HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-09-24, Page 13•I District I ews Ministry of Natural Resources perseveres in battle to rind lake trout back to the Great Lakes There's a million stories in the freshwater 'fisheries of Ontario — and the battle to save the lake trout of the Great Lakes from ex- tinction against the venerable foes of over- fishing and lamprey predation is one that will make its mark in the province's wildlife history. It all began in 1829. The Welland Canal was opened, circumventing Niagara Falls and joining Lake Ontario with Lake Erie. It proved an instant success with Canadian commerical lake traffic as an alternative shipping route to the long, arduous Erie Canal. Over time, the Welland Canal also opened up the Great Lakes to a very undesirable and alien guest the land locked sea lam- prey. This parasitic creature was, until the canal's construction, confined to the waters below Niagara Falls. It was actually almost a century before the first male and female sea lamprey found their way through the Welland Canal locks and into suitable spawning streams. And it was 1921 before the first land locked sea lamprey distinguished from its ocean-going cousins by its smaller size was discovered in Lake Erie. But less than 20 years later, the sea lam- prey had established itself in Lakes Huron and Michigan, where favorable habitat con- ditions allowed it to proliferate to the point where lamprey populations spilled over into Lake Superior. • These Great Lakes provided the sea lam- prey with both a deep water habitat and ideal spawning streams. More importantly, they were replete with the lamprey's favorite prey the lake trout onto which the parasite would attach itself. Lamprey destroyed thelake trout com- mercial fishing industry in Lake Huron and Lake Michigan, and almost destroyed the entire lake trout populations m both lakes. The battle to eradicate the lamprey took on international proportions with the forma- tion of the Great Lakes Fishery Commis- sion. Immediately after its creation in 1956, this Canadian -American commission devis- ed and approved an electrical barrier designed to stop lampreys on their way upstream to spawn. Unfortunately, while the "weir" was ef- GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24,1986= -PAGE 13 prey, or "ammocoetes," leave the nest after "Some experts believe that diseases in the about three weeks and drift downstream. hatchery were at fault. But others are more When they reach stream banks composed convinced that the brook trout genes in of sand, silt or mud, the ammocoetes bur- splake caused the fish to mature too quickly, row their tails into what will be their homes causing an early death." for the next 10 to 11 years. What followed was an intensive re - During that time, ammocoetes live on examination of the program. Two years minute plant and animal material. By their after shelving its splake restocking project, eighth year, they usually develop the rasp- MNR was ready to try again with the Iake ing tongue and sharp teeth which enable trout backcross, a hybrid that is about 75 per - them to attach themselves to their prey. cent lake trout and 25 per cent brook trout After growing to between 10 and 15 cen- selected to resolve the earlier problems. timetres in length, the sea lamprey swims to Nearly one millidh of these fish have been the lake draining the stream in which it was planted in Georgian Bay every year since born. It returns to its birthplace one year - 1979, and the results of this project have later to breed and die. been much more encouraging than the In the early 1960's, "lampricide" was in- earlier experiments with the splake. troduced, a chemical which was formulated - "For one thing, they are living longer," to selectively kill lamprey during their says Stan Munroe, MNR's Lake Huron vulnerable annocoete period. fisheries coordinator. Today, lampricide is carefully sprayed "We have caught backcross that are six or upstream from known lamprey spawning seven years old and weigh over seven' sites. It then drifts downstream and sinks in- kilograms." • to the sandy stream banks where am- But the best indication that the backcross mocoetes are most likely found.. experiment may be a success is the fact that The lampricide is very effective - 90 per naturally reproduced .backcross fry have cent of the creatures are eradicated in some been discovered near Owen Sound for the' streams, says Dr. Doug Dodge, supervisor last two consecutive years. of the Ontario Ministry of Natural Although only 14 of the backcross fry were Resources' (MNR) environmental seen in 1986,.and only three in 1985, resear- dynamics section. chers are cautiously optimistic. But no adverse effects have ever been . To find these fry, which are only two cen- sprayingsrag an the fish, plants or animals in the timetres long, in the immensity of Georgian area. "Stronger lampricides as well as improv- Bay, is a significant discovery,"Munroe ed distribution methods have sinpe been says. developed to say ahead of lamprey After nearly 25 years of study, experimen- reproduction," Dodge says. "Barrier dams tation, and false starts, actual proof now ex - have also been devised to prevent the ists that a man-made hybrid of lake trout upstream migration of adult lamprey so can reproduce in the wild. that theycannot spawn." Index fishing will be undertaken by The introduction of lampricide coincided Ministry staff during future summers. The with MNR's first trout restocking efforts, presence or absence of MNR fin markings, Research toward a Great Lakes restock- used to identify hatchery stuck; will distinguish naturally spawned fish from ing plan had demonstrated that a hybrid those stocked by the ministry. (For index trout would mature faster and spawn earlier fishing, staff sample all fish -age classest by than pure lake trout, thereby giving the fish usingvariable mesh sizes of gill nets.) population a chance to hold its own against lamprey predation. After 10 years of study, Despite the efforts to both restock the the splake was inroduced to the Great Great Lakes with a lake trout hybrid and to Lakes. control the sea lamprey. population, the pro - Eight hundred thousand of these half lake blem still won't easily be solved. trout half brook trout were stocked in Recent evidence indicates that the lam- fective at killing lamprey, it was just as ef- Georgian Bay every year for eight years. prey population is actually increasing fective at killing fish, such as walleye and Then, in 1977; unsatisfactory results an St. Marys River. rainbow trout and even animals, such as adverse public opinion brought the splake Lamprey breeding conditions are so ideal beaver and moose. This clearly inap- program; to a halt. • that completely eradicating the creature propriate answer to the lamprey problem Criticisms of the program ranged from from this river would be a very expensive was also very expensive and hard to the splake's alleged inability to reproduce proposition, according to Dodge. maintain. - • naturally to its apparent lack of popularity Solutions don'tycom, . silt' in. the world o Th g ley°s°unus atilife-cycle-proded° among anglers to condemnations for spen- fisheries research. Th lake trout saga is to be the basis for a new, more workable ding tax money on a project which was case in point. But perservering souls like solution to.the dilemma. ' perceived as ineffective: those involved in bringing back the lake A spawning female lamprey can lay up to "Opinions are divided as to why the trout will ensure that the'search continue 200,000 eggs in its sand and gravel streamb- splake experiment did not succeed," says for new and innovative approaches to ' ed nest. Only 10 per cent , usually survive, John Byrne, supervisor of MNR's fish rebuilding and stabilizing depleted fish ere oun am- sec ion. ulations in our waterways. ALEXAN DER & CMAPMAN REALTY LIMITED 524-317 �QPEN MOUSE THURS., SEPT. 25, 1986 AT 89 BRITANNIA RD. W, 3:30 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. Your host will be abn Alexander Come and view this charming 2 storey home. Close to schools and downtown. 3 bedrooms and attractive woodwork throughout. We have two business opportunities for sale in the Goderich area. Enquiries in person only. We have a number of Choice Lots for sale in the west end. Call Bert or John for details. a s due to. natural predation. hese young 1 culturet' pop 524-2667 WiLLE/A$ 524-2667 REAL ESTATE' INC. TENDER LOVING CARtis evident when you view this 4 bedroom, 12 year old 2 storey brick. It possesses the quality of construction and uniqueness in design which sets it apart from the others. Call Bruce, 524-7762. P. fr s! STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! REDUCED One of the best values available. Warmth and charm defies description. Radiant heating with new efficiency gas. Get all the par- ticulars, call Les at 524-8451. COUNTRY LIVING with the comforts of town. Just minutes from Goderich or Clin- ton on paved road. Elegant 4 bedroom home. Good bank barn presently houses vealers. 110 acres of prime land. Farm it or rent the land. Call Gordon 482-3307. 7k# WHEN ONLY THE BEST WILL DO - Ridgewood Park setting, eleganceat a glance, 4 bedrooms, family room with Fieldstone fireplace! If you wait, you'll miss it! CaII Bruce today! 524-7762. YOUNG MARRIED - Get started right. Close to schools and central, low maintenance. Only $43,900. See it with Murray, 524-2569. SOARING PRICES GOT YOU DOWN? Look at this - better tha)'i.new, 3 bedroom room with wood raised ranch", family r o stove, a really charming home in a good neighborhood, Townsend St., Clinton. On- ly $54900. Chili Bord 4823507 4h DUNGANNON - neat 4 bedroom on large lot, Iow taxes. ASKING ONLY $29,000. Chock it out, call Noma at 529-7152. LOTS AND LOTS of Tots for sale in Port Albert, Dungannon and area. Singles or Multiples, call for particulars. EXTRA CLEAN MOBILE reduced for quick sale. Sundeck, large lot, and 840 sq. ft. of living space. REDUCED! $15,900. THINKING OF STARTING your own business? We have -an ideal property, main street Dungannon waiting for your inspection, $29,000. Call Noma for par- ticulars 529.7152. "OUR PLEDGE TO YOU FRIENDLY SERVICE PROFESSIONALISM INTEGRITY SUNCOAST MALL 397 Bayfield Road Goderich Bert Alexander John Alexander B.A. Res.: 5247836 Res.: 524-7836 ANNOUNCEMENT We are pleased fo announce that S.A. (Ab- by) Champ has completed the Real Estate Course and has joined the Wm. D..Arm- strong Real Estate as sales reirresentative in Bayfield and the surrounding area. Abby, a former student of G.D.C,I. is a University graduate. She has resided in Bayfield for the past five years. Always ac- tive in public affairs, she is recommended - for your real estate needs, Abby. Churn SALES REPRESENTATIVE FOR WM, D. ARMSTRONG REAL ESTATE 565-5235 OPEN HOUSE 286 Regent St., Goderich 50 ACRES: Colborne Twp., 44 workable, 6 acres young apple orchard. 100 ACRES: Hobby and bush farm, on paved road, E. Wawanosh Twp., 15 workable, general .road, barn, large steel shed, house newly renovated, all in immaculate condition. 69 ACRES: PRICE REDUCED, Hwy. No. 8, secluded raised bungalow, insulated born, 25 acres workable, several ponds, hardwood bush. Ideal hobby or recreation property. LUCKNC4::--13 unit modern apartment building. Showing good return. ESTABLISHED CAMPGROUND: 90 acres, with 1 mile frontage on Maitland River. Spacious living quarters. 125 ACRES: Near Blyth, stately brick home, 60 acres workable, 22 hardwood bush. 3 ACRES: 8th Line Goderich Twp., 3 or 4 bdrm., brick home, combination furnace. 100 ACRES: E. Wawanosh, 60 workaiple, modern 1 floor brick home. AUBURN: 150 acres, 100 workable, good brick home with comb. furnace. Priced to sell. LONDESBORO: 1 floor brick rancher, finish- ed basement, inground pool, large lot. 4 ACRES: 2 floor brick home in good condi- tion, 3 miles from Blyth. 100 ACRES: Highway farm, all fenced, good set of general purpose buildings. Priced very reasonable. AUBURN: 2 bedroom.,starier,home under.:, '25,000.00. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY: Blyth, 3,000 sq. ft, . plus apartment above. Owner will consider leasing. • 15 ACRES: 5 miles from Clinton, 1'/a. floor frame home, farrowing barn for 35 sows. Pro- , perty well fenced. Sat., Sept. 27th 2-4 p.m. Owners anxious to sell. Take advantage of this family home. Many extras, RITA ALLEN 524-8480 W.J. HUGHES REALTY LIMITED 30 Kingston St. Goderich 524-7373 524-8100 53 West St., Goderich, Ont. 524-7316 FARMS - RESIDENTIAL - VACATION - COMMERCIAL - RURAL • • SCHOOLS West End 3 Level split, close to schools an of er recreational facilities. Excellent family home with finished rec room on lower level. Patio doors off dining room to large deck overlook- ing beautifully landscaped back yard. This 3 bedroom home con be yours for less than '80,000. CLOSE TO SQUARE 234 BAYFIELD RD., AT BLAKE ST.. PH 524.2111 Country •& Style DEFINITELY! Liveable? You bet! "Like new" this 3 bedroom family home on 3 plus acres has features you'd expect to pay much more for. Just look - large 2 car garage, fieldstone fireplace, main floor den, wood burning stove, 2 baths...the list .goes on. Asking $94,000.00. Call Gary 524-2111. New NO! Better, than new; this 1 year old bungalow will appeal to .the most discern- ing buyer. R-2000 home with air to air ex- changer, 3 bedrooms, main floor laundry, Hanover kitchen tit/built-in oven and range. Call today for a private showing. Solid Investment This well maintained 2 bedroom bungalow features hardwood floors throughout,. large workshop in basement, and fireplace in living room. Well insulated. Priced to sell. OVERLOOKING MAITLAND Fully furnished well kept mobile on the Maitland River. Nicely landscaped lot with fruit trees. Features an insulated storage shed with workshop. STARTER HOME Take a look at this 4 bedroom, 1'/2 storey home. It features a Targe living room and country style kitchen. This home is in a good location and can be yours for Tess than '55,000. COUNTRY SUBDIVISION Presently being renovated to 4 bedroom home. If you are looking for a large home with two car garage, this md'y be lust what you're leak- ing for, Features stone fireplace, central vac, top of the line Hanover cabinets, dnd much more. Call for details. LARGE FAMILY HOME PRICED IN THE 40'S 5 bbdroom 1'/s storey home. Nice neigh- bourhood, Square., Wainscotting close Toth q throughout flying room & kitchen. New gas furnace in 1986. House recently insulated. ORIGINAL LOG HOME Beautiful Fag home featured on 1 acre with river running through property. Excellent retreat or retirement property. Call for more details today. 411.1111910.264, VACANT LOTS Large country lots available in Port Albert. Priced to sell. Coll today for details. Excellent corner building lot in the town of Goderich. Call toddy. • 34 acres bush with 'rt. a River running through proper 'gl}ruilding site. an main math at tt h t)Ot3. b� $ , Large vacant lot in Homestead Heights Sub' division. Swimming access on wide and sandy beach areo close by.. SAM REPRESENTATIVes JOHN 'i'tlUNN WAYNFE SCOTT Marr 524+21310 , Poo 324-0100 eta AA* x Jim BISSET f$AVE WiLlt`1P1SON rtes: 524.'2431 324.6685 Apartment helps pay the mortgage or straight investment. Each unit services separately, One is 4 bedrooms and the other has one bedroom. Excellent location. Call Dominic today. Why Pay Dent? This cozy bungalow with 2 bedrooms is situated on a quiet street. With large liv- ing room, covered patio and good size yard. Asking only 829,500. Country Location Yl9...4Jh M.E.6.M'S'ic3'LfkM. But just minutes from town. 11/2 storey home on 5 acres'in Goderich Twp. Sunken living room & family room. Check out the reduced price. Dominic Bradley 482-7841 Gary Rupert u,F.,.� - 524-8777 •Paul. Zurbrig .....,..,.... 524-2036 Wayne Wigelsworth 482-3091 Bill McGregor ... • 482.7539 Marie Hughey `x.......,,,,,,482.7508 ct' Karen Sto ..,,....... 482-9716 Ruth %1'el ali` :,, f:� . 236.4712 . 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