HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-10-18, Page 18PAGE 4A —GODERICH SIGN AI -S" A 13. WEDNESI) \ 1' I )Ci'OBER 15, 1986 . CommunitVN5WS COMMUNITY CALENDAR WEDNESDAY, OCT. 15 --Golden Gate Seniors': Club holds a potluck supper at MacKay Centre at 6 p.m. Please bring a casserole, salad or cutlery. Admission $1. For taxi call 524-6594. SUNDAY, OCT. 19–Knox Presbyterian Church at 7:30 p.m. Anniversary Concert with David Hamilton, John De Jager and Lorne Dotterer. Organ and vocal solos, organ and piano duets. Collection for the organ fund. SATURDAY, OCT. 25–Pumpkin Patch tea and sale at the Salvation Army, 18 Waterloo St. from 2 to 4 p.m. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22–Circle City Toastmasters Club will meet at the Victoria Public School (Queen Elizabeth Wing) at 7 p.m. Everyone welcome. knum. Y, V1.,i, ar–titt,uus \.0uiiiu.uu garage sale at 6 p.m. in the Knox Presbyterian Church Hall. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 15 --Golden Gate Seniors' Club will hold a potluck supper at MacKay Centre at 6 p.m. Please bring a casserole, salad or dessert along with dishes and cutlery. Card party to follow. Admission $1. 'For taxi call 524-6594. TUESDAY, OCT. 21–Friends of the Library invite you to hear Margaret Beckman, librarian of the University of Guelph and co- author of "The Best Gift" at 8 p.m. at the Goderich Library. SATURDAY, OCT. 18–A rare opportunity to see Trick's, Gorrie and Brussels former flour mills following morning lectures on early county industry by Claus Breede and Christopher Borgal at 9:30 a.m. at Van Eg- mond Houses Lunch included. Maximum 40 people. Send $15 cheque to Christopher Borgal at Box 428, Blyth, NOM 1H0. SATURDAY, OCT. 18 --St. George's Anglican Church rummage sale at the parish hall from 10 a.m. to noon. Lots of bargains. SATURDAY, NOV. 15–Rotary Ball with din- ner_. at 7:30 p.m. at the Holmesville •iuwuaiup aia*ii fuilu'y .i semi -formal dress. Tickets $55 a couple. Phone Norman Pickell at 524-8335 or 9589 after 6 p.m. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL STORE–Used clothing and furniture . available at 15 Caledonia Terrace, the old Catholic School open on Monday and Wednesday from 2 to 4 p.m„ Friday evening from 7 to 9 p.m. and on Saturday morning from 10 a.m. to noon. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16–The MacKay Choristers begin their fall session in the auditorium of MacKay Center for Seniors. There is a $10 fee to assist with expenses. MONDAY, OCTOBER 2Q -The Lioness Club of Goderich is sponsoring a Drop -In Centre for diabetics, families and friends from 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at MacKay Hall. MONDAY, OCTOBER 20 --Alexandra Marine and General Hospital Auxiliary will meet in the auxiliary room at the hospital at 2 p.m. New members welcome. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21–Friends of the Library invite you to hear Mgaret Beckman, librarian of University of Quelph and co-author of "The Best Gift" at 8 p.m. at the Goderich Branch Library. Everyone welcome. OCTOBER 20-26–Visit the Goderich Branch Library during Ontario Public Library Week. See what you library has for you. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25–The fall Flea Market will be held at the Dungannon Agricultural Hall from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Great chance to buy or sell skates, hockey equipment and other winter items. For table or information, call Sandra at 529-7390. Out- door space also available. SATURDAY, OCT. 25–St. Peter's CWL holds their Harvest Luncheon and Bazaar from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. u FRIDAY, OCT. 17 -Beta Sigma Phi's Ladies Night Out at 5:30 p.m. at the Saltford Valley Hall. Theme is western, dress is casual and tickets are $15 each. Call Ellen Connelly at 524-9684. TUESDAY, OCT. 21, 23, 28, 30 and NOV. 4– Goderich St. John's Ambulance running a first aid course from 7 to 10 p.m. For more info call Robert Burroughs at 524-6638. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23--A choral workship, featuring eerie Terry, former director of music in London, will be held at the MacKay Centre for Seniors from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Visitors welcome. For information call Irla Stewart at 524-8741 or Shirley McMillan at 524-7656. OCTOBER 24 and 25 -Victoria St. United Church will hold a rummage sale from 7 to 9 p.m. on Friday night and from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday. OCTOBER 25 and 26–Attend the eighth an- nual Walkerton Heritage Fair at the Knights of Columbus Hall, Highway 9, three miles south of Walkerton. Over 30 exhibits. Admis- sion is $L50. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30 --Dungannon U.C.W. are sponsorying a "Quilt Show and Tea" from 1:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Dungan- non United Church. Canada Packers prize quilts, many 'local quilts and handkerchief collection on display. Admission is $1. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8 --Bazaar featuring home baking and Christmas novelties will be held at the Dungannon Senior Citizen Centre from 2 to 4 p.m. Ad- mission is $1 and includes tea. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER' 6–Snowflake Bazaar runs from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the Goderich Legion Hall. Hot noon lunch from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thirty craft tables, tea, baking and white elephant - tables. Sp n4: sored by Legion Ladies Auxiliary Branch 109. Long service medals were presented last week to Goderich Fire Chief Jack Merium and Deputy Chief Bill Fritzley at Goderich. council. Conn. Glen Carey presented the medal to Fritzley who's been with the fire department since 1964 and Mayor Eileen Palmer and Reeve Harry Worsell presented the medal to Merium who's been with the fire department since. 1957. (photo by Susan Hundertmark) Christian journey is topic of UCW's West The 25th annual Rally of West Huron Region of the Huron -Perth Presbyterial United Church Women was held at Nile United Church on Sept. 30. Seventy-three ladies responded to the roll call. • ' The theme, "Our Christian Journey - three steps forward and two back," was em- pha ' ed throughout. , Hazel McMichael, president of West Huron region, opened the meeting With a poem, "God is Our Guide". Phyllis Scott of Nile led in the singing of favorite hymns. Shirley Dustow accom- panied at the piano. Beth Rutledge, president of Nile UCW gave a warm welcome to all present. Alma Langford of Exeter, president of Huron -Perth Presbyerial UCW addressed the group and made announcements. The annual meeting wits oe in lvutcneu on Jan. 26, London Conference will be in Lon- don in April and workshops on the • 1986-87 study theme, "Confessing Our Faith", are ,to be held throughout the district in October and November. The special events is at Pearce Williams Christian Centre on Oct. 6. The president asked the ladies to take part in the boycott of South African products and war -games, the celebrations about the 25th Huron region anniversary of UCW and to widen their goals with concern for the less fortunate throughout the world - especially the refugees. Grace Drummond of Exeter, treasurer of Huron -Perth Presbyterial presented her report for 1986 and the proposed budget for 1987. Susan Howson of Blyth, Literature Con- venor for the Presbyterial, read a story from, "Life and Death", one of the many books in her display. A thought-provoking skit, "The Costly Life", was performed'°by Dora Alton, Ruth Alton, • Belle Hackett, Betty Ritchie and Marion Zinn of Trinity Ashfield. A musical interlude followed with pianist Irene Millian of Auburn. The Bible Study, "How to keep going for- ward - without slipping back' was introduc- ed by Evelyn Treble of Benmiller. Four groups led by Phyllis,Bogie, Phyllis Feagan, Phyllis Fisher and Evelyn Treble discussed bible teachings about Denial, Devotion, Doubt and Duty. Luncheon was served by the ladies of Nile UCW. Afternoon worship was conducted by Blyth UCW with Evelyn Smith, Evelina Webster and Susan Howson taking part in the service. The offering was received by Elaine Hanna, Margaret Hilderbrand, Wan- da Jefferson and June Robinson of Don- nybrook UCW and donated to Camp Menesetung. Shirley Keller, General Manager of Signal Star Publishing, was the guest speaker. She was introduced by. Jane Errington of Dungannon. Shirley followed the theme of the day with her novel presentation of Exodus. The soon- forgotten joys and the long periods of discontent of the Israelites were compared to those of modern people on their, "Chris- tian Journey". Two duets, ".The Saviour is Waiting" and "In a Monastery Garden" were rendered by Shirley MacMillan on the sa*lophone and Joan Henwood at the piano. Both are from North St. UCW. The roll call, "Footsteps on the Journey", was answered by the local presidents. Dora Alton of Trinity Ashfield extended an invitation to the 1987 Rally at that church., Mary Correll of Victoria St. UCW thanked all who were responsible for this splendid time of Christian fellowship and education. Phyllis Cox of Holmesville UCW recorded the events of the day. elebrate World Food Day....by Lambton museum craft sale becoming more aware of issues The Pinery Provincial Park and the Lambton Heritage Museum are laying the groundwork for ,a new regional -scale fall event. This year's co-operative effort will combine the museum's annual craft sale ,,,with an interpretive driving tour' of the 25 miles of fall colour in the Pinery's pine and oak woodlands. The join offering will run October 18th and October 19th, 11 - 5 p.m. The `Christmas' Craft Sale is the most popular of nearly a dozen annual events scheduled by the museum. It regularly 4 draws close to 3000 early Christmas shop- pers to its 60 displays of quality crafts such as folk art, stained glassvquilting and home- made seasonal wreaths 'and decorations. Local craft artisans in this year's show in- clude Gerald Nickels, Harriet Bruner and Dena Inthout. Light lunches and refreshments will be available. The museum and the park are both situated on Highway 21, five miles south of Grand Bend. It's A Family Affair... ...when somebody gets married or has an anniversary. The Goderich Signal -Star specializes in news about families in this community. A wedding picture and a brief informative is no limit on this news. Also, couples a photo and a brief, intitrmative cutline family anniversary celebrations"are also cutline will he published free of charge ... and there celebrating 50. 00 or more years of marriage may have about the event al no cost. Written reports about any welcomed and published at no charge. Send news about your family to:• It's A Family Affair c/o The Goderich Signal -Star P.O. Box 2211. Goderich, Ontario ...Or drop it off al our office on I luckin St. in the Industrial Park. G'Odexicb SIGN A --T hristmas raft how Lampton Heritage Museum Saturday, Oct. 18 and Sunday, Oct. 19 11 am - 5 pm To avoid the crowd, come Saturday! ADMISSION: )\\ Adults:51.50...Seniors/studenlsa1.25r..Children:75¢ V�q The Museum is located on HWY. 21 5 Miles South of Grand lend. Around the world and across Ontario, in- dividuals, groups arid communities will celebrate World Food Day on Oct. 16. Highlights of the day's activities in Ontario include: `Globe Fast", a Global Youth Fast awareness and action event centred at the University of Toronto's Scarborough campus and involving young people on all continents --`Rich Man/Poor Man" lunches and dinners to be held across Ontario including St. Catharines, Etobicoke, Hamilton and Ottawa – Educational displays, film showings and other programs across the province including London, Guelph, Thunder Bay, Toronto, Scar- borough, St. Catharines, Espanola and Ottawa. – Proclamation of Oct. 16 as World Food Day in municipalities, across Ontario –a "Food Arsenal" display at Toronto's City Hall 40th Anniversary for Jim & Marguerite (Tweet) Clutton Li Family and friends are invited to attend an Open House Sunday, October 19, 1986 at the White Carnation ` 2 to 4 p.m. Best Wishes Only –In -school study sessions on food issues in elementary and secondary schools across Ontario World Food Day commemorates the foun- ding of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (F.A.O.) in Quebec City in 1945. The purpose of World Food Day is to foster awareness of global food and hunger issues. World Food Day activities in Ontario are organized under the auspices of the Ontario World Food Day Co-Ordinating Committee, the provincial section of the World Food Day Association of Canada. The Ontario Coordinating Committee was established two years ago and includes representatives from: Agriculture Canada; the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food; the Canadian Red Cross Society, Ontario Divi- sion; The Canadian Council for International Co-operation; Canadian Universities Services Overseas; The Daily Bread Food Bank; The University of Guelph; UNICEF of UNICEF Ontario; World Vision of Canada in addition to many other organizations. One of the major responsibilities of the On- tario Coordinating Committee is the develop- ment, production and distribution of educa- tional resource materials focusing on a yearly theme. The 1986 theme is "Food, Water and Fisheries" and over 1400 educational kits geared to elementary level, secondary level and community groups have been produced. Kits can be ordered free of charge from Coor- dinating Committee in Toronto or from more. than a dozen regional resource centres across Ontario. Ontarians are being encouraged to become more aware of global food issues and to take a more active role in the search • for solutions, as well as to make contributions of money or volunteer effort to any of the organizations in- volved in food -related activities. s. vvueia.i� SIGNAL - STAG "We Need Your Best Ideas" Have you ever wanted to talk to the Manager? NOW'S YOUR CHANCE! Voice your opinions, suggestions or questions to Shirley .1. Keller. General Manager of The Goderich Signal -Star "OPEN LINE" Any Friday morning from 10 a.m. to 12 ,noon 524-2614 OR AT YOUR CONVENIENCE Tell Shirley what this town's only community newspaper can do to help you! Sponsored by Blue Water Chapter Order of the Eastern Star No. 284. Goderich isessessessenamosisessewsunstwor col:Dome " ' TOW, S -II P Rtyte N� cam' 1 `y % Display and Vile o4 local Arse Tole Art •W,00den Toys t Novelties *Machu:me + Paintings Irons Water Colour's•ond Coloured Pencil Quill►+Creative Mirrors +8uoeifly Pictures Nimrod e6t D,', Dough All •$ilk Flower Arrangements *Chocolate NevlbIliet ePottery *Fragrant Potpourri +WoodTurntng :r-.`4 *Apple Dolls +Porcelain Dolls *Pressed Wild Flowers *Stained Glatt Oland Cut & tooled leather „ +PLUS REGULAR CRAFTS *Iron Ware •t0y1 *Knitting +Crochet *Weaving *Twine Malt eJeweltery r' *Tole 8091 *Siring All *Ceramics *Honey *Country • Rt .,, Slaking *Product; Wopla Syrup. Melds L Re lreshmenl6Srved'' Da0r Prices Adnfldilltnt Adults 504 (Children under 12 mutt be accompanied by on adult) The Original Western Ontario Unit Shaw to Promote Craftsmen and a Community DATES Wednesday, October 22. 1986 10 00 0. m 10 9.00 p m Saturday, October 25, 198610 00 a m. to S 0'0 p' m. Sunday, October 26, 1986 12 CO p m to S 00 p m SALTFORD VALLEY HALL 1 °/1 km north of Goderlcn •f u W0 East00 Highway 21 e,6„., For further information contact: Donna Crawford P.R. 4 Phonel(519) 520 8058tH 3V1