HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-12-30, Page 12THEx f TER . TIMES
'T`IT I` TSBAY J',01,J11'R",fC,•• 1Cii$i,' i9T 1
The Batey W
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The Toro
way Co. has
for lighting
Orillia W�
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Judge Ma
revise the v
the instance
A Black
by rx banrb
groce'r's; pr
houses beim
Sir Adair
wind camps
by-law by a
ars meeting
W. M. A
certificate o
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ock, two a
/21,993 haw
and 225,00
with only 'o
outside his
and PoIyca
years' .af age
ener'e jury,
the deed,
British m
,coast betwe
Minder great
storms and
fire, mine e
tacks are ge
The Russ
important P
Alex S.
member of
yesterday of
Arthur C.
1'y* of Guelph
Branch of
With his Ch
years in th
Trunk, drop
at Belleville
at Catyxt min a plat is alleged co p� q y y R
:g dl^ 4+ °moerm and soldiers'of he Legion of
WIGS OF WEEK„ 'lire nem Cross on a Targ4, number of
destroy Bern an givesurveyors
d Ma polish Volunteers.
oilier roars work.Qf
Qa ly, a shipping :cleic
• . r _. ,
Auction �
Peerage” �I
N9a 49q.••.G..YOYO.i19 .INCORPORATED : �OIQ�I•PPifi,��YAM•
cr zg.. at t i,..� t,`tes the title
of sIrene�, r
Viscount �f Ypres.
• , lt'ir'3I3t'f;Battalion,
f;ev, Tazz: T�`ez•usa.,'a �iozieer 1'Ie-
thodist rziinister, cited at 11:x1 Seville
It is estizitated tti,it in the last year
Cres Britain has advf need$2,000,-
i' I)' i ''
to he A ies. -
000,000eter Peslie of Shetland was in-
stint killed b b me
1� y eXug Amen by a
'rata •tit-Nortb I3otbwell,
The London Times learns that the
Peninsular and Oriental liner Cee-
long,: 4,030 tons, bas been sunk in
the' Mediterranean.
Tie late Mrs. Mersey Treble, the
Toronto philanthropist,. hofs left
estate',of over .$2,000,000, chiefly for
.religious, charitable, and educational
'rhe newspaper Nea Hellas says
that thirty :transports filled . with ale
Valuable .'tw0 3eQl�$y! . IJTWIF blossl
'ohoiae buess eine nPte,
ilage of :oxete, Qtalo.�°R'S'11fi5
,,., ��;
ilio l'�xeoutor of the U y�a of theP
late 'George Samwell will 'a3ffex :for
sale on the i?remLses on lues ay Jatz
,, ' .
ears ,1fit1; 1Jk0, utt o'clock ,p ns-
, ' ., Glia
ptraperty in 'the aorn'er of �Ma .ti• �@ind
John Strcct' 'the two stores of
ii•iiich ere naw o cupi by one
a : 'ed J s 8'
Iliay, General. Merchants, end the
third by Hugh Speakman, hardware
Mere/Anal T', aro rt is mat
deeirab he �' y
desirable one, the oldest �and,best huen
; - v ano
Hess site •iu a •to n r Ilea
superior in Western Ontario..The
i 'and
block is re pa Built; well e0u pped .
iii goad Irepair with adequate storage
d•a •at rear :
buil i gs y •
The property will be offered; in two
p p
parcels, accoxdiiiE to oocupanay.,
.Germs, -10 per cent cash, balance'on
Manch;nst, 1916, when possession giv-
_ _
Ei,P T �'' _ '�$.
915 Prl1MI hC$ ltl Canada
1 Transacted
} A General Banking Business
' ��*+ D �+n
lzztecest•alo.wed at highest current:rate.
W, D. CLAIZKE, Meinager•, lExeter
0OQ .,
> .
pq j� �T►�1
E N 1
Srezric?ps „'
p 1,
• i.
: ';
` •'(
. tw
; j.
. j.;,
• 1.
• :`
: i
' :.
favid I.7ppeic, 11Qth Pertb at the Brook Woollen MUIs, Seoe,,
Br k Vit
died in Stratford General
�`�IiGh. F9aue was instantly killed about 1.30
lfospital of b1oo4 oisoning his r
a clack yesterday moriziug while Alae-
1Dtrkra the Week. father- n -law died Sunday,and the•
l nig a belt on a pulley.,
fu r
neral had not been held. The British armored cruiser l fatal
r.., -.. •
med's Happenings care,
needled send Put Into
ac Attractive Shape for
;ars of C9tia� Paper ... A
In.'s Enlloyure*t,
gstone has been. appoint-
of St. Catharines,
urs of,>bea•deem addzess-..
nine Congress in Wash-.
& York Radial Rail-
reduced rates in Aurora.
and powez •
-ter, Light and Power
announced a third re-
ower and ligbt rates.
ower g -.
refused to again
titers list for Petioles atmart
of the anti -local option
letter was .followed
explosion in a Montreal
eniises, twentyother
]Beck opened a whirl-
ign for tine Hydro -radial
ddressing three ratepay--
in Toronto yesterday.544,
has been granted a
naturalization and has
elected Reeve of Tavi-•
Cher nominees retiring.
soldiers to the total of,
e been carried over seas
ie er e s
• by, railways in Canada,
ne fatality in the latter
y r
Frechette was murdered
at St. Cesaire, Que.,
rpe St.Pendia, nineteen'
-fourtd guilty by the Cor-
is said to nave cerefess.ed..;
enitors bombarded the
Ostend and West -endo
The troops are fighting
difficulties owing. to the
but heavy artillery
xplosions, and bomb at-
occupied Kashan, .an.
ersians town.
Crass, K. C, a leading
> a .
le Montreal Bar, died
a few days illness.
of Chicago, former-
sent X500 to the Guelph
Red Cross Society,
ristmas greeting.
Michael J_ Murr• ay, 40by
emplon. of the Grand.
ped dead f heart aur
Stationrests Y
records and plans
$10,00a. are missing
George El. Minns of Port Hope, In-
specter for the Children's Aid Society
in Durham and Northumberland,
dropped dead yesterday while wrap-
ping up. presents for the children.
The report that the Right Hon.
Lewis Harcourt has resigned from ,
the Cabinet over the compulsory ser -burned
vice issue is coupled with the rumor
that he is tcxlbeco.nzo Viceroy tri iridis;
Speaking at the annual banquet of
the Iingston Coiuzuerezal 3raveleraan
ss G�;atio Hong i. 13.E ;Lue se Pre ;
,.aat •
vincial Attorney -General, stated that
c n ributions in money and
Ontario's o t m Y
ther r k ou' totall ea
kind since wa b a e t e
It is ascertained: that fifty-five bags
a -
of rubber, all consigned to a well
knawv enemy forwarding agent in
v from the par -
Sweden, were removed r m P
cel retail on board the steamship Os-
ear II. The, estimated weight of the
rubber seized, is about 4,000 pounds.
:1 for1 : 0
Ontario autoxuoba a fees 91
will be from $6 to, ,OXO higher than
for 1915...
Stephen J. Young, American Con -
set at Trenton;• died suddeisly on the
was* home from his office..
His Royal Highness the Duke of
Connaught has sent a second cheque,
for $2,500 to the Canadian Patriotic
The Court circular issued rester-
days stated that King George returned
Castle - the af-
to Sandringham Cas a during t
The steamer Nyack of the Crosby
Transportatzorz Company, valued at
.150,000, was burned at her dock at
Muskegon, Mich. •
St. Catharines has departed from-
the olds system of two assessors; and
has appointed J. W.. Young Assess-
r t vi
� ea,. ,.^'� s ioneat $I,_54.O;a sea: •'".
Berkeley E. Obadwick, for mans
years director of orchestras,.' died at
London, Ont., during his. last hours
szngur�, beautifully and iii Fane the
reefing; players,
After fifteen months of collecting
. The Times" Red Cross Fund reached
the stupendous total of $]:,,aa0,9'00.
Thii-s _is by far the largest fund ever
fathered by a single newspaper-
The consuls- of Cermany, Ausiz ia.
Tu:k- - and P.,t:lg tz'ia, at,Sxlarli�a,
,e' ,
with their staffs anti. :famines, have
been arrested by order of the Fre:ich
General Sarre}, and taken aboard a
is each warship.
The Federal Ga crnment has pass-
ed an order -in -Council retaining as a
"gest egg" for them a considerable
portion or the monthly pay .of sol-
Biers at the front who have not as-Wesi
signed. theirpay to relatives in Gan -Your
oda., .
._.__..e_ -• ,,.•. . ,•.... .,,,s --,
' was sunk Thursday afternoons while
s fan in erg
in harbor, as the re ult a t
nal explosion_ There are about 400
i Foul 1 su acted«
survivors, Fol play is sp
received yesterday, at
A message c i y Y
Moncton, N. stated that the, Sacred
Heart College at Caraquet, N:B., was
to the ground during Tburs-
d. num; with•a loss of $250,000.
Word Inas been received in Wind-
stir. of the sudden death while' on a
*visit in Cincinnati; •of Captain John
e -_i
l�loore; a well-Ttnotisri vessel man and
resident of Windsor many years,
The New 'Yoik.Herald, a daily, and
the New York Revue, a Sunday pa-
per, both printed in German and pub-
fished in New York, have been for-
bidden the Canadian mails under the
usual penalties.
George Williams a young man
who robbed two stores and held a
tip on Christmas morning in
'Sarnia, was sentenced Friday to two
years Tess one day at the Ontario Re-
formatoxy at Guelph.
The Copenhagen correspondent of
the Petit Journal states that Ger-
many is making every effort to incite
revolution in Finland, and that many
young .]• inns ar e going into ilornzany
weekly to be trained as officers.
William Duff Reid, President of
the Reid Newfoundland Company,
was created a knight in the New
year's honors.
With the Horse which had lacked
hint standing over hint, John Olds of
Simeon was found insensible in his
stable yesterday morning.
. The death occurred Saturday
morning of Jeanette Rae Deary, wife
of Joseph L. Fielding of Guelph as a
result of taking poison in mistake for
mei eine:
.. Mr. I. E: Suckling of Toronto was
yesterday appointed General Agent
for Ontario of the Passenger .Depart-
ment of the new Canadian Pacific
Ocean Service Limited.
It is reported from German sources
that Emperor William has summoned
a, groat war council, and a similar
naval council, to be hold in Berlin
on his birthday, January* 27:
News has reached London . of the
death at Florence, Italy, of Tomaso
;h'aIvirri the Italian tragedian. Sal-
vini was well known in the United
States, having made several tours of
Baron Thomas Shaughnessy re-
ftirz.ed to Montreal yesterday from
Ste. Aaathe where lie ant the h 1i-
p o
d ys_ He said that he had not yet
tikes into consideration the.formal
title he -would assume.
Field Marshal French, who was re-
c•ently 'relieved as Commander -in-
Chief of the British forces on the
C-atinert and `v s raisod to the
2•• _
lied troops have in the, Gulf
arrived en. . Taxes 'arid Insurance propos-
of Orphanos, Greece, and that disem- boned on lalarrh •1st. Fee further
•" eenn "ne
barkation has begun. particulars aria conditions of sale ap»
Tire` British Government has roti- ply
fled Greece that the'Kaisers.summer "1 to AD'`IAN '& STANT:WRY
residence, Villa Arehilleton, on the Barristers, Exeter, Ont.
Island of Corfu, will be taken by the Solicitors for Executor,
THE- C.( it NAD,
I •N 1 .�
.A'lliee for use as an hospital: ,
. Mrs,' .Emily Crawford died on FOR SALE—One good cow, extra
Thursday at Clifton:. From .1885 to beef` quality, eight years old, ;due to
1907 Mrs. Crawford the Paris:.,-`--.
:• .01? cOMAIERC
was freshen Dec, 10th; 1 heifer 3 years old
correspondent of the London DailY due Jan. 3rd • 1 purebred Shorthorn
bull 10 months old; 1 filly ,risin 4.
News. She was the author of several ' gU
historical works" She was born in X •filly `1 ' 3
IR EDMUND .ALKER, C.V.O: LL 1i, D,C.L..Presideat.
ES, Asst Genera€ ,
JOHN AIRD General Manager.'. H. 1'. F. JONES., ,
years; and gelding nisi
Dublin. years old. ° JOHN' I,EAR.Y, Cromarty
P4O., Lot 13; Con. 13; Hibbert, phone
TO DOUBLII ABM'. Hibbert Line, - 12-9-,itp
9 9 ! 9 9
Canada's" 'Overseas Forces Will Be Scie>rtists have pleanged their sumo
500,000the 'Elea the devoting all their ener-
Increased to Men. ilex is , task of bringing.the. war
_ to a .victorious conclusion. In . the
OTTAWA, Jan. 4. The i7ominion,
of Canada will double its overseas. meantime, the health and nerves .of
our brave soldiers and their, i riehds
army. An increase of 100 per cent] d A AIIE .s
in the authori•zed total for overseas at home is suffering, an T I i
the one .lierfect remedy. for nerves.
service was announced by Sir 'Robert ,. or
Borden in a notable New Year vies- Fifty cents at your elzuggists, 5
sage to the'Canadian people. "Yes- mail from. the Georgian Mcg. Co.,
terday," he said, "`the authorized Collingwood; Ontario..
�T �T
Acv rN� BY I
' •
Accounts may be opened at every branch of The Canadian Ban
. ofCommerce to be operated by ;mall; and w111 receive theanl
.•. ,
careful attention as 1s iven to all other departments of the lBanW
be deposited or withdrawn in thin
business,' Moneymayway '
t y s by a p T oval to the S. .
satisfactorily a ' personal visita Bank. •'
forces of Canada numbered 250,000, ---
— ..
"and the number enlisted was 'rapidly. END STOMACH TROUBLE • ''
approaching that limit.. To -day, the :� '
first dayof the new year,our author- GASES OR iIYSPEPSIA
ized force will be 500,000, This an -
Exeter Branoh— H. J.
R1 , Managez Manager
' I ' ` '. DRBDi'd4N BRA'Np?S` - 'A, E. $VHN, Manager, -nes
nouncement is made in token of Can-
ada's unflinching resolve to crown ' "Pape's Diapepsinn makes Sick,' Soar,
. the justice of our cause and an abid- Gassy Stomachs surely feel flno
ing peace." in five minutest.,
Only a little over a month ago an-
Lots 32 West Eza:i.
.tee Dundas Street,. Condom,
uouncement was made of the Govern- �'"—
ment's authorization of 250,000 men If what you .just ate is souring on
as Canada's total force. • Now,al- stomach orIles like • a lumpof
your st m ch
on its heels, comes the oub- lead, refusing to digest, or you belch
ling of this number of fighting men..gas and eructate sour undigested.
It will be a big task for the military food, or have a.fesiing of dizziness,
organization of the Dominion, for its heartburn fullness bad'taste
of and •
3s-. North .Chimes Read, Townth, ship of
nullaiton, 'County of Perth, Ont. Lot
3L contain,• 129 acres"on which there
•s An. u -date Stone • Dwelling, Bank
.z p o zu Dn ng, se
Baize 36x90 and 3.4 50 Drive14xHouse
aur. Hoa Pen .23x50, • Sill tip -
teed coat of .buildings, no eatrsza;
years New, York experience, 1Pli>
Anyone intending to build svil}l.
° ell ';o write me: '° No charge $4ti° c
means that' what has been done inthe stomach - headache,
mouth and stomach headache, you
way of enlistment will have, to be can' get blessed relief •ln five minutes:
dup rcated. Put an end to stomach trouble forever
ors '.'
to -date stabling, cement laors de lit-,
ta; causer, acre choice garden, 2
aLrea orchard 10 acres first-class hard'
irootl bush 55 •acres in grass,. oalance
• C �K ]{ O A NS Ni, �' •
425 R MOND ST., 1 ®''
. getting a large fifty -cent case of
AffSSADABIE ARRIVES. Papa Dia a siminutes any
F p s or
aline in five how need-.
ploughed ready for seeding.'
,haft of Lot ai , s
sPEgIAtIST xxs
t7tznadiau •Troo shi is Ee orted sate less- •i •is to suffer from. ,indigestion,a
Troopship P
in England. 'yspe six or any stomach disorder.
`.'s tl quickest, surest stomach doe-
` ' wonderful.
- i the: world. Its
acres an tivhic is a
isi an up -to -dated Q G ; RY AND hNlxO � raaf1
brick divelli am 40, 90, Imine j
bare tee s J Dns ' ; e' of AND w03i
chard 7. aid wood 14
acne] fail , .. —.�--
in grass, fear- f .
„p :,,