HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-10-08, Page 111 donut amore 17. Apartments for rent FOR RENT - One bedroom upstairs apartment close to square. Available November 1. Phone 524-4926 after 5 p.m.-41,42nx ONE BEDROOM apartment for single occupancy only. located on the Square. Fridge and stove in- cluded. Available October 1st. Apply to Drawer No, 45 c/o Goderich Signal -Star, P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ont. N7A 4B6.-41or BACHELOR apartment close to square. Furnish- ed, utilities paid. $210.00 per month. Available Immediately. Phone 524-8921.-41 18. Houses for rent ri HOUSE FOR RENT near 529-7765.-40,41 Kingsbridge. Phone THREE BEDROOM house December. Please reply to Goderich Signal -Star P.O. Ont. N7A 486.-40.43 for rent. available Drawer No. 49 c/o Box 220 Goderich, TWO BEDROOM mobile home for rent in Huron Haven 1-236-4230. - -40tf TWO BEDROOM townhouse to sublet $395.00 per month plus utilities: Available November 1st. Call John 524-9889 or Linda 524-2879.-41,42x THREE BEDROOM home for rent, outside of Goderich. Phone 524.7848.-41,42 THREE BEDROOM farm house for rent in Ashfield Twp. Available November 1st. Phone 529-7349,-41 THREE BEDROOM bungalow in Duchorme Estates Bayfield. Available November 1st. Phone I -23b-4230.---4l tfar TWO BEDROOM unit, fridge and stove, carpeted throughout, basement. $425/ month plus utilities. 'Available November 1st. Call 524-2879.-41,42 19. Rooms for rent ROOM AVAILABLE immediately in Goderich. Good location, close to up town. $50.00 per week. Phone 524-8198 after 6 p.m.-33tfnx JOB OPPORTUNITY TRAVEL COUNCILLOR Travel course and/ or experience required, computer experience and asset, but not necessary. Apply with resume in the AM. Deadline for oppliceittons, Oc- tober 15th, 1986. Marlin HARBOUR LIGHT Travel (519) 524.7335 68 Court House Square GODERICH Ontario 29. Tenders MEN'S WEAR Full-time sales position available immediately. For a mature, reliable person. Some sales experience preferred. Apply in writing only to: David White 32 West Street Goderich, Ontario N7A 21.3 RAMMELOO REST HOME Room available, 24 hour care, nurse on staff, Home -cooked meals. $22 per day. WHERE CAN YOU DO, BETTER! Residence: 523-4533 Business: 523-9478 23. Commercial property for rent OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT, Huron St. at main cor- ner, Clinton, upstairs, office approx. 486 sq. ft. completely renovated. 482-3981.-41,42ar COMMERCIAL SPACE AVAILABLE Standard Trust Building Call 1-519-524-2118. 1 STORE FOR RENT on the Square For information call 524-7924 or 524-2327 L25. Wanted to buy 1 I AM LOOKING to buy a used highchair reasonably priced. Phone 524-6518.-39-41 WANTED - PIANO. Reasonable price and condi- tion. Bayfield 565-2708.-41x WANTED TO BUY. Fridge and stove, preferably, white in color. Phone 524-4926 after 5 p.m.- 41nx $ $ $ $ $ $ .$ $ $ $ CASH PAID for Antiques, complete or partial estates, dining, bedroom, Iivingroom suites, old jewellery, docks, furniture etc,. CaII Seaforth 527-1847 or 527-1633 26. Help wanted 1 CAREER IN TRUCKING Transport drivers needed. Now Is the time to train for your class "A" license. For pre-screening interview and lob placement Information contact: Mery Orr's Group, 1.500.265.1260. HELP WANTED Counter help needed - itt'd r7,,R3Ri ' Sy£R ,,c,.t for daytime hours Phone 524-2335 303 HURON ROAD GODERICH ONTARIO 26. Help wanted • VOLUNTEERS We need volunteers for our new Advisory Board, .being formed now at The Goderich Signal -Star. No experience needed but you must be a Signal - Star reader to qualify. Phone 524-2614 Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. for the details. Ask for Shirley S. Keller.-34tfnx WILL BABYSIT in my home, Monday to Friday. Pre-schoolers preferred. Nile Area. 529-7506.-38-41 REPRESENTATIVE WANTED. To call on livestock farmers in Huron County south of Hwy. No. 86 and north of Hwy. No. 8 to represent a leader in the field of livestock vitamin -mineral premixes and hay and silage additives. Apply to Box 3844 ed The Huron Expositor, Box 69, Seoforth, Ont. NOK 1W0.-40,41 PERSON REQUIRED for part-time babysitting on a regular basis for two and five year old. Vicinity 'tat Victoria School. References required. Call 524-9484.-40,41 nx SOMEONE to cut grass and rake leaves. Apply at 150 East St. Goderich.-41x HOUSEKEEPER REQUIRED, preferably Thursday or riday. Reply to Drawer 53, c/o Goderich Signal - Star, P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ontario N7A 4B6.-41 27. Wanted (general) ROOMMATE wanted to share two bedroom mobile home. Fully furnished, washer and dryer. Share expenses. Working female need only app- ly. Phone 524-2614 ext. 27.-38tfnx 28. Business opportunity i PHONE WORK - from home. Help to service our Customers, person to person, telephone and/or party plan. Excellent earnings. Call 624.8782.-41 • EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE AGENT REQUIRED Apply to: Drawer No. 40 c% P.O. Box 220 Goderich, Ontario N7A4B6. _. GODERICII SIGNAL> -STAR, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, .1988 --PAGE U SALE BY TENDER TO PURCHASE ASSETS OF THE CRANE MANUFACTURER G.C.I. MANUFACTURING INC. Thorne Riddell Inc„ Receiver of GCI Manufactysing Inc., will receive sealed tenders until. 2:00 p.m. (Daylight Savings Time) on the 14th day of October, g96 for the purchase of the assets briefly described as: PARCEL 1 - Replaoement & Manufactured Partsdrlvent0i Including but not limited to: electrical, hydraulic and drive train components for crane assemblies, hydraulic tubing assemblies, switches, valves, cylinders, shafts, hoses and motors, PARCEL 2 - Bulk Raw & Manufactured Steel including but not limited to steel raw materials, box tub- ing, flame cut parts, electrical & steel cable, boom sleeves, manufacturing frames, lattices. PARCEL 3 - Work in Progress boom extension (complete), tires, boom assembly, crane frame & chassis. PARCEL 4 -Patents Trademarks, Designs & Drawin s. the receiver's Interest, If any, in and to all patents, trademarks, designs and drawings. Alt tenders must be accompanied by a certified cheque, irrevocable letter of credit, bank draft, or money order payable to Thorne RIddell Inc: - In Trust for 10% of the amount tendered as a deposit which will be returned if the tender Is -not accepted and forfeited to the under- signed on account of liquidated damages if the tender is accepted and the sale is not com- pleted by the tenderer. The balance of the tender price will be payable by certified cheque on closing. The sale will be subject to court approval. Tenders will be accepted in sealed envelopes only, clearly marked ':Tender. - GCI Manufac- turing Inc". ,, Tenders must be submitted on a form of tender and are subject to the Conditions of Sale The form of tender and a copy of the Conditions of Sale may be -obtained, and an appoint- ment to view and inspect the assets may be made by contacting Mr. R.M. Jackson or MFs. S. Cox at (519) 672-4422. - The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. DATED AT LONDON, ONTARIO, THIS 2nd DAY OF OCTOBER, 1986 THORNE RIpDELL• INC. Receiver of GCI Manufacturing Inc. 560 Wellington Street , London, Ontario N6A 3R4 ATTENTION: Mr. R.M. Jackson NEED WORK DONE? • Renovatlonis• Rpwfino. •Stdi.ngoDrX lllalf� anid'ali Roman FREE ESTIMATES We can do It all JIM CARRICK CONSTRUCTION Auburn 526-7006 DISC JOCKEY SERVICE Coulry Gold &_� Rock an' Holl--= DISCO POLKAS WALTZES GOOD RECORDEDMUSIt FOR WEDDINGS DANCES ANNIyERSARIES PAR NES 1IC 10 yrs. experience •No mileage charge ' BRUSSELS 887-6159 DAYTIME or EVENINGS 15 minute Oil Change raker Sty -tee Meter Oil' From Filters 50 Pictow St. 524-7400 Goderich MINISTRY 01'HOUSING '--�"--' ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION TENDER REFERENCE NUMBER 805 PT 86-23 Fire Alarm & Emergency Systems Upgrading Wingham OH -2, Zurich OH -1 & Goderich OH -2 Tenders will be received for to above until 11:00 a.m. local time OCTOBER 10, 1986, by the Ontario Housing Corporation, 275 Dundas Street, 11th Floor, London, Ontario. N6K 3L1, (519-679-7110), front., whom details and specifications may be obtained. Details and specifications may also be obtained from Huron County Housing Authority, 48 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1M5 (519-524-2637)' quoting reference number as above; THE Lp,1 tFES,T,,..ORNAIty, :TELNPFRR NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED 28. Business opportunity L31. Service directory 1 LEASEE REQUIRED Full Service Gas Bar, 3 service bays. Established Goderich location. High volume gas bar. .Excellent growth opportunity. •entrepreneurial skills required . *industry experience an asset •minimum investment 540,000. Interested parties may apply in writing,. providing a complete resume of personal & employment history to: Drawer #50 c% Goderich Signal -Star P.O. Box 220 Goderich, Ontario.. N7A 466 All replies strictly confidential. FOR YOUR carpetand linoleum installation call Norm 524-6482. Free estimates. -020 MASONRY, stone and carpentry work. Specializ- ing in brick pointing and chimney building. Free estimates. For information call Stan Kirkham 482-5305.--03$f MACLYN CAR OILING - a way to beat rust. Used and new oil or combination of both; dusted.after being oiled. Starting as low as $12.00. 1 1/4 miles north of Amberley, west off Hwy. 21. Look for the signs. Mon. - Fri. 8-6, Sat. 8-5. 395-3352.-15.47. • till CHRYSLER CANADA LTD. HAS A DEALERSHIP OPPORTUNITY IN THE WINGHAM, ONTARIO SALES LOCALITY - Investment required basedn volume opportunity. - All inquiries -kept in strict confidence. Please contact: DON RIDEOUT CHRYSLER CANADA LTD. 4500 MISSISSAUGA RD. N., MISSISSAUGA, ONT. L5N 1A8 416821.6082 At Chrysler our goal is to be the best automotive company there is. CUSTOM BACIQIOEING - drain, repair, erosion control, cellar drains, laser. Call Frank Postill 482.9101.-15tf ComJete Construction !Custom Building *Additions *Renovations 111 [18:1 *Roofing*Siding *Farm Buildings ru-arz-01 524-6355 JERRY RIVETT Bookkeeping Service 345 Huron Rd. 524-6931 All bookkeeping functions including:. Payroll Financial Statements Ledger Controls Tax Preparation All or In -Part;* SOIL SAMPLING. Let us take your soil samples. Samples taken by trained personnel and analysis by independent lab. Call Belgrave or Auburn Co- Op. Phone 357-2711, . 523-4454 or 526-7262.-48,39,40,41'0r • HURON -BRUCE TUTORING. Services=- All subjects: Kindergarten to Grade Kill. Qualified teachers. Phone 529-7634 after 9 p.m--38tfor semi": .TT.Septic TankDALE Service Serving Goderich and area for 15 years i i 30. Employment wanted PHONE Clinton 462.3320 Seaforth 527.0284 GARDINER'S MOVERS We deliver and move .We large or small. FREE ESTIMATES X24-2421 , PIANO TUNING and PIANO LESSONS DA'1/E MCKEE CALL 524-7774 ' 1 1 We're•Your. One Stop Shopping Centre for a Complete Line of Pool and Spa Chemicals and - Accessories. 524-9804 BLUE. HORIZON POOLS & SPAS 2 Miles East of Goderich C'U LBERT INSULATION Sprayed on Urethane. Foam Agricultural, tnduttrial Residential, Commercial - FREE ESTIMATES R.R. No. 6 Goderich 529-7571 JOHN HICKEY CONSTRICTION •New Construction •Renovations •Decks *Patios *Replacement Windows and doors *Roofing *Sidewalks FREE ESTIMATES Licensed carpenter Port, . 529-7872 1O'years =, t cc 0 L,,,Afbert tatter Sipan: DRAPERIES UNLIMIT�E�.1D Custom Draperies Balloon Shades ,1\�\ Valances Venetians•Verticals Roller Shades Free Estimates -.No Obligation `, Maxine Murray oprietor For Shop at Home Service / call 524-2352 Day or Evening /; NON-SMOKER will babysit in her owe home close, , to Vietorld School. Will give receipts.' Call 52449802 zl ly, 24-41 RE'iSTER D NURSES available for private duty netting, $"S24.1195 -•=41.44 •- • Your omplete Lawn Care Professional 827-1780 Ready 1Vow for Fall Cleaii-Up SELINGER WOOD LTD. Kiln -Dried Hardwood, FIREWOOD NOW AVAILABLE OPEN: 8 12 p.m. & 1 • S p.m. Monday Priddy Monday .Friday 8, alert • S pal OpariWeelecilids b A oIntmonl APPLIANCE REPAIRS Authorized Appliance Service Centre for all *WHIRLPOOL •INGLIS •SPEED QUEEN • ADMIRAL •SIMPLICITY *HOTPOINT Appliances HOFFMEYER PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. 55 Kingston St. Goderich 33. Farm services .n.. FARMERS interested in planting more acres per day without driving faster andjeduc4n2J repair costs without spending store money. Call Hunter Farms, Ripley-395-2842.-40-46eow - CUSTOM COMBINING. Phone "529-7765.-40,41 LYNN 'LOWRY Farm Systems Ltd..• • R.R. t Kincardine, Ont. FOR ALL YOUR Manure, Feed & Grain -Handling Requirements CALL 395-5286 Or see us in Amberley. We handle everything - Almost. 34. Personal1 I� Ze8HOL a problem in your family? AI -Anon can help, For time of. meetings :call 524.6001.-_24tfnx "FREE TRAINING, support and financial assistance is provided to women establishing self-help groups to promote health. Groups such as bereavement, step mothers, chronic illnesses, single parents etc. are encouraged to apply. Fier application phone 482-9706 or write Women To- day Box 1405 Clinton NOM 110." Bill to: Women Being Well, Co Women Today. Box 1405, Clin- ton, Ontario, NOM 110.-40-42 DIABETES - interested in helping 'treatment - study? Age 13-39. Insulin dependant, duration 1 - 15 years. Expenses, supplies prervided. Contadl' Diabetes Control and Complications Trial Univer- sity of Western Ontario (519) 663.3578.-40-43 HORST " -Fel . �r u'' W '>t Stroiot Goderich 01.9 5124-66e8- Neusfadt (31.9) 6654818 NO Charge 1.500.265-1555