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Exeter Times, 1916-1-13, Page 10
"1?l'utt8DAY, J'AN.ITARY: 13th, EXETER TIM Farmers! Woven Wire Fence below e o Manufactur ers' • Priceso either Peerless or Mon- arch arch ql buy at • once as these prices will not, last very long. 6 Wire Fence 23c per Rod 7 " „' 25e 8 ., 28c ., Cedar and Anchor posts 10,000 Cedar Posts on band —also Anchor.' Posts. Lumber and Cement Let me quote ' you my low prices on your Lumber require- ments, whether large or small orders. Also Cement, A. J,• CLATWOR1 IIY GRANTON S �r Whiter F esorts ;SPECIAL ROUND• TRIP FARES' LONG LIMIT—STOPOVERS !. sbeville and Hot Springs. N.O. Cbarleston, S.C,: Nassau, N.P.: Hot Springs, Ark.; French Lick Springs, Ina3.: Jacksonville and all Florida joints; Ravana, Cuba, and New Or - pans, La;; via New York a nd Rail (or Steal:one according to destination), or via, Buffalo, Detroit or Chicago. Bermuda & Westlndies tither Ocalth Resorts .Mount Clemens, Michigan; .Battle Ciee1;. finch..e, St. Catharines, Well., Ont,; P3 ern on Springs, Ont. •'limit s;a 11l1 iifc•n:t`c3 '(3 11)1i atitr, 1( GtIJIhlei il. 7it1r1J1a3rr Crediton Messrs. Herb llaist and .frost of Pigeon, Micl3., are visiting at the home of 1 . Jolta Seal tin Veen Leyi Career of Clandeboye visiting her father, Mr. C. 1Kuhn. Mre. Glottlob Moirlock bad the mis- fortune to fall and received a vary se- vere shaking up. Mr. Louis 1r+ahner and family of the West are visiting relatives. Mr. By'. Mote and son Wm. are home, after spending the last few month in London. Miss . lsie 1iienni; is viellting friends in Mildmay. i Mr. MGl�oberts- of Parkhill I arrived here last week to fill the position in the band here, left vacant •by Mx, Spence being transferred to the branch at Porcupine. Mrs, Louisa Palmer of Hersey, Micb., is visiting leer parents, Mr. and Mrs, Math, Morloek. DASHWOOD Mrs.4. til. Grenzebash spent last, week in Listowel, Mrs, G. W. Shore was on the sick list a few days last week. Mrs. J. Routledge, who has been on the sick list, is improving. • Mr. D, $chafer attended the funeral of a nephew in Michigan last week. Mrs. D. Pfaff underwent an opera rion in London last week, Mr and Mrs. Sam Schroeder of Sas- katoonare visiting relatives and friends here. Mr. R. Willett spent Saturday in Exeter. This wet weather has deprived our young people of skating. Mr. Willie lsenbach of Detroit is visiting relatives here. Miss Eida Wein of Crediton is visit- ing at Mr. W. Wolf's for a few weeks. Mr. D. Pfaff spent Tuesday in Lon- don. Mr. Wm. Brown is on the sick list at present. Dr. E. B. Balfour waa in London Tueed y on business. WOODFIAM' On January 5tb, 1:)16, at Woodham the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Swan lo by was the scene of a very quiet wedding, it being the.occasion of the marriage of their daughter. Nettie, to Mr. Simon Blight, of West -Nissousi. The ceremony was performed at 31 o'clock by the Pastor, the Rev. 0. W. Baker. The wedding march was played, by Miss Adelaide Parkinson of Granton. The young couple were un- attended. The bride was gowned. in a modest shade of bine Duchess satin and carried a: 'bbguet of cream and pink. roses, After:' congratulations bad been extended to the young cou ple, the bridal party ; sat down to a splendiely prepared wedding dinner. The bride's gong away suit was of dark green lady's „odbth, with greenn vele et toque to Match. The young p couple left at 2 ,ns,'amid ;showers of confetti for a visit''i in Toronto. The bride is ono of Woodham s most ex- - .t Rev.: T. 1.e ' Crosss ysten. of • Physical lture The follcwirtg axe the synopsis of the Pbreinal culture exercises me in luetratcd by Evangelist ;Crossley to a .large aadien'ee wiele conducting re- vival. services ;here; If followed out they will ;nesult in keeping tiro sys- tem. in good condition. Seven. l'o&itern. 1 Two systems, e. Resistance as im stretching, makingone. ie, Lst the other; 'b,, Propulsion ns punching bag. 2 Breathe deeply and naturally as yot;. 'take the exei•c:,ses. Tendency is to hold breath. 3 Exercise before a looking glass when, convenient. 4. Take .five rninrrtes or -flare ere rettrint,,anelion rising with iitt1'e .:loth- int; on Have air in room lresb. 5. Ever act on the motto—Elevate the chest 6 Cultivate the habit of taking the exercises, and :continue all your life, 7s By these exercises you will av- oid rheumatism, constipation, dyspep- sia, pneumonia, stiffness, corpulency, superfluous fat, defornvity, •ippan,dic•- itis and other ills, and facilitate health happiness hopefulness, chest t:xp.an- sien, a'proper Eloise, agility, i race'fral.; nese, longevity, perpetual youth. Seven Exercises for Arms.. I. nioricon`al—Fingers to •-'houid- ers and then extend arms, return . and repeat, using both systems. 2, Perpendicdler—Hands near the shoulders, palms up, rise on toes end lilt as hands are elevated, relax, r -'- turn anci repeat. 3. Across breast,—Pull. 4 Obliquely, -Ong a.nn at a rime, rise oi;, tees of one foot, shove, rep':tt. 5 Windmill,—Swing the arms in a Circle bon, ,backward and forward. 6 Backward and forward, touching backs of hands as arms arc Thrown back ? Quartette, -Shut hands, shoot `hero up and return, out and return, down and return, forward and return Seven Exercises far Body. 1. Expand chest as you take a full breath. Fill lower part of lungs first, then draw in abdomen 'and elevate th' chest 2 Shoulders up ,and down, .angular and circular. 3 Liver Squeeze, Bend sideway at waist, right and left, (a) hands akimbo, (b) arm•. by sides, (c) arms outstretch- ed sideways; alternating. 4 Bend backward and forward 3'ith handy akimbo, then with arms extend- ed as gong backward, and touching floor floor as bending rorward; and then hand car motion—shove. • 5. ' 'Circular, — l:s't Feet firm, and handy clasped above, the head, swing. 7 hick tforwamd, causing ethiation nt tho lei'; subside, and again :,:ick high and again ralise the knee ;sigh. Seven Exercises for Fleck 1. Bend. head backward and forward, repeat. 2, Turn head right and lett, ;repeat„ 3 Circular right swing head in swivel ntovexnent, relate t. 4. lOircular left, repeat, 5. Turn head right and throw back, and then left and throw been repeat, 0 aand ou ;aide of head, shove and ;resist, alternate,. . 7,.. Osteopathy,—Both Ip'alms on, shack of head, pull and resist, pull. thinto chest and then press head. fax back; Seven Exercises foul fiends and .Wirists, . 1. Fingers,— Piano movement, nimble. • 2. .ringers,—pressure. 3. Bend at wrist, up end down, 4. Circular right, Pressure. 5. 'Circular lett, pressure. 6, Flip up anddown vigorously. 7. 'Relax movement, -Let hands fall on gravity and relax the whole body et the eame time. Seven Extra Exercises. 1. Stretch before rising. Always .do this 2. P.unching bag motion. 3. Rowing motion. 4. Running. 5,1 Skipping motion. 64 Shoulder stone motion. 7. For ankle, --While seated swing feet in circular motion, alternating right and left., Seven Breathing Exercises 1.c Take 'a full breath and exhale slowly, repeat. 2; Take a 'full breath and exhale quickly. 3 Take four d,ep breaths a min- ute, diaphragmatically and aythm- leanly.: 4 Take thus two deep breaths a ant;nh3!te:i 5 Inhale 'a full breath and. expel by blowing the breath through the teeth or through 'compressed lips. Take four breaths thus a minute. G inhale and exhale thus twice a minute, 7 'When walking inhale a full breath while taking three steps, and exhale es you take three steps; and again inhale and exhale as you take lour steps, then Tive, six, seven ;eight nine egad ten steps. ;g. _-rim and Garden !,`000000000•oo©coo+�•�p�1 USE OF MECHANICAL SEEDER. Distributee Seed More Evenly and af- fects Great Saving In Quantity., With clover, alfnifa. sweet clover and all the grass suede usually minuet ewe is used to . the acre for three ot. four goof stands. it every seed tools root and grew where it fell on the soit then* would be so •ninny plants to the square yard that none could grow well They would steed so 'thickly that tits wou;d smother .(arilother to death Where meeniiikail seeders are nsi'td to distribute the seed uniformly ower the surface of the son miwb less seed pe; acre will be Ie) Uirad. By using ai nw ebua1lcke seeder fon' auiform distribu tion rind covering the seed nae. fi.itticul 'er n saving of fully one -halt of the Feed an be etrected, Some farriers are afraid to disturb the soil of their wlteut fends chid ,o'atl ows in .sprint. Where clover or outer avti ations These Three Women Tell How d Escaped the Dreadful Ordeal o Surgical Operations. Hospitals are great and necessary institutions, but th should be the last resort for women who snider with i s peculiar to their sex, Many letters on file in the Pinkha: Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., prove that a great number f women after they have been recommended to submit to ,r,. operation have been made well by Lydia E. Pinkharn w Vegetable Compound. Here are three such letters. .All sick women g should read them. s o Marinette, Wis.-"I went to the doctor anti he told me 1 must have an operation for a female trouble and 1 hated to have it done as I had beer married only a short time. 1 would have terrible pains and my hands and feet were cold allthe time- I took Lydia E. Pinkl am's Vegetable Coml.:- pound orm .:pound and was cured, and 1 feel better in every way. I give you permission to publish my nam because 1 am so thankful that 1 feel well again„ Mrs. FRED Branum, Marinette, Wis. Detroit, Mich. "When I first took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound 1 was so run down with female troubles that I could not do anything, and our doctor said. I would have to undergo an operation. I could hardly walk without help so when 1 read about the vegetable Compound and what it had done for others 1 thought I would try it. I got a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and a package of Lydia E. fli kham's Sanative Wash and used them according to directions. They helped me and today I am able to do all my work and Tam well" Mrs. '. los. DwYnn, 989 Milwaukee Ave., East, Detroit, D'Cieh. Bellevue, Pa.—" I'suffered more than tongue can tell with terrible bearing down pains and inflammation. I tried. several doctors and they all told me the same story, that I never could get well without an operation. and I just dreaded the thought of that. T also tried. a good many other medicines that were recommended to me and none of them helped me until a friend advised me to give Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound a trial. The first bottle helped, I kept taking it and now I don't know what it is to be sick any more and 1 am picking up in weight. 1 am 20 years old and weigh 145 pounds. It will be the greatest pleasure to me if I can have the oppor- tunity to recommend it to any other suffering woman."—Miss IBENia FitOEIaOHEB, 1923 Manhattan St., North Side, Bellevue, Pa. If you would like special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Med. Co. (confidential),Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened ti read and answered by a woman and held in strict Confidence, Get Interested in the Free . Piano . Cont e