Went to the village
echoed, my chief diversion, after les.
oasts were learned stud before they
were recited, was in turning over the
agee of the `Unabridged' of those
days. Now the most modern Una.
gives me a pleasure of the same sort.
tio far as any knowledge extends, it is
at present the best of the one -volume
dictionaries, and quite sufficient for
all ordinary uses: Even those who
possess the splendid dictionaries in
several volumes willyet And it a great
convenience to have this, which, Is ea
compact, so full, and so trustworthy
aa to leave,, in. moat cases, little to be
desired."*--Albeert S.Cook,Ph.D.,LL.D..
Professor of the English Language nal
Literature, Yale Univ, April 18,1911.
In= for Spotiman Pages, Xllastratione, Eta
Ter Over 68 Years Publiahera of
The Genuine Webster's Aictionarfest
Woven Wire Fence
below Manufactur.
ers' Prices, either
!Peerless or Mon=
arch makes.
buy at once
as these prices will not last
very long.
3Wire Fence 2.3c per Rod
7 .. 6 6 25c
8 " "s 28c
Cedar and halm posts
10,000 Cedar Posts on band
—also Anchor Poste.
LILL. ber and Cement
Let um quote you my low
prices on your Lumber require-
ments, whether large or small
orders. Also Ceneent,
A. 1,
Asheville and Hot Springs, N.C.
Cbarleston, S.C.: Nassau, N,P.: Hot
liprings, Ark.; Fl ench Lick Springs,
nd.t jackeonville and all Florida
points; Havana, Luba, and New Or-
leans, Lae; via New York and Rail (or
Steamer a ceta dieg to destinatioor or
via Bnitalo, Det eat or Chico go.
Bermuda St WestInclies
Other Health Resorts
Mount Clemens, Micbigan; Battl
:Creek, Mich.; St. Catharines, Well.
Ont.; Preston Springs, Out.
'a itteth ax d Itil itefr in (Oho c i srpli
alien It Gael( 'Ilia I. 1 liiatiite
oz the harassed businees man, the
eire d society woman, and busy house-
wifel 'hose nerves are gradually
*wearing to :shreds with their Devine
' ending :duties, will get :quick -and per-
!: emnent relief from .TAKAKE. Get a
• toox foe fifty cents atayour :druggists
• ex by mail from the Georgian Aug
to Colliogwood, Ontario.
!• , otnirm " •
Mr, Henry Heideman, of Detroit.
Alia., -visitea at his home here,
Dr, Wesley ,Sehoellig, d Aetna,
was renewing old friendships in town
for a few days,
Arrangements are under way to
have it iltie new or gau installed in the
Evangelical Clinrcn,
Mrs, D- Moltke and son, 0Ortlon, of
Rosthern, Sask„ are visiting at the
home of Rev, and Mrs. Brown.
John England hat sold his 59 twee
grass farm on the Babylon Line, Bay,
to Albert Beown, of Stephen, for
81 NOM,
Mr. E, A, Wurm and sister. Miss
Annie Wuein, attended the fanetal of
the at John Foster, held at Pigean,
M ich recently.
Mr, Ferdinand trees, and daughter,
Margaret, were in South Bend., Ind.,
attending the funeral cf .the fornaer's
aunt, Mrs. B. R. Neitzel.
DEW= of Jo xert FOSTER.—Mr, John
Foster, who was born on the Bayfield
Rind, Stanley Township, on the farm
'which is still in possession of the fam-
ily, 08 years ago, died at Pigeon,
Mich., on Monday, Feb. 7th, his pass-
ing being the first break in a family of
eight, .At 15 years of age he went to
Clinton to begin his apprenticeship at
the woollen will trade, Be afterwards
worked at the Zurich Mill and subse-
quently conducted a business of bis
own at Bayfield. 30 years ago he
moved to Michigan and after farming
far some time took up his abode at
Pigeon. Five years ago bis wife, who
was a Miss Zeller, of Zurich, died,
OnSunday there phssed away at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. George
Gram. Parr Line, their daughter,
Vera, aged 9 years. She had attend-
ed school up to the previous Wednes-
day and on Thursday complained of
feeling ill, Two doctors were called
and upon consultation found that she
suffered from perforating ulcer, and
gave no hopes for her recovery. She
will be greatly missed by the family
and friends.
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
the .Eyangelical Church .Parsonage by
Rey. G. F, Brown, on. Wednesday,
Feb. 9th, when Miss Adeline Bechler,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joel Bech-
ler, Bronson Line. watt united in mar-
riage to Mr. Samuel Koehler, of the
Goshen Line, South.
Ray emend' net for its regular ses-
sion on Saturday, 32th inst. All the
members were present. The minutes
of the last meeting were read and
Five applications for the position of
manager of the Dashwood Central
were considered. The application of
Peter Morsaae, the present manager,
was accepted, and an agreement ord-
ered to be drawn up erieloodying the
conditions and rules governang the
The Auditor's Report and the Fi-
nancial Statement for 1915 were laid
before the Council and adopted.
The Clerk was instructed to sign
the Petition to the Legislature of On_
tario regarding the operation of
Government Department of Labor.
A motion was passed instructing
the Clerk to notify the Bell Telephone
Co. that the Couneil of Hay would
tot be reeponsible for more long dis-
tance tolls for Telephone 5 on 80, Zur-
ich Central,
The Council will meet aBain on Sat-
urday, March 4th, at 2 p.m.
Our instructors ate expera
ented. Pupils get nulividnel
4. attention and grednates are a
4 placed In positions. We are )e-
ceiving applications we enitoot
ea meet, Students may enLer at
don any time. Send flrOM flee
c taiogue and eee if It ha stases se
41 you.
• D. A. MoLACHLAN. :
• •
,p4itte.41.41,41k004,40. 44444,040040*..
Mr. Dickson is having brick della
ered for the erection of his fine brick
dwelling at the east end of Main St.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stewart have re-
turned boroe from Rocheeter,
where Mrs. Stewart underwent a very
successful operation and is now look-
iDg and feeling very well,
The many friends of Mr. Robert J.
Drysdale will be pleased to learn that
he is still holding his own through his
very serious illness and hope for his
Two rinks of our curlers went to
London to compete in the bonspiel
beld there.
Mr. A. Acheson, who was in the
Maisons Bank here, previous to enlist-
ing, met with an accident while play-
ing hockey a few evenings ago, in the
way of sustaining a fractured ankle
through falling, and we believe in ad-
dition to the fracture, receivod pain-
ful bruises
We are pleased to report that Mr.
Colin Moir, of Hay Township, who
bad been quite 111 for some tirae, is
considerably improved.
On Monday afterroon of this week
Hensall observed a half -holiday and
voluntary contributions were received
for Patriotic purposes. The League
aimed at raising the sum of $3.,000 on
that afternoon and their expectations
were more than realized by over $400,
The Clinton Band was down for the
occasion. A sty:coastd concert was
held in the evebitig, It was the re-
cond contribution raised.
Mrs, I. E. Knapp of London has
been spending some weeks with her
parents here, el r. and Mrs. R W. Ful-
ton, and her se 1 er, Mrs. Colbert, Eg-
A number of the frieerls of Mr. M.
IricPberson, of Salmon City, hiabo,
met in his tumor in the Council BOOM
in our Hell and enjoyed a social time,
games and cOnvereetion. Our Reevacte
ed aa TOA4t. water and it number
°nine toaste nod speeches were the
order of the eeeeing.
Mr. and Mico Pone& of Pilot
Mound, Mao., rue 'visiting their rela-
tives, nee tells:a-a Fee, of the village.
Lieut. P. Grieve had the voisfottune
to get one of the bones ief his band
number ef aer Oclifellows Attend-
fune1.41 of their late brether,
Mr.:Percy Wein:se, at Brucelield, The
Hensel! lodge lied sent the deceased
to MuAoka, hopes that treatment
At the hospital there would help him,
bcithis did not have the desired ef-
Mrs, 13oyd, of Nicteera Fella is 'vis-
iting at the home of her slated Mrs..
4 McArthur, Glen M,Lvis, near Musa:
Mr, Frank Einkbeiner bas 1e:turned
to Lend on lifter visiting his parcel tti
for the lest two yeeelis.
Mies M. Miller spent Sunday et bet'
home in Dashwood.
Mr, Chas. Zwicker is in Toronto
this week,
Miss Mills of Woodhern visited her
aunt, Mrs, Win, Sambrook -
Mr. Bishop, eye -specialist. of Lon-
don, spent Tuesday at Paist
Oa Monday evening 'Net the ladies
of the K, 0. T. M. pleasantly urpria-
ea Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hill, it timing the
occasion of their golden weddleg,
Mr, Arthur Sambrook leas secured a
position with W, 3. Wray, eeweller,
Mr. Hy, Felber, M. P. P., left on
Monday for the Sanatorinan at Alan -
dale to reserve treatment,.
Th Red Cross Concert held Imre on
FridRy evening proved a geeat, success
and was highly appreciated by all
preeent, the peoceede amounting to
On Monday evening the S., P. I.
Class of the Evangelical Church pleas-
antly surprised Miss Carrie Sbroeder
by gathering at bei borne to spend a
social evening, ptior to her leaving
for Detroit, She was presented with
a clock.
Mr, and Mrs. Preeter and family of
Zurich and Mr. and Mrs. Siebert were
the guests of Mr, and Mao 8. Brown
on Suuday.
Mr, Alfred Dow had a Nary suceese
dui sae o1 ranee stook and, implem-
ents on Thursday last.
The congregation of Mt. Pleasant
Methodist church have placed a
beautiful pp a organ in their aud.t-
ory which was recently. purchased
from Mee Martin of Exeter.,
A series of limelight views of the
war, under the auspices of the Red
Cross iscenety of Mt. Pleasant church
was held on Tuesday evening and was
conducted by Bev. Mr., Baird, of Mit-
Rev, Mr. Martin, of London, prea-e
oiled an excellent sermon in Roy's
church on Sunday afternoon.
The 'property of the late 3. D.
Stewart is being offered for sale to
wind up the estate as goon as poseible.
Mr. and •Mrs. Hector %Vinson visit-
ed over Sunday with her aunts in
Dlr. and Mrs. Frank Morley, Mr..
and Mass. John k{orley and Mrs. Jca.
Morley attended the funeral of Da-
vid Long, tleir brother-in-law, near
London last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs, John Hodgson gave an
At Home to a number of their friends
ot Friday Ovenin g of last ;week, oys-
ters being the chief menu.
• •
• '
, I
, 1
. •
Some cf our piling witbc tai'
lady trienfle attinalecl the revival eer-
vices ot Eliniville on aundey evening.
Owing to the extreme cold sveathe
er f alto eolue or the bays are grow-.
ing fiir 011. taeir upper lip.
Please tell us if the Lwo young
teen who spent Sunday evening,' la
the village evere bidding good-bye to
their lady rriende before eulisting.
With Feed llopeine training et Ince-
ter and Feed Brennin training at
Clinton and. Percy Foster at Parkbill
we .are 0,eginedrig to feel the call for
40 we %ewe said before, our 'edam
a,re very loyal and willing workers.
Lest Tauretlay at eine. Itionewoods
they organized a soeiety of Bed Cross
workers. They have made and, sent
from this 'ciao:rola during the test sat
months ; 200 haudages; 00 'dozen ;wee
eiotese, 43 'pints at jam ; 37 Jae:Pita).
elarts; 20 towelis; 20 prs. slacken 19
doz. starts; 18 doz. handkerehiefee 15
(sheets; 10 nab.' ,pillow covers; 3 bed
•c,oneforters. !Besidee this a large a-
mount of heed cash has been si.xit. to
the Patriotic fund,
I*. Alex 'Vivian and clungh.ter Geor-
gie, Mies. 'John Whitlock, Mrs, W, Rae
and son Willie, Mr. and Mrs., 'Virtue
Millar of Stratford.; Mr. and Mrs.
Robert fleennison and Mrs. John ale -
Naughton, on London; Messrs Will
MoLagan and James Roy, of Logan;
Mr, Clifford Virleitloek, all St. Thomae;
Corporals N. W'ygold, and S. Wilson,
of Pankkill; 1111:r. and Um, Will Hor-
net" and Mira, John Doig, of Kippen
attended the funeral of ivadell Will-
iams on 'Thursday last and slime a
short time with relatives in the nei-
A union Teachers' Training clans has
been started under the capable leader-
ship of �tev. Dr. Fletcher'the 'Oupils
being trona both Methodiet and Pres-
byterian Sunday schools.
Miss Ethel Weld°, of near Hens) 0
visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. G.
Kraft lost week.
Dr. N. V. Schlnam spent Friday and
Saturday in London.
Mrs. Chas, Stephan left for Mitchell
Saturday to attend, the funeral of a
relative, •
Mns. F. Preeter. who has :spent sev-
eral months with her 'daughter in
Lindsay has returned again.
Miss F. Lane was :succeseful with
her musical examination for Third
Grade, having obtained honors.
Mr. Elliott, of Medford, was the
guest of Miss A. Brown over Sunday.
7vliss L. Haat, of Exeter, is visit-
ing at her home here,
ldr. (sod Mrs. Frank Beaver, who
have spent the past tvvo months with
relatives and friends here, left for
their home in Bayport, Mich., bion -
day morning. •
'Thursday night of last week d.
meeting was held in Zimmer's Hall
to discuss the hydro qui.Olion. There
was a splendid turnout the hall ebeing
filled. ilteeve J. W. Taylor and '0.1.ux
outer le, Ws Beevers, of Exeter.
were the arineiple speakers. A great
+real o terest was ebown ii the
question os was evidetticed by the vete
polled on aloud:an, it bespeaks well
for the enterprise and progreseiveneas
Q the village. The vote was 101 ror
kited, only 2 againet,
On Friday oven.log last two
toads of ladies raembers or kthe Lades
Aid of the Evangelical church drove:
to the 14th:end, :spent u very pleasant
at tire Immo of Ma and, Mrs.
'Weigand the guest of ails Allendorf.
Word boo been received that Gor-
don Goetz' ot the 291:11 13attery ba
arrived (safely at Saornolitle.
Mr, Taos. Laing otters ear sale Lot
7, Hay TOWilahip, London Road Norte,
knowa as the ad, Case homestead,.
The thouse is 8 troom.ed, brick, ;in good
condition, !slate roof, kitchen and
woodshed. in connection, Hard and
soft water. Nevem failing spring. Bank
bean 40 ,by 80, water throughe, with
litter learriers and up-to-date improve
noents. 100 lacres of 'choice farna, land
Half seeded to graes and ;nest to
kioyw 'a
I um a woman. ePnwIn
know her moat of sympathy awl I wip.
If you, my sist. r, are, ifultapoo IAA...lose of ill.
health, and feel no foe household duties, cantal,
es, or daily plom
yment, %ite anti telt ie
pot liow yott mai aola for my free ten days'
riot of a home treatment toilted to your mot,: ;
with reference:I to thotatii.ot frolics who gladly tell
how they have remtitte.1 health, strength, and
happluess by its u hw.tit to toil pm Atit atrout•
this successfill method. of houte Ulna:nom for
youraelf, my reader, for ywtlang,Incr. r sister,
or your mother. / want to tell yott how to cure
yourselves at home at trilling cost, mid without
aid from:Llama*, MC1 canntit or.k1 r41afl1.mannett'st
striferiugo. what ao.. women lotow jrent expel*
fence, we' Liana !totter than any odor 1and
thousands hole proved. there is hope even for the
suffer front plan in the bead, back, or bowels,
hop eleos iii my method a home treatment. if yon.
feeling* of weight and dragging down seneationo,
failing or displacement of internal organs, hiadder
irritation with frequent urinntion, obstinate
- constipation or Neu, pain in the Wee regularly
or irregularly. bloating or unnatural enlargements, catarrhal conditions, dyspepsia, extreme
nervousness, depressed Spirits, melancholy, desire to cry, fear of something evil about to
under thRet ehyespine, palpitation, hot es, pain in the left breast or a general feeling that life is not
flasben weariness, sallow complexion,
worth living, J invite you to send to -day for my complete ten days' treatment entirely free and
postpaid, to prove to yourself that these ailments can be easily and sorely conquered at your owa.
home, without the expense of hospital treatment, or the (larger; of an operation. Wontett
everywhere are esraptug the ouromon's knife bv knowlog of my simple methot of home
treatment, and when you are cured, my sister, 1 shall only ask you to pass the good word along
to some other sufferer. My home treatment is for all.—young or old. To Mothers of Daughters.
I will explain a simple home treatment which speedily and effectually cures green -sickness
(chlorosis), irregularities, headaches, and, lassitude in young women, aucl restores theta to
plumpness and health. Tell ate if you are worried about your daughter. Remember it costs you
nothing to give ray method of home treatment a complete ti -n day's trial, and if you wish to
it costs ouly a few cents a week. to do so, and it does not interfere with ode's daily work..
Is healthworth asking for ? Then accept my generous offer, write for the freetreatment suited
to your needs, and I will send it in plain wrapper byreturn inail. To save time you can ettt out
this offer, mark the places that tell your feelings, and return to me. Write and ask for the fres
treatment to.day, as you may not see this offer again. Address :
For Infants and. Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Sinnature of
The new Council met persuant to
statate, Jan. 10th 1916. Present, Be
T. tRaycraft, Reeve and 'Coulee:Mons C
Ryan, W. 3, MeFalle, Eli Thompson
and W. J. Dewera. Each councillor
took the statutory declaration at
office and qualification and took h s
The following are the Municipal
Officers for the year 1916—R. II. Rad-
cliffe, assessor; T. H. Stanley, !Cal -
lector. Dennis Tookee was appointed
s. meraber of the Board of 'Health
Michael Blake and P. A. Ryan were
apeointed auditors. •
The Hydro Radial and Local Option
By -Laws were duly passed.
February 7th meeting—The council
met on this date, All the members
A. communication from P. S. Spence
eves read. The Council. recommend'ed ,
Secretary of the Ontario Municipal
Association, re, Unemployed Labor,
no action.
Communicatiolis from Messrs Jones
and Code, applying fax the position
leagineer under the Ditches and
Water Course's Act was received and
leia oven , -
The claim of the Township of Mc-
Gillivray, re pipe cu:vert on Cen. 1,
was referred to Councillor !C. Ryan
11111111=1111WENIed --PadateffradErM BINESTer2lad2BER ,illiireltantrifiriSNDBERZFeelIMMal
is to t
for investigation,
A deputation of ladies appeared ,and
addressed the council seliciting aid
fax the (Red, Cross and Women' a in-
stitute funds. It was represented
that there are a number of the so-
cieties in the township of 13:eldulph
and after considerable discussion it
was decided that the council for two
months grant $25 a month to ,each tof
the different institutions throughout
the Township of 33ecidulph, the 'Red
Cross societies rind all that are doing
Red Cross work, having regard only
to -Mose wino forward all support: to
Het:Amen Hall, London, as the ac-
knowledged head of the 'county of
The 'council met a deputation from
the Township of Usborne and, settled
what sum was to be amid by Biddulph
$130.60 fcr work done in 1915 on the
The Lee: n 1.2nu was appointed
township primer for ordinary work
at $80 for 1916.
'W. D. Stanley, 'clerk
In Loving Remembra Deo of Iv;
Willie ELIS
To -day we arc in the best of heanb,
To- morrow. where ore wet
Perhaps beyond that chilly tide
I'Whare all sa sass mut be.
Time passes a.ncl we miss her still.
No other one ber place can fill.
We loved her, ah, no tongue. can tell
How touch we lewd ber end how
ISo eleep on, gleam' iva,
Thy troubles there ore oher.
Some day we Lope to meet thee
Sate on eke other ehore.
She has gone 'to brighter regions,
Safe trora every grief and cere,
God. loved her too and thought. it best
To take her 'home with Him' to gest.
We would not call her back agaiin
Into this world of care,
Her work on this earth is finished'
And she rests for ever there.
From a Friend.
Cure Sick Headache, Constipation,
Biliousness, Sour Stomeoh, Bad
Breath—Candy Cathartie.
No odds how bad your Hear, stom-
ach or bowels; how much your head
aches, how miserable you are from
constipation, indigestion, biliousness
and sluggish bowels—you always get
relief with Cascarets. They imme-
diately cleanse and regulate the stom-
ach, remove the sour, fermenting food
and foul gases; take the excess bile
from the liver and carry off the con-
stipated waste matter and poison
from the intestines and bowels. A
10 -cent box from your druggist will
keep your liver and bowels clean;
stomach sweet and head clear for
months. a They work while you
e home
hat becoming clothing is to the individual
T ought to be harmonious in design, perfect hi
workmanship and suited to its surroundings.
OU will find it as easy as anyt lug to
get pleased in all these particulars here
E'VE a store full of just such
things as particular people
LWAYS glad to point out wherein •our
furniture excels.
ET us prove to you than we GAN and EO
quote prices that NO ONE can beat and
few equal
We are giving
votes for every $10 purchase,
er at the same rate for less,
ay next
The certificates are transferrable, and if yen are not interested yonrself you can assist a friend,
We can save you money and we can prove R.
nd rt L,r,
Dea'er in all kinds of Furniture, Pianos, Picture Framing, Upholstering, and Repairing Neatly done,