HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-11-12, Page 11i 1 I30. Employment Wanted MOTHER OF two will babysit, in my own home with excellent qualifications and experience. References available. Phone 524-6919.-45-48x C18. Houses for Rent HOUSE FOR RENT New, 3 bedrooms, 11/2 baths, available January 1. Apply to Drawer No. 49, c/o Signal -Star, Box 220, Goderich. N7A 4B6. 20. Room & Board LADY IN CLINTON wanting a boarder. Kitchen privileges and lunch packed. Only serious replies call 482-5553 after 5.-46 23. Commercial Property for Rent 26. Help Wanted FOR LEASE on Main Street Lucknow (one of the best in the village) 1800 sq. ft. with 24 ft. frontage Available Immediately f'f^s For Particulars Contact: PAT LIVINGSTON LUCKNOW SENTINEL BOX 400 LUCKNOW 528-2822 24. Wanted to Rent NEED TWO or three bedroom home near town within ten miles radius of Goderich for family of four. Phone 529-7377.-44,45,46 125. Wanted to Buy CLEAN FILL wanted. Can provide trucking. Phone 524-9900.-45-47 WANTED TO BUY - desk, prefer six drawers. China -cabinet. Phone 524-6907.-46x WANTED: Platform or bench scale in good work- ing order. Must be complete with' weights. Please contact ,Don Kellestine at 524-2614 bet- ween 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.-46tfnx The County of Huron requires a COUNTY ENGINEER' Responsibilities: The successful can- didate will administer and manage the County road system under the direction of the Road Committee' Qualifications: The successful candidate must be a registered member of the Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario with a minimum 5 years ex- perience at a senior level in the municipal engineering field. Experience in the waste management field would be an added benefit. Salary: Commensurate with qualifica- tions and experience. 1987 Eaiery Flange $44,616 - $55,432. 67CriCrum3 Qualified applicants should apply in writing In strictest confidence to the undersigned, Including a detailed per- sonal and professional resume on or before 3:00 P.M. on November 24, 1986., B.G. Manly, Administrator, County of Huron Court House, Goderlch, Ontario N7A 1M2 26. Help Wanted EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: For a journeyman, general machinist with a broad range of ex- perience. Thoroughly familiar with boring, turn- ing, shaping equipment and capable of giving directions to apprentice machinists. Send com- plete resume to Waling° Body and Coach Ltd., RR 5 Guelph, Ont. N1H 6J2.-46-48 CARPENTERS & Helpers Required immediately to complete portable structure at Western Regional Youth Centre Bluewater. Please apply in person to Mr. Dave Gerrie, Site Superintendent at Bluewater Centre commencing Wednesday, November 12.-46 CAREER IN TRUCKING Transport drivers needed. Now Is the time to trc`n for your class "A" license. For pro -screening Interview and lob placement information contact: Mery Orr's Group. 1-SOO-265-1260. THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF BLYTH requires a CLERK -TREASURER Application will be received by the under- signed until 6:00 p.m. November 17, 1986, for the position of ClerkTreasurer for. the Village of Blyth. Population 900. This position is responsible in reporting to council, and be responsible for the sup- port services of council committees, the incumbent shall manage the administra- tion office, effectively communicate coun- cil direction, and co-ordinate established policy. . Preference will be given tb applicants with a good knowledge of Municipal Organiza- tion, Municipal Finance, Municipal Law, and must have effective public relations. Salary is negotiable and commensurate with qualifications and experience. Applications should be marked clearly "Application for ClerkTreasurer', Private and Confidential" and directed to: Mr. Albert Wasson, Reeve, Village of Blyth, P.O. Box 143, Blyth, Ontario. NOM 1H0 WANTED TO BUY: Used Canon AE -1 or AE -1 pro- gram, must . be in good condition. Phone 524-9198.-46 — WANTED TO BUY: dog kennel for medium size dog -524 9376.-46 $$•$$$$s$ssss CASH PAID for Antiques, complete or partial estates, dining., bedroom, Iivingroom suites, . old jewellery, clocks, furniture etc. Call Seaforth 527-1847 or 527-1633 126. Help Wanted THE PRUDENTIAL requires a multi -lines sales agent to service auto, home and life insurance portfolio in Goderich area. Starting salary up to rresume weekly for40Stratford, eklyquapplicant. llOnt. NSA 5S8.-44-46 ADV ERTISING...AUTO CLUB Top Commission and Bonus with leading Motor Club. Advertising sales experience an asset, but not essential. Full and part-time positions available. Contact: Mr. Bauer in person at the Elm Haven, Clinton on Wed. November 12th at 1, 4 or 7 p.m. sharp or on Thurs., November 13th at 10 a.m. sharp. -45,46 AUTO TtADER Magazine is looking for someone with station wagon or small truck who travels from Goderich to Owen Sound area every Thurs- day. We need a vehicle able to carry approx- imhtely 1000 lbs. of magazines. If you qualify and if you die interested please call toll free 1 800 265-6049 between 9 a.m. - 5 p.m• weekdays.-45tfar RESPONSIBLE herdsperson required for 130 sow - farrow to finish operation. References required. ^ Phone 529-7782.-46,47 TOWN OF GODERICH requires an interested individual on a part-time basis to co-ordinate the Annual Festival of Arts & Crafts: Please apply in writing stating ex- perience and qualifications. Applications will be accepted until November 28th, 1986. Submit application to: J.D. Netzke, Director of Recreation, 166 McDonald Street Goderich, Ontario N7A 3N5 e r DAVID HAIR DESIGN shortly opening in the Square, requires full-time hairstylists. Guaranteed min. 5200 and commission. Requirement: 2-3 years local area experience. Resume in strictest confidence. Apply to Drawer No. 62, Goderich Signal -Star, P.O. Box 220, N7A 4B6 GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1986 ---PAGE 11 31. Service Directory MASONRY, stone and carpentry work. Specializ- ing in brick pointing and chimney building. Free estimates. For information call Stan Kirkham 482-5305.-03tfar CUSTOM BACKHOEING - drain, repair, erosion control, cellar drains, loser, Call Frank Postill 482-9101 .-15tfar HURON -BRUCE TUTORING Services - All subjects: -Kindergarten to Grade XIII. Qualified. teachers. Phone 529-7634 after 9 p.m:-38tfar 31. Service Directory PIANO TUNING and PIANO LESSONS DAVE McKEE CALL 524-7774 GARDINER'S MOVERS We deliver and move anything large or small. FREE ESTIMATES 524-2421. Fireplace Inserts From $725 • and up 127. Wanted General 1 RESPONSIBLE ROOMMATE WANTED to share two bedroom mobile home. Fully furnished, washer and dryer. Rent $200 per month, share expenses. Phone 524-2614 ext. 27.-43tfnx 29. Tenders TIGER DUNLOP DAYS '87 GODERICH 160TH ANNIVERSARY - CELEBRATIONS COMMITTEE MEMBERS The Goderich Tourist Committee seeks volunteers for a Tiger Dunlop Days Ad Hoc Committee to organize and run Tiger Dunlop Days '87 in conjunction with the celebration of Goderic(i's 160th Anniversary. Tiger Dunlop Days is an annual summer festival which com- memorates the founding of Goderich and in- cludes several family oriented activities. Please Write to: The Goderich Tourist Committee c/o Robin Stuart Tourism Promoter 57 West Street Goderich, Ontario - N7A 21(5 indicating experience, training, volunteer posi- tions and special interests you have that would be helpful for this type of committee position. COMPANION, housekeeper, live-in for active senior citizen. Driver's license and cooking necessary. Wages negotiable. References and pleasdnt country surroundings. Apply to Drawer 61, c/o Goderich Signal -Star, , P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 496.-46tfn RESPONSIBLE PERSON to care for 2 pre-school children 4 days•per week. Preferably in my own home. CaII anytime 524-8518.-46 PART - TIME SALES CLERK required from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Monday to Friday plus one Saturday per month. Send replies to Drawer No. 64, c/o Goderich Signal -Star, Box 220, Goderich, Ont. N7A 4B6.-46ar PROFESSIONAL couplseeking experienced babysitter for .two year old, in Goderich home, some light housekeeping, days 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m Apply in writing, including references and salary, to Drower No. 63, c/o Goderich Signal - Star, P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 4B6.-46,47 9 � Township of Ashfield TENDER TO SUPPLY Petroleum Fuels for a 3 .Year period Sealed tender marked as to con- tents will be received ,.by the undersigned until 5:00 P.M. Tuesday, November 18/86. For the supply of diesel fuel, gasoline and furnace oil by the Titre. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. James Hunter Road :Supt.. RR 7;.. Luckpsliw;'Ontario ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDER 1 NOTICE THQUIPMENT OWNERS w;ansrt The Ministry o of N=ortati© and Communications is calling , tenders for a snowblower for winter maintenance during the winter of 1986/87 as follows: HELP WANTED Class A Mechanic or 3rd Term Apprentice Full Benefit Package Apply to: John Munro Montgomery Ford Morcuty 680 King St., Kincardine 396-3436 HURON MUNICIPAL POLICE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS Serving Five Police Forces from Goderich Dispatcher required on part- time basis. This may develop into a full-time position. Applicants must submit to RCMP security clearance: Typing skills essential. Apply in writing to: Patrick D. D. King Chief of Police Goderich PoliceForce 65 West St. Goderich, Ontario. N7A 2K5a r• Tender No. 3-86-55 - Location: Goderich and vicinity Equipment Requirements: a) Snowblower - Blanchet Model HS -96 (min.) or equivalent b) Tractor min. 175 h.p. at 1,000 r.p.m., live P.T.O., four wheel drive, diesel. Tender Forms and envelopes may be obtained in person or by mail from the Ministry of Transporta- tion District Office at 581 Huron St., Stratford, N5A 6S8. Sealed tenders on forms supplied by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications will be received by the District Engineer, Box 8, 581 Huron St., Stratford, Ontario N5A 6S8 (519-271-3550) until 1:30 p.m., local time, Strat- ford on Wednesday, December 3, 1986. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. & TEIMICE 666-0382 FORMERLY THE WOODBURNER SHOP HRS: Mon. -Sat. 10-5:30 pm Fri. 10-8 pm HWY. 4 (Richmond St, N.) at the old schoolhouse at BIRR (7 miles N. of London) RENOVATIONS EXTERIOR: •Roofing •Siding • •New Additions •Eavestroughing •Fascia •Fencing •Siding •Decks •Soffits • INTERIORS:. •Painting *Drywall. •Woodvvvorking *Complete Line of Marble Counter Tops, Sinks and Whirlpools. Specializing; in Kitchens & Vanities by Oakdale Vanities on display at Donna's Decorating 51 South SL, Goderich Reasonable Rates D & 1 ENTERPRISES 524-6257 ART'S LANDSCAPING NURSERY & GARDEN CENTRE 166 Bennett St., E. Goderlch 524-2645 31. Service Directory BOOK NOW z:sf FOR lt- SNOW j" PLOWING 5 -radio dispatched Trucks Commercial -Residential -Parking Lots FOR YOUR carpet and linoleum installation call Norm 524-6482. Free estimates.-029far _5_24-2645 NEW CONSTRUCTION or RENOVATIONS 36 YEARS EXPERIENCE in all facets of the building trade. WE CARE ABOUT YOUR SATISFACTION 524-6637 Goderich ens DISC JOCKEY SERVICE Country Cold &J Rock °n' Roll DISCO -- POLKAS WALTZES GOOD RECORDED MUSIC FOR WEDDINGS DANCES ANNIVERSARIES PAR TIES 1 IC In Fra PNAqg.PP99:99CW fida 9r ama:agoes t.^r99or9,= BRUSSELS TIME 887-6159EGS JERRY RIVETT - Bookkeeping Service 345 Huron Rd. 524.6931 All bookkeeping functions including: Payroll Financial Statements Ledger Controls Tax Preparation All or In -Part . NEED WORK DONE? • Renovations• Roofing• •Siding•Dry Wali• and all Repairs FREE ESTIMATES We can do it ali JIM CARRICK CONSTRUCTION Auburn 526-7006 DRAPERIES UNLIMITED Custom Draperies Balloon Shades \\ Valances Venetians• Verticals Roller Shades Free Estimates — No Obligation For Shop at Home Service ,1 can rS24-2 3 Day or Evening f .\1 Maxine Murray \Proprietor Com&ete Construction *Custom Building •Additions *Renovations *Roofing *Siding (Farm Buildings fl HUGH BURGSMA (� =7701 524-6355 34. Personal • I5 ALCOHOL a problem in your family? Al -Anon con help. For time of meetings call 524.6001.-41 tfnx C°MST iucir JOHN HICKEY CONSTRUCTION "New Construction 'Replacement Windows 'Renovations and doors •Decks "Rooting •Patios •Sidewalks FREE ESTIMATES - Licensed carpenter Port 529-7872 10 years Albert after 6 p.m. BOOK NOW FOR SNOW OPLOWING • BLOWING *REMOVAL Guaranteed price per month or per call We operate our own vehicle% ir9'ctud'ing o Tractor with a 7' blower and scoop. PHONE 524.9822 SMUWS FARM & oikito EPI H.T. DA Septic Tank Service Serving raoderIch and area for 1S years PHONE L Clinton Seaforth 402.1320 527.0204 Jacqueline Berry, Brian Glousher, Number Two, friends and neighbours are'sending best wishes and congratulations out to Barbaro MacCormack of Goderich and Ross Youngblut of the Auburn area on their recent marriage. Many hoppy years on }heir tarn' !-46nx 135. Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS • All Claims against the Estate of ARNOLD COR- DON FULLER late of the Town of Godericch, County of Huron, deceased, who died on or about the 16th day of September, 1986, must be filled with the under-, signed on or before November 19, 1986: thereafter the Executors of the Estate will distribute the assets of the estate having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned then has notice. Dated October 20, 1986. GEORGE J. BROPHY, Barrister & Solicitor, Box 610, Lucknow, Ontario NOG 2H0.-44-46 APPLIANCE REPAIRS Authorized Appliance Service Centre for all *WHIRLPOOL •INGLIS *SPEED QUEEN • ADMIRAL *SIMPLICITY "HOTPOINT Appliances HOFFMEYER PLUMBING &HEATING LTD, SS S We're Your One Stop Shopping Centre for a Complete Line of Pool and Spa Chemicals and Accessories. 524-9804 BLUE HORIZON POOLS & SPAS 2 Miles East of Goderlch 36. Announcements INFORMATION WANTED to settle an estate - In- formation is required from anyone knowing the whereabouts of any children of Peter McGill . (formerly Peter McGurk) and Susanna Mary. McGill (McGurk) formerly Keogh (nee Kearney) who were married of Goderich, Ontario on November 27, 1931. Please contact Public Trustee, File No. 0145245(0A) Attention: Mrs. Faye Freedman, 265, 800 Hornby St., Vancouver, B.C. V6Z 2E5. --46,47 ® NOTICE In your red Goderich phone book please make this number change. MEL BOGIE MPERIAL ESSO AGENT CAMBRIDGE SL. GODERICH No. should be 524-7502 We are sorry for any inconvenience LET'S SEE YOU DO IT••- OUTDOORS! x'11 ABY7/7Lil�11[TJd/� o . DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC Monday • r 1doly 8dm•5•pm Open Weekends b A s,e intment HORST Feige D.T. OOD.ER1H 58 West West Goderich (519) 524'6688 Noustadt (519) 665.7$18 No Charge 1-800.265.7$$5