HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-12-03, Page 25PAGE 4A —GODERICH SIGN kL-STAR, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1986 COMMUNITYA SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6 - The •Creative Drama for Youth" a teen pro- gram sponsored by the Goderich Recreation Department, presents "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens and "Casey at the Bat" adapted from the poem by Ernest Lawrence Thayer at 2 p.m. at the Livery. Tickets: children .50 cents, adults $1; available from members of the "Creative Drama for Youth", the Godereich Recreation Depart- ment or at the door. Everyone is welcome. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 13 - A euchre tournament will be held at the Dungannon Agricultural Hall. Registration will take place from.1-2 p.m. with play commencing at 2 p.m. Admission is $3 per person. Prizes will be awarded. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7 - White Gift Ser- vice at Benmiller United Church at 11:15 a.m. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4 - The Huron Federation of Agricultures will be meeting at the Hullet Central School in Londsboro at 8:30 p.m. The guest speaker will be Murray Elston, MPP for Huron -Bruce and minister of health. He will be speaking on "The Gatt Meeting in Uruguay." WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17- all Dungannon area senior citizens are invited to a turkey Christmas dinner at 12:30 p.ni. at the Dungannon Senior Citizen Centre. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7 - The Seaforth Harmony Kings and Seaforth Harmony ' Highlights plus three Barbershop Quartet- tes will be appearing at the Goderich Township Hall in Holmesville from 2 to 4 p.m. Tickets to the event cost $5 and can be purchased by calling 482-3186 or 524-4350. The event is sponsored by the Goderich Recreation Board. ' ST. VINCENT DE PAUL STORE—Used clothing and furniture available at 15 Caledonia Terrace, the old Catholic School open on Monday and Wednesday from 2 to 4 p.m., Friday evening from 7 to 9 p.m. and on Saturday morning from 10 a.m. to noon. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13 - A pot -luck Christmas dinner party will be held at the Benmiller United Church at 6 p.m. Potatoes and meat are supplied. Come one and all and enjoy the fellowship. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3 - The Golden Gate Seniors will be holding a card party at 7:30 p.m. at MacKay Centre. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5 - There will be a Pot Luck Luncheon followed by a movie at the MacKay Centre at 12:30 p.m. Admission is $1.50 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12 - There will be a card party at the MacKay Centre' for Seniors at 8 p.m. Judge Francis G. Carter will speak with music by the MacKay Choristers. Admission is $1. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9 - A Christmas Bridge Party will be held at the Goderich Lawn Bowling Club. Games start at 1:30 p.in. with admission being 50 cents. Bring a friend and a cookie. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13 - A euchre tournament will be held at Dungannon Agricultural Hall. Registration from 1 to 2 Lim. with euchre commencing at 2 p.m. Ad- inission is $3 and prizes are available. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4 - A euchre par- ty, sponsored by the Colborne Recreation Committee, will he held at the Carlow Hall at 8 p.m. Please bring lunch. Everyone welcome. Entertainment Immimmniimaimmow MONDAY, DECEMBER 8 - A Christmas Concert, with the Harbouraires, MacKay Choristers, the Laketown Band and the Knox Handbell Choir, will be held at St. George's Church at 8 p.m. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9 - The Goderich and District After Five Club is holding their Christmas Joy Dessert and Coffee on December 9 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the Saltford Valley Hall. Entertainment in- cludes Merry Maker by the Falcons Nest, Yuletide Caroliers with the Floyd Herman Choir, and Joyous Tidings by Edith Sider. Reservations are essential. Please call Helen Brown at 524-4166. Admission is $2.50. Orhestra London will he performing two concerts, Friday, January 31 and Friday, May 9, 1987. Contact any Rotary Club member to reserve your tickets. Sifto Salt Mine Union Local 16 CHILDREN'S 'CHRISTMAS: PARTY Sunday, Dec- 14 4: 1 p.m.m4p.m. r` Park Theatre 4iMovie at 12:1.5 SHARP Children up to 9 years .ter ................-......... ?. v.r.r✓ s.r.n,r�✓�r r a r -.r r r. rrr•r•r r r`r r s r. Say Merry Christmas To Your Friends an eIativ,es .0/ `• SAMPLES: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to my wife and many little friends. —S. Claus. We would like to take this op- portunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. —Mr. & Mrs. J. Frost How much time and money do you spend on greeting cards, envelopes, and stamps? Too much, right? Just call a Signal -Star classified ad -visor, and place a "Holiday Greetings" ad. The number is 524-2614 Or use the mail -in form below. Cost? A special low rate! Your greeting with.unlimited wording will appear, grouped with other greetings in the December 17 and/or December 22, '86 issues. See below for samples and our low, low prices . Your greeting with unlimited wording will appear, grouped with other greetings, in the Dec. 17 and/or Dec. 22 issues. One Week 6.1 5 Both Weeks $725. PLUS: YOU CAN $AVE AN ADDITIONAL $1.00 BY PAYING FOR YOUR GREETING IN ADVANCE. One Week $ Both Weeks $ 6 paidnadvan advance 5.15 Paid in advance .25 USE THIS HANDY FORM TO WRITE YOUR SPECIAL HOLIDAY GREETINGS AD! Clip and Mail, or bring in person to: THE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR P.O. BOX 220, INDUSTRIAL PARK (Hwy. No. 21 South) GODERICH. N7A 4B6 MOM CLIP AND MAIL OR BRING IN PERSON TO THE GODERICH SIGNAL - STAR. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY 1I YOUR NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: POSTAL CODE: FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY...SEND CHEQUE OR MONEY ORDER, PLEASE DO NOT MAIL CASH. Fast horses and faster women from page 1 Now up until now she'd been hanging on my every word. I was dazzling her with claiming stakes, speed ratings, quarter times and sire selection. If I wasn't going to, break the bank at Mohawk, at least I was going to win over this woman' from Port Colborne. I had her as Rick would say: "Nose over the finish line and looking at the camera." "Esto's Buzz!" "Why would you bet a horse that has finished seventh twice and sixth twice out of its last five outings?" I asked, smiling away the sarcasm dial. had ci ept into the question. "I like the name," she said, "it's cute." As many systems as Sernasie and I devised then discarded, we never had one called "Cute". As the night wore on it would get worse. Women, you see, bet horses because "the colors are pretty on the jockey" ( that's a driver, dear and cross guards wear those colors), because "it's got such a nice tail" ( it's braided to keep it out of the mud) and because "oh, it looks so tiny up against those big, ugly brutes" ( it's a little like boxing; usually the big guys kick the hell out of the little guys). And therein lies the difference. Women are whimsical. A man picks a horse that has good breeding, great time trials and a trainer with a photo album of himself in the Winner's Circle. A man, if he could, would check the animal's teeth for health and then go and check the other end for courage. A man will scour the pages of past performances for that one `gamer' who'll go four wide from the eight hole and win walking away. • A man will make sane if not scientific decisions at a racetrack. A woman will put money down on "pretty". • I mumbled something about the nine horse being scratched and she said she hoped it wasn't serious, hoped that it would still be able to run. That's it! 1 grabbed the two dollar bill. "Esto's Buzz it is!" and I marched to the mutual windows. I had the winner off course - Disc Drive. Disc Drive had won by three lengths its last time out. It has been moving down in class, it always came from behind and it had Ron Waples Jr. aboard, a legendary name in standardbred racing. It was also the odds-on favorite. I returned to the table and propped up her $2.00 win ticket on Esto's Buzz against the wine bottle, obscurring it slightly with my $10.00 win ticket on Disc Drive. And I sat back to admire my han- dywork - "burned" is a lesson learned. Esto's Buzz was too small. Its legs were all bandaged up like it had run through barbed wire. It looked tired, bet- ter suited to trucking kiddies around a fenced -in circle at shopping plazas. Disc Drive was majesty in motion, a fleet and fine-tuned pacer that seemed to skim the surface of the track in an ef- fortless, rythmic ramble. Somewhere off in the distance P1 thought I heard Sernasie yell "Cinch!" ., Esto's Buzz won by a head and paid $20.30 on a two dollar win ticket. Disc Drive finished a far -away fourth, breathing hard and spewing foreign mat- ter from its nostrils as it struggled to cross the finish line. I could feel the heat of her grin beside me but I would not look at her. I could on- ly stare out onto the track where some hayseed from Norwich had his arm around Esto's Buzz in the winner's cir- cle. They pretended to be smiling for the track photographer 'but they were look- ing directly at me. Lessons are more often learned than taught. At Mohawk Raceway I learned (for the low, low price of $10) that women are 3% lengths smarter than men. I saw first-hand that horses, next to turkeys, are the dumbest creatures on the face' of the earth. And it was on nights like this, staring out at a tote board flashing back in time I realized how much I really missed Rick Sernasie. He never won and he never gloated. ._ After Five Club raises over $500 Over $500 was raised towards the Stonecroft Missionairies at the Goderich and District After Five Club Fall Fair Nov. 25. Many people put their time and talent to the items sold. Also, Colleen Maguire add- ed to the fun of the evening by playing the spoons as she sang a couple of foot -tapping songs. Speaker for the evening, Helen Stover mentioned in Jeremiah 29:13 how it says; " And ye shall seek me and find me, when SALTFORD VALLEY HALL FOR RENT CALL 524.9458 HAPPY "65th" o C e JACK MARRIOTT ON DECEMBER 5 ye , shall search for me with all your heart." With all your heart is the key to a total commitrhent and she committed her life to Christ. She faced difficult questions when her brother was killed, accepting that she couldn't understand why, but that God lov- ed him more. She also explained how God dealt with her desire to have a child, fulfill- ed that desire and given her an abundant life: The After Five Club meets again Dec. 9. PIANO TUNING • REPAIRS • REBUILDING • KEYS RECOVERED • DAMPP•CHASERS • REGULATING • BENCHES BRUCE PULSIFER 348-9223 MiTcHEIL LORDY, LORDY ALBERTA'S 40 Dec.8, 1986 Booked Up... December Every Monday and Thursday Free Skating at Goderich Arena. Mondays 10 a.m.-12 noon and Thursdays 2-4 p.m. for Moms & Tots/Senior Citizens /Adults. December 6 Rotary Club Book Sale 9-5 p.m. Suncoast Mall December 7 Good Cheer Skate 1:10-2:30 p.m. Goderich Arena Admission - 1 can of Food Ito be donated to Family & Children's Services) The Recreation Department Winter Flyer will be delivered to households in Goderich in mid-December. Watch for upcoming recreation programs and events! December 11 - Recreation Master Plan "Open House" 8-10 p.m. Goderich Arena Auditorium A presentation of the results of the public participation process for the Recreation Master Plan. January January 10, 1987 Goderich Figure Skating Club Competition Goderich Arena January 30, 31, February 1, 1987 Goderich Recreation Hockey Tournament Goderich Arena February February 7, 1987 Mardi Gras by the Goderich Kinette Club Goderich Arena at 9 p.m. Music by "Star Trek" February 14, 1987 Snow Blitz Winter Weekend Agriculture Park Lots of fun events, Trivial Pursuit Tourna- ment, Fancy Dress Skating Carnival, Pan- cake Breakfast, Valentine's Dance. For more information call 524-2125. February 20, 21, 22. 1987 Goderich Oldtimers Hockey Tournament Goderich Arena April April 24, 25, 26, 1987 Goderich Home & Garden Show Goderich Figure Skating Club sponsoring the Show at the Goderich Arena June June 26, 1987 Knights of Columbus "Bluebird Ball" Saltford Valley Hall at 9 p.m. Tickets available at Shanahan's Foodlnnd and Knights of Columbus members. October October 17, 1987 Knights of Columbus ",Oktoherfest Dinner & Dance" at Saltford Valley Hall "Booked tip" is a calendar of Major Events appearing the first week of each month courtesy of the Goderich SfgnalStar in co-operation with the Goderich Recreation Board. Check this calendar before planning your event to avoid a conflict of dates. You can help assure full participation by giving notice of the dates of your events by telephoning the Goderich Recrea- tion Department at 524-2125 as soon as possible.