Exeter Times, 1916-2-17, Page 1ORTY-SE0 0 1) YEA NO, 2289 • tt EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING% RITA.RY 17TH, 1916 4.1 • F r • .JONES Phone 32 .A Magnificent Showing of New Fess Silks at Old Prices We were particulary fortunate in buying our Silks for the coming Season, b ere the prices advanced. We are thus able to offer you a handsome array of New Silks, at absolutely old prices, Silk Special o.1 Silk Special No. 2 Silk Special No. 3 Silk Special o.4 Silk Special No. 5 FANCY SILKS Heavy quality Pailette Silk, 35 inches wide, in black and all popular colors, a splendid wearing quality, well worth $1 25 a yard. Our Special Selling Price $1 oo a yard. Extra heavy black Duchesse Silk, 35 inches wide, wear pos. itively guaranteed, This ia our celebrated, stamped (Jones and May) quality. Selling at the old price $r.25 per yard. Also shown in colors. Taffeta Silk, 36 inches wide, (taffetas are very popular for Drisses) in black and all colors,warranted to give good wear. Very Special Spring Selling Price at $t 35 a yard. Heavy Silk Poplin, full yard wide, in all the new and staple colorings, especially adapted for either dresses or Suits, our Special Price only $1 25 a yard. Habutai Silk for Blouses, etc,, guaranteed a perfect washing Silk, black white and colors at $r oo a yard. We also have a large range of Fancy Silks, silk Crepes, trim- ming silks and etc, eta'. LINING SATIN SPECIAL Celebrated Burton quality, yard wide Satin, wear guar- anteed for two seasons, for Suit Coat Linings etc. Special $z oo per yard. Stinirner Wash Goods . We have a handsome array of the celebrated Barton Wash Fabrics for &miner dosses now in stock, including reception voiles, Banzai silks, poplins etc. Direct from New York. Our Spring Suits and, Coats for ladies' and misses now itt sthck. Men's & Boys' Clothing Extra Special Values this month in Suits for Men and Boys. Jones AND May AO, t mobile Skates The Best for Every Use s Cat Skates Auto -Cycle, $1.50 AutoNo. '25 $2O0 4 Auto Ladies, $2.50 AutoA, $3.00 Auto 13, $4 00 A.uto C, $5.0 Hockey Sticks 10c, 150, 25c and up to $1.00 Hockey Pucks 10c- 8a 25c Skate Straps Other Nlakes, $1.25 up 15c and 20c . • • • • • • Skates t-barpened, 15o; HOCKEY RULE BOOKS given. free PLUMBING and TINSMIT IN et us estimate on your requirem'nts and needs. A full line of Bathroom Fittings and Toilet Fixtures - also Pipe and Pioe Fittings, Valves, etc f AM.14 AN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE PHONES 27 A AND Li 13-EXEITER hie, Goo. Ouglanore is on the sick list. Dlr. Jas. Ilandford was in i..oxidon attending the funeral, of his brother - TI -.e annwal meeting of the snare - ',holders of the Exeter Times will be ;held in the Klarnegie library wn. Peb. :24th 2 'P.M, niev. r, Nicol preaelted 10aven Presbyterian church on Sunday, the pastor, tRev. S, F. Sharp taking the services at Knox Presbyterian church IlamiLton or Rev. Mr., Nelson, Mr. Geo. Wright, of the 7th eon - cession of 'I:shortie, Met with en acci- dent while soaping a belt. no was drawn into the 'belt and thrown, a- but twenty feet end was .badlY shaken lip. Patriotic League Notes We wish to th'ardic all those who responded to the call,on Patriotic Day also the orchestra which, was very much appreciated. The following do- nations were receivied:: $5.00 - Miss Fisher, Mrs. J. G. Jones, Mrs./ and Miss Dickson, R. E. Pickard, Wm. Hooper; $2.00 -Jos. Senior, F. Wit- wer; 1.75-C. Hooper; 1.00 -Rev. P. Nicol, W. J. Beer, H. Rowe. 3, We Taylor, Jas. Hem, B. S. Phillips. D. Wood. tlerence Pickard. Mrs. tBoril- ston, Dr. iffeGillictsdIdY, F Wtood4 Th'os Sweet, Mrs. H. Hooper; 75e -Mrs. T. Kestle; 50c -F. Gill, Mien Yellen& Mns. T. Sweet; 25o -Mrs. Blake, Mini. 3, Smith, Mrs. Beavers, A .friend; re, ceipts et social 39.25; total $91,25. A letter hos been (Medved from the Belgian Relief at Montreal acknowled- ging box of clothing 'which was 'sent to them test week. Mats. W. J. Beer, Secy.: BORN A trieghlar meeting of the conned 'was held on Fridaes Feb. litit, with all the ):nerabers present. The zninutils MISS 3. J. A.LLAN, Eye. Sight M. GEO. KERSLAKE DIES Specialist will be at the Central Ile- ' I SUDDENLY tel, 'Exeter, on Saturday. F., 19th 0 Exeter Council eby from 11) con, to .8 pane, ntr. eorge' Kerslake, a Uhloorni4 died siudenly on Monday afternoon TIN WEDDING about five if eloek and the news in' Lis death came as a &book to the community. He had been in Ms us- ual health on Sunday and had ottend- ed mvice at Bethany. X*, was stricken with a paralytic stroke on Dionday morning and passed awe, the same evening. The deceaneft was born hi McGillivray SOlith or Cen- tralia in 1840. fie was twtce married his Bret wile whose maiden name was May Manley, predeoeased Lira about twenty years ago. Be was af- terwards married to Mary Cann, M110 survives him. Three children, two sons and one daughter also survive. Wellington on the boundary, near LuraieY; Walker at Sunshine and Mrs. of the meeting held j011, 28, were Mr, and Mrs, John Rankin eelebrat. read and a.oproveo ed their tenth wodding anniversary on A communication fromF, s simence, Monday evening- when theY were least Secretary of the Ontario menie:pai and hostess to a large number al' Assocuttiou, was read. ,ro, petition to the provincial. Government in xe- ' gate to workaten.-Oarried. vited guests. A valentineevening was spent and a very pleasant time elaijoyedc eel -circular letter from. the Seeret. aeaRBIED IN LONDON I ary of the Hydro Eleetrie Railway Association of Ontario regards An. Afiss Myrta Rawkshaw. ,;:if London. uwI General INfeeting to be held: in daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Toronto February lath, per Rind and lietwenif'sdhy!'nisv'arredeiznlYthoatt Eofeeytet% NDVIars. Roulstonthat the Reeve attend the sessions as a 'delegate from the Tanya .1 eaWairellilaamgellei;ast°plieerrYOrin(ledTi°nr°txtt:'CIT•ohne- icipality(-10a.rried. The folloving tadleg repreqentedi : yn Memorial church by Bev. R. W. Norwood, The bride's many friends the LadiesPatriotic SaaietY Mrs H Lere will extend congratulations. Hooper. Mrs. L. _EL Dieksen. Mrs I. E. McGillicuddy and Min, W. 3. 'Three asking further aid qn behalf oe the Patriotit 'League as they are being crippled having to iiay for rent for the building, per Beavers and (Holli- ston that Uri sum of $5.00 per =Wit be paid to the League for :rent of roons. during the pleasure of the bounciledOerried. Mr. Denwson, Auditor gave his re- Inert'far the month of January wbieh was adopted or motion of Beavers and Roulston. per Hind and Houlston, that the Publie works Committee look over the Town Hall as to improvement, repairs eto and report-Car/net!). Per Heavers and Ilind that the matter of tree trimming on the streets in fixture be done under the supervision ef the Public:, Works COommitt e -Va rri ed.. Mr. di.. G. Selelon asked leave to erect an. addition to the weigh scales leuilding, per Roidston and Barton that the request be granted, the building covering some 5 by 12 'feet of roadway at h rental of $1.00 per 'year, which is to be paid with the WHAT NADIR' SHALL BE Municipal Tax. The building to be GIVEN THE MST? removed at the pleasure of the Conn - and ordered paid -Ed. Treble accounts wpre xead R. Combe e. prize of ten dollars has With. th 1of Lieut.C I H e approve o . H. cil-Carried. The follcwing Ricbard Davis $1 50; Preter Times $1.45: bee a ere y gls a eKelly, p b ff d b Ma ' tr t f Gederich, or a name that win too signoc. nen Br.,,„tiG ,....;35.00; rocetor most acceptable for Huron's new Bat- talion. Anyone is at liberty to com- pete for the prize and your sugges- tions may be made by planing them in on envelope and meek .oti the out-. side of the envelope "Prize contest" end either give the envelope to the Local Secretary of your War Arndt- lary or mail direct to the Comity See- retary Mr. A. T. Conper, or Clinton - Contest is open until Marcia 1st. mrestoris A missionary platform meeting was held in jaraes street Methodist church on Sunday evening last e -hen reports were given of the Laymen's Mission- ary banqaet held at Crediton by Dr. Rouiston, Thos. Harvey and Z. M. Southeott. Next Sunday will be missionary Sunday in the Methodist churches of town. In the morning Rev. W. G. IL McAlister will preach in the Main street church and Mr. Geo.Stanley, off Luean, in James street church. In SOLDIER. 'WEDS Pte. Wilbur Mitebell and bride have been spending several days in town. Pte. Mitchell and Miss Nellie Williams were married in Berlin on February 7tb. Mies Williams was a former resident of Exeter. rte Mit-. obeli is a son of Mr. and Mrs. W,. Mitchell of town. Ile is a member of the 33rd )3attalion atationed at Que- bec. SOCIETY NOTES Mrs. Wickwire was At Home to her friends on Friday. The -Misses Huston entertained to an afternoon tea on Saturday., TLe Misses Boyle very pleasantly entertained on Friday evening. Mr. Edith Parsons entertained her friends to a pleasant evening last Thursday. Miss Gladys Bissett was hostess to a number of young people on Wed-. nesday evening a last week. Electric Light and POW -Co. $143.35; C. T. Brooks $1.15; '17% W. Farncombe $5.50: David Musson jr $22.09 • W. J. Bissett $43 15; Silo. Ford S3750: jos. Senior $37 50; Jackson Mfg. Co $300.00; amounting in all to $4359.72. 3os. Senior. Clerk. PRESBYTERIAN inIBLE CLASS HOLD DELIGHTFUL BANQUET The organized .44o;'.'*nibto Class it Caven Presbyterian Church held a most delightful banquet on Friday evening last in the basement of the church. About one hundred sat down to the tables which were laden with many choice delicacies. The girls of the "D. Y. B." class (taught (by 'Miss Murray waited on the tables. The basement and tables were nicely de- corated, After the luncheon was served. ,sev- eral toasts were responded to and addresses given, the 'chief speakers of the evening Rev. Mr. Muxworthy witi the evening being Rev. W. M Mar- preach in James street church and tin, of London, former pastor, who gave an excellent address on "Stew- ardship",Mr. McNicol, of Siracoe,,who &poke very acceptably on "The Effi- cient teacher and scholar", and Rev. Mr and Mrs. John Jarrott receiv- Dr. Fletcher, of the Thames Roach, ed the sad news of the death of their Mr. Stanley in Main street. Mission- ary contributions will be taken up. DIED IN MANITOBA ni whose remarks on "The Value of 33ibl inspiring. The toast list comprined a eldest daughter, Mrs. Wm. Sherritt, r Study to the Individuawere very e ;" ire- Seeburn, Man. She was 54 years, G sponded to by D. CC. McIneind n . months and 23 days and is survive toast to "Our King and Country d G. Seldon; to the "Sunday Sc;chooby her sorrowing husband, six soma and two daughters, viz., Mrs. la naby Adult Bible Class" by H. StrangVend Gibbs, Wynnyard, Sask., and Mrs. R. Hote.ana, Moline; James, William, J. H. Scott and F..W., Gladman; ``The R. Itoweilree. Miss Kinsman and. Mr. .Earl and Norman at home; Albert of solce. Mr. Sharp Vancouver and Wallace at the front. Scott sang severaal. chairman. Those who had. the pen, . brothers, james and William Jarrett Deceased has five sisters and three r it as one of Hills.green and Norman of Toronto; vtlege of attending speak o of the most enjoyable evenings they ' MI.8' E. "nes, or Exeter ; SIlj* l'" The ice 'harvest started at Wee river ' -Cochrane., Hillsgreen; Mrs. ]?i zg.,re.',1 Lave spent in a long time. . above the Ida.m this week. Instead of Seattle, 'Wash Mrs. Williams and Eillre R. Jones, or letting the me Iby tender it es !being sold at 25 tents a load. EXETER 13EATS CREDITON, A. fest clean, game or hockey ;vas played on the Exeter rink cio,Tiours- IT'S A LONG, LONE ROW THE day evening of last week 'between five to lour. At the MISSIONARY'team winning S The following parody to the tune end ot tLe first half the 'score iv as 4 of Tipperary" was composed by Bev. to 1 in favor of Exeter. In tLe last or Crediton aed ;vas hell Cre.diton scored three goals end Crediton and Eneter players, the home Selby Jefferson sung at the Laymen's Alis,s:onary Ban- Exeter one. The play was clean 'there on Fay 8th. 1 side. J. 'McRoberts, of Crediton, gave gnat at the tOrediton. Methodist church being no penalties imposed on eitner goo s • d atisfaction ' as referee. The To a mission banquet came a grouchy , attendance was large. Following was man one night, 1 the line up 1 Arid . er one felt right Elvins; cover point, II. Fehner; centre S ESSERY-On the London Road south on February 18th to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Esser y a daughter. HEDIMEN-,In Stephen +on Feb, 19th to Mr. land Mrs, S. Hediden,, twins, a toy and a girt MARRIED KOEHLE'R Evangel &by. Miss Ad. Koehler, both - At the nage, Zurich, on 1,ev. G. V) ;Brown, echler to Dir. Saca'l of Hay townsbip. AIITICHELL--WILLIADIS - in Ber- lin, on February 7th, Miss Nellie 'Williams, formerly of Exeter, ; to Rte. Wilbur Mitchell, of the 33rd, quartered at Quebec, son of Dir. end Mrs. William Mitchell, of town LONEY--11AWKSBAW - At CronYn Alemoria/, church, London, on Feb. 3, by (Rev. R. W. Norvvook. Arytta L. Haw,kshaw, only daughter of ‘11r. end Mrs. T. Wesley Hawk/4bn w, formerly of Exeter, to ?Jr. 'William R. Loney, of Toronto. DIED KE'RSI.JAHR-in Thsborne ool reby. 14 George Kerslake, aged 69 'years, 0 months and 1 da. GRADI--On the Parr Line, Bay, on Feby. dth, Vera. daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Goo, Gram, aged 9 Yeats. es the tables well were enread, • Crediton -Goal, W. Metz; point, F. 1 lure ever y Sing ng songs of great salvation -how Holtzmann; right wing H. Bolts: to tell it best mann; left, A. Holtzmann; rover S. Till the grouch he got a hike on, and \vein, Otinson ; cover A. Pickard; centre was singing like the rcst. Exeter--Gord, W. Kytid; point, 0. M. Senior; ;right, D. Pickard; left it. - it's along. lone row, the mission- eryn, 'Tis the bingcst job 1 Bivers;- Y over, Hoffman. iarel y'. It's a long row O. -hoe, t , It's a e in long, lone row, thi.m*.on. REORT.ThriNG MEETTING . Th.i. Op ,m House was filled on know. Tu es - yam_ day evening to listen to trooruiting ad- Good-byo; gxeedy gresping. . . ' dress.‘s ly Di. J, L. ,Ifughes, al Tor - well unstei•s freeonto nro rum, Wyatt, or London, a a long. Ionrow, the IniSs'on-1 ary's. [Teti) is up to me., returned soldier, who was wounded in Flan.f.rs. "Mks Neelands, of Sea - He hastened quickly home to his m's; forth, r leturned narse, was a'sta pre- ziortiry wife, sent arid gave some of ,her experiten. Orying. gIC7,1 rige dearie, I have test- ces, Dr Hughes %yrs the first speak- er. HI? irotr, 'sed n's henTers Dina:dal:4 Position in this; war and the need for recruits. He said that after the :tta lion wits organized t.00the, w„..uld. he authorized. The people. it Exeter, when they repliZe the need, will exert a gceat interest in roe; ` lOorp. Wyatt aed, Miss upoo ed of is ;.c 'ife. 'Tis helpir.i. po :r end needy in all ArainftriiiFetirg:11liDedr..L'•: at home all the devil's i:t rink bands." -Chorus Than bis wit- she looked up at lain/; •• 'I low And She that preyer was arn4 Neelends told of tneir experiertees and 11 were,:l. i was ia the know som,,credtite or the Hole thee For he said. "In fights for freedom, bed 'come innier their observance. The faith, end for ifaixplay, speakers mere cheered on numn'Ttet INAre Meat think beyond ourselves of Geon.siots. The aneenng will no letibt the ethers far ftway."-Ohorus, rOSIiit in a number of reeraits. Fred Stevrart at Farquhar; 'besides three brothens and one sinter„ John in Exeter; Robert in 'Osborne; 'Will- iam, of Weyburn, Sask. and Mrs. William Snell, of tleborne. The de-, ceaaed was a very jovial man, free and einjoyed life to the fullest. He was one of the leading members of Bethany church and was highly re- spected throughout the eoramunity. Ilia ;age was 69 years, 9 months and 1 day. The funeral will be held on Thursday afternoon at 1.30 p,ns. There will be a meeting of the Executive and Committees of the War Auxiliary in the Pahlio Literary at 8 n.m. this Thursday evening. The young people from Bethany will enjoy a pleasant evening at the home of their' pastor., 'Rev. 5. W. Mux - worthy at the Main street rarsonage, this 'Wednesday evening. DIA'DE iW:EXETER, tee very beet flour money teen heY. Three grados, igL entnifrtEtni• iL Mr. Harry Gould 'woe opetated by Dna Williams, or London alid! Hyvainen, a tewle and is gettina along as well as eau he exnected. garinEN w1.3.)DING Dims. Jam Snell is in 'Sarnia thiii week attending the golden wedding of Mae ;and Mrs. Chas. Eacreet which is being held on TioursitlY. Mr. an Eacrett were former residenta of Exeter, end their awns' friends 'win wish for them continued years .ot health and happinesa SOCIAL EVENING The Epworth League ef the Mato street Methodist thurcb held a nociai evening on Tuesday. Six young men Trom the thumb ;Ow leave enlisted with the Baron Battalion were pre- sented. with pocket testaments. Re- freshments were nerved. and a turn sociable time enjoyed. WAIR ATIX1LIARY CIAGA.NIZED The Exeter branch Of the Huron. Wee- Auxiliary was organized in Mn L. E. Dickson's offiee on Friday eveale ing lest 'with the following oftieers.4. President, A. Stewart; vleeqrresi- dent, E. W. Taylor; secrietarY, White, treasurer, Ms'. Burwell; .eom.-. anittee from different sub -divisions), R. N. Howe, T. Newell, Devi W. G. McAlister. Dr. McGillicuddy for Div. 1; W. J'cihns, Harvey, S. Fitton Rev. S. W. Muxworthy, 'No. 2: N.. 3. nom, V/. Mitchell L BA Scott, Rev. S., F..Sharp 17°4 S; M. Amy and Witwer No. 4; representatives to County Ray. ID. Wi.Cel". lins and L. 11,,_Elickson. asoarsoromorler*aw,........ aegeeVe ••••111.111111,6111... THE EXETER BARGL&IN STORE DISC UNT SAL In order to clear out all ovir Overclats we will give a, discount of 20 per eent during February. Men's and Boys Smits except Blues at a discount of 20 per cent. Men's Od.d Pants at a discount of 10 per cent. Me WotAf,ns an ChildrenSweaters at a &scout of 10.per oent.. 33 1/3 per cent offregular price on Fancy andker - chiefs, Silk Handkerchiefs 15o each. Mens Fleeced Lined Shirts regular 561c at 35e each. Extra values in Wool Bo.se for Children and Ladies. Wool Gloves and Mits. Unilrea4:41113140431.2•42.4904416414.4.1 EAVE •fo •••••••• 04 4+00 440•4004.04000 0,4:40000,04.04.i,0444,400000400000 4 0 ••• 0 00 0 • 00 • if its a pair of Trousers, an odd Coat and Vest or a Suit you wa t, • • • come quick, before the other fellow • gets the best. • • ••: • • • I • • 40 4: • • EE PH E 8 IN UR T ILORING DEPARTMENT 41,4004e. - mrrrrervioliera 'rerrnovoir nds for odd Vests. nds for odd Coats and Vestse nds for odd Trousers. His for a Suit e wil tiler ;lily of these ends to P,Lcr order at very low prices to vs, M. A N t 4 4 0 4g. 4t, 4. 44- 4 4 4 4 0 4 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. e. 4. 4 • • .04tnen non. 004,04etenn 4600 .040444.44' t