HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-12-30, Page 8• THE EXETER TIMES WE extendto our many Friends and Custom- ers Best Wishes for Bright and Prosperous *kVA Se. OA ere ate i'a'retr 7:64 E thank you for your favors during the present year and look forward to your continued patron- age for 1916 totTiktli*AleNatilYal,AY4 "ral, f4O Trimmed Hats a trimmed hats to clear at less than cost price. °ice for $1.50 Yb 4fr nellette Blankets size in Fawn or Grey Shades. A limited supply at this low price Per Pair, $1.39 'OA 'nil :V tiliP471•V `44-41 New Prints 50 pieces of New Prints in Lilac, Light Grounds, Light Bates, Lues, and Rede. Extra Value at per Yard, 10c EWA Phone 16 Big Store with the little prices 1 Dark Market Report --The following is Elie 'report of the Piretet market •corrected ttp to Deo. 29th. 'Wheat 8.5 to $1.05 i '; Barley 45 to 50.1 Oats 38c f. Buckwheat 70o ' . Peas $1,00 Family Floor $3.20. Low Grade flour $1..65. Bran $25 per tont Shorts 826 per ton, Butter 28 to 300.1 Creamery butter 34o Enns, strictly fresh, 40c: " Eggs, over G days old .360. f Chionen, alive 10, !dressed 120. Old hens, alive 8, dressed 36e Old Roosters, alive 0o; dressed; 8o Decks alive llo'dressed 15o Geese, alive 11; idressed 14 ''keys, alive 20; dressed 24 Old &Les, alive 17; dreesed, 20. 1 ot ttoes $1.75 llogs $8 30 •••••00944)•••••••••••••••• • • • • ••••••• • • es' LOCAL Visitors out of town The following were amorg those wh4,,tn the 011riatznas holidays out of town. Mr. ad. Bidley, in 13IytU. , Mr. G. Spark in Toronto, atr. W. 0, string lett Guelph'. Bobt. Sanders in Lendon. Mr. Edgar Torrance in Clinton, Miss Ida Wambold in Dashwood.. Mr, George Bedford, in Drighton. Mrs. Wm. Corash, et Windsor. Mr, and Mfrs. 'N. J. 'Doreeat iflamil- tofl.\ Mr. P. Laurie t .his home tn Thed- ford. Mrs. T. 'A., Wambold in Saginaw, imrs. iCucl.morre with relativeat Rippe. Mr. and (Mrs. J. (McDonald at 6t Thomas Miss Morlook with relatives in Detroit, Capt. W. J. (Efeeman and Semi's, tin Lonelonf Mr. and, Mrs. V. Vanaistyrte, in Parkhill, Mr. Swolwell et 'his home in Bothvvell, Miss V. Johnston, with her father in Toronto. 'Mr, end Mrs. Iy. Gould end family, in •Winghem. Mr. W. Parsons with his daughter nt eValkerville. Caaneillor T. Barton spent Friday lest in London.' Mrs, W. J. Bissett and daughter Gladys in Paris) Mr and Mrs. W. S. Cole anil son. Harty, in Leean. Misses N. and Mary Tom. with. rela- tives in Goderich. Mr. 'W. May and Dlr. and, , Mrst Fred 'May in Mitchell nlisses Pridham and Hamilton at their respectiveahomes in Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. 13. We F Beavers and family spent Christmas with Mr, 'and Mrs, W. A. Turnbull, Farquhar. TE• D -Drug aPprentice at once Apply- at Cale'c Drugstere. Read the auction sales on page four. Miss Ida Cottle is on the sick list, Mies Lulu Martin wes iniLondon on Monday Mr, A. Holland spent a few days in London, Miss Sarah Sweet is confinedilto her bed with a cold, Miss Ethel Sweet, milliner V Till- sonburg, has aaturned, 'home./ Mr. 31. G. Stanbury %vas in Gode- rich Tuesday on legal business.. Miss Gregory, of Chathem, is spend, ing the holidays with. her mother. Mr. Ed. Jones, of the west, is vis- iting his wife and flanalln* in town.. '& GENTS' orw line of Ladies' Gaverdines, •unas, Pop - own, Russian d a reen, etc. PRICES $23.00 to $35.00 Coats II ra Coat season is here and with it some of the most be- t eel:nit:1g and attractive models le-elif the day. Every garment the newest in its class- ** tweeds, plushes, beavers, Persia-tex chinchillas, etc. PRICES $17.00 to $80.00. A fine assortment of Men's Suitings and Overcoat- nigs at reasonable prices, Give us a call. 44. 44 *1* 44 44 44 N. stieere Tut HIGH CLASS TAILOR 17p Stairs, Opposite Central 4. 4 4 44 4 4 4. 4. 4 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4, • •1'4. 4. 4. 1:1=SROIV: • 4, 74X' . "t". - We Wish you a a HAPPY and PROS PE ROU S NEW YEAR R 4,4 R, Ft Rowe The Funeral Director and Faerenittere Dealer PRONE 20a 1;4 '..1';',44:41;41,?Ter474-.."PIA414.14,,fariACe.k".477'4,A, 41:01.,SMS Miss Bertha Meek, who recently un- derwent an operation for appendicitis, is irecaperating at the bome of her parents, l'efr and Mrs. E. lack.., 'to aid reere" Rev. Collins land family left Mon- day to visit with relatives en Birr, Miss Vera blue:worthy visited for for a. few days in. London. this week. Mr. Ify. Parsons, of Luoan, spent the forepart of the week in 'town. Dr. Campbell, of Toronto, attended the elence in town on Monday ever. bag Miss Lily lfloody, of Toronto ,Univer- sity, is visit.ng her aunt, Mrs. W. Johns Miss Mary McQueen, of Themesford, visited in town the forepart of the wee). Miss Pearl Rollins, of Mimico, is visiting her cousin, Miss Maud. 1ton lins. Miss Margaret 'Case, of Toronto, visited in town the forepart of the week Stns. R. Oke' and Miss Ferrol Hig- gins ere.ispending 'a few days in Sea - forth. Mr. P. Laurie, V the .13an1 of tCom- rnerce staff, has been transferred to Crediton 'Mr, and Mrs. S. Hutchison, of Lon- don, visited Air. and Mrs, R. Quanee, Sr., on Monday. Miss Violet Willis, of flYlarlette. Miele, is spending the holidays with friends in 'town.i 31r. Will Birney left Monday for Winnipeg after spending a week with his parents( Master Lloyd Beavers, of 931anshard spent lest 'week with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. ;Beavers, The Jackson Factory was closed down on Monday giving the employees an extra day's holiday Mr. hind Mrs. John Jones returned home from their wedding trip on Wednesday of (last ;week. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kirkby, of Blanshard, visited Mr, and Mrs. D. W. F. Beavers last week,. Mrs Dickson and setts of nencouver, II•Ce ere lasiting tne eormers pannes, Mr.end ens. Wm. Devise Mr, Ben 'Rivers, of Vancouver is spending a- a w • w eeks with his par- ' exits, Mr. end. Mrs. Wm. Rivera reVm. Cornish, of the Louden Ed, scuth, are visiting in Hamilton clueing the holiday season. Mrs. Rev. IS. .F. Sharp (and daugh- ter Margaret are spending the Christ- mas' and New Year holidays in Sime,oe. Someone is going to get the "hand. - some piano that is now oa- exhibition in Mr, S. Beverley's window absol- utely tree.. See adv. on page four. 'Miss Nina Kinsmen assiste1 the choir of Caven Presbyterian ehureh ori Surday. I-fer solos were much appreciated. Miss Greta Lerma of Grand Bend, is visiting +with Mr, end. Mrs. Sweet, of the London Road south during the Christmas holidays. 'Messrs. Harry Parsons, of Calgary Alta., and Chester Parsons, of Saska- toon, ere 'visiting their parents, ale. and Mese Sanniel. Parsons. Mrs. Jas. Gould was taken to, a Private hospital in London on Isroni day, where she will :receive treate merit from Dr:Harkins, Oestapath. lblrs. Piper's daug,hters, Eva, of London, %rebel lan•cl, Etbel of ,Chicago, are spending the holidays with her here., Mrs. Piper spent a few days in London Mr, end Mrs. Jeall. Greive 'celebrate ed their .wedding anniversary on Christmas evening when la -number of relatives were very Pleasantly, en- tertainede Miss Willa Hestia of Sheguiandah, Manitoulin island, and Mies Alberta flestie, of Toronto University, ern vis- iting Miss Ella Heywood over Pc Christmas vaeatiorte Ir. • drew 'Hamilton and Miss • the west, sort and • Kama - spend Visitors in town jtessrs, Fred end Olive McAlister of Toronto, ht the James street 'par. • "Rgekarl Welderthanuner, of COun- ovillaleisavielti,ng his friedn, Melville dmn. blr. 'Chas. Dunsford, of Sudbury', with bis petrents, Mr. end airs. Wm. Dt.11)11).!!°1•141oneer Kinsman end son, Ted, of Sarnia, with the former's brbther and sietere ' Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Dire and son Alvin, of Seafo,rth, with' Mr, end Mrs. W. Higgins. Mr,•Eorle Briekwood. of Niagara Fans, with his parents, Mr,. and Mrs. J. B. Drielewoodf Dr. A, diamsan, wife and familert of Toronto, with 'Mrs. Simon 'Camp- bell and other relatives.. • teer. Gordon :Hooper and, friend, Miss Stoner, of Toronto, with the kformer's parents, Mr. hnd Mrs. A. Hooper. Ma Roy Davis, ;Mess Lily Davis and Miss May Pearce, all of London, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Davis, Exeter North. Lance -Corp. 'Chester Harvey, of tHhaerv7etybi, lYlounted Rifles, Hamilton, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Miss Lil 'Huston, of Danville and : iHuston. iss'nrinnifred Huston, of Railton, with 'their parents, Mr. and Mll rs. f'. Rev. and. Mrs. E. A. Far, ot Tees - water and. Pte. Thornton Fear, Vat the. 71st, 'Woodstock, with Mr. and airs. W. S. limey: Sties May Armstrong,. of Lucknow. and Miss Ida Armstrong, of near Tor- onto, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1. Armstrong Messrs. Harold Bissett, of Toronto, Reg. Bissett, of Chatirem and Mise Ethel Bissett, of Seaforth, with Mr. and. Mrs. Thomas Bissett, t Following were among the many visitors who spent the Christmas holi- days in towne (Miss Ida Marchand with: friends. Mr. Jack Cane, of Lontion. with friends, Miss Passmore, of Toronto, with /her mother. Mr. Ed. WaJike'r, of Lucian, with: his parental • Miss Vera Campbell, of Hamilton, with eteleuvese Mr Fred Gould, of Strathroy, with relatives Mr. Pert. Gillis of Paris, at his home .h Sir, Lou. Heideman, of Toronto with his peeenn. Miss Helen Brown, of Toronto, with her raother) iMr. Fred Walters, of Detroit, with his parents. Mie John Walker, of Toronto, with his parents: Miss Annie Day, bf Brantford, with her parents Mr. Fred. 931owe, of Woodstock, with friends: Pte. Edgar .Horney, of London, with his parents. Mr. Jas. Sanders, of Woodstock. with relatives. Mr. Walfer Dearing of Loiuton. with relatives. Sir., 'C. jt. Howard, of Clinton, at his home here. Mr. Arthur Hoskins, of Brentford, with relaeives. Mr. and Mrs. E. Flyn, of Staffae with anal Lives Mr. des. 'Creech, of Rcehester, with relatives. 1Eiss Annie Senders. of 'Wet-PrIm. wine relatives. 31r. Normen Jarrett, of Toronto, with relatives, 'Tisa Mabel Walters, of London at Ir home here Mr. ,Offt:McPherson, of Montreal. with his narents. air. Harper Rivers, of Strathroy, with his parents_ • Mr. Percy Browning, of Toronto, at itis home here, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sweet, of Sar- 'nia, with retanives. e • Pte. Clarkson, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. We R. 'Davis. 'Miss Beatrice Redden, of Seant- ford, with her raothet.‘ Messrs. Jas. and !B.d. Bissett, of London, with relatives, 1?te. Bert Harnessof the . 135th, Parkhill. with his motlaer, Mr. Atlanta Slacere, of Detroit, with his mother, airs. M. Sheerer. 'Mr. end Mrs. Itob•le Sweet and fam- ily, of Clinton, with relatives., Mr. Berry, of Ingersoll, with his daughter, Mrs. R. G. Seldom 'Miss A. Eacrett is home from Strat- ford for the holiday season( Mr. Ed. Pickard, of Chicago, with his mother, Mrs. Rd. P,iekard. Dr. end Mrs. rollickand children, of St. Marys, with Mrs. E. Follick. Mr. and. Mrs. Leadha.m and eland, of Pt. Stanley with Airs. Mains. Miss Mary Mack, of Toronto, with her parents, Mr, land Mrs. D. Monk Miss I. 'Windsor, of Brown. City, Mich., with' Mr. end, Mrs. Jas. Goad. Mr. and Mrs. P. MeDnn:ald .and family, of Stretford with relatives., Mr. end MAS. A. E. Wood. of Lon- don, with Mr. end Mrs. 7. I.' Wood! Miss Sarah. Sweet, of Toronto, with her ,parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Sweet. Mr. end Mrs. 10bas. Daee, and. 'Mr. Garvey Acheson at the 'Cent he'• ,aod ales. Geo. Ingersoll, with Mr. and i eet Mr. Frank Johns, of °none" , with his parents. Mr, and rs. Johns. Miss 'Ruby Treble or Toronto, with Ler parents, 11r. la d Mrs. M. Terblel. Mr. and fetr,s. hos. Dunsford, of Marlette, Mich., • vith Mrs. T. •illissett Sr. Miss Francis • 'avis, of Winghara. with her exir " Mr. and. Alas. 1).. LOST -On Tuesday of this week ladies gold watch. Finder kindly leave at Times office., ANNUAL MEETING EXETER AGRICULTURAL SOC'Y. The Annual Meeting of the Exeter Agricultural Society will be held in the Town Hall, Exeter, on Ihursda,y, January 20th, 1916, at one o'clock rem: fax the purpose of electing Presi- dentnrice-President and Directors for the ensuing year and transacting other important business Ali members and interested parties should attend the meeting. The Directors are particularly re- quested to attend a meeting at One o'clock On. sharp just before the regular meetings 13111USDIAT, JMICARBEB latlik) %OM •••••••••••••••••••••••••• o•••••••••••••••••••••••••* • • • • • • • • • • • • • • tI E CHRISTIE R. CI% SELDON President Seca*. Remember' that three thousand votes are given with •a year's sub- scription to the Exeter Times. It is not too late to get startede Contes- tants are known by number onlye • NEW HITCHER -Mr. 'Begg desires to announce that he will call or and deliver orders to any part of thr. • town. Tour 'Patronage' is.,,solicIted • 1. -hone .103. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • 4 • • • • • SALT FOR SALE. -An excellent quality of Sarnia made salt foir tale at Seldon's Second Warehouse, at the G. T R. station. Sold in any quant- ity. Your patronage is solicited and sansfaction is guaranteed. - ED.. MAGUIRE, Exeter. BROWNS TREES The best that can be grown Wbo is our igent in your town/ DitmArN itoTREB,S COMPANY Nurerymen, Limited Browns Nurseries, Weiland Co, Ont. PERRY DOUPE, Licensed Aua tianeer. Saks conducted in any lo- canty. Terms moderate Orders left at Times office will be promptly at- tended to. 'Phone 116, Kirktone Ad- dress Kirktan P.O. HOUSE FOR SALE The undersigned is offering for' ale ia the village of Centralia an eight - roomed Brick house, istodera itnpro- vemets, 'hard and soft water; wood - house and commodious stables; cement walks, '2 acres of lad, School. church aed station convenient. This is 'a very desirable property and is be sold far below cost, RrCHARD QVINTON, Centralia AL ERTA SASK. and ANITOBA CANADIAN PACIFIC • FARM LANDS Irrigated and Non -irri- gated. Farms. Loan for Improvements. Advance of Live Stock on Loan Basis. Twenty years to pay. FULL PAR:110E31AI THAT 1916 may be a Bright, Prosperous Year to All Our Customers and Friends. 4,to :SA VAVa We are thankful for the liberal patronage this year and hope to merit more 1916. We are clearing up our left-oners. Come and Get a Bargain! POWELL'S set • • • • • • • • 41. • • 4- 4- 4te • • J. WILLIS POJL Prop • ++0++++++44469-1+444+441444 4040 04.44 0.4444.0 ••• - . . 1 „eae. • 'The purchase price of this farri, 881 Rogers Al PO E give coupens with every chase of of all the high grade gtn- teed products made by the Ued Drug Company_ We are willing !eke money on ehe silverware to get yohe- rainci ed twhithr iihe. these goods, which ar4n- "Reza Remedies" Lggett's Candies, PerfuntereTollet les, Brushes, Stationery, Rubber Goa Mad hundreds of other items, household pr ara lions, etc. You cannot afford not se- cure •this popular silverware, when y ean get it on our half bought plan.' As a ameale, this teaspoon that sells for ee can .get for eon with coupons. TWO Cuuoons with every 25c Pu ONEoteOr artailinawith hev set Ask for Coupons BuyY and CO 1 ex - y all - • e.