HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-12-16, Page 4DVS TONGS FWE. Important Ewer►t Which Hav Occurred Ol r rig the Week, g The may; World's Happenings Care- fuU y Compiled and Put Into Handy and Attractive Shape for the Readers of Our Paper—• A Solid. Hour's Enjoyment,: WIEDNESDAY. Tire wipec'f out the St. Catharines- �f0git oft e'Maple Leaf Milling CO ny. The Canadian troops ill the trenches are being supplied with lar- rigans. An Americans steamer near the Isle of Crete was /red on by an Austrian submarine. The French submarine Tresnel was destroyed by an Austrian warship off the Albanian coast. The troopship Lapland, carrying 2,294 Canadian troops, including the S711t Battalion, arrived safely in Eng- land. Raymond Chapman and Miss Mary. Sala,young persons of Copper Cliff, were drowned while skating on Lake Lady Macdonald. AIex. and Jas. Kellum, Beachville ,workmen, have been left $10,000' each by a brother, William, who died Iast summer in the United States. Robt. iziddeiT, hoteikeeper, of Wyoming, was sent to Kinston Pen- itentiary for seven years for aiding and abetting in the setting of several incendiary fres. Two more French-Canadian bat- talions are to be raised, one in Mont- real and the other in. F{imouski and neighboring district, the Iatter to be part of a new French-Canadian bri- gade. Mr. F. Perry, representative in Canada of a London private banking Arm,'formerly an attache in the British Colonial Office, has been added to the Imperial Munitions Board. Alderman S. Morley Wickett, one of the most prominent of the young- er public men of Toronto, died sud- denly at the National Club at I admit yesterday morning, a victim of heart failure. While the Ford "peace ship" is speeding eastward, the wholebody of the employes of the Ford auto. works in Manchester, Eng,, enlisted yesterday under Lord Derby's group scheme, engaging to serve in the army when eaIled upon. THURSDAY. Branches of the Ontario Soldiers' Aid Commission are to be established throughout•ths Province. James: C. Keleher; for some years President of the Guelph Board of Trade„ -died : in. his 66th near_ unaer*rittors nave dg43tied not to. exteud cargo and hall insurtznee on dike vessels pest midnight of Dec. 1L Major Alan A. Magee, 148th Bat- talion, , an Major Hercule Barre of the 160th Caribiaiers de Montreal, have been promoted Lieutenant -Cole otters'. Donato Mannino, a young Italian, was instantly killed at the Canada Glue Company's bone -crushing plant at Brantford, being caught in the belting. Mr. Lionel Hiehens and Hon. LK. Brand,: representing Hon.' Mr . Lloyd George, British Minister of Minnie • teens',:'bane left:'Ottawa tte ref`ttrd te England. Sir Charles Davidson cdmrnenced an hifesti9 ire ztgR,“, zilIOgatiola* M Made in"en"s Wear by James Actbn of Toronto in regard to army clothing contracts. Colonel R. McEwen of London for the third time and thus permanently wort with his Soathdowns the Drum- mond Cup for sheep at tbe Guelph Winter Fair. The formal proclamation summon- ing Parliament will be issued soon. As already forecasted, the date decid- ed upon by the Government is Wed- nesday, January IL Many Canadain women on the way to spend Christmas in England with theft soldier husbands, ignorant of the British passport • regulations, missed the Adriatic in New York. The Ontario Hydro -electric Power Commission may buy out the Mac- kenzie -Mann electric railways in On- tario, Sir Adam Beck says. A con- siderable reduction in rates of Hydro power for domestic uses is also pro- mised. German aviators "have made five attacks on the Hospitals and medical establishments behind the Belgian front', which are directed by Queen Elizabeth. Last week German bombs killed 100,, three of whom were sol- diers. FRIDAY. Stephen P ilIips, the noted British poet and dramatist, is dead. The War Office has accepted the offer of Laval University, to establish a hospital, Ralph Evans Freeman was yester- day chosen Rhodes scholar for Mc- Master •taniversity. Welland county's equalized assess- ment bas been nearly doubled by Tudgc• Livingstone; Instruction far returning soldiers who are blind or deaf wi 'l'be arrang- ed by the Ontario Governnre.nt- The eligible men in• the • -Canada Steamship Line staff' are to enlist- in one •battalion for overseas• service. .A Women's League was formed in Stratford to work among woteen electors in the interests of local op- tion_ Mayor Martin of Montreal has eut off $300,000 from. the 1916 budget in an attempt to avoid tbe 2.5 per cent. cut in civic employes' salaries, Albert Sevigny, M.P. for Dorcbes- ter,andDeputy Speaker of the House THE of Coucziuoras, Is said to be slated to succeed as Streaker HMI. Dr. Sproule, appointed to the Senate. Acting in accordance with Mr, Jus- tice tizdde11 sm zdininns, the Qwen Sound Council gave the first and se- cond readings to the local option by- law, which now goes to the electors. ]3y a vote, of six to four the Council of the eouule of Argenteuil, Quebec, passed a prohibition by-law yester- day w hick weans that the county, otreside of tire 'town of Lac/rate, will go dry May lst next, Rev. Hugh. Blaen, professor of practical theology at union Theologi- cal Seminary, New, York. has declin- ed a call to become pastor of the City Temple, London, as the successor of Rev. R. . Campbell in .what is re- garded is one of the foremost pas- torates in the English-speaking world. SATURDAY. Lord Kitchener and Sir Edward Grey were entertained by President Poincare in. Paris. Germany complied yesterday with the request of the United States and recalled Boy -Ed and von Papen. The Dominion's national debt at the end of November was $501,668,- 167, exclusive of the new domestic war loan. The Minister of Lands and Forests. for Quebec and the Premier of On- tario had a conference regarding the level of Lake Abitibi. The late Edward Mossow Owen, a clotb merchant of Manchester, who died recently, bequeathed $750,000 to the Salvation Army. The City of Toronto has spent nearly $1,000,000 on insurance of soldiers, camp work, and salaries of employes serving with the colors. The steamer W. Grant Morden, the longest boat on the lakes, cleared from. Port Arthur with 760,000 bush- es of oats, equal to 400 loaded ears. A former Toronto editor, Mr, F. Page Wilson, bas been missing for some time, following an injury in Florida -when he was struck on the head by a cocoanut. A large crowd of young men sought the recruiting officers in Sim- coe after rousing addresses by Hon. W. J. Hanna, Mr. N. W. Rowell, K. C., Major WiIliam:s, and others. Lambton and Perth County Coun- cils left over for next year the grant- ing of aid to recruiting, and the former decided not to insure any more men enlisting from that county after married men of the 70th Bat- talion. Labor representatives obtained the promise of Chairman J. W. Flavelle of the Imperial Board of Munitions, and Hon- T. W. Crothers, Minister of Labor, that contractors who do not treat their employes fairly shall not receive further orders. MONDAY. General de CasteInau has been ap- pointed Genera/ Joffre's chief of Staff. Sixty-four spies have been shot in France during the war and 1,860 sus - ETER TiMES peel:$ arrested. The postage on parcels to Cana- dian soldiers in France and Flanders has been lowered. t weed. The .]'resident of China has decid- ed to accept the throne of that coun- try to which be has been; elected, Cif the recruits enrolled in the 149tH (County of Lambton) Battal- ion to date, 84 per cent. are nativo- born Canadians. The license of the Stratbcona Hotel, Torauto, was suspended for two weeks because of the sale of li- quor to soldiers. Seven million one hundred thou- sand bushels of grain were taken out at Port, Arthur and Port William in two dl]gs, the 'greatest grain rush in the twin ports' history. '- The New Brunswick branch of the Dominion Alliance bas asked for the. preparation of a prohibition measure, to be submitted to a referendum in the latter half of February.. Col. Dr. R. G. C. Kelly, of Watford, whose offer to raise a Lambton coun- ty battalion had been accepted, died suddenly of apoplexy while preparing to respond to a professional call. Death 'sentences on Mrs. Hawkes, Wetaskiwin, Alta., and Mrs, Coward, Kootenay, B.C., guilty of murder, have been commuted to ten years' imprisonment and life imprisonment, respectively. The Marquis of Abergavenny, a great friend of Lord Beaconsfield during that statesman's life, died Saturday at Eridge Castle, Sussex. He was nearly 90 years old, having been born September 16, 1826. TUESDAY. Colonel Wilmot H. Cole, ex-M.P.P. of Brockville, is dead, One-third of the Presbyteries of Canada give a majority for Church union: Lieut. Gavin I. Langmuir of the 48th Highlanders, Toronto, is now officially reported killed in action. The Federal Economic Commis- sion will take a census next month of Canadian industrial companies. Private Watts B. Smith of Tilison- burg, one of the guard at the Mar- coni wireless station, Port Burwell, committed suicide by hanging. One - bundred thousand German workmen are reported to be employ- ed constructing the new German de- feesive works on the Bug River line. About fifty-five Canadian officers, most of ;whom have been wounded, are being brought back ' to aid in training and organizing troops here during the winter. Chas. Weldrick of Windsor, brake- man, fen. under a Wabash train at Simcoe and one leg was mangled, re- quiring amputation, • the shock of which proved fatal. A despatch from Athens says that more than 400 soldiers were drown- ed wizen. the. Turkish transport Rec- hid Pasha, was sunk in the Sea of Marmara by a French submarine. A n zaa• giving the name of Arthur C1i ICE 'FARM FOR SALE BY TENDER Consisting .of Lots 32, enol; e st !tali 33 North Thames Road,TownshiP of h'u la tan Countyt of Perth, Ont. Lot 32 eontain. 121 acres on which there is au up -O. -date Stone Dwelling, l3ank Baia 36x9D and 34x50 Drive blouse and flog Pen 28x50; Silo 14x40; up- to-date stabling, cement floors ;uzd ter carrier-; 3 acre choice garden, 2 acre:, orchard 10 acres "first-class hard wood •bush 55 acres id grass, oalance ploughed ready ;for seeding. West hall of Lot 33 contains 8154 acres on which there isi an up-to-date brick dwelling, bank barn 40x90, frame 'bare ail stone wall 36x58; 1 acre of - chard 7 acres good hard wood, 14 acree fall wheat, 25 acres in grass, oal- men ploughed ready for seeding, These farms are situated in ane of•. the /finest localities. in Ontario. Well fenced and drained; never sailing spring well and clear of weeds; •adz veniaent to Baptist, Methodist 'incl Presbyterian churches and day school; ;s mile from village of Russeldale, 7 miles ,from 1VIi'tebdll. , Possession lst March 1916. Terris --10 per ;•ent.. on acceptance of tender, balance ea alar,- 1st ..1916, without interest. :sealed tenders will be received tLp to 1 o'clock p. m. on 4th day of januar`y 1916, for the above mentioned farma. either separately or in one dock, by Thos Cameron Auctioneer, R. 32.. 3, Kirkton Oiit. For particulars apvly to auctioneer or to John G. ';toy on the premises. • Blank forms :for tenders can be had by applying to Thos. Cameron. FOR SALE—One good tow,, extra beef quality, eight years old, .;due to freshen (Dec. 10th; 1 heifer 3 years old due Jan., 3rd; 1 purebred. • Shorthorn bull 10 • months old; 1 fily rising 4 years; 1 filly and 1 gelding rising 3 years old. JOHN LEARY, (Cromarty PCO., Lot 13, Con. 13, Hibbert; phone 544 Hibbert Line.t 12-9-i4tp CENT "CASCARETS" FOR LIVER AND BOWELS Cure Sick Headache, Constipation, Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad Breath—Candy Cathartic, Nu odds how bad your liver, atom- ach or bowels; how much your head aches, how miserable you are' from constipation, indigestion, biliousness and sluggish bowels you always get - relief with Cascarets. They imme- diately cleanse and regulate the stom- ach, remove the sour, fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile. from the liver and carry off the con- stipated waste matter and poison from the Intestines and bowels. A 10 -cent box from your druggist will keep your liver and bowels clean; stomach sweet and head clear for aonths. es They work while you sleep. »• r c.. 3 Would Like to THURSDAY, I]LCnal2B1 R 16/1x, 11 0041100•000. 000000 tNC4RIVRAiED 1855 • 1t .000000@0090000000e • 3 ELSDNS BANG CAPITAL' AND RESERVE $8,800,000 ; 96 Branches in Canada General BankingBusiness Transacted AGe CA.. U. •LETTtR$ OF CREDIT' LLG L, R BANK LNMONEY ORDERS BANK DEPARTMENT SAVINGS Interest slowed at highest current rate W. D. CLARKE, Menager, Exeter Brunch THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O.. LL.D. D.O.L., President.- JOHN residentJOHN AIRD, General Manager. H. V. F. JONES. Asst General Sfanaiaa CAPITAL, $15000000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,11011 BANKING BY MAIL p Accounts maybe opened at every branch of The Canadian Banit of Commerce to be operated by mail, and will receive the :same careful attention as is given to all other departments of the Bank's business. Money may be deposited or withdrawn in this way as satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Bank. Exeter Branch— H. J. WHITE, Manager (MEDIUM BRANCH — A. E. KUHN, Manager. Auction Sale Of Valuable two storey brick block and choice business !site in the Village of Exeter, Ontario. The Executor of the Estate of the late George Samwell will offer for sale on the premises ore Tuesday, Jan unary 18th, 1916, at 2 o'clock ,p"rn. a the property on the 'corner of 'Slain land John Streets, Exeter, two stores of which are now occupied by Jones & May, General 'Merchants, and the third by liugh Spackman, Hardware 'merchant., The Property is as most desirable one, the oldest and,best busi- ness. site in a town which has. no superior in Western Ontario. The block' is well built, well equipped. Land in good '!repair with adequate storage buildings at rear • , The property'will 'be offered in two parcels, according to occupancy. Terms: --10 per cent cash, .balance oe I ;Meech 1st, 1916, ��•hen possensllon'giv art•••• i en. Taxes 'and Insurance i• . pepper tioned ora nniarnh 1st. For fnirther Prie particular`s and;; conditions of sale ,ap ply to GLAD'aLAN"Sc STAN13iS]:IY Barristers, Exeter, (Int. Solicitors for:"Executor. S & Coe PIANO FREE.. M nufachrcd by ' .HE WILLIAMS PIANO Co., LIMITED, Oshawa, Ont. Contest sold by the Business Booster's Limited; 'Toronto, Ont. ou lave IN 1' gr pfitrc:lm z • ,• eine th•s t not exite, bo 4ifelAt4tt Hbfuu'34' a CE At somaniimmousomemator SAVE YOUR COUPONS itttle Hustling and YOU Win . d• t•:hr -with everyurc'base at orir store. These eertdicats- s. represenx one.vote for each ONE CENT 1a'(fel .i'Pi+ representing the LARGET NUMBER Ol.i' VOTES at the end of the contest,- will rec 13'10i:E' OF COST. you are .not interested onrself you can assist a friend, • . unto ifhere than elsewhere. We, .;w�' store,. •�¢•' want a chance to. show you that y• -u can do better do cdnt.f,st f hrni gb a greater perr'entSge o profit, but though dip difference in volume of k rt'pad u and in the future we shall endeavour to give you EVEN MORE for your. ,tiwougit tlr; 1"rierits of otir Goods and Lower• lift /tis.. n ;gave you money :'and We can prove It• Undertaker, EXETER, `'lct7Framing,U hof 1,etand Repairing 'Neatly done, :.; G„t:tiirr'r• iairbr oe„, I'1.•: Notice to Creditors In the matterof the estate of Anna Maria iBlackwell, of the Town- ship of Biddulph,]County of Middle- sex, married woman, 'deceased. • Notice is nereby given- pursuant to Statutes in that behalf, that all cred- ,itorr` and others having claims ag- ainst the estate of Anna Mraia Black- well, who died on or about Sept. 18th; 1915, are required on or before December 20th, 1915, to send by post prepaid or deliver to Messrs. Gladman &-Stanbury, of the Village of Exe- ter.,Solicitors for the Administrator of the said deceased, their christen and surnames, addresses and descrip- tions, the full particulars or their claims, the statement of their ac- counts and the nature of the scour- letiess, if any, held by thlem. And further take notice that atter said. last mentioned date the said Adminis- trator will proceed to distribute the. assets of the deceased among the par ties entitled thereto, having -regard only to the claims of which, he shall then have notice and that -the said Administrator shall not be liable .for said assets or any partthereof, to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received. by him at the time of such distribu- tion. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors for the Administrator Dated at Exeter this 29th iday of Nov- ember 1915. PROCLAMATION VILLAGE OF EXETER NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public notice js hereby given that a meeting oil the electors of . '. he Village of Exeter will be held in the TOWN HALL, EXETER MONDA'4, DECEMBER 27th, 1915 At the hour •of 12 'o'clock, noon, for the purpose of making and receiving nom:nations for Reeve, Councilhis and Schon. Trustees for the ensuing year and further ,notice is ' hereby giteir•th'at'in the event of more ;an- dida'tee being proposed for the : ffi- cea than are regi tied to 'be elected the .meeting will lie adjourned to, Mcnday January 3rd,: 1916, when ;rolls will bo opened at 9'a.m., closing at 5 pat, at the iollawang places,'as fixed by By-law, vi/,'• D:v 1—Silas , I3ai'idterd's residence; Mant St. .E,d, Treble 0.12.00,,, Sidney Davis . poi., clerk. . • • Inv 2—At. Town Hall, Jos. :Davis, Well.' Johns; poll elect. D:v 3 '^rirs.,, Mitchell's office, Main S. .H E. Huston;, PS.R,O., P. Girlies poll clerk. • ' : 4—N. .E Fite Hall, A Mc- Pherson na,O., Mases -Amy, Boli clerk And al' electors are hereby quCSt5d to ta1iep}rnicSeEVanld themselves acCordgly ..,v`.. ,Retura,:tig afficer, doesn't sedhi 16 et Ithentilielrs.' • n.' J. A. MASON 425 Dundas Street, London, Guar,i teed cost of buildings; no extras; 111 years New York experience. Phe milts - 2725. d` ' Anyone intendingARCHITECT to build will ell o write me. No charge for co sulat C J. W. L KA I N, M. F. C. Alia.,. 425 RICHMOND ST., LOADO14o, ONTARIO. SPECIALIST IN SURGERY AND 1TO-n]rn RT1 DISEASES OP AND WOMEN; DR G. F. RO ULSTiON, DENTIST Eonor 'Graduate of Toronto Univocal sit3 , , Ogee over Dickson '& flora L'ug's Law. office. Closed • Wedneee. day afterslti$ns. ti Phone Office se Residence , 5b,, • , , .DR. A. R. 'KINSMAN L1.,D;t8i, DAL Honor 'Graduate of Toronto Kolas ersity 1 DENTIST i t iNtltrb Teeth extracted without pg'sa. 12 any bad effects. Office ever Glatt hien & Stansbury'' Office Maiiat Sh Exeter. 1 - w, BROWNING X. D., AL Ah • P. S. Graduate Victoria HAMA city Office and residence Domainkul Labratory., Exeter, Associate Coroner of Huron t'l D ICESON & CARDING i tiAig Barristers, Solicitors Notaries fop veyanoers Commissioners, Bolitifs � for the Mo]sonls Bank etot t 111 Money to Loan at lowest rate* et tereat. OFFICE—MAIN STREET EHI ITS& 4 L R. Carling B. A,V. L Dio.lmaii MONEY•,TO LOAN 1 I,,.i We have a large amountiOI sop 'ate 1ifn.& to' I an `on terra and rtila lags 'propertied at' lowest rate Ct tereat, • '4:364 GLADMAN & STANHVE11 *-' Barristers, . Solicitors, Atkin Mt Exeter„ Inc Osborne and Hibbert Farmer's Mutual Fire IAsuP anus Gompani Head Office, Farquhar, Or, a+.,t President , .RO13T. ORRI11t Vice, President , 1 , 1 RYAN DIRECTORSt m :WM. BROCK ,. , ,•. W11. ROW J. L.' RUSSELL i J. T. ALLISON/ AGENTS 1 JOHN ESSERY Exeter, aeedit Use borne 'end Biddulph, • OLIVER HARMS Munro anent l'a Ribbert F,ullarton and Logan. ,... e.,.L V. A. TURNBUrf.%I Seeyrr .teas, Farquhergr GLADMAN & BTANi3UR'$ Solicitors. Exeter' `1 THE SOLDIER WHO LIVES OVER AGAIN IN A NIGHTMARE,THE AWFUL BATTLE SCENES, ns, welt as the harassed business Lean, the- tired society woman, and busy house•` wife. whose nervos are graduallye wearing to -shreds with their never- ending everending duties, will get Nqu elduaod per- manent relief from TAICAICE.. Get a, box for pity cents Off lour druggists•,. or by ioiii f,fronm the: Georgian Mfg., Co, 1Collipgwood Ontario. pros etier. i