Exeter Times, 1915-12-23, Page 4THE EXETER •TiMES PRT PARAGRAPH Ai,not year left band know w w hat Your right band doeta, Some lwber of; the family needs must be NApoemt and respectable. If we comd understand how little the rest of the world accounts us it rotuhd" save a lot of wear and tear ox ear nervous systems. The longest way aromld is the short= asst way ,!come --teles It leads past a baseball park. He who hesitates is soznetiu es saved, R breach o promise suit. The ,man whe tights and runs away may live to see leimselt in a moving 1etare The pen • is mightier tharr the sword' in gettisag a man into difficulties. Tata would be a sa- d woold it people ouiy laughed when they were care free, Mart wants but litt- le here below, anon it metes him sore because be doesn't get it. Forestaller;. "She is saying a lot of mean thing' about you." "Who is?" "Julie." "'She can't say very much. away?, `:Because she has a little bit os originality and won't hesitate, and 1 have already said about &d the mean things about her that these are in the English language." Seeing Ineffective: "What is the matter with you?' "1'zn all run down." "Have you seen a dector?" "Yes. I saw two of theca, and it didn't do me a bit of good." "What did they say?" "They didn't say anything: We hat8" loot bee!a introduced. I saw them at they went pest." The Real Thing. The rich with all his store of wealth One kind of pleasure rnissea- Ile nothing knows about. the Joy Of bread and cheese and kisses Their Use, �' &What cute little envelopes!" "Yes, aren't they nice?" should say se. They are mad of heavy satin paper too." "The very best." °What are they designed for?" "Td pacts your bathing snit in when vote 4c- to the seasbere." The Beauty Doctor. "She le a perfec$ pictuIe'" "Do yon think so?" "Yes. o ?' r -.oat u I� y "Well, anyway she ought to be.'P "Why oughts she to be?" "She pays a beaap of money to all artiet to aake ber so." tt Sometimes orks "What is a good remedy for i;mson Mar "Have it in the morning?" "Yes." "Killthe, mare that runs. the ism :a ;11s rill 1,.Of ThiCIM !airote tame. muck .interest in mon ly sports?" "No, 1 hire a man to tend the fur, pace and cut the grass•." Looks Promising. .oM wonder"— "What do you wonder?" "I wonder it my fsance will love rn when I'm old," "Weil, he loves you DOW, doesn't be?' The Back N rrrber. n am sitting in the twilight Gazing at the passing throng As in bunches and in couples Down the street a moves along, And 1 hear the constant babble From the ceaseless human tongue, And 1 watch the lovers spooning Is they dig' when 1 was young. Here's a young and tender couple Trading glances on the sly Far away from trome and mother, 1-3avina dance" the watchful eye. And 1 wonder as they a.ancier While they chat or saft:ry sing 1± they understand such antics And the trouble they may bring. Slow ran children he so still? 1 was that way once, 1 knows, But r cannot he too thank -cul I've outgrown it tang ago. They in fancy Feel a oiessing b'alliag from the stars above; ",TThen le true' the thing is only But a case of puppy love. Let them go 12 they enjoy 11. 1 can sit here with ray pipe Malting comments philosophic From experience more rtpe. Do 1 envy then: their pleasure As they sip the honey dew 3t'som the lips on which it ripens? I won't own it if 1 do. Locals A IllappO IChrtetanas Tilde Is our wish ve R3ros« r .all --,liar eo alit —Harvey Mr He 0. ,Soutlicott, of Toronto, is ,spending, the lChrietmaas Holidays at iris hoslie Here. Mats. T. .111. M:oCallum, of London, had the misfortune tto slip !and !break bee ankle and is yery rpoorey.. Public worship at James street Methodist church next ,Sunday will be in accord with ',Christmas day, Mrs. 'Thos. Elliott returned home Last Friday after spending several weeks in Saruia atad Marlette, Mich. If your 'fried"d"'owns ia;r `')!,dison or Victrola buy a record—a lasting gift Big selection at Powell's !Bazaar. Miss Vera Roadhotise, after et -pleas- ant visit at the home of Mr. Daniel Wood, ]returned to ;Ste Marys Thurs. day 1'aet,! A patriotic meeting will .be held in the Trivitt Memnorial church next Sab- bath eveniaig at 8.45 whelp, patriotic addressor will be given:. Mrs, Sharp, who las been spending a 'couple of months with Ther son, (Rev. S, F. Sleep, !returned, to her +some in Allison on Tuelsday. Miss Edna Follick spent tLe week- end in Ingersoll where ehe sang at the anniversary service.sof Mr. Oland - ford's class of young men both Sunday' and Monday, Mr. and Min. Rd. Downie celebrated the eleventh anniversary of their wed- ding on Saturday evening last when a number of friends were very pleas- antly entertained' . Andrew Craven, of Brl.nsley, enlist- ed in the Middlesex Battalion, in Plarkhill fast 'week. Mr. (Craven is a talented violinist and is well and la- vorably known in this district,; Sermons and music appropriate to the'oceasion lin the Main Street Meth- odist ehureh next Sunday. In the evening'the choir will render a spec- ial service of sacred song,! Pastor's evening' subject "The (Child Jesus and the Judaea Kaiser." Their Exercise. "Women don't take enough exer- cise." "Ob, psbawl" "But they don't." 'k'» "They do too." "1'd like to know what they do." "Aren't they always jumping at con- clusions?" se -a-• Something In Its Favor. "I don't think much of astronomy." '.Why not?" "The heavenly bodies are too far away to interest me." 9 can tell you one thing" What's that?" _'"There are no tries on the ean.9° W'i1ALE , %Ir. and Mrs. Albert Willson, of Lucknow, returned to their home on Monday after a pleasant visit with friends !around $ser-,' Mrs. 'George Jores, 0f Keszto,n I Mttn, is ;home 'for kt visit with her parents, Mr. and guars. Philip !:;rooks. Gordon Morley is home for the holl- days from the Nornial School at Stratford, tas is also. Minnie ,DMillso.u, a astudent at the !Collegiate Institute at stratfordJ Lorne Gunning, 'wlio enlisted r short time ago, has been compelled to undergo en operation at Stratford Inopital and is improving ,ai'eely. Several of our boys have enlisted tately,•'n'aniely, ;I'r'd TIolikins atEre- ter .Lorne Guntiipg at :Stratford; Olive:•" h?•e'Naughton and Roy 'Hudson at "Toronto in training, We also wish to !state t!hkit our ladies are also doing their ,bit, having now Shipped three bales of goods land a shipment of jam lest week,: They sent 16 day shirts and 19 Fairs of socks to th e soldiers in France,!, A silver collection is taken once a month' at the ,prayer meeting to buy necessary goods ,fos the toys at the front; • Wr. and Wes. John 'Wright er ter - twined a number of their friends to a. 'fowl supper on Tuesday evening for last week,: An event o4 'moire than 'usual inter- est took place on Friday evening the 17th; inst when Mr, and Mrs. George DMillson of the general store celebrated their 'silver wedding. Besides the neighbors and friends (around here, there were guests from a distance, thecompany numbering 60 in tali, A very elaborate supper was served, the thief menu being oysters in abun- idanee. The evening Was spentin social chat, games, singing and phono- graph selections. The beautiful array of silverware given 1by the ,guests be- speaks the high esteem Mr. land Mars. AMillson are held in (by all. Several'of the farmers are hauling the gravel for silos, the new house and barns to (be built ;aext summer: Cow Sale Auction Sale Of Valuable two storey brick block and 'choice business !site in the Exeter, Ontario. Yillage oeter f La The Executor of the Estate of the late •George Samwell will offer for sale on the premises on'Tueisday, Jan eery 18th, 1910, nt 2 o'clock ,p:in.r the prcperty on 'the 'cornea' of Wain Road John Streets, Exeter, two ,stores of which are now occupied by Jones & May, General Merchants, and the third by Hugh Spackman, Hardware (Merchant,! The Property is is most desirable one, the oldest randetest busi- ness 'site in a town which hap no superior ie. Western Ontario. The block is well built, well equipped and in good repair with adequate storage buildings at rear The property will 'be offered in two parcels, according to occupancy.. Terms. -10 per cent cash, balance on 'March •1st, 1916, when possession giv- en, Taxes 'and Insurance propor- tioned on March lst. For further particulars and conditions of sale vap- ply to • GLADMAN & STANBU'RY Barristers, Exeter, Ont. Solicitors for Executor, Jas. Ferguson, of Ingersoll, h'as in- structed Thos. (Cameron to sell by public auction kit the METROPOLI- TAN''HOTEL, EXETER, on FRIDAY !DEC. (31st, at one p.m. sharp, the following •r 15 high grade !Durham !Cows of hnilking strain; 10 high ;cities :Holstein }Cows; a few, 2 -year-old heifers.} Six of the Bows are Just freshened and the :balance coming In in January, February and !March, As Mr. Ferguson has 'always brought good elean stock 4nd has proved him- self reliable, parties in need of cows ;will do well to :attend. (this dale, Terms --Six months' credit on fur- nishing approved joint notes; la dis- toun:t Or six per cent ,per annum oft' JAS.. FERGUSON, Prop. TEOS. CAMERON, Auctioneer. FOR SALE—One good cow, extra beef quality, eight years old, ;due to freshen Dec. 10th; 1 heifer 3 years old due Jan. 3rd; 1 purebred Shorthorn bull 10 months old; 1 filly rising 4 years; 1 filly and 1 gelding rising 3 years old. JOHN LEARY, Cromarty Pi0., Lot 13, Con. 13, Hibbert; phone 544 '.Ribbert Linea 12-9-1:Hp Scientists have pleadged their uid to the 'King by :devoting all their ener- gies'to the task of bringing the war to a victorious conclusion. In the meantime, the health and nerves of our brave soldiers and their friends at home is suffering, and TAKAKE is the 'one perfect ;remedy for nerves. Fifty "cents at your druggist's, or b5 mail from the Georgian Mfg. Co., Collingwood, Ontario. GIVE "SYRUP OF FIGS" TO CONSTIPATED CHILD • Delicious "Fruit Laxative" can't harm tender little Stomach, liver and bowels. Look at the tongue, mother! If coated, your little one's stomach, liver and bowels need cleansing at once. When peevish, cross, listless, doesn't sleep, eat or act naturally, or is fever- ish, stomach sour, breath bad; has sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, undigested food and sour bile gently moves out of its little bowels without griping, and you have a well, playful child again. ® Ask your druggist' for a 50 -cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which con. tainsetull directions for babies, chil- dren of all ages and for grown-ups. Ilammion , 35 Prize Coates �S & Co. PIANO FREE Manufactured by THE WILLIAMS PIANO Co., LIMITED, Oshawa, Ont. Contest sold by the Business Boosters Limited, Toronto, Ont. Would You ike ti ave This pon eve a;1a not t" busi noon n IN Y1 14' 673. SAVE YOUR COUPONS itttle Hustling and YOU Win with every purchase at our store. These certificates represent one vote for each ONE CENT _in:sltes representing the LARGEST NUMBER OF VOTES at the end of the contest will rec- '+` R EE OF COST. and if you are not inter(sled 3-orsrself you can assist a friend, ,fir store. WP want a chance to show you that you can do Letter here than elsewhere.We do .his contest through a greater percentage of' profit, but through the difference in volume of I1 nn repay us, and in the future we shall endeavour to give you EVEN MORE for your t.h otigh the merits of our Goods and Loner Prices. save you money and we can prove it. si ndertaker,,EXE EONT. utate, Planos. Picture Framing, U}lo{st?1 i n_ and Repairing Neatly done. 9ituli:SD•AY, IDE(0,60,13ER 2tird, 'x ; INCORPORATED 1855 .. _... l MOLSONS AND RESERVE $8,800,000 CAPITAL'i I 6 Branches in Canada a. 9 Ranking Business Transactedf A Generalg CIRCULAR•L,ETTERS OF CREDIT; HM' : )MONY ORDERS SAVINGS BANK, DEPARTMENT interest alowed at highest current raiie W. D. CLARKE, Mahe ger, Exeter Brtrrch THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O., LL.D. D.C.L., President JOHN AIRD, General Manager. H. V. F. JONES, Ass't General Manageor- CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13l500E40f SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNTS 1 Interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits of $1 anclk upwards. Careful attention is given to every account. Small accounts;, are welcomed. Accounts may be opened and operated by mail. Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, with— drawals to be made by any one of them or by the survivor. S5elh ,mac. Exeter Branch— H. J. WHITE, Manager DREDITON BRANCH — A. E. KUHN, Manager. CHOICE FARM FOR SALE BY TENDER Consisting of Lots 32 and West half 33. North Thames Road, Township of Fullaiton, County of Perth, Ont. Lot 32 containe 121 acres on which there is atl up-to-date Stone Dwelling, l3ank Barn 36x90 and 34x50 Drive House and Ho; Pen 28x50; Silo 14x40; up- to-date stabling, cement floors and lit- ter carrier; ;2 acre choice garden, 2 acre;, orchard 10 acres first-class hard wood bush 55 acres in' grass, balance ploughed ready for seeding. West halt of Lot 33 contains 81% acres on !which there ist an up-to-date brick dwelling, bank barn 40x90, frame barn on stone wall 36x58; 1 acre or- chard 7 acres good hard wood, 14 acre;. fall "wheat, 25 acres in grass, 'al- ance ploughed ready for seeding. These farms are situated in ine o•f the .lfilnest localities in Ontario. Well. fenced and drained; never failing spring well and clear csf weeds; -venient to Baptist, 'Methodist find Presbyterian churches and day school; y2 mile from village of Russeldahe; 7 miles from Mitchell. Possession 1st March 1916. ' Terms -10 per :.ent. en acceptance of tender, balance .>n ?vlar. 1st ..1916, without interest. :?ealed tenders will be received ap to 1 o'clock .p.m. on 4th day of January 1916, foi the above mentioned farms, either separately or in one block, by Thos Cameron Auctioneer, R. R. 3, Kirkton Ont. For particulars apply to auctioneer or to John G. ':goy on the premises. Blaxxk forms for tenders can be had by applying to Thos. Cameron. PROCLAMA TION VILLAGE OF EXETER NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public notice is hereby given that a meeting of the electors of the Village of Exeter will be held in the TOWN HALL, EXETER MONDA'f, DECEMBER 27th, 1915 At the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, for the purpose of making and receiving nominations for Reeve, Councillois and Schoo, Trustees for the ensuing year and further notice is hereby given that in the event of more :an- didatet, being proposed for the offi- ces than are required to be elected the meeting will be adjourned to Monday January' 3rd, 1916, when, polls will be opened alt 9 a.m., closing at 5 p.m. al the following places, as fixed by By-law, viz,— Div 1—Silas Handford's residence, Main. St. Ed. Treble D,R.O., Sidney Davis pal: clerk. Div 2—At Town Hall, . Jos, Davis, D.K.U.. Well. Johns, poll clerk. D:v 3—Mrs. Mitchell's office, Main St. .H E. Huston, D.R.O, P. Gillies poll clerk Div. 4—N. E. Fire Hall, A. Mc- Pherson D.R,O., 'Moses Amy, poll clerk And al! electors are hereby ' e - quested to tako notice and • govern themselves accordingly. JOS. SENIOR, • Return'.ng yfficer, THICK, GLOSSY HAIR FREE FROM DANDRUFF Girls! Try it! Hair gets soft, fluffy and beautiful—Get a 25 cent bottle of Danderine, If you care for heavy hair that glis- tens with beauty and is radiant with life; has an incomparable softness and is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine. Just one application doubles the beauty of your hair, besides it lmme- dlately dissolves every particle of dandruff. ' You can not have nice heavy, healthy hair if you have dandruff. This destructive scurf robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life, and if not overcome it produces a feverishness and itching of the Seth; the hair roots famish, loosen and die; then the hair faille out fast tr" Surely get a 2ls.,cent bottle of I1nowlton'e Danderine front ani! drug Ntolre and tint try' it. tfeeretweeteleareferratreeleNNIINeeit J. A. MASON ' . s ARCHITECT 425 Dundas Street, London, Gunk Ids• teed cost of buildings; no extras/ &i years New York experience. Ph., iaL's'' 2725. .Anyone intending to build will di ell .o write me. No charge for eor.:1 sulat CJ.W.IKAEN, c.A+i,a 425 RICHMOND ST., LONDON,. ONTARIO. SPECIALIST IN SURGERY AND 1• N1T0-IIRIIPdB DISEASES OF AND WOMEN; DR, G. F. ROULSTON, L3D.S., RAW DENTIST Honor Graduate of sit). Office, over li ng's Law oboe. day afternoons., Residence 5b. Toronto Unineeon Dickson '& Nate - Closed Wedowee Phone Office 1110 ,, 2 DR. A, R. KINSMAN LIMA ADA Honor Graduate of Toren ae WOO eraity 1 L`3 a-t.�l�ata)d l DENTZS71 f 11/P11161 Teeth extracted without pais. ildr any bad effects. Offioe over Rata roan & Stanlbury'a Office Mea $ Exeter 1- W, BROWNING let. • P. 54 Graduate Victoria.411111 sity Office and residence Domiisl Labratory., Exeter, ;Associate Coroner of Hartle KA D ICKSON & CARIDING , 1' 11 Barristers, Solicitors Notaries !Osis' veyanoera Commissioners, IBoltliJ�lii' for the Molsone Bank ete, i .!4-J Money to Loan at lowest r'ateisr AV' t, tereat. • `„al OFFICE—MAIN STREET BIORTIlai-4 I. R. 'Carling B. A,• U. 19a Diekseai ' MONEY TO LOAN .; it!- ! 1 1 We have a large amends& of 01111 ate funds to loan on farm and Y lage properties at lowest rata A! terest. GLADMAN & STANBUl,I ! 1 Barristers, Solicitors, Helm Sib Becton Ind Ugborne and fllbbcrt Farmer's Mutual Fire Iu i anoe GQ 1 Head Office, Farquhar, IOW President ROBT. NORRI+ Vice -,•',resident ','HOS. AYANIr DIItI'GTO't • l_ (til WM. BRO,CIK WM, ROA' L, RUSSELL J. T, ALLISON' AGENTS JOHN ES8151 Exeter. agent Ula borne and .idd ph. 'I OLIVER HARRIS Munro a,geot Jhlr Hibbert` Fullerton and Logan. l ,.) 1,„11_,.i, W. A. TUZINUtlli.XI; l SeCy.Treas. F'arquhel' GLADMAN & ST,ANUUB Yes! Solicitors, Exeeer, TBE SOLDIER WIIO LIVEi3 OVE1V. AGAIN IN A 'NIGII7' MMA'itR, 7114Z AWI t7L IlA'I rLE SCENES, ; as well,'. as the harassed business man, the, tired sorlety woman, :and busy house- wife, whose nerves ars • graduallye !~`caring to .shreds with their revere ending :duties, will get !quiolc(nd per-- ni,anent •relief, from '1'AKhltIB:,, Get a? box for ;fifty tette .ktf 1y'our drnggisto, or by mail from the Georgian Mtg.! Go, 1Coliingwood, Ontario.