HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-09-24, Page 8PAGE 8 —GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1986 Commencement Exercises at Goderich District Collegiate Institute on Friday, September 26th, 1986 at 8:00 p.m. 2 The Square GODERICH 524-4195 We're at your service OUR EVERYDAY SERVICE PRICES RING CLAWS Sizing up - first size Each additional size up Sizing Down - regardless of how many sizes 6. 12. All our service work done at Anstett Manufacturing Limited, by our own certified Goldsmiths. Estimates and consultations at no charge. ' 4 Claws Retipped 24. Eachadditional claw 5. GOLD CHAIN Solder 6e WATCH BATTERY INSTALLATIONS4. NSTETT JEWELLERS Main Corner CLINTON 482.3901 CAN WE TALK? Can we discuss frankly what the Goderich - Signal -Star means to you and your family? Call: Shirley J. Keller, the manager at the Goderich Signal -Star: Shirley has reserved the time to speak to you any Friday mor- ning from 10 a.m. to 12 noon at 524-2614 (or at your convenience) on the G.S.S. "OPEN LINE" Religion y : , tingour sins will help us. BY REV. GERRY McMILLAN BETHEL PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY One night over 2000 years ago, a Pharisee teacher named Nicodemus aproached Jesus Christ. He was inquisitive. Probably in his own soul he was searching for answers. He had heard so much about Jesus and His many miracles. Nicodemus recognized that truly Christ must be of God. Jesus told Nicodemus. "Except a man be born again. He cannot enter the Kingdom of God." Nicodemus was puzzled. How can a man be born when he is old? Does he enter his mother's womb a second time? The Apostle Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 2:14 that the natural man cannot understand the things of God because the Holy Spirit does not reside in him. , Jesus was not speaking of mere physical issues. He was recognizing the fact that man is more than flesh and bore. There's a spiritual element in each one of us. According to the Bible, part of ourselves is alive, but our spiritual part is dead, and there's a real need. We need to be born again. In Ephesians 2:4 Paul tells us we are dead in our tresspasses and sins. Because of the MINISTER'S STUOY fail of Adam in the Garden of Eden we have inherited the moral disease of sin. Created in the image of God, we have the potential to do good, but because the spiritual element has been scarred, we also have the potential to do evil. Sin is disobedience to God, His will, and moral standard. Sin is pleasing self first, before God and our fellowman. Sin places us at emnity with God. Because of our sinful nature we are out of fellowship with our Creator. Sin is the root cause of all the wickedness in our world today ... the cause of all the fear, terror, loneliness, despair and sorrow, that man suffers. The rich as well as the poor are affected by sin. The intellectual as well as the il- literate. It does not matter what your philosophical, political, or religious persua- sion may be. Paul says, 'We have all sinned and come short of the Glory of God.' The Book of James (1:15) tells us our sins cause death. The word of God states, our hearts are deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. From the beginning of time man has attempted to deal with the evil and wicked aspects of his nature to no avail. In fact the situation is getting worse in- stead of better (to the point that unless God intervenes [ which He will) man will destroy himself.) Jesus is saying, you must be born again, you are spiritually dead and powerless to change yourself. In His compassion, Christ not only reveals our plight and need, but He also shares with us His remedy. This is found in Himself. While we are yet sinners Christ died for us. The binding chains of sin were broken. We can be freed from sin's domination. Jesus is promising Nicodemus, you and me, that if we confess and recognize we are sinners, He will forgive us. As we open our lives to Him, He will come in the person of the Holy Spirit and create a new life. No longer will we be dead in sin, but we'll be alive spiritually in Christ Jesus. It's not an act of turning over a new leaf, or some aspect of starting again. Being born again is divine intervention. It's a sovereign God imparting a new life into our being. It's a changed life. 11 Corinthians 5:17 says that we become new creatures, old things are passed away, behold all things become new. There's a sorrow and repentance for our sins. It's a life pleasing to Christ's will, a life that brings bountiful joy. It's being born again. Film "Joni" details woman's struggle JONI is the dramatic story of a young woman's struggle to find a useful life in the wake of a tragic accident which left her handicapped. According to her yearbook, her graduating class at Woodlawn Senior High School in Maryland had voted Joni Eareckson the "Most Athletic" girl in the senior class. She was not only active but outstanding in a variety of sports, including ice hockey, baseball, basketball, and diving. She was also an excellent horsewoman, a winner at both trick and show riding. A month after graduation, diving from a raft in the shallow waters of the Chesepeake Bay, she found her whole world had chang- ed. Her head struck something solid and, in a fraction of a second, she had suffered a broken neck. The film follows Joni's pro- gress from the moment she became a quadriplegic. She survived the broken neck; she was alive. But she would never walk again, and against that she rebelled with all the quiet rage of her Scandinavian heritage. • Every step along the road to recovery was an obstacle she refused to face ... until, drawing on her faith in God, she saw a pur- pose to her existence and began the long, hard fight toward rehabilitation, not always winning, but never giving up. In a powerful and dramatic film the agonies, achievements, joys and hopes of Joni's experience are shared with the viewer. And the impact of its message is made even more outstanding by the perfor- mance of the star of the film: Joni Eareckson portraying herself. The film JONI will be shown at Bethel Pentecostal Assembly at 321 Bayfiled Rd., on Sunday, Oct. 12 at 7 p.m. Tell Shirley youy opinion about this town's only community ,_ � Fii'i st;i aii School starts 25th year newspaper. Cr The Clinton and District Christian School ►+ Go `�� ae�� �� /' has started its 25th year on a very positive "We Need Your Best Ideas! GNP I note. • At a recent 'membership meeting it was decided to go ahead with a 2/ room addi- tion, to do extensive renovations to the ex- isting building and.to replace the roof. The. total cost of the project will be approximate- ly $130,000 of which $85,000 has been raised by meads of a drive in the supporting ANNOUNCEMENT Drs. Schilthuis, Ridder and Hordyk from the Goderich Veterinary., Clinic are pleased to anndun'c , that Dr. Irene Moorehas joined our professional staff on September 15, 1986. - Dr. Moore is a recent graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College and also holds an Honors Bachelor of Science degree from the Universi- ty of Guelph. Irene is married and has one young child. " 90 _illi}>pl�'r?r 12 all •l1 IA I YI-• 4- J Tlhs. ,veal ;. „School .;has .180,', students enrolled from the Blyth, Clinton, Exeter and Goderich areas. Two new teachers will be added to the staff. Pearl Samplonius from Clinton will be teaching music and directing the choirs. Joyce Dekker from Sarnia will be teaching Kindergarten three days a week and work- ing with Trix Bradley in the Remedial Pro- gram on the other two days. This will be the first time that the school has had a full time Remedial Program; it is being made possible by the new addition. The annual meeting of the School Society was held on Wednesday, Sept. 17 at the school. Retiring board members were thanked for their many hours of work and Church Director r 040�. First Baptist Church % MONTREAL STREET, GODERICH % % MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE 9:45 a.m. 1 % Sunday School 11:00 a.m. %Pioneer Clubs % Tuesday 10:00 a.m. PRAYER & BIBLE STUDY % Tuesday 4:30 p.m. Kindergarten to Grade 6 % PASTOR: REV. GILBERT KIDD ( 524-9049 3 Organist -Choir Director: Dona Baker % You can find acceptance, purpose, loy & peace in Christ ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH Anglican - Episcopal North and Nelson Streets, Goderich Rector: The Reverend Robert J. Crocker Organist -Choirmaster: David Hamilton, A.R.C.T. Sunday, September 28th 8:30 o.m. Holy Communion. 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer. Sermon: "Water."' Church School and Nursery. 12:15 p.m. Holy Baptism. 2:00 p.m. Holy Communion at Christ Church, Port Albert> —You are always Welcome-- 161eV..4,64e-m.eeaee...4{.e•rshMsee+.41,14.46.Ew.40..1<kk a.>KeYM,..e4% ..wr. 1, Knox Presbyterian Church 11:00 a.m. Divine Worship 11:00 a.m. Sunday School Guest Minister: The Rev. Robert M. Heights Soltford Heights (Nursery Facilities) I Enter to Worship Depart to Serve S The Rev. G.L. Royal M.A., M. Div., Ministerr Lorne H. Dotterer, Director of Praise Sunday, September 28, 1986 Bisset, t Calvary. Baptist Church L% % RAYFIEI,D ROAD AT BLARE STREET %Pastor: Terry Woodcock 3 Phone 524-6445 t _Nursery Facilities ... available L Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. % Morning Service 11:00 % Evening Service 7:00 % Special Musk at Both Services % Prayer Meeting - Wed. 7:00 % WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH } North Street United Church 56 North Street. 524-7631, 524.6951 Sunday, September 28, 1986 - 11:00 A.M. WORSHIP 8 SUNDAY SCHOOL Sermon. by Mark Richardson (Cable 12 telecast of 1 o'clock) Rev. Robert O. Ball - Minister . Mark L. Richardson - associdfo minister Robert Blackwell - dirocfor of music 6a..r.44�a.�+.eiaoal..maeq.eW ara.(•�no-.►iiNaeseea+•'�. new board members were elected. The budget of $407,200 for the 86-87 school year was approved by the society. The board has designated the weekend of June 19,20,21, 1987 for the official 25th Anniver- sary celebrations. Right to know .long overdue For too long companies have been able to deny workers in plants and neighbors in sur- rounding communities the information they.,, seek on what chemical's are being used. Employers have hidden behind the argu- ment that they must guard trade secrets, while people whose health may be at stake are unable to find out what chemicals are af- fecting them. To open up access to information on toxic chemicals, a private meniber's bill on the right -to -know is being introduced by Elie Martel, Health and Safety Critic. The act is called An Act to require Disclosure of the Use of Hazardous Substances. The bill requires disclosure by employers of the production, use, storage, emission or disposal of substances designated by the Minister of Labor as hazardous to human health or to the environment and provides. SUPERIOR MEMORIALS ESTABLISHED OVER 60 YEARS Goderich Area ROBERT McCALLUM 11 CAMBRIA ROAD, GODERICH- 524-7345 L Clinton Area MICHAEL FALCONER 153 HIGH STREET, CLINTON 482-9441 ...with the New SUPER TOMAHAWIC Chippar/Shredded UIL. IXITER yiliY tH' 2 "J 99fJ . ek4 `4'2A4 for access to disclosure reports by any' per- son. The ministry is required to supply, on recuest, health and,safety information with ,respect tb'edcli hazardous substance. The names of persons requesting information are,kept confidential. • Employers are required to adequately label hazardous substances kept in the work place and to institute programs for workers on the proper handling of hazardous substances. Both the City of Toronto and the City of Windsor are moving to address this issue by introducing their own Right -to -Know bylaws. These bylaws will ensure• that workers and people in the community•are able to find out about the use of hazardous chemicals. in their workplace and in their neighbourhoods. Twin City School of Hairstyling Waterloo, Ont. •Hairstyling *Barbering • Ear Piercing • Make-up 55 Erb St. East 886-6305 A :"i Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Vii. tfert Red, Black, yellow, Fuchsia, Purple, Sapphire, Green & IHS Winter White GE. LEN RO 4 ONTARIO ST. STRATFORD