HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-10-08, Page 12PAGE 12--GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1986
35. Notice to creditors
ALL persons having claims against the'Estate
of LAURA BROWN GITSON, late of the Town of,.
Goderich, in the County of Huron. who died on or
abouf the 18th day of August, 1986, are required
to file the same with full particulars with the
undersigned by the 18th day of October, 1986, as
after that date the assets of the estate will be
DATED at Goderich Ontario, this 18th day of
September, 1986.
Barristers, etc.
33 Montreal Street,
Goderich, Ontoio.
N7A 3Z2
Solicitors for the Estate.
All claims against the Estate of William Patrick
Burke. late of Meneset Park, R.R. 5 Goderich,
who died on or about the 25th day of June, 1986,
must be filed with the undersigned on or about
October 31., 1986;., thereafter, the undersigned
will distribute the assets of the said estate hav-
ing regard,only to the claims then filed.
Barristers un,i Si-lidtar s
P.O. Box 758
25 Goderich Street West
Seaforth, Ontario
Solicitors for the Estate.
47. Card of thanks
All persons having claims against the Estate of
late of the Township of Ashfield, in the County of
Huron, who died on or about the 18th day of
September, 1986, are required to file the same
with full particulars with the undersigned by the
I st day of November,' 1986, as after that date the
assets of the estate will be distributed.
DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this 6th day of
October, 1986.
Barristers, etc.,
33 Montreal Street,
Goderich, Ontario.
- N7A 3Z2
Solicitors for the
Estate. -41-43
38. Auction sale
Richard Lobb Auctioneer
CLINTON - 482-7898
THURS., OCT. 9 AT 6 P.M. - Three tractors
and machinery for James G. Sloan, 3'4i•miles
east and '/n mile south of Winthrop or 4 miles
north of St. Columban.
SAT., OCT. 11 AT 10 A.M. - Mode
rn fur-
niture, freezer, etc. at Lobb Auction Barn,
Clinton for local resident plus addition.
SAT., OCT 18 AT 10 A.M. - Large offer-
ing of good glassware, lamps, antique
furniture, etc. at Lobb Auction Barn, Clin-
ton, for Mabel Hawkins of Goderich.
SAT., OCT. 25 AT 10 A.M. - Antiques, fur
niture and appliances at Lobb Auction Barr
Clinton. _
Hwy. 21, 4 miles south of Grand Bend
Sunday, October 12th
at 1 p.m.
We will be selling the contents
of two Thedford Homes in one
outstanding auction. This will be
a Targe and interesting auction.
See Saturday's London Free
Press for complete listing.
Pat Lyon'
(519) 243-2713
Antiques, modern furniture and appli-
ances to be held at Richard Lobb's
Auction Barn, Clinton, Ontario for Matt
and Mary Nediger, Goderich home plus
Sat., October 11
at Iff a.m.
Fridge 2 yrs. old; upright freezer,
automatic washer, 2 spin dry washers,
nearly new; apt. chest freezer; Electro -
home floor model colour TV with brown
box remote, modern five piece bedroom
suite with box spring and mattress,
Duncan Phyfe drop leaf dining table with
three chairs, corner china cabinet,
mahogany four piece curved front
bedroom suite. 2 poster type single
keds, matching antique gentlemens
dresser and vanity dresser,two cup -
hoard bottoms, rocking chair, antique
corner shelf unit with mirror back,
antique blanket box, 3 Victorian chairs,
three trunks, 40" round pedestal table, 3
pressback chairs, apartment dining
table extends from 20" to 6 ft., 4
matching dining tables, washstand, 2
iron beds with brass knobs, several fancy
small tables, bridge 'lamp, nesting
tables. air conditioner, chesterfield with
pull out bed. electric sewing machine in
cabinet. h all tree, recliner chair, 2 good
upholstered chairs, floor lamp, antique 5
drawer chest, card table and 4 chairs,
antique octagonal school clock, antique
fancy cupid mantle clock with matching
side ornaments, small New Haven wall
clock. Beaver pelt top hat, Sterling silver
thimble. forks and salt and pepper, oil
lamp, crocks, pictures, globe for old
Gone with the Wind lamp, 2 swivel
miniature oil lamps, cast iron dog on
pillow, Ogee clock, ceiling fan and light
combination, fancy swag lamp, old
pictures, old showcase, antique and
modern glassware and dishes, small
appliances etc. some bedding, humidi-
fier, 2 International cream seperators,
patio table with umbrella, lawn chairs,
lawn Boy mower, garden tools and misc.
40. Lost & Found
The family of the late Silvio Frederick lVfor
wishes to thank the following people
kindness shown him over the past year and to
the family in his passing: Doctors and Nurses,
Lucknow Medical Centre, Wingham and District
Hospital Staff, Maitland Manor staff and Dr.
Pearce. Special thanks to Don and Dorothy® r -
rich and staff at Country Road Lodge are where very
spent most of lost winter and spring. We
grateful for the special care they gave Dad and
for helping the day of the funeral when we had
to call on them. To Alexandra Marine and
General Hospital staff, especially Laurie Dalton,
RN, who was with Dad at the time of his passing;
also Father Haidy, We are very grateful and
thankful for the visits that Connie Osborne made
and in helping Dad accept his illness in his last
few weeks; for the calls she made to 'the family,
we will always remember her in a special way.
To Father Ed and Brother Carl for their concern,
prayers and the Funeral Mass and to the
pallbearers. Thanks to Sean Dalton and Tony
Miltenburg for ushering at the church; organist
Laurie Dalton and to Bill Van Osch, Eugene
Frayne and John Van Rooy for singing at the
mass. To the Kingsbridge Cefnetery Board for the
special efforts in preparing for the burial; to
Kingsbridge CWL for the lovely meal they
prepared and donations of food. Thanks to those
friends, neighbours and relollves who visited she
funeral home, sent flowers and donations,
brought food to the family harries and those who
visited Dad, sent cards and flowers to the
hospital over the past year; to McCallum and
Pella Funeral Home for the considerate and kind
way they treated the family and all ar-
MISSING from 144 Wilson St. on July 12th 3 rings. rangements made for the funeral. To them and
If returned no questions asked. Information aalit those
sey a meank them. Maureen anwe are d Delgrateful and
leading to the recovery $50.00 reward. Phone and family, Carl and Joan Vassella, Yvonne and
524-6518.-39-41 Jim Sinnett and family, Betty Lou and Mike
REWARD - Lost black and white Siberian Husky Dalton and family, Eileen and Dan Wilson and
comes to the name of "Ashia" in the vicinity of family, Linda and Art Bowler and family, Dianne,
Bogie's Beach area. 524-4725 or 271-9540.-40,41 Paul and Ashley Weiser. t41
LOST - gents gold Omega wrist watch, en
Wednesday, October 1st, on West Street or
Keays Street. $50.00 REWARD. Contact Jim Holl-
ingworth, 524-9511 day, or 524-7787
evenings. -41
LOST: Set of Keys between Goderich and
Holmesville on Oct. 2nd. Phone 524-4870.-41
41. To give away
FREE PUPPIES to give away. Six male puppies,
part collie. Call 524-2800 anytime. -41
46. In memoriam
In loving memory of a dear sister of Aunt Grace
(Morgan) who passed away Oct. 12, 1985.
Sadly missed by her sisters
and fa
In loving memory of Evelyn Hartman who sud-
denly left us ten years ago, October 8, 1976.
Out in life's garden, where sympathy grew,
God planted a soul - twos the soul o'you.
Life's wonderful garden, love, seeking went
through -
Till he found a heart-twas the heart o'you.
I have sought through life's garden of roses and
And 1 found one sweet blossom, all jewelled with
Love, Sympathy, Faith - all unchanging and true,
t` Are the:fieq)t of rriyfloVver';'clear 'M'bfh'er'tisr ybu. ';
Sadly missed and always remembered by •
daughter Tena, son-in-law Murray and four
grandchildren. -41
Many thanks for the flowers, gifts and especially
the visits while I was in hospital. Special thanks
to Dr. Walker, Dr. Hollingworth and the nursing
staff, they were super. Simon Langlois. -41
F. For Rent
-efficiency units
-suitable for 1 or 2 people
-no pets, please
400 Bayfield Road.
In loving memory of a dear husband, father and
grandfather John H. Clements, who passed away
one year ago Oct. 10, 1985.
He never failed to do his best,
His heart was worm and tender',
He lived his life for those he loved,
And those he loved, remember.
Those we love don't go away,
They walk beside us every day,
Unseen, unheard, but always near,
Still loved, still missed, still very dear.
No longer in our lives to share,
But in our hearts, he is always there.
Lovingly remembered by wife Dorothy, Harry
and family, Betty and family, Dorothy -Louise and
family, Lloyd and Ken. -41x
of over
50 Tractors & 150 Pcs. of
equipment at
Saturday, October 18186
9:30 a.m.
Gordon H. Brindley
Barry Grey
Brian RintoUl
1529-7625 or 529.1970
47. Card of thanks
I would like to thank the nurses and staff of
I.C.U. first floor east, Dr. Chan and Mrs. Holl-
ingworth for their care and kindness, Rev. G.L.
Royal, Morning Star Lodge No. 309, friends and
neighbours for calls, visits, cards and
flowers. -41 x
I would like to express a sincere thank you to
relatives and friends for the flowers, cards and
visits while in Goderich Hospital. Special thanks' •
to the nurses and doctors, the staff at the Friend-
ship House for looking after mamma, and to AUBURN U B U ^ ^ '
Earleen Spain and Audrey Tyreman. Faye. -41 �/"\'` ij..�{,' `�
Too Late
FOR SALE - two 30" French Doors, natural stain-
ed, some casing including. $250.00 or best offer.
60 gallon fish tank, enclosed stand and ac-
cessories, $100.00. Phone 529-7758,-41
HOUSE TO RENT, three bedrooms north of
Goderich. Available' December 1st. Phone bet-
ween 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., 524-8321.-41
NEW LISTING: 4 acres, 8th Line Hullett Twp.,
good brick home, general purpose barn.
NEW LISTING: Dinsley St., Blyth, 2 floor brick
home on large treed lot.
100 ACRES: Nearly new raised bungalow, 80
acres of very scenic woodland, 7 miles from
Goderich. Very reasonable price. Owner will
50 ACRES: Colborne Twp., '44 workable, 6
acres young apple orchard.
100 ACRES: Hobby and bush farm, on paved
road, E. Wawonosh Twp.; 15 workable, general
purpose barn, large steel shed, house newly
renovated, all in immaculate condition.
secluded raised bungalow, insulated barn, 25
acres workable, several ponds, hardwood
bush. Ideal hobby or recreation property.
LUCKNOW: 8 Fmodern apartment
building. ShovFood return.
1 mile frontage on Maitland River. Spacious
living quarters.
125 ACRES: Near Blyth, stately brick home,
60 acres workable, 22 hardwood bush.
3 ACRES: 8th Line Goderich Twp., 3 or 4
bdrm., brick home, combination furnace.
LONDESBORO: 1 floor brick rancher, finish-
ed basement, inground pool, large lot.
4 ACRES: 2 floor brick home in good condi-
tion, 3 miles from Blyth.
100 ACRES: Highway farm, all fenced, good
set of general purpose buildings. Priced very
AUBURN: 2 bedroom starter home under
150 ACRES: _�191�QQ1�virkable, 3rd Line E.
Wawanosh, 2��brick home.
COMMERCIAL PROPERTY: Blyth, 3,000 sq. ft.
plus apartment above. Owner will consider
15 ACRES: 5 miles from Clinton, 11/2 floor
frame home, farrowing barn for 35 sows. Pro-
perty well fenced.
FOR SALE: Lel Degas,,Les Paul electric guitar
$250.00 or best offer. Lel Degas electric bass
$250.00 or best offer. Peavey Backstage 30 guitar
amplifier 30 Guitar amplifier 30 watt $300.00 or
best offer. Fender flat -top acoustic guitar $250.00
or best offer 524-8977,-41,42 v
FOR SALE: 1977 Ford LTD II $600.00 or best offer.
Phone 524-4377.--41x
APARTMENT TO RENT two bedrooms, ground
floor, close to Square, rent plus utilities.
Available November 1st. 524.4948.-41
Seers honor
McPhees' new
Goderich home
Words cannot express • enough thanks to
everyone for their kindness and thoughtfulness
while I was in 'St. Joseph's Hospital. The phone
calls, flowers, cards and gifts sure brightened
the days. Thanks to everyone who came to visit
and who helped look after Angela. Thank you to
Dr. James Rourke, emergency staff, Gall Purser,
and ambulance drivers for their efficient care,
Special thanks to Cathy, my Mom and Dad and
Bob for their loving support and comfort.
Sharon.-- 41
I would like to thank all the nurses on 2nd east
for their core and kindness during my stay in the
hospital. Special thank you to Drs. Wafts, Con-
way and Walker. Also many thanks to all my
friendsand relatives for their cheerie cards and
beautiful flowers, Sincerely, Anne
McCartney, -41
We would like to thank everyone far the flowers,
cords, and gifts we received during our stay in
Goderich Hospital. A special thank you to Drs.
James and Leslie Rourke and to all the nurses on
2nd floor east. Your care and kindness • was
greatly appreciated. Marianne and Jason. -41
twsl. 1111- II(• rrrrw. orals RIR ww
District i e
The third meeting of the Port Albert 4-H
w s held at Teresa Meriam's house on Sept.
29 at 7 p.m. Wendy Miltenburg opened the
meeting and Laurie Hayden read the
The group tasted six different kinds of
cheese and read about each one.
The A.C.W. of Christ Church met at the
home of Viola Petrie, for the.first meeting of
the fall, on Oct. 1.
The business meeting was conducted by
the President Margaret Young. Bessie Bel-
inger read the secretary's report and the
treasurer's report was given by Viola
Sunday evening prayer service was con-
ducted by Rev. R. Crocker at the 2 p.m. ser-
vice. Guests were present from Nova ,`'Scotia
The miserable weather on Saturday did
not deter the fishermen on the Nine Mile
River at the Port and many were busy with
rod and reel! The stamina of fishermen is
truly amazing!
Visiting with Nancy and Steve Corkum
are Nancy's mother and sister, Freda Otto
and Heather Otto from Dartmouth, Nova
Tom Livingstone, who was a patient in the
Alexandra and Marine General Hospital,
has returned home.
Roy and Bessie Belinger have returned
from Timmins. After a vacation spent with
daughter Nancy and Ken Doherty and
fbouglas F. Chubb Real Estate Broker
'/z block from Lake, north side of road.
Be the first to live in this new vinyl
sided bungalow, open concept. kitchen,
dining room/ living room, 3 bedroom,
master bedroom 12 x 15, utility room
with• back door entrance. detached
garage refrigerator and electric stove
included. '10,000.00 down to one mor-
tgage at 91/2%. Vendor will consider
renting with option. Call Douglas F.
Chubb Real Estate Broker 565-2594
Mildred Lawlor, 526-7589
rfifrts ,�'�'�frr�lli'`�tYf'tliSlii,
HARD WATER PROBLEMS? Introducing „the „water
softener !hot doesn't use salt. No more lugging heavy
bags of costly salt. Other softeners remove calcium
and other good-for•you minerals. We don't odd salt to
your woter or remove beneficial minerals, because
that's not good for you. Other softeners take up lots of
room, use electricity, require bockwashing, cost plen-
ty to install and too much to maintain. We don't. Cull
Toll free 1-800-268-2656 for healthier, better tasting
cleaner -washing water. --0.41
RUSTY SMELLY WATER? New technology for -treating
water lot the source oilers well to faucet protection
throughout entire water system. No sale or messy
chemicals. See the results with our 6 month triol offer.
Quote: "Barry Kinch • Kenabeek, Ontario - Thanks
again for putting out a system that really does what
you say it will." For Clear, Sweet, Water Coll
1.800-268-2656; area 807 call 1.800.624-4344. (You'll
be glad you did.) --0.41
$$$ STEEL BUILDINGS 555 Vorious sizes available, ex-
ample 30x50x14 $4,990; 46x90x16 $9,960, equipped
with large doors. Due to limited quantities and low
prices serious buyers only will save many dollars. We
stort by paying for your coll. Act now and save
COLLAPSIBLE VINYL Truck Caps for all models, seven
colours, Literature available. Light Truck Systems, Box
3025, Kitchener, Ont. N2G 4R5 (519) 7459846 or (519)
742.0375 evenings 8 weekends.- 0-41
off. First come. first serve. Ask for list. Electric Fenc-
ing Systems of Canada, Box 3025. Kitchener N2G 4R5
(519) 745.9846.- 0-41
workpanls $3.50, workboots S15. For catalog, send $2
(reimbursed first order); Military Surplus, Box 243, Si.
Timothee, Quebec JOS 1X0.-0.41
STEEL BUILDING Pre Winter Factory Clearance.
Straight wall or Quonset styles. Certain sizes at
special discounts. Save thousands. Limited quantities.
Phone Pioneer/Econospan toll free
1.800.387.6896.- 0.41
Mr. and Mrs. William Seers entertained at
their home on Saturday evening in honour of
Mr. and Mrs. Orval McPhee, who have
recentlymoved to their new home in
Goderich. Many friends, relatives and
neighbours were in attendance.
' Bernice Anderson showed slides of their
recent overseas trip to the Arkney Islands,
Scotland and England and Bill Seers, also
showed slides of their trip they had taken to
Gifts were presented to the honoured cou-
ple and a.delicious lunch was served by Bill
and Maxine Seers, Beth Lansing, Mrs, W. L.
Craig and Betty Marsh. Both Orval and Vel
expressed their thanks for the lovely gifts
and the pleasant evening andinvited their '
friends to visit them in their new home.
Marjorie McDougall has returned home
after visiting her son Allan, Laura, Angie,
Shane and Marcie of Sudbury.
YOUNG Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs.
I would like to thank my family for the lovely din- Ross Robinson on the death of his brother
ner. Thanks also to my relatives, neighbours and last week.
friends For flowers, gifts, cards and best wishes I The minister Gary Shuttleworth , con -
received ' on my 95th ' birthday,. Your ducted the Sunday morning Holy Commu-
thotighffulpess.was very Much appreciated, Elma pion Service at Knox United Church. Organ
Young.--41rix .*4-*-.-.
__ / prelude was by Mrs. Gordon Gross and
__- - ` 0! 6AL`bNfE pianist was Miss Lori Million.
We would like to thank friends and family for the Rev. Piekell of Goderich read the Scrip -
cards and gifts. A special thanks 10 the staff on ture, The Senior Choir sang "In ilemetn-
2nd East and Dr, Hofffngwarth. everything was brance With the choir direct' Lori Miliian
greatly appreciated, Lesley and Chrysta.,-•41 as Pianist. sermon, Gf, m'
... - The minister chose for his
WHIM munion and Comn $tment. Rev. PIckell
wish to thank all fcli tilt' and fristids who helped sued Colnmunlely,
to Make my 4othl3ft'1h'd0ysuch a happy day with 0�feririg wad receilaed, bjr G®rdon Ger._
their flowers, gifts, cards and kindnesses. and Brian Ramey,
Laura. ---41
10' x 10' GREENHOUSE 5149. 1000W Metal Halide $175.
- Plus 10,00) gardening products. Great prices. Send $2
for info -pock. Western Water Farms, 1244 Seymour
Street, Vancouver, B.C. V681 3N9. (604)
TRAIN FOR A JOB with a future...with Tri -County
Truck Driver Training. Job search assistance
available. Kitchener 720 King E.. (519) 743.5011, Brant -
lord 300 Colborne E., (519) 756-0223. - 0-41
MA CHERIE Homo Fashion Shows Est, 1975. Join our
successful family of representatives in presenting
quality lingerie and loungeweur at in-home parties for
women. Its fun, It's eosy.,11's profitable. Call toll free
DYNAMIC. hard working. career oriented individuals
needed as agricultural marketing representatives.
Soles experience not required. Good attitude,
eagerness to learn end succeed is required. Above
average income and incentive. Send resume to Box
"F" OCNA, Box 451, Oakville, Ontario L6J 5A8'.--0.41
BRAMPTON based manufacturer of prefab buildings is
doing so much business that it is expanding its re-
quirements for Welders, Fitters, and Lobourers. Part.
linie,•Pull-Time day and Night Shift position available.
Coll now' or drop in and see us Perko Buil Ings, 217
Wilkinson Rood Brampton, Ont. .16T 4M2 (41`6)
NEEDLECRAFTERS'S Excellent income potential
teaching & selling needlecrafts for Panda Stitchcroft.
Representatives especially needed In smaller corn
munilies, Write Peggy Anderson, 2281 Woodward
Ave., Burlington, Ontario L7R 115,-0.41
EARN 15% per year in U.S. dollars, guaranteed! By
way of leasing Marine Cargo containers, Rontal con -
101O4311. Rental income - live marine cargo coiStainers
pay $2,325 per year, 10 pay $4,650 per year, 25 pay
511;625 per year, length of lease is up to 15 years
(5 -year increments). Minimum investment 53,.100. Ail
above in U.S. dollars. Ask about our capital apprecia-
tion program. Call•(416),363-3595. Writs."Pacific Rim
Containers Sales Ltd:, 2nd floor 03 Vertge SI, torlanto
MSE 154, --0.41
DISTRIBUTORS, part time or full tirne selling our high
quality„lin.,of Distillers filters. ond,watersofteners,,,
Icn'°i'esidential r&r'rc3fnmte3rEIa tgpetlrtrltiot10,''.8e
oWn boss and earn extra income in• this growing in=
dustry. For more information contact Water Purity
Systems. 535 Brant 51. Burlington,Ont. L7R 2G6. (416)
HELP YOURSELF to a fortune. For a free list of over:25
"Money Making" opportunities write to R'.C.
Marketing Co. Dept. 028, Box 323, Station J, Calgary,
Alberta T2A 4X6.-0-41
HIRING NOW! Construction all phases, Drivers,
Machinists, Welders, Electricians, Mechanics,
Airlines. Some Entry.level positions (up to $32.60 'hr)
Trans Continental Job Search. (308) 382.3700. Fee
required.-- 0-41 -
OVERSEAS POSITIONS. Hundreds of top paying post•
tions. Attractive benefits. All occupations. Free
details. Overseas Employment Services, Dept. WA,
Box 460, Mount Royal, Quebec H3P 3C7. -- 0.41
WORK OVERSEAS. A fantastic challenge is awaiting
you. Work on a farm in Europe, Australia, or New
Zealand. If you are single and have two years prat•
tical agricultural experience then write or call: inter:
notional Agricultural Exchange Association, c -o 10
Chrysler St., Ottawa, Ont. K1S 4C2, Ph: (613)
DISTRIBUTORS for a proven line of "Units", that con
forever eliminate oil changes for engines: hydraulic
machines of any size. Calgary (403)258-1858 or (403)
938.4186.' 5venings. --0-41
OVERWEIGHT? Distributors Wanted 1001.. All Natural
Canadian Product. A scientific break -through! No
dieting! Ground Floor Opportunity! Send for informs•
lion package or call Stewar I Sherwood, House of Sher
wood, 497 Main 5t. East. Hamilton. Ont. L8N 1K8 (416)
522-3344.- 0.41
OVERWEIGHT? NO ENERGY? Moneyback guarantee.
Ground -Floor opportunity. $10,000 plus monthly earn-
ings documented. No baloney. This is real. Dobbs, 266
Shuter Street, Toronto. Ont. M5A 1W3.--0.41
ENJOY TAX BENEFITS of Self Ernployinent train your
own home, Represent manufactures of Water
Distillers from $249.50. Exclusive territory. 'No fran-
chise fee or contracts. Must be aware and concerned
with local Water Purity. Excellent earnings for active
people. Write for details. 1:13,14. Industries, 116
Viceroy C-9, Concord. Ont. 14K 2M3 (416)
661.1142.- 0-41
EARN EXTRA INCOME! Learn to Prepare Income Tax
returns by correspondence. Local Franchise available.
Write lox Time Services Limited, 1304 Speers Rood.
Oakville, Ont. L6L 2X4. 0.41
MAKE MORE MONEY! Learn Income Tax Preparation
or Basic Bookkeeping by correspondence. Free
brochures no obligation. U 8 R Correspondence
School, 2071345 Pembina Hwy, 'Winnipeg, MB R3T
286. 0-41
Weekend October 11 - 13 Daily 10 - 6. Admission $2 -
Children free. Grey Highlands School, Hwy. 10. Infos
motion (519) 9242620. 0'-41
r- The Only way to get
ad in 2.5 million homes
in Canada for
sir in 1,241,507 homes
in Ontario for
I 8195.00
Place Your Blanket Classified Ad by
calling one of our helpful classified ad,
1 vlsore et your nearest w4e:oil:
iy nTxapaRer
olflcr fav:stillle, Luckr:ow 52e-2822
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eIlnton 4622443 Walkerton 861.181
i■ ithistoli 5274240 Mitchell 348.84 1
Rslauftii riY wi! Mid r ew r [til :us Writ ism ow - ram
ow rel