HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-12-03, Page 151 PAGE 14 -GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1986 Town& .ountr CL ss NT A CLASSIFIED RATES & DATA: 12 NOON TUESDAY. Too late to classify; ads will be accepted until 2 p.m. Tuesday for Wednesday publication. '4.50 min./22 words 204 ea. additional word thereafter. Consecutive Insertions: 2 con- secutive insertions, '4.00 ea. 3 or more con- secutive insertons '3.50 ea. In Memarlam: '4.50 min'. plus 35c per line of rhymed verse. Card of Thanks: '4.50 min. 25 words plus 6¢ for each additional word. Public Notice: '20. for 3 insertions. Notice to Creditors: '30. for 3 insertions, '25. for 2 insertions, '20. for 1 insertion. Drawer Number: '3. first week, '1. each additional week. Prompt Payment: 50C discount per week for word ads paid in full at time of purchase or within 1 week of insertion (Tuesday at 5:00 p.m.) Display Classified: rates available on request. To place your hard hitting Classified ad PHONE OR VISIT OUR OFFICE: MONDAY - FRIDAY 8:30 AM- 5:00 PM 524.2614 Address mail correspondence: CLASSIFIED DEPT., The Goderich Signal - Star, P.O. Box 220, industrial Park, Goderich. N7A 4B6. 11. Articles for Sale 1 1,- Articles for Sale "WRECKING SALVAGE: available at our wreck- ing site; No. 2 Terrace St., London... or contact Lumley Wrecking, 519-542-4088. * 400 sheets of 5,8" fir plywood * 5,000 planks 2" x 10" x 16' * 1,000 planks 2" x 12" x 12' * 5,500 square ft. of corrugated steel roofing * 59 overhead, sliding, swing, and bi-fold industrial doors * 153 steel sash windows approx. 48" square * 15,000 feet of all sizes of steel beams * open web bar joists * 700 fluorescent lights * overhead heaters * exhaust fans ler adjustable loading docks * 100 fon of pipe up to b d,u. e 2., ' angio iron * 4" channel * 8 electrical transformers * 36" cyclone mill exhauster * cement blocks * crushed red tile."- -49ar SHEER no run pantyhose, 100% guarantee. 7 col- ours, Canadian made. Ground floor opportunity. Absolute excellent response from the, public. Earn a very good living. We pay as high os 45% plus 5,3,1,1,1, deep plus overrides 395-5851.-49,50x 20' TRI -AXLE trailer, 2" floor plonks, 12,000 lbs. rating. Asking $2,200. Phone 527.0981.-49,50 SIX I and three AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoff- meyer Plumbing and Heating ° Kingston Street, Goderich. 524.7861 .-1 tfar A "CENTURY OF EXCELLENCE" - the story of thampion's first 100 years. 128 pages $5.00. '/. ct. Great Christmas gifts for families and friends of for $6 Champion and Goderich. Available at the Goderich Signal -Star office, Huckins.St., in In- dustrial Park.-47-52nx GR- ANDPARENTS: Wont to give a lasting gift? A Rocking Horse! Phone 529-7912.-47-51 APPLES - Spy, Ida Red, red and golden Delicious, 'Mocs and other varieties; red and. white CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE - Pine, Spruce and potatoes, turnips, onions, honey, apple butter, Balsam, 5-10'. Contact Neil Edgar, Hwy. 86, east fresh cider and bulk cookies. Deliveries in town, of Whitechurch. 357-2440.-49,50,51 524 aldUB B 11 FrFruit Farm, RR 2 Goderich. TERIOR house doors complete with jams hardware • two 6'5" x 2', one 6'5" x 2'4", 6'5" x 2'6", $25.00 each 524-7519.-49x TORO Snow -Throwers, lightweight, inexpensive, blow like crazy, in stock at Steve Argyle's, Bayfield 565-2800.-47-49 VIDEO CAMERA JVC Camcorder with AC adaptor, carrying case, 2 battery packs, battery charger, 10 tapes, almost new $1299.00. 524-9603 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. or 524-8936 evenings.-49ar LIKE NEW N.C.R. cash register $350.00. Phone 482-5826 after 6 p.m. ---48,49 SELLING Barbie Doll' Set: House, furniture, vehicles, clothes and accessories. Value $150.00 - $200.00 will take best offer. For more informa- tion 482.1769 after 4:30 p.m. -49,50 ---------- COOPERALLS plus girdle, extro small mans, good condition. Phone 524-7237.-49 LADY'S size small ski jacket and fleece lined vest; 10 speed bicycle; size 7 figure skates. Phone 524-9185.-49 DOUBLE WIDE snowmobile trailer with sides, tilts. $300.00 or . best offer. Phone 524-6659.-49,50 GA- S F tion, URNACE for mobile home, excellent condi- new blower motor. Phone 482-9258.-49.50 1. Articles for Said 1 DIAMOND for sole. $925.00 retail, will sell 15.00. Phone 529-7286.•-49tf GLASS chandelier $50.00, white wicker hamper $25.00, two new 15" 4 ply snow tires on G.M. rims. Phone 524-4693.-49x SATELLITE DISH Lease To Own Monthly Lasing Also Available •Easy Monthly Payments L & A SOUTHWEST SATELLITE Sales & Service a . Call Day or Nirghi 524-959 YORK HOME GYM - a free standing exercise machine that includes bench, leg. curl extention, !at. bar and squat bar. $225.00. CoII 524.4413.-48nx - SAVE A TREE Live potted Christmas trees in a variety of sizes. Gift certificates also available. Huron Landscap- ing Ltd. 529-72i7.-49,50,51 • PORK • Safe, lean and healthy by the half or whole. No antibiotics or ,growth promotonts in feed. Naturally Pigs 529.7761.-49tfar HAWAIIAN guitar and case; wringer washing mochine with automatic timer, like new. 524-9037 after 6.--49,50x SINGER - for authorized sales and service, sew- ing machine, vacuum cleaners, parts and no- tions, service to all makes and machine rentals. Gen's Sewing Centre now located at 56 The Square, Goderich 524.8431.-40areowtf FOR SALE Nikkormat El Camera, Bayonet mount, Spirotone wide-angle lens, Tamron telephoto lens filters. $450. firm. Phone 524-7474,-49nx BEIGE winter coat, full length, size 7-8, knitted collar, hardly worn; wedding dress, long, size 10, off-white with long sleeves, - front pleats 524-2367.-- 49nx NOW TAKING ORDERS for Christmas turkeys. Phone Connie Black 529-7661.-49,50x COMPUTERS Sales and service. accessories, monitors, printers, paper, books and magazines. C W - COMPUTERS & SUPPLIES (KINCARDINE) LTD. 732 Queen Street, Kincardine, 1.396-3114.-17tfar USED METAL store shelving for against walls, Grayhurst Business Supplies, 38 East St., Goderich' 524-2648.-48.51ar • VIDEOGRAM - Send ' holiday greetings on videotape. For example you can mail o V.H.S. cassette to Vancouver for $6.00. Phone 524-4884 for price and appointment plus message recorded. -48,49 GREAT CHRISTMAS PACKAGE for the young body builder 92 Ib. York barbell and dumbbell set, York wide stance 3 in 1 exercise bench press, York leg and arm curl attachment, slant board. Value $120.00. Rarely used, in new condition. Phcne 529-7607 after 5:30 p.m.-48,49nx SOFA ENGLISH Pub style, excellent condition. 529-7851. 48,49 PATIO FURNITURE warehouse open Friday and Saturday, 71 King West, Forest. Last chance for great savings • closing December 13. Watch for spring opening (519) 786-4405.-49,50or SANTA CLAUS PARADE: To order your video copy of the parade (V.H.S.) phone 524-4884. Makes a nice Christmas gift. Cost $1,5.95.-48,49 e CC -FURNITURE NEW & USED We can Offer BETTER PRICES' IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY 72 mile south on Hwy. 21 GODERICH 524-7231 We even take trades SOLID WINTER CAR - 1975 Delta 88, 96,000 miles, winter oiled, needs front brakes, $400.00 includ- ed is:parts car 482-3186. - 48,49 • 75 ONTARIO Government Vehicles and Others. 25 - 1980-82, '/2 , '/. , and 1 ton trucks; 8 - 1980.82 4 wheel drive pickups and AMC Eagles; -6 - 1979-82 Vans and Station wagons; 25 - 1980.84 Automobiles, Chev., Ford, and Dodge: 4,6, and 8 cylinder; 1 - 1981 Cadillac Fleetwood; 1 - 1981 98 Oldsmobile; 9 - Von 'bodies, cops; and utility bodies. Mightpn's Car and Truck sales, 4 miles west of Durham on No. 4 or 6 miles east of Hanover on ' No. 4 Highway. Phone 1-369-3136. -- 49 1955 CHEV 2 -door, 4 speed, red with block in- terior, 350 4 -bolt main, Vette rims, $4500.00. Phone 1-395-3679.- 49x 1985 OLDSMOBILE Calais, fuel injected, 4 cylinder, automatic, power steering, power brakes, -AM/FM radio cassette, $8800 or best 'of- fer. Certified. Must sell • getting new car. 524.6659.--49,50 ESTATE SALE: 1985 Camaro Berlinetta, excellent condition, T -roof, electronic instrument panel and controls, pedestal AM/FM stereo radio and cassette player, low mileage, many other op- tions 524-2784 after 5 p.m. • 49 BABY GRAND PIANO by John Broadwood. Beautiful sound and beautiful looks, in rosewood finish. Less than '/, estimated price $3700.00 or best offer. Phone 482.3186.-48,49 PIANO for Sale, age and brand not known, good condition, asking 5500.00. tall 524-7843 after 4:00 p.m. -49 KENMORE Harvest Gold fridge and stove, 4 years old, best offer. Phone 524-2659 or 524-4910.-49 SUNBEAM kerosene space heater, 9000 B.T.U.s, good condition, $75.00. Phone 524-9447.-49 RCA XL100 colour TV, 12", like new, $180.00; an- tique chino bowl by Rosenthal, estimated value 54$0.00, best offer 524-2923.-49 BEAUTIFUL English pram baby buggy, baby sw- ingomatic and sitter, all Ace new 524-9468. -49,50-^----- LES DAGAS Les Paul• electric guitar $250.00 or best offer. Lel Degos electric boss $250.00 or best offer. Peavey Backstage 30 guitar amplifier 30 Guitar amplifier 30 watt $300.00 or best offer. Fender flat -top acoustic guitar 5250.00 or best of- fer 524.8977.-44tf PRE -CHRISTMAS SPECIALS 17 ft. Norwegian Daysailer made of solid Mahogany planks on oak frame ; 550 Pioneer chain saw in running condition plus 400 Pioneer for parts; V.I.C. stereo turntable in good running order, best offer. Phone 524-2916 after 6.-49 BEAVER 8" table saw, stand, motor, switch and several blades $250.00; Beaver 4" joiner, motor and switch,$100.00. Phone 524-6658.-49,50 1977 TOYOTA Celica two door hatch, good shape, os is, 524-6205 or 524-2856 (evenings). -49,50 1984 MAZDA 626, automatic, air, low mileage, like new, 510,000.00. Phone 524-2476.-49x CHRISTMAS TREES for sale. Spruce any height, Pine up to 10'. Three corners north of Belgrave on No. 4 Hwy. 11/4 miles dowrr Golf Course Road. 357-1498 (Wingham) Glen Cosemore. -48-51 SNOW BLOWER suitable for up to 30 h.p. tractor, $150.00. Phone 524-4141.--48,49 T INGLISWASHER 5275, electric dryer $175, Simplicity Supertwin 5100, Inglis apartment size washer $300, electric stove $150, excellent con- dition 565-5277.-- 461f GENERAL Instrument 10 ft. mesh satellite dish and equipment for sole. Call 524-4243 anytime. 44.ffnx INGLIS washer $275.00;, electric dryer $175.00; Simplicity Supertwin $100.00; electric stove 5150.00; excellent condition 565.5277:=49tf INGLIS compact automatic washer $250,00; Vik- ing self -defrost refrigerator 5300.00; Kenmore dryer, Almond 5275.00. 565-5277.-49,50 Good Car... Good Price... vfi 1977 CORDOBA Finished in white, power steering, power brakes, cruise control, air .conditioning, 360 two -barrel, body in good shape. Asking .52495 or best offer. Phone 524.8412 ask for Rob Huron' County HISTORICAL ATLAS "The perfect gift for the entire family" $5950 (Some serial numbered copies available at $75.00) •350 pages, 1000 pictures, 16 township maps showing farm owners, maps of towns, villages and histories of families, organiza- tions and businesses.' Available at: Stationary and book stores or order with remittance from the treasurer, County of Huron Courthouse Goderich, Ont. N7A 1M2 Please add $6. for mailing av SPORTS MCREATION CENTRE'aUIPMENT 7 classifications Swap Something You Have... For Something You Want! I am offering mechanical services in exchange for general labour. Examples: •tires for firewood •sewing machine for a snowblower •an antique dresser for a dishwasher • a lazy -boy chair for a second fridge • a riding mower for a snowblower CALL TERESA at the Signal Star 524-2614 5550101 7A. For Sale General 7B. Wanted To Buy 7C. Wanted To Rent 7D. Bicycles 7E. Motorcycles, ATV's, etc. 7F. Snowmobiles & equipment 7G. Rec. Vehicles - Campers & Trailers 7H. Boats, Motors & Marine 7J. Service, Parts & Repairs 7K. Swimming Pools & Supplies r7A. For Sale General HANDMADE knives, high carbon stainless and chrome molysteel for hunting, fishing, skinning. Call T.B.• Young, 524-9027. 47.52 pHRM MEiRKET 11 classifications 11A. For Sale General 11B. Wanted To Buy 11C. Wanted To Hire 11D. Employment Wanted 11E. Livestock 11F. Farm Produce . 11G. Farm Equipment 11H. Farm Services 11J. Farm Systems 11K. Farm Real Estate 111F. Farm Produce ATTENTION FARMERS We pay cash for disabled cows, heifers, steers and calves, recently down.' Also pigs over 150Ibs. TOP PRICES PAID - Phone 395-2470 Koen Van Dijk , Long distance please call collect. WANTED - used Snowmobile, suitable for children. Phone 524-9380. 49 - -- WANTED • Cooperal) girdle and pants, boy's medium, 524-7176 after 6. -49 I11J. For Rent 1 FARM LAND: to lease approximately 90 acres in part Lot 8, Conc. 1, Goderich Twp., just south of town. Phone collect 1-433.6131.-49-51 112. Real Estate for Sale PRIVATE - Ridgewood Park - Four bedroom. brick raised ranch. Complete with two fireplaces, two baths, and double garage on fully treed ' z acre lot. No agent please. Call after 6 weekdays. 524.4173. -49nx 13. Mobile Homes MOBILE HOMES WANTED. We buy and sell. Call collect 519-364-5723 or 832-2890. 32tfar FOR SALE - Pyramid mobile home, 60' x 12', three bedrooms, stove and fridge included. Call collect 519-364-5723 or 519-832.2890.-44tfar 16. For Rent SMALL EQUIPMENT RENTALS - Lawn and garden, concrete, automotive, moving, painting, clean- ing, sanders, 3 miles East of Kincardine on Highway 9'. Phone 395-2685.-42tfar T T 8 G O a MOT MOTORIZED woodsplitter for rent; --540.00 •per day. Phone 524-4877 after 6 p.m.- 42tfnx MO ORIZED wood splitter $25.00 per day. Call 524-110 after 4 p.m.-431fnx SIN LE garage available for storage space. Call 524-9473.-49,50 TW BEDROOM mobile home, immediate Oc- cup ncy. $250.00 per month, first and -last mon th's rent required, references please 482-7066.-48,49 Thank You For YourPatronage SEASONS GREETINGS Jim and Jacquie Layman 'Rental equipment 209 BAYFIELD RD., GODERICH 524-2659 7F. Snowmobiles & equipment KAWASAKI 440 SST snow jet and accessories, low mileage, excellent condition: i noike monb1il le trailer holds 2 ,Machines, w. 524-1578. -48,49 DWARF RABBIT for sale. Silver fox -coloured. 4 months old. $20 firm. Perfect Christmas gift. Phone 524-4618. 47.51 NEW HOMES FOR SALE (Huron Contractors) *BENNETT ST.' W., 3 bedroom back split, carpet, 2 baths, finished recreation room, 2000 sq. ft. living area plus basement. Ready to move into. *OXFORD ST., 2 bedroom bungalow, carpet, large kitchen & dinette. CALL NOW 236.4230 13. Mobile Homes FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do it yourself with Deep Steam Extraction BLUEWATER CLEANERS 524-6231 PINEVIEW Mobile Home Park' Grand Bend - homes for sale on lots and lots available. Rant $95.00 monthly. Will buy used mobile homes. 14 ft. width only 238-5584 or 243-2294. 44-53 TO OWNER or landlord. For sale 62 x 1'2 mobile home with addition in nice shape. Set up at Morgan's Mobile Home Pork. 89990.00 firm. ,Phone 482-3186, - 49 holiday rent -a -ear system We have a full line of: CARS -TRUCKS -VANS .WEEKEND RATES AVAILABLE •12 or 20 FT. MOVING VANS AVAILABLE STRICKLANDS , 344 Huron Rd., Goderich 524-8311 MAPLEWOOD MANOR 13 Church Street, Seaforth, Ont. Gracious retirement Dv- ing, featuring both private and semi -private accommodations. (Couples Welcome). For more information, please call (519) 527-1440 17. Apartments for Rent MODERN apartment carpeted throughout. Phone 529-7888. - 38tfor TWO BEDROOM. main floor in Soitford Apts. S280.00 per month plus utilities. Coll 524.2111. 45tf GROUND FLOOR one bedroom apar'tme'nt adults. no pets 8375 00 per month includes heat Coll 524-2111. -47tf • TWO BEDROOM apartment like new throughout Main Street Btyth References Phone 482.9210 47tfor