HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-1-13, Page 14SEASONABLE GOODS AT .E PRICES LADIES' r'UR, S Xmas is over and we have some the Furs left that it well pav you t r see. We h•tve still a, tine µssortn nt of Ruffa and Muffs andare offering them at very low prices, i1Xuti'd at $4 00 and $4,50, MILLINERY. . All of the trimmed hats in our Millinery room have to be sold., t.'o clear them w e are offering them at the loge price $1.50. NEW PRINTS. About 50 patterns of good washing prints, and splendid shades. We are offering them all at the old price.' At per yard 10c, FANCY WooL PLAID The best thing we know of for blankets for horses and for lining robes. 1.4 is all w ooi '72 inches wide. Very special at per yard $1 50, GREY SHEETING Union Grey Sheeting is a material that is very bard to procure these days, We have a limited supply, 72 inches wide.. Extra value at per yard $1:00. MEN'S oVERC.oATS Save money by buying an Overcoat this month. We have some excellent values in Blacks and Fancy Tweeds. Come in and see what we can show you at $10.00. LINED SMOCKS Made fromgood weight Black denim, lined with warm flannel- lette. made, good and roomy. Ail sizes $1.50. FUR COLLARED COATS roll, MEN At prices that will suit your pocket book, Beautiful Fur Collars. OJat islined with Curl lining, interlined with Rubber. A very warm coat foe $10.50. WARM CAPS FOR MEN Any • man who finds it hard to get a farge cap will get what he wants in this store. We carry extra large sizes at pop- ular prices, 75e 1.00 and 125 WARM UNDERWEAR FOR MEN Penmans Fleeced lined Shirts and drawers each....-.... . ... . . ....50e Penmans Fleeced lined heavy weight " " '• 75o Stanfields wool shirt and drawers 1.15 " all wool heavy weight shirts and drawers. 1.65 WARM FOOTWEAR " FOR THE COLD WEATHER FOR. WoMEN Cloth Rubbers, Wool Lined, per pair Cozy Slippers, all sizes Felt Foxed Gaiters per pair Felt Foxed Laced. Shoes Ladies Overshoes .. $L00 1,00 and 1.25 1.50 1.50 225 FoR MEN Heavy Rubbers all sizes per pair.. Heavy Socks per pair One Buckle O versht=es pr r fl Men's Leather Leggings 2.50 75c anti, 100 1,75 1.75 Men's Long Leather Boots, Fete ilened,....,.... ......... ............ :......_. 4.25 J. A. STEWART TN. EXETER TIM:: Market. Report—The following is the retort of the klietee market corrected up to 7anuary 12th: Wheat 85 to $1.Q5 Iie.rle *,,4 ...to. 50. Oats 380 3o:okwheat 70o, Bees $1,00 E¢xntily. Flour" $3,20. Luw Grade flour $1,65. Bran $25. per, tt M Shorts $28 per ton Bartter 28 to 800.i Creamery butte,r85o Eggs, strictly fresh, 30 to 38. 24 O taken ¢alive 10, dressed 12e. Q1d. hens, olive 8, dressed loo. Old 'Boosters, olive 0c: dressed 8o Ducks alive 11O dressed ,15o Geese, alive 11; dressed 14 Tari:eys, 'alive 20; dressed, 24 Old'limns., alive 17; dressed..20. Pottto:s $1..75 :Hogs $0,00 t " 5 The Young Zi u's, class of James St, Sunday'scheol are preparing fer rtl►eir manual banquet to be held sometime in the near ifutuxre•f4 GALLED TO BEDSIDE Mas. Or, A, Wambold. was exited 'to xluron last Saturday owing ito the serious illness of her sister, AIM, Geo. Lester, who passed 'wetly on Sunday. LADIES TO WAVE ORARGE Next Sabbath will be Ladies' Aid Day in connection with Mehr ,Street church, The ladies will take the choir work end officiate as ushers and col lectors., Special eolleotionswill be taken in raid; of the aso'ciety and appro- priate sermons Will be preached by the pastor, QUARTERLY TEA The Women's 11lissionary Society of Caren Presbyterian church, held. their quarterly tea .on Tuesdayafternoon. airs. A. Ford and I ars. ir. J Wick wire of the JWtin street ,society, gave two fine .addresses,. After the pro, gram lunch was served and a sociable time enjoyed„ RECEPTION SERVICE Following a very profitable week .of Brayer in the Main street 'Methodist okureh a reception service was held iaet Sabbath morning when thirty .nett'reutboi's united. with the -church, At Bethany appointment in the af- tereoen ten were received into :neem- bersh.p. )0Ng APPRECIATED. V. ord was received last week from Lent 1 lumpier, Shorncliffe, . Eng, tL•..nking Mrs. P. Bawden; Mrs. Wm. B•:tirdin, : nd Mrs, McEvoy •for their ge t.eines . contributions ofmagazines and books. Miss Plummer says books are very much appreciated by the soldiers; . PUTS TONGUE TO I'RO'N POST Reg. the little son ol'. Councillor B. W. F. Beavers, met with n very in- fortunate and painful accident 'last week. On a 'cold ;frosty day he stuck his lips and tongue to an iron post near' his father's store, dIe war held there until water 'could be got to free him, Part of the skin was torn off and the Tittle fellow suifered quite considerably. gUSBAND AND BROTHER IN FRANCE Mrs. (Dr.) Gunn, of Calgary,:who is residing with' her parents, Rev and Mrs. Martin, of London; 5s visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart, Dr Gunn is with the Army Medical :Corpse in France., Mrs.. Gunn's brother Beattie an Exeter aid Boy, ]also . tvith . the Army Medical. Corpse, andst present a..regimentat e'.ector in thee trenches writes Lona. Its dug ,out "Never dr.y.' and neve_ warm, but this.•is the life,' HIGHER AUTO • FEES.. The Jct, . i a ale of 'a'axtomobile motor truck licences went into et-. fent on Jan. ist, according to Hon. J: W. 'Jiannb., For ail cars of 25 horsepower end ;under, $10. This us an increase from $6 A $5 increace puts caairs of the next class, up to 35 'horse (power, at •$15; these of the third. class up to 50 horse.power • • • LOCAL •• Mrs. John Bell is on the sink list. Mrs. D. 'Johns is under rthe doctor's caret - Little Gree !Christie is suffering with lagrippe.r :Will Manson is learning the drug business with 11rr. W. S. Cole, Ajss, N. J. Dore very pleasantly en- tertafned last Friday evening. Mr, Anguish, of Lambeth, is,visiting his daughter, Mrs. F. Sanderson, 2tr. Rd, Seldon, of Ingersoll, visit - ted his son R. G. in town last week. .Mrs. Putnan, of South 'Dakota, is visiting her uncle, ilia•,. F. .Blatchford, Mr. J. Markham has taken a posi- tion as 'presser at the Jackson fax. tory: Mr. Daniel Webster of .Forest visiting with ]kir. and, Mrs. JCh'as. Day - man, Mr. Amiel Willert is learning the hardware business with W. J. Ilea - man Mrs. 31o`utray, of Detroit, Ls in town owing to the death of her brother, William Pletcher.'. 'A reception service will be held in James. street Methodist church next Sabbath morning., A military' euchre will be held in the Town Hall next Friday evening in aid of ]the patriotic fund. 11Sr, and Mrs. Jas. Sweet entertained a number of friends Tuesday evening in honor of their daughter Oars, Miss Gladys Bissett entertained on Tuesday evening in honor of her aunt Arrs. (Dr) Rollaway of Peterboro. lata. and Mrs. I. Andrews and lit- tle da•ughierofSwift (Current, Sask. are 'visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity:` 11Ir.F. Boyle has secured the .'agency for the !Grey Dort auto and. expects a new ;car here next month. for dem- onstration purposes. Miss IOeliglst Robbs,. of Toronto spent the _week end with hoer sister, ANNUAL DTl! v0'1 Ndt1. The "'oath :Annual .Meeting of the Raton Weather Insurance Mutual Company wink be held in the Tawxtship hail, Zuxiefi, on Wednesday January 26th, 1910, et 143Q p, to receive and diispose of the: 'in aneial Statement and Auditors' re- port. to elect, ,directors and auditors. and transact•euoh other business as may be considered for the welfare of the company P.. FQTIIL^.f`fi ;NGB;AM, 'Ares, A. G. SMILLIE, Seoy, MEETING. 0PC3 QTX1N>i'!ILflvoixa,ON COdtfl TY1 The council of the corperotion of the ,County Baron will meet in the eounoil chamber, in the • Town of. Godertele on Tuesday the 25th.. inst.,. at the polar` of 3 o'clock; All accounts for settlement mustbe placed with the clerk before tbi4 date, Dated Jan, 10th, 1915, gr. Lane.. Clerk. SOUTH l-IURON FARMERS IN - STITUTE MEETINGS. The Regular Meetings of the South Huron Farmers Institute will be held at BRUCEFIELD,. Jan, 20, 'L p.xn. VARNA, Jan. 20, at 7,30 p.m, EXETER Jan 21, at 2 and 7,30 p,nm. Tc be addressed by J. 0. Duke, Ru sen; Robt. Murphy, Allison ; and Dr. Mary McKenzie Smith, Graven- hurst The SUBJECTS to be discussed are 'tMa.n`.aining the Fertility of the Soil' "Data.' 'Purpose Cattle"; '`The Choice of Occupation"; "Business End of Farnmkag" "Some of the Needs of COnta+ric Agriculture"; Etc_ At afternoon meetings Dr. \Lary McKenzie, Smith will address the lad- ies only Subject selected, ALEX. BUCHANAN, Pies. A. H. DOUPE, Secretary Ar, JAN.i 'zis ne FId The purchase price of tbbsfamous 1881 Rogers ers l Plate For Q'uiek Sale—One Jersey Cow; thoroughbred prize a"inner; Price $60. Apply to R, B. Quanee, Gidley Street Exeter. NOTICE—All Library hooks etre to be returned to the Library by the 15th of Jan. 1916. By aider of the oonrd. W.. D. Weekes, +ch,airman. Someone is going to get the ✓hand- some piano that is now on. exhibition in Mr., J. Beverley's window absol utely :free: See adv. on: page !four. 400 Tons of Fine, Land and Cattle Salt for sale. All grades $5.50per ton; 50o. per bag.—Exeter Salt ;Works Co,, Ltd., J. Sutton,. Manager. Remember' that three thousand votes are given with a -year's sub- scription to the Exeter Times. It is not too late toeget "started.¢' 'Conte- tants are, known by number only. E give coupons with every Y5c. pur- chase of all the high grade guaran- teed products made by . the United Drug Company. We: are willing to lose money on the Silverware to get you ac- Coainted with these goods, which are stain viand in their. line. "Renal Remedies" Liggett's Candies, Perft{✓nes, Toilet Articles, Bnashee. Sta.tionery, Rubber Goods, and hundreds of other items, household prepares tions, etc, You cannot afford not to se- cure this popular silverware, when you can get it our half bought. plan. As to ex- ample, this teaspoon that sells for :5c. you can get for Ioc. with coupons. 615614 TWO C coons will be given with every 25c Purchase of Rexall Products ONECol� of n with every 25c Purchase of any other article in out store Ask for coupons Btu Your 1881 Rogers' Al Plate and at -half mice at COLE'S DRUG STORE 01400 Stark Resistore,il . 1. COLLINGWOOD, ONT. _-• The Harmless but Eft/ - cent remedy for Headache Neuralgia,Anaeonia,Slesp- lcssness, Nervous Ex- haustion, &c, 60C AT ALL DRUGGISTS, or by mail Broad. GEORGIAN MFG. CO„ �A