Exeter Times, 1915-12-23, Page 5• nalintalenDAY, IDEiCEMBEIt 23rd, 1915 Farmers! Woven Wire Fence below Ma;i.cfactur- ers' Prices, either Peerless or Mon arch makes. buy at once as these prices will not last very long. a Wire Fence 23c per Rod 7 " " 25c 8 " " 28o I& Cedar and Anchor posts 10,000 Cedar Poste on band —also Anchor Posts. Lumber and Cement Letone quote you ray low prices on you. Lumber require- ments, whether large or small orders, ' Also Cement, A. J. CUTWORM GRANTON CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR FARES SINGLE FARE Brood going Dec. 24th and.125th, return limitane'e. 27th. ease good going Dec. 31st, 1915 and let, 1916, return limit Jan. „Ara, 1916 TAME AND ONE-LTHIRD • food going Dec 22nd, 23rd, 24th, in 25th, return limit Dec. 28th. Also good going Dec. 29th, 1915, to Jan. 1st, 1916, enclusive, return limit, Jan, 4th, 1916. nteturn tickets will be issued be- tween •all stations in !Canada ,east of Port Aithur ond to Detroit .end Port Ilitron, Mich., Buffalo, [Black Mock. Weagara Falls and Suspension Bridge, llagfe • • . ton! analatneen '7ickets and full infornintion on applie tation to Grand Trunk Ticket Agee( P. CASTO R IA For Infanta and Children its Use For Over 30Years Always imam tea naignatura of 11NTAR1O'S BEST 'BUSINESS COLLEC1E 4 ele 4 1 2 4 •you. 41; D. A, McLACLILAN, 4fr PitlICEEPAL.• 114.1,710000040•04000.0***0•0•40.40 • • * • • • • • • Our instructors are expern enced- Pnpi)s get individual • attention and graduates ale * placed in positions. We are re- ceiving applications we cannot meet. Students may enter at any time. Send for our free • catalogue and see if it interests 4 Locals Bead Powell's Bazaar advt, Nomination 'day next Monday. Stand• true to your tie -tried friends Follick's bave Sas good an assortment as ever of !Christmas ,ean- dies, nuts and orerigee., • • (Mrs. Murdock, of near IChathSen is visiting her narents, Dr. land Mee. Quackenbush. Mr. Murdock will !spend Cheitstxuas there,. Mr. W. A. Gardiner, 13, A, of Knox college, Toronto, is visiting his mother Mrs. ilitthert Gerdinee, of Fargahar, for tLe !holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence 'White .and little son, of Flaxcombe, Sask. aro visiting the natter' parents) Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Hervey. Mr. Wallace Fisher, of the'Dominfori Bank staff at Peterboro, bas been transferred to :Mermore where he has been appointed menaaeri. The told winter weather has set On early and it iseeme.here to sten, Quite a lot of snow has fallen and the sleighing is fairly good, Messrs. Erna. Winded', Thos. Pen - hale, rtaiir Wood and :Linden .ilervey, students at Toronto University Ione home for the Xmas holidays. Don't forget a nice box of Willard's Chocolates along with your Christ- mas present, 'is very 'acceptable. Sold only at Howey's Drugstore.. Mrs. T. 0. !Southcott returned home last Friday evening after spending two weeks in Toronto where .she was called owing to the death of her brother Will. FOUND—In Exeter, on Thursda'y last a sum of money. Owner may have same by proving property and paying eireenses—Apply to Wm. Oke R. B. 1, Clande,bente. ntr. R. D. Turnbull, B.A, of Knox college, Toronto, arrived home Mies - dry evening to ,sped the Christmas boltd-ys with his parents, Mr. and alrs. W. A. 'Turnbull of Fargulear. your friend owns en Edison or Vi rola buy a record—a lasting gift Big selection at Powell's Bazaar. Tile stores of town ere in holiday garb and the beautiful 'decorations lend Much to the attractiveness of the IChristmas semen. The windows of the different stores show great taste and are in their make ;up. The draw for the pig donated by P Begg for Red !Cross purpasca will take plate Friday evening iu the Town Hell The pig is on [exhibition en Me. Beans window. We understand that a large number of tickets have been sold. The merchants of town report e finely good Christmas trade and are looking forward to big business ,from now until Christmas. The public have been buying welt but the expenditures in the majority of cases are being cur- tailed somewhat. Mr. 1Chas. French, of Victoria, B.O a•itental student at Chicago Univer, say, is spending the !Christmas holi- days with his uncle 'anctount, Mra and Mrs. E. A. Follicle. Miss Ione Guy - mer, of London is also visiting Mr and Mrs, Penick. The balance of this year is given free to new subscribers who pay us $1.00 for the Times foranext year. Re- member also that 3000 votes are given for the piano Mr. Beverley is giving away. Get 'busy and secure as .many new or renewal subscriptions es you oan, A report has been 'circulated that Mx. Harold Swan, a former school teacher at Eden had been, killen. it ac- tion 'in Terence, but the Swan referred to is believed 'to be a cousin as Mr. Alf Coates !received e letter from Harold written the day after the re- port came out. Mr, E. D. (Hunter, of Usborne last week Purchased a Shorthorn from ailessos. A. F. ond G. Auld tof Guelph This enimal was a prize winner th:s year at all the leading western fairs, also at 'Totronto and London, 'being Jr. !champion at the latter place. He should prove a valuable addition to Mr. gutter's herd. Next Sabbath afternoon will be "Home" Sunday at the Sunday school service in James street Sunday school. Special music end addresses will be provided end diplomas and seals will be awerdedto the scholars who have been faithful in attendance during the year.. A collection will be taken up in aid of the Sick Cbildren's Hospital The "Minstrel Show" in oiel'nf pat- riotic Fund, denounced for New Years' Eve, has been postponed until early in January., This is 'necessitated ley the !feet that the business men, 'm'a;n,y of whom tire to tease prominent parts on tne programme, find it !impossible to 'attend rehernals during !Christmaa week. Watch for later date. Rev. al. T. Crossley, the Evangelist, his come and gone, but no doubt the influe'cne of his visit will be felt in Exeter throughout the years to come. The farewell meeting was held Sun- day evening , wheu James street church was pecked to the doors.A large number took their stand. dur- ing the closing services and the centre seats of the 'auditorium were not suf- ficient .to hold those who lad decided to live u better life. Sunday after- noon a m'ass meeting was held when the th'urch was nearly filled, ..,1971115117===dinglialarltre 7 -- Why nut give .your boy midget]. an opporttunty to a make '611cl-theme 5 study easy and decline? Give FP: them the same chances to win pro- motion and success e aa the fan having the E adeautage of E WEBSTER'S I NEW 1NTERNAT1O1ALII JDictionary in bis home. This new n. creation answers with final author- E ity all Melded puzzling questions ne in history, geography, biography, en ...."„wa spelling, pronunciation, sports, arta a and emencee. § 400,000 Vocabulary Terms. 2700 Pages. :31"--• ;„-E- Over 6000111ustrations. Colored Plates. Tz. ▪ The may dictionary with the Divided Pe. g The type matter is equivalent to that 51 of a 15 -volume enc•arolopedia. a More Scholarly, Accurate, Convenient, f. SIMI Au thori ta t iv e than any other Eng.. lien Dictionary. REGULAR E AND INDIA- 5 PAPER EDITIONS. WRITS for g epecimenpages, it tistratioes, etc. FREE, a set of Pocket g Maps It you nano ibis et: paper. n O.& C. MERRIAM CO., bat 1711'e been told there in no •ch'e tee Tia EXETER 'TIMES': The purchase price of this famous 1881 Rogers Al Plate F glee colipoOe with' every, 0.5t. pur- chase of all the high grade guaran- teed products made by the United Drug Company. We are willing to lose money on the silverware to get you ac- quainted with these goods, which are stan- dard in their line. "Rexall Rerriedies" Liggett's Candies, Perfumes, Toilet Articles, Brushes, Stationery, Rubber Goods, and hundreds of other items, household prepara- tions, etc. You camiot afford not to se- cure this popular silverware, when you can get it on our half bought plan. As an ex- ample, this teaspoon that sells for 25c. you can get for xoe. with coupons. TWO Couoons will tie given with every 25c Purchase of Rexall Products ONE Coupon with every 25c .Purchase of any other article in our store Ask for Coupons BuyYour 1881 Rogers' Al Plate and at half price at COLE'S DRUG STORE The municipal 'pot is warm'nee tip and it has 'been expressed that there will be some ,surgris:s for the coun- cillors, Judgiiig from the past 11 would hardly be a nominatien if there Were not eimething forthcoming. The friends of the present reeve end coun- cillors who desire to sec the old mem- bers !retuned ere ridipg the 'horse of acCJamatiou • 0 Oa ers say accla- mation is anight once in a wh'le bat willInot be ,sanctionA for the purpose of keeping some members in office. We have beard a number of names mentioned for the cotncil. The nernes of It N. nowe, 'W. S. Cale. Moses Amy end Chas, Snell have all been mentioned ", Committer Vetivers is ne- ing urged to ;steed for the reeveship and we understand ha is Eerie -ire' y considering the matter. Ilevine serv- ed the Council foitlaully for years his friends think he is desertnne of orottiotionI Ari argument is being used til 't (Reeve Taylor should be fre- t:erred leoceuee !he is ie line for the wardenship of the matte, We wculd like to see tint honor come to Exeter SPRINGFIELD* mans. tille11111111111111110101ettlen5atallitlIttletattlag of it text nee -re; Thus it neon END STOMACH TROUBLE, GASES OR DYSPEPSIA "Pape's Diapepsin" makes Sick, Sour, Gassy Stomachs surely feel fine in five minutes! If what you just ate is souring on your stomach or lies like a lump of lead, refusing to digest, or you belch gas and eructate sour, undigested food, or have a feeling of dizziness, heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste in mouth and stomach -headache, you can get blessed relief in five minutes. Put an end to stomach trouble forever by getting a large fifty -cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store. You realize in five minutes how-need- ess it is to suffer from indigestion, espepsia or any stomach disorder. the quickest, surest stomach doc- 'e the world. It's wonderful. BOUGUETS A western eubscriber says, "I look for the Times e.aeh week tand Svhen I receive any • letters along with it I always read the paper first," Another reader et the front says he was glad to get the Times and read every word in it.. " HENSALL PROPRIETOR FINED Before Police Is Andrews of Clinton, W. Acheson, proprietor of the Commercial Hotel at Hensall pleaded guilty to a violation of the Canadian temperance act and was fined $100 and costs as a second of- fence. The magistrate warned that the next time he appeared before him it would be a jail sentence. Inspector Torrance prosecuted. HYDRO NOTES The hydro gang on the high voltage line have erected the poles on the London Road and are now working below Centralia. The line does not pass through /Centralia but it is likely a line will fbranch of of the main line The erection of the poles has been proceeded with under difficulty as there is much 'water to contend with. The. trimming of the trees and the wiring of the town is being pushed a heed. CHOICE CATTLE Mr. Wm. Oke of Centralia., attended the Fat stdck show recently held in Toronto ond two animals from his excellent herd of cattle made a good snowing end which he !disposed of at fancy prices. A two-year-old Short- horn, weighing! 1620 pounas, took 5th place in n class of 32. This animal brought 9 1-2 cents per pound A Polled Angus calf 13 months old and weighing 1030 pounds was Sold for 11 cents u pound, BORN HEDDEDN—At Crediton, on Monday Dec. nOtt, to Mr. and Sirs. George Redden a son. SPENICEIR—In Exeter on Saturday, Dec. 18th, to 2dr- and Mrs. Albert Spencer, a d.eughter. blAB'RIED ROSS — ALLEN — OnDec, 15th, 1915 in St. Pauls church, Kirkton, by ntev. F. C. Iltyatt, Miss Ada Allen, daughter of Mr. James Allen, to Xt. George Moss of Georgetown, WAGHOIRN — DERRIHILL —' On Dee. 15th, '1915, by Rev. C. W, ,Baker, ED., of Woodham, Miss Ella !CleenOotte, daughter of Mr. and /Yles. 4. BenrYhiln [Elansband, to Mr. Jas. Waghorn, 'of Fullerton. lAMY. "11ALST On Wednesday, Dic.1.5th at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mos. Fred Heist; 5tbc con. Stephen, Miss Louise E. to Mr. Arthur J. nmy, by Rev. E. D Becker.. ItYIDALL—KYDD—At the home of the bride's parents, "Bonnie Brae" Thames Road, on Wednesday, Deo. 22nd, Miss Mary E. daughter' of Mr. and 'Mrs. Robtelnycid, to Mr. Walter B. Ryden, ,by Rev. aan Fletcher, ( DIED A.VERY—At Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, on Dice 13i.h, John Avery. of aged 60 yenes, SMITE—On [Monday, IDecember ,20th on lot 2, ton, 9, Usborne WilJianT Smith, aged 56 years and 3 days. Funeral Thum:den at 2.30 to Zion cemetery, under !auspices of the Chosen Friends., SEND THE TIMES Send The Times to an absent friend or relative as a Christmas rement- brance. No seise in price. The bal- ance of the year will .be given free., HURON PR 1ES73 Y TED Y FOB CHURCH UNION The Huron Presbytery met at Clint- on on December 15th, with' moderator 1ev. A. McFarlane in the chair, General routine business wan con- ducted, but the principal itemwas the receiving of the report of eburclies'on union. The following is the summary For—Elders, 137; members, 1,7779: adherents, 361. 1 Against—Elders 34; members 1,319; 'adherents, 256e Majoriity for -638. Eleven churches gave majorities for and six against. The presbytery will vote in Vebruarere 11 COUPON Cut out this Coupon and present it at J. BEVERLEY'S STORE and he will exchange it for -- 25 VOTES 25 In The Trade Booster Contest 1 LtitiOA Meek 1004;000E4 1 GeortotAtst MEG,. CQL The Harmless but Effi- nent remissly for Headache tifouralgia,tiesaernia,Sleep. feseriesia, Haritoes tx- haisstiOrl, 4C, ss, 1' MA. naucCianan or bY Mail ironi ovv000, ogr. SANTA CLAUS Says let nothing mar the Clitistmas semen for ef there ever was n time wben cheerfulness needed to Ibe scattered it isOthe pre- sent. Happiness is not dependant en the size and Value of a Christmas gift but the slightest tokens of remem- brance and good -will will bring joy into other's lives. Scatter the seeds of kindness and see how 'quickly 'they will grow end how !big will be the increaset' The gifts May 'be fewer or less costly, but don't neglect the litt'e things that will show the motive is sighte. Crediton Miss Sarah Smith spent a few days in London last week. Mr. Lorne Brown of Berlin is home for the holidays. Misses Beta Kier zle and Elsie Goner of Toronto arrived home on Saturday. Miss Lydia Oestreicher of Stratford is visiting her parents. Miss Lulu Geiser is visiting unser the parental roof. Mrs' Telfer of London and Mrs, Red- fern of Toronto are visiting their mother, Mrs, Ang. Ewald, oho undtr- Went a very critical operation last we 'k, for gall stones, Mrs. Chas. Eilher was called to De- troit owi' g to the serious illness of ber son Clarence, who underwent an operation for appendicitis. The following is the list of the amount sent last week by the Red Cross Society nf town to flymen's Hall, Lnedor : 34 flannel shirts. 78 pr. socks, 14 mettrees pads, 1 nigbt shirt. 1 hospital chin t, 1 pr. pyjamas. 'AMY. — HAIST A very .pretty wedding took place at the bome of nir. and. Mrs. Fred Heist, 5th concession Stephen, on Wednesday, Dec, 15th, (at 1.30 pent m. hen their eldest daughter, ?,fiss Louise M., was unite.d in imarriage to Mr. Arthur JO Amy. •The wedding ceremony was performed by Rev. E. D. Becker, the bridal party standing under en arch trimmed. with ever- greens tastefully decorated with. flow- ers and a white dove. Miss Lesatta Hatst, sister of the bride, played Loh- engrin's wedding march. The bride was 'dressed in white satin trimmed with seed pearls and wore .a veil and carried a bouquet of roses and lilies. She was attended by Miss Minnie Amy, sister of the groom. The groom was supported by Mr.. Everret Heist, of [Detroit, brother of the bride. Lit- tle Miss Gertrude Hoist, cousin of the bride acted as ring bearer. The groom's gift to the bride was a gold pearl set sunburst and 'chain; to the bridesmaid la 'brooch set with pearls; to'the groomsman e pair of gold .cuff links; to the ring bearer a leveller and ichein a•nd to the pianist a brooch set with pearls. After the wedding voremony, a sumptuous wedding din- ner was served to 'about 200 guests, The happy couple were eecipieiat of many beautiful gifts. The bridal party left on .the evening .train from Exeter for Toronto, Hamilton 'and peterboro On their return they will live on the Igroonns farm on the 8th eon. of Stephen. We extend to them our best wishes and heartiest eon- gratulations: , ELII3IVILLE A pleas'ant gathering was held at the home of Mr.. Wesley Parkinson Monday evening, when a few neigh- bors and friends met in ,honor of Mr. Rubert White, invalided. home from the war in Europe, who gave 'a des- cription ;of a soldier's life st the front. The rest of the eveinng was spent in vocal 'and instrumetal mu- sic of a patriotic nature. WOODHAM Mr, Jame e Allen ie oOlifined o t]se house with 'a very severe cold Some of our enterprising 'citizen's bate censtructeil en excellent !snow - Plow end our main streets are kept in good 'condition for 'pedestrians. Mr. Irwine Fawcett, Evangelist of Tnorribury, has 'concluded his servi- ces here end ,has 'returned 'hoeue, Very helpful services were iheld, nAre ghorn—Berryhill Nuptials, — A yin,' interesting event occurred on Dee. 15th, 1915, et the home of Mr, and Mrs. Albert Berrybill, of the Base Line. Blowhard, ft Hieing the occasion! of the marring,e of their 'daughter. Ella Charlotte to Mr. James Wagleorn of ,TeutioanorePrompttlyent five o'clock to the strains of the wedding inerch played by Miss Bertha Illerryhill. sis' ter of the bride, the (bride entered the parlor leaning on the arm' of her fatti- er. She was unattended, save by her little neice Lottie, who made is °harm- ing Hewer nirl The 'bride was 'hand- somely gowned in white silk land idea.- ried 'a bouquet of white roses. After congratulations had been extended guests to 'the xiember of about sixty sat down to a sumptuous repast. The bride was the 'recipient of many handsome end costly 'presents indica- tive of the esteem in which she is held. Guests were present from Lon- don, Myth, Exeter Hensall London Tp. and Fullerton. After a short we'd - ding trip the young couple will 're- side in St. Marys. The groom is is thrifty end industrious young Mari and we extend to the happy young couple our sincere felicitations. !COUNTY tIOVEIT DECISIONS Judgment .has been given by is Honor Judge Doyle in the following County Court actions Davis vs. Townships of Usborne end Hay—An action by Rebecca Davis, a widow 'residing at Seatorth, against the corporations mentioned, for dam- ages for injuries received while 'driv- ing- on the London Road, the boundary of the two towns.bips, on the 16th doy of May last. Action dismissed with costs. afurrry vs v" ee of .Hensall—In Detembee, t la council of the village of Rennin p arcpased an uti- lised school site, 1-2 acre situated. 'on tine front or ttie We inn Ere form in IiaV Township, about four miles from Bennett, intending to use the half acre piece as a municipal dumping ground. Tbe Plaintiff Peter Murray, entered an acton against the village Corporation and Judge Doyle last !week nave judgment in favor of the Plaintiff granting him $20 dam' ages and a perpetual injunction re straining 'the defendants from using the land as a dumping ground and ordering them to ele.an up and make the same sanitary ani furthar ordered that the corporation should pay the Plaintiff's full costs on the County Court neale. HICKS' FORECASTS The Third Regular Storm Period. is central on the 26th, extending from the 24th to 29th inclusive. i ,Disturbing 'Causesas and 'What to Look For—Added to this regular vul- can period, the Venus Period. is cent- ral on the 28th. the Moon is ou the celestial equator on the 27th and at last quarter on the 29th. The Mars period will be cloeing about th.s ten?. The tbarometer will give notice in all western sectioins by tbe 241,1, to 25th, marked end intense mid -winter storms will visit all [sections of the country in their progress eastward. Oxi and about the 27th these storms wilt be attended with winter lightning on.d thunder, especially in sonthern sect- ions. High igales with winter thread:, cos, would not be altogether surprie- ing ,at the chrisis of this period. On the !western end northwestern tang- ents of these storaes the barometer will (rise rapidly, and fierce wieter gales and blizzards wilt nippient trop - i4 storms of ram, SO that by the close of the period, high leirometer, blizzards and change, to very cold. will haVe traversed the country to tie! Atlantic seaboard. Such to our mita is the Outlook for the •closing week ot 1915. Those ot our readers who note our 'prediction, ;;l make their calculations Accordingly, will most 'filmy have occasiott to congratulate theinaelvec—and ns. • et—nrentonen,i.e! AROMARTY 'Mrs. .11amilton. of Chestervifle, vis- ited her nunt. Mrs. Donald Park, of the village n few days last week. Mr. John Robertson, who has beea in the west for the last three years is home to spend Christ:nen with his parents. Miss May Stacey also returned after spending the last two years in the West.,cShe was accompanied by her aunt Mia rs. ane,derson, who intends visiting 'her friends in the neighbor- hooA. very enjoyable afternoon was spent at the school last Friday, the children of the school giving a con- cert., Readings, end recitations and music were rendered by the children. The violin solos by Master Lisle •and Harry Norris were exceptionally good Master Lloyd Miller sang two sone which delighted the audience. Miss White, the teacher, deserves much credit in the interest she took in training the childreen Death of Mrs. Dalrymple—On Fri- day, December 10th Mrs. Robert Dalrymple of Hensall, passed away at the home of her 'daughter, Mrs. Wm. Houghton, of this viliag. Deceased Lad been ailing for many months About sew en weeks ago she came to visit her daughter but grew grad- ually worse until death relieved her of her sullerings, Besidos Mrs. Hough- ton. she leaves a ne other daughter 'Miss Polly, to mourn the loss of a kind and loving mother. The funeral services on Saturday afternoon were conducted by 'Rev., Mr. Smith, of Hensall assisted by Rev. D. Ritcbia The [remains wero laid to rest in Me• Taggart's •cemetery. id et • I1 WOMAN'S fereSAlikit, WO upl,:tieyno:icaertue tthr:Ucb0:440431Vitolle,wpmeekn. OW* nmantione, bladder .; ftelinne acildecile, backache, 1. glass regularly or itregu ;nay, aa . ungnoramturistalpiacnaen e:larnteclulttelits, eja in.4'idieenprin ; nervousness, desire to cry, roil' hot fissile*, dark tinge under. p r.,...,...yregtaainiselekrodlth: to cabadiii. owl, ten or:dsoglIone.00faitliterest in life, km* treatment,. with ten (lane' t$4 te write and ask for my simple entirely free and postpaid, also refereeeill !Mr.. M. Surnaming. Baik,.,544.1. , - THE PRESENT )CONDITION OF THE CANADIAN EGG MARKET For the first time in a number of years eggs hare taken a prominent place in Canada's export trade. This is largely due to the unprecedented teemed tor eggs on thc part of the British market land the fact that British dealers leave shown a manned preference for 'Canadian eggs pver United States eggs and a willingness to pay a distinctly higher price for them. So great in fact has been the de- mand that Canadian dealers have shipped practically all of the .Canad- ian storage product to the Old Count- ry. As a result there is not in Catteda at the present tirne, sufficient eggs in storage to supp1Y borne •censurept- ion until fresh receipts itt Monte - labia !quantities begin to come in. Quantities of eggs however are being imported into Canada, some ,in bond for export, but the Urger part to take the place of the, 'Canadian product exported. On account ot tha keen 4ernand for, 'Canadian eggs above mentioned, American eggs can be laid down in Canada at the present time duty 'paid, at several cents per dozen less than •the price at which .Cantediao eggs are sellieg for, for export end they should be procure able by the con - stoners eccordingin. On the other hand the Catiadiat market et the present time ia very firm for Canadian "Specials" (new laid) the production ot wbttth is nttt enough it most instances to apply the 'demand at local country markt tie This means that high prices will e, have to 'be paid in consuming ire in order to Orem- a portion of these • supplies from local peints Proditoena may therefore 'definitely onn titre period of low production for !fresh, gathered eggs that will „grade "S'pecials", The question will be raised' las t) • a whether the phencinenol demand on the part of the British market for '"'"""` Canadian. eggs will continue, This de?, pends 'entirely upon the quality of Canadian eggs exported. Canada has tremeeduous possibilities as •an egg producing country. The poultry Judd ustry is tat present ;but a mere tracts ion of wbat it might be. It reinaina therefore, for those most interested at in the 'development of this trade to , make the best possible use of their e present opportunities, and by careful supervision of the quality on Canadian eggs going forward to pave the way for an extensive and profitable port trade in the. future. - ;HENSALL ( • ' The sacrament of the Lord's sups per was observed in Carmel church at the morning service on. Sabbath'. the preparatory service was preached by Rev. J. P. 'Knight, of the Method': ist church, Friday evening Mr. C. l.. MeDanel I is =in St Marys for a week or so 'assisting' his !cousin, Mr. J. Annals, hardware merchant. Mr. Lloyd Hudson son of, our ree7e, Mr. Thomas 'Hudson, who had, the misfortune recently, to nave his arta broken the third time through •accid- enteis getting on nicely'nnd will soon be able to use it a little. Two of the young Parkers, a few miles east of the village, have enlisted - here with Lieut. ital1 for zervice. they are of the right stamp of young men for active and efficient service. Mr. Wm. B. Wilson, of the Molsona bank 1staff, who has been made a Lieutenant has left here for training and :afterwards will return here and assist in training and the recruiting • service. Mr. Wilson is one of our bright, promising Young, men, evh"o has heard the call 'of his icountry at this particularly important time and has responded, and will no doubt prov himself to be of the sight kind of me wanted by his Ring and coountry. 'We regret that OfeanF. W. Sm lecombe one of our, "Onion has been quitnnoorly during to week or so. Mr. G. C. Petty recently present our village with e nice flag, for tlaq town hall, the first one put tip hh become Very much frayed. -• TUCKERSOI1TH The late Mrs. Dayman—ReceW.la er m•de brief reference to the death n Mrs. Peter Deyman, of the third con cession of l'ackrsmith. which took place on Sunday morning, 5tb She passed away like a full shoe of corn, tripe for the harvest. II maiden name was Elizabeth Gaern. She was born in 1.he vicinity of Port Hope eighty years ego, lacking five months. She Icerae to thd „Huron tract 63 years ago with her parents, who et th'at time settled on the third eon- cession of l'uoleersmith on the farm now occupied by Mr. Wm. Spraati. In the year 1869 she was married to her tete husband, who predeceeeed her 16 years. After their marriage they isettled on the adjoining lot, and on which they both resided until re- moved by death. Mrs. Daymen we's o ally accivaiiited with pioneer life, n, with all its privations, Ihopes and discouragements but ahs bore all whai bravery and 'patience. However she and her husband soon succeeded in converting their forest farm into a comfortable hczne. Mrs Dantean all through life 'was e !remarkably ;active woman, enjoying is large measure of good. health until only it short time before her death, and. was in full 'pos- session of all her faculties. 'Although • at times a very severe sufferer she humbly and uncomplainingly sub'. tented to the will of !her ediyilnee" Master, who for long years heti nee her strength 'and comfort in, life, and at its close she was able to say, "I know th it my Redeemer livethiani as for me I will behold Thy brightness I shall he satisfied when I awake in Thy likeness". She was among the oldest members of the Methodist church here, end her life tulle der - responded with her Christian profess sion. 'She was the mother of 14 chiid- 'cia, eleven • of whom are still living s also 38 grandchifdren and 18 great* • grandchildren. 10 CENT "OASCARETS'" IF BILIOUS OR ciosnra For Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Sluggish Liver and Bowels -*They work while you sleep. Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, intlfge tion, Salton' Skin. and Miserable need* aches come from a 'torpid *vet a' clogged bowels, Which cause:, yq stomach. to botome tilled with uvidti gested food, which sours and fen:dell like garbage in a swill barrel. TA the first step to untold misery -44 gestion, foul gataee, bad breath, I* skin, mental fears, everything tit.* horrible and nauseating. A ti,Igt`,.L to -night will give Yellr collet 1.. bowels a, thorough el fl straighten you out by moraitto work sleep—a from your druggist win keo thag good for mouths, • • .1