HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-12-03, Page 1617. Apartments for Rent ONE OR TWO bedroom aportrnent like new central location Clinton References Phone 4829210. 47tfar BENNETT Apartments now taking applications for small one -bedroom apartment. Available 1st week of January. Phone 524-6653. 48tfor TWO BEDROOM upstairs apartment adults, no pets, $350.00 utilities included Phone 524.9120. • 48.49' ONE BEDROOM main floor opt Central location in Goderich. Available Immediately. Phone 887-6602 collect. --49 ONE BEDROOM apartment available im mediotely 524.9445 49tf BACHELOR apartment available January l st. Phone 524-9437. 49 MODERN one bedroom apartment, close to lake Phone after 6 p.m. 524-2449.- 49tf, L18. Houses for Rent .1 THREE BEDROOM house for rent. No pets, quiet neighbourhood 524-4973. 4914 THREE 'BEDROOM bungalow, Duchorme Estates Bayfield. Available 1st of November. 236-4230. 44tfar TWO BEDROOM small house with fridge, stove incl. 186A St. David St. No pets. Available Jan. 1, 1987 $275.00 per month pius utilities. 524-4532. - 49x TWO BEDROOM winterized cottage on Sunset Beach. Call 527-0369. 49-51nx TWO BEDROOM duplex, close to uptown in Clin- ton, Call 527.0369. - 49-$1 nx HOUSE six miles north of Goderich. References required. Phone 524.2555. -49,50 HOUSE FOR RENT New, 3 bedrooms, 11/2 baths, available January 1. Apply to Drawer No. 49, c/o Signal -Star, Box 220, Goderich. N7A 4B6. 20. Room & Board ROOM AND BOARD for elderly couple. Private bathroom and nursing care given. Phone 482-5747.-48,49,50 ROOM FOR RENT, kitchen and living room privileges. 524-6934.-49,50 FOR RENT - Light housekeeping room equipped with stove, fridge. coloured TV, etc., close to square 524.7516.-49 25. Wanted to Buy WANTED: Platform or bench scale it good work- ing order. Must be complete with weights. . Please contact Don Kellestine at 524-2614 bet- • ween 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.-46tfnx (sasss$s$sss$ CASH PAID for Antiques, complete or partial estates, dining, bedroom, Iivingroom suites, old jewellery, clocks, furniture etc. CaII Seaforth 527-1847 or 527-1633 "26. Help Wanted - AUTO TRADER Mgqg�azine is looking for someone with station wagdh or small truck who travels from Goderich to Owen Sound area every Thurs- day. We need a vehicle able to carry approx- imately 1000 lbs. of magazines. If you qualify and if you are interested please call toll free 1 800 265-6049 between 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. weekdays.---45tfar BAYFIELD Agricultural Society requires a part time secretary. Please send applications by December 19 to: Barry Cleave, Varna, Ontario NOM 2RO.-48,49ar LIVE-IN COUPLE or single person for active senior citizen. Driver's license and cooking necessary, wages negotiable. Pleasant country surroun• dings in Goderich area, references please. Reply to Drawer. No. 61 c/o Signal -Star, Box 220, Goderich, Ont. N7A 486. - 48tf 26. Help Wanted ADMINISTRATIVE POSITION: Applicant should be a proficient typist, be familiar with a double en- try computerized accounting system and have good public relations skills. Training provided to adapt to existing programs. Apply to Drawer No. 67, c/o Signal -Star, Box 220, Goderich, Ont. N7A 4B6.--48tfar SURVIVAL Through Friendship House requires a 'qualified Child Care Worker to start immediate• ly. Position requires experience related to children in crisis especially family violence. App- ly in writing to Personnel Committee c/o Survival Through Friendship House, 134 McDonald St., Goderich N7A 3N5.--- 49 WAITRESS/BARTENDER wanted; full•time and part-time positions available. Phone 482-3489. 49 RETAIL SALES clerk required, part-time, and full- time, experience preferred. Apply with hand written resume to Drawer No. 14, c/o Clinton News -Record, Box 39, Clinton NOM ILO. -49ar CLASS "A" mechanic or apprentic in second or third term. Apply in person or phone Mon- tgomery Motors, Lucknow, 528-2813. 49 RELIABLE PERSON needed to do "spring" cleaning of a house including windows. Call 524-7843 after 4:00 p.m. ----49 PERSONS to serve in restaurant opening soon under new management. Call 524-4182 between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. --49 Weight Person Required on a part time basis to weight cattle for Huron coun- ty Cattle Producers enrolled in the red meat program. For application please contact. The Onto: riMinistry of Agriculture & Food Clinton. Ontario 482-3428 QrT I-SW=265.517G uy,° HELP WANTED AUTOMOTIVE SALES REPRESENTATIVE We have an opportunity available to someone with experience in the Automotive Parts Supp- ly Industry, to be an outside sales represen- tative of our company, servicing existing ac- counts as well as opening new accounts in the Mitchell & Goderich areas. The person we want ,pn our team should be experienced in auto body supplies as well as car and truck parts, and must be an ag- gressive self starter capable of working with limited supervision. We offer pxcellent working conditions along with a competitive salary/commission and benefit package. Please forward written resume only, in con- fidence to: GERRY KEHL Kehl Automotive Suppliers P.O. Box 358 Mitchell, Ontario NOK 110 CAREER IN TRUCKING Transport drivers needed. Now le the time to train for your class "A" license, for pre-screening Inter view and lob placement Information contact: Mery Orr's Group, 1-e00.265.1260 Part-time Sales Position No experience required, apply in person to flout sh4ppe Suncoast Mali, Goderich Give UNICEF cards e , r and help a child 28. Business Opportunify 4 GODERICH S1GNAL-STAR, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1986—PAGE 15 1 Ontario Government Tender Ministry of Natural Resources invites Contractors to tender on project at Hullett Provincial Wildlife Area located at Lot 8, Concession 3, Hullett Township. Project consists of supplying and in- stalling materials to steel clad building, construct washroom and in- sulate section of building approx- imately 7 metres x 20 metres. All Contractors interested in tender- ing must attend a site inspection on December 8, 1986, at 10:00 a.m. Tender packages and conditions will be available on inspection day. Closing date December 22, 1986, at 1:00p,m. - Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further information contact Bill Robinson at 1-800-265-3003 or 519-357-3131. Ministry of Natural Resources Ontario Hon. Vincent G. Kerrie Minister Mary Mogford Deputy Minister 28. Business Opportunity c9 If you want an opportunity that comesrarelyin a person's lifetime then you owe ritvto yourself to investigate. Oq 1. If you are a'good communicator / CAREER MINDED. 2. Neat appearance / HIGHLY MOTIVATED. 3. Aggressive with outgoing personality. 4. Prefer over 22 (or responsible). 5. High school graduate minimum, with four years full time working (sales) experience or college degree. 6. Must be out of town 5 nights per week. International corporation has immediate openings for mature, professional sales - oriented women and men that need to earn $20,000 - $25,000 and up per year (salary plus commission). 5250.00 per week while in training plus 5100.00 ex- penses during training, with motel expenses, car allowance and corp. benefits. Retail, jewelry, cosmetic, telephone sales or marketing / teaching background helpful, and homemakers now free to travel. GREAT CAREER RE-ENTRY OPPORTUNITY! For personal interview call John C. Hall's office TOLL FREE at 1-800-523-0853, Monday through Thursday , between 8:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. ONLY! Please -call on or before Thursday, December 4th. MINISTRY QF HOUSING ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION TENDER REFERENCE NUMBER B05 PT 86-25 Moveout & Cycle Painting as and when required for buildings in Huron County Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time DECEMBER 12, 1986, by the Ontario Housing Corporation, 275 Dundas St. 11th Floor, London. Ontario. N6K 3L1, (519-679-7110), from whom details and specifications may be obtained. Details and specifications may also be obtained from Huron County Housing Authority, 48 Tho Square, Godtrinh Ontario. N7A 1M5 (519-524-2637), quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY OF FUEL OIL & SERVICE January 1, 1987 to December 31, 1987 Approximate consumption 40,000 litres" Please submit sealed quotations to: THE BOARD OF MANAGERS KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 9 VICTORIA STREET NORTH GODERICH, ONTARIO. N7A 2R4 before 12 noon local time Tuesday, December 16, 1986. Please state hourly rate for service. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. I30. Employment Wanted WILL BABYSIT in my own home. Excellent' references available. Phone 524.9468.-49,,50 PROFESSIONAL TYPING - former full . time secretary will meet all your typing requirements from term . papers to resumes. Telephone 524-7246. —49nx 31. Service Directory FOR YOUR carpet and linoleum installation call Norm 524-6482. Free estimates. 02tfar MASONRY, stone and carpentry work. Specializ- ing in brick ppinting and chimney building. Free estimates. For information call Stah Kirkham 482-5305.-03tfar CUSTOM BACKHOEING - drain, repair, erosion control, cellar drains, laser. Call Frank Postill . r 482.9101.-15tfar , .. . r. • t.• MAC'S WOULD LIKE TO GIVE YOU THE OPPORTUNITY TO GROW Just when you thought there was no room left for personal growth, Mac's offers you the opportunity for grow with your own business. Operate your own business as a Mac's dealer and you'll also have the opportunity to set your own personal work hours. And enjoy the security of being a part of Canada's leading convenience store network. All you need is a high school diploma, minimal start-up capital, and above all, the determination to succeed. Mac's will provide you with full training, a well -stocked location, business systems, advertising and promotional support. If you're a self-starter, ambitious, and would savour the opportunity of being responsible for a business, write us for full details. Because there's always room to grow with Mac's. WE'RE IIIAIIYWIIENYOOAIIEI Mac's Convenience Stores, 575 Murphy Rd., Sarnia, Ontario. N7S 5136 HURON -BRUCE TUTORING Services - All subjects: Kindergaiteii to Grade XIII. Qualified teachers. Phone 529-7634 after 9 p.m. - -38tfar FUND-RAISING COSMETIC SHOWS arranged for clubs and organizations by Aloette Beauty Con- sultant, Mary Lou 482.9312.-.48-51 31. Service Directory ART'S LANDSCAPING NURSERY & GARDEN, CENTRE 166 Bennett Si., E. Goderich 524-2645 BOOK NOW FOR SNOW '" PLOWING 5 -radio dispatch Trucks Commercial -Residential -Parking Lots 5 4 2645 STEVE'S CARPENTRY 524-4454 after 6:00 p.m. •12 years experience Additions, Renovations, etc. FREE ESTIMATES References Available No -Job too Big or Small NEED WORK DONE? •Renovations •Roofing• •Siding •Dry Wall • and all Repairs FREE ESTIMATES We can do it all JIM CARRICK CONSTRUCTION Auburn 526-7006 CULBERT INSULATION Sprayed Gil UI, ethtw oe Fut:-...:i-E1 Agricultural, Industrial Residential. Commercial FREE ESTIMATES R.R. No. 6 Goderich 529-7571 1 BUDNY STUDIO & FRAME SHOP you name it - we frame it Custom Framing, Met Cutting, Photography, Prints, Special Christmas Gifts 38A Victoria St., N. (Hwy. 21) Goderich 524-9021 (Beside Worsell Bros.) DRAPERIES UNLIMITED ,1 Custom Draperies Balloon Shades Valances Venetians•Verticals Roller Shades \� Free Estimates — No Obligation For Shop at Home Service / i an 524-2352 Day or Evening 1 1 771 X\iAaxine Murray Proprietor teverts DISC JOCKEY SERVICE Country Cold & Rock 'nf Roll DISCO POLKAS WALTZES GOOD AEC ORUED MUSH FOR WEDDINGS DANCES ANNIVERSARIES PARIIE', I IC 10 yrs. experience *No mileage charge ' BRUSSELS 887-6159 DAYTIME or EVENINGS ANDREW'S CONSTRUCTION,, It, Roofing Renovations Additions " ANDREW DEVRIES R.A. 5 Goderich 524-4149 JERRY RIVETT Bookkeeping Services 345 Huron Rd. 524-6931 All bookkeeping functions including Payroll Financial Statements Ledger Controls Tax Preparation All or In -Part GARDINER'S MOVERS We deliver and move anything large or small. FREE ESTIMATES 524-2421 SNOWMOBILES Track Specials 15" Standard Skidoo $7500 Good Selection of others available Snowmobile Batteries ....4500• While Supplies Last ARGYLE MARINE AND SMALL ENGINES 88 Brittonic Rd. E. Goderich 524-9201 1 H.T. DALE �•�� Septic Tank Service Serving Goderich and area for 15 years PHONE Clinton 487.3320 Seoforth 527.0184 ,BOOK NOW FOR SNOW PLOWING AND BLOWING Guaranteed price per month or per call. PHONE: 524-9522 SMITH'S FARM & GARDEN CENTRE NEW CONSTRUCTION or RENOVATIONS 36 YEARS EXPERIENCE in all facets of the building trade. KEN KED WE CARE ABOUT YOUR SATISFACTION' CON$; RUC_ItON 524-6637 Goderich Complete Construction •Custom Building •Additions•Renovations •Roofing•Siding •Farm Buildings HUGH BURGSMA I 01 524-6355 PIANO TUNING and PIANO LESSONS DAVE McKEE CALL 524-7774 DENTURE • THERAPY CLINIC Monday - Friday 8am-spm Open Weekends by Appointment HORST Feige D.T. 53 West Street Goderich (519) 524-6688 Neustadt (519) 665-7818 No Charge 1-800-265-7555 RETAIL BUSINESS ARE YOU LOOKING FOR WORK - Be your own boss. IDEAL for a couple who likes meeting people. Excellent lease. Capital required. Buy now for Christmas sales. Drawer No. 66, Goderich Signal -Star; P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 4B6. ' All replies strictly confidential. c9 If you want an opportunity that comesrarelyin a person's lifetime then you owe ritvto yourself to investigate. Oq 1. If you are a'good communicator / CAREER MINDED. 2. Neat appearance / HIGHLY MOTIVATED. 3. Aggressive with outgoing personality. 4. Prefer over 22 (or responsible). 5. High school graduate minimum, with four years full time working (sales) experience or college degree. 6. Must be out of town 5 nights per week. International corporation has immediate openings for mature, professional sales - oriented women and men that need to earn $20,000 - $25,000 and up per year (salary plus commission). 5250.00 per week while in training plus 5100.00 ex- penses during training, with motel expenses, car allowance and corp. benefits. Retail, jewelry, cosmetic, telephone sales or marketing / teaching background helpful, and homemakers now free to travel. GREAT CAREER RE-ENTRY OPPORTUNITY! For personal interview call John C. Hall's office TOLL FREE at 1-800-523-0853, Monday through Thursday , between 8:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. ONLY! Please -call on or before Thursday, December 4th. MINISTRY QF HOUSING ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION TENDER REFERENCE NUMBER B05 PT 86-25 Moveout & Cycle Painting as and when required for buildings in Huron County Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time DECEMBER 12, 1986, by the Ontario Housing Corporation, 275 Dundas St. 11th Floor, London. Ontario. N6K 3L1, (519-679-7110), from whom details and specifications may be obtained. Details and specifications may also be obtained from Huron County Housing Authority, 48 Tho Square, Godtrinh Ontario. N7A 1M5 (519-524-2637), quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY OF FUEL OIL & SERVICE January 1, 1987 to December 31, 1987 Approximate consumption 40,000 litres" Please submit sealed quotations to: THE BOARD OF MANAGERS KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 9 VICTORIA STREET NORTH GODERICH, ONTARIO. N7A 2R4 before 12 noon local time Tuesday, December 16, 1986. Please state hourly rate for service. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. I30. Employment Wanted WILL BABYSIT in my own home. Excellent' references available. Phone 524.9468.-49,,50 PROFESSIONAL TYPING - former full . time secretary will meet all your typing requirements from term . papers to resumes. Telephone 524-7246. —49nx 31. Service Directory FOR YOUR carpet and linoleum installation call Norm 524-6482. Free estimates. 02tfar MASONRY, stone and carpentry work. Specializ- ing in brick ppinting and chimney building. Free estimates. For information call Stah Kirkham 482-5305.-03tfar CUSTOM BACKHOEING - drain, repair, erosion control, cellar drains, laser. Call Frank Postill . r 482.9101.-15tfar , .. . r. • t.• MAC'S WOULD LIKE TO GIVE YOU THE OPPORTUNITY TO GROW Just when you thought there was no room left for personal growth, Mac's offers you the opportunity for grow with your own business. Operate your own business as a Mac's dealer and you'll also have the opportunity to set your own personal work hours. And enjoy the security of being a part of Canada's leading convenience store network. All you need is a high school diploma, minimal start-up capital, and above all, the determination to succeed. Mac's will provide you with full training, a well -stocked location, business systems, advertising and promotional support. If you're a self-starter, ambitious, and would savour the opportunity of being responsible for a business, write us for full details. Because there's always room to grow with Mac's. WE'RE IIIAIIYWIIENYOOAIIEI Mac's Convenience Stores, 575 Murphy Rd., Sarnia, Ontario. N7S 5136 HURON -BRUCE TUTORING Services - All subjects: Kindergaiteii to Grade XIII. Qualified teachers. Phone 529-7634 after 9 p.m. - -38tfar FUND-RAISING COSMETIC SHOWS arranged for clubs and organizations by Aloette Beauty Con- sultant, Mary Lou 482.9312.-.48-51 31. Service Directory ART'S LANDSCAPING NURSERY & GARDEN, CENTRE 166 Bennett Si., E. Goderich 524-2645 BOOK NOW FOR SNOW '" PLOWING 5 -radio dispatch Trucks Commercial -Residential -Parking Lots 5 4 2645 STEVE'S CARPENTRY 524-4454 after 6:00 p.m. •12 years experience Additions, Renovations, etc. FREE ESTIMATES References Available No -Job too Big or Small NEED WORK DONE? •Renovations •Roofing• •Siding •Dry Wall • and all Repairs FREE ESTIMATES We can do it all JIM CARRICK CONSTRUCTION Auburn 526-7006 CULBERT INSULATION Sprayed Gil UI, ethtw oe Fut:-...:i-E1 Agricultural, Industrial Residential. Commercial FREE ESTIMATES R.R. No. 6 Goderich 529-7571 1 BUDNY STUDIO & FRAME SHOP you name it - we frame it Custom Framing, Met Cutting, Photography, Prints, Special Christmas Gifts 38A Victoria St., N. (Hwy. 21) Goderich 524-9021 (Beside Worsell Bros.) DRAPERIES UNLIMITED ,1 Custom Draperies Balloon Shades Valances Venetians•Verticals Roller Shades \� Free Estimates — No Obligation For Shop at Home Service / i an 524-2352 Day or Evening 1 1 771 X\iAaxine Murray Proprietor teverts DISC JOCKEY SERVICE Country Cold & Rock 'nf Roll DISCO POLKAS WALTZES GOOD AEC ORUED MUSH FOR WEDDINGS DANCES ANNIVERSARIES PARIIE', I IC 10 yrs. experience *No mileage charge ' BRUSSELS 887-6159 DAYTIME or EVENINGS ANDREW'S CONSTRUCTION,, It, Roofing Renovations Additions " ANDREW DEVRIES R.A. 5 Goderich 524-4149 JERRY RIVETT Bookkeeping Services 345 Huron Rd. 524-6931 All bookkeeping functions including Payroll Financial Statements Ledger Controls Tax Preparation All or In -Part GARDINER'S MOVERS We deliver and move anything large or small. FREE ESTIMATES 524-2421 SNOWMOBILES Track Specials 15" Standard Skidoo $7500 Good Selection of others available Snowmobile Batteries ....4500• While Supplies Last ARGYLE MARINE AND SMALL ENGINES 88 Brittonic Rd. E. Goderich 524-9201 1 H.T. DALE �•�� Septic Tank Service Serving Goderich and area for 15 years PHONE Clinton 487.3320 Seoforth 527.0184 ,BOOK NOW FOR SNOW PLOWING AND BLOWING Guaranteed price per month or per call. PHONE: 524-9522 SMITH'S FARM & GARDEN CENTRE NEW CONSTRUCTION or RENOVATIONS 36 YEARS EXPERIENCE in all facets of the building trade. KEN KED WE CARE ABOUT YOUR SATISFACTION' CON$; RUC_ItON 524-6637 Goderich Complete Construction •Custom Building •Additions•Renovations •Roofing•Siding •Farm Buildings HUGH BURGSMA I 01 524-6355 PIANO TUNING and PIANO LESSONS DAVE McKEE CALL 524-7774 DENTURE • THERAPY CLINIC Monday - Friday 8am-spm Open Weekends by Appointment HORST Feige D.T. 53 West Street Goderich (519) 524-6688 Neustadt (519) 665-7818 No Charge 1-800-265-7555