HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-11-05, Page 144a
GSS/VVednesday, Nov. 5, 1986
Innovation, technology
and good employees
keep Champion on top
Manufacturing at Champion history leaves one with the
Road Machinery Ltd. has impression he plans his career in
changed substantially since 18 -month segments. In April of 1978
the days when the company he went to Champion's South
produced every type of machine Carolina plant but 18 months later he
imaginable for the road -building returned to Goderich as controller
industry. for Gearco.
But the manufacturing sector of After another 18 -month stint with
the company has been unwavering in Gearco, he was appointed director of
its goal over..a century of doing planning and special projects and
business. And that goal was, simply, was involved in the establishment of
to produce a quality product. the company's interests in China and
Several key decision made over South Africa. Now, as
the last few decades have steered manufacturing manager, he is also
the company on its present course. responsible for the Columbia
In the 1950s, with manufacturing operation and Gearco.
under the leadership of John Sully, While his direct involvement with
the company began leaning towards manufacturing only dates back two
vertical integration, making its own years, Dave is satisfied with the
components, and it also made a course of manufacturing in
commitment to one product; the Goderich.
road grader. "Manufacturing was missing its
With a single-minded purpose, target by about, 25 per cent and last
Champion was able to consolidate its year we were out by 1.2 per cent,"
expertise and efforts, and channel it he offered. "We've made great
all into the product. Champion, has improvements and we've
made great strides in manufacturing modernized our equipment
and today is regarded as an substantially,"
innovative Canadian manufacturer. Responsible for the company's two
Today, the manufacturing sector manufacturing plants, Million
of the company is under the noticed several problems with
direction of manager Dave Million. respect to duplication of services
An accountant by trade, Million and function and a proposal to
joined the company in 1976 and downsize the Columbia operation
accepted an accounting job with the went into effect last year.
sales company. Continued
Reading through Million's job
Robotics will be introduced to the welding department next year.
Technolegt+ teas changed the way Champion works.