HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-12-30, Page 1'. oRTY-SEooNr YEAR— No. 2232 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 30TH, 1915 • • JONES & NAY Phone 32 GREETINGS We desire to thank our many friends for their liberal patronage during the past, and trust we may merit a continuance of the same, To one and all we extend the Season's greet. ings with our best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year Jones & y i We extend to our many Customers and. Fiends the Season's Greetings and thank then for their patronage. its AWE GOOD AND USEFUL GIFTS $2.75 to $5.00. EVERY BOY AND GIRL WANTS SKATES (lackey from _ $1.50 up LADIES HOCKEY from 1.25 up BOYS' HOCKEY from $1,25 up HICKEY STIC ,..15e up pt3CI S .....10 and 25e S'11IA7?•5...., . , .45 ,and 20 POCKET KNIVES ...... 10o lip. BREAD KNIVES ... 15o up. ICA'RVERS ...... $1.25 per pr SAFETY 'RAZORS $1.00 FLASHLIGHTS , $1. up OtOEDA'R MOPS 75o up SAD )RONS ...$1.20 . up FOOD !CHOPPERS $1.25 up N. P. TEAKETTLES $1 up WASHERS • ..$10.00 up WRINGERS .$3.75 up S'WEEPE'RS always appreciated 25e to $1.00 VACUUM 'CLEANERS $8,50 to $11.50 1-1EAMAN'S Hardware & Stove Store PHONES 27 A Alen 27 13—EXETER $ONO31• ROLL FOR 1Glst Battalion (Capt. W. J., !Beaman Sidney Smith, Hay P¢O. • ,Fred Tucker, Exeter John Hewlett (Cornish, Elimvitle, :lector l•Ieywood, Exeter. t`red Hopkins, Whalen Sjrlve nus Cann, Exeter Wilgaam Pfaff. `Exeter. .Andersen, Tarxetaa. Patriotic League 'Notes The mental. monthly meeting will he held in the Library on Monday evening, Jany. Ord Jet half Vet seven. One -Milt• do4en knives (rave teen left at the Te.e rroom''tnd a: half 'Cozen taken in mistake( Will the party. kindly return these end get theirs. 'Whogets the piano/ Hew is the 1abe1 or, year paper, i "THERE IS A. WRONG 17iiPRES- ' SION ABROAD" Among some People there is an im- pression that it is the duty of the Government to furnish funds to in• duoe men to enlist rand,to alids recruit - This is not correct, enlistment is voluntary on the part of the indivi- dual end. the Government's respond. Wily begins when the man hes en- listed. From that moment the re- cruit is taken care of by the govern- ment, I provided with clothing, 'equip- ment, living allowance, and pay ac- cording to rank. All over Canada (Recruiting Leagues have'been organized by citizens, meet- ings 'are 'bein,g held, literature dis- tributed, in tact, an. energetic . cant - paten to 'aid recruiting.' 'C.'.y, town and county councils have made liberal grants to Recruiting Leagues for the purpose of assisting them financially in their patriotic work. The govern- ment overnment has asked and authorized the military officers of Huron county to raise a complete Battalion. This can be done, but it will need the assis- tance of 'every patriotic person in the county. Lord Kitchener's plan is to keep the British :Army in vigorous power and strength, while the enemy's for- ces orces are 'becoming exhausted. t A,. J. Grigg Secretary, Central Recruiting League 'fifty-six men have been recruited in Clinton to date.; This does loot in- clude officers' ELIMVIL' LIA Mrs. W. Penrice and bliss Ida Pea - rice are visiting in 'Michigan., i%tr. and Mrs. ICh'as. Jaques, : pf Stratford spent Christmas with his mother Mrs. W. Jaques, of 'Vsbornc. Mr. E. 1'axrrice 'and liLr. Hodgins of the west, are visiting in Detro.t, Mr. Ray; Dobbs 'and wife have ,re» turned hone after their honey -moon trip. All wish them a happy 'New "Year,. Mr. teed Mrs. Wilson were ,'the quests of 'Mr. V. 'Armitage last ,week, The Adult Bible Cl is fare (arranging for their annual; banquet to be held the nnieldie of i next week, • WI3 WISH TI -JE MANX I 3ADE3fEFS OF THE .A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS Tr 1'W YEAR NOMINATIONS Last Year's Council Returned. — Acclamations in Stephen and Usborne Nominations for the offices of reeve Councillors 'and school trustees was held in the Town Hall :Monday at the noon hour and the slate was one of the lightest that has been put' in nomination in town ter many years. The nominations were• as follows: For Reeve—J. 'W.= Taylor, B. W. Beavers, and John 11'Igir. For Councillors—Johan. Hind, Thos, Horton, 'B., W. 'F, Heavers, Dr. Roal- eton and • L. !Day. For •Schoof Trustees -F. W. Glad - man, A., E. Puke, . land 1. Armstrong; tretelected by acclamation. Messrs Beavers end. Moir failed to qualify for reeve leavinlg J, W. Taylor elected. Mr. Day 'failed toqualify as councillor leaving Jl ind:, Merton, Bea- vers and Roulston as members of the Council, Board. , The meeting was adjourned to the evening when the olerk, Ma•.t Jos. Senior, was elected; to the chair. 'The menibens of the council were invited to seats on the platform Reeve J: W. Taylor was first called upon to a speak and he (reviewed the financial statement. He stated that debentures to the amount of a $17,059.48 had been sold and that there was a balance on hand, to the credit of this fund of $6276.15. The' balance due the school beard was $3943.60 making a total indebtedness of $10,219 75. The cash:. balance on h''and is $9,466.47 leaving a deficit Of $753.28. The s'e- du'ction of the deficit during the past year w'as $1384.92. The try-latw in reference to the Per petuel Cemetery Fund i bad 'been amended so that now instead of leav- ing the money on deposit in 'a eller- tested bank it could be invested in Dominion Govt. bonds: Ontario Govt. 'bonds, Municipal bonds, or first\mort- gage on farm property., The fund which is now nearly $5000 had been invested in the liyd.ro debentures. Councillor Hind was the next to ( speak. He reminded the ratepayers that two years ago the town was in debt about $7000 but this h'ad been reduced to a little aver' seven bundred dollars. He figured out that th'e pre- sent water works system was self- sustaining. In reference to hydro he stated that the people had voted in favor of the by-law and if the citizens want to m'a'ke it a paying proposi- tien they must come to •the support of the •council and get connected •up with it.' He spoke of the .ornamental system as proposed for Main street and the more the had studied 'the un- derground'system as proposed the moan he was opposed to it and he believed the majority were satisfied that the petition had been turned down: + I The next to be allied ;on was Coun- cillor Beavers, Iia spoke of grading and oiling Main streets After con- sidering the matter the 'Road Cam. decided that Main street should be properly -graded and oiled which ,was done and the dust nuisance abated 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. He thought all would, agree that it was a good thing.The cost of lay- ing the dust was about $508.00 and the amount collected for street water- ing watering Was $530,._ As chairman .of the fire and light cora. be said that few ,.had any idea of the amount of Work represented in bringing a the :hydro system up to the present.' Ile thinks hydro should be here by 2,Firch but at present they are being held up for illuntin wire. The lights on Main street would pro- bably be 250 watt lamps while those on the back streets would be 100 watt lamps, . He said that every house must be inspected and advised those not already wired to get wired up and help boost the thing along, Last fall the council voted $1000 'for a machine gun but had neves been oalled upon folr the amount.t; Mr. Beavers stated that he had ,been ur- ged to stand for reeve but he 'felt that it Would' be selfish' .of him to put the town to the ,expense of ,an Ialec- tion4 He Loped next year to be' a candidate for the treeveship. Councillor (Roulston was next call- ed on and spoke of ,the (work. of the Special com. in referencet o (the Red Cross contributions.% ale is of the opinion that Exeter covers too much acreage and that with her 17 miles of roadways the cost in maintenance providing with light, fire protection. drainage, eto. was (greater than of the town were more bompact. Mr. F. W. Gladman and A;. E Fuke members of the School Board spoke of the 'alterations to the school and matters of education., The expendi- ture on the improvements were within the estimates land Exeter now has a well lighted, heated and. ven- tilated'school that should answer the requirements for several years to come., USBO'RNE , Reeve—Fred Ellerington; 'Council- lors, Thos. ',Brock; Arthur Mitchell; John Duman, Jr.; Wm. Coates; all by acclamation, STEPHEN Reeve, W. A. Elliott; Deputy reeve J. Love; Councillors, A. Neil, D. Webb and Thos. Mawhinney, all by acsdamation TUCK ERSMITH Reeve—J. F. McKay, H. C. Rich !Councillors—Cameron, Bell, Cole- man and McKay by acclamation. Mr. N. R. Blatchford, of Toronto, is spending the week with his par- ents, a,rents, Mr, and Mrs. F. Blatchford. Mr. Jos. Bowden, who :has been visiting in London, is in town this BLANSHARD McCausland. Irvine was elected reeve by acclamation. Councillors— John Bailey, G. $:'llamy, Geo. Cook J. Kellum, A. Deviney, STANLEY, i Reeve—John McKinley and David Dewar; Councillors—J. T. Keyer, J. Hod, J. B. Htanleyr. -GONERICH TP. 'Reeve—'W. II. Tobb and George fludie. Councillors—O. Gunn, G. Falconer, B. Lindsay and. Gotland,$ul- lett (acolamation;.. ?HDD ULPII There will be new blood in litddulph Township council for 1910 without fail. At the municipal nominations held at Lucian Rcev4+ Richard Ray - craft was returned by acclamation, but there is to be a hot strugle for the four places on the council, Sam Hodgins is the only member of last year's council board who is retiring. This leaves councilors Eli Hodgins, Eli Thompson and Timothy R1i'alckle in the field against William Mc -Falls, Caleb Ryan and William Dewan. HANDFORD BOYS CELEBRATE ANNIVE1tSARY The following in (port is tauten from the Ingersoll Dai;y (Chronicle of last week: "Sunday Was anniversary day with the Ilandford (boys of the •Meth- °dist church. This organization is really the long-drawn-out shadow of Mr. T. E. (Eitandford, the,organ'zer and mainspring of the movement. lir. Handford when converted a few years ago in Exeter, joiner! the rchureh, choosing 1'o devote bis activities on behalf of young men. • Ile soon taffect- ed organization and a large number of young men who in (Exeter received religious instruction end stimulation have scattered over Ontario, some en- tering the christen min'stry and oth- ers various callings in life. Tha re are 84 names 'ern oiled on the register of the.il,andford Boys in Ingersoll at pre- sent: Enthusiestn. faithfaain, ss • an;l zeal are characteristic of the mem- bers; The cl, ss. b.ndge, consisting of red and white ribbon ware in evi- dence/ At theet eninig cervica (hiss i'o.11iok gave 'nr'ticli,, h'tut rendering of "The Penitente'' The senator; was de- livered by lltev. Edward Jona, (3.A.. a Handford .30Y from Exeter„" A banquet'was tel 'ant e:churoh par- tors'0u itiion There •was +skating on the 'rink for the first time this ear on Christmas Day The lee was not in the best of condition but n few days of cold wea- ther will tend' to make good skating. On Friday eveinng next, New Year's eve at 7.45 h special prayer meeting will be held in Coven .Presbyterian church. On Sunday s special service of Intercessory Prayer by order of Moderator of 'General Assembly of Presbyterian church. CHICKEN STEALING Al.r. Wtn. Dauneey, of town, will ,be minus Lis new laid eggs this winter as 'some ;sneak thief entered ,bis hon house Monday night and stole all his birds." 'Mr. Dauncey took a great deal of interest in his chicken and they were ;regular pets and were in excellent cc:ndition Ile has been in the habit of locking his chicken house regularly path night but en 'Monday ke and 'IFrs IDaun'eey 'were in London and he overlooked it that evening and in the morning was les ently suprised to find th.it all his chitaort were miss He had eight Plymouth ltiock pullets, two \Vy''ndeties, three Leg - horns and a Leghorn roostcri FIFTY YEAIRS Al TEACHER Sunday afternoon was "Roaae" Sun- day in connection with the Sabbath school services in James eitreet churcla. Addresses were given by Mr; J. G. Jones, Dr. ltouiston and. Clive ;Mc- Alister. On the eve of Mrs. James Pi'okard retiring as a teacher after an active career of fifty years she was presented by an address rand handsome bible, the address being by the superintendent, Mr., J. S. Har- vey and the presentation being made by Miss Lena Coates a member of Mrs. Piclkard's eines. CASE APPEALED Last week we made reference to the case of jYLra. Mary Davis of Sea - forth against the townships of Us - borne and 1.ITay, arising olat*of injuries sustained driving on the London Road near Rogerville. The Stela n was tried by Judge Doyle and was dismissed with.'costs. Gladmen and Stanbanry of Exeter, acting :for the two town- ships end R. S. 'Robertson of Strat % for and R S. Hers ;o1' rSeafo'r tld acting for 'Mrs, Davis. rt ns reporrteriQ ttat the plaintiff has appealed ,from the decision Out it is not antiei;patetEN that the deeisaon of Judge Doyle will be changed.. INSTALLATION QP OFFICERS The installation of the officers ,of Leban Finest Lodge A. E tE•B- xa'as held on Monday evening wheic, tare following effacers were duly ire stalled: Immediate P.W. Wan.. Mur— ray; tiurray; W. M., Dr.. McGillicuddy; SSW N. J. Dare; J. W,;, A aestings; Csaplain, Rev. Collins; S. 13., Oil .J White; J.D. W J Beer- .J.GGI, ;R N Rowe; S. a5.. Nelson S&anfaise; Hy. Trick; 'T`ylen, S. Sweet; Secy., 1i N. Creech: T,reas., J. .A Stewart; director of ceremonies W. W. ;Tamar Board of General Purlsosea, 1,,. +&O.. . Oar_ Sanders, W. W. 'Taman W. J. Dickson,1Hearaan, 'Rev Collins. After the installation the brethren adjourn -- ed to the Central .hotel wherein bane quet was held"! THE EXETER BARGAIN STORE We wish our m.any friends and customers A HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR and promise them and as many, new customers as may come, the same square dealing and good values as we have given in the past. E A 0 s 4. �a 4. A Q • 0 e' • • o! A • m 6 • • 4. as e • ••A A 41•• • • •41.4. A w •O w • • PUONE• .81' a \ailkR �►♦����,�a� ea����4a�ae+rca+�e 6o®e,� a�+l►aiele4+ N►3 40640.004*440,... 0000 00, 00.000G4•e0o0d•oo .000.0.0 ow 040 4. ofer o= 4 Gents' Furnishings ••• Hats and Caps40 ASO W Shirts a.nd Collar's Handsome 'Ties Fur -lined Gloves, Collar Bags •• Dress Gloves, Braces and Sleeve•.Holdet•s• 'rufnrs and carts IVORY Gaiters s' PARIS Gaiters • Umbrellaskek • • i •f • • �G PHONE cin ✓ai to • We Extend Tof ..1. The Season* s rr reetings eas cxtr Sweater Coats and Woollen Goods Canes Ready=blade or ' Tailored Suits Prices of Woollen Goods are advancing rapidly. but we bought earlyand ai,.dwilt a withold girt n welt ole>atyoonw t theod prices, W. W. T A M A N