HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-1-13, Page 64, 4
, !a
st. .
VS Which FIaYe.
lmpor'tant Events
Occurred During the Week.
',The Betsy World's Happeuifgs Gare•
t fatly Compiled and Put Into
Handy and Attrtaettve Shape for
the headers of Our Paper --w it
Solid Roues Enjoe meat.
Pb ,
A leader of 050012s is being tried
In Vienna on a charge of treason,
E. A. Laneaster, M.P. for Lincoln,'
died at his home in St. Catharines. I.
Sir George Robertson, M. P. for
Bradford, and a noted military au-
thor, is dead.
Wm. G. Lang of Miinieo, a Grand
Trunk brakeman, was killed while
shunting cars at Welland.
Brigadier -General Logie and Col-
onel Mewburn are tfa lead Canadian
divisions shortly going to the front.
Great Britain has given Canada
£25,000 for building and equipping
recreation rooms in the Canadian
hospitals in England.
Thomas Curry, a G.T.R. section
foreman at Belleville, was instantly
killed, being run dawn by an engine
while cleaning out a switch.
Premier Hearst is taking a short
holiday before the session opens, and
during his absence his place will be
taken by Hon. W. J. Hanna.
Mrs. Thomas Kenny of Sarnia died
yesterday morning of pneumonia, her
husband havins passed away an Sun-
day night of the same disease.
Manitoba Agricultural Buildings
are valued" by Montreal appraisers at
three m3Ilion dollars; they are said
to have cost the Province utterly four
local option reports show
more victories, two additional
;defeats, and four more places where
'the three-fifths clause prevented the.
by-law from carrying.
The Prince of Wales has been
named Chairman of the Committee
ton Naval and Military War Pensions.
!This announcement was made in the
"house of Commons yesterday.
Serious trouble arose at the Gui-
gues bilingual school,in Ottawa, par-
ents placing some ninety boys there
%o charge of teachers of their own
choosing, and excluding two appoint-
ed by the commission.
It. was announced in the Blouse of
the total
ualties in the battle of Loos 1tcle59-
McLean, Conservative, defeated
Macdonald, Liberal, by 216 in a bye-
election it the First District, Char-
lottetown, P.D.!.
A Milan despateh to The Echo do
Parise says that Austria bas called up
her last line of reserves, many of
whom are unfit for field service.
Fred, Shaw, a young Speedside
farmer, was discovered dead on the
roof of his barn, having been caught
and evaund. around "the shat of
n with
L S..
vote's as a candidatefor
ser I'uiaile Schlil!di.:Slo. ► i
compulsory vaccination, is ,appealing
for a. recount.
Tuesday night brought the coldest
weather of the winter in Winnipeg,
and at most paints in the Prairie Pro-
vinces. Twenty-one below is official-
ly reported at Calgary.
Alphonse Lequin was burned to
death and damage of about $10,000
was done yesterday in a fire which
earried away a number of frame
houses in. Prince George.
One thousand skilled workmen
who have gone across among the
Canadian troops;. have been released
for work in munitions factories, at
the request of Lloyd George.
• The Minister of Militia is begin-
ning to receive recruits for the pro-
posed "fighting parsons'" battalion_
General Hughes say there are scores
of clergymen in Canada wlio want to
go as fighters if' they are not deeded
as chaplains.
al Allure defeated by four
aa. war credit of $100,000,000 was
ee b
gazzanI Parliament, says lcRpttC to
The Loudon Times ironer Salonica. AU
zealous of the Opposition votedwitle
the Government,
Over 0,000 Presbyerians voted
against Church union, and it is con-
sidered unlikely that the. General
Assembly will attempt to force union
e z such a large minority. Less than
160,000 voted in favor of melon.
Hostility to 'the Gover'nment's par-
tial conscription is uncompromising
and has necessitated the restgnatran
rrotk the ooalitian Ministry of all
h z
r A
be s
three Labor mem H.
derson, William Brace, and Geo.
7lHU ifSDiiY:
Petroleum earls have been intro-
duced in the German capital.
Two attempts were made yesterday
to burn down the City Hall at Owen
Clark W. Wright, License. Inspec-
tor and farmer Mayor and Ides
et Kingston, is dead.
.A bill facilitating the manufacture
of munitions in Great Britain was
passed by the House of Commons.
The operation of the Insurance' 'Act
in Great Britain has been hampered
by the war,
Wyoming carried the Hydro -radial
by-law by 101 to 11, completing the
chain from Chatham to Sarnia via
Hydro rates are reduced by 10 per
cent. In the Niagara district of the
system, which incudes Toronto and
Western Ontario.
Mr. H. K. Laskey, General Secre-
tary of the ,Laymen's Missionary
Movement, resigned yesterday ,in
order to join an international com-
Ontario women, at a conference in
the. Parliament Buildings,. Toronto,
formed the Women's Emergency
Corps for the purpose of aiding. re-
Quebec Anti -Liquor League is ask-
ing the Provincial Government to
enact a no -treating law, to shorten
the hours of sale, and otherwise to
restrict the liquor traffic.
French-Canadian parents of chil-
dren attending Guinea school, Ot
tawa, won an exciting battle with the
Ontaria Government's Ottawa Separ-
ate School Commission and a squad
of police. •
The Germans bane already begun
to replace their shortage of men with
and increased number of weapons,
says La Liberte, According to tbis re-
port a few of the men are armed with.
deadlls non -recoiling automatic rifles,
capable of firing ten shots before they
are recharged.
1 Miss Effie Fox, sixteen years o d. of
Biytheswood, while in Leamington on
a New —ear's visit In her grandlr-o=
there disappeared mysteriously, and
sent word from Windsor alleging that
she was taken there by a woman at
the point of a revolver a til would
soon sail for Engia-.d.
Alt British °facers is Italy have
been recalled:.
Germany has offered atalyy. psomee
Austrian territory
Richard Cris,,gg, Canadian Commis-
sioner of Commerce, dropped dead. in
Sadie Rudy of Cookstown, enxplay-
ed as a domestic in the New Northern
Hotel, Toronto,. committed suicide.
The New Brunswick .Government,
it is said, will at the approaching ses-
sten of the Legislature present pro-
hibitory legislation.
Dairy expert; at the Eastern (On-
tari ,
' _ Assoctatfon conven-
I3 f
y ns
tion in Renfrew tutted Ontario farm-
ers to grade ere=auL
Andrew Denholm, President of tbe
Canadian independent •Telephone
Association, and a prominent pub-
lis?ier in former years, died at Blen-
heim, aged sixty yours. -
The Militia Department is inform-
ed that the Lee-Eaileld rifle, with
which the British army is equipped,
is being ie -bored to the sauce. sire as
the Ross rifle,. viz., 4.04. •
Representatives of the Trades. and
Labor Congress ,asked the Govern
anent for a wage board on war con-
tracts, also making other requests se-
specting labor conditions as affeeted
by the war.
. .. , 4h -e
1 k
.;c•.r ufrwnt:d .what �
zlton 13a.' Saturday afternoon.
ligWOad, passed away "ttme n.la1
and. MarineMarineHospitalHospital yesterday. Ito
toes born in Lofthouse, Yorkshire,
lange in 1832, arae came to Colling-
wood in 1$53.
A plumber tbav'ing out frozen wa-
ter pipes at the residence of A. C.
Boyce, 111.P., at Sault Ste. Marie Sat-
urday, started a lire IA the woodwork
pf a partition which gutted the resi-
dence and practically destroyed it.
Barns received by little Phyllis
T'urton, Vac five-year-old daughter. of
Mr, and Mrs. Samuel T'urton of In-
gersoll, on Thursday, resulted fatally
an Saturday. Her stress was ignited
alien she endeavored to put a cloth
in the stove. parish
Rev. Dr, John O'Gorman, p
priest of the . Blessed Sacrament
Church of Ottawa, In a sermon yes-
terday called on tbe ZEnights of•Co-
1um.bus of Canada to give their quota
of men to the Canadian Expedition-
ary forces or to erase the word.
"knights" from their title.'
The C. P. It. has placed an embar-
go for a week against the loading of
grain for Fort 'William and Port Ar-
William Smites, 4 Taylor street, a
negro,. attacked bis wife and a neigh -
bas with a Fazes, and then committed
Edgar Rosebrugh, aged 16; Earl
Robins. 16.. and.1^_eenh Smiley-. 18.
two Rtore
brick block
snd choice
business s�
elite la
Village of Exeter, Ontario,
The Executor of the Estate of the
late George San 'ell will offer
sale on the premises ow Taeeday, J
nary ,1Sth, 1916, fat 2 o'clock: ,pen.:thh
property on tbe ,corner of 'Main. and
John Streets, Exeter, two stores of
which are now occupied by Jonce. '&
May, General 'Merchants, and , the
third by '.iugh 5paokman, hardware
Merchant., The. 'property is to most
desirable one, the eldest and.best husi-
ness isite in a towis' which has no
superior in Western Ontario. T.he
block. is nweil built, well equipped ;nand
in good trepair with adequate storage
buildings et rear
The property evil! 'be offered, in two
parcels, according to occupancy.. on
Terms, -1O per cent cash, balance
Marcia .1st, 1910,, when possession giv-
en. Taxes sand Insurance propor-
tioned on March lst, For further
particulars and conditions of sale tap -
ply to
Barristers, Exeter, Ont:
• Solicitors for Executor,
Fire damaged the Toronto Union
Station to the extent of $10,000.
The Teutonic Consuls arrested at
Salonica have been interned at Tou-
Herbert Samuel, Postmaster -Gen-
eral,. has been appointed Home Secre-
tary, succeeding Sir John A. Simon,,
Economy. and Patriotism were the
keynotes of the Mayots' addresses'.at
several inaugural meetings of muni-
cipal Councils in Ontario.
The 5th Brigade of the 2nd Cana-
dian Division is being reorganized to.
' ado
wholly of battalions
form a brigade
from Montreal and district.
William Huff of Bothwell died in
a Chatham hospital of injuries re-
ceived . when struck by a train at
Prairie Siding on. Thursday.
About $2,000,000 monthly, is paid
out by the Militia Department in as-
signed pay or separation allowances
to ,dependeuts or relatives of men at
the front. •
Two hundred Montenegrins drown-
ed on Friday off the Italia, sunk by a
mine in the Adriatic, were gathered
in Canada and the United States and
trained at Three Rivers and Levis.
J. R. Steadman, Councillor -elect of
Petrolea, disclaims his seat, not hav-
ing resigned as school trustee the re-
quired ten days before nomination,
and there will be a new nomination.
Mrs. Ann Brown, con. 10, Syden-
ham, near Owen Sound, celebrated
her 100th birthday in full possession
of her faculties and in good vigor.
She is deeply interested in the war
and occupies herself with knitting
socks for soldiers
FOR ,SALE—One good cow, extra
beef .quality, eight years old, ate to
freshen Deo. 10th;1 heifer 3 years old
due Jan,, 3rd; 1 purebred. Shorthorn
bull 10 months old; 1 filly rising 4
years; 1 filly and 1 gelding rising 3
years • old. JOHN LEARY,
PIO., Lott 13, Cont,' 13, Hibbert; phone
544 alibbert Line, 12-9-00
ou•ve thing to e w raid of," ' view," Lady Tresham remarked, "our I "You do not strike one," she re -
Trent continued. "As to the money at guest to -night seems scarcely likely to narked, "as the sort of person likely
r. Walsh's house, I settled that all distinguish himself." to lose a fortune on the race -course."
p with him before I left Attra. It Ernestine looked over her fan across "You are quite right," he answered,
longed to you really, for I'd left the drawing -room. I "I think that I won money. A couple
more than that for you." 1 "I have never seen such an altera- i of thousand at least."
"There is no one, then," Monty ask- ' tion in a man," she said, "in so short ! "Two thousand pounds!" She act-
ed in a slow, painful whisper, "who a time. This morning he amazed me. ually sighed, and lost her appetite for
will put me in prison?" Ile knew the right people and did the the oyster patty with which she had
"1 give you my word, Monty," Trent right things—carried himself too like been trifling. Trent looked around the
eclared, "that there is not a single a man who is sure of himself. To- table.
oul who has any idea of the sort." night he is simply a booby." 1 "At the same time," he continued in
"You see, it isn't that I mind," : "Perhaps it is his evening clothes," a lower key, "I'll make a confession
Monty continued in a low, quivering Lady Tresham remarked, "they take to you, Miss Wendermott, I wouldn't
voice, "but there's my little girl! My some getting used to, I believe." care to make to any one else here.
real name might come out, and I "This morning," Ernestine said, I've been pretty lucky as you know,
wouldn't have her know what I've "he had passed that stage altogether. made money fast—piled it up in fact.
b f h' " To-daf thefirst t' I 1
Scientists have pleadged their aid to
the. 'King by 'devoting all their ener-
gies eto the task of bringing the war
to a victorious conclusion. In the
meantime, the health and nerves of
our brave soldiers and their friennds.
at home is suffering, and TAKAKE is
the 'one perfect tremedy for nerves.
Fifty'lcents at your druggist's, or by
mail from the Georgian Mfg. ;Co.,
Oollingwood, .Ontario.,
Woman Gets Iron Cross.
BERLIN, Jan. 11.—Emperor Wil-
liam has conferred the iron cross on
Skolik, of Gleiwitz, for dzscio
lug abomb plot, the work of a spy.
This is the first time that a woman
bas, received the iron cross.
'k'IIU'It$IIAY, JA•Nit'TAIiY 13th, ittint
96 Branches in Canada
Brat Banking Business Transacted
)nterelt slowed at highest rirxie2lt rate
Oy, D. t,;l• adialeE, Mene*ger, Exeter illreatici ^ ti
• • -,,,essiies Psi ix *Am
OF Cl,`" `.iLMERC "E
SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.'V'.0., LL.D., D.C.L., President -
JOHN AIRD, General Manager. H. v. F. JONES, Ass't General Manuel
Look Mother! If tongue Is coatedi
cleanse tittle bowels with "Call,
fornia Syrup of Figs."
Mothers can rest easy after giving
"California Syrup of Figs," because
a few hours Millie clogged -1M waste,
sour bile and fermenting food gently
moves out of the bowels, and yo`a have
a well, playful child again,:ared to
Sick children needn't be,;g,o, „ o
take this harmless fruit',laxgttive.
Millions of mothers keep it handy be-
cause they know its action ore the
stomach, liver and bowels 5s prroimpt
and sure.
, Ask your druggist for cent bot:
tTe of "California Syrup of e," which
`>contafns directions for bible' r.. _
t ®f • all ages and for grown-ups.
$15,000,000 RESERVE FRO, $13,51ELO
The CapdlFar4te s
'an Bank of Commerce extends to wm.
" s
incited 1
Inc s
'n b
facility for the transaction of their banking ,
and collection of sales notes. Blank. sales notes:':
the discount
are supplied free of charge on application.
Exeter Branch— H. J. WHITE, Manager
Lord Burnham Dead. • �` 1
LONDON, Jan. 11. :Lord Bu-sii-
ham;' proprietor o1 The Daily Tele-
' graph
ele-•graph died here yesterday. ale cele-
brated his 8'2nd birthday on Dec. 28
last, end had been critically ill sev-
eral 'weeks. He retire from active
newspaper work several years ago,
and had lived quietly at his country
seat with his family. Lord Burn -
ham's eldest son, the Hon. Harry
Lawson, is the active manager of
The Daily Telegraph, and 'has repre-
seated London district in Parliament
since 1855... Two of L d, Burnham's
three' grandsons •haveeeath killed; in.
battle,. and he third is at the front
With ' his regiment.
Just What He Meant.
"Is„tele rain stilt keeping up?” •
what d'ye mean? I haven't
een or any t ing. This is I suppose, a relapse! Such a y, or rs time lave come i
"She shall not know," Trent said, nuisance for you!" face to face with the possibility of a ; —
`I'll. Prephiee.-yau'•Il .he. perfectly- safe Lady Tresham rose, and smiled reverse." They Are Really Natural Storage
with me." i etteetfy at the man who was taking "Is this a new character ?" she ; Reservoirs.
Monty rose up weakly. His knees her he. murmured. "Are you becoming faint- '
were shaking, and he was in a pitiful "Well, he is to be your charge, so I hearted?" It has been shown that forests pre -
state. He cast a sidelong glance at hope you may find him more amusing ; "It is no ordinary reverse," he said vent the rapid melting of ice and
the brandy bottle by his side, and his than he looks," she answered. slowly. "It is collapse—everything!" , snow, and thus avert or modify floods
hand stole out towards it. But Trent It was an early dinner, to be follow-
.stopped him gently but firmly. � ed by a visit to :i popular theatre. A
vry t: a .. o a•. --
age of the same period for the last
10 years, and there were 12,325 few-
er people in receipt of outdoor relief
from the rates.
The least satisfactory feature of the
returns is the maintenance of a high
death rate from tuberculosis. Enorm-
ous effort, inspired by Lady Aber-
deen, has been devoted in every part
of Ireland to stamping out this
scourge. It has been by no means un-
fruitful. But the, scourge is. still
there, and yearly takes a great toll
of Irish lives.
in the spring. Mountains also play
» , [ She looked at him attentively. Her an important part with. regard ' to
"Not now, Monty, he said, "you've ve few hours ago Trent was looking for own heart was heating. • If he had not floods. By intercepting drifting cur -
had enough of that!" I ward to his evening with the keenest been engrossed by his care lest any rents of moisture -laden air moue -
mans hand dropped to his side. pleasure—now he was dazed -he could one might overhear their conversa-
He looked into Trent's face, and the , not readjust his point of view to the tion, he would have been astonished tains are active agents in precipitat-
years seemed to fade away into a new conditions. • He knew very well at
tthe change in her face. ing-rainfall; and, unless they are pro -
mist. !that it was his wealth, and his wealth You are talking in enigmas sure- ' teeted by forests, the , waters pour"You were always a hard man, only, which had brought him as an ly," she said. "Nothing of that sort down into the valley in destructive
could possibly happen to you. They torrents.
tell me that the Bekwando Land The evergreen trees, particularly
t shares are priceless,and that you the spruces, are especially useful in
must make millions."+
"This afternoon," he said, raising ' controlling these torrents. Under all
his glass to his lips and draining it,
"I think that I must have dozed upon
the lawn at Ascot. I sat there for
some time, back amongst the trees,
and I think I must have fallen to
sleep. There was a whisper in my
ears and I saw myself stripped of
everything. How was it? I forget
now! • A concession repudiated, a
bank failure, a big slump—what does
it matter? The money was gone, and
T was simplymyself
\A0 1111 JI///0/
�;.\�C111111111//z114� %•
i .
- 7i¢
lers°Your cares in comfort
ing the aches and pains
of the fami:y from youth to old age, are lessened
when you t1Ge this old and trust -worthy remedy --
heuratlsm Neuralgia
Mothers: "Keep a bottle in your home"
Price 25c., 50e., and $X.00
'spruce forests there is a large de-
posit of what woodsmen call "duff."
This is composed of partially decayed
trees, bark, needles, cones and
This duff varies from one to six
feet in thickness, and has the power
of absorbing and holding water like
a sponge. During the heavy spring
rains it becomes thoroughly saturat-
ed with water, which gradually
Trent, a laborer, penniless and of no oozes down the lnountain sides into
account." the streams in summer. The trees
"It must have been an odd senna also protect the snowfall from the
tion," she said thoughtfully. rapid action of the sun in spring, thus
"I will tell you what it melee me restraining floods from • that source
realize,".he said. I sun drifting into also.
a dangerous position. I am linking The protection of, the forests there -
myself to a ]lake world to whom, per- fore ie the surest and safest -ray in7
sonally, I am as nothing and less than ,
nothing. I am tolerated for my be= ' which to prevent destructive inunda-
longings! 1f by any chance I were tions. They are, really natural stoa.'-
to lose these, what would become of age reservoirs, not holding back great
me?" masses of water in bulk, Wheal may.
"You are a man," she said, looking be released by the breaking c,f some
at him earnestly; "you have the nerve dam and carry terrible , deseruction
and wits of a man, what you have before then, but storing it in the cap='
done before you might elo again.
"In the meantime I should be ostra !paries of the spongy soil and yield-
isecl" ing it gently and continuously,' airing
"By a good many' people, no cloulrt.,'
He held his peace for a time, and
ate and drank what was-- set before
him. Ile was conscious that his was
ocarcely a dinner -table manner. He
was too eager, too deeply in earnest.
People opposite were looking at them,
Ernestine talked to her vis-a-vis. It
the season when most needed.
..A Tragedy.
"Hose's that black -an -ten 'dog o
enough manure out of the pit to pay
for it. Before, the liquid manure was
I all lost, but by having the pit it was
: all saved. Some of the neighbors
said I should have made it square
and with a door so that the waggon
could be backed.. in, but if I had done
this the liquid manure would have
been 1ost, and besides, there isn't
much to be gained by backing the
waggon or sleigh in when you can
drive all around it."—A. P. Mac-
Vannel, Prince Edward County.
Hot Water in Creamery.
A creamery that uses a steam en-
gine, and permits exhaust steam to es-
cape unissued is wasting a valuable
by-product. Exhaust steam can be
used successfully for heating milk,
cream, boiler -feed water, wash water
and the building. The heating of
boiler -feed water;. and wash water only
will be considered in this circular,
I says a circular issued by the .Dairy
Division, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture.
In the majority of small cream-
, eries the boiler. is fed by means of
' an injector, bet this is not an econo-
mical apparatus for this work, be-
cause it requires live steam for its
•operation and cannot handle hot we-
tter. For every 10 degrees F. that
water is heated before approximately
;one per cent. less fuel is required to
generate a given amount of steam,
and for each 10 degrees P. increase
in feed water temperature the boiler
capacity is increased approximately
one per cent. When hot feed water
As used a constant pressure on the
boiler can be more easily maintained,
and there will be an additional saving
of fuel, attributable to even firing
The heating of feed water from a
temperature of 50 degrees F. to that
of 200 degrees P. by means of exhaust
steam will 'reduce the fuel consump-
tion about 18 per cent., or will reduce
a $500 fuel bill to. $43,5.
The use of exhaust steam for heat-
ing. wash water will still `further re-
duce the fuel cost. It is estimated
that in a creamery making from
100,000 to 300,000 pounds of butter
annually a maximum of 800 gallons
of hot water are used daily. It cus-
tomary to heat this water with live
steazn from the boiler: • To heat so
Much water from a temperature of 5c7.
0 n. 7.r • nc
s, two 0 ' 1
whom have already been wounded,l
and all three of whom are serving in
infantry battalions. ` He is a man who
is to -day bearing a burden of respon-
sibility the like of which has never
fallen upon the shoulders of any Eng-
lish statesman in all the history 'of
this country.
"To say of such a man that he has
attempted to find cover for his Gov-
ernment behind the rampart of the
dead is a gross travesty of his speech
and a statement which is discredit-
able to journalism."
425 Dundas Street, London, Guaretis
teed cost of buildings; no eats tts;
years New York experience..l'hoa
Anyone intending to build gill di+r ^'
ell o write me. No charge i:.r coal
C J; W. LI4AI: f4, M. I L.
425 RICHMOND Sr aNLO'v .
ONTAR1 ,.' ,
1113, G. if, ;LIOITLSTON,
of German officer, an
!might even be worse
Governor. Life, howev.,
! stricted, and the city h<:
old reputation for gaiet
ways and bakeries are u
control, and the aIlowan
'has been reduced to four
'Butter is 4s. 2d. a pound
commodities are relative
Just before she left a1
issued to the effect that
mans were about to sadd
sponsibility of provisionin
on the people of Brussel
are to be billeted on the ci
out allowances.
The Germans are confid
tory, but the people of
fuse to think of defeat.
Cyr ,,
PM r
Indigestion—the complete or partial
failure of the digestive processes—fre-
quently throws out of gear the whole
machinery of the body. Yea can't enjoy
the vigour and vitality �.cf good health
unless your stomach, liver and bowels
do their work regaterly and efficiently.
a: y
As a digottive tonic and stomachic
remedy,Mother other Se!gel's Syrup is
esteemed in tens of thousands of
homes, wherever the English language
is spoken. 1f you suffer much or little
frons disorders of the stotnach, liver
or bowels, try the effect of taking 15
to 30 drops of this femoris remedy
in water, after meals, for a few
days and note its beneficial effects.
Ef°IE T1`` N
The new1,00aize contains three times as , ouch
as the trial size sola at 50c tsar bottle,
was some time before he spoke again, "Yes,, swallowed a bun*, of watch
when he did he took up the 'thread of keys, • and they wound hirralip,"
For El ist ,, 1 per 018 PPix a 'EVE$,
;tura euro and positive preventive, no matter how horses
int any age err: afflicted or"exposed," Liquid, given on the
tongue, acts on the blood and glands; expels the poisonous
germs from the body. Cures Tisten
per in Dogs and Sheen,
and Cholera in Poultry. Largest selling live stock remcdY.
Cures Ln. elrippe among human beings, and is a fine Ifidney
remedy. Cut ,this out.Keep it. Show it to your. druggist,
will ill ;;et it for you. Ir"roe Booklet, 'Distemper; onuses
ana Case," Special agents wanted. SPOSbT MEDICAL ate,,
Choi -Mato arid isacteriologiste, tfoshou, 7tnd., t1,s,a.
1st Contains Ingredien
A new -laid egg is alw
price, for it contains mu.
triment than the same w
meat. A two -ounce egg,
pence, or a trifle more,
Prime meat, at two cent
will lose much of its w
cooked,;, and more than hal
ginal nutriment, while wh
is not such good nutriment
An egg is, an undevelope
its constituents are those,
which will best build up
The "white" is almost a pus
of protein -the basis of life
solutely essential to the
the yolk, besides protein, co
and other very valuable
for the nervous system, ph
and iron being the chief.
persons should eat egg -yolk
iron in it, and if they add
which is also full of iron, the
mia would disappear.
But an egg is not quite a c
food, lacking carbohydrate m
the energy part of life—but
or other cereal be eaten wit
the combination makes a c
body food. Eggs, too, have
excellence. They are easily d
a slightly boiled one leaving
mach Linder two hours. Ot
would remain there four or f1
The Tess stomach strain the
better. Raw eggs, by the ev
not more easily digested than
ones, in spite of the popular b
the contrary.
Stale eggs lose some of the
ter and get lighter, and thie p
an infallible egg test. A reale;
egg will sink in salt and wate
ounces to a pint—and the stal
egg the nearer the surface 1