HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-10-18, Page 2PAGE —GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1986
rAN4,..10 SATURDAY, OCTOBER le, 1986
This is our last pick-up of season,. Please have your papers secure-
ly bundled and at the curb by 10 a.m. We would like to have
a fall book sale. If you have books to contribute, place them in
separate boxes. Use a garbage bag to protect them from rain
or dampness and put them out with your papers.
Funds raised from our paper drives are completely devoted to
Community projects. We appreciate your continued support and
the concern for the environment that this project provides.
Have a kine waiting.
for youinstead of you
waiting for a lane
Call ahead for your reservations
Friday evenings— .....•....••.••••••c:•••••6-11 pm
Saturdays... .............. • . • ... . • ......1-11 pm
Sunda . Noon - 8 pm
ADULTS 1.50 / game YOUTHS(1.2 & under) 1.35/ game
Youth Bowling
Junior & Senior (Ages 12 -18) Friday Night 6:30 or Sat. 1:00 pm
Pee Wee (Ages 4-7) Saturday 11:00 a.m..
Bantam (Ages 8-11) Sat. Early morning shift 8:15
or Mid Morning 11:00 a.m.
Tuesday Mens: We still have room for guys
or whole teams, for this league starting Oct. 21
Contact 524-2695
Wednesday Mixed: This very leisurely league
still has room available before the season starts.
For information contact Gord & Dale Fisher 524-4380
Call 524 -BOWL
Boari.. .w
rkers get salary increase
The Huron County Board of Education
ratified a one-year agreement Monday that
gives 80 of its unionized workers a four -per-
cent salary increase.
The average hourly rate under the new
pact, which is retroactive to July 1, will be
$9.40. rs clerical and
secretarial he contract e
staff, teacheraides and audio-
visual technicians who belong to Local 1428
of the Canadian Union of Public Employees.
The union had already ratified the
Trustee Graeme Craig of Walton also said
a mediated negotiating session between the
board's personnel negotiating committee
and negotiators for Huron secondary school
teachers will be held Tuesday night in an ef-
fort to reach a 1986 agreement.
A provincial fact -finder will attend a
meeting on October 14, between 'board and
- t t:r^ �1dn tryin^
for a 1986 contract.
The fact -finder is Eric Runacres of Col-
dwater, appointed by the Education Rela-
tions Commission. He will meet with the
parties and write a report setting out which
matters have been agreed upon and which
matters remain in dispute. The report may
also contain recommendations for
In other business, the Huron County
Board of Education and the Huron -Perth
County Roman Catholic Separate School
Board have established joint committees
which will permit the continuation of the
former informal liaison committee formed
in 1984.
The new joint education liaison commit-
tees will consist of three trustees and one ad-
ministrative representative from each of
the two boards. Those representing the
Huron County Board of Education are
Trustees John Jewitt of RR 1 Londesboro;
Tony McQuail of RR 1 Lucknow and Joan
Van den Broeck of RR 4 Goderich.
Those representing the Catholic board
will be appointed at its regular meeting on
Oct. 14.
The joint committee will hold public
meetings to report on its work. Its duties in-
clude exploring opportunities for transferr-
ing facilities, leasing facilities or sharing
services, facilities, resources and staff. The
boards will receive written reports of pro-
ceedings and recommendations and to the -
planning and implementation commission.
Representatives of the Frank Gowan In-
surance Company and the Board's Agent of
Record, Gaiser Kneale Insurance Company_
ofExeter attended the meeting to discuss
the 1986 Risk Management report.
The board decided to continue, with its pre-
sent carrier, the Gowan Insurance Com-
pany, rather than join the Reciprocal In-
surance Exchange — The Ontario School
Boards' Insurance Exchange. The reason to establish the rate of $14.80 per hour to be
continue with Cowan is because the board's charged to groups when custodians are re-
current policy expires Nov. 1 and the board quired for school functions.
requires coverage for November and McQuail reporting for the Management
December as reciprocal coverage will not Committee, said all six roofing projects to
be available until Jan. 1. If the reciprocal is be done this sumrner, were completed. He
successful it is probable the board may par- said minor facilities to aid the handicapped
ticipate in another year's time. were added to two schools and major
A 20 member committee represents all renovations related to an elevator installa-
employee groups of the board and it is anx- tion at Victoria Public School are nearing
,,ious to determine a number of effective completion.
''strategies for building better public He said the window wall replacement pro-
understanding and support for the school gram was continued at six schools for 16
system. It will survey all employees of the classrooms, two gymnasiums and six office
board, as well as providing" an opportunity areas. Ten schools received attention under
for parents in selected schools, to offer stag- the energy conservation program, McQuail
gestions about how the board might improve said, for a total of 48 projects.
its image with the families served by the McQuail said the committee recommends
school system. that five school buses and one van with a lift
Members of the -general public will be en- be. included in the board's application for
more'^rrl to enntr,r�t !nee! trnGt!�PQ ee gehno1 )987 to the ministry's capital grant plan. It
principals to offer comments and sugges- was reported the baord presently owns a�
tions or the board office before Oct. 27. This certified and serviceable buses ranging in
information will be the basis for a major age from 10 years to five 1986 buses.
presentation to all board employees ata Tand a board
o rdoa authorized ohe under dteve elopment
special activity ton May 4. proposal
Chairman Joan Van den Broeck of the to Business and Industry Incentive Fund
Education committee recommended that with a two-year committment which will in -
the draft copyright policy the committee volve a $40,000 budget item and a local re -
had been studying, be accepted and quirement of up to $5,000 in each of the two
distributed to all schools. This was given years. The possibility of a local industry
board approval as well as the committee's sharing in this cost will be considered.
recommendation that the book The Family,
Changing Trends in Canada by Maureen This concept of the Minister of Education
Baker as requested by F.E. Madill Secon- is designed to strengthen or establish links
dary School in Wingham, be approved for between secondary schools and business
use in Senior Family StudiesCourses. and industry.,
Also receiving board approval were the Robert Allan, director of education, spoke
following recommendations: that the board of the problem with gliders at the creative
increase elementary core French instruc- playground equipment at the Clinton Public
tion in Grade 5 and 6 to 40 minutes per day School purchased by a group of parents and
(up from 20) to comply with the Ministry of similar equipment at Homesville Public
Education requirements for a total of 600 School. A number of students have been in -
hours -of French at the end of Grade 8. jured, mainly by children using, the _equip -
In answer to a question of which course ment during after school hours, when the
the 20 minutes of French would be taken, Ar- playground is not supervised.
nold Mathers, Superintendent of Program, Director of Education Robert Allan,
replied that, the Ministry had not indicated ordered the cable cars' taken down both at
the course but he expected it would be from Clinton and Holmesville. After being check -
the Language Course. ed and modified, on a trial basis the cable
Approval was given to have the Huron cars have been put back with the T -handles
County schools continuing the use of the replaced with a ring. Paul Carroll,
Wawanosh Nature Centre on a per capita Superintendent of Business and Operational
basis. Affairs, is evaluating the. equipment on a
Board approval was given. to adopt the daily basis. Allan said if, it continues to be a
report cards that are recommended for problem with the public after school hours,
students from Kindergarten to Grade 8 as then the handles will be removed at the
revised by a teacher and principal report close of the school day.
card committee representing all schools. The board studied an interim report on
The increase in enrolment for the Huron Municipal Elections which has been sent to
County Board of Education was noted in- the municipalities, municipal associations,
dicating there are 167 more students in the to public utilities commissions and their
schools this'year than in the 1985-86 term, 40 associations and to other interested groups
more elementary students and 73 more and individuals, as well as to school boards
secondary students (excluding the 57 and their associations. The 83 recommenda-
students at the Bluewater Secondary School tions are analyzed and voted on with .com-
at Goderich.) ments being reported to the Ministry of
The board approved a recommendation Municipal Affairs.
made by Chairman Tony McQuail of the The next meeting of the Baord will be held
Management Committee that the board on Nov. 3.
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Consultants will assess
needs of teenagers
• from page 1
would like to attend a workshop, please
contact the Recreation Department,
524-2125 by Oct. 17 to register for the
The consultants will also be distributing
a survey at the high school to identify the
needs and priorities of the town's teen
population and elementary school
teachers will be discussing their students'
recreational interests _ and desires during
The project manager, John Stevenson,
will be available to meet with interested
individuals or groups during the following
times: Tuesday, Oct. 21, 10 a.m. to noon, 5
p.m. to 7:30 p.m.; Wednesday, Oct. 22, 10
a.m. to noon, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.; Thursday,
Oct. 23, 10 a.m. to noon, at the Recreation
Officer, 166 McDonald Street. If you would
like to set up a formal meeting please con-
tact the Recreation Department to reserve
a time.
The Master Plan and Feasibility Study
will guide the town in planning providing
recreational and cultural services over the
next 10 years. They offer a unique oppor-
tunity for the residents of the town to par-
ticipate in establishing priorities for the
You can help plan the future of recrea-
tion in Goderich by participating in these
On Wednesday, Oct. 15 at 9 a.m., the
Huron County agriculture and property
committee will meet in the council
chambers at the Goderich courthouse.
.On Oct. 15 at 9 a.m., the Huronview com-
mittee of management will meet at
On Oct. 15 at 7:30 p.m., the Huron County
board of health will meet in the council
chambers at the Goderich courthouse.
On Thursday, Oct. 16 at 10 a.m., the Huron
County social services committee will meet
in the council chambers at the Goderich
On Oct. 16 at 1:30 p.m., the Huron County
library board will meet in the council
chambers at the Goderich courthouse.
On Friday, Oct. 17 at 10 a.m., the Huron
Every Friday Night*
PIER. 21
Sutton Park Inn
9 p.m. -1:00 8.111. (Lunch Provided) P
Music by . a.
c. Ail Singles and Single Pare is r
a over 25 are welcome to join us! -
GUEST 55.00 MEMBERS 53.00
Naleans Please
County road committee will meet in the
council chambers at the Goderich
courthouse. "
On Monday, Oct. 20 at 7 p.m., Goderich
council will hold a public meeting about the
Fowler re -zoning and official plan.
On Tuesday, Oct. 21 at noon, the tourist
committee will meet at the Goderich town
hall and the airport committee will meet at
the airport.
On Oct. 21 at 4:30 p.m., the day nursery
committee will meet at town hall and at 7
p.m., the works and property committee
will meet at town hall.
Auto inseg only - The following
disclaimer should have appeared on the
auto insert section of deal No. 342 -
"Not all items available In all stores.
Quantities are limited. Sorry no Rain -
Page 6 - 1SOOW Heater. Item No. 52-
2541-6. Copy reads: With wall ther-
mostat. This Is Incorrect. Wall ther-
mostat Is not Included.
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Friday, October 31
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OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 8 A.M. • 1 A.M._.,. ,-.