HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-1-13, Page 8Hav vents Which Partaint eve t ccurreci During the Week, Bttay World"is 7Elttppeniugs Spares Italy . Clouii0#led and I!Ut Into Handy Mad Attractive Sbatre for the Headers of Otis Paper --- A Solid Homes Enjoyment, WEDNESDAY,, A. leader of Czechs is being tried 9n Vienna; on, a charge of treason. E. A, Lancaster, MP. for Lincoln, died at his home iu St. Catbarizzes. Sir George Robertson. M. P. for Bradford. and a rioted military au- itbor, is dead, Wm, G. Lang of Miznieo, a Grand Trunk brakeman:, was killed while .shunting cars at Welland. Brigadier -General Loge and Col- onel Mewbrsret are to lead Cauadiaxt divisions shortly going to the front. Great Br#tare has given Canada 525,000 for building and equipping recreation rooms in the Canadian hospitals. in England. Thomas Curry, a G.T.R- section foreman at Belleville, was instantly kilted, being run down by an engine while cleaning out a switch. Premier Hearst is taking a short holiday before tbe session opens, and during his absence his place will be taken by Hong W, J. Hanna, Airs.. Thomas Kenny of Sarnia died yesterday morning of .pneumonia, her husband having passed away on Sun- day night of the same disease. Manitoba Agricultural ` Buildings are valued by Montreal apo'raisers at three nitllion dollars; they are said to have cost the Province nearly four millions. Further loose option reports show wed more victories, two additional ldefeats, and four more places where the three-fifths . clause prevented the by low from carrying. Tbe• Prince of Wales has been ,named Chairman of the Committee ran Naval and Military War Pensions. 'This announcement was made in the 'House of Commons yesterday. Serious trouble arose at the Gui- gues bilingual school `ler Ottawa, per- ianth placing some 'ninety boys there du charge of teachers of their own ehoosing, and excluding two appoint- ed by the commission. THURSDAY." ' Petroleum nares have been intro- duced in the German. capital. Two attempts were made yesterday to burn down the City Hall at Owen Sound.' Clark W. Wright, License inspec- tor and former Mayor and Alderman of Kingston, is dead. A bill facilitating the manufacture of munitions in Great Britain was passed be the Houno of C'otmonet it was announced izx the -House of Coxruuons that the total Bi'ttislx cas- ualties in the battle of Leos Were 59,- 666, 6 6 defeated d f a McLean,(:o3tsk.r'�"'ative, 4'� Macdonald, Liberal, by 216 in a bye - election, 3a the ;l #rst District, Char- lottetown, P,E.L A Milan despatch to The Bello de Parte says that Austria bas sited up har last line of reserves, many of whore are unlit for field service. Fred. Shaw, zi young Speedsido .tanner,wasdiscovered dead ou the roof of his barn, having been caught and teeth e around "tet shaft. of e. power mill, 1. S. itleAllum , defeated by' four votes as a candidate foe Wind- sor t>alie Scho f`riuPee d't dppusi 1g.; compulsory vaccination, is appealing for a. recount. Tuesday night brought the coldest weather of the winter in 'Winnipeg, and at most points in the Prairie Pro- vinces'. Tweuty-one below is official- ly reported at Calgary. AIithonse Lequin was burned to death and damage of about $10,000 was done yesterday ie a firs whfeh earried away a number of frame houses in Prince George. One thousand skilled workmen who have gone across among the Canadian troops; have been released for work in munitions factories, at the request of Lloyd George-. The Minister of Militia is begin- ning beginning to. 'receive recruits for the pro- posed "fighting' parsons" .battalion.. General Hughes says there are scores of clergymen in Canada: who want to, go as fighters if they are not needed as chaplains. /FRIDAY, All British officers in state nave been recalled: Germany has offered Italy some Austrian territory for a separate peace. Richard Cri;g„ Canadian Commis- stonerof Coramerce, dropped deed. in. Ottawa. Sadie Rudy .of Cookstown,. employ- ed as a domestic in the New Northern Hotel, Toronto, committed suicide. The New Brunswick Government, it is said, wild at the approaching ses- sion of the Legislature present pro- bibitory legislation. Dairy experts at the Eastern On- tari, Dairymen's Asaocintiou conven- tion in R;.ufrew urged On12rio farm- ers to grade Bream: Andrew Denholm, Fres deet of tbe Canadian Indepsirdeut ,'EeIephone Association,and a prominent pub- lis'rer in former- years, died at Blen- heim, aged sixty years.. The Militia Department is inform- ed that the Lee -Enfield rifle, with which the British army is equipped, is being ie -bored to the samesize as the Ross rifle,. viz., 4;64. lie C•sen a 'vthe Trades and r t tres of: P Leber Congress asked the Govern- ment for a wages board on war con- tracts, also making other requests, sts, re- speeting labor conditions. as affected by the war. THE EXETER A war credit of $100,000,000 was enthusiastically approved by the :Elul gateau Parliament, says a despnteh to The London Tzxes from o xSalou'le z All seetions ofOppositionthe vokedvith the Government Over 90,000 leresbyerians voted against Cbureh union, and it is con- sidered unlikely that tho• General Assembly will attempt to .three union on such a large iuinority. Less than 1.5f,000 voted in favor of union, Hostility teethe Government's par- tial coitheription is uncompromising and has necessitated the resignation fror t the coalition Ministry of all three Labor members Arthur Hen- derson, William Brace, and Geo. IL Roberts. SATURDA..li, The operation of the Insurance "Act in Great Britain has been hampered by the war, Wyomingcarried the Hydro -radial by-law by 101 to 11, completing the chain from Chatham to Sarnia via P etrolea- Hydro rates are reduced by 10 per cent. in the Niagara district of the system, which incudes Toronto' and Western Ontario, Mr. H; K. Caskey, General Secre- tary of the Laymen's Missionary Movement, resigned yesterday , in order to join art international com- mittee. Ontario women, at a conference in the. Parliament Buildings, Toronto, formed the Women's 'Emergency Corps for tbe purpose of aiding. re- cruiting. Quebec Anti -Liquor League is ask- ing the Provincial Gevernnunt to enact a no -treating law, to sborten the hours of sale, and otherwise to restrict the liquor traffic. k reach -Canadian . parents of chit dren attending eluigss school, Ot- tawa,'won an exciting battle with the Outarfe Government's Ottawa Separ- ate School Contraission and a squad of police. The Germans have already begun to replace their s''hortage of men with and increased number of -weapons, says La Liberte. According to this re- port a few of the xaen are armed with deadly non -recoiling automatic riles, capable of firing fen shots before they are recharged. Miss Efee Fite, sixteen years old, of Blytheswood, while in Leamington on a New Year's visit to her grandlno- ther, disappeared rrysteriouely, and sent word from Windsor alleging that she ' U'S taken there ty a woman at the lz point of a revolver and would d soon sail for Engla d. 15' C1ND?iY.. Time ere .urewned evelle al".;!•lural on he— Moe Bat, Satardlty afternoon. John Nettleton, ex -Mayor of Col- lingwood, passed away et the General awl Marine os itai y cto rdr . 14 r was born in I,ofthouse, Yo itsler e, Sing., in 1832, and carne to Colliug- wood in 1853. A plant/ter thawing out frozen we- er pipes at the rosidenee at A. C. Boyce, 11i.P., at Sault Ste. Marie Sat- urday, started -a fire in the woodwork of a Partition which gutted the resi- dence and practically destroyed it.. Burns received by little Phyllis. Turton, the ave -year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel l?urtoa of In- gersoll, on Thursday, resulted: fatally on Saturday. Her dress was ignited tepee, sire endeavored to put a cloth in the stove. Rev. Dr, John O'Gorman, parish priest of the Blessed Sacrantent Church of Ottawa, ilr a sermon yes- terday called on the Knights of Co- lumbus of Canada to give their quota of men to the Canadian Expedition- ary forces or to erase the word "knights" from their title. - The C. P.. 1L has placed an embar- go Torr a week oesinst the loading of grain for Fort William and Port Ar-', them' W 71z'a;m Smit b, l Taylor street, a negro;attacked is wife and a aeigh- boe with a, razor, and then committed suicide. • ' Edgar Rosebrugh, aged 16; Earl Robins.. 16. and Jesaeh Smiley .18_ TUESDAY, Fire damaged . the Toronto Union Station to the extent' of $10,000, The Teutonic Consuls arrested at SaIoniea have been .interned at Tou- lon. IPerbeet Samuel, .Postmaster -Gen_ eral, has. been appointed Home Secre- tary, succeeding Sir John A. Simon, resigned. Economy and patriotism were tee keynotes of the Mayors' addresses at several; inaugural meetings of .muni- cipal Councils in Ontario. The 5th Brigade of the 2nd Cana- dian Division is being reorganized to. forma a brigade wholly of battalions from Montreal and district.' William Huff of Bothwell died in a Chatham hospital of .injuries re- ceived when struck by a train at Prairie Siding on. Thursday: About $2,000,00.0 monthly is paid out by the Militia 'Department in as- signed pay or separation allowances to dependents or relatives of men at the front. ' Two hundred Montenegrin.s drown- ed on Friday off the Italia, sunk by a mine in the Adriatic, were gathered in Canada and the United States and trained at Three Rivers and Levis. J. R. Steadman, Councillor -elect of Petrolea, disclaims his seat, not hav- ing resigned as school trustee the re- quired ten days, before nomination, and there will be a new nomination Mrs. Ann Brown, con. 10, Syden- ham, near Owen Sound, •' celebrated her 1OOth birthday in. full possession 'of her faculties and in good vigor. She is deeply interested in the. war and occupies herself with knitting socks for soldiers. , :, 'Woman Gets Iron Cross. BERLIN, Jan. 11. _D mp erorWil- liam has conferred theiron cross on 'z ,Frau Skolik, of Gleiwitz, fordisclos- ing a isclos-ing..a bomb plot, the work of asine This is the firsttime that a woman bas received the iron cross. - Tr 11SD'A.' JA IZTARY 1.3111, fl Auction Se 01 Valuable two storey' brick block • and choice businessnttcLe t ho ,Villageoflxe Exeter, , Ontario. The Executor of the Est ate of the late George Satnwell will offer for sale on the premises ote Tuereday, Jau nary .18th, 1016, at 2 o'clock ,p;m• 'thb property ou the tomer ' of Maio. lend John Streets, Exeter, two stores of which are now occupied` by Jones' sle ;May, General 'Merobants, and , the third by lin&li Spackman, hardware Merchant The 'peoperte is a most desirable one, the eldest'and,best buil:- nese us►nese alto in a towrG' whichhas no.. superior in Western Ontario, Tho block is well built, well equipped ;and in god Ireroie with adequate storage buildings at sear The property civil' 'be offered in two parcels, according to occupancy, Terms. -10 per cent cash, balance on March •lst, 191.(, whenpossea3sion giv- en. Taxes 'and insurance propor- tioned on Marsh lst. Per further particulars and conditions of sale rapt ply to. GLA'IYMAN & STANBURY 13arristera, Exeter, Ont. Solicitors for Executor. l{OR SALE—One good cow, extra beef ,quality,eight years old, due to freshen Dee. 10th; 1 heifer 3 years old due Jan, 3rd; 1 purebred Shorthorn bull 10 months old; 1 filly rising 4,. years; 1 filly and 1 gelding Tieing t3 years add, JOHN LEARY, Cromarty PO., Lob 13, Con. 13, Ribbert; phone 544 Bibbert Line 12 9 -dip Scientists have: pleudged their nj•d to the 'King by !devoting all their ener- gies to ner-gies'to the task of bringing the war to a victorious conclusion. • In the meantime, the . health and . nerves of our brave soldiers :and their friends at hone is suffering, and TAI is the 'one perfect t remedy For nerves. Fifty cents at your druggist's, or by.. mail from the Georgian Mfg. Co., Collingwood, .Ontario,, fir. YOUR CHILD IS CROSS, FEVERISH, CONSTIPATED; Look Mother! If tongue is coated cleanse tittle bowels with "Call+ fornla Syrup of Figs." Mothers can rest;, easy after givili "California Syrup ,Of Figs," because in a few hours all the clogged=up Waste, sour bile and fermenting food gently moves out of the bowels, and yo'u have a well, playful child again. Sick children needn't be coaxed to take this harmless . "frurt lax true."' Millions of mothers keep rtJ handy be - .cause n n the itsa t o a know• .cause they F` stomach,- liver and bowels is `ruin t i? p d sure. 'Ask your druggist' for 'a. Q-r9c,e nttvil bot; Ile or"CaliforniaCiifarn#a Sy�pOf corta•rfaditectigns.for babi'chidreha t. at all ages and for. grown=ups., • 11 *00eS*O• • • 4 0 • • M a 0 • R w • • r. • JNCOR RATED 1655 r+at41u0e0010010M.e01. - 1 • E MtLSONS I,• CAPITAL MND RESERVE_ $81800,000 96 Branches in Canada. A General Banking Business Transacted ctlLAR LETTERS OF CREDJT1, BANK MONEY ORDERS ,SAVINGS ? S_ BANK D'EPART,B luterett slowed at highest curt eat rate W. 0. CL.ARKE, Manager, Exeter. Brwriei 1 0, •r 14140.1 THE CANADIAN BAN OF COMME CE SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V,O„ LL•D., D.C,L,, President TORN AIRD, General Manager.'er.• H. Y. T. JONES, Ass' Genera/ :Hartnett' s ' f 11 CAPITAL $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND1 $13X0A001 31 FARMERS'BUSINESS The Collodion Bank of Commerce extends to Far;�fne � s �,eve Canadian �' of their banking business including facility for the transaction� , o the discount and collection of -sales . notes. Blank sales notei‘ are • supplied free of charge on application. sem` Exeter Branch- H. J. WHITE, Manager RREDECON BRANCH -- A. E. gUHN, Manager. Load Burnham Dead. • i 'Cm LONDON, Jan. 11.—Lord Burn- ham, aresham, proprietor of The Daily Tele- ' graph diedhere yesterday. He cele- breted;his 82nd birthday on Dec, 28 last, and had been critically i11 sev 'eras• weeks. He retire from active ago, work several years abO , and had lived quietly . at his country seat with his family.. Lord Burn - ham's eldest son, the • Hon. Harry Lawson, is the active manager of The 'Da"i1y"Telegraph, and has repre- sented London district in Parliament since 1 's ti• Bulla s B •855.Tw oofLu m three 'grandsons haveh . e0 h ki iled in battle, and he third is et the front with his, regiment. J. A. MASON ARCHITECT 425 Dundas Street, London, 4Guarsf \ teed cost of buildings; no extzaei; k. years New York experience. Thad 2725. Anyone intending to build 'pill a' ell o write me No charge ar a f�, cone sulat C.J;W. LEAK IN, Di. r ,L.Mc. 425 R1CIiM01\D S , (}Meilen.. ONTARi y SPECIALr SU$gERY AI4D 70-iRrl •.asi'S '' • r D18EAf3EEi or Just What He' Meant. "Is the rain still keeping up?" yy„ 41.' F. .110 ULST;ON ' Wbs what Wye mean? I hav?n't DENTIST