HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-10-29, Page 10PAGE 10 GODERICH SIGNAL STAR, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1986 District News Yamafest is Back This Sunday in Varna Test drive one of the new 1987 8R250 (Bravo) JOIN IN THE FUN 9 - 11 a.m. Free Breakfast & Sign -in 12:00 noon Snowmobile Grass Drags 4:00 p.m. ATV Drags 4:30 p.m. Water Skimming Selected Yamaha Snowsuits and jackets up to 50% off In Varna 262-3318 JUST OFF HWY. 4 -BETWEEN HENSALL AND BRUCEFIELD Show Special Yamaha BR -250 Bravo Only $194960 plus P,D.I. and tax Pre -season BONUS • Free Special edi- tion Yamafest Col- lector's hat with ever new sled YOU COULD WIN l A WEEKEND SNOWMOBILE GETAWAY FOR TWO Name Address Phone Prize includes accommodations, trail tees and the use of two 1987 snowmobiles. No purchase necessary. Cooking was part of the fun at Camp Samac and the menu when this photo was taken was Japanese stir -fried vegetables Here Karen Mt,Calium (left) and Joanne Shand look like r H,..�q .r„ q t n vv r� f t.h ,.. 11: y ;la 1 F. s 1 ' r ' ..4'-i..L'-4' 4u n.. Y _. (. " .1 a • .-. - ..- W....�, •.. \.Y'V, Wb 4..V YY'Y.t%C1VY.� N-.i.Y !"" "�"b on the last evening. (photosupplied by the Pathfinders) 1 H 0 'I_ d1ESVILLE Frances Worse11 Special tribute was paid to one of the members at the October meeting of the Goderich Garden Club. On this occasion, at the instigation of the club, the Ontario Hor- ticultural Association certificate of merit was presented to Frances Worsell by Clarence Lang, O.H.A. district director: Frances Worsen, a long-time member and ardent worker has held many offices in the club. She was twice president and has been an inspiration and leader in. many endeavours. Lovely beds of mature shrubs and flowers at the Goderich hospital were started by Mrs. Worsen and nurtured year after year by her and her team of co- workers. Lang spoke to the members on the Joys and Sorrows of Gardening, greatly en- couraging his audience with examples of the joys which outnumber the sorrows and urg- ing his listeners to continue their efforts. gets award Camp fun for Pathfinders NEWS The first Goderich Pathfinders travelled to Oshawa to .Camp Samac on September 26-28,, The girls left Goderich around 4:30 p.m. Friday afternoon and arrived at camp around 9:30 p.m. Friday night. As they unpacked and prepared for a good mile's walk, it started to rain. Lucky girls! They put up their tents, packed all their gear inside the tents and started to relax while the leaders Mrs. Evelyn Shand, Mrs. Sharon Scruton and Mrs. Pat Dicks brought stoves and food from the vans. Saturday's activities included go- karting, windsurfing (the water was freez- ing!) triathalon, trap -shooting, miniature golf and alot more. Also on Saturday, there was a penny carnival. The local entry had people throw wet sponges at members. Following the car- nival, there was a dance. Since this camp was co-ed (Boy Scouts and Pathfinders) it was much. more fun. On Sunday, there was a cooking contest. The local girls entered Chinese food and won the bronze medal (third place). One of the judges was Mitchell James of the Canadian rock group "Cats Can Fly" and local members were properly im- pressed that such a star had tasted their food. The 18 members of the group arrived back in Goderich about 6 p.m. Sunday evening and all report an "early night", according to Pathfinder secretary Andrea, Horton. The water was freezing when the First Goderich Pathfinders tried windsurfing at Camp Samac near rls and their leaders from Goderich shawa attended the but Karen Nco-ed campout with a group of BocCallum was a game student. y Scouten s' (photo supplied by the Pathfinders) (CALLING ALL MERCHANTS! • IN GODERICH=- • Get Mut- Thinking ourThinking CapsOn!!L Blanche Deewea, 480-33133 Phyllis Cox was leader for the October meeting of Holmesville United Church Women. The theme of the meeting was 'Overflow- ing with Thanks.' Phyllis read the call to worship, "Thanksgiving to God should not be confin- ed to a once a year occasion nor should it be selfish." Our gratefulness is something to be shared every day of our lives. Hymn "Now thank we all our God with heart and hands and voices." Charlotte Norman offered a prayer. Grace Walter read an article entitled 'Lets talk Indian' taken from "Mandate" magazine. An interesting discussion follow- ed. How and why the white man exploited. the native Canadians and denied them their culture and spirituality. The president, Charlotte Norman, opened the business metting and the secretary read the minutes and correspondence. Reports were given from the treasurer and the committees. The President gave a report on the Lon- don Conference at Fingal and the rally at Nile U.C.W. which she and other members attended. Final plans were made for the Bazaar to be held at Goderich Township hall on Wed., Nov. 5th at 2:30 p.m. A delicious lunch was served by Charlotte Norman and Bessie Townshend: . Milky Wheys make ice cream By Stephanie Bush The vice-president opened the business GODERICH TOWNSHIP - The Milky meeting with. the 4-H pledge. They then fill - Wheys met at the Goderich Township Hall ed out the papers for Get the Scoop. on October 20. Mrs. F. Oak brought her ice After closing. the meeting with the .4-H • cream maker and gave members a motto, everyone assembled in the kitchen to • demonstratiop. Colleen McAdam presented create their own sundae, The next meeting • her with a small basket of cheese as a will be October 27 at the Goderich Toivnship gesture of thanks from the members. Hall. The time is fast approaching for the Goderich Signal -Star's 8th Annual SALE & EXHIBITION by Huron Tract Spinners & Weavers Guild II •Demonstrations in Spinning & Weaving at The River Mill (Benmiller Inn) Sat., Nov. 1 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sun., No. 2 11 a.m..- 4 p.m. 6th annual Christma Store Front &.Window Display Contest Get out your old moosehead, Christmas trees and lights, string some popcorn, break out all the old cans of paint and... LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD NOW IS THE TIME TO SHOW YOUR CHRISTMAS SPIRIT!!! IT'LL PUT MONEY IN THE BANK AND MAYBE EVEN 'A TROPHY IN.THE WINDOW c Q Watch for details in next week's paper Sponsored by riff -do. 4 e've got MICROWAVE OVENS starting at 235OFoor Christmas Start your Christmas shopping early. HUTCHINSON APPLIANCE SERVICE 300 Huron Rd„ Goderich 524-7831 524-8732 1111.-1 The FRI F _ BtIJ ( i)/ dl a .- — . c FRY $10.99�'�-_-r - SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2 Reserve Now. Avoid Disappointment 3 SEATINGS 4:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 8:30 p.m. AIIYou-Can-Eat SHRIMP the ERIE BELLE, 259 Harbour St., 396-4331 HURON CUSTOM SERVICES *Custom Combining *Corn *Soybeans Ready To Serve You GRAINBUGGY - TRUCKS AVAIL ABLE Will Quote Any Job - Competitive Rates DONALD GEIGER OR KEN GEMMELL ,236-4865 527.1689 It's A Family Affair... ....when somebody graduates, celebrates a birthday or has a party. The Goderich Signal -Star specializes in news about families in this community. A photo and a oriel, informative cutline will be published free of charge for anyone graduating from college, universi- - ty or other post -secondary school education. Birthday photos, and a brief informative cutline are published free of charge tfio: children 11) years and under or for persons 100 years or more. Written reports about birthday events are welcomed for Versons of any age and will be printed at no charge. Birth anncuncements are accepted at no charge. Written reports about any family social events arc always wel Send news about your family to: Ws A Family Affair este he Goderich Signal -Star PO Box 220, Goderich, Ontario ...or drop it otf at our office ott HuckinS St. i 1=.:tli! •Iti U9tr' i PIrk. i