HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-1-13, Page 5a7AN.i7A i 13th, laid EXETER Tir Woven, Wire Pence below M inniacturF_ ers' Prices, either W P e+ rlegs or Mon- arch makes. buy at once as these prices will not last very long. 6 Wire Fence 23e per Rod 7 „ " 25c 8 " " 28e " Cedar and anchor posts 10,000 Cedar Poste on hand --also Anchor Paste. Lumber and Cement Let nae quote ' you any low prices on your Lumber require- ments, whether large or small orders. .Also Cement, A. J CLATWORTIIY GRANTON Credito Mexate. Herb Theist and Trost Of Pigeon, Mich., are visiting at the home of Mr. John Stnitla. Mrs. Lee' Carter of Ciandeboye visiting her father, Mr. 0, Kuhn. Mrs. Gottiob Morlock had the min- fortune to fall and received a very se- were shaking up. Mr. Louis banner and family of the West are visiting relatives, Ni. lay. Mote and on Wm. are borne, after spending the last few Months in London. Mies Elsie S.ienzie is visiting friends in Mildmay. Mr. Mclloberts of Parkhill arrived here last week to fill the* poaibion an the band here, left vacant by Ms. Spence being transferred, to the branch at Porcupine. Mrs. Louisa Fahner of Hersey, Mich., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Math, Morlook. 'Whiter encu SPECIAL ROTUNDTRIP FARES DASHWOOD Mrs. I, Ef, Grenzebash.'spent last week in Listowel. Mrs.. G. W. Shore was on the sick list a few days last week. Mrs. 3. Roeatledge, who has been on the sick list, is improving. . Mr, D. Schafer attended the funeral of a nephew in Michigan last week. Mrs. D. Pfaff underwent an opera- rion in London last week. Mr and Mrs. Sam Schroeder of Sas- kato ui are visiting relatives and friends here. LONG LIMIT—STOPOVERS Asheville and Hot Springs. N.C. Charleston, S.C.: Nassau, N.P.: lot, Springs, Ark.; French Lick Springs, Ind : Jacksonville and all Florida points; Havana, Cuba, an New. Or - Leans, La._; via New York a nd Rail (or Steenien according to destination), or via Buffalo, Detroit or Chicago. Mr. Re Fillers spent Saturday in Exeter. This wet weather has deprived our young people of skating. M. Willie Isenbach of Detroit is visiting relatives here. Miss Eida Wein of Crediton is visit- ing at Mr. We Wolf's for a few weeks. Mr. D. Pfaff spent Tuesday in Lon- don. Mr.. Wm. Brown is on the sick list at present: Dr. E. 13. Balfour was in London Tuesday on business. • Rev. It T. Cro3s%e ''`s System of Physical Culture The following are the synopsis of the .'physical culture exereises as Il- lustrated by Evangelist Crossley to a large ai dience while coz duetiUi .re- vival services here, If f411owecl out they will ;result in keeping the sys- tem in good conditionj; Seen. Postrater$, 1 Two systems; .- .. Resistance as in ;.tretching, snaking one muscle i in asst the. other; b.t Propulsion as punching bag. 2 Breathe deeply and naturally as you 'take the exereisee. Tendency is to hold breath, 3 Exercise (before a looking glass tins when convenient. 4. 'Take Eve minutes or •acre ere re'tiari'nenn ..'an rising with little ;:lath- ing on Have air in room fresh. 5, Ever act on the motto --Elevate the chest satin the 6 Cultivate the habit of g e. a cines and continue ail your life. Bermuda & Westindjes ether kiealth Resorts. Mount Cle tncns, Michigan; .Battle Creek, 1'ilicb4 St. Catharines, Well., Dnt.; Pi estor;,l Springs, Ont. 'iit3tlezed till biter thin rs .jail elite is G1tie,q)1)l 7 sltt l.uto TRIVIA 0.1 ants andChildren r Ovals3OYetii FORM ANT., I A F I C'S BEST NESS COL EG3 nstructors are experi- Pupils get individual n and graduates are. positions. W e are re - applications we a cannot` Students may- enter at. e;.• Send for our free tie and see if it interests A. McLA0HLAN, PRINCIPAL. e 4S,S. to.*** 4001/00•409. WOOPHA'M On January 5th, 1910, at Woodham the horse of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Swat- low.was the scene of a very quiet wedding, it being the.occasion of the marriage of their daughter, Nettie, to Mr. Simon Blight, of Wrest - Nissout i. The ceremony was performed at 11 o'clock by the Pastor, the Rev., C. W. Baker. The: wedding march was played by Miss Adelaide Parkinson of Granton. : The young couple were un- attended. The bride was gowned, in a modest shade of blue Duchess satin and carried a bbgoet of cream and pink roses, After ` congratulations; bad been extended to the young 'cou- ple, the bridal party `sat dowa' to a splendidly prepared wedding dinner. The bride's going away suit was of dark green lady's yClbth," with green vela et toque to natcb. The yonng couple left at 2 p lad:;amid showers of confetti fora visit a in Toronto. The bride is One of'''G ailadham"s most ex-. l cC11ette intugultLsEB; anti siJlh 'i5 -greri >,. missed. She was the recipient of many excellent and useful presents, The groom is a prosperous young farmer in West'Nissouri, and is held in highest esteem. The young, couple have the well 'wishes of the entire community, Mr. Wesley Shier is in London Hos- pital,, where be has recently under- gone an operation. ' At last reports he was doing nicely. Mr. Samuel• Marriott is yery all with', pneumonia. Mrs. Abernettie of Sask., sister of Mrs. Fred Stephen,is visiting rela- tiveo here. Relatives from Wolverton are visit - Ing Mr. and Mrs. Frank McNaughton. Miss Haunah,Binn. . graduate _nurse from London, visited. her relatives 7 Nick iforwarrd, aau'sIsig etbration or. •lite lett; muscle, and a s>n lack high and again raise the knee ,sigh, Seven Exercises for Neck 1 Bend head backward and forwe rd, repeat, 2, Turn head.. right end haft, arepeat<, 3 tOireular right isrving head in swivel, movement, Hereat, 4. 'Circular left, repeat. 5. Turn head right and throw bank, and thein left and throw lea ale lrepeat. 0 Hand on (side of'heed : shove and a'esist, alternate, • 7.., Osteopathy,—Both idelms on tl>Iack of read, pull. and resist, pull chin to chest and then press head fate back; Seven Exercises foul fiends and , ;Waists, • x r , 1. Fingers,— Piano movement, 7 By these exercises you ivdl av- nimble• cid rheumatism, constipation, dyspet>- , • , • ulenc 2, rangers,—pressure. a stiffness, corpulency, eumoni ata, Erfluous fat, deformity, •1ppaudic- 3. Bend at wrist, up and 'down, 4. (Circular right, pressure. 5. 'Circular lett, pressure. 0:- Flip up and down vigorously. 7. Relax movement,—Let hands fall ort gravity and relax the whole bode atthe earn,: time, itis and other 'ills, and facilitate health happiness hopefulness, chest ::xpai- siert. a' -proper Poise, agility, graceful- ness. longevity, perpetual youth. Seven Exercises • for Arms. 1. iHori.eoml`.a1—Fingers to-•= houid- ers and then extend arms, return and rei.eat, using both systems. 2. Perpendicular—Hands near the shoulders, palms up, rise out toes and lift as hands are elevated, relax, r e - turn and repeat, 4 • •4 O 4 •e +3+ • 3. Across breast,—Pull. 4 Obliquely, :One. arm at a time, rise on toes of one foot, shove, rep: at. 5 Windmill, -Swing the arms in a circle batt, backward and Lanyard, 6 ,Backward and forward, touohing backs of hands" as arms are thrown back 7 Quartette,—Shut hands,' : shoot `he.m up and return, out and return, down and return, forward and return Seven Exercises. fox Body. 1. Expand chest as you take a full breath. Fill lower part of lungs first, then draw in abdomen 'and elevate th' chest 2 Shoulders up ,and down, ,angular tmintultte.a and circular. 3 Liver Squeeze,—Bend sid2wayat waist, right and left, (a) hands akimbo; (b) arm •. by sides, (c) arms outstretch- ed sideways; alternating. • 4 Bend backward and forward viiia hand:, akimbo, then with stens extend- ed as going backward, and touching floor as bending Yorward; and then' hang' cat motion shove Seven Extra Exercises, 1, Stretch before rising. Always do this, 2. Punching beg motion. 3, Rowing motion. 4. Running. 5.1' Skipping molicn. 6.; Shoulder stone motion. 7. For ankle, --While seated swing feet in circular motion, alternating right and left Seven Breathing Exercises 1e Take a full breath, and exhale slowly, repeat. 2; Take a full breath and -exhale quiekIY. 3 Take four ,d,ep breaths a min - ate, diaphragmatically and trythm ically. 4 Take thus two deep breaths' a THAMES 110t9Pfr 11 Cudmore of Manor, ,Sask. staves in the neighborhood es Bd., Wygold; and Len. of the 135th, Parkhill, reewed stances Isere Saturday and last, were eleven new received ' into Bethany last Sabbath afternoon. forget the Presbyterian en- vy services next Sunday to be. y Revell:tr. J. A. Turnbull He o lecture on Monday night. Arthur Coupe, who has been a coupe of weeks is improving ZURICH adore Hlclvard bas left for i a cured rd where he has se t J. Elgin Mess, lies returned to to to resume hie studies at the 1 of Practical Science. inful ,acei ent occured on ernes - id t the farm of liar, John A, Goshen Line south, which 'have proved more serious, Mr, was drivieg a team' bitched to gon, it•hich was heavily' loaded, t -ii_ 'bolt 'connecting" i.he eloub'e- letrc flew' back and the hook e and evhiLfletree broke, land tbe call h 'nd t its the 'side 'of dais end a 11nasty gash resulted which re». tl matey letitehes to eloSe. Pr, Be tlinpbell' dressed tlsar *Mind. Fainand Garden ' oo•© 00000 00000000 OF MECHANICAL SEEDER If w avci peratkn1 Oistribu1e6 Seed More Evenly and Ef- fects Great Saving in Quantity. With clover, alfalfa. sweet clover a111d ail the grass %nee nsunity coated: seed is used to tbe stere for three 01 tour good stands. if every seed tools root end grew where it fell on the soil tl ere would be so many plaalt5 io. die .quare yard tent mine could grow well They 'iwouis1 :stand so 'Wieldy that dee iiouel smother , , her eavb other to dont'.t t tt"lierk: mechanical seeders are used to distribute the recd n:liformty over the surl'ac•e of tile Sas", _aanch less sled ;set Are ;will be required. 13y rising 0 ens+ awakes' seeder for uniform tlistribu tion anti rtzrerin, the seed naeetemicai a a saving of fully ,,ane -digit` of the Feed '•:en lie eff c•ted, Scute fnt•nies:s sire elmiel to disturb the soil of their wheat ileitis and mead owa in spring. Wacre closer or oteer 5 Inhale 'a full breath and expel by blowing the breath through the teeth or through compressed lips. Take four 'breaths thus a minute. 6 Inhale and ,exhale thus twice a mieute. 7 'When walking inhale a ful's, breath while taking three steps, and exhale las you take three steps; and again`'inhale and exhale as you take 5 Circular, ls't Feet firm, and enure -Ceps, then 'Five, six, seven; eight Mand clasped above the head, swing mine evil ten steps. upper _art of body in a circle; .iter- natting right and left;. end, then stand- Seven, Important Suggestions. sire erect swing upper part 'of body rigb-. and left with arms extended horizontally 6. --On all ,fours, -Stand on roes end palms lower body, then raise; repeat, 7' Across the bed,—Lie on rack, feet t•• floor, hake legs taut, raise them ilii p<erpettticular, return, re- lax and repeat Seven Exerci.ises for Legs. 1 Rise eotnt 'oes and heels, tit: r- nately repeat. 2 Flip heels to hip, one leg' at a time alternating, repeat. 3 Hips 'to heels,—Squat, Ind xise, These Three Women Tell How Th Escaped the Dreadful Ordeal o Surgical . era.t ons Hospitals great and necessary institutions, but the iospiare great should be the last resort for women who suffer with peculiar to their sex. Many letters on file in the Pinkha Laboratory at Lynn, Mass,, prove that a great number { women after they have been recommendedto submit to E i been made well Lydia operatan have by Y ia E. Pinkhan Vegetable Compound. Here are three such letters. All sick women should read therm. Marinette, Wis.—"I went to the doctor andll he told me I. must have an operation for a femalo trouble and I hated to have it done as I had been married only a short time. I would, have terrible pains and my hands and feet were cold all . the time. I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Coniz- pound and was cured, and I feel better in every way. I give you permission to publish my name because I am so thankful that I feel well .again. —Mrs. FILED Brawn; Marinette, Wis. Detroit, Mich. --When I first took Lydia sit. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I was so run down with female troubles that I could not do anything, and our doctor saad I would have to undergo an operation. I could hardly walk without help so when I read about the Vegetable Compound and what it had done for others I thought I would try it. I got a bottle of •" Lydia E. Pinkhaxn's Vegetable Compound and. apckag of edis E. Fulham a Sanative Wash and used themaccording directions. They helped me and today I am able to do all my work and I am well" =Airs. 'Leos. Dw•rnxe, 989 Milwaukee Ave., East, Detroit, Mich. Bellevue, Pa.—" I suffered more than tongue can tell with terrible bearing down pains and inflammation. I tried several doctors and they all told. me the same story, that I never could. get well also without o a an operation and I just dreaded the thought of that. good many other medicines that were recommended toL edia and non f them helped me until a friend advised meto hg I kept Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound a trial. The firsthelped,re and t taking it and now I don't know what it is to be sick any am picking up in weight. I am 20 yearsold and weigh 145 pounds. It will be the greatest pleasure to'me if I can have the oppor- sanity to recommend it to any other s»ffering woman.”—Miss "REN FiioELscBEx,1923 Manhattan St., North Side, Bellevue, Pa. If you would like special advice write tLydiaia E llbe. kha m w_. filed. Co. (confideutial),Lysln, Mass. Your letter read and answered by a woman and held in strict coniidenc da, Interested in the Free . Piano ,Contest Get Inters repeat. 4 Sideways, -out, left and right, here resently: point the toes, alternating the legs.. ,Many are confined to !,heir homes 5 Backward L•i!tt leg or eicil these days' because of severe colds, backwardly, alternating legs. Mr. and Mrs. aid alter Hazlewood 6 Step one foot forward and bring from Sask. are visiting relatives and knee o1 other leg near floor and ;her rise, alternating legs. Here friends Mr: Miller is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ilazlewood's. SEKSMITI Mrs. A.. Cosworth and. daughter- Hazel of Sask. are spending the winter with the formers brothers,the Messers Campbell' or this place. Mr. E. Brodtfiiek,.is ',preparing to raise his barn during the coming snm- rner. Mrs. E. J. Geddes, has returned from visiting friends at London. Mrs.. F. Bartlett of Ancona and Mrs. R. Yellow of Exeter, visited with Mr. and Mrs. R Northcott, last week. Mr. W. C. Pierce of Iona,. Ontario. paid a flying visit to friends in this neighborhood, a. few days ago. HAY .'EI,;ECtTIONS i Following is the ,resutlt of .th''elvot- ing at tlee Hay Municipal eleetit ; .s in Kalb, order of poll :1 For Rreve—L feeisob, 16 18 85 49:t34 33 11 iv, total 293,' ,TH'. H, :m'eeb, 34 14 68 68 31 75 32 19, total 341, For councillors, E, Patens [3 '24 98 04 20 25 29 10, total 282: S. Deitz, 2 3 127 82 03 tt•2 10 17, total 296; 3, Laporte, 31 34 86 6s 46 57 35 66, total 412 N. 'Krueger 7 6 28 38 139 76 10 18, natal 201; R. Northcott 27, 30, 26,,:18 23 38 39 20 total 257; 'C: cWalper p 9 111' 101 43' 79 16 25, total 31i3 , ICouneii elect, Reeve; 114 Neeb; Councillors, - J. 'La- porte tC.'Walper, S. Deitz'kand 17, 'Da- ters,. 8, S. 1o. 6, STEPIIIEN 1 ' Submerge eyets in clear cold water every morning, open them, roll them around, rub towards nose and ;repeat. Ladies may use an eye cap. - 2. Take 'cold island bath vigorously from.;tip to toe, after morning xer nines, . a:nd a warm bath once a week on Saturday night. 3: Sleep with window open. Never omit this. Keep house well ven' i'ated. 4. Breathe deeply diaphragmat- ically and trythmically all the time, 5. Sip a glass of cold water are retiring and on rising; Take' hot wat- er after meals; Don't drink during meals. Avoid piecing. 6. aloft) for consistent practice, walking, standing,. working sitting and sleeping; elevate the chest. '7. "Trust in the Lord and do good. Fraternally, • • • ' i t H, C. Crossley. ' UENSALL Among those who have heard. their King end !Country's cell during the past' week were Messrs. Thomas Sl erritt jr.: irlirem 'Johnston, Ros THE MAN OF IT f well Dougall land Clarence Johnstt r' ,all young' men of whom the Huron Battalion will have reason to be ,ptroud Miss Marjory. Bennett of St. Marys spent enveral weeks here with Mrs. Hugh J. McDonald and her daugh- ter i4Siss Edna., The deceased was a bright promising eoung .man who 'had been ;engaged an teaching and was highly respected ,for his many excellent qualities.t Miss Flossie lI3onthron l.;ft here the eir,st of the 'week to tee in as a nurse in one of the Toronto hospitals Ur and airs.. Jas. Simpson were in Luean nest week attending a iwed- ding. Our business men treport trade as continuing good., The nomination for four council- lors will be held on January 17th, when it is sloped four;good men will tae found ready to stand and that an election will not be necessary. Mr. Mervyn Brown of 'Toron.o, ani formerly of this village, rand: who itas a 'fine .drug store in the aellecn city:, visited hie parents trecently.- The box social held at the home of Mr. Charles Redmond, of the township of slay on New Year's eve, was quite largely attended and proved a most. enjoyable affair. The. sum of $35 was realized for the church shed fund. Miss Mary Buchanan, trained nurse of Toronto zpnist the holidays et her home heree Mies Nellie Carmichael 1Carmic gele of Strat- ford ,pent a fev days with her mo - the. Miss Edith lifcEiven ret,i. sed to The following is the :report of S. Orillia last week to resume her duties teacher after visiting b'r mother S,allo. 6, Stephen for the ,2notith of as to December, Sr. 4th -1:3. Rertreen 69; of. the Lendon Eoad i • n- The enmities . of the late ,John Rob - over (i4. .Sr. 3rd-d..lHa over 64.t Jr..3r0-1l, Hartman 83. Sr ert Taylor were brought here from 2nd- Alice Neeb 80; E. ella.rtniari 80; Moose Jaw, Sask. and were interred V. iltawhinney `r8; E. 'Wilde 71:; A. in the 11cnsall union cemetery last Hartman 69. Jr. 2nd-V.:Ilertman 82 . Crud^y .afternoon, the funeral taking 13.. Wilde 80 1P. ,Ilmnover 69; G. flcaa place from the 'residence oflhis sietere man 60.' x't 2—D. (Ekaman 65; Pt.1---• • the 2ltieses Tayar..' A telegram was' E 'Neeb W. Ilanover, i rinmer—Law? received 1st week stating that he. ria - January awayon Sun 'd Y. Z' fav tr-. std' assn '9 7 an: No. on eel" 1 , e h p ranee Beeman .,urge 4 :ttrrt3dancn 1315. '" 1 i i and; 'I.le gild been Of rvsth,tpnrnrnoniw C. Schroeder, tomatoes, , t ilia cge was 24 years awl '5 Mottles. Be sets up the crowd to the drinks and the smokes; he tips all the waiters with ,tdollars— But when wifie tasks for a nickel be chokes, and over a quarter he hollers; t t t , : Be lavishly ep::nds tall his ,coin on h:m- self; his raiment's complete and composite; But wifie Lias only one hat on the shelf and only one dress in the closet. f a t 1(c Good Company'. :1s friends end a 1,,iup tmuns, ne teic;t• end t 011901)21'9. pa roseate„ :and ... t :tad. with s i •• t animst•r::, l,oaila are a.> .t}a always ready u respond to utas• wants. tt t L 1 We can take then Willa tis. iuour wan - doings oar'g;ather ilu9ri around us at bur iit•ewidee. lei the lonely wilderness and the ,•roSweh'+l city their spirit will be with Ian. giving 0 meaning to the seendegly eolith:tee movements or 130- munitY suttl peopling Ilse desert with their', own origin ereaati0lis.—.loin 41 feed a.:i:i,"rt,a'd. i . Rescued by Nature. "di ere you ever islet le the weeder eA liD:u. L'• . Iti, als atc r Aoi" "Nit ter ." ••49'bet .a+lo vela treats-." "The WWII(' rwirs lilrmieg so Aran, dint Clic ;a1trtlatl c ai't ii'atr snag whet 1 fs:,.o- >osed ' hoteloaro Stiahi ee:I, 1 Srn•okerd Ceiltlig . Smo 'e iron? »r. Mail, rti '•gas;often mils a eel g its this one 1tartioniar ?spot. whir. the rest .: remains been tightly. ivh' e, It f* wsefnl to knuiv shot soiled i• eel/ s 1 c+ in;;s entrees/ lijr letup us:,i gas be a'eiidered less eansp biros if tubbed, .'r with dry wbitaltg• . s• - w et i..e t[ SEED "WI-ti-R.611n cad small Seed ie to he sowni in wheat in the spring the sail schen dry tuiiy he ten with a disk i,r teethed harrow without any Wine- to the wheat. 111 most cases the surf:acre working will do the wheat good, and it is as sure 1neans of planting the clover or grass seed. It is good practice to ens the surface of 11 thin Meadow in spring with a disk liar row for increasing stir plants With Ott ver or alfalfa. harrowing with a tooth ed harrow .after vutthig the surface with the disk. Sweet clover is coining into general prominence all over the Country. One reason why more farmers do not grow it or try it is dint they have been toll animaIs will not e,,t the growing pleats nor the hay. 1t ie true that most farm 'animals will not eat sweet doves' at first, but as Sousa YTS they get a good taste of it and become nsed to it they will eat it as readily ne the best corn, rtnr a Streetror slowatferifn, titeoitic3 he sown early in the spring. It is a splendid crop to go before alfalfa to inoculate and enrich the soil. It grows rankly in wet soil and will grow large in soil too dry for almost any other enitirated pl:aute. if used for pasture. unlike alfalfa, stock should be turned on it while the plants are young, so they will learn to eat it beforeitgrows old rind woody. It is a biennial. like red elover, and will self seer] if allowed to form seed every year: Tbo modern dist: drill. of which there are many good makes, is the only good drill to use. Pages ofspace would .be required to tell et nil its good merits over the old style drill—Iowa Home- stead TO GET RID OF BEETLES, If 'we coukl hill off all the June bugs or May beetles we should have no white grubs. Each female beetle Inys between fifty and n hundred eggs, each of which is pretty likely to hetet] into :a grub to feed on corn roots, grains, strawberries unci the like. There are three well known ways to kill the beetles. One Is to spray poison on the lenves of the trees on which titev feed. '1'he secoud is to spread' sheets, tar. panties or canvas yodel• the trees :iatd rn ' with bettering tt F, jar the Beetles dorsaa. ram made of a plant; •with a eushion on the end, similar to the scheme for cat, lectin; the carmine. The third takes advantage et the beetles' fondness for a lamp at night. Hain an ortlinary barn lantern serer ata Haag tub of water en the surface of which Is n Bina of kesoseise. The totter plan seems most prom's - log, as sirs?urea the bugs to -g lf, ttiefr men dastrsr0tiots. '.l'hey frill into the ilii` w: ea tryitsg 10 do whatever Om? try to iso' tO tit+;• hilt.- it guilt and tdC..a uez 'Canal' van* be 'atfimped spring.• ,1.. nn c- Y MN"ELS CAPTURED prof. Otto. of Via neve, , Vingraeve, to Jerusalem to search fo. able supplies of drinkable was the road to Suez has, accords, Berlin advices, reported the dss, ery of great resources east of Mous Sinai: The whole surrounding .ne r tory, now a desert, he state, co'' fertilized if German and At .ci shade were on with engineers ve e hurried quate machinery and the Turkis armies ensured against the terrible fear of thirst in tbe projected attack upor Egypt. Teutonic Trade Will Not Go Back After the War. Rt. Hon. Walter Runcinuin in British Commons Declares That a Confer- ence of All the Parts of the Em- pire Must Be Called to Unify Economic Resources and Bring Pressure on Central Empires. MILIAN'S LEAVE NANCY. LONDON, Jan. 11.—The debate -ie. t- -.. . ,--•+..: the House of Commons last night was chiefly remarkable for the unanimity of the members in urging the Gov- ernment to exert the largest possible degree of economic pressure on Ger- many, and in recommending that steps should immediately be taken to prevent any menace from German trade warfare directed against the Allies after peace is signed. A resolution was passed without division "That, with a view to in- creasing the power of the Allies in. the prosecution of the war, his Maj- esty's Government should enter into immediate consultation with the Governments of the Dominions in order, with their aid, to bring the whole economic strength of the Em- pire in co-operation with the Allies in a policy directed against the enemy." The principal speech was made by Waiter Runeiman, : President of the Board of Trade, whose emphatic de- clarations on the importance of main- taining British trade were regarded an largely directed towards making clear the position which caused him to hesitate to endorse Premier As- quith's compulsion policy last week. Re was enthusiastically cheered throughout. While the war is on,,: he said, "we must do everything in our power to cripple and destroy ance German fin credit, and trade, at the same time building up our own and our allies' and laying the foundation for future action when peace comes." EXPEDITION HELD UP. Shelling of City by Germans Canada. Anx:°ety. PARIS, Jan. 11.—It is announced that safe-conducts have been issued` .o 30,000 persons to leave the city of Nancy. A special train with some Of hese residents on board arrived' in Paris Friday. Others from Nancy, `.save gone to Dijon and elsewhere. Tbeso s`atcmcnts regarding condi ions in Nancy, as the result of the _wet that the German shel.ls had be - ran to hit in tha tow.a, were con- tained in a proclamation issued by r, Prefect :Vlirinai>, of the Department of Meurthe et 'lioszlle, in which Nancy is situated, to discredit stories of destruction and panic in Nancy which have been circulating in Paris and ,elsewhere. The proclarli crane which is entitled, "Shame to sowers of panic," gives the casualties at six Persons killed and ten wounded, and adds that no fires have been 'caused by t e bombardment. The Prefect states he believes that the exagger- ated rumors were started by persons, living remote from Nancy, bemuse anyone near there would know they were untrue, Djemal Pasha Refuses to shove With- out German Vanguard. ROME, Jan. 11,—The Turco -Ger- man expedition against Egypt is held in abeyance owing to the refusal of. Djemal Pasha to attack the Suez Canal -without a German vanguard of 25,00 0 picked troops. The eompletion of the railroad out of Jerusalebe is not 'tieing pushed nearer than within 50 miles from the Suez Canal. Its eontinuation is ex- tremely difficult, hence the construc- tion is equalie slow. There is ale* doubt concerning the loyalty of the Arab irregulars destine ed to co-operate with the expedition. Syrian troops have been sent to the tlardanell a3 and to Armenia beeatxa4 t b heir doketion wets feared y the Turks and Germane. For • i is cons id eyed li" r tlie ereasons t here il.nlikely that an attack on the " • Mute Evidence of Outrages. ROME, Jan. 11.-411•. Italian s ing sh7 =tested at Anzio Satur.'.da afterno' n- towing one of the Anco- ' na's lifeboats, which she' pa ;4 est up off Gaeta. on December.' 4. lriddled bullets t boat was b y Y aged by shell fire, and teonta., male garments, which had bee in sto'ppttag the leaks. There hairpins and stockings and t- ime. bank notes. There splinters of shells, which had caused the capsizing boat When loaded arith t mostly 'women, as the garrt in stopping the boles causei shell: and bullet holes slat - was a the subtn s attacked by 'ai sank the Ancona. Farmer Iialied on Level C 11ELLFvILLE, Jan. 1 Charles Wellman, a. ee;ottiura low Township, accompanied' wife, were driving, honor r>ity on Saturday ,`.nfternoo. their tiro ick 'bv; b011/' t.