HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-1-13, Page 4.r e
!portant Events Which Have
Occurred Duringthe Week.
Mite Busy World's Happenings Care-
' ,fully Compiled and Pat Into
I Handy and Attractive Shape for
tha Readers of Qur raper --4 A
Solid Hour's Enjoyment.
A leader of Czechs is being tried
'Inn Vienna ona charge of treason.
E. A. Laueaster, M.P. for Lateola,
died at his home in St. Catharines,
Sir George Robertson, M. P. for
Bradford, and a noted military au-
tthor, is dead.
Wm. G. Lang of ,Miznico„ a Grand
Trunk brakeman, was killed while
shunting cars at Welland.
Brigadier -General Loge and Col -
It was announced in be 'House at`
Conzknons that the total British cas,
were 5 -
1 9
Loos lyt~ 4
in the
McLean, Conservative, defeated
MMaedonaid,Libersll, by 216 in a bye -
election In the 'First District, Char-
lottetown, P.B.I.
A Milan despatch to The Echo de
Parti says that Austria has called up
her last Bus of reserves, nnauy of
wbonr are unlit for field service.
Fred. Shaw, a young Speedside
farmer, was discovered dead on the
roof of bis baro, having been caught
and Wound arouud. 'the shaft., of St.,
area er mill:
L S. McAllum, defeated by four
votes as a candidate for„Wind-
r g
�h” el p
c ca�rl".• ou ,� p
oar' 1'itillic. S ,.d3
compulsory vaccivation, is appealing
for s: recount.
Tuesday uight brought the coldest
weather of the winter in Winnipeg,
and at most points in the Prairie Pro-
vinces. Twenty-one below is official-
Ey° reported at Calgary.
Alphonse Lequin was burned to
death .and damage of about $10,000
oneI Mewburn are to Lead Canadian ways done yesterday in a fire which
divisions sbortly going to the front.
Great Britain has given Canada
Ir25,000 for building and equipping
recreation rooms in the Canadian
hospitals in Englaziil.
Thomas Curry, a G.T.P. section
foreman at Belleville, was instantly
trilled, being run down by an engine
while cleaning out a switch.
Premier Hearst is taking a short
holiday 'before the session opens, and
during his absence his place will be
taken by Hon. W. J. Hanna,
Mrs. Thomas Kenny of Sarnia died
yesterday morning of pneumonia, her
husband having passed away on Sun-
day night of the same disease.
Manitoba Agricultural Buiidings
o ea
byMntr 1 appraisers at
three million dollars;
to have cost the Province nearly four
Farther local option reports show
;two more victories, two additional
idefeats, and four more places where
'the three-fifths elapse prevented the
by -low from carrying.
The Prince of Wares has been
eaamed Chairman of the Committee
ion Naval and Military War Pensions.
'This announcement was made in the
'House of Commons yesterday.
Serious trouble arose at the Gui-
goes bilingual schoot in Ottawa, par-
;ents placing some ninety boys there
In charge of teachers ' of their own.
choosing, and excluding two appoint-
ed by the commission.
Petroleum' cards have been intro-
duced in the German capital.
Two attempts were made yesterday
to burn down the City Hall .at Owen
Clark W. Wright, License Inspec-
tor and former Mayor .and Alderman
of Kingston, is dean.
A bill facilitating the manufacture
of inunitions in Great Britain was
;teased be the Haase of Commons.
carried away a number of frame
houses in Prince George.
One thousand hilled workmen
who have gone across among the•
Canadian troops, have been released
for work in munitions factories, at
the request of I loyd George.
The Minister of Militia is begin-
ning to receive recruits for the pro-
posed "lighting parsons" battalion.
General Hughes says 'there are scores
of eiexgymen in Canada, Who want to
go as lighters if they are not needed
as chaplains.
10 OOc�Ott
was 0 D ,
'1i wai at
credit $
enthusiastically approved by the Buie
garian Parliament, says a despatch to
a 'C Ai
.z'ozxl4al ni a
Tittles f
'The London.
sections of the Opposition voted With.
the Government.
Over 90,000 i'resbyeriatia voted
against Church union, and it is con-
sidered unlikely thatF the; General
Assembly will attempt to :farce union
en such a large minority, Less than
7150,000 voted in favor of union.
Hostility to •the Government's par-
tial conscription is uncompromising
and . bas necessitated the resignation
fronds' the coalition Ministry of all
three Labor members -•-Arthur Hen-
derson, William Brace, and Geo. I -I.
nCe ACt.
of; Insurance 'on a t
The operation p
in Great Britain has been hampered
by the war.
Wyoming carried the Hydro -radial
by-law by 101 to 11, completing the
chain from Chatham to Sarnia via
Hydro rates are reduced by 10 per
cent. in the Niagara district of .the
system, which incudes Toronto and
.Western Ontario.
Mr. R, K. Caskey, General Setae -
Cary of the Laymen's Missionary
Movement, resigned yesterday in
order to join an international cora-
Galeria women, at a conferencein
the, Parliament Buildings, Toronto,
formed the Women's Emergency
Corps for tbe purpose of aiding. re-
All British officers in, Italy have
been recalled'.
Germany h
s offeredd Italy
AustrianAustrianterrxiory for a separate
Richard Crimea. Canadian Commis-
sioner of Goranierce, dropped dead in
Sadie Rudy
.of Cookstown, omplcy-
ed as a domestic in the New Northern
floteI, Toronto; committed suicide..
The New Breeas nick Government,
it is said, will :at the approaching ses-
sion of the Legislature present pro-
hibitory Tegisiatfon.
Dairy experts at the Easter^a On-
tari, Dairymr n% association couven-
tion in Renfrew urged Ontario farm-
armersto grade scream.
.Andrew Denholm, President of tbe
Canadian independent ,'Telephone
Association, and a prominent pub-
lisher in former years, died at Blen-
heim, aged. Sixty years.
The Militia Department is inform-
ed that the. Lee-EofIeId rifle, wftb
which the British army is equipped,
is being re -bored to tint same sine as
the Ross rifle, viz., 4.6L.
Representatives of the Trades' and
Labor Congress . asked tbe Govern-
ment for a wages board oak war eon -
tracts, o
also makingther requests re-
specting labor conditions as affected
by the war.
Quebec Anti -Liquor League is ask-
ing the Provincial Government to
enact a no -treating law, to shorten
the hours of sale, and otherwise to
restrict the liquor truffle.
reieh Utnadizn
a,e ntsof
dren attending .s school, Ot-
won an exiting battle with the
Ontario Gov'ernment's Ottawa Separ-
ate School, Commission and a squad•
of perfect.
The Germans have already begun
to replace their Shortage of men with
and increased number of weapons,
says La Liberte. According to tbis re-
port a few of the men axe armed with
deadly non -recoiling automatic rifles;
capable of firing ten shots before they
are rectared.
Miss Effie Fox, sixteen years old, of
Blythesrvood, while in Leamington on•
New Year's visit to her grandma,
there disappeared mysteriously, and
sent word from Windsor alleging that
she was taken there Ly a woman at
the point of a revolver and would
soon sail for EngTa=d.
'J?H'CrTtSl2 a', JANUA.R"
Bill\Yrle:U 1Vt'iiIt, slc,r! WIZ
iltiiu Ba,,, Saturday afternoon.
John Nettleton, ex -Mayor of
linuwoodMpassed4Ny Yt IloGen�1
and Marine Hospital yesterday, He
was born in Loitho'use, Yorkshire,
Eng:, in 1832, and e uiie to CCoili:o,g-
ivood in 1853.
A plumber thawing out frozen wa-
ter pipes at the residence of A. 0,
Royce, 141.'1,, at Sault Ste, 1Vla,rie Sat
urdaY, started a fizz in the woodwork
of a ixtrtition which gutted the resi-
dence and practically destroyed IL
Burns received by little Phyllis
Tutton, the live -year-old daughter of
;kir.. and Mrs. Sitznliel Tutton of In-
gersoll, on Thursday, resulted fatally
on. Saturday. Her dress was ignited
?w len she endeavored to put a cloth
,n the stove..
Rev. Dr. John O'Garman, parish
priest of the Blessed Sacrament
Church of Ottawa, in a sermon yes-
terday called on the 1£nights of Co-
lumbus of Canada to give their quota
of men to the Canadian Expedition-
ary forces or to erase the word
"knights" from their title.
DIONY} 1.Y. •
The G. P. R. has placed. an. ember -
: go for: a weekagainst the loading of
grain far Fort 'William and Port Ar-
William Smith, 4 Taylor street, a
negro.,, attacked hiswife and a neigh-
bor with a. Fazor„ and then committed
haged16• Earl
Edgar Rosebrugh, b
Rabins. 16..
and. 3 n_,
1. Smiley-
Fire damaged the Toronto Union
Station to the extent of $10,000.
The Teutonic Consuls arrested at
SaIonica have been interned at Tou-
Herbert Samuel, ' Postmaster -Gen-
eral, has been appointed Home Secre-
tart', succeeding SirJohn A. Simon,.
Economy and patriotism were the
keystotes of the Mayors' addresses .at
several inaugural meetings of muni-
cipal Councils in Ontario.
The 5th Brigade of the 2nd Cana-
dian Division is being reorganized to,
form a brigade wholly of battalions
from Montreal and district.
William Huff of Bothwell died in
Chatham hosP
zal rn
u ies
eeived' when struck by a train at
Prairie Siding on. Thursday.
"'About $2,000,000 monthly is paid
out by the Militia' Department in as-
signed pay or separation allowances
to ,dependents or relativesof men at
the front. .
Two hundred Montenegrins drown-
ed on Friday off the Italia, sunk by a
mine in the Adriatic, were gathered
in. Canada and the United' States and
trained et Three Rivers and Levis.
J. R. Steadman, Councillor -elect of
Petrolea, disclaims -his seat, not hav-
ing resigned as school trustee the re-
quired ten days before nomination,
and there wili be a new nomination.
Mrs. Ann Brown, con. 10, Syden-
ham, near Owen Sound;- celebrated
her 100th birthday in full possession
of her faculties and in good vigor.
She is deeply interested in the war
and: occupies herself with knitting
socks for soldiers.
Auction Sale
Of Valuable two storey brick block
and choice business e
kt4 kr the
Pillage of Exeter, Ontario.
The Executor of the Estate of the
late George Barnwell will offer for
sale on the preniises on `laeaday, Jan
nary .16th, 1910, at 2 o'clock ,p.m - 'the
property on the cora er of 'Maio +'and
John Streets, Exeter, two stows of
which are now occupied' by Jones
May, General 'Merobants, and . the
third by 7:Iugh Spackman, hardware
The 7,he daroPexty Ls a most
desirable otic, the eldest and. best bu
ness site in a tower which hats, no
superior' in Western Ontario. The
block isnvell built, well equipped;anel
good kepair ;with
buildings at rear
The property nvill'be offered, intwo
parcels, according to manatees*.
Terms, --l0 per cent cash, balance on
March ,1st, 191d, when possession giv-
en. Taxes 'and - insurance propor-
tioned on March 1st. Par farther
particulars and conditionsof sale 4p -
ply to
.Barristers, Exeter, Ont,
Solicitors for Executor..
Woman -Gets Iron Cross.
• BERLIN, Jan, 11.—Emperor Wil-
liam has conferred the iron cross on
of Glen
kolik ,
F S ,
.a. bomb plot, the work of a spy.
This is the first time that a woman
has •received the iron cross. , --
h'OR SALE -One good cow, extra
beef .quality, eight years old, Niue to
Freshen Deo. 10th; 1 heifer 3 years old
due Jahn. Srd; 1 purebred Shorthorn
bull 10 months old; 1 filly rising 4
years; 1 filly and 1 gelding rising 3
years • JOHN LEARY, Cromarty
L.ot% 13, 'Con; 13, Blibbert; Phone
544 ;Hibbert Linea 12-9-110
Scientists have; pleadged their Sadto
the 'King by ;devoting all their ener-
gies ,to
nergies'to the task of bringing the war
to a victorious conclusion. 1n the
meantime, the health and nerves of
it friends,
brave v
our br
at home is suffering, and TAX£AKE is
the 'one perfect ;remedy for nerves.
Fifty tents at your druggist's, or by
mail from the Georgian Mfg. ;Po.,
Collingwood, Ontario..
Look Mother! If tongue is coated
cleanse little bowels with "Cali'
fornia Syrup of''Figs. ?
Mothers can Test easy alter giving
"California Syrup o4 Figs," i;ecaiise in
a few hours all the clogged'urr waste,.
sour bile and 1ermentin$' food gently
moves out of the bowels, and you have
a well, playful child again.
Sick children, needn't be coaxed to
take this harmless ."fruit','laxative."
Millions of, mothers keep it,`handy be-
cause' they know its action'. • on the
;stomach, liver and bowels is. , p 'oilipt
and sure.
'Ask your druggiist'for-Cen
Syrup Q a bot
tie of
"California S of which
Contains; directions .for babie children
Of. all agesand forg'rbwit ape.
our ssALE
attractions to piano contestants
Just a Littt9e Rustling and YOU Win
We Will is$uc trade certaflcatos With; every pnreb se at our store. These cetutfic<. tes represent one vote for each ONE CENT
of purchase, and tfle person holding certificates repr'senting the LARGEST INTTJAIBEil C,11” VOICES at the end cf the contest will fee:
ease this beautiful Piano A.BSOLITTEI,Y FREE OF COST.
The oertific es are transferrable, and if you• are not interested yourself you ria n assist a friend
We Can save you`money and we an prove it.
JAME$H BEVEflL1EY,iIfldCrtEk�r, E
Dealer' in all kinds' Of I+'tlrr.itliri , I'iarios, Picture-Fra,rning, IJphoIste.rin
11m4•a:a� .rte ..
s t r a t a wn:r ytrr.crw '
es in Canada
AGeneral Banking BusikiesS Transacted
r.•u,r 1! .A .� LETTERS OF CRLDLT4
lnterett alowed fit highest current rate
W. D. CLARICE, latareengerr, Exeter- Brrete,0
�„,j,arrril'rraNlOctal) aabraa.r.akNararl,r••trA. trrrartr Ear 4901101.
oura*Well*$ Iwo*
SIR. EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O., LL.D., D,C,L., President .. !
JONES,Ass'tene General •N
F. Ara
JOHN A'IIiJ), General Manager.
$15,000,060 RESERVE FUND,` 95is
The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Fal•1 iieksi.el
u ' ess including - heir banking b sin
•t' n of t
Sat. 10a
the trap .
' for
the discount and collection of sales notes. Blank sales note
are supplied free of charge on application.
Exeter Branch H. J. WHITE, Manager
`• •- hM 7 i1,W.i1J•4.„nt4 4. M11 ;M
Lordaurnham Dead.
LONDON, San. 11.—Lord Burn-
ham, proprietor of The • Daily Tele-
graph died here yesterday. He cele-
brated his
ele-brated"his 8'2nd birthday on Dee. 28
last, and had been critically ill sev-
eral weeks. • Be retire from - active
newspaper work several years ago,
and had lived quietly at his country
seat' with his family. • Lord Burn -
ham's eldest son, the • on. Harry
Lawson, is the active manager of
The Daily Telegraph, and 'has repre-
Seated London district in Parliament
since '1855.. Two of I,n ii; Burnham's
three grandsons /tavern, killed in
battle, and he third is at the front
With' his regiment.
Just What He Meant.
"is the raw still beeping up2" •
"Why, what d'ye mean? I hay
as Dundee Street, London, Goarstis.
teed cost of buildings; no exti as; la
years New York experience. i'hossee
27A25n. gone intending to build a ill Cy
ell o write me. No charge far coal
:Gabby jCushtealf?.a. es to indulge
"Then let her try' a little conversati
on tlie line between 'New York and Sa
Frditcisco."-New York Times.
Children of Today.
• "If, you don't give Me a elect yo
chi:replete. Thalia 111 tell mamma, that
you ..are: secretly- engaged."-FIlegend
Fii).r Example.
''Eyerything has get to be imprqved
right gibing to go these (Wye." '
"Not at ell. Tette love enaking.
There haven't bete) ane improvemente
for years, and yet it gees great"e-LoU-
' Domesday Book.
According to Stone's Chronicle, th
title of "Doomsday Book" arose fro
the circumstance* that the origin
document was•kept its a place iu Wes
minster cloisters called Domes Die, o
house of God.
Didn't Have to Come.
"Don't any 'of. atter frieuds come t
tee yon on visiting days?' asked th
"No'm," responded No. 777,444;
"they're ail here wit' ine."-Buffalo
. After the HoneyMoon.
"I think his love is growing cold."
"Now,,my dear, you mustn't bnagine
"It is not Imagination. He reads a
newspaper lvhite I am sitting on his
lap." -Louisville Courier -Journal. ,
Close Figuring. '1
Postal Clerk -Your letter Just bal.
tutees, miss. If it Weighed any More
you -would have to put on another
stamp. Pretty .Blond-Gracioust . I'm
glad I didn't sign my middle natuel-•
Gassy.Stornathe surely feel fine
In five minUtes4
If 'what yott hist ate Is settling UN
your etemaoh or nett like a .lump
leak teftleing to digest, or Yon belelt
gas and eructate sour, undigested
food, or twee a feeling of dizzineSs,
heartburn, ftillnesa, nauSea, bad taste
in mouth and stomach -headache, yott A
can get blessed relief in five minutes: as
Pat an end to stOntach trouble forever
by getting a large fifty -tent case of wi
Yolt realize in fiVe minutes how need- e
Tins it Is to suffer from indigeation,
tor the werid. It's. Wonderf