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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-12-17, Page 18
(TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM ANY KINSMEN MEMBER OR PAGE 18—(:opk:r 1, ' I NAL -STAR, Wl''I t) .1'. ' I•-i'EMBER 17, 1986 SUPER STOCKING STUPPERS strict I1ews 2E Commodore 64 Software frown g a Educational Software frown ir9 Geos, Santo Gume, Jingle Disks and v °ety other games all at... SALE & SERVICE Goderich 92 South St. 524-89n COMPLETE FAMILY HAIRSTYLING QUALITY HAIRCARE... AT AFFORDABLE PRICES KIM and JACK HARTLEIB OPENING JANUARY 7/87 at 5 Rattenbury St. 482-5881 \1AASJO1 SPONSORED BYMarlin a 1 Travel Harbour Light BETTER THAN 1 IN 10 CHANCES TO WIN 1 st Prize: Q Do@ate VcaaQadow f oQ 4N©$1500 Value 21„d Prize: gg5©o©© 3rd ' Prize: 4 VQ@@ UMW M Na Y@© DQDW EACH MONTH FOR MONTHS Miss Steinback's, Grade 1 class proved to be a talented bunch as well during the Colborne Central Public School's annual Christmas Convert, held last Wednesday night at the school. The class per - ONLY 350 TICKETS SOLD • Marlin lib Harbour Light Pr Travel formed three numbers singing '0 Come Little Children', 'Away in a Manger' and animating (above) `Three Little Christmas Trees'. (photo by Andy Bader) McQuail appointed landfill Matters, involving the operation of the local landfill site dominated discussion at the Dec. 2 meeting of West Wawanosh Township Council. The applicaton of Tony McQuail, for the position of landfill site supervisor was ac- cepted by: council. Council also= instructed clerk JoaArm- strong to write Chester Nicholson, inform- ing him a review of the costs for covering and compacting during his probationary period indicated that making his contract permanent is not economically sound. Arm- strong was instructed to contact Ray Hallahan to determine if his is prepared to again undertake the compaction and cover- ing work at the landfill site. Council als. ,, deckled, to order, several signs from Arc' Industries of Walkerton, for the landfill site. A bylaw authorizing the erection of two yield signs in Dungannon was passed. • supervisor . The building inspector was authorized to issue building permits to R. Alton for a garage and laundry room and to M. Taylor for a garage. Council also passed a motion to support a resolution from the City of St. Catharines. The resolution calls for the petitioning of the Minister of Municipal Affairs toaundertake a review of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act and to have key definitions included for more accurate interpretation. Trustees watch video tape of Stratford school By Wilma Oke DUBLIN - The trustees of- the Huron - Perth County Roman Catholic Separate School Board watched a 12 to 15 minute pro- motional video tape of the board's first secondary school in Stratford, made by the staff and pupils., St. Michael Secondary School opened the first of September and houses three classes - Grades 7, 8 and 9 in two distinct units. The trustees listened to the students tell about their school and what is hoped to be achieved in Catholic education. The impor- tance of team spirit is impressed on the pupils. The students were shown involved in team sports, at work in their classrooms, in their religious classes. The board will have the film shown in schools in Perth County this week to give pupils and parents a chance to see what St. Michael School has to offer and to en- courage enrolment. The board is now preparing a program to carry to Huron County parents and children to show them the value of Catholic children attending a Catholic high school, one of which the board hopes to build in Huron County as soon as enough will agree to attend. The board approved the report of the nominating committee which has completed which trustee is on each of the four standing committees and the eight ad hoc commit- tees. It was also spelled out brief descrip- tions of committee responsibilities. • • • • Pay equity legislation introduced in Ontario Legislation to establish pay equity in the private and broader public sectors in On- tario was introduced Nov. 24 by Attorney General Ian Scott, Minister Responsible for Women's Issues. The purpose of the legislation is to eliminate gender-based pay discrimination ig70001a. 4 f le ' r in those workplaces. "The pay equity policy is a serious com- mitment to reform," Scott said. Under the new bill, in establishments where it is deter - minded that female -dominated jobs are underpaid in comparison to male - dominated jobs of comparable value C ] PRISMA 950 Sewing Machine by Husgvarna. Computerized push button stitch. L WHITE 1099 Sewing Machine. Features 11 stitches, including 4 step buttonholes. H WHITE SUPER -LOCK SERGER J GIFT CERTIFICATES For a sewing course • fabric - or notions L_] CLAPPERS E HEM MARKER ❑ SCISSORS L] DUST -GO New Product! Compressed air can for sergers. Cl TAPE MEASURES ❑ THREAD ❑ BELTS ❑ CUTTING BOARD In 14 different colours L1 BOOKS "Couture Action Knits" by Hazel Boyd -Hooey "Sewing with Sergers" by Gail Brown & Pati Palmer ' 4f- AMAZING BUYS ON COMPANY OWNED DEMONSTRATOR s4 4' ss AT PRICES NEXT TO FACTORY COST LIST SALE Lowrey HolidaylDeIuxe Genius 10,995. 7,197.95 Lowrey G-200 Genius 7,995. 4,970.95 Lowrey G-150 Genius 4,995. 3,583.08 Lowrey Festival L-90 4,195. 2,748;92 Many Other Super Buys! The employers will be required to increase the pay of the underpaid positions. Comparisons will be made on the basis of skill, effort, responsibility and working conditions. "The legislation will bephased, in deliberate steps. The broader public sector will be first to implement pay equity and the private sector will. follow. "That will allow the business community to benefit from the broader public sector's experience." Social Assistance Review to hold hearing in London 0 The chairman of the provincially - appointed Social Assistance Review has in- vited .residents of London. and area to the committee'shearing on Friday, January 9. In issuing the invitation, George Thomson said committee members are anxious to hear from a wide range of individuals and groups. He pointed out that the submissions the committee receives will form the basis of recommendations for significant change in Ontario's system of social assistance. The review committee is visiting a total of 14 communities across Ontario. London is the last of those 14 cities. However, because so many people and groups have asked to make submissions, additional hearing dates are being scheduled in at least two com- munities, Toronto and Hamilton. The Social Assistance Review was ap- pointed July 7 by the Minister of Community and Social Services. The committee methbers are studying Family Benefits, General Welfare Assistance and related social assistance programs. The London hearing will begin at 9 a.m. Jan. 9 in the City Hall Council Chambers, 300 Dufferin Ave. The committee's com- munications coordinator invited the media to call for interviews with committee members or for other information about the work of the Social Assistance Review. His number is (416) 965-7252. Individuals or groups wishing to make a presentation to the committee should .call the public hearing coordinator at (416 963-3741. 17 VICTORIA ST. CLINTON 482-7036 7; .1.114111 4 G Ontario St. Stratford 271-9102 w0 rim" .14 4. a 4. '4