HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-12-10, Page 151 17. Apartments for Rent 1WO BEDROOM Saltford Apts . $260 00 per month plus utilities fridge and stove included Call 5242111 45tf GROUND FLOOR one bedroom apartment adults no pets Coll 5242111 47tf I WO BEDROOM upur tment like new tfoiroughout. Marra Street Blyth References Phone 482 9210 471f or ONE OR TWO bedroom apartment, like new, central location Clinton. References. Phone 482 9210 47tfar BENNETT Apartments now taking .applications for small one bedroom apartment. Available 1st ONE BEDROOM apartment available im• mediately 524.9445. 49tf THREE BEDROOM apartment available im- mediately close to square. Call 524.4966. 50 MODERN one bedroom apartment close to lake, Phone after 6 p.m. 524-2449. 49tf 18. Houses for Rent 1 THREE BEDROOM house for rent. No pets, quiet neighbourhood 524-4973. 49tf THREE BEDROOM bungalow, Ducharme Estates Bayfield. Available 1st of November. 236.4230. - 44tfar TWO BEDROOM winterized cottage on Sunset Beach. Call 527-0369. 49-51 nx TWO BEDROOM duplex. close to uptown in -Clin- ton. Call 527.0369. 49.51nx TWO BEDROOM HOUSE with fridge, stove, cur- tains and drapes, available January 1. Call 524-8150.-50 WANTED: Person to share a country home and expenses. Phone 524.4720 after 5:30 p.m. 50 VERY SMALL two bedroom house. no pets. Fridge and stave included $275.00 a month plus utilities. Phone 524-4532. -50x 20. Room 8 Board ROOM AND BOARD for elderly couple. Private bathroom and nursing core given. Phone 482-5747.-48,49,50 ROOM FOR 'RENT, kitchen and living room privileges. 524-6934.-49,50 125. Wanted to Buy WANTED: Platform or bench scale in -good work- ing order. Must be complete with weights. Please contact Don Kellestine at 524-2614 bet- ween 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 46tfnx WANTED TO BUY: Pool table in good condition. Phone 524.2704. 50 SMALL USED House Trailer Wanted, 12 or 14' long. Contact West Wowanosh Township Clerk, RR 2, Lucknow, 528.2903. ---50,51 ar $ $$$$$$$$$$$ CASH PAID for Antiques, complete or partial estates, dining, bedroom, Iivingroom suites, old jewellery, clocks, furniture etc. Caii Seaforth 527-1847 or 527-1633 LIVE-IN COUPLE or single person, non smoker, for active'' senior citizen. Driver's license and cooking necess6ry, wages negotiable. Pleasant country surroundings in Goderich area, references please. Reply to Drawer No. 61 c o Signal -Star. Box 220, Goderich, Ont. N7A 486. 48tf PARTTIME- Activity person required for seniors' residence. Interested applicant asket5`t Iy in writing to: Maple Grove Lodge, 45 Nels St., Goderich, Ont. N7A 1R7. -50,51 26. Help Wanted 1 ENTREPRENEUR -OPPORTUNITY Enjoy high earnings to Auto Club and, or adver- tising. Flexible hours • full or part-timePContect: Mr. Bauer in person at the Elm Haven, Clinton on yrcurlcn....,, tfrten+t:<r ! • • I' ,,, sharp or ton Thursday, December 18th at 10 a.m. sharp.=5Q,51ar RESPONSIBLE port time sitter needed for infant in my home. Hours include days and evenings for average pf approx. 20 hrs. per week. No weekends] $3.00 per hr. Please hove references available 524-7852. - 50.52 MOTHER'S HELPER: Responsible, warm person required for central Toronto location, -non smoker, private quarters 416-785-8656. --50 • WOODWORKERS If you hove the ability to work wood and the hand tools needed, we will train you in the fine art of ships carpentry. As one of Canada's finest boat builders we are justly proud of our crafts. manship but realize a carpenter has to start somewhere. Year-round work, 4 day week benefits. Those who believe they have the talent should reply in strictest confidence to: H. Ted Gozzard, President and Master Carpenter, North Castle Marine Ltd., P.O. Box 373, Goderich, On- tario. N7A 4C6 or phone 519.524-2120, 519-482-9833 evenings. --50,51 CAREER IN TRUCKING Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your class "A" license. For pre-screening Inter- view and lob placement informotion contact: Mery Orr's Group, 1-800.265-1260 26. Help Wanted The Huron County Board of Education Requires a Community Youth Support Worker The support worker will work with twelve to fifteen young people who require additional support. This per- son will provide liaison between home, school and the employer. This position requires an individual who is creative, a self starter with the ability to work independently. Experience in working with troubl- ed youth will be an asset.'Qualifica- tions may include a degree in Child Care, Education or Social work. Salary will be negotiable based on experience and qualifications: This is a contract position until February 1988. • Applications will be received until noon Tuesday, December 16, 1986., Applications. should be sent to: Gino Giannandrea Personnel Relations Administrator Huron CoUinty -board Of Education ' -- m-- • .. iO3 Albert Street.. Clinton. Ontario. NOM 1L0 A W .Clark . R.B. Allan Chairman Director HAIR STYLIST NEEDED More Than Just A Job: Looking for a motivated and eager indivi- dual to join our team. Must be open to train- ing and ongoing educafion. Positive attitude a must. Apply to the HAIR CONNECTION GODERICH P.O. Box 193, Goderich, Ont. The Co -Operators, Canada's largest All -lines Insurance Co., has an opening for a Clerical Assistant, in our Goderich Office. Duties include: performing clerical functions for Sales Representatives and Service Counsellors, performing liaison bet- ween Sales Reps. and policy holders, quoting auto and home pro- tection insurance, completing All -lines changes, actively pro- moting all lines- of insurance and On-line claim processing. Full training will be provided. If you possess a university degree / college diploma, enjoy variety and challenge'SEND RESUME TO: (Mrs.) Kim Wedderburn, The Co -Operators Ins. Services, 100 Erie St. o3the co-opelatols Box 871, INSURANCE SERVICES Stratford N6A 2R5 HELP WANTED AUTOMOTIVE SALES REPRESENT'•TIVE We have an opportunity available to someone with experience in the Automotive Parts Supp- ly Industry, to be on outside sales represen- tative of our company, servicing existing ac- counts as well as opening new accounts in the Mitchell 8 Goderich areas. The person we want on our team should be experienced in auto body supplies as well as car and truck parts. and must be an ag- gressive self starter capable of working with We offer excellent working conditions along with a competitive salary/commission and benefit package. Please forward written resume only, in con- fidence to: GERRY KEHL Kehl Automotive Suppliers P.®. Box 358 Mitchell, Ontario NOK 1NO 28. Business Opportunity LUCKNOW: 10,000 sq. ft. brick building, con- tains furniture store. 2 large apartments plus room for 3 more apartments. 5150,000.00 with terms. AUBURN: 1,800 sq. ft, modern building present- ly used as a furniture store. $50,500.00 with terms. ALSO: 2,800 sq. ft. warehouse (could be used as garage or manufacturing) 547,500.00 with terms. LOVELY: 2,400 sq. ft. ranch style home with garage and full finished basement. 5110,000.00. CAN BE bought together as a package deal or separately. Call Lgrne Henry (416) 681-3722, Res. (416) 333-1757. Lakos Realty Services Ltd. -50 29. Tenders TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY ;j FUEL OIL & SERVICE January 1, 1987 to December 31, 1987 Approximate consumption 410,000 litres. Please submit sealed quotations to: THE BOARD OF MANAGERS KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ' 9 VICTORIA STREET NORTH GODERICH, ONTARIO. N7A 2R4 before 12 noon local time Tuesday, December 16, 1986. Please state hourly rate for service. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1986 -PAGE 15 31. Service Directory We're Your One Stop Shopping Centre for a Complete Line of Pool and Spa Chemicals and Accessories. 524-9804 LUE HORIZON POOLS & SPAS 2 Miles East of Goderich NEW CONSTRUCTION _ ethiOViA1i0r S 36 YEARS EXPERIENCE in all facets of the building trade. WE CARE ABOUT YOUR SATISFACTION 524-6637 Goderlch 31. Service directory DRAPERIES UNLIMITED Cullum Uroperir ) Balloon Shades Valances / /' Venetians•Verticals /'// Roller Shades a Free Estimates - No Obligation ' Maxine Murray For Skop al Nome Service , \\Proprietor call 524-2352 Day or Evening /• i m fete Construction KEN B CONtfiiucj tort 30. Employment Wonted -r. -,. , . ••t ••r,,.l, ', VV. C>.LL' r. r,I PI°Cl •Y ./r. -n ,WILL BABYSIT in my own home. Excellent references available. Phone 524-9468.-49,50 131. Service Directory FOR YOUR carpet and linoleum installation call Norm 524.6482. Free estimates.-02tfan, MASONRY, stone and carpentry work. Specializ- ing in brick pointing and chimney building. Free estimates,. For information call Stan Kirkham '482-5305.--03tfar CUSTOM BACKHOEING - drain, repair, erosion control, cellar drains, laser. Call Frank Postill 482-9101.--15tfar JOHN MICKEY CONSTRICTION *New Construction *Replacement Windows *Renovations and doors *Decks *Roofing *Patios *Sidewalks FREE ESTIMATES Licensed carpenter Port 529-7872 10 years Albert after 6 p.m HURON -BRUCE TUTORING Services - All subjects: Kindergarten to Grade XIII. Qualified teachers. Phone 529-7634 after 9 p.m. - 38tfar FUND-RAISING COSMETIC SHOWS arranged for clubs and organizations by Aloette Beauty Con- , sultant, Mary Lou 482.9312. - •48-51 PIANO & THEORY TEACHER Experienced and qualified teacher available afternoons' at Robertson M.P.S. If interested, please leave a message for Mrs. Hutchison at the school (mornings) 52478972.--50-52 Want a Job? Or a Better Job? ONTARIO BASIC SKILLS can help you: *identify a job that matches your interests, skills and abilities *upgrade for a career or a college program that leads to a career *find a job. Classes start the week of January 12. ONTARIO BASIC SKILLS is offered full-time through Con- estoga College at Cambridge, Guelph, Stratford and Waterloo, and part-time at Goderich, - Monkton, Stratford and Kitchener/Wa>�rloo. Contact Stufntt Services or Continuing education at the nearest Conestoga College campus: Cambridge (623-4890), Guelph (824-9390), Stratford (271-5700), Waterloo (885-0300). ONTARIO BASIC SKILLS IS OFFERED TUITION -FREE THROUGH SPECIAL FUNDING BY THE MINISTRY OF SKILLS DEVELOPMENT. 150 Conestoga Colege (3f�I led Arts / and echri logy Mihistry OI Skills Development • APPLIANCE REPAIRS Authorized Appliance Service Centre for all =WHIRLPOOL •INGLIS •SPEED QUEEN'ADMIRAL 'SIMPLICITY *HOTPOINT Appliances HOFFMEYER PLUMBING 8 HEATING LTD. 55 Kingston St. Goderich BUDNY STUDIO & FRAME SHOP you name it - we frame it Custom Framing, Mat Cutting, Photography, Prints, Special Christmas Gifts 38A Victoria St., N. (Hwy. 21) Goderich 524-9021 (Be ide Worsell Bros.] or.,.,, r., Rnildina •Additions•Renovations •Roofing•Siding •Farm Buildings HUGH BURGSMA 524-6355 NEED WORK DONE? •Renovations • Roofing • •Siding •Dry Wall • and all Repairs FREE ESTIMATES We can do it all JIM CARRICK CONSTRUCTION� Auburn 526-/ 006 JERRY RIVETT Bookkeeping Services 345 Huron Rd. 524-6931 All bookkeeping functions including Payroll Financial Statements Ledger Controls Tax Preparation All or In -Port Wev'ests DISC JOCKEY SERVICE Country Gold & Rock 'n' Roll= DISCO POLKAS WALTZES GOOD RECORDED MUSK FOR WEDDINGS DANCES ANNIVERSARIES PARTIES 1 r( 10 yrs. experience *No mileage charge ' BRUSSELS orr887-6159 E 7 EVENINGS DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC Monday - Friday 8am-spm' Open Weekends by Appointment HORST Feige D.T. GODERICH 58 West Street Goderich (519) 524-6688 Neustadt (519) 665-7818 Nb Charge 1-800-265-7555 Ti11Ma 21, ttlies tattttf r wuIIIAw wMlr ttltwMtfwfr+R01E 41AIIf 1I11Rf tail atlw 1111iwtw w t!llsf - .-.. r.x.. 1`it[tilllI btgm ifl bO te*OltS .• 0.00itt Coast to coast 1 ItYa Nati It'S earls ! #ao sail one bitl, does it ell! 111116rtaYll RNA Me MS SIM MS rat NO MLR IMO IOW ilejilMlit Wil. r. NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Welders. Carpenters, Electra• cions, Plumbers, Management, Mach., Drivers. Operators, Entry level/degreed up to $32.60 hour. 1•(308) 382-3700_TransContinentat Job 'Search, fee. 0.5'0 7 pA 1 0 1 R BOOK NOW FOR SNOW PLOWING AND BLOWING Guaranteed price per month or, per call. PHONE: 524 9522 EVENINGS: Phone 524-7243 SMITH'S FARM & GARDEN CENTRE, GARDINER'S MOVERS • We deliver and move anything large or small. FREE ESTIMATES 524-2421 1 Clinton Seaforth H.T. D Septic Tank Service Serving Godorlch and area for 13 years PHONE ALE 4024320 427.02$4 RENOVATIONS EXTERIOR: • Nein*Siding •NewAdditions •Eavestroughing •Fascia *Fencing • Siding •Decks •Soffits INTERIORS: *Painting *Drywall *Woodworking *Complete Line of Marble Counter Tops, Sinks and Whirlpools an® Specializing in Kitchens & Vanities by Oakdale Vanities on display at Donna's Decorating 51 South St„ Goderich Reasonable Rates ® & 1 ENTERPRISES 524-6257 ARYICLES FOR SALE A•1 PRE. ENGINEERED BUILDINGS. New types, steel 8 wood, qu,onset, cladding: For true valve. action 8 answers (416) 626.1794. Leave message or collect after 6 p.m. weekends. Ask for Wally*. Free brochures. --0.50 • • MONTREAL MILITARY SURPLUS: •Workshirts $2.75, work pants 13.50, workboots $15. For catalog, send 52 (reimbursed first order): Military Surplus, Box 243. S1. Timothee, Quebec JOS 1 XO. -0-50 XMAS SPECIAL, Buy 2, Get one FREE. Never forget to turn your headlights off again! Make your car more visible on the road without the worry of a•dead bat- tery. Great stocking stuffer! The headlight reminder simply plugs into fuse panel $9,95 plus Tax include $2 shipping/handling. Visa M'C Call 1.800.2633735. Weekdays 9-9. Stewart Specialty; Box 905, Cobourg, On). K9A 4W4. Orders shipped same clay.. ---0•50 STEEL BUILDING WINTER WORKS SPECIAL. Help us keep factory busy during slow winter months • Save thousands - avoid up -coming price increases - limited steel. Phone Pioneer/Econspan 1.800-387.6896. -0-50 WINTER WORKS PROGRAM. Keep the factory busy during the winters months 8 save thousands, Example 25x34 53,299. 40x40 55,399. Other.sizes available. Call Miracle Span toll free 1.800.387.4910.--0.50 WATER PROBLEMS? Introducing New Technology for treating wells & cisterns, offering source to faucet protection throughout entire water system. Rusty ... Smelly ... Bad Tasting Water, bacteria, staining, and more. No Salt or Messy Chemicals ... maintenance free. See the results for yourself with our 6•month trial offer. Call now toll free 1.800.268-2656 or write Aztec Water Purification Systems, 203 • 1030 Kamato Rd. Mississouga,Ont. L4W 486. Area code 807 call 1.416.624.4344 (collect). 0.50 HARD WATER PROBLEMS? Introducing the water softener that doesn't use salt. No more lugging heavy bags of costly salt. Other softeners remove calcium 8 other good for you minerals. becouse that's not good for you. Other softeners take up .lots o1 room, use electricity, require backwashing, cost plenty to install and too much to maintain. We don't. Coll tall Tree 1.800.2656, or 1(416) 624.4344 for healthier, better tasting, soft water. - 0-50 111 SACRIFICE SACRIFICE S5$ Buildings prices for im• mediate liquidation. All items in stock. 28x40x14 53.996, 40x60x14 56,500. 46x80x14 59,250, 70x90x24 521,789. Various sizes available to 120 ft. wide. Fac- tory direct clearance. Serious buyers only. All buildings priced for immediate delivery call toll. free 1800.387.2115 or 1 (416) 858.2446.- 0.50 VACATIONS MARCH BREAK FLIGHTS to Tampa 5289; Fort Lauder dale 5309 plus 10% tax -SVC. Packages to Jamaica 5899: Acapulco 5949. Everything included. Call 1.800-265.0900, (519) 842.9071.--0-50 WANTED TO BUY OLD WRISTWATCHES WANTED, any make Mens only. - one or one hundred. Old Rolex wristwatches wanted. Also wanted Eaton's "Quarter Century" Square wristwatches (25 years service). Will pay 5750 and up for this watch. Will also buy strops crystals. parts etc. for old wristwdtches. 1.416.365.7240 or write B. Walsh. 173 Queen 5t. E. Toronto, Ont. MSA 152. 0-50 HELP WANTED TRAIN FOR A JOB with o future...with Tri•County . Truck Driver Training. Job search assistante available. Kitchener 720 King E.. (519) 743-S011, Brant• ford 300 Colborne E., (519) 756.0223. --0.50 NEWSPAPEit PUBLISHER, Challenging rnonagemanl Opportunity, Novo Scotia location-. ,' Must hove• newspaper product knowledge, marketing Sento, end be bottom line oriented. Send resume to Advocate, Box 1000, Pictou, N.S. BOK 1H0.--0.50 agoireilettanWelawrewilatee ENTREPRENEUR -- Opportunity. Enjoyihigh earnings in Auto Cluband/or advertising. Flexible hours • full or part-time. Contact: Kelly Brennan at (519) 434 5736. 9 am 3 pm or write to Cautrac Inc., P 0 Box 307• Lon don. Ont. N6A 4W2. 0-50 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY GRANDPARENTS Give your grandchild a lifetime gift a Registered Education Savings Pfon '1 Tax sheltered dollars to pay for their post secondary education ' Savings insured by C,D.I.C. ' a non•prolil Foundation established in 1965. For prospectus and complete ,n formation call (416) 363-5271.--0-50 A WELL ESTABLISHED cedar and prefab home manufacturer is' looking for distributors in all pro vinces east of Alberto. For information phone Ken Jones at (403) 286-1611 Calgary. --0-50 LEASE TO OWN your own business equipmeint Coffee shop, 1285 per month: Sub shop $295; Pizzo business. $595; Deli store $659; Variety store 5695, Grocery store $795: 30 seat restaurant $889. Installation. delivery and taxes not included. Arctic Refrigeration Equipment, established 1945. Pleose phone Hamilton (4)6) 528-8528: Toronto (416) 283.2600.• 0.50 IDEAS, INVENTIONS, PRODUCTS, artwork wanted for presentation, exhibition, Notionol Innovation Exposi• tion. You produce, we market. Send sample, informa- tion. B.M. Distribution Rpg'd., 2805 Werbrouck, 5t, Laurent, Quebec, H4R 211. 0-50 PERSONAL DATES GALORE: For all ages & unattached. Thousands of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquom tances call loll free 1.800.263.9163. -Hours noon till 8 pm. • 0.50 EDUCATIONAL FREE: 1986 guide to study•obhome cdrrespondence Diploma courses fat prestigious careers: Accounting. Airconditioning, Bookkeeping. Business. Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical secretary •Psychology, Travel. Granton (SA) 263 Adelaide West. Toronto 1-800-2681 121. 0.50 BECOME AN AUCTIONEER, Canadian champion in• structors. Classes start Jan. 12-23, 1987. Jordon and McLean School of Auctioneering, Box 94, Kitscoty Alta. TOB 2P0 (403) 846.2211. (403) 8425528. - 0 50 BECOME AN•AUCTIONEER, 85 Hours of instruction. Next class March 1421st, Contact Southwestern On• tario School of Auctioneering. P.O. Box 145, Innerkrp, Ont. NOJ IMO (519) 469-3936, (519) 5372115 0 50 r -1 The Only way to get YOUR ad in 2.5 million homes in Canada for 5659.00 or in 1,241,807 homes in Ontario for 5195.00 Place Your Blanket Classified Ad by calling one Of our helpful classified ad visors st your nearest wsskly newspaper office for details. Lucknow 528.2822 Goderich 524.2814 Kincardine 3962963 Clinton 482.3443 Walkerton 8811800 lSaafo fh 527.0240 Mitchell 348.8431 MO um om -m WPM ems Era am ere& b ® ems 1