HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-1-13, Page 7liiRSDAY, JANITA 13th, 1.914' FarillerS! Woven Wire Fence below Manufacture. ers' Prices, either Peerless or Mon- arch makes. buy at once as these prices will not last very long. 8 Wire Fence 23c per Rod 25c 8 " 28c " Cedar and Anchor posts. 10,000 Cedar Poste on band -also Anchor Posts. Lumber and Cement Let me quote ' you my low prices on your Lumber require- ments, whether large or small orders. Also Cement, A.J. CLATWORTOY GRANTON irammomewrEdwar Winter Resort SPECIAL ROUND• TRIP FARES LONG L11uIT-STOPO'VLRB Asheville and Hot Springs: N.C. Charleston, S.C.: Nassau, N.P. Hot Springs, Ark.; French Lick Springs, Ind-: Jack uelle ille and all Florida Points; Havana, Cuba, and New Or - alms, Lae; vta New. York a nd Rail (or Steamen\ according to destination), or Buffalo, Detroit or Chicago. Bermuda & WestIndies 'Other Health Resorts Mount Clemens, Michigan; Battle CI eek Mich, {1 St. Catharines, Well., mnt,; Pieste:{ Springs, Ont. 1 ',iit3h1Fsea +;rllilf(-n;Ian in 71)3i elite t( (3 t. tine 1itl iter) ti Crediton a;eesrs. Herb 'Heist and Trost of Pigeon,. Mich„ are visiting at the Mame of Mr. John Smith. Mrs, Levi Carter of Clandeboye is visiting icer father, air.0. Mrs, Gottlob Morlock bed the anis- fortune to fall and received a very se- vere shaking up, Mr. Louis Feltner and family of the West are visiting relatives. Mr. lly, Mogi and son Wm. are home, after spending the last few months in London. Miss Elsie Eienzle is visiting frieuds in Mildmay. Mr. McRoberts of Parkhill arrived here last week to fill the position, in the band here, Left vacant by Me. Spence being • transferred to the branch at Porcupine. Mrs, Louisa Fabner of Hersey, Mich., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Math, Morlock. - j DASH W OOD Mrs.. h. Pi. Grenzebaslr spent last week ire Listowel. Mrs. G. W. Shore was on the sick list a few days last week. Mrs. J- Routledge, who has been on the sick list, is improving, • Mr. D. Schafer attended the funeral of a nephew in Michigan last week. Mrs. D. Pfaff underwent an opera- rion In Loudon last week. Mr and Mrs, Sam. Schroeder of Sas- katoon are visiting relatives and friends here. Mr. R. Willert spent Saturday in Exeter. This wet weather has deprived . our young people of skating. Mr. Willie Isenbach of Detroit is visiting relatives here. Miss Eida Wein of Crediton is visit- ing at Mr, Wee Wolf's for afewweeks. Mr. D. Pfaff spent Tuesday in. Lon- don. Mr, Wm. Brown is on the sick list at present. Dr. EL B. Balfour was in .London Tuesday on business. WOODRAM' On January 5th, 191G, at Woodham the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Swal- lo,v was the scene of a very quiet wedding, it being the -occasion of the marriage of their daughter. Nettie, to Mr. Simon Blight, of West - Nissouii. The ceremony was performed at 11 o'clock by the Pastor, the Rey. C. W. Baker. The wedding march was played by Miss Adelaide Parkinson of Branton. The young couple were un- attended. The bride was gowned, in a modest shade of blue Duchess satin and carried a bbquet of cream and pink roses, After ' congratulations. had been extended to the young 'cou- ple, couple, the bridal party sat down to a splendidly prepared wedding dinner. The bride'sgo:ng away suit was of dark green lady's pibtb.' with green velvet toque to to Itch, The young couple left at 2'p.m. amid ;showers of confetti for a visit'i in. Toronto. The bride is nue of -'WhiSidhanns most ex - E EXETER TIME Rev.. it T. C ossie1 's System of Physical Culture The following are the synopsis of the p',hyai'oal culture exercises as il- lustrated by alvang+elist Orassley to a ].ars audience while conducting xe- vival aervicca; here, If ;followed out they will 'result in keeping the sys- tem in good, conditions Seven Pointers. 1 Two systems, --iit. Resistance as In stretching, making one muscle re- sist the other; b,, Propulsio'a :is in punching hag. 2 Breathe deeply and naturally as you take the exerc;ses. Tendency • is to hold breath. 3 Exercise. before a Looking glass when. convenient. 4, Take (five minutes or : more ere rated%tanri;onrising with little ,.:loth- in4 on Have air in room lres,h. 5. Ever act on the motto -Elevate the chest 6 Cultivate the habit of taking the exercises, and continue all your life: 7 By these exercises you will av- oid rheumatism, constipation, (lysp,,p - sia, pneumonia, stiffness., c.arpulency, superfluous fat, deformity, ippendic-- itis and :other ills, and facilitate health happiness hopefulness, chestexpan- sion, a'proper noise, agility, graceful- tress, longevity, perpetual youth, Seven Exercises for Arras. 1. 'Horizontal: -Fingers to ,•'•houtd- ers and then extend arms, return and retreat, using both systems. 2, Perpendicular -Hands near the shoulders, palms up, rise on toes end Iift as hands are elevated, relax, re- turn and repeat. 3. Across breast, -Pull. '' 4 Obliquely; Orae arm at a rime, risk on toes of one foot, shove, repeat. 5 Windmill, -Swing the arms in a circle bat., ,backward and forward, 6 Backward and forward, touching backs of hanus as arms are thrown back. 7 Quartette, -Shut hands, shoot there up and return, out and return, down and return, forward and return Seven Exercises for Body. 1. ' Expand chest as you take: a full breath. Fill lower part of iungs first, then draw in abdomen 'and elevate th' chest e Shoulders up and dawn, angular and circular. 3 Liver Squeeze, -Bend sideway at waist, right and left, (a) hands akimbo, (b) arm•by sides, (c) arms outstretch- ed sideways; alternating. 4 Bend backward and forward with hand;, akimbo, then with arms extend- ed as vine. backward, And touching floor as bendirsg 'forward; and then hand cat • motion -shove. 5. • Cia'cular,-lst Feet firm, and ,1,-j,_hand: clas ed abort the head,wing mine Glad ten.steps, clasped o ace mgrs -`c u oa.ttdh� trtumER u1t 71fe to out easily, - - love is mightier tliaii death: it is ex - the union there is serve. aetly the argument by which Jesus for example, wee Almond Cornstarch Pudding. -One confuted the Sadducees. The 1'atri- :k-lime, which cpm- pint rich milk, one-half cup sugar, TELLS OF NAVAL BATTLE. « arch David -"The The darling of the songs hat the property of two tablespoons cornstarch, whites of , `-' o of Israel" (2 Sam. 23)was always to his it is that light- two eggs, almond flavoring. Add sin Tiger's Captain Gives Details of Fight "father" xyge'n and nitrogen gar to milk and put on to cook in With the Bluecher. posterity the father of country. double boiler. Mix cornstarch with a 30. is would set one-Theof hisc word 5 and the result is Captain felly, commander of the «one. not in the t eek, and is mi d nitric acid and four little cold milk and add to hot milk, Tiger, in a statement to the London leading; it is a line of Davidic kings stirring until it cooks well. Just be- correspondent of the Amsterdam s p that was predicted in 2 Sam. 7. 1� 2ore taking from fire add almond Telegraaf, who has visited the British (compare 16). But the very failure flavoring. Fold• in' carefully stiffly Fleet, 1 beaten whites of eggs, pour into wet of that line cot molds and set away to cool. th North battle a Chicken. and Veal Pie. -Put giblets, including 'neck, tips of wings, giz- zards, hearts, livers and left -over pieces from bones of cooked fowls, into saucepan with . one pint cold wa- ter, one slice onion, one .small diced carrot, and one . level teaspoon salt. Simmer until the liquid is much re- duced, strain and set aside. Cut one- half pound veal into small cubes and cook slowly until well done and light brown. Cut giblets into small pieces, add veal, and also a little salt pork, cut into shreds, and chicken liquid, thicken slightly with flour' paste. Cover with rich pie or puff paste and bake in steady oven one and one-half hours. - 7 ii,ick ;forward, causing vibration ur the ha muscle, and .iga'n kick high and again ,rain; thet knee sigh. Seven Exercises for Neck 1 Bend lead b'aokward and forward, repeat. 2, 'faro .reed right and left, arepee t„ 3 ,OircuIar right awing head in swivel. movement, a•epeat. -- 4. ,Circular left, repeat. 5. Turn head right and throw back, and then left and throw ba Ole. (repeat,. G Band on 'side of head, shove and .resist, alternate.. 7... Osteopathy, -Both 1p'alms on 'Wok of i sad, pull and .resist, pull clan to chest and then press 'head fair 'back, Seven Exercises tour fiends and ,Wtrists; . 1. Fingers,- Piano movement, nibble, , 2, .!wingers, -pressure. 3. 73end at wrist, up and down, 1. lircular rig1.t, pressure. 5, 'Chanter left, laressure, 6. Islip up and: down vigorously. 7. 'Relax movement, -Let bands tall on gravity and relax the whole body at the same time. Seven Extra Exercises. 1. Stretch before rising. Always do this. 2. Punching bag motion. 3; Rowing motion. 4. Running, 5dSkipping moticn. 64 Shoulder stone motion. . 7„ For ankle, -whine seated awing feet in circular motion, alternating right and left, , Seven Breathing Exercises 1.( Take a •full breath and exhale slowly, repeat. 21 Take a full breath and exhale quickly. 3 Take four .d: ep breaths a min- ute, diaphragmatically and ,rythm ically. 4 Take thus two deep breaths a ratneetse 5 Inhale a full breath and expel by blowing the breath through the teeth or through compressed lips. Take four breaths thus a minute. 6 Inhale and cabala thus twice a minute 7 'When walking inhale a full breath while taking three steps, and exhale es you take three steps; and Eigali inhale and exhale as you take tour steps, then five, six, seven ,;eight v. ons. ME GUARDS. y Londoners, They Praise. ards, composed of gents and other men tive service working ncial district, showed II -trained and physic - troops at the recent ord Kitchener. illan troops received 1 the War Office to or - mitered ridicule in t they bought their went to work with moon squads drill- nd buildings and in and on Saturday Sundays the men country to practice harden themselves have sprung up all and could face a as well as or better line troops in con - tittles. Its members er 40 years of age. a Weak Could Not rs Without Help. cart becomes weak and ,ork properly the nerves g and the whole system to pieces." ppm you heed a tonic th the heart and nerves, Heart and Nerve Pills t this for you, providing t your case run too long become chronic, giliste T,overdure, Fort writes: "Last stnnmer were so bad I could and my heart was so ,t go up stairs without r said lie could do no. ny heart was completely of mine came in one day at Milburn's Heart and red her completely. I ve her 50 cents to bring since that day there is' a y sideboard. I am now rtand nerves are stronger as a little school girl. 1 ith heart trouble to try tor can beat them." - tart and Nerve Pills are boles for $1.25; for sale :nailed direct on receipt x, Milburn Co,, I,iniited,• Cake Recipes. The following is a very nice, light cake for a light tea or luncheon dish, and is delicious if properly made. Required: al. cup of flour, 1 cup of Indian meal, 3z pound of butter, ee pound of sugar, 8 eggs, a grated nut- meg, a teaspoonful of cinnamon and a half ,glassful of sherry wine and brandy, mixed. Stir the butter and sugar to a cream.and add the well - beaten yolks of the eggs. Beat till very light, then add the meal and the flour,. well blended. Beat until light. Add the spices and liquor and finally the whites of the eggs, beaten to a stiff froth. Beat thoroughly, but lightly, and turn into a buttered tin. Bake in a moderate oven for an hour and a half. Luncheon ,calve is good, and , can be made in three-quarters of an hour, •Use 4 cups of sugar, 8 cups of flour, ee cup of milk, 1 teaspoonful of bak- ing powder, and a teaspoon of peach extract. Beat the sugar and eggs says ofits greatship's partincombined with othere Sea at e ofJanuary 2_: pro- phetic inspirations to develop the "The Germans said that we broke hope of an individual Messiah and to off the fight on January 24. But there heighten indefinitely the conception of was nothing more to fight. The Blue- his person and work. cher had paid the toll, and the other 32. Of whom (margin) -As in 1. 8. ships made off. Of course, we were Peter speaks fol a "cloud of witness - not such fools as to be lured into the es," every one of whom can say, "I German mine -fields. My ship was have seen the Lord risen." This wit - doing splendidly when we saw the nese of what they had seen and heard Bluecher keel over and go down. And !a purpo all my 1,300 officers and crew were !was the one supreme .led. a for sorry that the battle was so soon which the twelve were called. over." It lasted an hear. "There mast have been great ex - 33. The opening phrase is identical with that in 5. 31; the margin is quite citement on board?" I asked Captain wrong in both cases, "The y�right hand Pelly. "Oh, no," he said. "No one,16� leo tvahishdoeth thel mightiest ofsaGod's got excited. In a moment like that deeds. Note how close all this is to one needs complete self-possession. ; the Johennine doctrine (compare es - But the whole ships company glowed pecially John 16. 7). It is also very with the ardor of battle, and I can tell you that we, put our shoulders to the wheel from the moment the enemy appeared. The latter turned tail when they caught sight of our flying squad- ron. "Our hundred stokers worked below like troopers to get more speed out of the Tiger. • We were doing 29 knots at least, although the ship was only built to do 28. We only stoke oil, and we used up a good mouthful. Our 13.5's worked like fun. The firing be- gan at 15 miles, and we never got nearer than eight miles to the enemy, whose guns did not carry so far as ours. In addition, we were faster, and we gave them the whole broadside in a minute. "The Bluecher was terribly knocked about, and gave the Tiger her last shot, which with two other shots did us little harm. Look, here a shell struck our wooden deck, came to an iron beam which changed its direction, and it flew over the deck again and overboard. No man was hurt by it. to a cream, then add the milk. Then "Do you see that new pieee of steel add the flour gradually, into which on the turret? There another enemy you will have sifted the baking pow- projectile made a hole. And if you der. Add It teaspoonful of peach or examine carefully the side of the ship any other extract and bake for free, of you will find just above the water -line an hour. • a dent in the' thick steel hide of the Motley cake is so called because the Tiger. Here, in the armored observe- ingredients are so varied. It is very tion tower, an enemy shell drove itt good, indeed, and easier to make than through the opening without asking some of the recipes given before. Ire- mission, quired; 1 pound of sugar, i/a pound of i "Do you see this new steel plate' as •butter, 3 cups flour, 12 eggs, a tea-' a souvenir of the enemy's shot? And • • ; now I have shown you all thedamage spoonful each of baking powder, peach that our ship suffered." extract and fruit coloring. Beat the butter and sugar to a cream, then add He who meets with no misfortunes the well -beaten yolks • of, the eggs. cannot enjoy life to its fullest value, hear then e•eateahhaehee.haaeatieaiettl c• re 4 e 000000+0)000000aceepa 4 ',ISE OF MECHANICAL SEFl3Ff3. Oistrieetee Seed More hyena" and V. fects Great Saving In Quantity. With clover. alfalfa. sweet clover and all the grass seeds usually omelet, seal is used to the acre for three 01 falai good stands. if every seed took root and grew where. It fell on isle recd tlaert' would be so many piunts to the ,quare yard that none could grow n•t'tl 'l'hei' -palmi staled ::o ihitldly titer t:t:'e would smother eneb other to dearth Where nrecllunicnl seeders are t0 ('(1 to distiel ute the seed uati'ortulr over tine ~surface of the spit ;lintel less seed pet acre will be re(luired. By rising ar 0)' chunlcal sexier for uniform d4sirIbu t}on in 1 (veering taco seed motet:team) ty at enving of Italy Niue-bsit of the reed rain he effected. Shine farmers are nfreid to disturb the. soil of their whrart fields arta mead oars in spring. li'bore elo•rer or other to a peratwn. These Three Women Tell How Th Escaped the Dreadful, Ordeal of Surgical Operations. Hospitals are great and necessary institutions, but th ''y should be the last resort for women who suffer with i s peculiar to their sex. Many letters on file in the Pinkha •n Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., prove . that a great number rof women after theyhave been recommended to submit to n Voperation have been ade well by Lydia E. Pinkham''`T egetable Compound. Here are three such letters. All sick women should read them. Marinette, Wis.-" I went to the doctor O,nd t he told me I must have an. operation for a female trouble and I hated to have it done as I had been married only a short time. I would have terrible pains and my hands and feet -were cold all, the time. 1 took Lydia E, Pinkltam's Vegetable Coni;. pound and was cured, , and I feel better in every way. I give you permission to publish my name because I am so thankful that I feel well again.'' -Mrs. FREx BERNE]1, Marinette, Wis. Detroit, Mich.-" When I first took Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I was so run down with female troubles that I could not do anything, and our doctor said. I would have to undergo an operation. I could hardly walk without help so when I read about the Vegetable Compound and what it had done for others I thought I would try it. I got a bottle of ' Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and a package of Lydia E. Pir.k'h>am's Sanative Wash and used them according to directions. They helped ine and today I am able to do all my work and lam well." -heirs. 'liens. Dw, 989 Milwaukee Ave., East, Detroit, Mich. Bellevue, Pa.-" I suffered more than tongue can tell with terrible bearing down pains and inflammation. I tried several doctors and they all told me the same story, that I never could get well without an operation and I just dreaded the thought of that. T also tried. a good many other medicines that were recommended to me and none of them helped. me until a friend advised me to give Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound a trial. The first bottle helped, I kept taking it and now I don't know what it is to be sick any more and 1 am picking up in -weight. I am 20 years old and weigh 145 pound's. It will be the . greatest pleasure to me if I can have the o por- tunity to recommend it to any other suffering woman." -Miss Inn= FRoxxxcnxR, 1923 Manhattan St., North Side, Bellevue, Pa. If you would like special advice write to Lydia E. Pinlrhan3 Med. Co. (confidentiai),Lyfn, Mass. Your letter will be opened„_ read and answered by a woman and.held in strict conftdenc k,... 0.11110.0. •--s•rom -Er Get Interested in the Free . Piano Contest circumstances," a " carload" of ' eiman or, as it was called at first in the ana' forrtier" st'utfe,'b, of travellers would have filled the air Royal Artillery and afterward in the sity of St. Andrew's, has been ap with vitriolic argument about sucharmy generally, a "Tommy Atkins." pointed Professor of Anglo-Saxon in. subjects as the rights of Germany, There is little doubt that the pocket the University of er Oxford, the treachery of England, and that ledger was generally known by that Brigadier -General Lord Lovat is one the Fatherland was united to a man name in the regiment; and it is equal- of the latest tats ale at the Endsleigh and would fight till England's back Palace Hospitals for officers. He has was broken. A year ago such groups ly true that there was then serving in been invalided twice from the Galli - the Royal Artillery a gunner of the were bustling,. bristling, and full of 'name of Thomas Atkins, whose meth- nth PenznSula. hate.' To -day they are resigned, kind Clydebank Town Council have od of keeping his accounts was hon- adopted a recommendation to the Fire and tolerant. ored by almost general adoption in "Since then I have listened to the service. crowds in the restaurants, streets, and the barracks at Spandauhof, and I have talked to many individuals. ; A HAT STORE. They discuss the war. They no, long- er argue, quarrel and rave. To -day Mr. Homer Croy's Adventure in Germany is like a feverish patient tot Honolulu. whom a leech has been applied -a his eagerness to see a whale dur- war maniac whose blood has been drained. LIFE STRUGGLE OF THE TREES. But Some' of Them Live One Thousand Years. An interesting light is thrown on' the longevity of the trees that grow along the timber line of the Rocky close to the Pauline teaching in Eph. Mountains by Mr. Enos A. Mills in 4. 8ff. The coincidence. of these very his recently published Rocky Mo1m- independent reporters has strong tain Wonderland." He says: evidential value. A few timber -line trees live a thous - 34. David did not ascend, because and years, but half this time is a ripe "no one hath ascended into heaven" (John 3. 13), an admitted truth. He saith himself -As in Mark 12. 34, the argument is based on the then un- questioned authorship of Psa. 110. The psalm represents Jehovah as promising the Davidic king unlimited growing within a few yards of each panese driver, and he pointed to the victory, and the vicegerency of God I other in the shelter of a crag. One name of the proprietor, "K. Hata." upon earth. We have only to say of I was fourteen feet high and sixteen "I want a hat, not a bed," Mr. Croy it to -day that in Jesus Christ it was inches in diameter, and had 337 an- said with feeling. "I want it for this," fulfilled far beyond its author's Is Productive Qi More ill Health Waal rings. The other was seven feet pointing to his bare head. dreams. high and five inches in diameter, and "Yes, for sure, all 'right," Than Any nlasg 18e. 86. Made him Christ -For it had lived 492 years. With that the cab whirled down the If the truth was only known you was a title he won by death, to use One day, by the sunny and shelter- street and away to the other side of find half the ,Uoft after death. In his earthly ministry ed side of a boulder, I found a tiny the town, while the taxi'bill was mer. are causedthat fayover alioonei ins ihaof bowciss to he made this still future dignity a secret, only gradually apprehended by his disciples, forbidden to • the multi- tudes, and confessed only at his trial, when. it precipitated -the condemna- tion. 3$. The "baptiser . of repentance unto remission of sins," the prepara- tion preached by John, leads, as in the Baptist's message, to the characteris- tic baptism of Christ "in Holy Spirit." In the natne---In all these, New Testa- ment phrases :the actual pronouncing of the holy name is implied; its asso- given an invigorating cup of tea once ciations produced a'.powerful impres- a day. Lewis Shaw, Jr., the inventor, :ion on men's .bifida says: '"Twice a day, morning and 89. The great wo ds of Isa. 57, 19 evening, I give my geranium a alrink of cold tea, from one-fourth to One- half cup per plant. While at first this was only an experiment, I was surprised to find how rapidly the The married man who preaches. (1 to your plants bloomed and how many of the economy usually wants his wife to do t re- buds took bloom at Once." • all the practising, and Lighting Committee to employ six women to light the street lamps until the end of the war. The enrolment figures for the Uni- versity of Edinburgh this session show a decrease of 480 compared with last yea and a dacrease of /489. cam: with two years ago. A tragic affair occurred in Berlin - mg the voyage between Honolulu and nie Prison, Glasgow, when two pri- the island of Hawaii, Mr. Homer Croy, soners quarrelled and fell. One of who'tells about his adventure in Tra- them was killed by the knife used in vel, leaned too far over the rail, and their work penetrating a vital part. lost his hat. The question of providing education After arriving at the island he for from 800 to 1,000 scholars in the climbed into a taxicab and told the Milton district when Dundas Vale and driver to take him to a hat store. Stow Practicing schools are closed is "Do you understand?" he asked. "A hat store." "Yes, for sure, all right," the Ja- panese chauffeur answered. They went bumping up the street, causing anxiety to the Glasgow School Board. The report of the medical officer for MaxwelItown, Dr. Maxwell Ross, states that 37 cases of infectious dis- swung wildly round a corner, and eases were notified in the burgh last finally at the far side of -the town year, The death rate for the year drew up to the curbing. In the win- was 14.05 and the birth rate 20.287.. old age for most of the timber -line dow of the store was a bedstead on In Kilsyth the delivery of assess - veterans. The age of these trees can- which hung the sign, "This week ment notices ; issued by the - Town not be judged by their size or by cheap." Council has been undertaken by ladies, their general appearance. There may "What do you mean by taking me who have agreed to hand over the be centuries of difference in the ages to a furniture store?" Mr. Croy de- money usually paid for the work to of two arm -in -arm trees of similar manded. the funds of the locarRed Cross Work size. I examined two trees that were "Lis Hata store," replied the Ja- Party, CONSTIPATE II seed bearer at an altitude of 11,800 rily -running up. This time it stopped feet. How splendidly unconscious it before a barber shop. was of its size and its utterly wild "No, I don't want anything taken surroundingsl This brave pine bore a off my head. I want something to dainty cone, yet a drinking glass put on it," declared Mr. Croy, who 'was would have; completely housed both now quite irritated. the tree and its fruit. "yes, for sure; I understand all 3, right," replied the cauffeur, with a grin. Plants Bloom When Fed Tea, They went clattering just as far to A new discovery in horticulture the other side of the town as they claims to make potted plants bloom as could, and drew up before a store that they never slid before if they are as an afterthought apparently carried a line of hats. Mr. Cloy had to pay twice the price of a .tat on the way to buy it, but this did not seem to worry the driver, who, after tate man - nor of automobile drivers, stood up under it bravely. were among the least often recalled prophecies in Christian circles (come pare Eph. 2. 13, ) There is here. also . an appeal Joel 2. 82. The gracious words to children might s .e•t into a constipated condition, and t1, sole cause of constipations an inactive liver, and unless the' liver is kept active joft may rest assured•.. that lieadactres, aundice, heartbdrit, ,iles,'iloathig specas before the eyes, a feeling wi if yea wera, going to faint, or catarrh of the sten-Ade will follow the wrong ‘actioit of that/ oris of the iuost important organs of the body, Keep the Iver active: amici WOrkalig proper y by the ttse of: b1ilburu e kyle,, haver Palls, iss I tee .Sabingsee Amulieaot, N 5., wr c: ,}Iaviug kceb tr0rtbl(�, fee years withrkoinatipatioat, tied treatt� various so-caller1 z uiedlel, which, tilts rno q hood w-haltevcr, I was 1ta(ted to try Msabttra, s 1,axn1.,iver 1'12,,, I ha found tlteet;nost beneficial, for they r iudeeci tt eplendkl iiit&; I c3zt • , t recotntntaid thein t eonstipatioat," ' Milburn'a I vial, 5 vials mailed cifs'd ria