HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-12-30, Page 7tp HiDa2STII BEUEVE0 Ha' EMS CORM INTO VIS EIR. WOOD'S .r" way ,' Pan+' rip ut' rCURED RI THE N .Y SCHOOL l INTERNATIONAL LESSON, JANUARY 2. Less "zeal:" The Zealots composed the physical -force party. A tax gatherer and to Zealot brought together by flim who forbade resietancel 14, 'Mary---l:lerc last mentioned, a LT Y •c Is �ei7 Face �1a t t ovrcd !',1 fact which makes her early death ry` r�'' `. - probable. Itis heethr•ext-It is mach ell f,re tell whether then were older 0 I. -"!lite Ascending Lord, Acts brothers, Joseph"sa gels, . or younger sons of :to..e.eii and Mary, The latter1 Li.S FOR SEVEN - 1. 1. 1-14. Colder Text, seems decidedly more probable. The • I essc,rta Without Butter and Eggs. lightful crispness if it is plunged Eph. 4. 8. i other view may well have ari•=en ,in By A, P. Marshall. Suet Cruet - a , deep into cold water for an hour be- One-half ound tl r,.lte of the mot imaged reading; of is teas Poon {11t am s n old faro it is served. Verse L The former treatise -•--The the relevant t l..`••: ,tyre,;., tI1ro+'g,di the as - 1 ounces n t t water, Skin IS a cane seat chair is sagged, but margin Greek, "carat" hi supeI'iluoit ew mete e tendeue which forgot the un- • Sift the flour. Slain the y not broken it ea be by at this period Greek dkl not snake an .•see •, „ . ,, - sacred/lees un - reset and liar through the iilae:at malt , <n tightened l y . r ,_fl able sacrl,dn,.,,, of the word --- grrinder, ui o' a little of rho #lour scri'bbing;• with boiling hat suds. Set, difference. The claim of the writer "mother.„ Mr, Frank E. Anthony, Gil Ellen Street, Ii c tiiig)'f,, Man., writes: "tf;ring„ • takers :livered laths of Dr, Weems • Norway PiineSyrup, during the pate, env weck'a, to relieve a chronic cough and generd throat trouble, alovv m e to ex- press my unbounded satisfaction. rel thanks as to its sterling qualities; . , short time ems I became suddculy eebj:sct to vielerlt con plata lits at • ui;ht, :trail directly after rising; la the mtlruirea for &bout :.n hour, and found l was gradually • lose], weight. All my frgetlds cheerfully informed hie that I looked as though 1 were eadag i+i consumption, and I • honestly believed such was the case. Ilowevsr, titter having taken several bottles of `Dr. 1. ood's' I ani Ideated to relate that- the cough I1as entirely dis- lppenred, along with all the nasty symptom , and I have since re^wined the lost. w,:ieat, I haw: no hesitation in • regio, erne l lino Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup us a sure curc. for alt those tro:,i.,12d in a like rt i ui.'r," When you ask for "Dr. Wood's" see that you get what you ask for. It is put up in. a yeller, wrepper; three pine trees the trade mark; the price, 25c and 10c. Mauu•iteter d only by lige T. Mil'aury ao.,Limited , Toronto, Ont, from time to tirn3.. to keep the suet lin the .:lin to dry.p 1 es c be for • front getting too sticky; rub suet into C ..1......,,,, cut as it Should o ole slew, nut into cold water t f' remaining. ,lour, 11 salt and mix to • 1 with a stiff past,: with cold water; roll at crisp, then served as a salac ante ail floured ��.. .. French dressing is delicious. 1 fl used board Beer suet is the best. - 1 Black silk can be very suceessf.illy Arrowroot Inane Mange Irgrre •washed in the water which pared clients forI -- _ potatoes have been boiled in. It stif- < 1,:, pint' mold; � 5 table fens and freshens both. spoons arrowroot, 11 • pints mill{, rind T,. t, • ,d� a • e out of % lemon, sugar to taste. Mix to . a When boiled ham is taken smooth /mete the arrowroot with xs the pot it should be put on a dish with pint of the milk; put the other pint the rind side down, then the juices on thewill not run into the dish. flt•e in a double bailer with the lemon peel, and scald the milk. Put a large sponge in the bottom Keep over the hot water until well of the umbrella Jar to absorb moist- ure. It should be taken out on sweep- tlavorecl, then add the mixed arrow-.iell root, sweeten to taste and allow it to , ng clays and dried in t11., s coals until it thickens su ficiently to To make old fowl tender, rub the come from the saucepan. Put into a fowl thoroughly with vinegar and wet mold 'and,whenT steam two hours before roasting. It quite set, turn it out on a dish and pour around it sense will be tender as a young chicicen. stewed fruit or garnish it with red To clean pans that have scorched jelly or jaln. The time requires} for food adhering to there, sprinkle dry this ccol:lg is about 1/ hour, and it baking socia in them and let them ie a dish that is seasonable at any stand for awhile. They then can be time. I quickly and readily cleaned. Arrowroot Settee for Padding.•A Some boot polish becomes quite dry good1]dding sauce that r with keeping. Moisten it with a little p requires no I butter a1' eggs is as follows: One turpentine. It softens the polish, mak- >c I tablespoon arrowroot 4 tablespoons in bl t e and also giv g it usa e a one sugar, juice of 1 lemon 1 cu water, . a good gloss to the leather. NEW T1IIF,L' DISCOVERED. I a little rated nutmeg. ' Mix arrovw Do not fertilize window plants be - 1 or a fore. they show signs of Melamine. or root and sugar; add to cold water, Strange Dwellers in Congo Paint pug over the fire in a saucepan. Stir they will run to leaves. After there Titemnselves in Red. • over the fire until mixture boils. Then is a sign of blooming, give them a I weal application of some good plant A strange tribe of hitherto un - feed lemon juice and nutmeg. It is ; food once a week. known African natives, who render then ready to serve. themselves invisible by means ,,f dull : Apple Charlotte. -Six large tart I Should you mislay your tape needle, red often happens to the most or - apples, lines painted in various directions apples, 1/a cup sugar, Y box gelatin, 1 pp cupcold water, 1 not cream. Pare deny person, do not think you must across: the bedy, has been discoveredl give up what you are intending to by D;. Cuthbert Christy, the well- and strain apples, then press through do with it, but resort to a safety pin. known traveller and authority oil a colander and add sugar to them sleeping sickness who has returned while hot. Add the gelatin, which has Amore excellent substitute cannot be from a three years' scientific expedi- soaked far hour in the cold water, ; found. Put the end of the ribbon p through the pin, and when it is clasp - tion in the Congo, undertaken for the ,and sill` until dissolved. Stand in a E ed use the twisted end fol point, and nater and stir continually t ie mixture begins to thicken;; It was in aril unknown part of the you wish it, using it just as you would Ituri forest that he. carne across these then fold in the cream, which has ; been beaten to a stiff froth. • Turn ; a needle, only, of course, more care ^ a and Belgian Government. i'""• "' Inc push it through the opening where until tl people: They organize great drives pudding mold and serve when ( must be taken, as it is broad, d, in the forest, catching the animals by very cold. sometimes needs a little coaxing to do mean, of nets. They are very shy i Bavarian Rice with fears. -Cook 1 its work. It is splendid for tape as • and quite naked. I cup rice in 2 cups of milk until thick well as ribbon, and is very handy in into a Dr. Christy was the only white and smooth; stir into it 2 tablespoons ma.n, and by the help of the Bambuti sugar, a few grains of salt and 1 dvvet'c"-• with whom he lived, he. pease-; t .blosroon r'el=etin soke in 1, cup 'cold tie) the haunts of the okapi milk; flavor with cinnamon or rice, HenE of these animals and sec- ; or pour into a t mold. When rice is • eded in collecting four. I cool, turn out the mold and surround 'Tis great difficulty was to get ui with canned pears. Serve with Jhedl . t in a catlike and ,cream. noiseless waiaiite the Bambuti: The work was vel `ging. Constant rain, caw=potato,1 cu rate a AssociatedfPress by one of the heads beyond the Gentiles, the mongrel, continuous tvri;.;t, and a plague of ; p grated carrot, 1 cup brown sugar, 1 cup chopped of that department: ( Israelites of Samaria had already y flies and ticks de progress hard. suet, 3. cup raisins, 1. cup currants, i„ "The country is divided into areas, come within the range of the Mater's Practically the 51e time marching cup citron (cut fine), 1-3 cup orange each of which has a local board of sympathy and love. That the mission I was through vvt}t often waist deep. peel (cut fine), 1-3 cup lemon ;,eel management he control, acting under , was to be e orltc 1 111.0 had been Moe:lied Sometimes thxaveller had only (cut fine),3 cups flour, 1 teaspoon the Ministry of Munitions. This board m his earlier tea,.l in;, See especially i a few ha -times 4 to his belt, and Mark , .k 2^ ("first ') • 1.s 10 I baking powder, 1 teaspoon cloves, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1 teaspoon nut- tileg, 1L teaspoon salt. 511.. all in - c witn 1"larding.-One cup grate an emergency.. iDt SHELL MAKING IN ENGLAND. to hare.composcd the tided (ioegel is abunczazitly stlpDorted by the evidence of a remarkably hal Woo aerie. In L'A e 1, 3,. '#'hc"Op.t3..: ; wee ``most ex - very °" cis "i , ,r •. : member (not nett• w: r 11y very highly placed) of the Itolnun civil service; the abet:ace of the ep- ithet hire may show he was out •o1 office now. F:•,gan--So t11111 Look is really "The Act; of Jesus ---contin- ued, 2. Apostles -A title not originally given to the twelve-Maik hardly ever uses it -but characteristic of all pioneer "missionaries" of the. gospel. • 8. 1iy many p,'cot' i -z or, as verse 12 shows, the sueranr ienction off the twelve 'vvas to tell the people that their crucified Mes 1.{h was alive again. To achieve certainty in their own minds' he kept flaehi,tg into sia.;ht and vanishing again through a peeled of some six weeks, till they had learn - of their lesson: that he was always there, even when unseen, 4. Ye heard froze ine-The prim- ary reference is to Luke 24. 4,1, but John 14. 10, 26; 15. d amplify the promise richly. 5. John's r it+? 0:' inmerelail was an acted parable to set forth the cleans- , ing of a penitent soul of God. The new immersion in the holy Spirit was pos- itive -not the undoing of past fail- ures, but enduing With power for fu- ture success. John himself recognized the partial and subordinate character of the water baptiem (gee Matt. 3. 11.) G. The time 'seems indeterminate:' neither here nor in verse 4 does Luke apparently know of a particular oc- casion. At this time -That the earth- ly kingdom of Das•id-wouI,i, be set up again sante time was taken for grant- ed. Judas was the only one of the twelve to realize that the Master's throne would not be in Jerusalem. 7. The knowledge of times or sea- softs in the future is incompatible with humanity as such; the San of God 'himself must leave it behind .I What to do with a "vaceed. 1 t. that d :o f:[', real.. to had been a -:t.., for t. yard e1ncl:on= in was tea problem in the se i, a• of 191r. The soil !leaded c'.orno re reehii? . mei hot. te, do 1t n3'(l ;r'ot raven: for t-io trouble no.; t ,1 e war cert' e 1''::i t,:, re - awn, j,lod.!etiorc and Sr. Percy Scott took on the gun Des av,til- Ei.Londoni.a. 7 J. ,.c• i f.�'a; et: at the svehOlU,r. .. .. rr,SV 50010 usable crop. p. ., tnotrct, Several citizens had se''1 a .... , : c1 with ade:.i4•e to )rattsce el 1 Zeppelin overhead the _ ' before his greeter eeonemy, prompted Idle ;,lila i .: .as. ..T r.� ',:rias f «•:,, an=,vii,.nn:�'�t was. �n:au:.,p..ell .�.. � • � �50 feet . a + a ,,: vVUtl..,.,, rials lot 0'f ab01'.t of them it he Jy;,.a.::red no bl .ed 1:..( feet in vegetable 1:roes sta- ./Ian '.e, , h .L_.n a g.hi:nl,l.' t;, others it looked ,,,lo ,1 t t<•.,lc where roar; but >g ;rite, a. ewer, and to others like a erda- huz.t;;' mote 1'.nt„r bottle, ar:.d- yet again, to other u'iSte i,nJ are eye it lied K . s i ,'-i•' . the goode: •r, 1-e�1ae:1 .t c. �.; away :i healthy g11ai'. 1 , eet :'ii e 111 coca X15e1 e. nut oil hat':3 o d when every mom::}. g t t.. t, v as e y one point the r'xetat,•rs were agreed: mama, while it cared to remain overhead, gram, l girl cif, this m t t prep the theta e;n , no lev • of dismissing it, few br ecl''nc' hell': a ;ll list was y , it was out of r:znrre. yarded for them, lea le ' all of the It was not mem to gather from Mr. Ghtlf,,'--"g' LET C NN ;It? I I'ERT: , 1 Sir Percy Scott Will Get the ZC1II)s 1 -ad 1; Anybody Can. when he becomes a elan (Mark 13. 22) It is only f il�e prophets who ;:now 1Et nothi:ag go to t:ady to tuck i,' of all 001115 • Pili g,lt , are not a serious troul)k:, but they are item, at/Sightly. - 1'i,nples are caused wholly 1)y bad 1)1', '.., and to get rid of them it is necese e 'y to purify the • blood of all its iia- 1?iSi:id4:ar lurdoel .13ioott. Fritte=rs lues made many x 1.,ltatt carte:;.; -tile pi3UI}1ts have till di ippeare„d, 011ct a 1. inot,' (.leen, smut-- ,I hien Lit I 1 1 .za1. ?!ir. • Lel.ilcx 11. Coo?:e, Inditn':Patli,,. .>., v rite:: I ant 5ritiilg you a few t see to nil you what .urocnit Illocd 1 Stowe lam +:o,.e for lee, l.,aot wiener my i:.:: we., tau rued with pin)'galce. I tried J r:ttt kinds Of medicine, and all :heel to. f::)l. I was one dcy to a tri, M's house, itt i there they vale incl. me t+• nee 1,11.B., se• I purchased'twol.ottles, •r' d before I had them taker{ I .found I v, .i getting better. • I rot. tivo more 'e,111 1i1iai • -they were finishI': was d')"pl telt' cured: I find it is sa, Ovut l purifier, 111111.I reeottznteadit to ell." ti.{r tool. Bleed Bitter lips I Veen out tlie 1:•..•.t fer the past forty• years, : rid is .1. u,.,ct'!red ally by The T. ;ell/burn go., Limited, Toronto, Ont. brick, unless kept ;culled up, The silty]) e plan followed was to make a f hoeing the whole possible after ''.facilities fox -ter., only Tinkle balance free to be used for garden Palfour's well-turned answer to a purposes. Owing to the nature of the question in the ilou�;e why Sir Percy land it lool,e 1 like a very d fcicult had not long ego been put in colas- matte=r to t ccomplish anything, and, mond of London's guns; but, taken ee it stands, Sir Percy's advent is thoroughly characteristic- of kis whole career, and quite to his liking. He rias always an eleventh -hour man. When, as commander of the Terrible, he mounted his 4,7 -inch guns on carriages that were conceived and built within 21 hours, and got them across courtier in time to save Lady- smith, he dict what any well-educat- cd naval expert would have told you was impossible. When, in 18013, the Scylla scored 80 per cent. hits in target p tice---tho old average be- ing 37 per cent, -the wiseacres read her report with incredulity. When they did believe, they were at first inclined to look upon the ship and her commander as freaks. Percy Scott was not bothered byeither view. He could repeat or break his own re - the time of the end. r' 4 8. Power -Which is fk 'etten than knowledge and indispelit for 1 System By Which Manufacture of the most Herculean task ever laid on! Munitions is Supervised. weak humanity. But it was achieved. The following facts as to the mak- Judea and Samaria -United in the • a of ;tions are supplied to the C=reek by one definite article. Hilted! often had to sotit. entirely. on wild kola nut. •.ward. a of management has representatives of ' r. "r , "• I the leading engineering and manum 0. Taken up -This, of course; does lecturing firms, and expert engineers not imply that his physical form was gredients together, put into buttered working the whole time on the work lifted into some wholly needless piece I baking powder cans and boil 3 hours. i of the Ministry are attached to each of speculation. It was a derunterial- An arnusin' ry was told by Mrs. Serve with any sauce. Note -In all 1 board, and survey all the engineering ization of the sante order lig: ttlhoso a steamed and boiled puddingsput on i resources in the locality so as to util- . that proceeded it; but it took 111e torn E. Rennie, o ;rugate, England, in , p g i flight, a•. ;.,..:.<urg a Isar at Eccleshill, A ' to boil in cold water. The gradual 1 ize these as highly as possible for the ; of an upward fj3,.,1_t, ,,ince "upward" , visitor to a ,^tsl for soldiers vvas heating makes the pudding much t production of munitions. This work , always symbolizes "Nearer to Thee," I sur prised toi bier than if the mold or can is ut ; has been carried very far, and machin and the sly inevitably suggests heav- I Z one of the patients , } I7 p The n el concentrated i.i ,r ;c s.•suitable factories s • 1 verse _ 11. TzlE in er- bc:n filch ares. yto e en, See ...,o t t}at:,,, directlyinto boilingw )y the nurses by his, and every effort made to utilize all > ?i•fr- tian II -Wit being customary l Caramel Pudding. -Make a corn position of• a Owed hay marked cl itis t{rlddi=oss part; the lathes and engineering equipment temporary resumption of the ``Burly of b , by their surnames � starch pudding, omitting sugar. When ; . (43r. Upon airy as to why this' milk and cornstarch are cooIking in i ill every town and district in the lo- Glory" at the tr, eft iiration. I cttinctioil wa' needed to the par- I. the double boiler, melt 1 cup of sus cality. alar soldier •ferred to t a t fire. When en- Ea the reply gar over he direct W � . 10. Looking steadfastly -A char ch board of management is in acterlstic woi l of Luke':,: White- reived was; { melted add cu boilin via_ direct touch with headquarters at the ` The color in 1 110,11 the light has no' tirely p g Ministry of Munitions, where there is obstruction always symbolizes the very well- call hien ' ter. Allow this mixture to cook until . ' thick and • syrupy; then combine with an official who is. in charge of every glory of the other world. It is Shel- I '' queried the some- I the cornstarch mixture, Pour into a particular district and is able to an- l ley s vtihite radiance of eternity . visitor. ' mold which has been wet with cold Sv4=el' all inquiries and help and ad 11 Men of Galilee -Aral as such, `Yon ace," tv . the overwhelming water. When cold serve with cream. 'vise in any difficulty which may oc- i far r vva Psora tht it home, a symbol answer, "his su erne is Love, and Baked India Pudding. -One quart cur in that particular area. At the } of those who were to know themselves it's rather awkvd-=' milk,x/a en yellow cornrneaI, x/ cup head fill organization J St p molasses, 1/s teaspoon salt. Put 1 "Well, we c iy his surname "But why no what astonishe ea, o : es ante ion is J. even- as strangers and sojourners on earth. son, a business man of wills experi- , pin' o - _ an e _, q �' On 1 s Guard. ers exercised in regard to taking Ina- ! b "Tina fellinging dish and the other pint into e chinery and factories by these local ;past to future, from a wistful looking ines is always lois double boiler. When scalded stir the for• the old relations restored, to the; rovvin�� lnoliey. oes he owe you I meal into the hot milk,a little at a organizations acting under the 1VIin- any?'{lstry of Munitions are very extensive' great Advent Hope. It is Jeasus, their "No, time until it thickens Remove fromj Mester as they knew him, who• is to _tea once It should be noted that the pow- `3 hy- -why not? v, e Might say. The •. t f the infill into an earthen bak g is uestlon recalls thele from tht. but I'in afraid he hopes to." stove and add molasses. Pour this and very drastic. return `eon the clouds of heaven." Sa' mixture into the cold Milk. Bake 4 "The national shell factories al- I ready established number 20,and are ; Lor the last time occurs the great ap- I hile the. "hours in a slow oven; serve waren propration of the Daniel prophecy le, with cream. A fireless cooker is ex - manufacture, situated in large centres of When clone,the manufacture, while co-operative (Dan. 7. 13) which Jesus had claimed cellent for this dish, areas are arranged in more scattered at his trial to be the sealing of his : pudding will be red and full of whey. districts. In many eases the two sys- fate. tents run side by side, so that every s 12. Olivet --Latin, oliveturn, like available means may be taken of in- the Greek word here, means a copse Hints for the Home. Spare ribs are much improved by rboiling before roasting. 11 raisins in melted butter in fele ; they will not sink to aka. _.. are done if the and the custard ce. s when nearly and prevents sus change pare the creasing the supply. "The total number of controlled es- tablishments is now 1,246, and there A sabbath day's Journey ---About one are 1,000,000 work -people employed thousands yards, a distance fixed by ther:ein." of olive trees so abundant as to give a name to the hill opposite the city. Her Reply. As' the happy couple v re leaving the church the husband said to the partner of his •mar.• ded life -"Mar- riage must seem a dreadful thing to you; why, you were all of a tremble, and .one could Hardly hear you say- will.'" aywill.' " "I will have more courage to say Ha louder next time," said the ging, bride, ' *low to Work It: wish i could ,get my wife to home, but she'll stick and stiek e last dance is over." 11 tell you how to do it," -the Writer of the '1 ;ow?" .. at, apostle; he and the rabbis by a purely arbitrary ex- egesis, ' 13. The upper chamber -That of Mark 14, 15, and perhaps in the house e still the Christian meeting .s 12. 12, The other lists have variations in the ast conspicuous, those s the son of James place of the tae names of the at the end. u seems to be ;dent :al with Thaddeus: "Judas the Twin," Thomas, lost his pro except in Syriac Thaddaens lost hi lists and John wanted to keep The margin (brothe cm the wholly hips 1, ore we know as ler name entirely exts, and Jades xeept 111 •Luke's No apostle 1 as, the neighbors said, as soon as dry •weatht 1 eta: -;.ed the ground would bake heed and everything would dry up. It v: -as natural to almost lean to their view, but if the land was to be refreshed in any case it was worth a trial. Not having developed the idea un- til well along toward spring, the land could not get any fall preparation, but we got a little stable manure, used what hen manure was available, and sprinkled the soil with a little air - slaked line, and had a man plow and harrow the land well. If we could have had a disc harrow, better pre- paration could have been made of the land, making less work afterwards, • but the harrow was too big to get through the gateway. How everyone in the household appreciated the big variety of fresh, crisp vegetables was ample repayment for .the effort, and as we were able to have crops as early as the market growers and earlier than our neighbors in spite of poor first conditions, great satisfac- I tion was felt with the effort. I In the meantime, before planting, time was spent in carefully selecting a good variety of seeds to give a 1 steady supply once the erops started to bean. When these were finally selected there was just $3 worth to order besides a peck of local potatoes, 35 cents, and two dozen tomato plant:, 25 cents, making $3.60 in a11. The teaming, manure, plowing and harrowing cost 32.75, so that the to- tal cot ' s $6.35. When we consider the healt.hf 1 occupation it gave, the satisfaction of our own supply as eve wanted to pick it, and the big saving for these rroducts, the e : eriment was a huge success. iglus, c,v ery ram. watering, this course to follow, ant Of course the vines were with lime occasionally, to keel) Lugo, and this we found the effective thing we have ever use.. Looking back, we attributethe re- sults entirely to a little preparation of the soil, good seeds, very frequent, hoeing, especially after every rain, and never allowing the soil to get in the condition this soil would if left alone, to choke off all the growth that starts, Anyone who wishes can figure what seven healthy people will eat in a season and then add considerxbl to that and easily decide whethe work to utilize such a vac? it profitable or not. By pi=;t now one can arrange t tag° of every opportuni the best results the next MID CLASH OF Mast 'P4 enderfu- -goal On ern clock As St way o Lorraine, t way of the the cathedral a The clock is more m., .. , either of these, however, haven made by Jean Baptiste Sehwil 18-2. It is twenty feet hies various astronomical devi ng true solar time, it r planetarium in which. the of the planets ars represtm that the relative positions of each any time can be seen at a glance. Then on a platform above movable figures representing; the fo ages of man. At the first quarter of an hour a child strikes the bell with a rattle, a youth in the gash• of a banter strikes it with an arrow at the half-hour; at the third quarter a. warrior strikes it ! Wieli his sword; and at the fourth quarter an old man strikes f . i ....� it with his crutch. Then a figure of death appears the full hour with a lies On the highest platfor 'ruralized figure of Christ, death strikes the hour at twelve Apostles pass 'before of their Master, bowing as tl so. As Peter passes, e. • lei perched off on one side wings, ruffles his neck, three tunes a loud and per ural crow.' Sailed on the W The bank cashier, el boarding the steamer when he noticed a the rail who look "Do you think tit I In dividing see the land. three long ' , paths were made the full le r ith of garden, ,iv ..• --r- y.-••_-^-�-�•--=-`=-� ill,, c :., divisions being nr..,:e to Sir Percy Scott. 1 make emit bed about 6 fret square. ' except =e;• vines, where small, round tapering beds were formed to let the eord at w i1, for the simple mewl • vines run. With a late start and no that it was the fruit, not of chnnce or time to lose„ plantings wen! begun as of s1 ch a fluky thing as the h•.tman feet as the 1: ods were get ready, and eye, bet of Sciences. The "dotter" and plantings wore made earls week-enG the "cictleetlon t:as}lr,>, otherwise: until all the seeds were used. With known 00 the "ping-pong machine," ° oath kind of seed, however, only a were worked out in the lonely night -'small portion was used at each .plant - watches of a marl ai brain. mg, so that ;lea lots were conning up They had nothing whatever to do! to give continuous supply throughout with Admiralty Bards or Commis- I the season. In sone cases where • stoners. His inventions ',.1'(' his own, frost got the first plantings, later and put into practice without warn- sowings came right along, and foI ing under his o -on eye on lits own lowed so clot as to get right in as! ship. Later on, three months before early ee it was possible and avoid his promotion to -tile rank of admiral, tine frost. they were filially incorporat .cl and • Our moieties consisted of :-3 ver- . given to the ]]anon in the famous;cries of 1>ea:;, 4 of beans, of beets, di ector-firinf apparat:lo:, for i 1 of turnips, 2 of carrots, 2 2 of lettuce,. which he received thanks i.n the shape. 2 of radi,ht-s, 3 of corn, 2 or parsnips,: of a baronetcy. A grant of 4,1000 i 1 of pareley. 1 of cabbage, 2 of toga-' was the reward -save the mark -of ' toes, 1 of suririter squash, 2 of squash,' other important inventions; and he' 2 of pumpkins, 1 of muskmelon, i of received his K,C.V.O. ill consideration Watermelon, 2 of cucumber and pota•. of the part he played i11 the scheming i,. with sunflower and mangles for of the dreadnought, the first of the' the chickens. Our potatoes 'o•eee used `. all -big -gun ships. • up as soon as they produced without But Percy Scott. ie afraid of no •,.airing for quantity, and supplied man, not even of himself, and he dict l seven of ns from early July until tho , not hesitate, ail the eve of the war, j end of August, when there was no , to dce1as'e the impotency of the big ; trouble securing all we wanted at a . ship. His letter to the Times, in , fair priee. which he foretold that above -water 1 Of the other vegetables, we obtain -1 fleets would be swept off the seas by ed all enc could eat, being obliged to the submarine, 'MS something of ato pre- I bombshell from a man who had been °give away and sell some and uit unused u associated with the perfection op big -1 vent waste. All tops used ship gunnery. 1 parte v, ent to the chickens, turning Witll another .school of sailor he I clops were everything into Some use. As the had little:sympathy. His famous taken out it became pos-', sibie to enlarge the thicken yards,! signal at Portland, ' P11011 oil ap- and finally, by yarding tender stuff, petits to -be in more demand than +e lace was given over to ' „ the whole p e>< gunnery," brought an old antagonism them Besides this, beans, peas, to-', between the ornamental and tI1; ambers, and su practical to a h axle is 1 passil me on the seas he will seize he asked of his accomplice. "I apprehend you reed not appre- hend that he will apprehend your responded the other comfortingly, offered O' • na F itea BILIOUS HEM . When the liver becomes alugei: l inactive the Barrel, become constioe. the tongue becomes coated. the ,atter. foul and bilious heed, hilil)vre° •