HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-12-17, Page 1647. Card of Thanks PITBLADO Many thanks to my family and friends for helping me celebrate my '70th" birthday. The party was a big surprise to me. Your unexpected gifts and cords were all appreciated. Merry Christmas. Les Pitblaflo. 51x S.Itms5`vatAta a My sincere thanks to the many friends, relatives and neighbours for the many flowers, plants, cards, treats and visits, both in hospital and since coming home. Also many thanks to Doctors Lambert, Rourke, Pearce and Hollingworth, OR. staff and nurses on 1st E. for their excellent care. Your kindness is truly appreciated. Pat. -51 -all Many thanks for all the best wishes received and to those who dropped in. A speciol thank you to. C.N.R. fellow workers and to the Goderich Elevator Slow Pitch team. All will be long remembered. Clem D'esjardins.-51 x THE LUNG ASSOCIATION of Huron -Perth is grateful for all those who so willingly assisted in making holly day again a total success. All those • who helped prepare the holly baskets and fer- e ried the seventh graders of Robertson School to ° their stations and the Misses Holly Lori Zolob and • • Heidi Zoethout. Co -Operating and buying were ° the Signal -Star Office. Domtar Sifto Office and • • Evaporating Plant Workers, Champion and Gear- • co Workers, Zehrs, A&P, Suncoast Mall and • Brewers Warehouse Patrons. -51 • • I wish tb thank the nurses and staff in Emergency • and Intensive Care Unit also Doctors Pearce, • Walker and Flowers for their excellent care and • concern while I was. a patient in Goderich • th • andpnuarsinganks staffto at Univors ersityrHospiittal Llondon! • Many thanks to i family, friends and neighbors • and co-workers for cards, flowers, gifts, visits : and telephone inquiries. Everything is ap- • preciated and will always be remembered. : Sincerely, Patty. -51 • • MERIAM • We would like to say thank you to all our friends • and relotives for the cards, gifts, flowers and • visits while we were in the hospital. Also thank • you to the nurses on second floor east with a •▪ special thank you to Nancy, Sharon, Debbie, • - Marion, Brenda and Doctors Dawson and Holl- ° ingworth. Yvette and Joey. -51 nx • • • DODDS • • Thank you Mrs. Mothers, Dr, Rourke, Dr. Neal, e the second floor nurses, the O.R. nurses and Dr. • Lambert for taking good care of my Cabbage • Patch and me, also Miss Rankin who was there o ▪ when I needed help. Trisha Dodds. -515c • • BROWN • W.e would like to thank our friends, relatives and • neighbors for flowers, donations to charity and • their kindness at the time of Charlie's death and • while he was sick. Thanks to the nurses, who • were just super, during his long illness, without • you it would have leen impossible to have him at • . home. Thanks'to Dr. James Rourke for his ex- • cellent care: Also Doug Fides, Who was so.atten- • tive with his visits with Charlie. A special thanks • to McCollum and Palle Funerol directors for mak- : ing things easier for us. AISo to Rev. Royal for his • words of comfort. This was very much ap- preciated by Bill, Ben and Jeanne Brown and • famil'y.-51 nx • • HAWTHORNE • The family of the late Mrs. Ruby Hawthorne wish • • to express sincere appreciation for floral ."-P,Pttributes ,5t tit rial donations to the Heart and t 46. In Memoriam PAGE 16-GODERIC1-1 SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1986 40. Lost & Found FOUND - black male cat in Victoria School area. White spot on neck Obviou,ly u,, 'aged• cat Phone 524-2824. 51 41 To Give Away TO GIVE AWAY:2' 2 year old female cat spayed and shots, Multi -coloured. good house pet 524.2367. 49nx TO GIVE AWAY to a good home in country - 5 year old female German Shepherd.. Excellent guard dog. great with children, .needs room to run. Phone 524-7825 after 7 p.m. 51 43. Miscellaneous DELEARY In loving memory of a dear mother and grand- mother Marie. who passed away December 15, 1985 Your presence is ever near us Your love remains with us yet. tti� I. n f of n mother Your loved ones wouia never iuigei. Lovingly remembered by Ron and Glenda and family. 51x ANST A Y In remembrance of my mother, Eva Madge Anstay (1975) and father, Elmer Charles Anstay (1986). Fondly remembered and sadly missed especially .during the holidays. Love, your daughter Sharon. -51 43. Miscellaneous Employment and Ernploi et Immigration Canada Immigration Canada • • 5 5 . •• • • • • . . • • . • . •• • . •. •. • • • • . •. • . •• • • • • • . •• •• • • • • • . •. • • • • • • • i'i"i•e•`' ........................................................... Hire and train workers your way .. aid ori Here is a way to help the long-term unemployed as well as yourself. If you are a business, non- profit group or individual willing to hire un- employed workers - who have difficulty getting and keeping a job - you will want to learn more about the federal government's Job Development Program. You provide the required training and practical work experience and we provide: • up to 80% of gross wages • up to $40 a day for training costs • up to $10,000 for structural changes to accommodate disabled trainees Before you do any hiring, contact your local Canada Employment Centre for specific information. Contact BOB McDOUGALL 524-8342 or 1-800-265-5185 The Canadian Jobs Strategy At/M/4 • • POWELL Brian Grahlman, a V and G Natiolial Trust Savings Trainee in Goderich, demonstrated the new money machine which officially opened Friday at the Suncoast Mall. The machine, the first in town of any kind, is rather straightforward, Brian explained. All you have to do is follow the instructions on the screen once your card and personalized number is entered for either a withdrawal or a deposit. (photo by Andy Bader) - Town&Country fEAL ESTATE Canada ' gr r.rwr... 1 Send YOUR message across the province or coast to coast 1 111110 rust. wi• .. Think blg...tor better results 1 il 1 1 1 CANADA WIDE 2,CLASSIFIEDS L... Lias feast# It's etais l.. Ono sat OM billy des It all! ARTICLES FOR SALE MONTREAL MILITARY SURPLUS Workshirts 52.75. workponts 53.50. workboots $15. For catalog, send 52 (reimbursed first order): Military Surplus, Box 243, St. Timothee, Quebec JOS 1 X0. -0-51 XMAS, SPECIAL. Buy 2. Get one FREE. Never forget to turn your headlights off again! Make your car more visible on the road without the worry of a dead bat- tery. Great stocking stutter! The headlight reminder simply plugs into fuse panel 59.95 plus Tax include 52 shipping/handling. Visa M C Call 1.800.263.3735. Weekdays 9-9. Stewart Specialty, Box 905, Cobourg, Ont. K9A 4W4. Orders shipped same day. -0.51' STEEL BUILDING WINTER WORKS SPECIAL. Help us keep factory busy during slow winter months - Save thousands - avoid up -coming price increases - limited steel. Phone Pioneer' Econspan 1.800.387.6896.--0.51 WINTER WORKS PROGRAM. Keep the foctory busy during the winters months 8 save thousands. Example 25534 $3.299. 40x40 55,399. Other sizes available. Call Miracle Span toll free 1-800.387-4910.-0.51 WATER PROBLEMS? Introducing New Technology -for treating wells 8 cisterns. offering source to faucet protection throughout entire water system. Rusty.,... Smelly ... Bad Tasting ... Water. bacteria. staining, and more, No Salt or Messy Chemicals . maintenance free. See the results for yourself with our 6 -month trial offer. Call now toll free 1.800.268-2656 or write Aztec Water Purification Systems. 203 • 1030 Kamato Rd. Mississauga.Ont, 14W 486. Area code 807 call 1-416.624-4344 (collect). -0-51 SSS SACRIFICE SACRIFICE 155 Buildings priced for im- mediate liquidation. All buildings priced for int• mediate delivery. Call toll free 1.800.387.2115 or 1.416-858.2446.-0-51 One AAROUE 1100 Blueprint Machine. 48" width. 50 ft per minutes. 5 K.W. Mercury Vapor lamp Separa• tion automotic. new condition. Denco Power Ltd. Tillsonburg 1.519.842.2563.-0.51 10'x10' GREENHOUSE 5149. I000W Metol Halide 5195. Plus 10,000 gardening products. Great prices. Send 52 for info.pock. Western .Water Farms 1244 Seymour Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3N9. (604) 682.6636, 0 51 WANTED TO BUY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR required for CCNA national of• fice, Toronto. Strong community newspaper background. Public relations. communications, organization. administration abilities essential. Effec• live June I 1987. Write- J. Baker•Pearce, Box 280 Alliston, Ont. LOM IAO. -0.51 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY GRANDPARENTS Give your grandchild a lifetime gift • a Registered Education Savings Plgn • Tax sheltered dollars to pay for their post secondary education • Savings insured by C.D.I.C.'• a nonprofit Foundation established in 1965. For prospectus and complete in• formation call( (416) 363.5231.-0.51 OLD WRISTWATCHES WANTED, any make Mens only, one or one hundred. OIdiRolex wristwatches wanted Also wonted Eaton's "Quarter Century" square wristwatches (25 years service). Will pay 5750 and up for this watch. Will alto buy Straps crlhtals, partA°etc. for old wristwatches. 1.416.365.7240 or write B. " Walsh, 173.Queen St. E. Toronto. Ont. M5A 152.---0.51 HELP WANTED TRAIN FOR A JOB with a future.; .with Tri•County Truck Driver Training. Job search assistance available. Kitchener 720 King E.. (519) 743.5011. Brant• ford 300 Colborne E., (514) 756.0223, -0.51 NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Welders. Carpenters, Electri• cions, Plumbers, Management, Mach., Drivers. Operators, Entry level•ddegreed up to $32.60 hour. 1.(308) 382.3700 transcontinental Job Search', lee. 0.51 PERSONAL DATES GALORE: For all ages 8 unattached. Thousands of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquain• tances call toll free 1.800.263-9163. Hours noon till 8 pm. -0-5I AUCTION SALES ONTARIO'S LARGEST FARM MACHINERY consignment sale, Norwich. Ont. Friday, Jan. 6. 1987, 10 am (Sales conducted 2nd Friday each month). Approx. 150-175 tractors plus all types of farm equipment. Con• signments welcome. For more information call (519) 424.9998 ar (519) 424.9093. Proprietors K.S. Homulecki and Sons. -0-51. EDUCATIONAL FREE: 1986 glide to study -at-home correspondence Diploma courses for prestigious, careers: Accounting, Airconditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology: Electronics, Legal/Medical secretary, Psychology. Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto 1-800.268.1121.-0.51 BECOME AN AUCTIONEER, Canadian champion in- structors. Classes start Jon. 12-23, 1987. Jordon and McLean School of Auctioneering, Box 94, Kitscoty, Alta, 708 2P0 (403) 846.2211, (403) 842.5528.-0-51 FREE COLOUR CATALOGUE Home -Study cor- respondence courses. Our Diploma Courses are 100% tax deductible and will help get totic you lob in Microcomputer Servicing, T.V., Technology. Auto Diesel, Climate Control, and Elec- tronics Technology. National Technical Schools, 517 Bohemia Cres. Oakville, Ont. L6J • 2K7 (416) 842-8383.-0-51 Q r The Only ,way to get YUR ad in 2.5 million homes - in Canada for 5659.8° or in 1,241,807 homes in Ontario for 5195.06 - Piece Your Blanket Classified Ad by calling one of our helpful clot/tallied ad• visors at your nearaet weekly newspaper Mite for detail*. LucknOW 528-2822 Goderich 524.2814 Kincardine 388.2983 Clinton 482.3443 Walkerton 881.1800 Sealorth 527.0240 Mitchell 34�8.8431 alar awe *miaY• tlwae ern pan a=1, ago -C IOW Stroke Fund, the many visits and cards as ex- pressions of sympathy. Thanks to the McCollum and Palle Funeral Home for their most con- siderate attention and Rev. Royal for his words of copsolotion.-51 x HAWTHORNE The family of the late Mrs. Ruby Hawthorne wish especially to thank the staff of Maitland Manor Nursing Home for their loving care over the post 10 years. Also thanks to Dr. Cieslar, to 1st E., Emergency and ICU staffs at AM&G Hospital and ambulance attendants for their excellent care. -51x SANDERSON Thank you to the police, ambulance driver, Dr. Lambert, Dr. Neal, X -Ray technicians, nurses and staff of first floor for their assistance and care. Special thanks to my friends and relatives for get well cards and. messages I received and for the support of my family during recovery. All this was much appreciated. Bertha Sanderson. -51 Rancher in 60's 1 Attractive. 3 bedrooms plus den. roc room. 2 full baths, family kitchen, oak cabinets. ' Widder St. Bungalow Cozy home In choice location. Ideal starter or retirement home. Make offer. Open For Offers in 30's 91/2 storey, good family starter home. Large lot. Immediate possession. ,,,nom,,, ,i�•Y;:.:•.a.<...... ,:.<:.:t!'!m!e!ttr°".-4406110W10,1000101 r�i+t':t*t•w► ieu•r•t, r h�: "i1 71NiI:111 . '•', MFFl. '?. l G- :is"n;:,r..:,f,',<.j,.:.:.lArg�.,•-:�vl:.:>iT,,.+•,�rr::: ,':..`i'ysv I ITA ALLEN 524®8480 BAILEY CLINTON - ONTARIO TELEPHONE 482-9371 *OM. Reiii: fii0144 414/ ionrwithwnaSleura home and heated'workshop FARROW TO FINISH operation on 150 acres, 140 sows, good buildings. 3/. ACRE: With modern brick bungalow, heated workshop, 12 miles from Goderich. Owner will consider financing. - 69 ACRES: HWY. NO. 8, secluded raised bungalow, insulated barn, 25 acres workable, several ponds, hardwood bush. Ideal hobby or recreation property. CLINTON: 1 floor bungalow on quiet street near the hospital. 100 ACRES: Hobby and bush farm, on paved road, East Wawanosh Township, 15 acres workable, general purpose barn, large steel shed, house newly renovated, all in im- maculate condition. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY: Ideal for office or store, apartment above. All redone. Like new, main street, Auburn. BLYTH: Dinsley Street, 2 floor brick home on large treed lot. 100 ACRES: EasSOIDosh, modern home. APARTMENT DEVELOPMENT: 14 units, nearly new, on 3 acres, well located in Lucknow. 4 ACRES: 2 floor brick home in good condi- tion, 3 miles from Blyth. 75 ACRES: On Maitland River, 55 acres, no buildings, very scenic. 125 ACRES: Near Blyth, stately brick home, 60 acres workable, 22 acres hardwood bush. REALTY LIMITED Goderich W.J. HUGHES REALTY LIMITED 30 Kingston St. Goderich 524-7373 524-8100 West End Brick Rancher Custom btilt, one owner home, well maintained. 4 bedrooms, familyroom, 2 baths, sundeck, garage. Well land- scaped. Call Rita Allen 524=8480. Expansive, Not Expensive sSee m.ys well or pro tioned r 2-,. storey, Lome, 4' bedrooms, pixie Boor`s, natural trim, full basement. Lot 104' x 104'. Call Ebb Ross 524-8786. 11 Acres Century home, completely renovated. Fieldstone fireplace. Large barn set up for horses. Overlooking Maitland River & golf course. Call Norma Taylor. 2 Homes on Hwy 8 132' frontage. Restricted commercial. One home rented. Great potential. Call Rita Allen 524-8480. • Rural Rarity Well maintained 2 storey brick, 4 bedrooms, main floor familyroom, modern kitchen, drilled well. Located on 10 acres. Call Ebb Ross 524-8786. Building Lot 52' x 104'. Central. 516,500. 18 Acres Goderich Twp. 2 streams. 529.500. Rita Allen Ebb Ross Barb Shewfelt Norma Taylor 524-8480 524-8786 524-9581 482-9921 G CO. LIMITED REALTOR 53 West St., Goderich, Ont. 524-7316 FARMS - RESIDENTIAL - VACATION - COMMERCIAL - RURAL ELEGANCE & CHARM , JUST LISTED Take a look at this 1269 sq. ft. brick bungalow with 3 bedrooms up and one down, full finished rec room, carport with storage room featured on 'h acre country lot just 10 minutes from town. '65,000.00. PRICED RIGHT Charming 4 bedroom, 2 storey red brick home featuring beautifully decorated living room and dining room. Centrally located. Must be seen to be appreciated. Yours' for less than '75,000.00. QUIET PARK SETTING This 4 bedroom bungalow eatures finished base ment with patio door to spacious bock yard, 4 bedroom brick home, close to Square. Excellent situated on double lot. Large living room and starter home. Priced to sell at '41,000,00. master bedroom. Priced at '46,000.00. r Ota A FREE PROPERTY EVALUATION, GIVE ONE OF OUR QUALIFEP SALES STAFF A CALL TODAY. Terry McClinchey Res.: 529-3147 John Talbot Wayne Scott Dave Wilkinson Res.: 524-2520 Res.: 524-8087 Rel,: 524=6885 Aftus 81611 Jim Bisset Ras.: 524.2431