HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-2-3, Page 5ItruoTS1it
rd, 1911
ilii giir'o •y4'ur
bar andeari un
op _. orten y to g
Mak 't t * fair
abide/ easy and s
effective? Grille
them the same fi
chancea to win pro-
motion and success
as the lad having ilea
advantage oil E
Dictionary in his homer This near
creation answers'witle fined author- aa
Pty all kinds of puzzling .questions
m history, geography, biography,
opening, pronunciation, sports, arts, Pe
4 and sciences.
400,000VocabularyTerms• Manages
• g (Iver6000111uatrationa. Goioredflates.
Tateanlydiatioaaryvpl:ththeDivided$G�' .
The t matter is equivalent fug ,a
• of a 15 volume encyclopedia.
4 More Schokirig.Accurate, Convenient.
N. and Authoritative than any otherEug-
fish Dictionary. =
speairoco pages
iih'Lstratians, elm
FREE, a set of Pocket
Maps if youname this E
116!!l1Illgllal((I111 aIAlali11QMII dj0kl0! alan!!
Woven Wire Fence
below Manufactur-
ers Prices, . either
Peerless or Mon.
arch makes.
buy at once
as these prices will not Jast
very long.
& Wire Fence 20e per Rod
7 61 25c
8 41
.. 29c 66
Cedar and Anchor posts
10,000 Cedar Posts on band
—also Anchor Posts.
Lumber and Cement
Let me quete yon any low
prices on your Lumber require-
ments, whether Large or mall
orders, Also Cement,
A. J.
Ansa Leal( i taluhns w rieirenie in 'ley
Miss .Olive )(direr, of Berlin, la the
Oiliest of Mips Wailie lfllly.
Miss /Calrrie Kuhn and Mrs. Abe
'Walker spentSunday in iClandeboye.
Misses Salome and Lillian Fink -
beater of Exeter spent Sunday with
their parents.
Miss Marlon McDermott of London
is the guest of AD'. and Mrs H. K.
Alert John E. Sbroeder scold his farm
last week to Mr. AIf, Melliek, of
ZurEclr. Who ishan possession in Marsh
Air. Ben (uertrar d, of Detroit, was
in town lad ; week and was aeon e -
panted homy ib)r his mother, Mars, S.
Bertrand and sister Mary.
Those who are on then sictid list at
present ore Mr. MicLael Beaver, 1lVlrs,
Fred Smith, Mir. Thos. Lawson, !Con-
rad Kuhn and Mrs. Nichols.
On Monday evening last the Dorcas
Mand 'class of the Evangelical church
riessantly s poker ,attheir
ker , hometeac, er it
Mrs: (Rev.) .
being the occasion of her 50th tlirtb-
day. Over thirty were present h1.14
spent n very enjoyable and !sociable
evening. M,rs. Becker was presented
with a beautiful gold cloak, the ad-
dorms being read, 'by" Mrs. IC. Heist,
president of the class and the presen-
tation Made lby Mrs. T. Lawson.
On Tuesday evening` of next week
a Laymen's Missionary banquet will
be held in the 'Methodist church. , Are
rangements ore being (Wade' to ac-
commodate one hundred. No 'pains
air:e being 'spared to make the !affair
s grand success. Rev. IC. E. Manning,
of 'Toronto will • give an . address ton
"The Why and ,llow of e Man's Job
Biggest and His lest,". Other
speakerswill take part. ..
The funeral of the Iate Matthew
Einkbeiner. !vas held on Friday af-
ternoon last interment in the aCredi-
ton cemetery. • The ,dteceats'ed was
well known and highly 'respected
throughout the community. irle bad
been in his usual good health' up un-'
tit the Saturday previous to his death
when he was stricken"'with a paralytic
stroke and •passed away on Monday
Pie was 69 years of age and is 'sur-
vived by his widow three sons and
six daughters, Fred, (Charles and Sam-
uel; Mrs. W. $• Dearing, of Stephen;
Mrs. E. Heywood and 'Airs. Jelin W.
Mallett, of Exeter. lairs. 'Niokle ,,, of
AdelaideTp; Mrs. Humble, of Barn:a,
and Mrs. Fahner, of Stephen.
LONG Lianr--STorolanRs
Asheville and Hot Springs.' N.O.
Charleston, S.C.: Nassau, N,P.: Hot
Springs, Ark.; Fiench Lick Springs,.
Ind Jacksonville and all Florida
,points; Havana, Cuba, and New Or=
xaans, La_;. vas New York a nd Rail (or
*Omer. according to destination), or
via buffalo, Detroit or Chicago.
Derma da &Westindies
Other Health Resorts
Meant Clemens, Michigan; Battle
Creek, Mich„ St. ; Catharines, Well.,
Ont.; Preston. Springs, Ont.
Mr, V. ., Fleisher' is this welsh nun/
log to J, Wein'rxx filaria. *when :mine,
Mrs, I314arerto Kellerman is' pati
proving fa"dallt lin attatlk o apPendie
eft is,
Several from here attended the fun-
eral of the at M Finkbeitxett alt
Crediton. Friday. '
Mr. )Harold Lawrence, - of Seaforth,
was a Sunday visitor ,fin the neigh.
r o
bo h od
A large number of young people
Were ez to ,c
of A'Cr. . .
tun( d a
t home
John Allison lost week.
'Corporate Len Wilson and Ted Wy-
gold, of the 135th Battalion Parkhill
spent the week rend in this tv eini Y•
After the Sunday School service in
Bethany last Sunday Mrs. 1. Johns
was presented with an address and.
Photo of the class .she had been
teaching until. New Years, !by Jothe
members of the class. Akre., b
was much 'pleased with the retrieved
brance from her former sebolars. At.
the reception service -air young men
united with the church and partook
of the Sacrament. At the olose Mr.
Thomas Wilkinson was called forward
and presented with a pocket testa'
ment by !Rev. S. Muxworthy, on be
half of the S. S.' This is the;fifth
young man to tenlist lfrom the school.
• S.•S,, No. 1,\USBORNE
School retort Tor the month of
JJanuary. Names in order of merit.
•Those absent for .one or' more exams
5th -Evelyn Dann and Mira- Dew.
equai 74. ‘1.1)
4th—Gladys Dew 77; Annie Strang
13; Ila Mitchell 61; IO1ifford Mari 54
Thos. Dougall 54.
Sr . $rd- 'Harold, 'Wood 74: 1VIadee
line Moir 73; Edgar 1Cudtnere 51*; P.
Jr. 3rd --Clarence Down 79;. ' Anna
Moir 63; Earl Mitchell 56.
Sr. 2nd, ?Verde Dunn 55
Jr. and—Gordon Cudmore, Melvin
Moir, Tomes Oke
Yat—Harry Strang, Loreen ' Dunn
and Olive World, equal
Primer—Mervyn Cudmore, Nora
Okra; Pearl IHia.rris". •
Ethel'IC. (Case, teacher.
'3'ar ie and full irftzn aiiir 11 '1 pli
aiitn tcBai.rd TzLi 1.'J tltr,pltita
Pas` the harassed businese - man, the
' tared society woman, and busy house-
wife. whose nerves are gradually
=nearing to shreds with their never-
ending Jdutics, will get qnickiaand per-
manent relief from TAKAKE. Get a
box foe (fifty cents fat'your .druggists
or by mail, from the Georgian Mfg
Co Collingwood, Ontario.
Many are on the siekk Iist these
arr. John Hawkins spent Sunday
with his •family.
Mr. 0.tobert Neil }Jas enlisted and
Too late for last week
IaissUildtaShenk of 1Credlton1s
pest of Miss ,Viola Gains',
Mr..and Mrs. John Goodug via:t-
ed friends in Parkhill, Sunda cr.
Mr. end Mrs, Fred ,lading and
family visited at the Noone o1' 1►.Ir,14d.
Allen on Sunday,;,
Mr. and l ,:r!s• Jol',n G.aiger of Zliarieli.
vietted Airs, Mike 1t'inkbeiner last,
Mr. and Mrs, 13, Mlawdinney trf
;Crediton spent Sunday with Mr. atad
Mme. Albert Heys,
Mr, John Guinan end ,list -+ran if Basila
Marie and aMargorie of lilt. (Carmel.
visited at the home of .Johzy Lynch,
Ws. Jlaeob Rader' of Dashwood is
visiting at the home of her daughter
Mrs. P. l:tarberer, Blind Line.
Mrs. J'es. ) rua,r, o8 St. 01:menta,
Ont., is visit;sng her 'parents, Mr. and
Mme, P, Kraaaskopf, ,Gcshen Line,
Miss M. Jackson of Londesboro, a
former school teacher here, was the
guest, of Mrs. Ferdinald Hess last
week. . x,°Miss `.Scary Gascho and Mr. SamQuiche, of the 14th con,, are visiting the hides from dead army
vlitl; Merida and relatives at Tiawden move
says The Daily d!dait's Balkan
and New Hamburg.
correspondent in describing, the trip.
Mr. .and dirs. Henry :Gellman frim Constantinople to Nish over a
have returned from their wedding* t
trip. They will take up .house -keep- { road from Which the evidences of
pre above C, Tlairtleib's store for the war, he stated, had been almost en -
present „ t tfrely removed.
The correspondent found bridges
Tie members of the young men's and tunnels which the Serbians had
Bible (Class of the Evangelical church bIown.op repaired in substantial
were, recently entertained at the manner and with astonishing rapid-
Lome of their worthy teacher, Mr. itp.. Broken bridge!? were lying in
D. S. Faust, to at banquet: •About 2a he water at the side of new ones,
'Dte. 'Alrthur Farmer of the sl nal -
Jing Weise Woodstock, spant the w.eea
end With fz'ierads In this vieixiitY.
iSlr. !okn ;JUlurliaag, ,1vho : has been
employed for the prat aseeral year``
with :Olaf: '`Thos. Leung, has enlistt4.
with the.111th Battalion and is in
training in (alt,
fd,r, Andrew IClark returned on
Monday to his home. in Iron Bridge,
Algoma, after attending the funeral
of his ibrother, the late Mr. 3. n.
Stewart and •also visiting friend s a
Phis loeality.
The anniversary services of 111't.
Pleasant Methodist' church will ,be
held on Sunday, February 13th, at
2.30 p.,m, land 7 p;m. Rev. Mr .Me•
Finley, of Soaf.c7r twill 'conduct potb
A patxiotio ,dance was given on
Friday evening by a number ofyoung
men in the C,O,C.Ea hall, which was
tastefully decorated with flags for
the .Occasion, a pleasant time being
enjoyed ley aa11 present. The proceeds
were rievoted to Heed Cross work,
*'" r—
Ilse Dead Horses' Hides.
.As an instance of German thrift
and thoroughness the Germans re -
gone to Stratford. ' attended wird all report a very pleas*
finned carcasses of horses
' r
David Goulding is visiting tic ant time. • . .
mother at Exeter.
Mrs.!While assisting to ;saw wood at ,tbpi, along the route were the only signs
The midweek services are of in- : f;ar'm oe Hugh. Love, near'illsgreen,. of the recent fighting:
creasing interest. .
The temperance petitions have
been largely signed.
Mr. and iT1rs. Jas. Jameson visited
ba St. Marys over Sunda'ye
Mrs. R. W. Sweitzer, of Rannoch:.
visited 'relatises here Iast welek.
Mr. Wesley Shier is expected home
from London hospital this week.
Mrs. Pad'e, who nas been visiting
relAtives here has returned to her
The annual. meeeting of the Huron
Weather Insurance _ Company was
held In the Town Hall, Zurich on Jan.
26th and was fairly well attended.
The retiring directors were Messrs
Chas, Moi.teith. Jacob Kellerman and
Boger Northcott. Tha first two nained
wished to retire and the election, of
New directors resulted +ala follows:.
BogerNorthcott, jay liau and R.
The tollowiapg is taken _from the 10tb
annual auditor's report of the .com-
pany. Total insurance in. force Deo:
81st, 1915, $21524720. Losses during
last year $523,84. Total receipts 6,357..
28. Expenditures including loss s and
salaries, $2,018,66. Total assets 496690
07. Liabilit'es none. Cash on hand and
inth'e Bank, $'4338,62:1
After the ;annum meeting the aboard
of directors. met • and the following'
offi'eers 'for the year 1916 were elect-
ed: President, W. 'T. '.Caldwell; .Pion
President; Jas. Scott; Secretary, A,.
Mrs. Chas. Stone `has been very i11.
Miss Lois Brown has 'been on the
si'ok list.
Mr. and Mrs. Pollock, of (Manitoba
were guests of friends hlere last wieek.
Mr, 3. Foster and daughter •Mabel
of B tytield, visited his mother last
Airs. A. 'Desjardine, of 'Sask., has.
been visiting her brother Air. E,
•and alirs. Ernest Luther, of
Grand Bend, 'visited at Mr. G. Truthe
eras last 'Tuesday.
Th. quarterly sncramentai servi-
ces will be held ht the 111ethodist
church next Sunday at. 10,30 a, m.
and Sunday school will he withdrawn,
C. Ooaipeny of the 135th Batt.
i:ne.rcl:cd out to. GreonwaY Jars. 18th
and were entertained by the ladi!Nw
of Gr ice church:. Last Thues h y, Jan
25th ih•'y wane again and were enter-
tain -4.1
nterlain d. by the ladies of the Methodist
ct.urch. As it was such a fine day
:r. IRMO, 'crowd was present and Pis-
(moil With pleasure to, the band and
n• fire address by Majar (Carlton.
• Our,
instructors are eaperi- I
"r sensed: I',ipils get individual 4
attention and graduates axe •
placed in positions, We are ze-
ceirieg applications 't ye Cannot
4 meet. Students may enter at
Ag' tray tune. Seoul for our free •
• • crit •
ala, gue and eee of it interests =
Pounce 'A1 . •
Woodham Epworth League visited
Cooper's League Sunday evening, Jen -
u ary 23rd -
Mr. John Hanna, of Kirkton, ad-
dressed !Cooper's League Sundry
evening last.
Mr. jos. Creighton consulted a
specialist last week. He is feeling
poorly again.
Mr. Fred Stephen and 'Air. !Creigb-
ton Wynn visited London and St.
Thomas last week.
Goetz hes areturned .from;5
vis t in Sarnia.
Miss V. Siebert, of Zurich ,spent
Sun", y is bairn.
W"'es C+;icer spent: a „few days
in London this week.
Airs. •(Die) Echram epenit a Sew
day. ;cis. London last week.
i+i•iiSS P. Ltrie tried a,mustc ea;axtii-
iottiao at Lt titian Istel: tivari;a
John Jarrott, aged 25, had the, iasis- ENGULF -OD IN MARSHES.
fortune to heave his left hand. coma
In contact with th'. teeth of the
circular saw,with tha result that the
palm of the hand was laid. open to
the bone, all the ligaments being cut.
W. A. J. A'IcKinnon was called( and
dressed the wound:,
The animal meeting of tba piembers
of the Zurich tAgrioultural ;Society
was held in the Torun hall, The ,fol-
lowing officers were elected: • Pries.
—John 'Pfa,ff, let 'Dice Pres. -JCL
Eilber, 2nd Vice-Pres.—W. T. CaidL
well, Secretary—D. R. Faust, Direct-
ors -J. Decker, Jr., lE. H. iNeeb, SCasp-
er Walper, W. 73. Battler, Peter
Deichert,'John McBride, L. H. Rader,
Alf Reichert and J. P. Rau. Auditors
r , r�hSmith
—�'aie�eir- lxaueser u::w �b_n.A ..-...-„
Mrs. Mark Clark is at 'present vis-
iting her mother, Mrs. Annie Roy, of
Germans Around Pinsk Are in a
Terrible Condition:
LONDON, Feb. 1.—A Reuter de-
spatch from Petrograd says that pris-
oners taken during the last few days
by the Russians confirm reports of
the terrible condition of the German
troops in the Pinsk marshes, where
a rapid thaw released such vast
quantities of subterranean water that
ail the enemy works have been
wrecked as completely as if they had
)oa:i bombarded by heavy batteries.
Not only have thousands of cais-
,one?, quantities of munitions, and
:umerous guns been engulfed, the
lespatch says, but varitua entrcneh-
d dete_ehu�egets oi' i'f 1 L 'and' of E ':
arse ones, halve been cut off, , and,
aving been unaoIe to txtrintte
renaseives from th ma ;el/y laby-
nt b, they peri,1s d mL et'aLL;.
Qom+ .rte or rums? fore ,i n1b 14 Ureatl deal'
peliclaus ".Fruit i..axative'r car* harm
tender little .Stomach, liver
and bowels.;
Groat lhritain w antes
pounds on liquor in three ino
the ;iaeop]e would. on'Y atlas
of .. is Prink (money for. the re
war 4tsteeas, there would Pae fine` heed
for public'' ksnbscr'itations;'
lOireulars I:'ave , been sent to the
Look at the tongue, mother! li' Auaitrian soldiers (urging tenni not .l o
coated, your little 0110"0 Stozuacli, liverdrinl>; DACCA -0110S, "gas they snake men,
and bowels need cleansing at one% slugtgist. and incapable .01: marching,
When peevish, cross, listless, doesn't interfere :'will. good shooting, and
Bleep, eat or act naturally, or is fever- render one aa:tore susceptible to W-
ish stomach sour, breath bad; has , feetious.diseasos','
sore threat, diarrhoea, full of cold,, give
a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of
Figs," and in a few hours all the foul,
constipated. 'waste, undigested food
and sour
bile gently moves
out of its
little bowels without griping, and you
have a well, playful child again. *Ask
your druggist for a 50 -cent bottle of
California Syrup of Figs," which con•
tafnsgfulll directions for babies, chil-
dren of all ages and for :grown-ups,
The Times was evidently overlooked
with a report of the lirkton Agri-
cultural Society annual meeting wiaich
was held on Jany 19th and which ape
peared in several papers. Preal.dent
W'm. Atkinson iwas in the (chair, The
finances of the Society were reported
In excellent shape—after payment of
prize money in full there was) ',found
to be a balance of $325 on hand. It
was decided to again enter the' field
crop, competition. The election of
officers resulted as hollows,- Pres.,
A. Brethour; 1st vice, J. ICelland;
2nd vice, John Cole; Sec.,Treas.; A..
Doupe; Directors, —Wm. Atkinson, R.
Berry, Wm. Robinson, Rd, Paynter,
Jas. Moore, S. lioutly, Wim. Brook,.
A. Francis, Jas, .Creery, Q.. Berryhill;
Hon. Directors — Dr. :'Steele John
Benneweis, J. 3,. !Werner and H. Eit
ber. members of parliament- for south
Perth and South Baron, and William
Hazlewood edit Samuel Doupe; aud-
itors A. M. Driver and Wm. t£tat-
(011i>. The President and secretary
II were ; i-rein'r•d relegates to attends
the Com ezt,L.ii cf Fairs and Exhibi-
tions at Toronto. on Febly' 1st and 2nd.
At the firet'T3rervers' Exhibit:on en
analysis' of a 144 quart barrel of rile
showed 130 quarts of water, coattail.
g,About 3 1,2 quarts
"Dextrine'—a substance reseznbel-'
ing gum, about on • quart of albunee
oid, end 7 1-2 quarts of saws"-"`
deadly posan.
That i;1i;,re is less` r otaxishment Ira,
a gallon of beer than in a lump or
sugar, .is authenticated bythe Tempe
eranoe Syliabus of the 'United States
Government's Education Depart'
znent. "Beer, sprits, onl, wine says►'
this Syllabus, are by far the Most
dangerous things that people are ,ever
likely to drink-•' ,
Prom a recent decision ' of the
Missippi Supreme eaurt we get • tl',o
following. Whiskey is at , good b:n.g
in Its Oleos. There is'noth ng likeit
for Preserving a man whenutha iii read.
If you want to .tceep a dead man put
Lim in whiskey if you. avant to kill if
live man !put whiskey in h':anc
According to "tire (United States
Commission of Internal Revenue,
T .. lite Duke of Albany deolarcd
"Drink is the only enemy England
has to fe'ar.:
General Von Moltke sae's:. "Beer .s
by far the most dangerous enema' to
en.y-.-.eeripred'tb'an all the armies
of Brame" `-'is..e
Police Magistrate Telfs o Hamilton
said recently 'Haat as a result dfi the
early closing of bar -rooms the number -
there were 16,270 fewer liquor deplore
in the United States in 1915• is com-
pared with 1914. One commenting on
this said.: "Tf ' prohibition 'does not
prohibit will some liquor mean (kindly
explain what is the mat•.e4' ,with the„-.,
Girls! Try it! Hair gets soft, fluffy and
beautiful—Get a 25 cent bottle
of Danderine.
If you care for heavy hair that glis-
tens with beauty and is radiant with
life; has an Incomparable softness and
is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine.
Just one application doubles the
beauty of your hair, besides it imme-
diately dissolves every particle of
dandruff. You can not have nice
heavy, healthy hair if you have
dandruff. This destructive scurf robs
the hair of its lustre, its strength and
its very life, and if not overcome it
produces a feverishness and itching of
the scalp; the hair roots famish,
loosen and die;. then the hair flails out
faster Surely get a 25 -cent bottle o0
Itnowlton's Danderine from any, drur,
`,ore and just try it
of charges of drunkenness coming be- ,
FU ' I'I'
is to the home what becoming clothing is to the individual !
IT ought to be harmonious in design, perfect in
workmanship and suited to its surroundings.
OU will find it as easy as anything to
get pleased in all these particulars here
WE'VE a store full of just such
things as particular people
LWAYS glad to point out wherein our
furniture excels.
ET us prove to you than we CAN and DO
quote prices that NO ONE can beat and
few equal
We are giving votes for eery $lh purchase, nn
30,000 or at the same rate for less, mil W
The certificates are transferrable, and if you are not interested yourself you can.,assist a
We can save you money and we can pro ►e
JarSI BEVERLEY, Undortaker,
Dealer in all kinds of furniture, Pianos. Picture Framing, Upho1stering't and Repairing