HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-09-24, Page 21Entertainment lie man play opens at lyth "Letter From Wingfield Farm," a hilarious one-man play, starring actor, Rod Beattie is being performed at the Blyth Memorial Hall on Saturday, Sept. 27 at 8 p.m. This oomedy shows us all the fun and foibles of farm living. The laughs begin when a corporate executive decides he can find the simple, unhurried pace he craved m a country setting. He mistakenly believes he is going to lead an uncomplicated life as a gentlemen farmer. As the realities of rural life unfold, it quickly becomes apparent to him that the "simple" life is not so simple. This story is chock full of characters that are familiar to all of us. They are all por- trayed with great skill by Rod Beattie, whose incredible versatility allows him to create a series of wonderful scenes and encounters. The play has had a very popular run throughout southwestern Ontario for the past two years, often with repeat engagements, and has had extended -runs in London and Grand Bend. "A Letter From Wingfield Farm" is bound to tickle your funny -bone and wear out your knee from slapping. Tickets are $10 for this event. Letter From Wingield Farm is the first in Blyth Festival's adult fall/spring series, so this will be your last chance to purchase money -saving maxi -packages which cost $25 for four events, including Valdy, classical pianist, Anton Kuerti, and the musical Pump Boys and Dinettes. There are also mini -packages available for any two events for $16. Also, ask about our kid's series and special Christmas family event "A Prairie Boy's Winter," Dec. 13 and 14. For tickets for both series and single events call Blyth Festival Box Offfice at 523-9300/523-9225. "Music, Masks and Mornents"at Blyth The Blyth Visual Arts Committee is pleas- ed to present an exhibition of works entitled, Music, Masks and Moments" by local ar- tist Mona Istrati-Mulhern. The show will run Sept. 27 through Oct. 31, in the Blyth Festival Art Gallery. Mona Istrati-Mulhern is a familiar figure on the Huron County arts scene. She is a well known Goderich artist, whose work has been exhibited throughout Ontario. Her studio, which she named "Serren- wood", provides a display area for her own work and Mona also offers it as a showcase for other local artisans. Always an active participant in community art affairs, Mona has been a teacher of visual arts to every age group. In the show "Music, Masks, and Moments" the artist creates in watercolor, reflections of nature, interpretations, of the symbolic nature of masks; and also shows the influence of music as it enhances the im- agery and symbolism. All these elements come together to provide a delightful ex- perience, touched with moments of fantasy. The official opening is on Saturday, Sept. 27 at 7 p.m. The public is invited to attend, to see the exhibit and meet the artist. The Festival Gallery will remain open weekdays through to October 17th from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and any inquiries during business hours may go to the Blyth Festival administration office (1st building south 'of Blyth Memorial Hall after that date). Y®g uri musicians are invited to audition for the National Youth Orchestra by Oct. 15 and are available with all rele- vant information from the NYO, 1032 Bathurst St., Toronto, M5R 3G7; telephone (416) 532-4470. Applications are now being accepted from granted- by the NYO to successful can - young musicians for auditions for the 1987 didates. Canada's NYO has been in opera - National Youth Orchestra., All players of tion since 1960. Its graduates can be found in orchestral instruments between the ages of many of the great orchestras of the world as 10 and 28 are encouraged to apply for a free f well as forming the vast majority of young audition. Canadians hired to fill professional positions Eligibility for inclusion in the orchestra in this country's orchestras. varies and age limits operate in some cases, The NYO has just completed its 1986 depending on the instrument. NYO audi- season with performances that were widely tions are held in more than 30 centres acclaimed. Both Richard Strauss' tone throughout Canada from October through poem "Till Eulenspiegel" and Wagner's December and the audition is designed as a Overture to "The Flying Dutchman" were training experience in itself and to stimulate greeted with cries of Bravo" in Kingston interest in orchestral performance. and Toronto. Full scholarships of up to $6,000 are Audition applications must be submitted BUY FOR LESS AND ENJOY THE BEST! EVERY THURSDAY... ONLY Liver Lovers $ 99 Night A meal with all the extras! in , EVERY FRIDAY IS... ONLY Fish Fry � 6� Night! All You Can Eat , THE 0 ,,_ 0:/ A FAMILY RESTAURANT i "' 120 THE SQUARE, GODERICH ph. 524-9111 7S QUEEN' SEAFORTH Appearing Thurs. to Sat. VIGILANT OPEN SUNDAYS FOR FOOD & FUNS DAILY SPECIALS FROM $2.95 EXERCISE CLASSES 10 Week Sessions Starting Sept. 30th $2500 Fee WHEN: Every Tuesday & Thursday from 10:00 A.M.-11 A.M. WHERE: Goderich Township Hall; Holmesville (includes low impact aerobics) For information & registration please call 482-3186 or 482-9322 Babysitting Arrangements SALTFORD VALLEY FALL FOR RENT C.L. 524-9458 GODERICH SIGNAI.SSTAR, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1986—PAGE 5A Premenstrual syndrome is topic at free workshop On Wednesday Oct. 8, from 7-10 pm, the Women l3eing Well Project will be sponsor- ing a free Education Workshop at the Clin- ton Town Hall on Premenstrual Syndrome. The speaker for the evening will be Dr. J.C. Henderson who has established a PMS Centre in Mississauga to evaluate and treat women who suffer with PMS and to carry out research in regard to this disorder. It is also their purpose along with ours at Women Being Well/Women Today to in- crease awareness of PMS as a physical rather than psychological *order. If you have been affected by such symp- toms as headaches, bloating, irritability, food cravings, depression, forgetfulness or sinus problems you may find some answers at this workshop. Dr. Henderson will speak for approximately one and a half hours with time for questions following his presentation. If you are interested in registering for this free workshop or have any further questions please call Marg Crane at Women Today 482-9706. BULLETIN BOARD BULLETIN ®®AR® AO DEADLINE 5 P.M. MONDAY HIGHLAND DANCING CLASSES commences Saturday. Oct. 4 at MacKay Hall ¢15. per month Teacher - Mary Lynne Telford S.DT.A., B.A.T.D. To Register Please Call 524.9635 HAMBURGERDOUBLE DOUBLE ,135$95 A501 1401.k— elorm` JUST UNTIL OCTII9TH BINGO - Vanastra Rec Centre. Tuesdays, 8 p.m. First reg. card $1, fifteen reg. $20.00 games, three share -the -wealth. Jackpot $200.00 must go. Lucky Ball $240 (if not won) lucky Ball increases $20.00 per week. Admission restricted to 16 years and over.—Oltfx DRUMS! Kids concert Saturday, October 4 at 2 p.m., Blyth Memorial Hall. Tickets $4.00. Phone 523-9300.-39ar FIRST COUNTRY Craft Festival - Goderich Township Community Centre Holmesville Ontario, Fri., Oct. 3 - 1-9; Sat., Oct. 4, 10 - 6; Sun., Oct. 5, 11 - 5. Lunch available. Admis- sion - adults .50 cents.-39nx EURO -CANADIAN CLUB Inc., 6th Annual Oktoberfest '86 Blyth Arena, 8 p.m. -1 a.m., Saturday, October 11, Music by "The Hornets". Tickets at door, $6.00, food available. Proceeds to the Clinton Minor Hockey League. -39,40 McDonald's 354 BAYFIELD RD., GODERICH. Fall Colour Tour Thurs., Oct. 2 Royal Winter Fair Thurs., Nov. 20 Nashville 4 Days - 3 Nights Thanksgiving Weekend Great Lake Escape Crew Erie P.A. Sail In For Savings Nov. 7, 8 & 9 Hawaiian New Year's Extravaganza Ask us how! Dec. 30 - Jan. 2 C;'L Robin Hood Tours 5244540 Goderich, °Ontario. DANCE • Friday, October 3, 1986 Saltford Valley Hall 9 p.m. to 1 a.m: TICKETS: $5.00 *ADVANCE ONLY,k Phone: 524-9914 or 529-7295 Lunch Provided Sponsored by: WEST HURON JUNIOR FARMERS SNOWFLAKE BAZAAR: Anyone wishing to reserve exhibit tables for the Snowflake Bazaar to be held Thursday, November 6th, please phone 524-8195.-37,38x,39 MICROWAVE Cooking Demonstration - low calorie and gourmet cooking Maitland Country Club, Thursday, Oct. 9th 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. $5.00 person. For tickets call 524-8150 or 524-7274.-39,40 BUS TRIP TO Royal Botanical Gardens, September 28. Annual Ikenobo Flower Show. Call Goderich Garden Club members Isabel Watson 524-2850 or Dorothy Smythe 524-8548.-39x SHOTOKAN Karate Classes - Registration Sept. 29th 7:00 p.m. MacKay Hall 10 Nelson St. East, Goderich. $20.00 to register $15.00 per month. For more information call Steve Lonsdale 524-7395.-39 THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL BULKY BURGER URGER ARSpecial in effect Thurs., Fri., Sat. 37 Kingston St., Goderich Phone 524-4852 3.2 oz. beef patty with a slice of ham & a slier of cheese all on a sesame seed bun with mustard, ketchup, relish, onion, pickle, lettuce and mayonnaise. Reg. $ 2.40 189 • •�r1 • 524-9981 • • • : A Frightening Comed• • y. O YOUNG,,, S'O% • • •• it �� 1/pw■ REFORM : y r' rvi SCHOOL •• 1 1 GIRLS • • •• •• • 7:00 P.M. • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••d LISTIMITDRIVE-i M FBI. - SAT. - SUN. SEPT. 26-27-28 GODERICHI • • • • • • • BRUTAL VIOLENCE Maniere, Branch One. P GRACE JONES Horror BOX OFFICE OPENS • • • • • • • • i • • • • • • INE SOUAR1 • FRI. - SAT. AT 7 & 9; SAT. MATINEE 2:00 P.M. • • „ WALT DISNEY FLIGHT OF • •• PRESENTS THE : NAVIGATOR • SPECIAL SHOWING :• SAT., SEPT. 27 •. • • •.. • • • • • • s • • •' • • • • • • • s • • •• 6 6 • 6 Ao��IIIl** I� �CGMYA�M/Mt1 ,. 666 •••••••••••410 •••• PAR T EA RE P.►ARENTAL UIDANCt set ff+elrent f laws. AT MIDNIGHT ONLY GODERICN • 524-1$11• • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • •, • 1• i • • • ,8 j 04 •• • • • • • • i • • • • • • • • •• SUN. - THURS. 7:30 "ABSOLUTELY SENSATIONAL!" -Gary Franklin ABC Radia i; \RR \1I I \Ve(:I.."1'"I' 1\1Il\ I riiI�� Vu'nnr.IbIN ,Incl Aisne the perfect victim t,n he Ihnught raw ail ENS 1111 RS., SEPT.y 25 7:30 : IT'S A COMEDY. AND A DRAMA. JUST LIKE LIFO. NOTHING IN COMMON TOM HAfr4Ks 1 • JAGK"IE GLEASONY. • 0000.f�0�0�000*'•