HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-12-16, Page 5. I . I : I
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Read Powell's 0azaar advti .1 I IlKiAs'Afairy Young is 'VJG3"*,0,0 W,Lu-
L I I V Wednesday WRA the last day for L=21 I . The marriage of Aliss Bos,sie Mar- I oaro' I . I
I Farm. eme rabbit shooting. I, . I . 1. I I ' garet, youngest daugliter.of Arbl ru. Airs. Aug. 41 ivald is very 111,'at lm, -
.. . S obool olosels on Dec, 22nd for the e , Anderson, of Conlralta, to 11). lluri,41 sent,
I I . '. , I , . B lhott, Boa of Reeve W/ 11, wid f)lrs, 01r. ,24, l3eaver has reuted the
. I. mas. kolidays; I - I I ed b 'BIrs. Gottlob Mor-
. i Woven Wire Fence "" I I Elliott, of St( phen, took place at the ,house own y ,
. . ... I I . 'Mr, Gordon Anguish, of ,Lambeth,., tome of the bride's mother at- three Look,
1 I& Visiting Xr' and Xr$. Fred Sak' _L L o'clock Wednesday afternoon Deb 80. Ur.,and. Xr,s, Levi iCarter, oftClan-
below Man"factura derson,i I . . I .1 11:1 - I ASAM I I I The bride 4vore, ifier travelling suit of deb . eye visited the latter',s, father on
.. . 'Ur. Robt. Sanders xvturped Wed, I ,I brown with !picture' hat to matoll, Sunday3
i -er a shootiil trip in the . , late ,
. I I ers' Prices, either nesday aft 11 111 Rev. F Finlay, of Ventralia, offio! .d. I . There were married. on Thursday
. . north part of the .county, I I I I I Xrs. W. Vonklus, of -Londori., sister .of J)eoom4er 9tb, at the home of the
., , 1 r with . two se I at,s, . . A, . the groom, Played the wedding march. bride's parents, AJ!Ag Lacilla youngest
I Peorless or 404 -on* . , For isale-4 fe,utte I . X 'The purelwe price Qf this farmus 11 .. 'Miss L1114in''FUllott $arig ' O Prpm,oe. 444RUSer of Air, P14414K,rs. -.. Swartz
ad act of bxrpess-, APPIY toi Rev 4T I !W L c '4oth
. G4 YelLand, E xeter. . He" 4uring thesigitiag of the regW,6r I w Alfred U ,rth" of .town. At
. I Mr, ,and Wrs 'Elliott le qpn the even- four o'elcok to the strains of Lo hex)-
. arch makes, If your friend owns ,an Edison or 1 1881 Rogers Al Plate ,, I . . Ing tra in lor London, tand! other, poWt§, x ,a , ,;p14yeA bfy Bliss
,. I %
I . 11 Victrola bu . . I _,.rJn!3'1ve;4dI,, , #iirah
. ,y a xocor4—a. Iftsfix ,
. , pg gift
I , I I I 'They ,returned.home Monday evexuDg. - Blildred. 13ioVi ',' 'th iVedding , party
I Big s,election at Powell's Oazaar, give coupo,ns with every z5iz, pur 1, -w,ere ,given a reception at their entered the parlor and took their
1 6uy at once . E and . I
. I Miss Wand Plews returned to; the 'I clAse of all the hight graAe,guaran.- ,s under ari aroh of evergreen.
, own home on )the groom's farm west place
. as these prices will not last 800 on Wedn6sday ]after spendingnsev W teed products made by the United B
. . very long. . . of 10entralia. oth bride And groom. The,bride was gowned in white messa-
I .1 ,exal 'weeks with Mr., fand Mrs. 34s Drug Company. We are willing. to lose have many friends in the neighbor- line tilinmed. with .shadow lace and
, I . 0 Wir Valte,ra, : . I Money on be silverware to, get you ac- I bood 'who join in extending congratu.; wore the customary bridal veil. caught
" 1 7 . 66 " 25c . V or Sale Some well bred Wh-ite , i I I fluainted with these goods, which are stan- lations, , I uJ),Af1th orange blossoms and carried
' - 9' 66 44 2&, - Wyandotte Cockerels t1so a. choice . ;,Iar,d in their,line.. I 0 a sbower "bouquet cf xoses ,and lilics
White Leghorn Cockerel. Apply at . . 1. of tha,vialley.,' She was attended by
/-.,A Ced'ar and Anchor posts I Times office. . I 4 $Rexall F,enxiediCs,!" I I , LtTXTOX - 'WOOD , , her sister, WsA Melia, who was dress-.
10,000 Cedar Posts on band. 11xivates Gerlald Wir4on and Harry . I a* - At Exeter an December 15th the ed, In 1pink linessallne and,carried p,'nk
-also Anclior Posts. Windsor of the mounted rifles sta tiow. Liggett's Candies, Perfumes, Toilet Articles, marriage took )place of Ella Ma-rie, roses,, The groom :w,as faaaisted byt his
. ed at 1,11ainilton, were home for ,the Brushes, Stationery, Rubber Goods, and Wood, eldest daughter of Mr., and M a. brother E,dgar. After the ceremony,
Lumber and Cement week -,endK' . . . hundreds of other iterns,. household prepara- uxton, of which was 'perforMed. by Rev. X E,
I gons, etc, you ca-rinot afford not to se- Daniel Wood, to Mr, John L B ker, all irepaired to the dining-
. Mr. J. J. White, of Outlook, Sask, , Centralia. son of Mr, and Mrs, Fred ec
Let we quete you MT low - an I The ce . re- room wbere. a sumptuous dinner was
prices on yolir Lviaber requ' A formerly of the Times, Rds ,been. cure this popular silverware, whin you; can Luxton. of Exeter, Ont
ire- I bought plam. Asan ex- I D W served The young couple wi,L1 reside
. ments, whether large or. small re-kiected to the Outlook council by get it on our half mony woe Poxformed by 'Rev. -, . with tlie
acelamatlon,, . I . arnple, this teaspoorr that sells for 25c.,you Collins, the bridal ,party standing un- I 1groom's mother ixL ',town. r
I 11 orders.- Also Cement, .0 7
. Mr. J. A. Swalwell, has Wen trans" can get for ioc. with coupons. d r an,hroh of evergreens tastefully
A. J. ferred froin'the Port MoNicol ,4ranch- r decorated with small, silk flags and DASHWOOD I
' of the h[larradian Ba al-, at!,'Commerce to I ZE_ I . I.. I a ,white belL The bride was given ' Mrs. X. Hoffman, of- Talvistock,,visit-
i ,CLATWORTHY the branch in town, - _ . I .. I - I -or and: wore a dress
' .- ___ I . I . . I - I . away by be.r fath,
___.. .. - .
. GRANTON The public school scholaxe %re, pre- I - __._Z:; . of rerseda green silk trimmed with ed in town,,'
------ Z2
_J I I .
.1 and amy- "Bliss Adelirie Brown, of Thedford,
_. - - . - , __ pa ng for a union prograwme'i be 1. . pink rosebud&. also a pearl , ited her paretnsliere,
.. - - - .. bdld in the Assembly reunion . . I I thest pendant the gift of ,the groom. vis
- . .
I . =00—mium afte.rnoon of last week T% . Xesday TWO'Coucions will be given The bride was the recipient of many Mr. Gen, StIre spent a few day,s
. . I
. . Air. S. A. lie . I . I . ..,with ever 25C,Purchase of Rexall Product S beautiful and 'useful gifts among visiting trelatives in Rbelaam.
. plestone of ,B.Iyth, was - I y . them 0, handsome 'che-que from her Mr. Louis Willert was in Buffalo
in town this week and p-as'ac000'nipan. . I . father. The happy couple left on the last ,week with a load of cattle.
111111111 fed home by his mo her who will Miss A. Rearcher, of Zurich, is
9 i I ONE Couoon With reverY 25C Purchase of any morning train for Day City and points
A I IL k ' ' k , "i spend the winter in Blyth,L .. West, the bride travelling in a mi,d- spending a few days with her,cousin,
I ill other article in our store I .
U ": .1 . 'Miss Laura Jory returned' Friday . night blue dress. silk plush coat aud Mrs. N. Kellermaa -1
after visiting in Burford. She was ac- a very becoming hat to match:. The The ,Sunday School of the: 4vangell
CHRISTMAS and companiod. home by her sister, T,X,rs. Ask for Coupol's BuyYour 18.81 Rogers' A I Plate Times joins in extending best w:!ghes. cal church have purchased a New
Amy land two childrenj . I I and _ Scale Williams piano.
X%-Vk Mr. S. Sanders, telegrla,pli operator, I A'very -quiet wedding was solemn-
has vacated the store of, Mrs. Sander& ,JONES DISSETT . Ized at the Lutheran parsonage on
FARES and th_ room he formerly occupied has tit half w1ce at I A very pretty wed -fling toDk.place at Dec. Ist. when Bliss ,Clara Eckstein
heon litted -tip as aupyister.,parlor.. the home of AV, and Mrs. Thomas BLs- Wearneitheb dde 'of 31r. Win. Beeler
i __ . _- . SINGIE FAR . . Skating on the nve'r 'commeiaced. COLVS DRUG STORE sett 3rd -concession of Uisborine on The happy couple were unattended
. . E and iminvdiate1v following the cere-,
. rpood going Dec. 24tlraudi2fth, xetur-n last Saturday (for the first of this sea- , - . . . . Wednesday, December jr)th at 12.30 mony' l< -, ' for a short
, . Jimit Pe'c. 27th. aonwl A large number of youag pLo- . . o'clock ,svben their ,daughter Nellie B. honeymouii- '!rj',y have siace taken
. alm good 1going Dec. 31-st, IK5 and pie have taken advantage of] it. , — --- - __ - was united in marriage toi Mr. Jolla J. up their residence on the groom's finp
. . Jap, lot, '3916, zeturn limit Ja3in. Mr. Y. H. Saunders !and bride (13ee -_ -_ _. -_ f INI:r,. Harry Jones, Lon- arm north of the village.L
I 1 4 . ,Ard, 1916 Bliss Ila Kernick) of Toronto, visited SOUR, AMD STOMACHS, ,,con. It was trunning north aLd don Road South. The bride entered f Airs. Ernest Rader has returned
I.. I . " Mrs. M. Sheere and othex relatives in GASES OR MDIGESTION Iran into h hors(? and ,cutter belonging the parlor on the arm of ber father home from the hospital at London,
., TARE 'AND ON134THIRD this vicinity for severaf days'during to 31r. Ralph Hawkins tied in front while Aliss Nellie Jones, o'ster of the
. ,Cooed going Dec, 22nd, 29r,d ,24th,',and the past aweekA , , Each "Pape's Diapepsin" digests 3000 I of T. Hawkins '& Son's store, knock- . groom played the -weddirig Warch.,.The where she .bad been for some time,
_ ;, I ID - Her many friends hope she may soon
. . N 25tb, weturn limit Dec. 28th. Private Ed. Ariderson,t' 9 fi;,London, grains food, ending all stomach in. both horse and cutter over. bride -was dressed in white lace ,cloth be restored to her Ecriner,good. 'health
- i Dec. 29th, 1915, to is visiting at b.'a home' here .;! ,Ed. dkj . This started Mr, Hawkins' hors:! trimmed with Guipiere n. a.ud
I . Also ,good going 1, misery In five minuter. I insei o , Mr. John Klumpp. of the 7th con.
Jan. Ist, 1916, inclusive, .return jaot get away witbt th,e,,33x,d,.1v.Akn they ' ) which iron lacress. the street and',waa seed pearls. 8he wore the gift. of ,the of Stephen, met -1th ja patatul aeoi-
- . . . TIme it! in five minutes all stom- caught in Xront of A. Moore's store. groom a gold watch and fob. , Both perating a
,: _ _ . limit, Jan, 4t1r, 1916 left London -and will be traiq, ;erred ach distress will go. No Indigestion, Mr. Vameron's cutter was smashed to bride, and groom Were unatten'dcla, dent last week., He was 9
1. . I . cutting box and in some NN,
. Return tickets Will be i,izucd be- to another Battalion, I 0 .his right
4ween cll statioms in Ctixada ,endt of f' heartburn, sourness or belching of pieces,,this being labout the ,jonly dam.- Rev. W. G. 11 McAlister officiated
3?,Drt Aithar and to X)etroit,'and Port Mr. Alex. Munich, of London, visited gas, acid, or eructations of undigested age done., I I After the teremony a sumptuous wed- hand came in contact with the large
I . IT,Won, Blicir., Buffalo, Blhck lRock. Mr. -and gKirs.'Thos. Boylei in towa t his food, no dizziness, bloating, foul . ding dinner -was served. The bride ,knife with the .result that the accond
Siagars Falls and Suspension Bridge, weeii; Mr. Munich is home from the breath or headache. I . - 0 . was the tecipient of many handsome and third knuckles were severed, caus
front on sick leave been ` , . wedding gifts. The -happy couple left Ing ligly wounds It will be some
NX I . , ',,Praviug Pape's Diapepsin Is noted for Its pAR,C L RATE REDUCED time before he will have the use of
I . wounded on the [battle -field or'jR,ragee speed In regulating upset stomachs, for ,Toronto, St.
. I on the evening train the hand.
Vickets and full informntion on applic other I places) - The
. ation to Grand Trunk Ticket Agebis The ireport of the vote 'on .church It is the surest, quickest stomacblrem Ma arrangement has been made Wth Catharines and I v fr;Le. nds Anniversary -Avery pleasant event
union - in the Ruron 1. iesbytery s how.% edy In the whole world and .besides it - the British Government whereby par- Times,joins with their man, pr - took place 'at the Lutheran church
- ing ' fz' f. . . osPe'r' Tuesday ,evening, the occasion being
a good majority in favor of adopt' Is barmless. Put an end to stomaph eels 0m Pahada, for Canadian sold- in wishing them a happy and
the propos4tl - The vote stood 2217 for trouble 'forever ,by -getting a larg6l iers,,in Franoe &nd Flanders w;il1 be ous wedded.life. . . . the 25th anniversary of Rev. Graup-
- I d 1609 -q% inst; a majority for of fifty -cent case of Pape's Diapepsin carried rat the Game rate of postage — _." , , ner in 'the ministry. Rev. R. Eifert
W-1%ft 63S. . from any drug store. You realize In, -as applies to -parels from the 'United of Tavistook )preached a very interest -
I C A 4&k=s* T " P% I Am 0" ga Obe E, xpe ELDIVILLE
. I P W M five minutes bow needless it'is to suf- 11 for itionary forces .o I Ing sermon to the congregation -after
At Ws season of, 0b ye'ar we are fer from Indigestion, dyspepsia or any ill"thlom000ntinent; that is, For Vareels
I For Jufanl,g an(I CU&Len '. again reminded of the dangers from A very exciting ranawaY took place which Ttev. Wuggazer, of Sebring,
16 1, , . . . I ,thanced -by 4he ,use of ae stomacib disorder, It's the quickest, I weighing -up to three pounds, 24 cents. the Elimville line last - MondaY, ville read ,an ad,dxess and presented
#W. Use For Over 30 Years c1ra- surest and most harm.lesis istomich.tb'or paTcels weighing over three On I-
I I tiont. Gi4 at' caie, :should *be taken When 31r. Jesse Jaques. hors, _ too Rev. G.raupner with a hadndsome
doctor n the, world. pounds ,and inot, more than seven . - on behalf of thei ministers Mr.
A1#*`y'W Um 111 that -none of the'deeorative material pounds, 32 Icents. For parcels weigh- fright at '.an object near- the corner. 1311M so Presented
, , ... T.b idri
. tka comes in contact with lighting sys-. . I e .more and started to run, ,ver being C., Stade of This place, al
. Affignaturw of - ezvso _,Zel,v. tems, Ing over, GeV unable to':Ii6id it, in Y, Short-'flistaace , him.,with a purse on, bAialt or tha 'con -
than eleven !pounds, 38 cents.., This a. -dis-
, . Stand true to your .timeArled Contact* gregation.' Those present from ',
.11 Mr. Lloyd Rivers, who has been' 6iends!,' Follick?s have ias good an means a material iredacti n h it left the r i oad and'came in 1 I 'of Tavistook- I
I . . with the f,ence. The horse be'da'al'O, tance were Rev. ,Eifert, 1
97-1, with the Rolsons Bank tat Waterloo, assortment.tas ever of (Chriatmasxan- cost of parcels, and it is bop;id it will ngled in the wire and -was 'thrown, Rev, De,de, or Mitchell; Rev-Wugga-
. vne home for several dayaduring the dies, nuts and oranxes., I . 1. be a source of satisfaction to the Can- ta Sebringville. Rrv. Bruer, or I
. .',Nlr. Jaques managed to hold zer. of
pastweek He left Tuesday for Tor- adian Inablic. Tbia ireduction has been down ar. Watburg, and Uev. Stalinsky, of Strat-
, I onto to enlist. !1fr- Louis Schwartz, of Where a Ncientific reparation, con. brought Ti -bout -by lCanada foregoing the horse 4own until assiatalWcP1
P rse -Lvos freed; 'No f0rds-
\, ": I " Berlin' friend, spent the week eri taining no habit-forming ;drugs, i's all iinstage charges for the conveyance rive -
- 11. I "I "I I I with ii'ma 11eie. . d needed for worn. and exhausted! of these 4i3areels in (Cana -da aiad on damage was done and he continued .
. . i / Z , I . nerres showing in the form,of Neur- the,Atlantic. rip be west return- SHIPKA,
. - )i e ONT^.W,-,0P The a notion sale of Mr. Wm. Atkin- alea, Insomnia sleeplessaeo3, Rheum- The public nre Temindea however, Mr. E. Penrice of t ,Don't forget the Christmas tree
, .%oxi of V.sborne,. on Thursday.of last atism, 19,4daches, Anaemia, etc., 1w Mat until 'further notice, no paml ed home lost week. Dec, 22nd.
. . CNTARIO'S REST week was a great suedeso, the stock sure you get TAKATE. There is no; can be sent weighing over seven An auto 'Was ditcbed near Whale'n BIrs, Kading and nor; OJohn -of Cay-
. bringing fincY prices,. One team sold .other Ereme,dy "just as good." Fifty 'pounds. when Mr, F. Cook's carl left uga are the Iguests of,'21r, Fred Kad-
BUSINESS COLLECE for $425 and several cows brought cents at your druggist's, or by mail . into a .deep- ditch, ne'arly turningl over. Ing,
; . $12&each, The sale netted the,hand- from the Georgian Mfg, Co., Col- - With the oid of -a team it Ninas placed e Keogh ?f
4. some sum of $4335 . l 1 on the 1road hgain, no dimage being Detroit, attended the funeral of .tiieu.
I I., -0 4 was the latictioneer, Wm- Robinson lingwood, Ontario. HICKS, FORECASTS done. 1 I . sister-in-law.1
- .1
0 I 0 . I . _- . -
4- H .
-* # 51ra. -George Buswell Ied iat ber I Miss Agnes Sareenan, of Drysdale,
. * ' , The Second lReactionary Storm who 'has bpen visiting her vaixter for
II * home, lot 2, koncession 2, -Usborne, 1pn SendThe Times to an absent friend period is -central on the. 20th, 21st and HENSALL some time. returned to her bome.N
. 10 4 Bionday of this week following an or welative as a Christmas remern- 22nd * -These are tritical days, at the H. j. D. JCook haa,beeome a partner A sad death occurred on Sunday,
-0 * iliness of several montha Her Lige brance.. No xaise in price. The bal- turning crisis of the winter solat:ou-
. l 4 ' - December 12Lh, 'when Mrs. Thomas
- 40, # was 63 years 9 months and 16 days. ance,of the year will, be given free.. TLe, Veuu,g period is nearing its center in the law firm ofj Proudfootand Kil
-0 . lorin -of .'Goderichf Keogh, one of Shipha's oldest and. es -
I .. 10 Our is9tructors aye experi- # The funeral wLI1 be held Thursday the Blars influence still holds,,,vad the '
I 0 afternoon,at tine o'clock interment in . bIrs. Neel -ands returned last week teemed residents, died suddenly, age
. I . . * enced. Fu get individual 0, I RUNNAWAYO I . Moon is in oppositioP to,the Eartli land after visiting in Toronto andi3Oakvi,11e. 53 years.1 She i i'survived, bT1i her hu3-
-or . pi'o . - San on of
I # attention and gradvatea ale 4 Exeter cemoterY.t the 21st -the shortest day
# Her daughter.. Mrs. A. H.. King Xc- band. and a family of five childrein,
-1 placed in positions. We are re- 4 The bowlers of- Canada are raising 6n Saturday evening about eight the Year. on iand touching Monday. d with her.. John, Thomas. Susie and Ahly at
.r , -W ceiiing applications we cannot t a Bowlers' Patriotic Fund to be de- o'clock as two young men wer . P goiqg Tuesday;and Wednesday, the 20th, 21- turne .0 home and Mrs. ,Christie. of Edmon-
. * - I I titer at # voted to, the work of the Militia De- up street 4n a cutter, they made a st and 22nd. a storm centre, one or .1
.0 meet, Students may e Ion. The funeral was held Wednes-
. ,0- any time_ , Send. for, our free 0 pa,rtment of. the -Y,L 31. :G. A at the short turn iond nearly upset the cut- more, will pass from west to caist Bon's Aa y at Mt I r0armel.
. I * I and ce.e4f it intertsts fjont.) The, ffloroxitki 'bowleiS aim 1at ter fAghtening 'the horse and throw- across the country. This mehns-a low __ -
.11, I", ,., ,* .'ratalogue . . - . 1),ee
- , . I . increase - ., 2nd to
I . , : .1.4 you. , I .. - .- .1 . , , , I raising $15,000.00 )4pd Wester,d Oii- Ing one of the oecuPgnt-s-out. Theland falling barometer in STIRE -At Da-sh.rood on . GREENWAY I .
I '
.1 I . 1. I -0" -'" - ' D. A. McLAC)BLAW, , # ka,io bowlers him .i $5,600-00- $U00 ,horse waa pulled iii'iAt'the Carnegie temperature, cloudiness, Lind rain and Air. ,and mrs. N. Stire, _Tr a son '. sleighing . bare is splendid.
. . I . : ,.,., ,.0. , . I ", I . . Each,day the actual storm aireas p 0. -The
' ,0", v 1:- . . .1 ,. -PItINCIVA1. * , . member j ,the subscription,apked.% Library .qhd, Aarrowly escaped, going I anow. I DOBOS-In-Biddulph on'blondaY, 0 ie Deajardine visited Misses
11 ; -, I I "' . ,, *, . 1 i . W, a .. I . t. I , I Xiss Elsi
I 71 11 I 11 I I .1 _. . . I dvance further eastward, with
- * , - - - _- , -t, ," _4 I r. Gordon I t,,V,b through:4he -,basement, windows. , will ka '13th, tO 'Atr-, ba'd PTX8' 'Te"nor Dobbs Minnie and Tillie Ridley.
, ,.' , . *0*00" - -- _' ..l . AX T-ayJor, so`0'.'.bf I - I 1 ing-baTometer,change to colder acid
I ." ,.,- - ik*444 .. I .. . .. 1. , 1717 . .". . -w-hbo- tecej3t1y on fiaitii rday leventisg" asi X.r., Jas. rils cold, !a son., Aliss Zillah English im .recovering
, , _. 1 1_ - I I . .1 I J. W. Taylor, of town we ather, with severe
. I I I. .1 . enlisted with a Toroiito Battalion, has Balfantyne, of 'Usborne, Was unhitch- clearing ,ral snows will ,result CLARIK-In Exetcr on Thursday, Dec. from an attack iof la .grippe.
MIM1111111111=11011HPIR151=1M I answered the rail of GreatZritain for Ing his horse tit thei home of his moth, and hchvY gene fi all the gth to 31x. Ond Mrs, Bert. Crark. a Mr. J. Lovie has moved to Ailsa
= er in t6wn, the aninial; got away from I ,at this 'time, and throu '
rl. I cbauf fers. from Canada and has ,passed I blocks and a I central ,and latter bparts oV the mc atb. daughter. Croig where he bas bought a sbop.
. I Here is theAnswer"111 11 tre examioations 'with 95 per ,dent. him and ran for oevera Dee. Mr. Will McPherson and Mr. Lloyd
vening fa'tled to locate I BROWN -In 'Croswell, Zlicb.- Du
. 1, e fori England 1[i the search that le ------ o— 14th, to Mr., iand Mrs. Fentoid R. Stewardson ;are visiting their parents
. ff, = He expects to leav eeki - .. ;-. ` i0 It ,was found on Sunday morning I . Brown, formerly of Winchelses. a here.
WERST a course of a few - I i- qn-
" 5 T , , . limVing : Air. R. J Drysdale, of Elensall.
I L" . in Mr, A. S. Deavitt's shed, 4 daugbter Pte. Frank Mav!Ldson and P
. I, i in a xeport 'containing the munipi- spent the night there norinces the etigagerrient of his dau- Burnett visited 4riends here over Sun-
4 o . I 11, NEW INT-E-ROANOW =1 pal ist'atistics of the province the f61- A horse belonging to Mr., Thos. Ca m- ghter Elizabeth Pearl, to Mr. W. A MARRIED day.- . .
. . 1 TI towingrespecting debentuize indebted- n. of the Thame of Housall, the marriage to 'Bliss Florence Gill of 'Grind Bead,
. .. _tm HIE KERR= WOSTER I n . e58 app,vars- I-Teraill $7,09; I Myth ero s Road, Tan away blacLaren, f December %1915- BEC13MR-ECKSTEIN-At the Luth-
, Msin street Ihst Saturday after- talm place the end 0 spent the week end with Bliss Ethel
, W zvery day fir,your talk and reading, st - Brussels 77,500;_Exetet 52,300 on 1.,, I I cran parsonage, Dashwood, on Dec. OfiVor.
. 0 iome, on itia street car, in ther Office, $110P R 53,000, -
I ; §. andschool You likelY question tbemean- Clinton 176,619; Godcr -L;h'536400; Sea- -1 I ist. Air., William Becker tol: Miss
. ewword. A mend asks- I I ,; 1. I . Alrs. Z4war& h'as gone to spend
'M f f Xame n I . to 79,000, ' , . Clara, E cksteiii, both of Dashwood. the ,winter in Arizona, witb! BIrs 'John
=_: PUt inakes mortar harden?" TQUOftk ;_ larlb ever ,3,10oo; Wingli, I I .
N thetomtionafLod&Kafrincorthcpr9um3 , bove . - - I I -SWARTZ-At Crediton on Wilson
- _ :some of the a have sinking funds WUERTH
: " " .
. I— .' '. , - ,clation orJuAtsm What is whue coat? : covering from one-sixth to one-third . I . g)cc. otb, Lucilla, youngest daugh-
I -- This New. Creation ansive-M all kjvds Of _ . . . I . Practise is the order both day and
A and Mrs. Jao. S,,vartz -for the annual con-
: _ . 11ri k -ring
i i, of the amounts: ,,,,, ; _, . ter of ,.it night prepa
A' ...; - ,-"-kl- ME, 4quegt!ousfnLan"%ge,H1-,itff7,, 1=11y . I — . to, Alfred Wuertb, by Rev. Ill. R- o6rt.on C.bristinas nidbt.1
9 Fiction.Vartign Words, Trade A M ,-
, sciences, wiih finala"thuri44 .., = . . - . .
. I , . - 11 I . . ...:— . Becker. An enthusiastic Tecruiting meeting
400,00DWords. I = , ,:; ,
, I I
( = LUXTON-4WOOD -In E xeter oil was held herc on Friday night with
. I
, .1
I .
! ;
: I
I . 6000 Illustrations. = Cut out this Coupon'' and Present rie Wood. the officers nnd b.and of the 135tb
211 . = Dec, ,15th Bliss Ella, Ma,
Cost $400,000. = HAIR STOP$ FALLING . . I
W . = 'Daniel Battalion present. Splendid addresses
= 2"o Pages. = . daughter or, 4111r, hud Mrs.
= I rT --- " , I
;0- The only dictionarywith 9 J. BENFER"LEVI's STORE Wood to 1BIr. lJohn Luxton, of',Cea- were delivered' and ;an iirgent appeal
Savo your Hairj! Get 25 cent bottle , . . I tralia"by illev. D. W. lCoffins made to the boys to enlist, We un -
19 the new dividedpage,-clia - 1, I
9 - i6e; right-n'b'"w'-Also . — oys are Gar-
" 11 . -; acterizod as "A Stxoke 0 _ . . . ..of.pander and he will e.xcllange it for .TONEs-13-15SETT - on Wednesday. ders,tand several of the b
. 15:- Genius." I I I 11. I skopq itching scalp. . . 1, 1, . ". iously con, . .
m ban Paper Edition: I I .. I . / i,; I !Dec. 15th, at the homei of the bride's sidering the matter,
I I I . . 1, ,:,."III I I - Igbbors and
. . I I I . que, strang, I ; pprents, Mr.. and Mrs. Tbomas Dia- A large -number of no
TkIii, bFittle, colorless and scra gy l V 0 T 7, S sett. 3rd co . n4 Of Usborne; Sliss Nelw friends gathered 'last Saturday even-
'Wdn th, ' I I
;0 in, con
-I-- -India PaPer. What a satis- 7 r% 25 ,r.,".r .4 A,rr- t
I ym twtiontqowntheme am hair ig mute evide i co of .&glected f .11 .. k ,T, gonesi of the
W b43t - 3L form so BOA I 11 lie E. to SIX. J011t
I . '' I , " "' I scalp4 of dandraff-that. awftil scurf. . London 'Roa
,:.; :-kand so convenic t to Wiwi I 11 11 I d soath$ 6y . Rev, W. G.
. I 14 " - Vne half the thicTfiess and There Is nothing'to- dest Vctive to 9. McAlister, -
. - 44 1, egutar FAition. I . .
. I . wclgnLvx I the hair as dandruff. 'It rob:i the hair
. , I . V Sojilar INV r In Thetrade Boos,tet- Contest' I
. .. 7m. on'strong 1=1;"Paper. Wt. of Its lustre, Its strength and Its very I Ill I . DIED I
I I14%jlbsi. Size IM I DIM X life; eventually producing, a feverish, - - J , . . --- ..,. I I ICE OG,U-At Shipka on Dee. 12th, -.3irs.
91nCflC#. I ness and Itching of" the scalp, which aged 53 years.
- A% I I
00- Write for 0, a Fma If not remedied causes the hair roots . Thomas I<eogb,
I'll -
I 11 X 'Muloca.u. I 60.1 - --- - . 1, . I -In T-Tsborre, on Blonday,
I.. - - brink, loosen and d!6--tben the Q_____ - )3'URWELL
. . 1. . off ,, ant I I I Dece'ruber-13th. 'i -ell
0-. blicatf . Walrofalls out fast, A little Danderine I I I lot!, alai Bus,v
I .-W 4 " I The flarrvitess but Effil' beloved wire. of BfIr Gcora Buswel)
a-: N s NOR tonight -now -Any tim6 wlll surely ly for Heaclach 3 hs and 16
I .. I . I save your I hair. cent remed gaged 63 yelars, 9 mont
.1 51 I ltonos Neuralgia,Anaemia,Sleep- , days, The flarierlal will take placei
. eu & C. . .Get a 95 cent bottle of Itnui I lassneSs. NerVous. F -x" ' ,-fiVro her Jntp ,A -ae- lbt I coh 1
11 - nderine from any drug store. I . . I ' '' ' ' in Tburs&Y, De'eetal$er 16th -at,
I 9 911OWN , Da . 'roll I .., ,lesiden
I hau6tloft, &r 0 , 2. 0 , -
, , - 2
, - Col., surely can have beautiful batr and 1 . , I , intern . iedi"1w, ket rf,cerfie,
.L a
. I a owwwrow " ,s , sat At ALL O'Ruccvt%rs orf* aws rrown
1 1 , . of It if you will just -try a little I)A;. . ' I lc;t7 it ra , a , ,! ' "' '' -11 . one P.1111., , .. 1 6 1
1 *w%gfield, Mm I ' _014 4A . NW,O , 11. , . . . I I. . . ,
' . r , ,
. ; ; . I derl4e. Save your hairl Try 4.1-i , j w ,,,,, r-91, " COLOI Aowoob",)Obm _-41-i , . teryL , . . I I I _.
. I . . 101111111411141111111101ill; i,"r , .1 , I I I I . . , . ,,;
I ) ,!,., 11 I L . , I '.
. . I
. ". , "J: _ . 11 11 .1 I . I 11 I ., .
I.., $ : ',*, A , ' ',4_ ,',,,'_ , '
. " W,1 ,;p . I - __ ___ __ 4 Y' UX, _:_t " !_--f--. . L
I ,,It — - ; Ilv jwigusn rovaii1sr Woke All N cr W
-,.-. It , Jj I na ') ." WX U I.Acxu lvx "
- I
,,_ I , , "io- .-I-10 'W, I*XKXPLCJCU.i,t ;u;;".t ltilfitt'tt ' [tffi'6' ffiifg`4i 0 to cool. W a penny in his p( L . ' , iled airect on, r coipt of price by to
I - ' t " "Z , fond"Of the Chrilstma$ carol not,,tbly
I I.. 1 i I ". . )cl id'l I y a CAI
. . ro%Nto, Oat . X11' L B41% - Prepare nuts of any now?" "NOW hd OW" ine $1,500. ,, I T, Milburn Co,,, I it aitcd, Toronto, Qveen F,lizaboth. .
. A I I I . . I 1. I I fisthl
I . 1 .1 . I I I I I . . I . . . I I 'f " . .
I .1 . . . . r . .1 I . I . . I . : I .
. L: . . .. . I 1. . I I . I . . . I . rrrr ...... I.." .... I .. 1. . I I
I I I I . I
I . .,. . .
I 1. . I I . . . 11 I I r I - V . . I 1. I . - .11 ", "' . I I
.. . I I I , I I ! . I I I 1, . 11 r 1. . . . . I '.
,. I I I.. I I I .. Lr . 1 . '.1 r I , . . I I I I I.. . I
, , 1, .. . . I I , , ` I . I 1-1. -
, so" , 'W "..
;_ , I -, "; I I I A I...
_ .'_'_ :'.'. e ... .... ' "L'-"' :'"L'"-"'JL- -'- '-;., _ . . - I , _ .,!__. __,_1 , r I . J
- , "
111g AC LUC .110MID 0 -1. - I
Brown to wish them. godspeed, an
express their regret at their nmoval I
to take ch'Arqe iof the'llou,se of welt4ge I
at Clintow As this h'as been their i
home for ov,er 25yonrs they will be
much missed in the community. Mrs,
Brown h ns ,'always Wmn ani,active In-
tcx*.,.%t in Sunday school trdad church
and in the 'Women's InstitutO..'. The
good wishes of a host of rrkrido iol-
low them. Mrs. Brown wos Trc-
pi-tsontea ,vjth a .sunburst viind 'Air.'
I Brown with a d. Id chain and .Masoxlic
emblem by r1l.r. Ji i0arrathers!and Mr.
Will Hicka,L M11111c. IAXI ;S Ethel, li' "kr_
ea* thit,pprt)prio teL lqft(, ,8,:I
t1ithers . I
,_; I * I I . I
: . , j. . I . i I
I . . "I . .11,
ith Somo Pdolyloi the
indii., Pre
, all ,1 Sy I
ill the VOOM s attiv, of
iia., I I the, o
I .
I .
. I I . .
. , , , , .
', \ . . ..... _ _., ,
I . .I_ Aw
WOO 'J.4(N ' L," . !: ,
i ., `
V I t I 1. . , , iP'T " , I",
'4 0 her
'!r ,
ter i,irsXuL tor,yolo'sjgavii')$ itin 1-
I BIrs, J, Sbier wid. Mrs, 1 For ,',
, 11 1 K, el, .
not, been 0 we a Oyi I 7 1, ',
..- I I ,- , "'
I p I .
ey lrw4 lreorujt n ,h's ,
14iQut, Bail 'ixig" ,, ;_"i
I neighborli ,o ok,. , , _4 ,' -,
ood lost i
-mr. James Cre-Ightd I n ha, p Ii. I., I 1 ;,,.
ill but has somewhat, imp V.0 I'll , , 11 L'
, -
I 1i .11
, Thom --I "'P.r ' .!, ,
, L as 'Rotchfo ' 0, Do r X ..
t"All A
and Lorne Gunning ,have, Jalisteq., As , :,
, "
Stratford. I
I Afr. Samuel Rourley an'o' d4i; 0,b,,cX: "
_ -1 I
Lena .have moved into the *illage f,r,4= - I
I . .11, I :
1, I - '' '
Sunshine, I I I , ;..:W
' r, 1. I '...,
Mr. and Krs, 8, F6rdis 9 aiiar]1114' ' ',, , '
.4 , , I
dren from fit. n1axy'sVisited tham over, : 1!-, ," "
, I I L %.'4 I
.the week end. . :1 I 111-
, I
%Tr, J. Xf4woAt_'P,vail 'A i " .R=r'.:, . '7 I :r,
.- gol, z a
bury, is 4iss"A.Ung the Vi4stor, in special ' , , .
services.- The inectinds are . daily . 11L I
growing Lin 1ntPr`,f.?t and power., , 1116 . I
. I , 11
not foil to attenpk- I "
.. i '- -, ".--- I : , ,,
1: e
I ,
11 I I I I 1: 1,
. FAfRQURAR, 11 I 11 .
i . -
I , ., " ,
A large crowd, tb xo'lx kof tbo I' L
yonng.1ndles Jaxid gentlemen oE the I , - ,,
surrounding country, ratterided the , L
dance in laid of 0 rr4led Cross on Fri- ' " -, 1,
d,)y evening. The 4adies furnished the, _ I - I 7
lunch of I * I, h as -an ahun-a .,.!1.
"I, ,
dance and Ter1ojit'lemen. pild. all ey- 1. I .; ,
penses, Tl e receipts, . amourited to $'Y'O. - I
The raffleL ,ror the bob,gleighs ,given , , ' '
, I . - ,
by the ,cox%imittee in- old of tha 'Red , ""',
1 11
Cross broujbt -$X'56. "fphas, Delbridge " -, ' .,`
beld,the luoky ticket, , AAt 9, p,m.t1he . I , !4f -
gath * as calleA t6s. order .by I .. I
, '7
er'n I , 11
'rhos Cirnl'e' ." ,who introduced ReV. I -,
, "
Coll Vapt, J_I eaman, of e cre, 4 I -
. Ey t I
vbc 19if''Ithe 161st 'Battlallon, 5nd 1 . 1,
the gi,eat nked of: yourigl meia enlisting I I,", _
,, 4,
(L I
at: the pres Mr. I ,.,; X,
Milt time. !Coljin3 L ' ,; ., , ,4 ,
claimed it vas an honor for young , ;,' ,
I . ", _
men which vlass never been given 110 I 'I',
war,be - ,he e lis- ,-,
for I w I'll 11 LL
tened to gy'- T ,;, ,
.,a ith intense. interest ' ,,,4 : ,,;x,
and ,aftex ,singing God 4ave .thre Kin g j''-.
and giving ,three 'cheers for the, Kiag ,I 1 I ' .
",4" 4,
the dance 1was proceeded with. V6- i ,:t' L'," I
" , I J. "I
committee consisting of T. kunkimq Z , , 7 , j.
Coward,and X. Rodgert deserve ,much .-L 1 I
.1. I 1,
I credit for the ,tsuccess of the _-veninii- 11 1.1 I
11.1 1;
I " 1,
" , ., ,
. , , , ,.,
. ,
-------- 0— ,
, .. ,.,, I I I.",
... .
_ ..,r",
, , 1
. RUSSELDALE . I . I I "' , ', , I ,
. . . . . . "
11 L
, I .
. : % , I
. ,
, , , i `
Sir. Alfred Dow visited frionds, In* " L W 11
Gnimsb for a few 11'ays; lastifNve*. I I .% .',_ .
" I- 1, I
. ': .
Mr. Bohn, of Guelph, Gpent the "
week end With friends at . "I'Loystom ''I .,. , li
Parna '. I . : ' " I . , ' ,
' ' ' ' ' '
Alessrs r .. 4 , 11
T I. Brady and R. Walker, Ir
Radison, Sask., were guesta at the ' - .
home of Mr. 4nd Mrs, A. Hoddert on , I
. I
Friday, . I I I ..,
The marriage took place on, W.d-- ' .. J
. "",
nesday last of Mr. James Waghornk, , . . .. .: .
of this vicinity land ,AL-sa Berrywll of I I., I
Berryland. We wish Mr. anA. Wirlai I 1, . .
Waghorn a long and happy wedded , `,, ,I '
, I
life. ;,, ,., .'
],>te. Harry Cornish, -soil of ' Mrs. ' ', ". ,.1. I
I . "
'I'llos. Laing of this place, ha , , been.. - ' . ) , , 1.
invalided home from Engla".A. Pit. , ,
Cornish enlisted In 111,egina with tha' ,' _'
Princess Pat's Vegt. when the ,%var I I , ' , 11
first broke out, 'but Was later tra-us- , , I , " ,:
ferred to the,Can. Field',Englueers- 11
Too,Late for Last W-eek I ",
I -
We are sorry to report that Mr. - , .; "
j. D. Ste,,va-17t, is at preaent-'under the I .1 . ,
I .
I I 1. li
doot6r's eare I I I " _4
Mr. and SIrs. John Murray, of' 4, 1 A
A.vonton, ,visited 'at the home of M-Vil 1 . 1 1.4
I ".
aud Airs. Mark Clark. I ;
Bliss Je_-sie and MT. Bliltondflodgert I I A
. .
0 C ri urquhai, ,were guests on 8111A&Y , - . , .,
Ts I I
at the home of 4AIt. And' X - X HodII& "... I ,-.
gert. . - I'll 4
Mr. John Roy ;and son -_iURobeTt Wft, - , ' - ,
'they, 11
on Friday for Guelph where ey, ivi I ,
visit friends and tilso attetid, the Wili l . ,
. .
ter Fair. . I .... 11 A
Mr. end Sirs- George Melville visit;- A;
Ld ,at the home of, airs. ,'James Gar -4 I I _ I
diner, of Farquhar, on Aloaday. I , .1 4
al.r. David Ilanson is attending stlae , I I '
Winter Vair at Guelph. 11 'k. I I., 1. _ ,
------- 4— . ''I I I .
. .1,
S.,, s. No. 6; Stephen t '' 11 .11,
The following is the pepo'rt of -S, ' I I
S No. 6, Stephen for Novembex6 The , I
_L - I I . I
namesart in order of inerit.1 .8r. 4tb - ' _ , "
Bertha -H artman 76; F,dga:r Mawhbr - ' '
[ley 63.* Sr. 3rd- John 1-1-ainover. 61; 1 4 . - . A
Jr. 3rd -Herbert Hartman 86; Sr- *11 11 .4
Edward Hartman 84, Vera liwwhim I 11 1. . i
ney 82; Alice Neeb, 77; E ,thel. IWA-ilde - I _ I 4
1 1
73; Florence 11011OVer 61, ,Gffa6e,Hea ' ... 11 I I 11
man 56; pt., it -Dorothy He amari ,65; . , , . I
. - . 4
pti I-,W'Iliie Hanover 70; Erna N,eeb 11 I I I 1
721. primer -LaN,yr nce Hea,man. 'No, I
on roll 17, average 13. 1 1* Ie
0. Schroeder, t6ae,her_- 11 0
.0 — " ; -1 I 11 . .
- IL . I A
I '
: "". 11 I , , :
. Mr. tqnd Mrs. F. Daters, hive, m6ved - j; ,, ,,,
I - ; ;1, I
from tbe farm into t6wn _. ', ' ", ` ,,, I ,. 4; .
- .
Mr. John Attice, of Walk rtou is I ,'_," "., 1, -
sce- 'It' ,
renewing acquaintanoos in this " I . , :-, ""Z;
. I , I 'I, ;, -
- - . 11,41 1. -
tion. I . . 1. *-1 ", , 7 , , . ,.-, ,.
I - , ...
, ,-_ - -
Mr. L. Kalbfleisch,Teeve oil, Hay. at, , ... i
tended the county council jat' ,GCA rich - , ""." )
last wAce4c. . I .
11r., a nd birs. J, P. Rau have Te- I I . I
turned from a visit with relatives in I ' I I
Alichiggil. I . I . .
.)LIiss Marie Duebarme, of Goderich ' I
is .spednirig n inonth ,at her home bri .. I L.
the Bronson Line.. I , I . I I __
%Blrs. John Kipper ond Bliss Mary I ,
Kipper, of Big,gar, Sask.,, ard vlsiti,ug' , I i
relatives here at present. I , , ,
air. Louis Jeffrey, wbo, lives.,A short 1: .1 I
dist-a nee south of St. Joseph, :Iras; psold I
. , .I ,,
his farm to Mr. TchA,LapDrte,'6f neaIr . ,
Drysdale. The farm contains l.80 . ,; I
acres of land, the consideration. b6ng ,
I .
. 1
$3150. 1 1 . I I I . I 111 _ I
I "I i
11 11
, I . ,-, . !",
IF YOUR CHIM is CItOSS, , L , , ,
. . I f
I 11 ,;
I :
. I
Look Motherl If t0hgue Is coat*4 "I
cleanse little hoWels With "Ciffl-, . " ls I
fornia Syrup of Pigs." '' o
I "'i", 11 11 I , I
. 1, - :T ,
I : C'.1 , , I .
. . . . . . , .
Mothers can rest easy Alter ... gIvIng L , , 1
, , , ,,
. I .
--canfornia Syrup of Vlgso'o becauso 1tj,';4 , I ,
, ! , , ,
a few hours all the clogged -up wa i86, ,, : ,.
. Ji'to* ', , ,;,
sour bile and fermenting food geqftlyt, , I'4!..
moves out of the bowels, and you &#-j*V#,*jj ,' , "'.. , ,
. "
a well, playful dhild.again, .11 11 , " .
. I'., ! ,. ,;
, , i,
Sick children needrA be toa*Gd, 1, ,' ' :
take this harmless, fru -RT, "., T.,
IF, i lazatt ,. i I :
others Iteep it handy"," "i", , _,A!,
Millions of In * I - .' ,,,'
. ;. , ,",
I . I % ,,,
cause they know Its action on,1f;,fL ,
istomacho liver and bowels to 'pr6 11 L- .,;- 'Z' ,
., , ". ',
Abd sure. I 4 __-, III,
. ,, , " I _v
: `, "
Ask your druggiat for a 90 -cont hd _
PP ' L 1L ":::: ,
fle of "California Syrup of: 7' I I lii
,00titAIna dire,etions for b le . I .
, '' ,,,
" " ,, ,,,
, "
biall 'ages and for 9r, I I!. , ,
, I , , . , A, 4' : . . . . . .
I . , ,((l
: , ,O,A_ ,L ', ...
', ,_ . 1 ,N ! , _ I ,
I " - I
" ,'L .'
. . ' .'
1, I , ,L .
I I I ;1.ti ` "
. I L 1. L 11_ I_ "i,
___; _ --- . I
I ,
upathyla what overybody t1110 . 40" .: j I I
. ,
Uler follow otiolit t hat 'v, "';1','7;1
;'. ,,
, ,1. , i,
.", I
I .. "
I .
. ...
. I
.k, I I 1:.;."...
I ,.&:
, _41L,